elsarcastico06 · 7 months
Tengo una obsesión con las cosas que son difíciles de conseguir
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daffy-rimi · 5 months
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El amor está en cada detalle por ejemplo en un atardecer, en la risa de nuestros seres queridos, el compartir, estar, acompañar...
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kangetn · 4 months
A veces, la obsesión por alguien se convierte en nuestra tabla de salvación en medio de la tormenta. ¿Te ha pasado? En esos momentos oscuros, encontrar a esa persona se convierte en el único respiro en un mundo lleno de dolor y desolación. Sus abrazos se convierten en el refugio que ansiamos, el bálsamo que calma el fuego constante que devora lo que queda de nuestra alma.
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mariposaoculta · 7 months
Busqué en qué obsesionarme para no pensar en ti y ahora solo dueles a veces.
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patex444 · 1 year
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aprocessionofthoughts · 7 months
Ever Onwards
ectoberhaunt23 day 12- obsession TW- manipulation summary- Clockwork will do anything to get what he wants.
ao3 ectoberhaunt masterlist part 2 of SOT
Clockwork made his way to where the Council met, taking his time. He passed ghost’s frozen in the middle of their movements and he could sense the humans on the other side of the portal frozen as well.
He stood in the council room taking in everyone, taking in the faces of his… friends.
He stood in front of his King, staring into his worried face before pulling out a thermos and sucking the young King in.
He glanced once more around the room, at these ghosts he would never see again, and then he left, returning back to the Long Now.
Back in the safety of his lair, untouched by the flow of time, he set the thermos down and walked up to his row of clocks. He found the one he was looking for easily enough though it looked just like all the others. It was running behind the others, hands jumping forward and occasionally jumping back. He reached forward and pulled it out, replacing it with one of the many watches that hung around his arms. 
He stared at the precious clock, his favorite one. But there was no other choice, if this one were to stop it would cause a chain reaction that would destroy all the rest. 
He set it on the ground and with a heavy core, he brought his staff down, shattering it to pieces. 
The Realms shuddered, connections fraying and snapping. An unearthly screech was heard as the fabric of reality was torn.
Then like a collapsing star, the frayed edges of the Realms collapsed back together, threads knitting together all signs of the tear gone except for a faint shimmer where a timeline once was, where a dimension once stood. The Universe still stood intact, to destroy that would destroy the balance of the Multivers, but the space it had occupied was empty of life now, like a black hole, taking up space and holding an important position, making sure things still remained balanced. 
A whole section of the Realms gone, destroyed, everything that was, fading as the Realms repaired itself As memory was purged of what was destroyed. 
With a final shudder everything calmed.
It had all happened in less than half a second
There would be nothing left for his King to return to, no one left he had known.
There had been no other choice, if he had not erased the current reality, then all would be destroyed when the GIW attacked.
But Phantom would not die. Clockwork Loved him too fiercely to let that happen.
His obsession would not allow it.
The Ancients had also been spared. Clockwork Loved them too. And to destroy them could also destabilize the Realms. But their memories were purged just like everyone else’s. They would not remember Phantom beyond knowing that he was their King.
All that was left was to place his King somewhere new. He would come to forgive him eventually, Clockwork would make sure of it. But which reality would lead to the most favorable results? His eyes landed on a mirror that was nearly always blurry. All the other mirrors showed resentment towards Clockwork and he couldn't have that. Perhaps not knowing the future would make sure that Danny eventually came back to him and rose to the seat of power he was meant to hold.
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lqvenders · 2 years
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𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤t
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Lali - Obsesión
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lovelybestfriend · 1 year
Eres simplemente la droga que logra suavizar todos mis problemas. Al igual que con esos narcóticos, tanto tu presencia como ausencia me hacen mal. Necesito rehabilitarme de ti.
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laliespositodaily · 13 days
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Obsesión 🖤
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tiempoydestino · 2 years
Aún sigues siendo mi obsesión, mi torrente en el que nado cuando el mundo me quiere ahogar, un escape en el que sigo tratando de atar cabos inefables e inexistentes que nos invento; ahora solo me dedico a contemplar los ángulos de tus miradas congeladas en el tiempo y con ellos rastrearte en la estela que dejaste en un mundo en el que ya no te encuentro.
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esoteric44ngel · 2 years
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uposledzony-aniol · 7 months
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pinche-nath · 2 years
Hay un trauma que explica mi obsesión por estar delgada
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mente-dementeblog · 9 months
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lu2211 · 1 year
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