#october is going to be a period of activity!
why-the-heck-not · 7 months
what the fuck, I miss math courses?? why??? they’re always a misery, why do I crave misery ???
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jocktrolls · 2 years
Hey I do just wanna say like, I’ve said it a lot behind closed doors but I do want to put it out there that as far as I’m concerned, this specific blog is permanently inactive for the point of fantroll stuff. If you’re primarily active on here and have ships with me, I can rock either dropping ships or working to be more active with you off of tumblr.
If you feel the need to talk to me, either to discuss rp stuff or question me about rumors/accusations, I’m always available on discord (current handle weiner crunch teri#5357)
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thatsthat24 · 8 months
Sanderstober 2023
Upon request, I’ve provided new art prompts for this year’s month of October!! As always, feel free to do all or some of these, pick and choose whichever stands out to you! If you missed a day’s prompt but still wanted to do art for it, absolutely do that and post it whenever you want, no worries whatsoever. It’s all completely laid back and just for fun! I’ve added to this list without consulting old ones, so if I used a repeat idea, it’s possible that I just was interested in seeing more of it again this year!! Hope you all enjoy! If you’re wanting me to check them out at all, you can use the tag, #Sanderstober2023 🎃
Oct. 1st: Give me a spooky or Halloween-y figure and how he looks on Sep. 30th (their off-time, go as comical as you’d like) and then how they look Oct. 1st (traditionally how they are known to look!).
Oct. 2nd: Give me a flower design inspired by a type of candy of your choice!
Oct. 3rd: In celebration of the awesomeness that is Fionna and Cake, I’d love to see you take a character, or characters from your fave series, and give them a multiverse makeover (what they’d look like in a different universe, under different circumstances)
Oct. 4th: Take any historic landmark, and give it an autumn or Halloween-y makeover
Oct. 5th: Since I’ve been on my D&D kick with Roleslaying with Roman, what would any Halloween- or spooky-themed character be in a D&D world? What would be their race? Their class? Their backstory??
Oct. 6th: Google a Random Color Generator and use it to give you three colors. Then use those three colors to create a new Halloween creature or character.
Oct. 7th: Along the lines of Spiderman Noir, take any character you want from some sort of fiction, and depict how they might look like in any other time period!
Oct. 8th: In the spirit of having fun with both Halloween AND Christmas, take a Halloween story/character and draw what they might appear as if they were actually a character talked or sung about in a Christmas story.
Oct. 9th: Take a group of characters from one of your favorite pieces of content and create tarot cards featuring them. Google tarot cards to get inspiration if you need!
Oct. 10th: Take a musical (one that I would suppose wouldn’t already be scary) and create a poster for it as if it were the title of a scary movie
Oct. 11th: Google a Disney character generator, pick out two characters, and create what a mash-up of those two characters would look like!
Oct.12th: Pumpkin spice latte obviously has its spotlight during the fall, but could you come up with another special coffee concoction for another season/holiday of the year?
Oct. 13th: Take a Fall/Halloween concept or character and use it as inspiration for a fashionable outfit
Oct. 14th: As a tribute to Barbenheimer this year, take any character from Barbie or Oppenheimer and depict how they’d appear in the other movie
Oct. 15th: Take the last text you received. Use all or part of it to base a whole movie off of it of any genre, and create a poster for it
Oct. 16th: Take one of the names of your current pet, old pet, or friend’s pet, and use that name as the inspiration for a superhero. What would that superhero look like?
Oct. 17th: Is there a phrase that one of your parents or friend says all the time? Take it and imagine it’s the name of a children’s book. What would that children’s book cover look like?
Oct. 18th: Take a Disney villain, and depict them as a Disney princess
Oct. 19th: Take a Disney Princess and depict them as a Disney villain!
Oct. 20th: Take any Greek god and imagine what their preferred activity might be on an average Fall day.
Oct. 21st: Take a board game (one that I would suppose wouldn’t be scary) and create a poster for it as if it were the title of a scary movie
Oct. 22nd: This is an annual favorite of mine - take take any character(s) from a piece of content of your choice and depict them like a Tim Burton character
Oct. 23rd: Take a famous brand logo (Toyota, Playstation, Campbell’s Soup, Facebook, literally any logo from anything) and design a Pokemon inspired by the logo and color palette! Bonus for naming it and giving it stats!
Oct. 24th: In the spirit AGAIN of having fun with both Halloween AND Christmas, now take a Christmas story/character and draw what they might appear as if they were actually a character talked or sung about in a Halloween story.
Oct. 25th: Another favorite of mine: take any character(s) from a piece of animated content you enjoy, and draw them in the style of another piece of animated content!
Oct. 26th: Go to the latest playlist you were listening to, put it on shuffle, and see what song it plays. Take the title of that song and use it as inspiration for a Halloween/Autumn themed drawing of your choice.
Oct. 27th: Take a favorite pair of characters from a piece of content you enjoy and depict what their matching Halloween costumes would be!
Oct. 28th: [Random event from this past year] … and Zombies!!
Oct. 29th: Every town’s got some local businesses with interesting names (Jerry’s Tire Barn Emporium, stuff like that). If you know of one in your local town, take that name, and imagine it to be the name of a Haunted House. Depict what that location may look like. I wanna learn about some funny local business names.
Oct. 30th: Take one item from your desk/workspace, anything you want. This item is now the inpiration of a brand NEW cryptid (like Sasquatch, Loch Ness, El Chupacabra, just some legendary creature we have yet to find hard evidence of). Depict what this cryptid would be!
Oct. 31st: And, of course, in typical fashion for the big day, give me any character(s) of your choice, from any piece of content, enjoying Halloween in whatever way seems appropriate to them!!
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL October! And hope you enjoy these different art ideas! Looking forward to anything it may bring about!
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AITA for making out with my best friend?
Ok so, my (16ftm) best friend (17mtf) and i were hanging out in the choir room during our shared lunch period because she had asked me to come there and cuddle her because she's been feeling terrible lately, and while we were cuddling she told me what the reason was: her partner (20, gender fluid) had cheated on her and she found out over our winter break from school (as of writing this, 1 week ago). She was really upset about it and ended up kind of just rambling at me about how she's going to give them another chance because she loves them and still wants the future theyve been planning together for over a year and a half.
A bit of context is needed before i get to the part where i might be TA. From late october of 2022 to early september of 2023, i had a huge crush on my friend and she knew about it since december of 2022. While i dont actively have a crush on her anymore, im the kind of person whose attraction/feelings never really go away fully. This didn't change anything about our friendship, but its also worth mentioning that she also had a crush on me for a few weeks until she started dating her partner in november of 2022. Throughout our friendship, we've talked a lot in a specific channel in a discord server i made with all my closest friends. That channel is named horny jail. This is relevant.
All of that is important because today when we were in the choir room and she told me about her partner cheating, she also mentioned that there was a small but extremely loud part of her brain telling her to use me as a way to kind of justify giving her partner another chance, because "if i do it then i can't be mad at [partner] for doing the same thing". She then clarified that "use" meant doing gay horny shit because of the things ive told her, not like emotionally manipulating me. She then asked if i would be okay with making out with her, and i hesitated for a while and thought it over because she was clearly very upset and on the one hand, i could help make her feel a bit better in the moment, but on the other hand i know she's going to regret it soon. As you can see in the title, i decided that helping her feel better in the moment was more important, so we made out for a few minutes and then we went back to class.
I feel like i might be TA because i knew she was incredibly vulnerable in the moment and would regret it, but i still made out with her and im like 10% sure it was partially me just indulging the part of myself that still is attracted to her.
What are these acronyms?
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astroyongie · 5 months
2024 Planetary Predictions: Saturn
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Please check your rising or your placidus for the houses.
Saturn will be in Direct Pisces in: 1st January to 28 June / in 15th November 
Saturn will be in Retrograde Pisces in: 25th May to 8th October to 14th November 
Aries Rising or Pisces 12th house
what a start of the year Aries, with pisces in the 12th house, theres quite a lot happening here indeed. the start of year can feel a little rough, because your mental health will be going through a few changes and a few complications, pisces energy gives a lot off illusions and added with the Neptune energy this isnt easy. However theres also some chance, because if you out into pratique your talents you will be able to achieve some dreams. Be aware of promontory dreams and seeing into the unknown.
when Saturn will be retrograde, this will be even more complicated and expect your mental health to have here some downgrade. pisces energy isnt easy and there evil be a lot of victim like feelings, you using things as a coping mechanism and as a way of escapism and overall being very sensitive to things that happen to you. please take care of yourself.
Taurus Rising or Pisces 11th house
Listen beautiful being, now is the time for you to shine and to use this energy wisely. with this placement it is time for you to enjoy your friendships and to start being more socially active and more engaged with your values and morals. overall a good period for you to be the center of the attention of your social circles
be aware of fake friendships that will be revealed during retrograde. this is a good thing because it will give you a nice cleansing of people around you but it will still be painful to accept. careful with being too escapist as well
Gemini Rising or Pisces 10th house
Gemini, listen this is your year when it comes to career and goals for your future, use the Saturn energy to achieve everything that you want. pisces energy will give you lots of dreams and this is the time to conquer everything that you dream off by putting the right amount go effort in your networking. Expect your status to raise up
Take all you can because when Saturn retrograde arrives it will be taking stuff away from you if you aren't careful. during these time you might feel stuck of that your projects aren't involving as fast as you might have wished them for. be patient and don't be a victim of your own game. PATIENCE ! That will be the thing you need to deal with before seeing your reputation go up again
Cancer Rising or Pisces 9th house
Cancer this is a good moment to travel, to change your horizons. for many this will be synonym of changing countries, changing places and traveling where your heart desires. if you are planning or doubting yourself, this is the the big yes that yes, take your changes and go forward. take that change because you wont regret it. for some this could be changing education area, changing a moral, a value or even a religion/spiritual path.
of course, retrograde will bring you doubt and a lot of anxiety from your choices of moving around, of changing your educations, your religions or places in general. just hold on tight, you will feel very sensitive and cry a lot but after October things will get back into place
Leo Rising or Pisces 8th house
My Leo siblings, this start of the year will quite something. this will depend case per case, but most of you will start your active sexual life during this period until May. for those who have already started, there will be here some novelty to your sexual life. expect new things happening.
But please be careful during summer time, with Saturn in retrograde theres the possibility of accidents happening around your sexual life which is why remember that you have to restrict yourself in some cases. don't put yourself in danger, don't use sex as a coping mechanism and just overall don't be reckless. death will be walking by your side during these period, be aware of it and be careful of how you deal with some events
Virgo Rising or Pisces 7th  house
this is such a good start of the year for your Virgo, when it comes to relationships expect you to reach here some goals. for those who aren't in a relationship, expect to find love, to find crushes and to overall fall in love with someone that is around you (or that will come into your life). use the pisces energy to be happy and enjoy yourself! for those who are already in a relationship, this is the time for planning, for spending time with your love ones and overall enjoy the peace.
Because between may and October things will be more complicated. some of you will suffer harsh breakups, lies in the relationship, or huge struggles/difficulties that will put the relationship in a tight spot. For those who will be single, theres will be the possibility of unrequited love.
Libra Rising or Pisces 6th house
We start the year okay here, usually any injuries that you have suffered will get back into place. most of your libra will also go through some spiritual and mental healing with the pisces energy so please take it to take care of yourself
however between may and October there will be some health issues again (that will get better once Saturn gets back to direct). during this time, physically be aware of any diseases of accidents that touch your feet area, pituitary glands and pineal glands. also some major hormonal issues here. mentally it will also be a very complicated moment of your life, with a lot of setbacks and mental health complications coming back
Scorpio Rising or Pisces 5th house 
Okay Scorpio, i have already said this in Jupiter and I will say it again, careful with your sexual activities unless you want to have kids because here many of you will get pregnant or have children due to Saturn energy. pisces energy will also give you dreams that can be turn to be real. Its a good period for you to fall in love, to be in touch with your feelings and to have overall fun without worrying about your heart
Retrograde will bring here some difficulties. most of you will feel bored or start using things (or substances) as a way of escapism because Saturn energy can be quite awful and you don't know how to cope with everything that is happening in your life. be aware of behaviors that you should avoid and are aware of it.
Sagittarius Rising or Pisces 4th house 
my babies, expect to enter this start of the year in big. this is such an important moment to be around the ones that you love and be around your family. good period to turn your family dreams into reality to get back to your roots and feel more connected with your ancestors as well. Some of you can also start getting ready to prepare your own family as well!
When Saturn will be retrograde, it will bring with it some difficulties inside your family. Expect every to be slightly sensitive, arguments erupting every now and then and a lot of conflict. you might use too much the card of victim so also take responsibility for your actions during that time
Capricorn Rising or Pisces 3rd house
capricorns, we are starting this year softly and with you being able to open more with people and be more communicative. use that emotional side you got to listen to people, to listen to what we are telling you and try to use your mind to make decisions. This isnt a time for you to use your heart. be smart, yet trust your intuition a lot. this is a good moment to practice spirituality as well.
when Saturn gets retrograde we will meet some difficulties here. You will feel overwhelmed rather easily and because of that your mind will be too much to handle. overthinking can be a thing, such as shutting now and not tailing to anyone. seek help if necessary and don't push yourself away
Aquarius Rising or Pisces 2nd house
Whatever your dream of, whatever you wish to have, this is your moment to get it. use the pisces in 2nd house energy to get everything that you want and everything that you have dream off being able to be on your hands on its physical form. this is a good period to invest in dreams and business, in thing that you want. great period to also involve skills that you wish to get better at
Saturn retrograde will put you on a tight spot. for some, you will see some of your dreams slipping through your fingers while being unable to get them back. while for others you will simply get stuck when it comes to money. financial difficulties or unable to proceed with your plans.
Pisces Rising or Pisces 1st house 
Listen here, this is your year when it comes to transformation of yourself. it is time to have a new haircut, to start a clean skincare, to eat better, to change your closet, buy yourself new outfits and just overall change yourself appearance wise. I would advice for many of you to use a soft style instead of sharp, with pale colors to put yourself In a good position
during summer this can be quite tricky because Saturn will make you believe that nothings is worth it. some of you will probably get back to old habits and do yourself some harm while others will get too extreme with this. hold on tight and try your best to stay in the middle ground until the beginning of October where everything gets back to the normal.
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wilbursoot-updates · 8 months
Lovejoy: The British rock group that we will have to follow very closely…
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Lovejoy is in this article!
Rock is not dead! Lovejoy explores the nuances of independent, almost garage rock, while breathing a breath of fresh air.
Just a year ago, they played their first concert. This summer, Lovejoy performed on stage at Rock Werchter. A real accomplishment for this English indie rock band.
Lovejoy was formed only two years ago, under the leadership of William Gold and Joe Goldsmith. The group was formed almost by chance: the two long-time friends met Mark (the drummer) on the Fiverr application and Ash (the bassist)… in the toilets of a burger restaurant.
They are releasing a brand new single this October 6, “Normal People Things”. Meet the group that intends to become the spearhead of English rock.
Before being in a band, you had your own solo project William. How is it different creating music alone, versus in a band?
William Gold: Oh, it's very different, especially in my lyrics. I often choose the safer option when writing for the band, because I'm a little afraid of what they will think of me. My solo music has always been very direct and sometimes a little too raw, whereas Lovejoy is a little more like my stream of thoughts converted into poetry, whereas my solo music is just my thoughts.
Do you think it's better or just different?
William Gold: I think it's better. Personally, I much prefer Lovejoy's lyrics to my solo music. I feel like it's just as personal, but it touches on different areas, areas that are a little less raw and acerbic.
For the instrumental part, you all compose together. How do you do?
Joe Goldsmith: I'm still figuring out how that process works... (laughs) I think we're still a pretty young band, so we haven't gotten to the point yet where we don't like each other anymore. So, everything is going pretty well. But as far as the process goes, I think it varies and we don't really have a strict definition of how to create a song. Sometimes it starts from a riff that Mark writes. Sometimes the starting point is an idea Will has for the lyrics… It's very random and we're trying to figure it out, because we want to be a little quicker.
You released an EP last May, what was your inspiration?
William Gold: Life in general, and all the experiences we've had. And my musical tastes personally evolved a lot during this period as well.
Joe Goldsmith: We started playing live a year ago, and I think that's definitely influenced the way we approach songs. We saw how the public reacted to certain parts of our music and we adapted our old catalog. We changed the songs slightly live to make them more exciting for the audience.
Is there a particular message you want to convey through your music?
William Gold: I just want people to dance. I want excitement. I want to convey honesty and passion.
Joe Goldsmith: I just want to inspire other people to take on creative projects. I want people to write songs, paint pictures, write poems...
William Gold: And they do!
Joe Goldsmith: Our fans are really very active and talented. We are constantly given amazing gifts. I have oil paintings in my house (portraits of us) that people have done. I have handmade sculptures, giant stuffed animals... That's my favorite thing about all of this: seeing that our ideas inspire other people.
Which song do you consider the most meaningful to you?
William Gold: I think “It’s All Futile!” is the one that is most personal to me. But of our latest songs, I think “Call Me What You Like” is the one I’m most proud of lyrically.
You have your own label. Is it important for you to have your own independence?
William Gold: Absolutely. Our independence is incredibly important. We're still trying to find our way in this industry. It's crazy to see how much support you need to do a lot of things, but also to see that you can do a lot of things yourself. And I feel like we're doing a good job of navigating the two. We are by no means a DIY band, but we want to do as much as possible ourselves.
What are the benefits of doing it yourself?
William Gold: Agency and freedom. And simply out of stubbornness! We don't want to give away our catalog when we can do so much on our own.
Joe Goldsmith: Once you cross that line, you won't really go back. You will never be independent again. So we're going to continue this as long as possible.
What sets you apart from other groups?
William Gold: I think it's our very strong connection with our fans.
Joe Goldsmith: I see other bands and other labels trying to make this...
William Gold: ...but we can't make it. We're lucky to have it and it's not something we did intentionally. It wasn't a marketing team that told us what to do, but we managed to create this heartfelt connection ourselves, and it's our most important priority to maintain, excite, and prioritize it above everything.
Joe Goldsmith: I try to do as much as I can to give back. I always do treasure hunts and secret competitions for our fans, to make sure they have a great time.
William Gold: I want to make sure that all of our concerts provide an option for people with less financial means. So, we have a messaging system where just ask to get tickets at half price (or even less). We do it at every concert where it’s possible. And when theaters refuse to do it, we try to find alternatives. It is essential to maintain our “fan base” at a high level.
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vyorei · 2 months
Unfortunately I will be taking a temporary hiatus.
When I started sharing news reports in October I had never expected for things to go on for this long with the sheer level of carnage and slaughter that was taking place. I was foolish, but I was determined to see through what I'd started because people wanted to know what was happening.
At the time I had been recovering from a long illness and was trying to find work. I was grabbing reports from 2pm to 3am at the start, every single day. The hours shrank over time, obviously, because that was too much for one person. I'd wake up, immediately get the news, then neglect myself for the day trying to get everything out. Then I recovered enough to work again, got a new job, and had to try and balance that and the news, but also try to find enough time to rest and recover from physical energy loss and the mental stress of work and activism.
On top of this, as I've stated before: I am disabled. I have conditions that are tough for me to manage, they often incapacitate me and the burnout is intense.
An extra and private factor is that I live in a very volatile and unhealthy situation, one that I am hoping to finally escape after years, the time is approaching, I want to be free.
I have reached a limit point where I need to take a proper extended period away from reporting to try and get my energy and things together so that I can try to finally exist like others do. It stings to think so, though, because 2.2 million Palestinians don't have that opportunity and I recognise my luck and privilege.
After I sort things out, I will come back and resume reporting, as I firmly doubt the atrocities being commited by the Apartheid state will have ceased in mid-April and people will need to have access to the news.
Thank you all for the support and kind words you've offered over these last 5 months. I'm sorry I have to go for now and the guilt is rather immense, it goes against my nature to need to do this.
I'll be back by the end of April, maybe sooner if everything goes smoothly. There is no set date as return is entirely unpredictable at this moment given the situation, I apologise.
Don't stop talking about Palestine
Long live the fighters 🇵🇸✊🇮🇪
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cosmictulips · 1 year
I'm Wishing... For the One I Love... to find me...today (PAC)
So this fun pac is all about Your Future Spouse & When You'll be meeting them.
Close your eyes and pick a disney princess ;) --- as always if you want more pacs feel free to follow me. I'm trying to be more active this year. and uhm, yea. this is part one of a series that I'm doing.
I am also open to doing exchanges and paid tarot readings. for more info feel free to look on my blog or reach out.
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Coincidently, they are also in order of which they came out.
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My pile 1's !
Who This Person Is ::
The Magician, the Hierophant, King of Swords, 10 of Pentacles, 09 of Swords, 05 of Pentacles
Yea so, this person is having it rough right now. they could come a rather difficult life, but regardless of whether or not it's a rough life or just a period, the thing to know about them is that they don't quit. they will work themselves to death if it means they can achieve their goals. they are very hard on themselves and will keep pushing and beating on a dead horse. they simply have a hard time letting go.
they are very intelligent people and because of that, they've been able to work smarter not harder ;) they have a strong foundation but -and I really can't emphasize this enough-, they really had to work at it. the money that they have, the friendships, connections, etc. came from a long line of suffering. dare I suggest this person has heavy saturn or pluto influence. just fixed energy comes from this person.
they are stubborn, they are witty, and blunt. but they are also soft and very wise. they aren't a boulder, they will move mountains. despite this anxiety that I'm picking up on, they are a marshmellow. they believe in the best and they believe that they deserve nothing but the best. and they believe that to be the case with everyone. this person is hard on others because they see the potential and want to push you to be better.
they are a giver. they will give you everything if it meant that you will fly. they've had to learn the hard way that you can't just give everything away. so don't be surprised if they come off as closed off to you. they lack alot in this life time but they know they can achieve greatness.
I think the fear of abandonment and never having enough to survive, drives them forward. they get in their head a lot. they are probably their own worst enemey to be honest. Taurus energy is coming through strongly but that's because I'm picking up on homebody vibes. this person likes to cook. likes to be surrounded by like minded individuals and things that make them happy.
there's a tendency to relax only when their body is ready to give out. they are stubborrrnnnnn. I can't stress that enough. they'll tell you to go shower and sleep but they'll never sleep and never shower because they're just too focused on what is ahead of them haha. definitely the type to be like "do as I say not as I do".
wouldn't be surprised if this person has some sort of management job or is doing their own thing. they're destined to have it all in this life time and they know it. I'm seeing someone with an intense stare, so definitely, don't.... be too shy around them. they will see your nervousness and feel anxious about it. they'll want to spoil you and protect you. definitely a lot of masculine, just strong energy here. even if it is a female.
they're also intuitive as heck but I think they let the worries get to them. they think that ... by branching out and thinking "illogically" will just hurt them so they try to stick to what they know. so you might have to change that way. they want to believe in stuff like Tarot, but their rationality will talk them out all the time. so get them into it lol.
if you can get them out of their head, and you will cause they're your person, you'll see a very loving, and spontaneous side to them. someone good with their words and loves to laugh. they have a smile that just lights up the sky bruh. it's so cute.
When You Two Will Meet ::
sooo I'm getting May -June, September- October. these can be birthdays, these can be literal months that you two meet. I'm also hearing gemini season which I think further throws May into the mix haha.
You two are going to be in a situation where you will talk... a lot. maybe someone introduces you two, maybe you both are late for the train and miss it and have to wait for another one. regardless, I see one of you making idle chat and then you both just go off . this person is extremely easy to talk to despite their kind of nonchalant gaze. and I feel like it's one of those things where you two will just keep running into each other.
I did pick up on other people being around so I have a funny feeling it's a public place. a party, a museum, idk. just someplace where you both might be thinking you're talking to your friends but it turns out it's each other. or you both just... it's perfect timing to be honest.
ALSO you could be meeting via a dating app. something about texting. I see a lot of texting and talking online.
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My Pile 2's !
Who They Are ::
The High Priestess, The Magician, The Lovers, King of Wands, Queen of Swords, Page of Wands, 07 of Cups, 03 of Pentacles
so. this persons energy really wanted me to stress just how different they are to other people. strong neptune energy. they are like "I'm adaptable, I can do whatever you ask me to do and I'll still be me". so really, just strong mutable placements.
this person is kind of lucky. when I was getting the cards out for this, I kind of kept laughing. this person really has a great sense of humor and just enjoys being around things and people and places. travelers. probably the type to know a lot of weird things. like a lot, but of niche things haha. great conversationalists.
Very romantic people. might be a bit of a flirt. really good at getting what they want. they tend to bring good luck wherever they go. not the type to really be argumentive or defensive, but they sure as hell can be. they know how harsh the world is and they try not to let it get to them. they try not to use their words as a weapon. but they are sharp. don't let that happy go lucky attitude fool you.
they may be a bit indecisive. they like to do a lot of things... at once. maybe they have ADHD. they just like to see people smile. type to just go on spontanious roadtrips haha. they are very intutiive and I have a funny feeling that they might be into the mysical and the paranormal. I mean, with their wandering mind, they probably are.
definitely daredevils. I hear... that some of them might be good at baking. gardening. they take care of things. they're gentle souls. I feel like they're a gemini lol. maybe they have strong gemini placements or something. mercurial for sure.
people love to be around them. I think they're just good at getting others to work together. could be popular but to be honest with you, I think they're just talkative haha. people could just want to hang out with them. like, I see them knowing people, but very few actually get close to them. talkative, but ...secretive. ya know what I mean?
definitely some leo vibes going on. but, not arrogant. they just know how to have a good time and not take things too seriously. unless they need to.
I think... as for jobs, they might be inclined to help people. teaching, medical type stuff, theater even. music. they just... LIKE TO DO THINGS IDK. some of them might even do more mystical things haha.
When You Two Will Meet ::
some of you will meet around five months from now. the thing about the meeting is, I'm seeing you two meet during a time of... not necessarily failure but just saddness. maybe something doesn't really work out, maybe you're in the middle of a healing journey or they are. but they are just... sad. grieving.
maybe there's just some extesential dread. did I spell that right? dread lol. I think honestly, this has to do with the fact that while they are surrounded by people and are liked, they don't feel connected. and so when they meet you, they're going to be so inclined to be with you instantly. you two are like souls who are meant to meet. and they'll know it right away.
anyway, I see a rainy season. so maybe summer is important here. spring too but I really think it's summer.
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My Sweet 3's!
Who They Are ::
The World, Strength, The Lovers, 09 of Pentacles, 02 of Wands, 02 of Cups
The first thing that came to my mind was just how much of a romantic this person is. they just have a zest for life. this person is also very independent and they enjoy just doing things that make them happy. I keep hearing nature, so I think this person might like to go hiking and being around animals. I'm seeing lots of trees in particular. I think they just like to be introvert haha.
they have a vivid imagination. they like to plan, and daydream and are very artisitic in their expression. very forgiving people. they have a very soft but calm vibe. I think this person tries not to let things get to them. they ... kind of struggle with self confidence. I'm getting this message that some of them really struggled a bit growing up and now they just... glow. they're used to handling things on their own.
It's kind of like number one and two. this person is very balanced. they have big ideas and they want to puruse them but I think things just keep falling out of place. they get stuck in their own minds about it but it hasn't stopped them just yet. they keep trying.
they have this strong gut instinct that something big is out there waiting for them. they're serious but also like... they tend to goof around. they know what they're looking for and won't settle for anything less. but the execution in their ideas, might need a little help.
they're very striaghtforward in their speech. people are very interested in what they have to say and I think it's because they don't say much. it's funny cause I feel like this person is just coasting by right now. like doing a "low end" job. but it's because they are aiming for the larger stuff. they're waiting for their time to shine. they're patient. it's honestly fascinating. they know something is going to happen. and they're not slowing down, but they know enough to wait.
very strong minded, wise and mature. capricorn energy is what I'm getting here but also aquarius and virgo. detail oriented.
When You Two Will Meet ::
August and September is kind of the time frame I'm getting here. I think also capricorn and virgo season is important here. this relationship is going to take time to develop. this person is very secure in who they are and they want to romance you. winter is also coming to mind but that kind of hits home with the capricorn season haha.
Idk, there's not much to say about this person and timing. they're quiet. but it's not a bad thing.
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"Glad Tidings From Afar" – The Web Event for Genshin Impact's Fontaine OST Album Is Now Available
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Go to Event
Musical notes accompany you on your travels through Fontaine
With a melody like flowing water
Traveler, accept Paimon's commission
And send your companions Radiant Spincrystals from Fontaine
〓Event Duration〓
October 20, 2023 12:00 – October 28, 2023 23:59 (UTC+8)
〓Event Summary〓
During the event, complete and share the event to get Primogem Redemption Codes (limited to 5 million in quantity).
After obtaining a redemption code, you can use it to redeem the gift pack via Settings > Account > Redemption Code in the game.
PlayStation players can scan the QR code after opening the page to participate in the event.
〓Event Rewards〓
Primogems ×40 (limited to 5 million in quantity)
1. Players must have an Adventure Rank of 10 and above to activate the gift pack, and each UID can only receive the pack once.
2. The Primogem Redemption Code is valid until November 3, 2023 23:59 (UTC+8). Please claim it within the validity period.
(Note: It is recommended to switch to landscape mode and wear headphones for a better experience)
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tsukishimasbaby · 3 months
The language used to describe what’s going on in Palestine right now sickens me. The display of white privilege and white supremacy is absolutely disgusting. It’s all “found dead”, “killed”, when really they were murdered. It’s “woman”, “man”, “minor”, and “under the age of eighteen” when they’re talking about literal TODDLERS and LITTLE KIDS.
The performative activism pisses me off too.
Do not claim to be a feminist if you have not yet spoken up about the women in Gaza currently being forced to give birth to sick, malnourished babies, with no pain killers in unclean conditions. Do not claim to be a feminist if you have not yet spoken up about the women in Gaza having no access to period supplies, having to use ripped cloth and pieces of tents as pads. Do not claim to be a feminist if you have not yet spoken up about the women in Gaza who have to watch as their children, sometimes only minutes or hours old, are brutally slaughtered.
Do not claim to be a POC activist or ally if you have not yet spoken up about the years of colonization and white supremacy that has lead to what is currently happening to the Palestinian people. Do not claim to be a POC activist or ally if you have not yet spoken up about the disgusting language that has been used to describe Palestinians. Do not claim to be a POC activist or ally if you have not yet spoken up about the fact that this issue did not start on October 7th, it started way back in the 1940s.
Do not claim to be a human rights activist if you do not care about the mothers and fathers in Palestine who have lost their beloved children. Do not claim to be a human rights activist if you do not care about the brothers and sisters in Palestine who have lost their beloved siblings. Do not claim to be a human rights activist if you do not care about the husbands and wives in Palestine who have lost their beloved spouses. Boycott. Protest. Do whatever you can. But do not be silent. Do not be silent when there are so many atrocities happening all around you. Choosing not to be educated because it “doesn’t affect you” or “is too much drama” is a disgusting mindset, and it’s how we allow history to repeat itself.
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
There is a lot of emphasis in the news media on Biden's age while almost nothing about Trump's fitness. This needs to change and we should be more active about holding news organizations to account.
In a four day period in September, the cable news stations mentioned Biden’s age 193 times while Trump’s age was mentioned just 56 times. (MediaMatters.org on September 29, 2023.) After this one sided coverage, these same media outlets then polled the voters about Biden’s age and found (surprise!) that voters are more concerned about Biden’s age than Trump’s age. It’s garbage in and garbage out.
There's just a 3.5 year difference between Biden and Trump. But Trump is not the fitter of the two. Being an epic blowhard and blabbermouth is not a measure of fitness.
After Biden concluded his debt ceiling deal with McCarthy in June, the extremist so-called House “Freedom” Caucus members complained that Biden “outsmarted” McCarthy in the negotiations. The House GOP’s most extreme members hate Biden and have zero incentive to tell the truth about Biden’s good state of health.
So even the most extreme Republicans had to admit that they were outfoxed by Biden.
On October 2, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took to the floor of the House to denounce the deal that funded the government for forty five days Gaetz said: “It is going to be difficult for my Republican friends to keep calling President Biden feeble while he continues to take Speaker McCarthy’s lunch money in every negotiation.”
As for Trump's health, mental health in particular, the evidence of his debility is on full display.
Meanwhile, the mainstream press has largely ignored and downplayed Trump’s declining mental condition and increasing tendency to threaten violence. Probably the only mainstream media piece that accurately described the respective health of Biden and Trump was in the New York Times on June 4, 2023. The pertinent excerpts are as follows: “While in office, Mr. Trump generated concerns about his mental acuity and physical condition. He did not exercise, his diet leaned heavily on cheeseburgers and steak and he officially tipped the scales at 244 pounds, a weight formally deemed obese for his height. After complaining that he was overscheduled with morning meetings, Mr. Trump stopped showing up at the Oval Office until 11 or 11:30 a.m. each day, staying in the residence to watch television, make phone calls or send out incendiary tweets. During an appearance at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, he had trouble lifting a glass of water and seemed to have trouble making his way down a modest ramp. Most striking was Mr. Trump’s cognitive performance. He was erratic and tended to ramble; experts have found that he had grown less articulate and that his vocabulary had shrunk since his younger days. Aides said privately that Mr. Trump had trouble processing information and distinguishing fact from fiction. His second chief of staff, John F. Kelly, bought a book analyzing Mr. Trump’s psychological health to understand him better, and several cabinet secretaries concerned that he might be mentally unfit discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him.”
He's gotten worse rather than better since leaving office.
These aren’t isolated statements. The highlights (or lowlights) of Trump’s deteriorating condition are as follows. Trump forgot who is currently president, and claimed “the Obama administration” recorded the length of his “border wall.” He even claimed **Jeb Bush** invaded Afghanistan and Iraq! Trump appeared confused when he said Jeb Bush was president during the Iraq War. “You know he was a mili — he got us into the, uh, he got us into the Middle East … Right?” In September, Trump mixed up Biden and Obama, and claimed Biden might start World War TWO. Trump even said you need a government photo ID to buy a loaf of bread. At the same time, Trump’s remarks have taken a dark turn and he has repeatedly threatened violence. Trump suggested that General Mark Milley should be executed. If anybody else had said that, they would be getting a visit from the FBI. The fact that this isn’t being treated as major front-page news is astonishing to me.
Trump makes threats to media moguls and they go easy on reporting his delirium.
The run away front runner for the GOP presidential nomination said Comcast, the owner of NBC and MSNBC, “should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason’” and promised to do so should he be re-elected president next year. Why does the press continue to cover up Trump’s poor health when he has promised to go after them? How can they be so stupid? It’s pretty wild that, of the two leading presidential candidates, the guy found liable for rape and who is facing ninety one criminal indictments isn’t the one who is facing calls to step aside for someone else to run. The mainstream media has lost all sense of scale and proportion. The media fixation with Biden as opposed to this clearly impaired guy is journalistic malpractice.
Psychologist Mary Trump, Donald's niece, called her uncle a "dangerous presence" on Australia's ABC earlier this year. She also said he was essentially "an insecure little boy who seeks attention".
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Ask your news providers why they are seldom mentioning Trump's mental health in their coverage. They should not be normalizing his threats against people and his bizarre erratic comments.
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blueepink07 · 7 months
I decided to look at the calendars and the timetable in Muu's MVs and I think I found some interesting things!
Taking in chronological order, the first calendar should be this one, which has the cherry blossoms. In Japan, usually, the flowering cherry trees come into full bloom around the beginning of April. It is the month when the new year of school starts for students.
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So it seems that the friend group started the bullying, since the beginning of the school year, Rei's clothes being wet and her items being splattered on the floor. (the calendar in this scene also shows the cherry blossoms)
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Remember this is the moment when Rei decides to turn "upside down" Muu's reputation at school, when she considers that enough is enough.
So then it raises the question... How much time Muu was bullied at school?
Well to find out we have again to look at the calendar.
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This one should be a month from autumn, more exactly early September.
To understand better my line of thoughts, I will explain how did I reached this conclusion!
Beginning with the timetable!
Considering that the murder takes place during sunset, I thought that it was important to find when Muu finishes her classes.
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"In a typical high school in Japan, teachers gather each morning at 8:30 a.m. for a brief meeting. Students meet at 8:35 a.m. for a 5-minute homeroom period. Regular classes begin at 8:45 a.m. and there are four 50-minute classes before lunch. High school students eat in their homeroom. "
With this information, I figured out that the empty space between hours is for lunch, because there are already four classes before it.
"Two afternoon periods are followed by school clean-up and a 5-minute homeroom meeting, after which students are dismissed at 3:30 p.m."
Muu has, after lunch, one or two afternoon periods.
Also, interesting she also has four classes on Saturday, something that is pretty common in Japan. "On Saturday the day ends after four periods, at 1 p.m."
Getting back to the topic, the classes usually end at 3:30 pm or 4 pm most of the time. However, it's pretty clear that it's not the hour when Rei goes home and the murder happens. Not only the sunset will not start so early, but also Muu's phone gives us a hint of the time.
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But why are they at such a late hour at school, if the classes should end at around 3:30 pm? Simple, club activities after classes, at which most students in Japan attend to!
"Club activities are held after school and run until 5 or 6 p.m. One hour per week is devoted to mandatory club activity. Other club activity is voluntary."
They last around 2 hours, so, if we take into consideration Muu's timetable, the clubs should end at around 5:30 - 6 pm. (might depend on the club)
Now, I want to point out this specific interrogation question:
"What kind of kid where you?"
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The past tense it's very interesting to me: "I did many extracurricular activities". Yes, it might refer to her younger self, but, considering that, even in high school, clubs are heavily encouraged in Japan, it's rather odd that she doesn't say that she still attends them.
That's because, in reality, she probably stopped going to those once she started to be bullied, which explains why she is the only one in the classroom, waiting for the club activities to be finished, so she can go home.
"School club activities, commonly known as “bukatsu” in Japan, play a significant role in the lives of students. These extracurricular activities are an integral part of the Japanese school experience, providing a platform for personal growth, skill development, and fostering a sense of community."
Club activities are a good way to spend your time with your friends, while doing something that you like. Because Muu started to be bullied, she had no reason to attend to these anymore. Not only she would spend her time alone, but also risk being picked on again, preferring to stay in the classroom.
With the idea that the clubs from Muu's school should end around 5:30 pm, we can decide the month based on when the sun fully sets.
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I will admit that it took me a while to notice the yellow dots, which should resemble the leaves, so, because of the warm colours, I thought that the calendar showed July. Not August, because, in most schools in Japan, there is a summer vacation which starts from July 20 to August 31.
However, considering that Muu lives in Minato Ward, Tokyo, as seen in this post, the sun should fully set at around 7 pm, during July. Which doesn't really makes sense, because Rei should be outside of school, after club activities and some time spent preparing her herself to go, at around 5:40 - 5:45 pm, when there is not a sunset.
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What made me, at first, not consider autumn as an option, where the green leaves from this scenery. So I researched a little and found put that in Tokyo, the leaves don't start to fall until late November.
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Which left me with two options: September and October.
October was easily out of the question, because, in the first day of October the sun fully sets at 5:26 pm, which is too early.
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Which leaves us with September, when the sun sets at around 6 pm. Taking into account the minutes before Muu reaches Rei in that day, I think it's safe to assume that early September, should be the time when the murder took place.
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I hope I gave a good explanation and found some interesting things about Muu! Thank you for reading!
Sources if anyone is interested!
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AITA for how and why I cut contact with a former close friend?
All names are fake, this happened across the course of several months from November to late January. Sorry in advance for the length.
I (21M) used to be close friends with Oxenfree (17M). We became friends when I was 17 and he was 14, and despite having a couple periods of time where we weren’t in contact, we generally stayed very close friends. However, around June of last year, he started dating a girl, Angel, (??F) which I had no real feelings on at the time beyond mild jealousy towards him for being taken while I was single, which I easily ignored. As their relationship progressed however, it became clear that Oxenfree was not a good partner to Angel, consistently complaining about feeling like he had to spend time with her instead of focusing on studies, and generally complaining about aspects of her personality. I would later learn Oxenfree had also been asked by Angel to keep their relationship a secret, and that me knowing at all was in violation of that.
I had no knowledge of Angel beyond her existence at this point, until Oxenfree added an alternate account of hers to a GC with me and another friend. A series of events in this GC would ultimately lead to Angel learning Oxenfree did not keep his promise of them being together a secret, and the two of them broke up in September because of it. However, they remained friends, and Oxenfree added Angel’s main account to his personal server in October. She was never very active in the GC, showing up once or twice, so this was essentially me meeting her for the first time, to which I instantly developed extremely intense feelings for her, to the point of obsession. I saw Oxenfree as a threat to my potential relationship with Angel and extremely quickly came to resent and fear his presence, but did not show it publicly or tell anyone out of fear of Angel cutting contact with me.
In late October, another member of Oxenfree’s server, Kuma (19M), said that he was going to stream the game The Coffin of Andy and Leyley in VC, to which I and Shiro (F), a close friend of Kuma, were the only ones to express interest. However, Oxenfree stated he would not allow it to be streamed in his server due to him personally objecting to the game’s content, so Kuma created a separate GC and added me and Shiro.
In mid-November, my feelings for Angel reached a boiling point, and I opened up to Oxenfree about them, hoping he could sympathize. Instead, he revealed he wasn’t over her by that point, lied to me by saying Angel was underage (although I was not 100% aware of this being a lie at the time, I assumed she was at least 17 due to her general personality and vibes), and threatened to blackmail me by telling Angel I had feelings for her if I ever did anything to upset him. I was already becoming closer to Kuma and Shiro than I was with Oxenfree due to my general personality aligning with theirs much closer and Oxenfree’s deteriorating mental state, so I informed them of this looking for help, knowing neither of them were very close to Oxenfree. They agreed that Oxenfree was best cut off at this point, and I did so after ensuring Angel would stay in contact with me. Kuma and Shiro similarly cut contact with him a week later so make it appear less connected to my disappearance and avoid retaliation. Around mid-December, I would develop feelings for Shiro.
In January, another friend of Oxenfree and Angel, Gregg (15M), was informed by me of the reasons Oxenfree had lost contact with me, Shiro, and Kuma after he asked. Gregg would also cut contact with Oxenfree shortly thereafter, causing Oxenfree to become extremely distressed, especially after learning the actual reasons via another friend who was informed by Gregg. In fear of retaliation from Oxenfree, I simply told Angel that I used to have feelings for her, as I no longer did by this point and was dating Shiro by now, which has also not changed as of writing this, and likely will not any time soon. She didn’t seem to care one way or the other, and thanked me for never letting it affect our relationship as friends.
Oxenfree soon contacted me on an alt account and told me I was doing the wrong thing by “making him lose friends”. I maintained that it was the fault of his own actions, between treating Angel poorly and threatening me, and that I was only the messenger for the kind of person he really was, with people having the right to know. He told me to never speak of or to him again, which I agreed. 
Oxenfree and I are both members of Angel’s personal server, where we would technically continue to interact for her sake to not cause any drama. In these interactions, I weirdly no longer feel as much resentment towards him as I did previously, and almost regret how I handled the situation. AITA for how I cut him off and essentially got others to do the same?
What are these acronyms?
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astroyongie · 5 months
2024 Planetary Prediction: Jupiter
** Hey everyone! this time I have changed the prediction of this year and instead of posting all the planets together I have separated them so I don't feel overwhelmed. we are first getting into Jupiter, and then Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Have Fun !
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Check your rising or your Taurus and Gemini houses (check placidus) before reading!
Jupiter will be in Direct Taurus in: 1st January to 24 May 
Jupiter will be in Direct Gemini in: 25th May to 8th October 
Jupiter will be in Retrograde Gemini in: 9th October 
Aries Rising or Taurus 2nd house/Gemini 3rd house: 
Aries you will start the year rather well when it comes to your possessions and skills. Taurus is in its house and it brings you here so much. this is a goos period to start investing money in your career, in possessions, in values (such as houses or cars or business). also use that energy until May to focus on yourself and learn new things.
By the middle of the year things will change a little, yet your abundance is still strong. It will be an important moment for you to involve as a person, as your mental will be taken into advantage. in the summer make sure you are socializing and making new friends while still focusing on what is important to you. Be versatile between learning new things and communicating
The end of the year will be a little rougher, you will be stuck in a spiral where lying is done way too easily. be careful with your tongue and try to control yourself. you are trying to hard to give yourself a personality that isn't yours, be careful with noisy attitudes
Taurus Rising or Taurus 1st house/Gemini 2nd house: 
Listen to me you beautiful being, this is your year so you better start taking care of yourself, because the energy here is powerful. you have everything given to you to improve yourself physically and appearance wise. Start a healthy diet, take care of yourself, love yourself and put some effort and you will see how sensual and beautiful you are
The middle of the year you should focus your abundance in your skills and possessions without taking them granted. Gemini energy is here to let you know you have the capacity to be versatile and to win money at the same time you are learning
However careful, the end of the year is slightly more complicated and you might be losing progress or getting stuck because you are being too superficial and twisting the true. it will be a period of reflection
Gemini Rising or Taurus 12th house/Gemini 1st house: 
We start the earth by being quite earthy. usually taurus and the 12th house isn't a good combination, but this year it will bring some abundance into your life. expect your spiritual self to be a lot more awaken yet you will still have some difficulties to reaching it out because you are too grounded into reality. still, its a good period to heal the wounds of your heart
Middle of the year will be a lot more about yourself as a person. you will start changing your way of being, your personality will suffer a change and you might find yourself being more sociable than ever. take that chance and make new friends !
End of the year is rough (for everyone). for yourself it's simply because you will lose yourself on a superficial and noisy personality that will need to be restructured. evaluate things and don't allow yourself to be a petty person
Cancer Rising or Taurus 11th house/Gemini 12th house: 
We start the year with abundance in friendship and socials. it is a good moment for you Cancer to work on your social activities. be more present in social media, be more present in friendships, go out more, talk with people more and fix some relationships that were once broken. enjoy this new fresh start!
the middle of the year is also good, although we have her Ean abundance in dual energy. there will be moments were your mental health will get the best of your, while there will be days you will feel just so powerful. it is important to be aware of your mood swings and try to control your inner emotions
the end of the year is way rougher and your mental health will probably take quite a lot. There will be you, lying constantly and pretending to be someone you aren't simply because you aren't able to deal with the puddle of emotions you hold within. seek help before it gets too hard
Leo Rising or Taurus 10th house/Gemini 11th house: 
My babies, listen the year is all about your goals, your projects and your career. Taurus here is giving you so much and is providing some extra helps for those who are reading to focus on their personal goals. this is a good moment to start investing, to start new career projects, to take exams and just see your status public image and reputation go steadily up! be stable and practical
When Jupiter gets in Gemini we will still continue in the good abundance in your social networking and mostly in your friendships and overall relationships. You will be able to able versatile and dual and take care of your friendships and of your inner goals.
The end of the year will be stuck slightly. prepare yourself to uncover lies about people around you, get ready for people taking advantage of you, for projects to get stuck overall and people not being by your side. be careful in pretending to be someone you are not, don't be superficial.
Virgo Rising or Taurus 9th house/Gemini 10th house: 
Listen, if you have the money and the stability that goes with it, take this period to travel. this is a good moment for everyone who wishes to go to other places and meet new things. Virgos this is a very important moment to get in touch with your beliefs and although most of you are practical, don't be afraid to open yourself to new things. this is the moment
the middle of the year will slightly change and your abundance will finally reach your working space. Gemini energy is giving you so much. it will be easier to communicate, to be social with people you work with. expect this moment to be a good moment to invest, to start working in projects, to built your social reputation and your career in general
Be quick! because the moment Jupiter gets retrograde things will get slower for you and you will experience. a lot of frustration due to the dual energy of Gemini. people around you might abandon their project or they will be whispering lies about you. don't be a tongue twister either and not spread false info about your co cowokers
Libra Rising or Taurus 8th house/Gemini 9th house: 
We start the year in a complicated wheel my loves, because some of you until may will be going through periods of grief by the loss of someone. in these moments make sure to be around people you love and to be courageous and strong. for some the loss can be under different circumstances and not necessarily a person. other than that it is also a very strong period of sexual abundance were you are the main center of attention. your seductive power will be at its peak
the middle of the year will be a little more calm, it is a good period for you to travel, to visit new things and to do things you have never done before. be dual, be versatile and don't be afraid to discover new things, new religions and new cultures. have fun and enjoy your youth in general
the end of the year is a little rougher, mostly because I see you going back to a dark plot, mostly because you doubt everyone and everything, you will get noisy and lying easily. don't lose yourself in pain !
Scorpio Rising or Taurus 7th house/Gemini 8th house: 
Gosh okay this year is all about love and sex so get ready Scorpio. the beginning of the year will be so abundant in love. either you are in a relationship or single expect to be so much passion everywhere, you being a sexy MF and be able to seduce everyone around you. take advantage of this energy to put fuel in your current relationship or then to have fun with people around you
May to October is your month, or if I may your sexual month. many of you will be very horny and have huge sexual activities. take advantage of this energy and have fun. be careful some of you might get involved in cheating as well. other than that, we have here a month where sex is involved around conversations and social networks and friendships
be careful however the end of the month can bring you some bad omens. sexual diseases can be the first but for some of you theres the risk to go under grief for friends or family. This period will be a period where you use sex as a coping mechanism and for some it will be a lying period that needs to be controlled
Sagittarius Rising or Taurus 6th house/Gemini 7th house: 
My sweets loves, we start the year rather okay and to anyone that has been suffering from any type of injury, expect things to get better. physically, for anyone that has been sick, expect some recovery in diseases that involves your throat in general but also sinuses, ears, neck, vocal cords, tonsil and thyroid issues. mentally, it is a good period to recover from eating disorders too so please don't let this opportunity espace
In the middle of the year, after the healing is concluded expect some abundance in relationships. I see many of you will encounter crushes and have some nice fun, most will have dates and just have plein romance during May to September which is amazing. for those who are dating this also shows a good communication between you and your lover and a overall good relationship
By the end of the year tho, there will be some issues. some of you might go through break ups, or cheating (most of you will do it and not receive it). your attitude around those you love will change, you will try to be superficial and be someone you aren't. don't do that and don't be noisy.
Capricorn Rising or Taurus 5th house/Gemini 6th house: 
Capricorn we will start this year good, this is a good period for anyone that wants to have children! if that is one of your goals I advice you to do it during taurus period to have more chance. overall we are in a few months that will be full of fun, an artistic vibe too so everyone get that side of yourself to be practical and enjoy yourself! good period for seducing and having fun in general
The middle of the year is good and the energy of Gemini is positive and bringing here so much potential. People who have suffered injuries will get better. physically expect improvement in your lover, sacrum, lumbar area, vertebra, thighs and hips. Gemini brings here also changement in these physical parts so sport can be helpful
Unfortunately, the diseases will reappear by October for most of you so please be aware. again his is all that includes issues on your liver (so what any alcohol consumption), sacrum, lumbar area, vertebra, hips and thighs. many of these incidents can happen during social gatherings or like car crashes so pleas watch out.
Aquarius Rising or Taurus 4th house/Gemini 5th house: 
Loves, please take this energy of the beginning of the tear to stay close to your family, provide support, be there for them and help them whenever you can (either by taking care of issues or even financially). this is a good period to fix things so don't abandon your family now that they need you
The middle of the year is a good moment if you want to start your own family. we have here a very dual energy so many of you will get pregnant this year or will have baby scares because you have been reckless when it comes to intercourse. either way summer will be a good moment to have fun, to make friends and to be sociable so enjoy!
enjoy because the end of the year is more complicated. be ready to lose some of your freedom due to other circonstances, some of you might go through miscarriage or through unplanned pregnancies in which decisions will need to be taken. also don't lie and take responsibility fo your actions
Pisces Rising or Taurus 3rd house/Gemini 4th house: 
We start the year slow pisces, but it's a year debuting with abundance in your socials. I know you are someone rather discreet but don't be afraid to use the taurus energy to be more communicative and social. you will have the power of sensuality, use it wisely. also remember to use this period to learn something new
As the year goes, theres also new concerns. this is a good moment for everyone who wishes to have kids and theres some of you that might get pregnant during this time. also this is a good period to fix family relationships or for you to get closer to your roots in general. learn to be dual and vesatile with people
the end of the year is a little bit more complicated. don't try to have kids in this period because you will either end up with miscarriage, non pregnancies or a twin pregnancy. The energy here is also complicated, theres issues at home, people arguing and you twisting things up
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shou-jpeg · 1 year
-Back on the Beat-
Part 2. 06
October 26th, 5:39pm
Kim is feeling… unsettled. 
If he didn’t know better, he would say he was nervous. Except Kim does know better and he doesn’t get nervous. 
He’s frustrated because he can’t figure out what to wear, and he’s changed his outfit four times now. 
But he isn’t nervous. 
Jimbo, Kim’s cat, intermittently walks into the bedroom, only to walk back out again a few minutes later. As if he wants to be in there with Kim, but the tension is too much for him to stay long.
Kim sighs. 
Tonight is family dinner night. It’s a new weekly tradition Kinn and Porsche are trying to make happen, and tonight will be the third night they hold it. For Kim, it will be his first night attending. He doesn’t mind spending time with Khun, but Kim doesn’t get along too well with Kinn, and he’s hardly exchanged more than two words with Porsche. His father will also be there, which is never an appealing situation. 
Normally, Kim would avoid such an event and ignore Khun’s hassling until his attendance is given up on. 
Except Porchay asked Kim to come. 
Kim thinks he would go through far more grueling activities than family dinner in order to spend time with Porchay. 
And… this will be the first time since they broke up that Kim and Porchay will be spending an extended period of time in the same room together. 
They might even get a chance to talk. 
Maybe Kim is a little nervous. 
But only to see Porchay. 
They’ve been texting most days recently. The topics they talk about vary a lot, and Porchay is usually the one to initiate the conversation. He also asks for pictures of Kim’s cat on a regular basis, and Kim has taken to bringing his phone with him around the house so he can snap pictures of Jimbo for the next time Porchay asks for them.
Kim looks down at the leather jacket in his hands and holds back a smile. 
He really needs to get going though, or he will be late. 
Well… later than he already is anyway. 
Kim throws on the first outfit he tried 45 minutes ago, checks himself in the mirror for another ten minutes, gives Jimbo a scratch under his chin and leaves his apartment. He’s now running almost 25 minutes late for dinner. 
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Kim arrives at the compound dining room just as the staff are putting food on the table. Kinn and Porsche both look surprised to see him, but Kim ignores them in favour or looking at Porchay. They lock eyes, and Porchay smiles gently at Kim. 
Kim’s heart soars. 
“It’s not nice to be tardy, little brother!” Tankhun remarks haughtily, pulling Kim’s attention away from Porchay. If Kim didn’t know Khun so well, he would miss the pleased look that Khun is trying to hide in favour of his fake exasperation. 
“Hush, Tankhun,” Korn says “it’s lovely for you to join us, Kim. What a pleasant surprise!” Korn looks every bit the pleased, loving father he pretends to be on the outside. Kim sends him his most charming smile. 
“I happened to be in the area, thought I should stop by at least once.” Tankhun huffs at his excuse, but he still looks pleased as he begins sorting through the food on the table. 
Kinn doesn’t say anything, but he does have a hint of a smile on his face as he follows Khun’s lead with the food. 
Perhaps tonight won’t be such a struggle after all.
The staff bring out an extra table setting for Kim, and he begins serving himself some rice.
The conversation at the table kicks off when Porsche turns to Porchay and asks him about the garden bed he's been cultivating under the watchful eye of the family's gardener. Kim makes a mental note to ask Porchay more about his flowers if they get a chance to talk and he needs something to fall back on.
Khun makes a comment about how delicious his food is, but how the pad kra pao could have been better. Kim silently agrees, but only because his pad kra pao is one of the best things he cooks. He was taught how to make it by their previous head chef when he was fourteen, and he perfected it when he moved out. Ever since that chef retired, the dish cooked by anyone else has never managed to please the table, and it’s almost guaranteed that Khun will comment on it. Kim has been meaning to make some for Khun, but he's a little nervous he won't live up to the standard. 
Just as Kim is starting to think family dinner isn’t so bad after all, Korn turns to Kinn and Porsche and begins to talk business. 
Which of course means various metaphors instead of actually talking directly, even though everyone at the table knows exactly what is being discussed. 
"Kinn, how did the meeting go last week? Did you sort out the issue with the bread?”
“Yes pa. The bread is running through the clubs with our regular bakers once more. There was a slight disagreement regarding the ingredients used but it has now been sorted out.”
“Wonderful news. Well done. I knew you could handle the situation,” Korn remarks jovily. Kim internally rolls his eyes. He would bet good money the issue was actually caused by Korn’s own devices as some way of testing Kinn. 
Kim’s phone buzzes in his pocket, and he turns away from the conversation to fish it out. 
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Kim’s hand flies up to his mouth, but he’s not nearly quick enough to stifle the loud snort-laugh he lets out at Porchay’s message. 
The table goes quiet as everyone turns to look at Kim in surprise, Porchay looking at him in delight, though he’s trying to hide it. It’s not working. 
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“Sorry,” Kim explains, “I ate too quickly.” His face feels like it’s burning, and he keeps his head down as he fishes a piece of tofu off his place. 
The conversation resumes, but Kim is no longer paying it any attention.
How fucking embarrassing. 
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Kim looks up at Porchay, who is already watching him with a pleased smile. They lock eyes for a moment before Kim feels like he needs to look away once more, unsure how to handle the soft look on Porchay’s face.
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Dinner passes without further incident, Khun asks Kim a few things about his music and demands photos of Jimbo and Kim makes a mental note to send Khun a few of the pictures he’s been taking for Porchay.
The night winds down and eventually Korn retires for the evening. Kinn and Porsche have been giving each other bedroom eyes for the past half hour, and excuse themselves shortly after.
Tankhun looks to Kim like he’s about to say something, but changes his mind and excuses himself with a swish of his long cloak and a request for Kim to join them next time. 
Kim doesn’t think he can handle another family dinner.
He’s standing up to leave when Porchay speaks up. He’s still sitting at the table, picking at the edge with his fingers.
“It’s good you could come. They always serve too much food and I feel awful leaving it on the table.”
“Don’t. The staff eat any leftovers so it doesn’t go to waste.”
“Ah.” Porchay looks down at the table, fiddling with his thumbs. The suspended silence is awkward, but Kim still hesitates to leave. 
Just as he decides he should probably go, Porchay speaks again.
“Hey, are you busy after this?” he asks.
“Mm no, I was just going to head back home and do some work.”
“Oh... are you working on new music?”
“Maybe. Not sure if this one is going anywhere yet though.” Kim shuffles his feet. He's not sure what to do with his hands, and tucks them away in his pockets.
“Well…” Porchay pauses, as if unsure of his next words, “um, if you’re free for a little while, can you come upstairs with me?”
Kim’s brain short circuits. What?
Porchay continues quickly, “I’m fine tuning my latest shit post and I could use your critical eye.”
Kim doesn't know what to say. Porchay fiddles with his fingers some more, looking down at the table top and back up at Kim, and then looks away again.
"Yeah," Kim eventually finds his voice "Yeah of course. Lead the way."
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seafoamreadings · 8 months
week of october 1st, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: mars is a little more active this week than he has been of late. this is a comfortable setting for you, and yet *too* much impulsivity is not beneficial even to you, let alone to those around you. so don't hold back if you need or wish to act, but do think for just a moment first. it's part of the action. with nodal activity including both mars and venus, this is also a sort of 'twin flame' vibe week for you.
taurus: venus is up to some magical things. as she is your ruling planet, this bodes well for you. however, it may feel a bit like orpheus and eurydike leaving the underworld at the moment. your fate need not be the same as theirs.
gemini: with your ruling planet making a last trine to pluto in capricorn and then heading for libra, it is a time of change. this is compounded by the proximity to the recent equinox. yet you're the most quicksilvery mutable sign of all the mutable signs; change is your comfort zone. let it all be for the best. lean into the shifting.
cancerians: financial difficulties begin to clear up nicely but don't loosen the purse strings too much, venus in leo is still a lavish spender. use the vibe to attract resources to you, rather than spending them much.
leo: venus reaches the final degrees of your sign and this brings about the end of the shadow period after her recent retrograde here. things look a little more vivid, more beautiful now. maybe a confusing love situation straightens out along with it.
virgo: since it's in your twelfth house, venus finally leaving the retrograde shadow zone can feel like a rude awakening after a (pleasant?) dream, or an icy shower after a delusional party bender. don't beat yourself up about any "mistakes" - lessons got learned, right?
libra: your whole vibe is reclaiming right now. call your power back. bury the past. go forward as a beautiful phoenix. don't let anyone treat you in ways you've experienced as hurtful. not only this week, but henceforth. start now.
scorpio: just in case you've made any bad impressions in the last few months, this is the perfect week to begin to right them. certain people were simply blind to the real you during this period, but now a veil is lifted.
sagittarius: if something has been holding you back in some way, it is as though that obstacle is miraculously removed from your path forward, or at least a path over or around or through it is revealed. even if it seemed impossible before.
capricorn: early this week do up a budget and make any necessary purchases. in the second half of the week, while hoarding is not necessarily recommended, be very cautious of overspending materially. money spent to help others is more encouraged.
aquarius: any fraught relationships lighten up from this week on, if they haven't already when venus went direct. the closer she gets to virgo, the smoother it will be for you. integrate the last of your lessons from that likely trying venus retrograde period as she exits the shadow.
pisces: although the astrology of the week is gentle, most folks won't be expressing it the way you normally do, and/or may not be receptive to the way you express things. it's your nature to be compassionate about such things, and patient, even if sometimes it feels lonely. but fear not, more watery times suitable for you are coming up later on.
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