#oc shoko
astererer · 7 months
Ask meme here!!
This got… long. So, so long…. so answers are under the cut lol
AUTHENTICITY - What are sub- and unconscious things that make them who they are? Who can they be themselves with, and who do they wear a mask for? What kinds of social roles do they perform?
Has a subconscious drive to avoid boredom. This culminates in his inability to hold down a job for more than a few months (he’s a temp worker in name only, rather than being part of a temp agency he just hops from job to job every few months), stirring up drama where there isn’t any and poor impulse control. Getting an A the same way as everyone else isn’t enough for him, he needs to do things in a way that’s unconventional and fun.
His need for entertainment and to find things interesting in order to engage with them does give Diego some positive qualities. He got into cooking because eating the same meal constantly is not an enjoyable way to stay nourished, so he started experimenting with different flavour profiles and recipes to the point that he’s become a genuinely skilled cook. He’s also open minded and a generally creative thinker.
Diego’s always putting up a mask and hiding some part of himself from other people. Part because he’s often lying or purposefully vague in conversations, part because he just doesn’t feel a need to share personal stuff with others. If he ever finds someone he can truly be himself around it’s gonna be his future spouse.
Diego certainly performs social roles, but the particulars change regularly depending on whatever job he has at a given time.
Within friend groups however, he takes on a leadership role. Usually the first to suggest a night out or things to do in the group chat when everyone has the same day off work. Sometimes this becomes a problem as he can be dismissive of other people’s ideas and does not always take being disagreed with particularly well. Tends to get passive aggressive when his friends don’t cooperate with his plans.
On a subconscious level, Shoko has a constant feeling that she needs to prove herself in some way. As a teenager this resulted in her having a rebellious phase in an attempt to prove she did not need her parents telling her what to do, despite having no idea what to do herself. Now as an adult she strives to prove that she really is capable of being independent even when she doubts herself.
Shoko mainly hides her true feelings/puts on a mask around her coworkers and her parents.
With her coworkers it is simply a matter of professionalism. They don’t need to know she’s tired all the time and she needs to present some level of authority and responsibility given her position within the bakery she works at.
In an attempt to repair her relationship with her parents Shoko had to be honest about her feelings and why she was such a brat, but began to feel a need to come across as more responsible/capable at ‘adult things’ than she feels she really is so that they do not worry about her. Does not let them know what her fears and anxieties are as she does not want to cause them more trouble than she already did as a teenager.
She also puts up a mask around her girlfriend to an extent, as she feels like she has to be extra reliable around her. Tina is much more put together and glamorous than Shoko is, which is fine, Shoko likes that about her, but she feels like she is floundering sometimes and does not like to appear weak in front of people she cares about. So she tries to put on a front that she’s got her shit in order to the same level as Tina, even when she feels like she doesn’t.
That being said her only true confidant is probably Vernon. They’ve known each other since she first landed in Galar and joined his school, and have developed a sibling adjacent relationship. He stuck by her when she started acting out as a teenager and they’ve both been one another’s shoulders to cry on after breakups and so on.
Shoko’s social roles are as follows:
Within her family she is simultaneously a daughter and a provider, in that she helps financially support her parents due to both of them being retired and needing extra money on top of their pensions to get by.
In wider society she has the roles of a baker first, pokemon trainer second. She’s a commis baker, so reports directly to the head baker and is responsible for making some of the more complex desserts and pastries. Her pokemon are primarily assistants at her job and have been trained accordingly, with the exception of her Flareon (more of a house pet) and her mother’s Torkoal (looking after him in her parents’ stead).
Within her friend group she takes on a more passive role of a follower, not particularly interested in making major decisions for other people and happy to go along with other people’s plans. Used to have a more active role in her relationships but mellowed out after finishing school and getting a job.
Vern’s subconscious pushes him to help and take care of people. It’s what makes him feel useful. Likely stems from when Aster was born and Vernon taking the role of big brother really seriously after being told by his parents to help look out for her as he grows up. After 14 years of doing exactly that up until Aster left Galar (and to an extent afterwards from a distance, calling her regularly to make sure she was still alive), he felt like something was missing. Initially coped by redirecting all his attention to his team, doting on his pokemon like his own children.
This drive to make sure the people and pokemon around him are okay makes him particularly vigilant in his job as a cabbie and generally well suited to service oriented work. Less people-pleasing and more just gets a sense of satisfaction out of knowing he’s helped people have a good day or night.
Puts up a mask around most people, particularly the passengers he ferries around, but also some of his friends.
With passengers, it is a case of professionalism. He’ll maintain a polite and well-mannered front no matter what, even if he has to deal with someone he’d like to punch in the face. Vernon’s job is important to him and he enjoys helping people, so he will do what he can to maintain an image of good service regardless of his personal opinions of those he interacts with.
With friends, Vernon will put up a mask in order to play the role of Group Mother. He holds back on some of his interests and makes sure to listen more than talk so that others don’t feel left out and generally prioritises the needs of his friends above his own. The kind of guy that is well-liked, trusted by the group and generally relied on but most of his friends do not actually know much about him beyond what he shows on the surface.
Meanwhile he’s very much himself with his family. His parents raised him in a way that he does not feel a need to hide anything from them, and they also encouraged him to explore his interests freely without judgement. The Delaney family home was always an incredibly relaxed environment, so he’s never felt a pressure to put up a front when at home. His relationship with Aster has always been close, albeit Vernon took on a protector role during their childhood and teen years until she left Galar. Over the years their relationship has developed into a close bond where barring intimate relationship details they share pretty much everything with each other. He’s still protective from afar though.
Vernon’s only friend that he doesn’t put up a front around is, as already mentioned, Shoko. They’re one another’s oldest friends and have been through a lot together. She’s the only non-relative that Vern feels he can truly put his guard down around.
For social roles, Vernon fits primarily into being a sibling and a cabbie.
He may not spend a lot of physical time with his sister, being in separate regions, but Vernon still feels a need to look out for her. Checks in regularly to make sure she’s doing okay, but also takes opportunities to mess with her the way siblings do. Aster gives as good as she takes and causes Vern no end of fond annoyance too.
Being a cabbie is both Vern’s job and technically his trainer class as well (assuming those apply outside of the games lol). He helps others get from points A to B through the skies, and takes pride in being able to do so. Not much of a pokemon trainer though. His only battle ready pokemon are his Corviknight and Oinkologne. One is his work partner and therefore cannot risk being seriously injured, the other does not listen to his commands and stays at home, keeping his other, much weaker, companion pokemon safe from Diego’s Ekans.
Within his friend group Vernon takes on a caretaker role. Holds back on nights out to make sure everyone else can get home safe, checks in on friends to make sure they’re doing okay and also calls them out when they’ve crossed a line on something.
APPRECIATION — What kind of accomplishments do they recognise? What things do they find beautiful or attractive? Which of their senses do they find most joy engaging with?
Tends not to dwell on accomplishments and achievements for the most part. Has more of a ‘good job, onto the next thing’ sort of mindset. When he does though, Diego recognises accomplishments less on what the achievement is and more on how it’s done. Not just with acknowledging his own, but other people’s too. Will be happy for his friends if they accomplish something through an ‘honest’ method, he’s not about to rain on anyone’s parade, but conventional methods just aren’t interesting to him and will be far more invested in someone else’s successes if there’s an interesting story behind it.
Finds beauty in snake pokemon. Finds their sleekness and the way they move is very elegant and their more standoffish personalities interesting. Also likes how some of them look wrapped around his arms. Living fashion accessories. Only other thing he really stops to appreciate the beauty of is whatever new high he experiences from trying something out for the first time. Kind of a zest for life sort of thing.
Gets enjoyment from engaging with all of his senses, being someone who gets off on experiencing new forms of stimulation whenever possible he will try anything if it will make him feel or experience something new. Whether that’s trying new food, sampling the occasional powder or two, going on a long hike or just reading an obscure book he’s never heard of before. Man’s open to all kinds of things. Taste is probably the one most consistently engaged with though since he’s the one cooking most of the meals in the flat.
Recognises small accomplishments. Did she get out of bed and start work on time? Did she have a decent meal for lunch? Has she done the necessary care for her pokemon for the day? Each step of Shoko’s routine is something she quietly acknowledges as a task completed. Helps getting through the day when she’s constantly feeling exhausted.
Sees beauty in her work. Making desserts and pastries is just a job to Shoko, but seeing the finished results when she pulls a batch out the oven is always satisfying to her. The one thing she takes pride in is the level of skill and artistry she needs in order to create multiple treats that are perfectly uniform from scratch. Doesn’t have time to admire her handiwork for long, but likes to take a moment when she can.
Finds the most joy in pleasant smells. Being surrounded by food all day leaves her somewhat indifferent to scents like baked bread and chocolate. While she finds them pleasant she isn’t crazy about them anymore. The change from stepping outside the bakery to out into the open air at the end of a shift is always incredibly refreshing. Type to use scented candles when having a bath when she gets home from work, sometimes treating herself with a bath bomb too. Prefers natural floral and herbal scents like lavender as opposed to the artificial sugary ones.
Vern recognises pretty much any and all things his friends accomplish. Won’t be like “Wow that’s amazing I’m so proud of you” or otherwise heavy on the praise, more an understated “Oh you got the promotion? Nice work”. Keeps it lowkey but is very supportive. Buys the friend a drink or two.
With his own accomplishments, Vernon is even more low key. Tends not to brag or tell others unless it’s something major. He’s a pretty modest guy at the end of the day.
Sees beauty in the past. Constantly looking through history and experiencing second hand nostalgia for times he wasn’t even alive for.
Finds the most joy from the sense of touch. Not just from physically holding or running his hands through/over things, but other physical sensations too, such as the ones that come with flying on the back of his Corviknight.
MEANING — Where do they believe they fit in the world around them? What provides them comfort? Do they think about their daily life and routine? Are they satisfied?
Sees himself as kind of an outsider, and is fine with that. He’s weird. He’s a weirdo. You ever see him without a snake wrapped around his arm? That’s weird. Nah but really he knows he doesn’t really fit into “normal” society — uninterested in having a stable job, not a fan of the Galar League or the general fervour for battling that’s pervasive throughout the region’s culture, and regardless of whether he considers himself shady or not, he has a habit of hanging out with that kind of people.
Finds comfort in spending some time by himself. Loves spending time with others, of course, but is actually an introvert at heart and needs to spend some time in self-imposed isolation every so often.
Doesn’t keep much of a routine as he’s pretty impulsive. Only thing he does on a regular basis is cooking dinner for the flat nearly every night. His timing on when he cooks isn’t the most consistent though.
Pretty satisfied with his life. Enjoys being able to do what he likes whenever he likes.
Shoko sees herself as kind of just. Existing. She has a life and is just trying to get by lol.
Finds comfort in sleep and warm baths. Soaking in the tub after a hard day’s work then swaddling herself in a fluffy dressing gown then crawling into bed is her favourite way to relax.
Most of Shoko’s routine is pretty much done on autopilot. At work she’s very much on the ball, but the rest of her day is carried out with little thought. Just doesn’t have the energy to think too hard about deviating from her routine, will rely on her friends and girlfriend to come up with things to do.
Not the most satisfied with her life, knows she has a lot of stuff to work on and is frustrated with herself for feeling so worn out so often.
Vern feels like he’s just an average guy and he’s happy that way. Doesn’t need to be centre of attention, just needs to be good at his job and spend time with the people he cares about.
Is comforted by spending time with his pokemon. Likes to curl up in bed or on the sofa and cuddle with them while reading a book, or spend some time giving his guys little spa treatments.
Daily life and routine is thought out and planned. Keeps a diary planner to stay on top of any events coming up and potential changes to routine. Has a structure to his day/night; what he does first thing when he wakes up, when he starts and finishes his time at work, has a specific window of time where he’ll usually call his sister to see how she’s doing.
Pretty satisfied with his life, all he really needs now is the stability and relationship to start a family. That’s something he’s willing to take his time with though, love can’t be forced and finding a place to move into with a partner requires a lot of time and planning.
PURPOSE — What kind of goals do they have to look forward to? What are their internal goals (having a good relationship, being a certain kind of person, etc.)? What are their external goals (making money, being admired)?
Diego’s main internal goal is just to have a good time. Doesn’t think too far ahead and is focused on experiencing new things. Would like a committed relationship at some point, but isn’t in a rush to find the right person to do that with. Happy to just fool around for now and isn’t interested in planning ahead.
His external goal is just to make enough money to fuel his lifestyle and keep a roof over his head. Isn’t looking to change anything about his life just yet.
Shoko’s internal goals are to improve her relationship with her parents, which is currently an ongoing process, and to be more on top of her work-life balance. She currently expends the vast majority of her energy on her job and wants to find a way to change that, so that she can actually do things with her friends and partner more often.
Her external goals are about being seen as responsible and capable by others. She feels bad about being a bratty teenager, so strives to be a more respectable person now. Unfortunately with her energy levels plummeting in her early 20s due to spreading herself too thin, this has become increasingly difficult to achieve. Does not help that she refuses to ask for assistance when she’s struggling.
His internal goals revolve around his interpersonal relationships. Get rid of the people in his life he dislikes, while making sure the people he loves are doing well and that he can look out for them when needed. Currently a bit difficult to achieve the first thing as he lives with Diego who he is lukewarm on at best, and some of the other people he dislikes are friends with some of his friends. So he can’t really cut off all the people he wants to at the moment.
Also has a desire to start a family once he settles down with a life partner. Preferably his children would be biologically his and his partner’s, but if that isn’t possible for whatever reason he would be fine with adoption. Just wants to raise a family in the future.
Vernon’s external goals meanwhile revolve around his career and education. Once he’s settled down and ready to start a family, he intends to switch from the region-wide cabbie service and night shifts to Wyndon’s dedicated cabbie service during the day, with more normal hours.
Wants to continue with higher education after he’s finished his BA too. Definitely a Masters, but unsure about going for a PhD. That will depend on what else is going on in his life at the time. He has to do all his degrees part time, after all.
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bluebird-ascended · 3 months
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Teen!Gojo, holding a rock : Y/N-chan just gave me this to me and said “I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock”.
Teen!Getou : If you don’t marry Y/N-San, I will.
Teen!Shoko, nods : I second that.
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laviefantasie · 17 days
The Gojo’s Video Diaries
Series Masterlist
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Pairings: Gojo Satoru x Reader
Synopsis: Recordings of the strongest sorcerer’s life with you throughout the years.
2005-2006 | First Year:
Video 0.1
Video 1
Video 2
2006-2007 | Second Year:
2007-2008 | Third Year:
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baeglbites · 6 days
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Here’s part of the jjk mer!au I was scrambling to put together for mermay aahhh
You can read my idea and rambles of this below lol
Originally my idea is that merfolks are people who are considered “sea children/witches�� who die in the sea, and sea witches/children’s are descendants of a water spirit. The lineage is considered cursed cause when they die they supposedly turn into monsters (merfolks). But there are conditions for them to “turn”, one they perish in the water (drown) and they’re magical affinity needs to be strong enough. How they do know if a sea child is strong enough? They don’t. Sea children are scarce. Most don’t know they’re one. The Gojo clan/kamo clan/zenin clan exist as clans of sea children. But they’re recluse/scattered in the wind. So there’s a facility that’s dedicated to rehabilitating and studying Mers cause there’s just a lot of unknowns
To be fair the idea kind of got too dark for my liking sooo, and there’s just a lot of holes, I just drew fluffier cuter parts of the au lol. (Dw I doodles angsty bits too) idk I might just scrap the idea above haha
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sashisuse · 11 days
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vinni-dragon · 4 months
Shouto and the Tokyo gang wearing the Funny Shirts
the funny shirts! y'know the ones
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silly little cooldown doodle
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ikemenomegas · 6 months
There's that scene in Phantom Parade where Gojo tells nanami that if he didn't go with him, he would scream and cry on the spot and in your au, id expect nanami to slowly turn to gojo's alpha and go: 😕😮‍💨
😆i have no idea the context of that interaction, sounds like something inspired by Gojo and Nanami's terrible Hokkaido work adventure, but it did make me giggle bc you're absolutely correct
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"Why is he like this?"
"Hmm?" you turned slowly. Satoru had kept you up last night. You stifled a yawn. You'd spent over six hours humoring him through losing spectacularly at final fantasy fifteen. Or at least you thought it was losing, could you lose that kind of game? Either way, you were pleasantly sleepy and the world felt washed in cotton.
So you thought Nanami had spoken, but maybe that was just many years of getting good at reading the gradation of Kento Nanami's Shades of Exasperation.
Nanami was staring at you and so was Satoru, with a kind of familiar hesitation that indicated he was awaiting some kind of reaction from one or both of you. So you decided that whether or not Nanami had spoken was probably irrelevant.
Your kouhai's expression now told you he was seriously wondering whether or not you'd been hit on the head when he wasn't looking. It wasn't like you'd complain about it if you had been.
"I'll go with you, Satoru," you said, equably, gazing up into your mate's covered eyes and falling back on something that occasionally satisfied whatever mood he was in, although efficacy tended to depend upon what exactly he wanted. Where were promising to go? No clue, but hopefully somewhere where you could get something to drink. As you'd grown older, staying awake all or most of the night seemed to make you more inclined to dehydration the next day.
A loud, whiny "Noo-ooo," left Satoru's lips. They were glossy with just a slightly darker shade of pink at the center like he'd freshly applied the lip tint you'd bought him last week. He'd said it was some limited edition thing that tasted, or at least smelled like it should taste, like umeshu.
"Of course you'd come--" Satoru had continued with making a scene, and Nanami looked like he was starting to grind his jaw a little, which was a bad habit both you and Shoko had been trying to break him of, "--unless you're the kind of alpha to leave me alone--".
You reached for Nanami's shoulder to prod him but your hand was snatched from the air and enfolded into Satoru's, a jealous tint to the air that you knew was all performative. Probably.
At least that had worked. Nanami looked like his mouth was about to drop open.
You wanted to point out that Satoru was already well on the way to crocodile tears by this point. "I thought the crying was going to be for Nanami," you teased with a tired, almost fond sigh.
A loud, near approximation of a whining, petulant sob left Satoru's pink lips. You wondered if there was actually any alcohol in the lip tint. Maybe the fumes were going to his head.
"Why are you ganging up on me!?" he exclaimed, ridiculous and provocative, and clearly angling to see where this was going.
Fine. Never let it be said that you didn't know how to go for a killing blow, even against Gojo Satoru,
"Well, you look awful pretty when you cry. I just thought I'd give you a chance to show it off," you said, reaching up to cup his cheek, the very image of an alpha placating an omega.
Nanami's palm hit his face with a near audible little smack. Whoops.
Satoru snickered as he drew you up the street, long legs eating up the distance so smooth it was almost like he was gliding. You followed along, trailing for a bit just to make sure Nanami was in fact, grudgingly, trudging along in Satoru's wake.
It occurred to you that you still didn't know where he thought you were going.
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goddess-mixmi · 14 days
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Hisui’s first introduction to Takuma Ino
Hisui is not thrilled about going on missions with anyone she doesn’t know, she gets uncomfortable being around people in general. Whenever she’s told this she completely flunks out and doesn’t leave her room. But Xzavier and Kamari inform her that she will be going on a mission just to assist a grade 2 sorcerer, she is met with a stranger she has no interest in speaking to, which is Ino. She flat out ignored him the entire time he tried to introduce himself and ultimately trying to impress her with his skills. But she suggested that he should focus on the mission like an obedient puppy. Little did she know this wasn’t gonna be their last encounter.
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le-92vi · 20 days
It's You and Me (Part 3)
Suguru Geto x Reader
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Genres/Warnings: hs!suguru, biker!suguru, fem!reader, academic weapon!reader, mostly fluff and banter, slight angst, intro to yutamaki (the ship), halloween party(kinda?).
Word Count: 3k
Maybe you're bad at reading body language. Or maybe, he's bad at expressing himself?
Notes: I hope you enjoy this part! It's probably not as good as the previous part, but I assure you, good things are to come!
(Part 1) | (Part 2)
Suguru leaned against your front door. His boyish grin plastered across his face, completely dressed in his costume. He and Gojo had decided to dress up as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson for the party.
"How do I look?" He detached himself from the doorframe and twirled around to give you a complete 180.
You got hold of his long-bell sleeves, holding them away from him so you could get a better look at the little details.
"Not bad at all!" You were so obviously checking him out, and he knew.
And, you knew that he knew.
That was just what he wanted. Didn't he? Why else would he show up on your doorstep?
"So, you just need to stick that mustache now?" You let go of his arms and held out yours so he could hand you the remaining piece of his costume. "Does it not come with the adhesive?" You began inspecting the fake mustache.
"I don't think…" He shrugged, and ever so slowly, his hand crept inside his pocket to crumple up the little piece of tape. He was looking up at you from where he stood at your doorstep.
You held up the piece of mustache to his mouth, your hands brushing his as he tried stopping you. "Let me see!" You revolted as he ducked his head away from you. "You're 'gonna have to eventually…"
After his little rebellion, he stood facing you, unmoving, as you found the perfect spot to fix it on his gorgeous face.
"Hmm," You leaned back like an artist, admiring your masterpiece. Your hands cupped his face slightly upwards, as you held the tiny black piece.
You could swear his eyes were shining.
And this moment will forever be burned into your brain. Not many got a chance to look down at Suguru Geto.
"This is a little embarrassing," Suguru cleared his throat, turning away to look at his shoes for a moment before looking back up. You couldn't quite read his expression, but you could definitely see a faint rouge spreading across his face. "Do you have something to stick it on my face?"
You nodded and turned to walk back inside, followed closely by Suguru. "How are you, uh… going to the party?"
"Shoko's driving us. Me and Maki, I mean." You stopped by the living room, motioning for him to wait, while you got your eyelash glue to stick the mustache. "I'll be right back,"
But, he stood there, right beside you. His brain racked, trying to come up with any explanation for why he should be helping you. He felt pathetic, excited, and desperate altogether.
"I…" He began as he watched you walk away to your room, but his words died in his mouth. "I should help,"
You turned back towards him, head tilted at his unwillingness. "Help?"
His eyes wandered through the ceilings of your hallway before they finally met with yours, "Yeah, I'll just go up. Save you a round trip. Not that big of a deal." He smiled sheepishly.
You could only laugh at his stance.
And, his expression.
You looked at him with brief skepticism, weighing out your options.
He was a good friend, yes.
But, being alone with him in your room seemed a little too intimate, even as friends. And you were good at keeping lines drawn right.
"No thanks," You narrowed your eyes at him, "I just cleaned my room!"
"That was quick!" Suguru exclaimed as you stood before him, shaking your tube of eyelash glue.
"Told you so," you chirped. "Look here." you tilted his chin upwards so you had a better point of view to work with.
I'm helping him.
He's my friend.
You repeated to yourself in a miserable attempt to calm yourself but, it was hardly working, especially with Suguru's face barely inches away from yours.
His eyes were shut and, his breathing grew a little shallow.
"There you go," you said quietly, as you scooted away, retrieved a vanity mirror from your pocket, and handed it to him.
Suguru sighed briefly before taking the mirror from you, but that soon turned into a snicker as soon as he looked at his reflection.
You followed suit.
"Maybe I should try growing out a real one." He looked at you with a smolder.
"EW!" you shrieked, pushing him slightly by his shoulder.
"Why?" he laughed harder at your contorted face, rising from where he sat, so he was towering over you. "You don't like it?"
"Not at ALL. You look like you're going to start a Physics lecture."
"I do teach you Physics, though." he squinted his eyes at you.
"Gosh, what's with you today? You seem a little high," You commented, retrieving your mirror from him.
Before he could clap back at you with another one of his witty responses, the doorbell rang, followed by a series of furious knocks.
"Looks like Maki and Shoko are here," He cocked his head towards the hallway. "I should probably go too. Pretty sure he'd be losing his mind right now. Not that he has much, anyways."
You laughed, walking out to the door as the knocks only grew worse.
"The door's going to fall off." You mock shouted, pulling the door open as far as possible.
"Not my problem," Shoko shrugged, handing you a paper bag. "Gift."
"What is it?" You completely forgot about anything else, focusing solely on the bag in your hands. "Oh My God! DONUTS!"
But like the nonchalant, cool girl she was, Shoko only winked at you, with a little kiss. "How come you're here?" She tilted her head at Suguru.
"Just leaving." He greeted her and Maki with a collective short hug, bidding everyone a dramatic farewell in his next breath as he sprinted back to his house.
You looked on.
Why did he never greet you with any hugs?
You thought you and him were growing closer. Then why?
"Man, I'm THIRSTY!" Maki pulled you out of your thought train.
"Of course, you are." You chuckled taking her bag from her, inviting both the girls inside.
Twenty minutes into the party, you had already been separated from the girls.
Though you vividly remember Shoko wanting to get a drink for herself, you had no idea when Maki slipped away too.
You found yourself wandering inside Satoru's house, hoping you'd catch hold of at least one of the four. As much as you'd hate to admit it, the music was getting to your head, vibrating through you, whole.
You made your way past the jam-packed kids into the kitchen to get something to drink. From a distance, you could see many people hanging around the kitchen, giving you a slight hope that one of them might be someone you knew. But, to your disappointment, there was no one.
Sighing to yourself, you Looked around in the kitchen to find something that suited your palate.
But that didn’t take long as you found the refrigerator filled with drinks and a huge bowl of fruit punch.
"There are no cups," you mumbled, turning around to look for some when you found yourself trapped between the refrigerator and a very drunk-looking Naoya Zen'in. He was in your grade, and that was about everything you two had in common.
Never did you imagine a scene where you'd find yourself standing so close to him? There had never been a reason.
You halted, trying to decipher his low ramble but you couldn't. The guy was drunk out of his mind. You doubted if he even realized he had caged you in.
Naoya was infamous for his terrible temper as is, it wouldn't take a genius to guess he'd only be worse drunk.
It was only a matter of a few minutes for you to get as far as possible you could, without getting a rise out of him.
I'll have to give up on the punch.
"Um, excuse me," You sighed, ducking under his arms and away.
What a moron!
Sensing you move away, Naoya grabbed your wrist yanking you back in front of himself. "Take what you wanted." He grumbled.
"I'm not thirsty anymore," You tried brushing him off, as you pulled your hand back. You stood up straighter, causing him to step back as you walked away.
He called after you, a certain distaste settling around your name, "You’re the one that hangs out with those losers, don’t you?"
You rolled your eyes, "Did you just call Satoru a loser, when you're drunk out of your mind at his party?"
He sighed, holding his hands up. "Touché. I am a little drunk. And dizzy."
"Congratulations." He was most definitely not "a little" drunk, evident by his knuckle-white grip on the refrigerator.
"Can you get me water?" He doubled down by the kitchen island, wreathing in discomfort.
Let's get this over with.
"Fine." You sighed, walking around the kitchen island to the water faucet.
Still no cups.
"I'm sorry, Satoru." You mumbled rummaging through the cabinets for any utensil, till you finally found a mixing bowl. You filled it with water, slightly shy of the brim, and placed it in front of him, as he found a seat on the island stool, "Here."
There was no way he'd drink that much water but it was better than waiting for him to ask for another fill. He was visibly shocked by your choice but never commented on it. "Thanks,"
Fifty minutes in, and you were already contemplating ditching the party.
Naoya had passed out on the counter almost immediately after he chugged all that water. You decided to just wait in the kitchen. It's not like he could bother you anymore.
It was a good party. Well organized. Great food. But, mainlining tequila was just not your thing. Especially, not on a school night. There was nothing left for you to taste anymore, nor could you find your friends.
Sure, Satoru's house was huge but not seeing a single person you knew for fifty minutes straight was messing your mood up.
You waited, looking over your phone for any sign of life from your friends.
Maybe if you bombarded them with messages, they'll answer.
It was kind of frustrating how you were the only one left alone.
You typed out a final message in the group chat, deciding if no one replied this time, you'd just go back home.
Five more minutes.
You grabbed your drink and decided to wait by the pool. The disappointment was getting to you, and the room felt suffocating.
Maybe today was not a good day.
The clock struck Twelve as your five minutes were over. You scoffed, chugging down your remaining juice and thrashing the cup. "Screw this."
I'm leaving. You sent the message in the group chat.
The lights blacked out as soon as you hit send.
You felt a couple of people gather around you, grabbing your arms and legs as they hoisted you up in the air. You felt as if you were hanging upside down, as blood rushed to your head. The drink you just downed threatened to make a comeback. But, you pertained.
The whole scene was so stupid, you didn't feel an ounce of panic. Just embarrassment.
Of course, you knew who the four idiots carrying you were.
Of course, you guessed by this time that it was a surprise, though not anymore.
You chuckled as they carried you around like a barbeque skewer. You loathed that your hands weren't free so you could hide your face from this very embarrassing public procession.
You were literally swept off your feet. And you had no choice but to go along with it.
Slowly the birthday song began to play, as the lights came back on with each step forward your friends took.
You craned your neck up in  a miserable attempt to look around, only to be met by amused faces.
To your horror, they stopped by the edge of the swimming pool. They hoisted you up further, as they chanted your name as if you were Simba from The Lion King. The crowd applauded.
What is wrong with all these people?
And before you could fight, they dumped you in the pool. You grabbed one of their collars. If you're going down, you're taking them with you.
A blurry cry was all you managed to hear before you and your partner hit the waters.
Your lack of swimming knowledge bloomed in your chest as a terrible fright. The water messed with your eyesight, leaving you the only option to cling to whoever you pulled down with you.
 As soon as your body was in contact with his, you knew it was Suguru.
Maybe he realized that you didn't know how to swim and that you were panicking. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you in closer, you were hugging-- rather you were stuck to him like a koala.
The anxiety messed with your head so much that you didn't even realize that the both of you were way above the water's surface now.
"Hey," He called out in his sweet voice, never once trying to let go of you.
Of course, he could feel you shivering from the shock.
It was you who pulled back. But, your faces remained close.
You didn't know if the unwillingness to let go was yours or his. His mustache had fallen off. Hair drenched, sticking to his forehead.
His face was so close to yours. If you just moved a little further...
"KISS!" Maki shouted, causing you to break away from Suguru suddenly. That girl probably had a microphone fit in her throat.
"Um..." You looked at Suguru, unsure of what to do next.
That sure was awkward.
"Here," He grabbed you by the arm towards the handrail.
"WHAT THE HECK!" You climbed out with a grin plastered across your face.
They were still by the edge, grinning back at you like idiots. Satoru passed you a towel. "If it was a bit too much..."
You began to shake your head in denial, to tell him it was cool, but he looked at you with a funky expression, "I don't care!", and stuck out his tongue at you.
You huffed.
Suguru struck the back of Satoru's head, as he emerged from the pool, "Where's my towel?"
"Who told you to dive in with her?" Satoru shrugged in response. "Let's eat cake, shall we?" He turned to you and the girls, completely ignoring him.
You looked at Suguru with distress.
It was your fault, after all, that he was soaked.
What if he falls sick because of this?
You draped your towel around him. "Can't die right before finals now, can you?"
"Speak for yourself." He looked at you, then your dress, handing the towel back to you. "I have a coat. Drenched, but a coat nonetheless. But, you?"
You tried to revolt, mentioning how he should hold you responsible in some way or the other.
But, gosh, he was so cruel!
He snatched the towel from you, throwing it over your head, he pulled you closer to him by a fraction. "Come to me when you want to go home."
You cut the cake your friends prepared for you. And, soon everyone else resumed their businesses.
You noticed one of the guys standing near Maki. He watched you cut your cake.
And all the while he stood with your group of friends, unmoving. He seemed meek.
You raised your eyebrows at Maki, hoping she'd clear the situation. He was stuck to her, after all.
"Right!" She exclaimed, following your eyes. "Meet Okkotsu. He's Gojo's cousin."
"Hi," He chirped without missing a beat. "Happy birthday!"
"Oh, Hi! Thank you," You replied, trying your best to keep the vibe pleasant. But, something felt off.
 Your gaze shifted back and forth between the two of them, momentarily, before resting on Maki.
You were going to grill the heck out of her tomorrow.
Your friends cheered at the top of their lungs as you downed your fourth shot of the night and slammed the glass on the table with a sigh. You were drinking with a purpose and, you were resolute on achieving it.
"Who are you, and what have you done to my roommate?" Nobara exclaimed as her arm flung around your shoulder, and her other cradled your face in a side hug. Yuuji, your classmate, looked slightly concerned but never commented on it, and Megumi seemed embarrassed just to be seen out and about with the three of you.
From a third person's point of view, it would've seemed like you had been dumped by your one true love, in the cruelest way imaginable to mankind.
But you weren't.
You were just celebrating frickin' New Year's Day with your new friends from college.
And, not to be mistaken, they were great. All three of them. In their different ways.
But nothing can ever replace home, can it?
For the past two days, you four had been out and about, partying.
Diner after diner. Bar after bar.
There's truly nothing more appealing to college students than discounted food.
The countdown for New Year's started, and your phone rang.
It was Maki. "I bet you forgot all about me, right?" She joked, in her usual sassy tone.
"You think, dummy? HAPPY NEW YEARS!" You cheered along with the crowd, while still talking to her. But, she remained silent. "Hey, you there?"
After a few moments of silence, she shrieked, "OH MY GOD! YES, YES!"
"WHAT HAPPENED?" You mirrored her excitement, trying to figure out the reason. "MAKI, SAY SOMETHING!"
"HE PROPOSED!" Her shrieks seemed more muffled this time as if her face was buried, "I'M GETTING MARRIED!"
And that one sentence sobered you up completely.
"OH MY GOD!" Excitement ran through your whole body like a current. "CONGRATULATIONS!"
You were almost jumping. Nobara too. She didn't even know why!
It felt as if you were more exhilarated for her than she was but, of course, that wasn't true. "I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, MAKI! CONGRATULATION!"
It was a good day, you told yourself.
It was an effing great day!
Tags: @mandysfanfics
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astererer · 10 months
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New OC!! Her name is Shoko and is one of Vernon’s flat mates.
Her family immigrated to Galar when she was 6, and they haven’t returned to Johto since.
Used to be kind of a wild child full of energy, but started to slow down a lot after hitting her 20s. All her energy is now reserved for her job that requires her to get up at the asscrack of dawn.
Her Torkoal used to be her mother’s, but she fell sick and could no longer look after him due to the smoke so Shoko took him in :))
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nouveauxamoris · 6 days
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more jjk doodles . is it obvious who my favs r yet
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bakananya · 4 months
someone needs to write a comfort fic where the reader has been isekai-ed into the 2006 jjk and is confused of their purpose, and they have some random cursed power which idrc much about tbh but yea they are looking for their purpose in this universe and they find that in bringing together gojo, geto and shoko and themselves when geto is about to murder the entire village and then like all four of them raise the girls together after saving them and geto never goes bad because he had the emotional support to get out of this headspace, i dont even want it to be a satosugu fic but like just the comfort of knowing all three of them are together in some universe for longer. I can only be healed after reading this istg.
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orphicmeliora · 2 months
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SUMMARY: An Uchiha is reborn into the Jujutsu Kaisen-verse after dying in the Uchiha massacre. This plays out as realistically as possible.
TAGS/WARNINGS: canon-typical violence, character study, eventual romance, hurt/comfort, angst, dubious morality.
Length: 36k+ words | Status: ongoing
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conalola · 6 months
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Only 16 pages left to finish this sketchbook!! Let's ask Santa Claus for a new one 🎅🏾❤️
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luminiamore · 3 months
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐲𝐨 𝐧ō 𝐘𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐢
                         ❦ ════ •⊰ ☯︎ ⊱• ════ ❦
During the Jujutsu Yayoi period around 2000 years ago, a celestial event occurred—a moon that appeared once every six hundred and sixty-six days. This was known as the “死 (shi) moon,” a foreboding omen associated with death. This blood-red moon would dominate nearly half of the night sky, casting an eerie glow. It was under this ominous moon that a human child named Akuryo was born, her mother passing away during childbirth.
Akuryo blossomed into an exceptionally beautiful woman with a rich brown complexion, but her life was marred by the oppressive demands of her authoritarian and alcoholic father, Kaito nō Yurei. She was relegated to the role of caretaker in the household, burdened with ceaseless chores of cleaning, tending crops, and cooking. Meanwhile, her father incessantly belittled her, labeling her as worthless and a disgrace. He even expressed a desire to end her life to alleviate the disgust he felt whenever he laid eyes on her. Kaito despised his daughter with an unruly passion, it haunted her soul for days. She could practically inhale the amount of hatred he had for her, it was far too intense.
Her older brother, Ryojin nō Yurei, the sorcerer of the family, could do nothing but watch or else he too would be subjected to the same treatment, the same resentment. Nineteen more occurrences of the “死” moon passed before a powerful spirit began to stir within her, and within just a year, that formidable spirit had fully embodied her. With jet-black hair flowing down her back, adorned with delicate pink streaks at the tips, she stood tall and resolute. In a swift motion, her hand moved to sever her father's head from his body.
Her hands bore the stain of her father's blood, and soon after, the blood of her entire village. The intricate designs of her old kimono were obscured by the crimson hue, overshadowed by the presence of the cursed spirit, Akuryo. She confronted the sole survivor, Ryojin. Amidst them crackled an untamed surge of cursed energy, a foreboding sign of impending danger. He knew he should have fled, racing to warn neighboring villages of the impending tragedy.
But he didn't.
As Akuryo strode past him, her intent clear—to bring death upon the other villages—he hesitated only briefly before following in her footsteps.
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next chapter
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