#okay caveat:
the-hs-etaverse · 2 years
One thing that I’ve never seen mentioned, even in the Homestuck lesbian circles, that bears mentioning, is the relationship between Vriska and Terezi in the pre-retcon timeline.
Here’s the issue.
In the pre-retcon timeline, Vriska is a ghost, and as such is a perpetual 13-year-old. Terezi, on dying, is a perpetual 16-year-old. THAT IS A SIGNIFICANT AGE-GAP ISSUE.
Yes, it’s still an issue if they’re “only” moirails. Moirallegiance is a romantic relationship. It’s not just “mega best friends” or even just a QPP. It is one of the four quadrants of troll romance for a reason. 
And no, it doesn’t matter that they’re ghosts, that (Vriska)’s been dead for 3 years so that “technically” makes her 16. Age gap issues are about maturity, both physical and mental. (Vriska) still has the mind of a 13-year-old. She is not fully mature. She will NEVER be fully mature.
Another thing, regarding post-retcon and/or post-canon Vriska & Terezi. Time flows weirdly in the Furthest Ring. I implore you to, if you write fanfic or have a medium in which you can easily define this, make sure they end up within a reasonable age gap when it comes to shipping them.
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chittychittyyangyang · 3 months
I wish people would stop adding qualifiers and caveats to why RWBY isn't perfect and just embrace it's a good show that deserves to be continued.
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livseses · 10 months
Had a conversation with my singlet girlfriend about system doubt. She was utterly baffled at the concept. I explained all the ways that doubt creeps in for us (she accepted thus was something she didn't get and was supportive). Me and my headmates joke with her sometimes because she's said stuff that gives us a plural vibe, and she's always like "no, I am the only one in here; the only one that can be in here." She has this certainty that's kinda baffling to us.
And we've talked to singlet friends about getting headmates. Like, if they wanted to, they could probably make headmates. And they always look at us with horror (like the kind a cis person has when you offer them hrt). They're quite content with being singular.
Idk where I'm going with this exactly, but it's stuff like this that makes me want to answer any questioning system that asks "am I plural" with "probably." Singlets don't really seem to ask themselves if they have others in their head I don't think.
So shoutout to anyone questioning your plurality. You're probably plural!
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deadpanwalking · 8 months
hello!! do you have any recommendations for books or essays about becoming a better reader of poetry? I love the poems you post and esp love when your tags go into what you got out of it / understood from it, bc it’s always so much more than I was able to interpret on my own. and I want to become a better reader and learn how to really sit with a poem and get into all its layers but idk where to start.
I stand behind the recs in this post, but since you want to focus on poetry and poetics, in addition to William Empson's The Seven Types of Ambiguity and Helen Vendler's Poems, Poets, and Poetry, I'd also recommend Christopher Ricks' The Force of Poetry, I. A. Richards' Practical Criticism, and Jorge Luis Borges' The Craft of Verse. They are all beautifully written, by people whose love of the form transcends academia and becomes, at times, a kind of secular worship. I loved poetry before I fully understood language, back when it was just incomprehensible mouthwords my parents repeated to get me to sleep; I'd have loved poetry even if I never toiled a day in the hermeneutics mines, like my grandmother reciting Eugene Onegin after her dementia cleared everything else from the table—she wasn't sure what it meant, all she knew was that this was the nicest thing she had. Isn't that a kind of faith?
There are other good books about how to read poetry, but these were the ones that initiated me into a conspiracy of words, they taught me to be curious about why I liked a poem, how to take pleasure in its vivisection without worrying I'd kill that faith—like martyrs, good poems never fall apart when you open them up, they yield. If anything, the practice of explication has made me even more of a fanatic. I hope it does the same for you!
If there are poets you already like, I can get more specific about recs—I'm partial to modernist poetry, but that just means I like following breadcrumb trails of allusions to lots of different literary traditions and can tell you where the bodies, hatchets and/or treasures are buried.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 23 days
shayne “i’ve never been flirted with before” topp my brother in christ i need you to look very closely at the shirt damien is wearing across from you
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commsroom · 2 years
i love to think about the ways eiffel is willing/able to take up physical space for hera when she can’t. i think... with eiffel and hera and minkowski staying together post-canon, one thing that might start to really bother hera is that, like. she doesn’t have any stuff. she doesn’t even have herself to be there in the house, really, not physically. and unlike with the hephaestus, a house that is actually meant to be a home, a place that is designed for human life, is always full of reminders of the people who live there. so i want to think that she expresses this to eiffel and he starts picking up stuff he thinks she’ll like just to put it on the shelves and around the house, so it’s her house too. and she thinks it’s kind of silly at first because it’s not like she can really interact with most of it, but. then she sees all of her stuff mixed together with eiffel’s on the shelves and it’s like this constant reminder that she exists in the world, that she has an impact on it and a place in it. and that does make her feel a little better.
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un-pearable · 12 days
no offense but i think when critiquing jay’s (and let’s be real all of the OG four ninja’s) behavior in the pilots and early seasons, a lot of people ignore that the cultural context and attitude about misogyny and especially misogyny in children’s media is VERY different today than it was in the late 2000s/early 2010s
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wife-beam · 1 year
i think it’s cute how comfortable with kids sqq is and i like to think it’s related to how close he was with his little sister. you know in the dream realm when he, unknowingly, picks up sad baby binghe? he does so COMPLETELY without any doubts or hesitations, like of course he would pick up this sad little lost kid that’s just what u do
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menlove · 9 months
every time i am around older queer people the more i am convinced i was meant to be an older queer person. not bc i have this fantasy of living in decades past that were much worse but bc i get along with and agree w them so much better. so much of modern queer discourse is painfully white, binary, and completely regressive while painting itself as revolutionary and i just want to crack jokes w some cool older butch lesbians every time i encounter discourse that makes me want to bash my head into the wall
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klavierpanda · 9 months
There is a very simple solution to "is [insert combination of identities labels that you feel describes your experience] a thing?" and it is of course it's a thing because you're experiencing it. If you feel using a combination of labels, even if they're seemingly contradictory, is an apt way of describing your experience then it is more than okay to do so
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appropriatelystupid · 3 months
9 and 18 for the choose violence ask game!
9. worst part of canon
writing kara as if she’s superman because that’s who they wanted instead of working to do her justice like she deserved
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
(since you also asked @sideguitars i’m just gonna tag you here)
choose violence asks
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istherewifiinhell · 1 month
character opinion bingo!! rottmnt donnie, draxum, and cassandra 🥺
BESTIEEEE HELL YEAHHHHHH. my writting gets worse in my excitement please persue the alt for clarity. OUR FIRST TRIPPPPLEEE BINGOOOOOOO
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[ALT] DONIIIIIEEEEEEEE MY BOYYYYY my special special shaped boyyyyyy. everyone is wrong i THINK ive disscussed. his autism doesnt present like urs or some other guy just cause u realise hes autistic. HE LOVESSSS HIS FAMILY. he has VARIED interest in hugs and textures and flavours and cleanliness. the fandom meanness isnt actually that bad MORE. they looooove to hit him with the angst hammer. well. by all means. scraped s2 and 3 EPSIODESSSSSS GUH. hessss a botantist hessss going on a journey with his mystics hissss ARCSSSSS. WAH. best donnie design we all know this. u can like other ones (I DO!!) but we all know hes best. look at his eyebrows. groovying donnie still my discord icon <3. I WANT EP WERE HE PASS AWAY. the sacred text. IS LITERALLY ABOUT HIM. DID i cry at rise movie i think so. ALSO. famously. well i never know if any of u know. BUT bnf super popular au comic. I DEF CRIED.
HAVE I MENTIONED. how much of a perfect addition he was to turtles character villian/ally roster. HESSSS SOOOOO GOOD.
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[ALT] HES THE HOT VILLAIN REDEEMED BABY TRAPPING GOAT MAN!!!!!!! he was evil and scary and evil and scary and used and then pathetic and wet and then running this lunch room like the navy and then PROTECTIVE COOL DAD. in a hot robe. actually maybe the au evil draxys have calmed down now. or i just check the tag less..... HE WAS. suppose to HELP HIS KIDS. with their MAGICS. there was an EP he was supposed to help RAPH they were supposed to BUILD UP as a FAMIBLY. CRIES FOREVER. hessss so silly hes such a perfect fun cartoon villian i have EVEN more opinions than previously about the laws of cartoon villians. which is that if their fun they can do whatever they want. this is not a contradiction. its the purpose of a cartoon. sorrrrrry sorrrry mr cena sorrrrry i really want to hear his villian song with the second va. think he woulda had the range. tho i dont know. silly bastard man.
(sung like sweeny todd joana) I SEEEE U, CASSANDRA.
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broooooo. BROOOOOOOOOO. THEY MADE CASEY A CRAZYYYYYY 18 year old GIRL DUDEEEEEEEEEEE. and then REPLACED HER IN THE MOVIE. forrrr normiessss. WITH SORA???? shes a great turtles character fake out moment shes a great CHARACTER. its GREAT that she gets added to the group by being mentored by splints cause he sees a upset child hes like. well no thats not good. DO U KNOW? what ususally happens with caseys and aprils in TURTLES?? U GET ME??? crazy girl 4 crazy girl. she issss SO silly. shes drawn and written and VOICED soooo fucking spectacularly so perfectly executed. frankly. where the hell else are u getting a female cartoon character this buck wild. es arcee... maybe. kdjfgnjdf. WE SHOULDA GOTTEN MOREEEEE. she and raph were gonna be the best of fucking bros U_U. they would fucking BREAK. EVERYTHING <3. her fucking gay dads and their cupcake shop. etc
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sassygwaine · 6 months
there is actually something wrong with me and that's also fine??
like when i was a kid/teenager with several health, mood, and developmental issues, it was years and years and years of being told "nothing's wrong with you, that's normal, everybody does that, you'll grow out of it, you're just a normal kid" and then look at that, i grew into an adult with several health, mood, and developmental issues
normal is fake, "normal" is a set of ever-moving goal posts set by any given person/group at any given moment to justify why they feel disgust or revulsion or pity or shame, normal isn't real
and also, there's shit that i actually legitimately struggle with that causes me a lot of stress and distress that are things innate within myself that will never change, some of which, in fact, will get worse as i age, and they're things that other people don't have to deal with
a lot of these things could have been mitigated when i was younger if somebody had just listened to me with the intent to help me instead of just to shut me up
no, it was always the insistence that i was normal, that nothing was wrong, then, further, that i was making it up, that i was just looking for attention
and maybe a lot of how i expressed myself was looking for attention, but when you're in pain all the time and feeling more like a gutted pig than a human and the people you're supposed to trust with your life tell you that nothing is wrong with you and go back to ignoring you, what else could you try to get but some fucking attention?
so anyway, there is something wrong with me, several somethings, and i'm unraveling a bit more each day (in some very good and cathartic ways, some very truthful, painful, and growing ways) and figuring out how to actually care for all of the little parts of me that are trying to get my attention, and i don't think any of that is a bad thing
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dangerous-advantage · 6 months
finally caved and just bought all of the heaven official's blessing books. look out for the myriad of long-ass analysis posts that are sure to follow
#like i mean i could have done it before#(make analysis posts)#and i DID start on a couple about the thematic implications of their spiritual devices (everyone talks about e'ming but ruoye is SO#FUCKING INTERESTING OKAY huge w for mxtx on that one)#but i never ended up posting them bc like. i feel like i need to read the official translation too in order to pick up on all the#extra details?#so much (can) get lost in translation ESP if the author doesn't play a part in said translation bc like. things like foreshadowing? and eve#just the subjective nature OF art and creation and word play and etc etc#i know for my own writing if somebody was translating as i was putting it out the things being translated might miss or gloss over#specific details that wouldn't be noticeable until the second read#and mxtx's stuff is like that too! so i've been holding back on just the off-chance that there are certain details i would end up missing#just bc of the nature of the unofficial translations :P#anyway yeah.#oh yes also i SWEAR i have been and am working on writing something!!! i cannot say when/if it will come out or if it will be good#but i have not forgotten the requests and treasure them all deeply and etc etc#thanks for reading this long-ass caveat on a lowkey shitpost i will now obligatorily tag for the blog organization#tgcf#tian guan ci fu#heaven official's blessing#hob#literary analysis#literary criticism#media analysis#media criticism#(it's so much funner than you might think it is i promise i promise i promise)
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jinruihokankeikaku · 7 months
sorry for making a bunch of posts about this all of a sudden. one thing about me is i am simply not used to like. caring what people at school think of me. i dropped out of highschool after 2 years of being miserable and dysfunctional and scraping by with a C+/B- average by acing the tests and on rare occasion doing my homework if i could get myself out of bed in the afternoon. i dropped out of college the first time after developing several drug habits and compounding my depression with various additional neuroses. being a human in the world again is...hard.
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fatherramiro · 4 months
posts that will make no sense to anyone else but ángel 1899 = astarion bg3 and in this essay i will
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