#oh my god why am I so nervous????
bluepixiedream · 23 days
I began something…
Good Dogs Only
Unable to be broken by the military and deemed too much of a hassle to be worth anything, your last stop is teaming up with the 141 until your demise. Can you learn to be a good dog, to follow orders and listen, or will one of the guys finally put you down?
(Read as an reader insert, but they do go by a call sign and have backstory. I’m trying to avoid physical descriptions. Does go by she/her.)
[I have an idea on where this is going but honestly, this is all vibes and thoughts. A nice little distraction. Thank you :)]
Content Warning: mentions of violence, call sign is a reference to csa, brief mention of sa w/o details, just a quick meeting a very brief overview.
1) The Meeting
You stared out of the window, taking in England entering the autumn season. The changing leaves. The colder air. Ice threatening to form on the roads and a sickness flowed through your bones and stayed there.
This is your last stop in your very short military career.
The United States didn't know how to handle you anymore. On a tight leash, you were unstoppable. A danger to their enemies. An unstoppable force. But ultimately you were uncontrollable and deemed a hazard. You must be broken at all costs. You must submit.
It almost became a game to your superior, Yena, to see how far you could be pushed. Could you escape a sinking boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with a broken leg, a dull blade and a mountain full of soldiers who were ordered to skin you on sight?
Of course.
Almost too easy.
They built you up for six months during your training. And they spent the last few years trying to shatter you in between missions and teams who could not handle someone like you. Solidarity confinement for 200 days. Shoved in the floorboards of Guantanamo Bay and left to rot until you escaped or died. Kept locked in a room with violent men and their violent urges until you were used up. Until you broke. Until you listened to your owners.
But you didn't.
It wasn't wired into you like it was with everyone else and, now as you get closer and closer to your last stop, you almost wished it was. You wish you could retire and move to the deep woods, in a cottage that begged for an owner and someone who would make fires in its belly and make bread in its stomach until it grew alive with hope and feelings. Finally allowing children to run around, making the cottage into a home.
You felt the weight of your past. You felt the grief you caused. The lives you took as a civilian and the chaos you sought while working for imbeciles in military drags.
Good people deserved good things. And you, my dear Lolita, were not a good person and did not deserve nice things.
Not anymore. Maybe never even at all.
"You will meet the 141 at 0800 hours. Laswell is not convinced you will fit in, and I assume the rest of them won't either. Make them believe otherwise." Yena demanded, her tongue dabbing at her bottom lip, her eyes pinched like she ate something sour. She didn't. She was just in your presence and after awhile, it was enough to feel as if she had.
"Yes ma'am." You replied, the mocking tone seated deeply within you, but Yena had been around for awhile. She knew what you meant.
"Get yourself under control and we can discuss an early retirement." Lies. All lies. All pathetic, wasteful, delicate lies.
"Yes, ma'am." You said again, your chest locking in as the jeep rolled to a stop outside of the base you would stay at until your demise. Thick, concrete walls lapped around, barb wire on top, guards holding their post like they were ready for war.
If this didn't go according to Yena's plan, they would be at exactly that.
It took only a short minute before the gate opened and you were rolling through.
The new wound on your side itched. It would until it finally healed enough. You deserved the ache. You deserved the pain. You were a dog after all. And a shitty one at that.
"If they can't control you, Lolita, nobody can." Yena said, almost sincerely as she gazed at your eyes. Trying to telepathically send you a message. A warning, a plea to be good. To listen. To be a good attack dog and listen to your new owners. "We have no use for soldiers who don't listen." Her voice turned down, almost a hush. "We have no use for dogs we can't control." You nodded, reading her loud and clear.
Be good and buy yourself some extra time.
Don't listen, attack unprovoked or bite, and there would be no more punishments. There would be no more moldy bread and sour water, no more prisons and no more impossible tasks.
Only death.
Death shouldn't scare you, but you were hiding from some of the dead, and you would never be ready to face them. You couldn't. Not yet.
The jeep stopped moving. Yena sat back, ran her hand over her pristine uniform before opening the door to greet the team standing outside, waiting for the new member to join them.
The incredible team of four.
The team that made superior officers whisper in fear of being overheard. The team that was sent to their almost certain death and yet, came back time and time again.
The best of the best.
And yet, here you were.
Not the best of the best. Not incredible. Not miraculous. Just you and your past and perhaps the little thing you could do with your memory, if you ever felt like sharing with the class again.
Four would become five.
It was a shitty thing to put any team through. The team knew each other deeply, trusted each other explicitly. There were four of them and it was perfect. A leader, his right hand man, and two soldiers who were eager to do good. To be good dogs and listen and do as they were told.
Throwing you in would be fucking up their whole dynamic. It could ruin them.
All apart of a grand experiment, no doubt.
You followed after Yena. Your boots hitting the ground with a crunch. The cold morning air brought you much needed relief from the stale, tense air. All of their gazes found you immediately and you couldn't help it but stare back at them the same.
Laswell was first. Kate Laswell. Station Chief for over 10 years. Unconventional but respected, feared and dangerous without the team around her. Leader of the 141. Yena's personal crush, even if she never outright admitted it. She was using you to get closer to Laswell and, if you had a heart, you would almost think of it as cute.
"Hello, I'm Kate, but call me Laswell. And you are-"
"Call sign only." Yena interrupted, her eyes on you before going back to Laswell. Laswell clearly didn't enjoy the interruption, nor did she enjoy feeling out of the loop for once. She was normally the person to make the others feel that way. She was not the one to be on the receiving end.
"Lolita." Your voice came out strong, your hand held out and as she gripped yours, you felt her squeezing yours twice. Quickly. A test. You did not engage. Yena might shoot you there if you did.
That wouldn't be a very good dog, would it?
Laswell couldn't help her own reaction, her left eyebrow twitching up, the jerk of her lips. Something died on her tongue. You wanted to seek it out. Make her spill it in front of everyone. In front of you.
Nothing you hadn't heard before. There was power in knowledge, in knowing exactly what she thought, and she was smart enough to keep it to herself.
"Sergeant Lolita. Welcome."
The next person was Captain John Price. Mid to late 40s. Dark brown hair hidden under, what you could only assume, was a fisherman's hat. Bright blue eyes. A half beard, cut off at the chin. He wasn't the tallest, nor the biggest, but there was something about his personality that oozed confidence. A tamer of unruly soldiers. The one person in charge and that would stay that way.
You were almost sad you wouldn't be around for long. You would love to see their personalities play on each other. Was he the dad of the group? Or was he, truly, the most vile and only the men behind him could control him?
Maybe that was their entire group. Everyone kept everyone in check.
An ache filled your heart.
It must be nice to have a team like that, a family like that.
His hand reached out first and gripped yours tightly. You reciprocated, a short nod from you got you a nod in return. You wanted to say so much to him. To all of them. You wanted to let them in on your little secret.
You wanted to be a bad dog already.
But you couldn't. Not yet. Not in front of Yena and Laswell.
Maybe not ever.
"Captain John Price." His voice was like his handshake, strong and sturdy. His accent only made you fall into the twisted maze of control even further.
Maybe Yena was right. Maybe it could be okay to give up control. To submit. To be good. To listen. To obey.
"Lolita. Nice to meet you, Captain. Glad to be apart of the team." He let your hand go and backed away, allowing another to take his place. The man now in front of you was beautiful. It was almost breathtaking. Almost grotesque. What was he doing here? Why wasn't he a model somewhere, on a beach, being fed grapes on a vine from other Gods like himself? His brown skin glowed in this shitty weather. He deserved the sun. He deserved the stars.
You made note that he could be dangerous to your objective, and to maybe keep some space.
And then he smiled. Perfect teeth framed by plush lips. His cheekbones sharp. His eyes glowed, like he was honestly happy to have an extra member added.
You made another note to highlight your previous note, mark it in red and never to forget it. He shook your hand, this time more gently than the Captain but still strong. He needed to feel you out. See what you were made of. You didn't blame you.
You were doing the same.
"I'm Kyle. You can call me Gaz if you wan'." Sergeant Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick. Panty dropper. Partner stealer. A perfect and deadly decoy.
You had to hand it to Laswell, this was a nice team she put together.
"Call me Lola when we're not on field." You couldn't stop yourself and maybe that's why Gaz was here. Open you up. Get you to spill.
You wouldn't. You can't. He gave you a million dollar smile. It almost hurt to give him a small one back.
"You got it, Lola." Just like the Captain, he backed away and allowed another member to take his place.
This time your eyes didn't stray to the face like before, but the mohawk that went down his head. Non compliant. Non military approved. You wanted to smirk. You wanted to look over at Yena and ask her how the fuck she expected you to listen when your new team clearly did no such thing?
You let your gaze travel to his face and fall into his piercing blue eyes. Just like his captain but a lighter shade. A scar broke his left eyebrow in two. His nose was sharp but the slight bump told a few stories of broken bones and a possible refusal on being set correctly. His lips were plush, a bit wet from his tongue darting out to touch them. He was around the same height as Gaz, but perhaps a bit bulkier. He wasn't as pretty as Gaz though.
You didn't think anyone could be. Not unless they were a professional model and even then, there would always be something about Gaz that would rope you in. Something hidden, something dark, something brewing under his surface that made it clear why he was SAS.
The man in front of you smiled, and you were hooked like you were with Gaz. That smile. Full teeth. A small dimple on his right cheek. His hand came out and you immediately grabbed it. His hand was warm and it fully engulfed yours. Not that it was abnormal but it almost made you want to rip it away. It also made you want to grip his hand harder, keep the warmth all to yourself.
"Johnny but ye can call me Soap." Your heart felt off. You were use to using your charms on people, on men, but not the other way around.
It was quite rude when you thought about it more and more.
"Lola." You gave him a small smile back and did nothing to hide your eyes from traveling over his body. Taking in his frame and searing it to memory. You knew you would fight these men to prove your worth and it would happen soon. He was big and bulky. You took your hand back before you began gripping it for a different reason.
What else was big-
"Ay, this tall, dark and mysterious is L. T. Or Ghost."
You almost couldn't believe you didn't see him but that was a lie. You thought a cloud was following Johnny-Soap. No, it was a man. You didn't remember seeing him at first but how could you miss him? Someone much taller than everyone around with the body of a tank. A black balaclava covered his entire head, leaving no skin to be shown and a human skull improperly sewed onto the material underneath. Black gloves covered his hands and his eyes, dark and endless, looked at you like you were a pile of shit under his boot.
That was fine, almost preferred. You liked indifference. You hated lust. It complicated things when eventually you had to put an unruly officer in their place; it often lead to your own punishment instead of theirs.
His outfit was something else entirely and it made you think. It was almost relieving to see someone else who was non military compliant when it came to bullshit like looks and uniform. Someone who played by his own rules. Someone who wasn't scared of what others thought of him.
'But even he was broken, broken enough to be on a team, unlike yourself.' You could hear Yena whisper without having to open her mouth at all.
You gave him a short nod before turning back to your new captain and station chief, happy to be over with introductions. Captain was the first to speak and broke the mounting tension.
"Let's get this over with, yeah?"
You couldn't agree more.
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smoosnoom · 1 year
the great big mystery of mike wheeler's no good, very bad, terrible feelings
It’s at that very moment that, for reasons completely and utterly unknown to anyone at all, every single possible word he has ever learned from any language ever has suddenly disappeared from his brain, and his throat feels relevant to the Sahara Desert.  None of this, of course, has to do with the fact that Will is very, very, very – shirtless.  Will blinks at him. “Are you okay?”  “Shoulders,” Mike says, sounding vaguely chipmunk-like, and he hears Max barely choke down a snicker.
Will comes back for the summer, and Mike deals with it. Kind of. Not really. for @bludnik-a !
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flugame-mp3 · 1 month
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ftm-megamind · 7 months
me and my boyfriend are sooo javid (he invited me over for a family dinner)
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theloveinc · 1 year
Shinsou needs you to look at him so bad but also can't keep eye contact with you at all
Whore. Vying for your attention like a child only not being able to handle it cuz he's really just a baby deep down.
And you already know he can give the most dangerous pair of bedroom eyes if he really wants to, just has never liked someone as much as he likes you to actually want to use them seriously.
I feel like it's funny because, before you start dating, you think the reason he can't look you in the eye is just because he's aloof and doesn't care, but after you start, it's frustrating because it's so intimate and lovely and he still can't bring himself to do it! Despite always needing to be in your vicinity or up in your business, turning away the second you acknowledge him.
Getting-all-flustered-ass when you pay attention to him like he's not staring/glaring down everyone else... Yes, I would be kinda Pissed.
(It's really just because he's shy. Being all sexy and intimidating to keep people from thinking they can get all close to him.
The first time you go to the club together as a couple, you catch him giving sexy eyes to a guy chatting him up, and the second you walk over to confront him about it, he's melting under your gaze and ignoring the other person altogether... embarrassed and squirmy at the thought of you being mad at him but needing you to know it's just because he loves you so.
He just can't help it!!! And now the stranger is mad that you got him so easily... bamboozled.)
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 7 months
it's weird how watching fictional people socially interact is like my favorite thing but when i'm faced with social interaction, i'm like god, no, please, no, what did i do to deserve this
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akaikami-cherryblossom · 11 months
Yume Time Yume Time
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Name: Lucille Hatano(Though she typically goes by Lu)
CV: Saori Hayami
Troupe: Spring
Year 2: 17
Year 3: 18
Height: 179cm(5’ 11”)
Birthday: March 23
Blood Type: AB
Year 2: Student(Hanasaki High Year 3)
Year 3: Freeter, Student(Amabi University Year 1)
Motif flower: Sweet pea
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Image color: #DEA8E8 Violet
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Hobbies: Dance, going to cafes
SNS icon:
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Instablam: Lululu
Favorite food: Too many to decide, but has an affinity for sweets, especially coffee-flavored ones
Least favorite food: Plum
Family: Mother
Strength: Memorization, picks up on things quickly
Weakness: Can’t tell when she’s being too harsh
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-Story post lol
Relationships/Close Friends!
Sakuya: Her bf! They’re very cute :3
Masumi: The homie ever huhu. She loves him, he acts like he can’t stand her.
Banri: Platonic flirting buddy + joking rivals
Azuma: He’s the one she goes to with her romance troubles, though she always gets more flirtininess than she signed up for…
Fun Facts/Trivia!
-We share every last bit of our appearance hehehe(but her hair is longer than mine wwww)
-The bit about her mostly playing male roles is based on myself, because the amount of guys I’ve played waaaay outnumbers the women despite being the girliest mf on the planet.
-She can and will platonically flirt with anyone and everyone if she knows she’s allowed to. She’s currently “cheating” on almost everyone in the dorm.
-The same goes for physical affection! Everyone gets some!!(unless they don’t want it bc boundaries are important👍)
-She was a part of the Hanaski High drama and dance clubs before she joined Mankai, and has been performing from a young age :)
-As for dance experience, she has the most in ballet and ballroom, but has done stints in modern, hip-hop, and contemporary!
-Her mother’s family is from the U.S., though she was born and raised in Japan, hence the first/last name disconnect
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floorpancakes · 11 months
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#twitter repost#i guess its probably not THAT controversial i think i just really wanted to get that off my chest#xxxholic#i guess#no but like even tho mostly the quality was incredible the fact they basically were like HAHA ASSPULL and then dipped soon after is so..#i think im even a couple chapters behind and im not even rushing to catch up on them cause it burned me so bad#also cause its clamp im like. they can and will get worse sometimes with their weird shit and i cant trust that they wont#in fact holic is a funny one cause altho im less familiar with other series i know full well holic is one of their least Messy™ ones#iykwim#obviously thats not an inherent metric but like holic is usually nonsense free but i will never stop giving clamp bombastic side eye after#parts of the og ending and MOSTLY the fakeout alt universe mystery arc turning into an irrelevant fetch quest like#how do u produce media so perfect and then do that#and its also so long past tsubaholis main writing period so its like who cares??? why now???#especially cause it was like boom hiatus#anyway thats the main reason u never catch me rereading rei much at all#like i dont have an encyclopaedic knowledge of it solely cause the twist outcome pissed me off and made me so fckin nervous for the future#also im just worried now the movies done theyll be like oh we wrote 2 chapters ajd back to hiatus good riddance!! like#I've seen the digital fear struck into the eyes of x fans i wouldnt put it past them#anyway im still excited but god damn am i nervous and fucking suspicious as hell#sigh#why cant we live in a no fakeout more interesting arc ender world where also they decided to not pull a teacher student age gap 'ship'#ship in quotes cause they obviously dont fcking love each other#but clamp is SOOOOO addicted to that trope they wanted to mess with it a little like a cat with yarn even if its non romantic#like they were like we r a thirsty flower if we dont do something problematic even as a plot contrivance with no romance we will dieeeeeeee#one day i when holic is public domain (yeah im gonna live until like 500 im so cool like that) i will release hit doumeki movie#not trying to be a hater btw they do great work but damn if those ladies dont make me nervous as hell for where this whole thing could go#or if they even wanna finish it
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smile-files · 5 months
the best kind of torture: having to design an entire syllabus for a one-on-one college course about butterflies
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Heyyy you did a hockey player x figure skater au like a while back and i was wondering if u were ever gonna do more of it bc i loved it and thought it was so good
Thena kept her expression even, although she found herself letting more and more of her feelings leak into it as of late. That wasn't good, but she wasn't sure what had caused it, let alone how to stop.
"We're done. I will see you next week."
"Yes, Father," Thena murmured as her coach left, walking away from the ice without a glance back at her. Which she was used to, of course.
She skated to the other side of the rink instead, slipping on her blade guards and then all but running up the stands to sit and tear her skates off. She was rushing to get off the ice a lot more than she used to as well, too.
Not that it had to do with Gilgamesh.
He was...nice--sweet, even. They had spoken a few more times since he had caught her after a rough practice. He was easy to talk to, and he - for some reason - seemed to think the same of her. He was quite funny, actually, and he had kept his promise; he still brought extra power bars for her.
It didn't matter if it was before practice or after, he would come over to her and offer her a protein bar, they would sit and chat for a bit. Then they would part ways until the next time they could talk.
She liked talking with Gil. It was the most pleasant part of any of her practice days. Which was easy to manage in comparison to her father's coaching, but still. Gil always had a way of making her feel better before a practice, and especially better after a bad one. She would tell him about figure skating, he would tell her about hockey. It was nice.
"Hey," she smiled back more quietly as he came over to her. His bag wasn't slung over his shoulder, and he didn't have his jersey on yet. Perhaps he had dropped them off in the changing room already.
"How was practice?" he asked as he took his usual seat next to her. He let his feet rest on the back of the row below them. He wasn't even wearing hockey pants, just regular jeans.
"It was fine," Thena murmured as he pulled out her snack from his pocket. She accepted it gently from him, feeling that it was warm. "Father was his usual self. But I suppose my ankles aren't as sore as they sometimes are."
"That's not bad, right?" he grinned at her, tearing open his own power bar with his teeth.
"Right," she murmured, opening hers more gently and taking a bite. "Hm."
"You like it, right?" he grinned at her, so warm and open and charming about it. "I thought you might; it's caramel hot chocolate flavoured--apparently."
"It's good," she murmured, taking another bite. "Do you like chocolate?"
"I've always loved chocolate," Gil said with his mouth full, just barely intelligible. He gulped it down, "although lately I've been appreciating plain vanilla more and more. Getting older, maybe."
Thena laughed softly, the sound and her breath floating around them in the chilled air. "Yes, the curse of age, is it?"
"Exactly!" he laughed as well. He leaned back on his palms, "chocolate's your fave, right?"
"I suppose so," Thena admitted quietly, not sure what she would have to be shy about. It was just a flavour. "Perhaps it's just that I was denied it so often in my youth that now I'm infatuated with it."
Gil shrugged his ridiculously wide shoulders. His t-shirt sleeves weren't loose around his arms at all. "I mean, that's fair. But you don't necessarily need a reason to like something, I think. You can just like it because it makes you happy."
"Hm," Thena mused, smilng at him as she took another bite. They were getting smaller and smaller, even knowing that Ajak would be waiting for her. "I don't think I've considered it."
"Well," Gil pushed off his palms and instead leaned on his knees. "What else makes you happy?"
What made her happy? What a direct and yet difficult question. Did she even know the answer to something like that? "I like...skating."
Did she, though?
"Okay," Gil said gently, scooching a little closer to her. "What else?"
What else? A discipline like figure skating demanded everything from her. It required her to live and breathe it. Sometimes she thought she skated more than she was even in school. But what did she do outside of the rink?
Thena toyed with her wrapper in her hands. "What do you like?"
"Baking," Gil answered, so blithely and immediately. "I got into it a few years ago and now I do it all the time."
"Baking?" She hadn't expected that.
"Yeah," he offered a bashful chuckle. Thena was about to rush out her admiration--the there was no need to be embarrassed of it. But he shrugged, "some of the guys on the team made fun of me for it. But they sure changed their tune when they tried my cupcakes."
Thena giggled. She could imagine the loud and rowdy team of brutes quieting at the thought of rich and delicious chocolate cupcakes being offered by their even bigger goalie.
"Would you," he cleared his throat, a cute flush settling in his cheeks, "would you wanna try some?"
"Your baking?" she echoed, and he nodded. That funny clenching in her belly happened again and her knees knocked together. "I-I would love to, Gil."
"Yeah?" he beamed, looking like a dog with an eagerly wagging tail.
"O-Of course," Thena blinked, back to toying with the silvery wrapper in her hands. "I'm not really supposed to, according to my father..."
Gil's face fell.
Thena inhaled, setting her shoulders, "but...but it would make me happy."
Gil gave her a different kind of smile. It was still bright, and warm, but it seemed a little more...assured. Like he had been given an answer to a question. And he really liked the answer. "Good--I'll make a whole batch for you, then."
"Oh!" Thena nearly squeaked, and then rushed to correct herself. "I don't-"
Gil let out a loud laugh, but she never felt laughed at when Gil did it. "It's okay, Thena. I mean, I will make you some cupcakes. But you can keep them in the fridge, and they'll stay good for longer than you'd think. You and your mom can share 'em."
Thena smiled, more relieved than she realised she would be to know he wasn't put off by the strict rules of her life. "Okay."
Gil looked down at her bag as her phone lit up from within it. "Quittin' time?"
"It's my alarm," Thena offered a rueful smile. Funnily enough, Ajak never, ever interrupted her and Gil after the first time she had found them talking (and made her little joke). But that didn't mean it was a goal of Thena's to keep her mother waiting.
Gil stood as Thena did, "I'll walk you out."
Thena blinked as they started making their way down the bleachers and towards the door.
"What?" Gil asked as he walked beside her, hands in his pockets.
Thena looked in the direction of the changing rooms, which they walked right past. "What about practice?"
"Oh," Gil shrugged one of his shoulders with a sheepish smile, "practice actually got cancelled for today."
"Wh-" Thena blinked as they came to a halt in front of the main doors.
Gil gave her a soft, honest smile, pulling his hands out of his pockets. "I just...wanted to hang out with you."
Thena felt that funny, fluttering feeling again, warmth rushing into her cheeks. She blinked down at the floor between them, trying to come up with something - anything! - to say. "I-I, uhm, y-you-"
Gil looked out the window and waved, presumably to Ajak. "I'll see you next week?"
Thena just nodded, dreading to think that he could see her turning pink from the neck up.
"I'll bring those cupcakes," he promised, tilting his head down to try and look at her.
"Okay," she just barely squeaked out as she pushed through the doors, rushing out into the air and hoping it would soothe the burning of her cheeks.
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katierosefun · 2 years
law school kids are insane everyone, i’m sitting here like “yeah, sure, i love getting drunk for the third time in a week”
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5oclock in the morning about to watch Past Prologue for the very first time let’s fucking Go 
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cherrysnax · 1 year
not to SYS! on main but like comics Miguel reads just like Robyn and older leo to me it’s soooo weird
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thekalpar · 3 months
We are officially THREE DAYS from the launch of my first book: Silas & Bundersnoot. But also my editor got back to me with her notes on the sequel, Silas & Bundersnoot Take Manhattan (title TBD), last night. Things are happening! I'm so nervous.
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nellectronic · 3 months
if you saw my previous post no you didn’t. anyway someone please send me stupid funny pictures and/or videos
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l00katthesky · 8 months
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