#oh look I'm being unhinged about twst again
marigoldendragon · 3 months
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dont be unhinged about fictional characters mouths dont be unhinged about fictional characters mouths dont be unhinged about fictional characters -
I want them to BITE me
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elaemae · 4 months
The premium version of human is here to wreak house, mfs.
[Twst x Obey Me!AFAB!reader]
CW: Same as before.
FUN FACT: You were just about to remove your unbelievable amount of jewelry and go to sleep when the dark carriage appeared in the middle of your room.
You didn't notice because you were busy tryna reach for your bangles but then you were suddenly yanked by the hair into the carriage where you quickly lost consciousness from the strong sleeping magic inside. That horse got no chill, wtf..
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This is one of those times where you need to channel out your inner Belphegor.
Be loveably infuriatingly bratty and murderous at the same time.
Turns out, you were yanked by the hair and shoved into the carriage by that creepy looking horse because you were "chosen" by the dark mirror to attend their oh-so-prestigious college. (Move out the way Harry Potter, there's a new chosen one in town—)
So you decided to stress these fuckers into bringing you back to where their unhinged horse first took you.
You don't have to be a genius to know that if any of the brothers notice your disappearance, there can either be a war or a bloodbath. It's either one of those things or both of them.
So as you were freed and guided in front of the mirror by the bird-man who you've come to find out was the headmaster of this oh-so-grand college that you've never even heard of.. you side-eye the Mr. Boutta-sell-yo-kidneys guy that tried to take your bangles before you faced the mirror.
'...Hmm? Who's this?' You think, as you look at the person half-hiding behind the mirror.
They seemed to be quite nervous as they gave you a small wave, earning them a smile from you.
The headmaster seemed to be confused about them for a second but quickly remembered something as they called upon that person.
It seems that Yuu, quite a confusing name they've got also desires to be sent back to their home as they said they had responsibilities they must fulfill.
Twinning with your problems fr.
It's like you two looked at each other and something just clicked.
Like, Omg we're both kidnapped by a school filled with hot men and forced to be their unpaid therapists, Slay gurly~ 💅🏼 sry it's your inner asmo talking.
You decide to let Yuu be the first to face the mirror so that they'll get home first.
Ah, aren't you so kind and patient?
You don't know anything about that mirror, so it's best that you let someone else have a go first to see if it's safe.
Sorry Yuu, we may have clicked but I don't know if I can trust any of you right now.
It's too risky.
If we ever meet again, I'll treat you to a meal in hell's kitchen as compensation.
Thank Belphie for my trust issues.
...Huh.. The place that Yuu belongs to "doesn't exist"?
What a strange response... This damn mirror better not give you the same words lest it wants to be melted out of existence via hellfire.
You can see the dudes behind y'all who turned out to be the housewardens of the dorms of this school start whispering to each other like some nosy aunties on a regular sunday morning.
You gave reassuring pats on Yuu's shoulder after they went back beside you, getting a shaky smile in return.
"I'm sure that it'll be okay.. Their dark carriage took you so it must have the capabilities to take you back, right?" You whispered to Yuu, trying to keep them from panicking as you notice their breaths starting to quicken.
"People in distress are prone to being exploited and manipulated by others. Breathe slowly and calm your mind." You lean closer to their ear, rubbing small circles on their back.
Panicking won't help anyone. You had to learn that from experience. Now you just want to make sure that Yuu doesn't have to.
You may be alright with using this new acquaintance of yours to verify the safety of the mirror, but you won't stand by and watch them expose their vulnerability to a group of people that haven't really made a show of good morals they might possess.
As the headmaster guy started going on a rant about how "tHiS hAvE nEvEr hApPenEd bEfoRe" you keep an eye on the five housewardens dudes, seeing as those guys were eyeing you and Yuu lmao💀 like they were looking at some weird... thing.
Except for the shady mf who's looking straight at you with his weird-ass smile.
Really giving you the impulse to sock him in the face again.
(Oh, and also that tablet that kept taking pictures of you thinking that they were slick when you can hear the click every time a pic was taken.)
The headmaster then guided you to the mirror, mumbling pleas for the reflective object to work properly.
"I... I seem to be unable to reach the place that you call home.."
The mirror spoke, troubled and seemingly confused.
Yuu peeks at your face, before paling and trying to get closer to comfort you the way that you did for them, only to full on try to tackle you when you bring out your staff to try and break the damned thing.
If you can't bring me home then maybe I can take your power and do it myself.
"There are traces of what seems to be teleportation magic as well as a smidgen of sleeping magic mixed in, on center of MC's room."
Solomon stated, glancing at the people sitting around the big oval table inside Diavolo's castle.
If anyone else saw the attendance in this little meeting of theirs, they'd have a heart attack.
I mean, when will you ever see representatives of the celestial realm mingling with those of the devildom, the human world and the grim reaper in such a serious manner?
You'd think there's an intergalactic threat on the loose if you ever see their expressions..
But that's the thing.
You weren't there to see them.
That's the problem.
Someone or something took you away from them.
Those connected to you via pact can still feel your emotions and connections through your pact marks but nothing more.
At this rate, they worry that you're too far to reach because they couldn't get to you through their pacts. Where could you be?
The only reassurance they have that you're fine, is your candle in Thirteen's hands.
The last string of reason they have that is keeping them from drowning in their grief and anger.
The burning flame of your candle gave them comfort and fueled their determination to bring you back into their arms.
Don't worry MC, we'll bring you back.
No matter what it takes.
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← Pr. 2 | Chapter List | Pr. 4 →
I'm tryna sketch my MC, but it's taking a long-ass time.
Elae: Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter y'all😊
Don't forget to like, comment, and reblog guys, it really helps me out :3
See y'all next time~
(still tryna figure out tagging)
I tried to tag all of y'all but it won't work for some reason :c
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Happy Saturday~ One more or less serious reply + a bunch of silly ones today.
Anonymous asked:
I absolutely love the way you draw everyone in twisted wonderland. I know some out there don’t agree who you ship, but I think otherwise. The way you draw the characters is always amazingly done and I can tell how much you worked on them.
You are an amazing artist so if anyone disagrees then just remember you have some fans out there including me!
Thank you for your support and love, Anon! I always talk about how we didn’t expect anyone at all to enjoy our content, our ships and our thoughts about them, and honestly it still feels bizarre. It’s been a bit more than a year now, and thinking about how anxious we were about posting some of this stuff before is really weird now. So I really can’t stress it enough: hearing your words of support really means a lot. These characters and ships are really dear to us, and as long as we feel passionate about them, we’ll keep posting them <3 I’m very glad you can see our passion for the characters in our drawings! So thank you so much for enjoying the way we see them.
Even though, once again, we don’t expect everyone to like everything that we post. But when people do, it’s very cool.
Anonymous asked:
Idia wouldn’t build a sex machine? Please. He already did; his name is Ortho.
OHHHHHHHHHHH 😭 good point, good point.
The most intense and dangerous sex machine that’s constantly learning new things, what an impressive invention. Shame on you, Idia.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
What is your hot take of Lilia and Azul mainly becoming friends to swap tips and talk about their boys' (Malleus and Idia) noises and expressions? Like do you think one would be curious and ask for video evidence or maybe the pair would bang in the same room
On the one hand, I feel like Lilia doesn’t treat Azul seriously enough to consider this (i.e. Azul is way too desperate), plus I’m not sure if Lilia and Malleus’ affair is a secret or not. But on the other hand, Lilia loves talking about his boys way too much, so I can see how Azul could get him talking. You just ask correct questions, and at some point Lilia just starts going “oh yeah that one time Malleus really did this thing…” and spilling way too much information to Azul, possibly the worst person to have this conversation with lol And Lilia would also be very interested in Azul’s stories about Idia, mainly because Idia intrigues him.
I can’t believe this actually could work wow.
But would they bang in the same room? Honestly, Lilia and Azul both are kind of unhinged, so if the starts alignm it could happen. It would be such an amazing networking event for Azul lol but at the same time, Azul and Idia both are way too shy to do something like this~
Anonymous asked:
So like I MOSTLY ship Lilia/Idia for the age gap and dichotomy of it all. A charismatic old man who looks like he's a short, cute kid with a tall scrawny emotional wreck of a teenager is just SO inherently fun all on it's own. It's a blast. But also, I have been thinking about this more seriously lately because my faaavorite thing about sleeping beauty that's almost never carried over to remakes is the dramatic irony with aurora and philip's relationship
A princess who doesn't know she's a princess falls in love with a prince who she doesn't know she's engaged to, but she finds out she's engaged and doesn't even know that she's engaged to him. There's a lot you can do to play around with that in a story, where the audience knows this but the characters don't. It's super fun!!! When all the pieces come together in the end, it's really satisfying too!!!!
I'm always disappointed when remakes cut out the dramatic irony of it all, so in twst, despite nothing like that happening with silver outside of the princess part lol I can see a lot of similarities with Lilia and Idia being online friends who don't know that they actually know each other irl, and I won't spoil it here, but some events that have gone down in book 7 make me really excited to see if there will be more references to aurora and philip's relationship between them. I'm suuuuch a big fan of it I'm PUMPED!!!!!!!!!
First of all! I absolutely agree about what you said about Lilia/Idia’s visual and characteristic contrast (well this isn’t surprising to hear lol): they’re just stupidly fun to look at and watch. The age gap also adds a lot to their dynamic.
Second of all, yeah THE COMPARISON REALLY MAKES A LOT OF SENSE. The fact that Lilia and Idia are so close already without even realising makes this ship so amazingly interesting and sweet and funny and cute and hot and dramatic at the same time!! And while I don’t know what exactly you’re referring to (you already know, we haven’t watched book7 yet), but we’ve been thinking about the main story giving Lilidia a painfully tasty moment for a long time now. Yana Toboso looooves her setups and long games with satisfying payoffs, and she’s definitely been preparing something for these two.
Fun fact: Aurora has been my absolute favourite Disney Princess, and even though we’re yet to rewatch the Sleeping Beauty, your ask really got me excited about it. And about book 7 too..! I’m really looking forward to it.
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