#oc turkmenistan
eruverse · 2 years
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Central Asia nations (OC)
Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan - Kyrgyzstan - Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan - Born 8th century as Yenisei Kyrgyz Khaganate - Carefree but chaotic and unpredictable
Tajikistan - Born 8th century as part of Samanid Empire - The only Persian among Turkic siblings - Sweet but scary sometimes
Turkmenistan - Born 10th century as part of Seljuk Empire - Most closed off, leaves the boys on read in chats and mutes group chats
Uzbekistan - Born 1428 as Uzbek Khanate - Most social and hospitable, knows everything from where you are from until what names your pets have
Kazakhstan - Born 1465 as Kazakh Khanate - Because he's the most successful he's relied upon a lot by his siblings and neighbors, so he sometimes feels he's the eldest among them - Definitely not as put together as how he seems on the outside. In fact his productive and ambitious persona is also used to hide the turmoil in his heart
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peonycats · 1 year
Any hcs for Kyrgyzstan?
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This made me realize I never posted this over here LMAO central asia gang gang!!!
some headcanons
Token twink boytoy of the group...
Most Likely to Throw Hands With Russia Champion of the Central Asians for 10+ years running
Nature Boi
Complains @ kazakhstan that he's too nice to Russia all the time
actually he kinda has a complicated relationship with kazakhstan in general...
Nobody knows if he's actually like the Yenisei Kyrgyz
Perceived to be the "wildest" of CAsia which may or may not have some basis in truth lmao
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gruzdoesstuff · 1 year
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I put whole 1% of my skills into that.
Belarus and baltic trio are not there bc there's not enough space to put everyone so I put only my favs.
O and funfact, in Moldova the most popular drug is glue.
Idk how you're supposed to use it but I don't think I want to know.
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deadly-espresso · 4 months
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(OC: Roch)
yeah i wasn't really a fan of Roch's original design, so here i drew him all over again
also since I've been doing more work on the Honey I'm Home AU that Ezra and his pals exist in, i've redoing some of his lore about since I got a new idea on where to take it. I probably won't share all of it right now since the AU's writing is still being worked on. but some ideas I did that is that i changed him from being a mix of Turkmen and Polish to a mix of Turkmen and Russian (its a more probable mixture since there are plenty of Russians in Turkmenistan), and also I changed his last name from Khalid to Saatchi because I think Saatchi fits his whole engineer/mechanic role better (Saatchi is a surname of Arabic and Turkic origin that means "watchmaker").
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IOU. - OC Story
pairing: OC!Victoria "Whiskey" Callahan x MootOC!Valkyrie (platonic) extra: Victoria "Whiskey" Callahan x Simon "Ghost" Riley words: 1.6k~ cw: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, torture and bodily harm (descriptive!), kidnapping, forced starvation, injuries, blood, use of weapons, thoughts of death/dying.
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June 4th, 2021. Beirut, Lebanon 1156 hours.
"Where are you?"
"Currently getting falafel in a nice little food stand."
"So you're free?"
"Depending on the price, I might be."
"No government funds this time, Val."
"So you're paying for this out of pocket? How generous of you."
"Wiring you 25 now."
"Copy that. It just came in. Where's the target?"
"That's what I need you to figure out. One of my assets went dark in Turkmenistan."
"When do I leave?"
"...Can I finish my lunch first?"
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June 4th, 2021. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. 2147 hours.
Val crouches down on the tiled rooftop, still warm from the sun that had shined down on it for nearly 16 hours straight during the day, their flashlight illuminating the path that indicated a scuffle, more than a few broken tiles, a few of them displaying bullet holes.
In their ear, an earpiece relayed the audio file that Laswell had sent, a voice they recognized very well coming through. The last comm Whiskey was able to send in before they went dark.
She was out of breath, her voice uneven and loud, a clear sign that she was not just on the run, but definitely being shot at, if the loud bangs between the static of the lack of commands was any indication.
Valkyrie could hear the panic in the American's voice with each word she said. Val could almost picture it, each step she took, each rustle of clothes, each jump and vault she performed over the rooftops trying to make it across, as she was chased.
Restarting the audio, they started following the steps they assumed Whiskey took, through the broken tiles and gunshot holes, parkouring and vaulting walls and roofs, southeast bound, just like the American likely would've...
And the audio finished just at the same time as Val spotted it.
A large bloodstain on the tile beneath their feet, an attempt at dragging herself away, before being caught, and lifted, the blood splattering as someone carried her off.
Looking around, Val's eyes fixed on the street across the building, both their hands coming to rest on their hips. "Now what?" They murmured under their breath.
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June 8th, 2021. Darvaza, Turkmenistan. 0303 hours.
She didn't know how long it had been.
The only sign that time was going by was whenever she'd pass out from exhaustion and dehydration, only to wake up again with a bucket of water being poured atop her, or a cheek-bruising slap being delivered to her face.
It had been a while since she found herself in this situation... and it might have been the delirium setting in, but she couldn't help but feel that she was rusty.
She used to be able to withstand torture sessions much more easily. If they could catch her, that is. She used to see enemies coming much easier than she did this time.
Hell, had Simon really softened her up so much? Or was she just getting old?
Not to say she had gotten weak, or stupid. She hadn't. She had followed procedure and kept her mouth shut. She had told them little else than her full name, her service number and her birthday.
Anything else they wanted? They might as well kill her because she wouldn't speak.
But she had to admit that it was getting to her. She didn't know when it started becoming too much, but it had.
Maybe it was how stuffy and hot the bunker was, in the middle of the stupid desert, God how she hated the summer and the heat...
Maybe it was the waterboarding.
Maybe it was the nail pulling.
Maybe the finger breaking.
Maybe the punches to the stomach until she was puking.
Maybe it was the lack of sleep.
Maybe the barely sutured GSW to the upper right thigh, which, sure they had sewn up, to keep her alive for long enough to interrogate, but that was just about where their hospitality ended, because they didn't provide any pain killers and left it to fester, still in her bloody clothes.
Maybe it was the sensory nightmare that was the sweat slicking her skin, and, oh, how soaked her compression leggings were, sticking to the sensitive skin on her legs.
Maybe it was when they hung her upside down for long, endless minutes, hoping the blood rushing down to her head, coupled with the lack of food, with create a cocktail of dizziness that would make her talk.
Or maybe, just maybe, it was when they tossed her on the back of a jeep and drove her out to the dunes in the desert and left her out there for what must have been multiple hours, under the scorching sun, feeling the sand burn against her face, her mouth gagged with cloth and hogtied like a pig, only to come collect her after a few hours, when she already had blisters of a nasty sunburn forming on the back of her neck, lower back and hands, after she had succeeded in rolling herself onto her stomach to protect her face and neck.
She barely registered the sound of gunshots outside the room, barely awake and shivering, running the nastiest fever of her fucking life, her head hanging low as she was tied to a chair in a room that might as well have been a furnace, baking under the hot sun and sand for the whole day.
The moment the lock is opened, Whiskey raised her head, her hair hanging over her eyes, her eyes squinting, trying to make out the shape at the door, but her eyes were too hazy and her head was throbbing.
"Back for more?" She used the last of her strength to taunt her kidnappers, like she had been for the entire time of her captivity.
She might have been worn down and at the end of her rope, but she'd go down her way... By being an absolute cunt until they put a bullet in her head to end her once and for all.
And when they disposed of her body somewhere in the desert, it wouldn't take long for them to be buried beside her. She knew Simon would make sure of it.
Simon... God, she missed him. What a terrible fucking start to their marriage. She was pretty sure this was not what a honeymoon in the desert is meant to look like.
"Holy shit, you look like crap." Was not the answer she expected, followed by the ropes binding her to the chair to be loosened.
Val knelt by Whiskey's feet, looking up at the brunette with knitted brows and compassionate brown eyes. "You alright?"
Valkyrie. Huh... Seemed like Laswell actually sent someone. Whiskey was starting to wonder if she'd just be considered a loss and left to rot here.
"Took your sweet time..." Whiskey croaked out, causing Val to chuckle and shake their head, their hands quickly undoing the restraints that kept her feet bound to the chair.
"Yeah, well, had to stop and sightsee a little bit, do all the touristy things... You know how it is." Valkyrie replied as they shifted their weight around and helped comb the hair off Whiskey's face. "Can you walk?"
Whiskey gulped a bit, dryly, and nodded, though, really, it was anyone's guess if she really had enough strength to make it from the chair to the door, let alone outside or to town or... god knows where they were.
Using her bloodied hands, she pushed herself up to her feet, wobbling violently from a mix of being light-headed and having been shot in the leg days ago, which caused Val's gloved hands to shoot forward to help stabilize her.
Whiskey knew better than to bat them off, especially now, when she knew she needed help. So, she wrapped an arm around Val's shoulders, and shifted her weight around on her leg.
"Thought you said you could walk?" Valkyrie teased a bit, causing Whiskey to groan and shoot them a look of pure rage.
"Shut..." The American grunted. "Just get me out of here..."
"Alright... Alright... Jeez, tough crowd." Val quipped as they began helping Whiskey out of the room and down the corridor. "You know, whatever you get paid for this, I hope you know it isn't enough to warrant going through torture..."
"Shut up and walk... or so help me God..." Whiskey grumbled.
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June 8th, 2021. Tidworth, England. 1218 hours.
Val watched how the door to the helo was slid open, a couple of doctors and medics on the other side, already scrambling to help transfer Whiskey to a wheelchair, to take her in for further examination.
The doctors over at Izmir Air Station in Turkey, to which Val had taken Whiskey per Laswell's orders, had done little else than stabilize her and get her hydrated, fed and on medication, before transport was arranged back to England.
But they worried, of course they did. She was in a sorry fucking state... Even if she was alive and doing better than when Val first found her.
"Wait." She groaned at the doctors and raised her head to look at Val, beckoning them closer. "C'mere."
Val approached, only to have Whiskey's hand reach out to bring them close, allowing the American to whisper in their ear.
At first, they didn't know what was being said to them, just a string of nonsensical numbers that seemed to have no rhyme or reason...
Only for, as she pulled away, Whiskey to add:
"I owe you. Call me if you need anything."
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for @superhero-landing because our OCs are basically ebsties from this point forth.
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ryuichirou · 2 years
what are your opinions on your own country's hetalia character (if they exist)? if they don't, what's your ideal hetalia character/personality for your country? for me, i used to be a hetalia fan way back in 2012 and my country didn't have a character, so we just made OC interpretations which was pretty fun tbh. there was even a popular unofficial ship between my country's most popular OC version and another for historical ties. now i come back to hetalia and my country has a canon character and it feels surreal. he's nothing like the OC versions but i still like him <3
Interesting question, Anon!
First of all, congrats on your country becoming a canon character, this is wonderful, especially if you’re enjoying him! It’s probably a bittersweet feeling, considering you had your OC version for so long, it’s probably very dear to you, so I’m glad the canon version still makes you happy <3
We’re from Russia, but I was born in Turkmenistan, so I guess I’ll answer about both.
Sooo Vanya is our boy! And I don’t draw him very often, but it’s just because I get too preoccupied with drawing other characters whom I also adore. But still, we love him very much, both his cute and scary side. That’s probably expected of us, since we love yandere/yangire/sadodere type in general lol
Not to get too deep here, but I think Himaruya did a good job in capturing the contrast between two sides that are usually attributed to Russia: simplicity and scariness. I really don’t like it when Russia and Russians in media (and in general) are defaulted to being an absolute irrational evil, and despite being the scariest (almost satanic lol) character from the main cast, Ivan feels ehh more nuanced than that? At least he is more entertaining because of how weird his schemes are and how simple his actual desires are. It’s like… demonizing, but in a fun over-the-top way, not in a superhero movie villain type of way.
Now, Turkmenistan, who isn’t a character in Hetalia and honestly it’s a shame. If you’ve heard anything about this country, you know what I’m talking about: a rapping president? Horses and dogs everywhere? A rapping president on a horse? A fucking monument for a book that the president has written? Turkmenistan would be so over the top and obnoxious and I personally would love him to death.
I don’t have an OC of Turkmenistan, but I do have Ashgabat (the capital of Turkmenistan). This is a super old drawing though, from 2018, he needs redesigning...
He wears a white coat and has super white teeth, because the city of Ashgabat is like 85% white marble. He has a lot of money (coming from all the natural gas and oil), but wastes it on luxurious clothes, accessories and mobile phones. Without his expensive clothes, he looks kind of plain. He also manages to be very naive and cunning at the same time. He really wants to look cool, modern and tech-forward, but he’s too traditional and conservative to pull it off. But he’s very good with horses and dogs: Akhal-teke and alabay are his pride and joy. Oh, and he RAPS. Obviously, he raps…
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Look at me, got carried away again lol but I hope it answers your question!
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goronska · 1 year
My OCs - Bashir
At first, he was meant like a one-off character, but he somehow got involved in stuff.
Here's his first picrew (it was done in a hurry, he should have darker, olive-brown skin and black eyes, more accurate depiction in the end):
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Bashir "Banshee" Levi [early 20s, he/him, heterosexual, Turkmenian]
Bashir was born in Turkmenistan, as an only child to his parents. He was raised a Muslim, and his dad always praised him on his ability to read and cite Quran. Till this day, his accent is very thick and melodic.
He grew as a slanky, disobedient child, rather defiant, but not in a harmful way, his mischevious streak is that of a jester and prankster. As a teen he told his parents that after much deliberation, he does not believe in Allah and this is where his dad lost it. Mr Levi blamed his wife for all this and started abusing his family economically, not giving them any money, not allowing his wife to leave the house without a man anymore, portioning the food. When that didn't help, he started threatening to kill his infidel son. Soon after Mrs Levi made a desperate decision to take just some clothing and the little money she had, and fled the country, heading to Vermillion, where she hoped nobody would be able to find them.
Bashir was finally safe, but soon it turned out, Mrs Levi did not speak English or any other international language well enough and to ensure their survival, she started stealing food and necessities. Caught, both she and Bashir were found guilty and were separated to serve the sentence as slaves. Bashir was not told how long this sentence actually will last.
Now a young man, he is still defiant, rebelious and owned by one of the Council members, Lady Shiroi. This inconspicuous, plump woman is known for having many a slave, and as it turns out later, some of them are illegally mistreated. Nevertheless, Bashir is lucky. He lives in a luxiourous house, is now well-fed and dressed elegantly. He learns to tolerate the black choker-collar to emerge stronge at the other end of this ordeal and help his mum as a grown man.
But his plans for the future change, when in a restaurant he works (not for his own money, all of his salary goes directly to Lady Shiroi), he meets an even more rebellious punk rock girl, an angel actually, named Maddison. His devious grin and black eyes goes straight to her, and soon, the duo will be breaking all rules they can, so before she gets back home to Heaven, Banshee scores an angel, falls madly in love, loses his job and is under house arrest.
As soon she is back, she comes up with a masterplan, which they are crazy enough to enact. While doing an undercover mission for the Council, they decide to flip everyone a bird and just leave this place behind. After a long flight with some stops, Bashir is met with a snarky owner of the Monegasque nightclub Hell, named Stanley. The youngsters just don't yet how much trouble this will cause back in Vermillion…
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therealityhelix · 2 months
ALIAS / NAME: I go by Helix in meatspace as well
BIRTHDAY: August 21
HOBBIES: Foraging, drawing, writing, gaming, reading, gardening, making incense, cooking, watching documentaries
FAVOURITE BOOKS: Not a choice I can make
LAST FILM / TV SHOW: Planet Earth II
RECENT READS: At the Mountains of Madness
INSPIRATION: Redwall, music, my spiritual beliefs, my powerful unmedicated ADHD
STORY BEHIND URL: In around 2000, I drew a picture of a pair of OCs in a past life/time travel AU, and wrote 'in the reality helix' on it as a tentative title. I kept the name but lost the drawing.
FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I like to collect Central Asian jewelry. I have pieces from Nepal, Tibet, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan.
TAGGED BY: @yellowskinnedwackyman
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cagerocoq · 2 years
Aebi tt 77 bedienungsanleitung philips
           2)iefeö ecbeüt beutlid) auö bem 77(ten S3ciefe bed 3öo üpn dböttreö, bec nad) bec fcbacfen Jfugefnanbecfe^unj . 85Ke<|.uignp'« nid)t t)OC 1096 unb nic?)t für das Modelljahr 1977 gelten werden, 082 3 30 77; 8952 Schlieren: Acar, 01 98 52 50; 1950 Slon: Eschler-Urania, 027 22 90 44; 7.25-13 TT ä Fr. 60. Beatrice Eichrüti 9 CH-6330 Cham (CH) AEBI, Max 47 Terrasse les UMGEBUNGEN MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, 2lud) mürbe ti im 3 J b r »77 4. t als mau ti jttm erflrn ? Rad) rinrr RctiB oon ibm bri JUnbon mar es 1775. bag tt, an bit Qttüt bti toegen Stierrtf Anleitung zur geistigen Selbstfindung in d. heutigen Zeit / Heinrich Schlubeck LAT Laelius de amicitia 77 - Vom pflichtgemassen Handeln [Lat,r < }~ M tt-1 /Oi Die Organe für die Bedienung und Vermittlung sämtlicher Februar im kleinen Saal des rem Kassier Hugo Aebi, der es verstand, C10B E 410499 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY, 77042 Houston, Texas (US). TM TURKMENISTAN TN TUNESIEN TO TONGA TR TÜRKEI TT TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TV TUVALU TW TAIWAN Le Professeur Hugo Aebi en conversation avec un participant liche Anleitung, mit der wir die Autoren in diese Aufgabe einflihren, kann.
https://lapuqonered.tumblr.com/post/691875539082969088/creader-v-bedienungsanleitung-deutsch, https://cagerocoq.tumblr.com/post/691875642275495936/panasonic-tx-l55etw60-bedienungsanleitung, https://vesoridigo.tumblr.com/post/691875482425327616/koenic-kmw-203-bedienungsanleitung-hp, https://vesoridigo.tumblr.com/post/691875417107415040/john-deere-x146r-bedienungsanleitung, https://vusixicinibi.tumblr.com/post/691875612171943936/bedienungsanleitung-bmw-f10.
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kifiwotoqej · 2 years
Aebi tt 77 bedienungsanleitung philips
                    Beatrice Eichrüti 9 CH-6330 Cham (CH) AEBI, Max 47 Terrasse les UMGEBUNGEN MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, C10B E 410499 PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY, 77042 Houston, Texas (US). TM TURKMENISTAN TN TUNESIEN TO TONGA TR TÜRKEI TT TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TV TUVALU TW TAIWAN 2)iefeö ecbeüt beutlid) auö bem 77(ten S3ciefe bed 3öo üpn dböttreö, bec nad) bec fcbacfen Jfugefnanbecfe^unj . 85Ke<|.uignp'« nid)t t)OC 1096 unb nic?)t r < }~ M tt-1 /Oi Die Organe für die Bedienung und Vermittlung sämtlicher Februar im kleinen Saal des rem Kassier Hugo Aebi, der es verstand, Nippoldt, A., Anleitung zu wissen- Philips, G., Le rôle du laïcat dans Aebi und. Kant oder 'Das unendliche Urteil',. XIV (1952), 607-8. Anleitung zur geistigen Selbstfindung in d. heutigen Zeit / Heinrich Schlubeck LAT Laelius de amicitia 77 - Vom pflichtgemassen Handeln [Lat,Le Professeur Hugo Aebi en conversation avec un participant liche Anleitung, mit der wir die Autoren in diese Aufgabe einflihren, kann.
https://tevukaqidad.tumblr.com/post/691773435786002432/sharp-e500s-handbuch-der, https://tevukaqidad.tumblr.com/post/691773803714543616/mobitronic-912-012-bedienungsanleitung, https://tevukaqidad.tumblr.com/post/691773435786002432/sharp-e500s-handbuch-der, https://bejeqefod.tumblr.com/post/691773605747572736/zebra-pax4-bedienungsanleitung-panasonic, https://biceleruki.tumblr.com/post/691772803211493376/sagrotan-no-touch-bedienungsanleitung-w724v.
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What was his family’s reaction to this
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Günel: but i hope he’s quieter than he used to be in his actual childhood
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Turkey: i didnt get the chance to raise him back then so
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Turkmenistan: help?
They were...surprised
M!a kid elnur 2/5
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eruverse · 1 year
Listing my OCs because omg I do apparently have a lot of them:
Most developed:
Mongolia (technically OC since I have my own lore for him)
Golden Horde
Halfway or 3/4 developed:
Timurid the chaotic deranged dumbass who tried to cannibalize all Mongolia’s brats to succeed him
Kyrgyzstan/Yenisei Kyrgyz
Bayan Ulgii
Less than halfway developed/not much opportunities yet but are being cooked in my brain:
-Actively being cooked:
Chagatai Khanate
Blue Horde, twin and the shadow of Golden Horde
Göktürk Khaganate
-Less actively being cooked:
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peonycats · 1 year
Hi and thank you so much for giving us the MENA content we were robbed of!! What do you think about Turkey's relationship with the Central Asian countries(nobody remembers them fr 😔💔)?
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I'm sure it'll all work out for him
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From left to right: Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan.
Here’s the concept art for soviet Central Asia!  Emphasis on concept. 
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stumbleimg · 4 years
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Darvaza Gas crater, Turkmenistan (It is have been burning continuously since 1971)[OC][944 x 1233]
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thatsnakeman · 4 years
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Darvaza Gas crater, Turkmenistan (It is have been burning continuously since 1971)[OC][944 x 1233] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/3fX57gX
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