#obey me nightbringer lesson 40
misc-obeyme · 4 months
You know the drill.
Spoilers for Lesson 40 below, including locked and hard lessons.
Just to clarify: when I say that it’s “the end” in my rantings, I am referring to season two, not the entire game. ☺️
I'm confused. And... underwhelmed? What even just happened?
I mean, we had lovely moments with the side characters and we got to kiss them all and of course I'm incredibly pleased I got to kiss Barbatos and Solomon, but aside from that we just... went back?
Most of the lesson was about the RAD founding ceremony. We say good bye to the side characters and they even address how we told Solomon his cooking was bad (more on this later).
But just as the ceremony is about to start, a dark rift opens in the sky. It's a rift in space and time. Barbatos straight up asks Solomon if he did it. Solomon says he didn't, but that he wasn't expecting it to show up so soon. (So who did create it? Nightbringer? And if so, doesn't this prove Solomon at the very least knows enough to know when Nightbringer is going to open a portal back through time??)
We miss the ceremony because we have to go through that rift if we wanna get back. The brothers come with us because we need their power. Just like when we summoned the white dragon, we call upon each brother for his power. Then Solomon adds his. Then there's a bright light and..
...roll credits.
Yeah. That's it. That's the end.
There's a locked lesson where Diavolo gives a speech at the ceremony.
And then the HARD lesson... is us returning to the House of Lamentation in our time. The brothers are all like oh hey MC good morning like nothing even happened. They say it's weird because it feels like it's been a long time since they've seen MC but that can't be right because it hasn't been that long at all.
No Nightbringer. No further insight from Solomon or Barbatos. Not even sad angsty brothers who have been missing us.
It was like they didn't know we were gone.
So either we went back a little further in time or there was never a point where they decided as a group to send Solomon back to help us.
We didn't even get a Michael appearance!
I am confused because it wasn't bad, it was kinda cheesy, there were some sweet lines and like I mentioned previously I got to kiss my malewives but WHAT THE JUNK.
I'm not suffering, more like I'm just left hanging???
My one consolation is that we're back in our timeline now. So maybe NEXT SEASON we can FINALLY get some ANSWERS.
I really thought they couldn't drag it out any further and yet...
I didn't take a whole lot of screenshots this time because again, it was kinda just... underwhelming. Overall this lesson was just me going that's it?! And being baffled.
First I'd like to present you with these lovely Barbatos moments.
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As sweet as this is, the man knows. Not that I ever thought anything else, but he's so subtle about it. I'm onto you, Barb.
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My HEART. If I wasn't going back to another version of him, I would just be like nope staying by your side forever the end I don't care about anybody else.
But before all that, there was also this:
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I'm glaring at you because you let Solomon into the kitchen.
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OHHhhhh Barb I love when you get all threatening and smile like that 💕
But seriously, then Barbatos and Luke help Solomon make a lunch that's actually delicious and we eat it with everybody and they're all amazed. I was like OKAY WELL I do feel a bit better about that whole fiasco now. But still, was it even necessary to begin with? No amount of sweet kitchen buffoonery with these guys is going to make me forget the pain.
At least we had a cute Solomon moment, too.
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Yeah but I'm still wondering about the past version of you, Sol. I'm just saying, where is that guy?
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I mean you don't have to look so sad about it.
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Ah. Your jealousy is showing, Solomon. (I don't mind.)
Hard Lesson bits because I'm still just ????
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Once again, I am left with more questions than what I started with. Will MC tell the brothers what happened? Will we just never see the past brothers again? Will we return to the past in the next season? Will we ever see Nightbringer again, the being for whom this game was named?
At the very least, we still have Mephisto being himself and man I can't believe I ever disliked this guy.
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I'm feeling extremely unsatisfied but it isn't like that's anything new.
I will say that it wasn't as bad as I expected. I was expecting them to do some really terrible things that made me freak out and scream and scare my cat. But no, I was mostly just ?? the whole time. And confusion is preferable to suffering in this case.
But I am also ANNOYED. We have waited long enough for the Nightbringer reveal, please give it to us now Solmare!!!
I fear we only have a short time before we are dragged further into this game that has truly become a hell of its own when season three is upon us... (I'm being deliberately melodramatic but still...)
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nerdy-talks · 4 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 40
I'm gonna start this post by venting a little, so please bear with me ^^"
It's been a rough few months.
The one thing I get the most joy from has also been turning me into a massive emotional wreck.
First, there was the finale of Attack on Titan. No lie or exaggeration, I cried for 3 whole days. And tonight I will be experiencing the same pain all over again since the Dub is scheduled to air.
Then Jujutsu Kaisen... Gojo. Nanami. Need I say more?
To break things up, I thought I would finally sit down and binge watch Fruits Basket. It was the one anime that I was surprisingly able to avoid all spoilers with. And like the fool I am, I thought "aww, this looks like such a cute anime! I bet this series won't be sad."
As I said... I'm a fool lol. But at least I wasn't crying alone. My Mom had watched the entirety of Fruits Basket with me, and she also shed some tears I shared the pain, mwhahaha! >:)
Now, I can add Obey Me! Nightbringer to the list of things that have made me sob like a baby.
This scene specifically :
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I was seriously overwhelmed with emotions.
I couldn't stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. I tried my best to choke back my feelings. But I was unable to contain myself, and the ugly sobbing began.
I dunno.... Lucifer showing his genuine gratitude to us is just... so sweet and precious to me.
The part that actually made me cry is him telling us "May the path you walk in life be full of joy and happiness."
Lucifer.... There's literally no way that I could ever be happy without you and your brothers in my life!! T_T
Those 7 boys have been majorly responsible for my joy and happiness since the very beginning, and even though we were supposedly returning to them in the future/present... It still doesn't make saying goodbye to the past boys any easier.
Like... I would have clung onto Lucifer here and cried into his chest while apologizing for crying... But they mean so much to me, I just wouldn't be able to stop myself ; ^ ;
And ohhhhhh boyyyyy! When it came to us calling upon each of the brothers for their power and they each said goodbye to us.... Let's just say I was so happy that I was home alone because I was legit wailing, so much that even my dogs were looking at me like "what the Hell is wrong with you, you weird human?" xD
Even though I am skeptical, suspicious, and on guard about our "return" to the future/present... I burst into tears again when I read this :
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Levi.... please don't cry.... you're making my tears well up again! T^T
And then to make matters even more emotional :
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Welcome home! ; _ ;
I'm not sure if I'm just in a phase where I cry easily, or if I'm growing softer as I get older.... But either way, it's clear that my love, devotion, and feelings for fictional characters is more intense than ever before lol
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glamphantasm · 4 months
Okay. Someone post the lesson 40 hard mode now, because i'm on hard mode like, 15 I think?
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shiiokaze · 15 days
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A Lucifer Study: First vs. Later impressions
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nocreativityfornames · 4 months
You know what's really stupid about this hard-mode lesson? Early on in NB Solomon told us that to everyone in the og timeline we just disappeared.
So even if from the brothers' POV it somehow only took about an hour for Solomon to come back with us, you know they'd be FREAKING OUT and OVERWHELMED WITH RELIEF seeing us again because that's just how they are.
Solmare, that's how you characterized them. Whenever MC is in potential danger, the last thing these brothers are is civilized. With the knowledge that MC had completely disappeared and they could do nothing but sit back and wait for them to come back while hoping they'd be okay, these seven were bound to have a BIG reaction to seeing them again, even if it only took 20 goddamn minutes for MC to reappear in the living room.
So what the hell is this?
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You're telling me now that we disappeared from existence and none of these seven even noticed?
You're telling me that we disappeared, Solomon realized we were gone and somehow never checked with the brothers to ask "Hey, is MC with you?" before making a big deal out of it and starting a search for them?
You're telling me the brothers were NEVER aware that MC was gone at all? Really??
Okay, okay. Sure...
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messysketchyobeyme · 4 months
MC: Guys! I’m finally back home from my harrowing journey where I was ripped from my home, loved ones, and everything I’ve ever known and thrust into the past and forced to fight and cope with the fact that all of my loved ones don’t know me anymore!!!
The brothers: great lol did you get any milk btw?
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melverie · 3 months
I made a little something that you feed your card data into and then it spits out which sin and which card you should focus on for leveling
Below the cut is an explanation on to use it! If you have any more questions not already answered below, leave a comment on here or send me an ask! I'll do my best to help you once I have the time to
[last time this post was updated: April 7th 2024]
dedicated to @misc-obeyme because talking with them about card leveling inspired me to make this entire thing in the first place, as well as @impish-ivy and @dsimeon for testing it for me and for giving me some pointers on how to improve some things <3
Things covered below:
current team vs dream team
how to enter you card data -> step by step guide
ranking & recommendation
your three strongest demon cards + your three strongest memory cards of each sin (aka your top 3!) -> head to Contacts, filter for only one attribute and sort by strength to get your top 3 demon cards, then repeat for your memory cards. Rinse and repeat for every attribute If one character shows up multiple times in your top 3 demon cards, only count his strongest card and ignore the rest!
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the cards you want to use in the long-run. Ideally they should all be either UR or UR+ cards
Head to the sheet called 'card data'. Here you'll find seven charts that are all colored differently depending on what sin they are for
First off, each chart is divided into the following sections:
[1] dream team demon cards
[2] dream team memory cards
[3] current team demon cards
[4] current team memory cards
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Here's a quick run-down on all you need to know, but I'll also be going over it step by step a bit further below:
CARD enter who the demon card is of, or any name you associate with your memory card
TOP 3? if it's one of your three strongest cards, check the box; you don't need to re-enter the relevant data below if this box is checked. If it's not, enter the card data of one of your current team cards below it
MAX SIN UP? have you unlocked all of the Devil's Tree sin ups that you can get at your current skill level? If so, check the box
LEVEL enter your card's level
SKILL enter your card's skill level
STRENGTH enter your card's overall strength; sort by 'strenght' in Contacts to get this value
CARD, STRENGTH same as above, this for your current team. Only enter the card data if needed
1. Figure out what cards you want to use in the long run; In my case, that would be Lucifer, Satan and Asmodeus
2. Head to Contacts in the game, select an attribute and sort by 'strength' to determine your three strongest cards
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3. Go to the correspinding chart on the spreadsheet. Pick the characters in your dream team from the drop-down menu. The order you enter them in doesn't matter
Check the box for 'top 3?' if they are also one of your three strongest cards. If not, enter the card from the current team below
Your chart should then look something like this:
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4. If you have unlocked all the sin ups in the Devil's Tree that you can get with your current skill level, check this box
5. Enter the displayed overall card strength and the current skill level. Click on the card to see its level current level, and then enter that as well
6. Repeat the process for your memory cards
Once you're done, the chart should look something like this:
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7. Repeat for all other attributes
8. Once you're done, head to the sheet 'rec & ranking'
just a little ranking to show you how your sins are doing because I thought it'd be cool to have :] Keep in mind that it can't properly display ties tho! You'll have to enter all card data for it to work properly
The recommendation will tell you what order you should level your sins in, what cards you should level, what level and skill level to raise them to, and if you should work on its Devil's Tree first
But first, you need to configure the settings for your recommendation. You can choose
if you want demon and memory cards to be displayed seperately (overwritten only if you choose to display all sins)
how many sins should be displayed
if your current team should be factored into, or if it should be based purely on your dream team
Personally, I'd recommend going with seperated, display all sins (weakest to strongest), and to factor the current team in, but you can change it around to what best fits your needs
Again, if you have any questions or suggests, comment them on here. My asks are also always open, so you can also ask that way!
Anyway, best of luck with leveling your cards, everyone!!
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afraidofbee · 4 months
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Empty head after 40 lesson
Spoiler below
So many questions:
What happen with that book solomon brought for us? That one we feel special(?)
nightbringer is on vacation or what? are u ghosting us?
michael what are u doing? what happen with “the celestial realms may not be as tolerant of mc's behavior as they are now if they decide to side with Nightbringer”?! we remake the pact with the brothers aka we follow nightbringer advice/orders? idk, we did what he asked us; are u gonna be a new exchange student??! face reveal when!??.
choose a side for what exactly, solomon? are you thinking about going to war against the celestial realms and devildom?for what?
now cocytus is out of service, if the mc became a threat to the three realms, where they gonna lock us or what punishment we will receive?
something smells fishy with that lunch cooking by solomon (tell me the true, we die after the first bite, isn’t it?)
not kissing/hugging thirteen, mephisto, or raphael ( at least a little hug solmare ☆⌒(>。<) )
the letters we wrote were finally delivered °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
feels so empty with this final season 2 (feels like we do not advance at all) not consequences at all (the brothers have no idea we disappeared!)
lesson41 when!? ♡ ~('▽^人)
sorry if I wrote something wrong, I should be sleeping now
good night! ☆⌒(≧▽​° )
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arvandus · 4 months
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rainshell · 4 months
Spoilers for lesson 40 of Nightbringer
I am not usually the kind of person who goes on a rant about stuff like this. Especially since for the most part I love Nightbringer but these last 2 lessons are so bad. Genuinely lessons 39 and 40 have to be some of the worst I have seen. We just go home that's it. No Nightbringer? Did the devs really forget about his cryptic words at the end of season 1(or of him entirely)? What was his plan in the first place? Just more questions than answers and that could have been fine, if they are least used Nightbringer in some way at the end. But they didn't.
And to be honest I am disappointed when the season has been amazing until this point. I still love the rest of the season, the idea of seeing the worst the brothers can be(outside of Satan and Beel, but their chapters were still good) was such a cool one. And the writing was the best we had in a long while(unfortunately it couldn't last).
At least I can still hope that Nightbringer will somehow appear in season 3, but I am probably giving the devs too much credit with that one. I just wish this story was better than it is especially since they could have done so much with this ending, but they didn't.
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dsimeon · 4 months
Okay, so… Lesson 40 spoilers ahead. I have many thoughts. Be warned, not all thoughts are positive.
Alright, so… We all know the general thoughts and feelings about the writing in nightbringer especially. I’ll touch on that later- but I will say, i sure as hell don’t think it was good in this most recent lesson.
First, I will say- I did greatly enjoy the individual moments with each of our boys. You’ll never guess who my favorite was- no, don’t look at the blog name- shit, yeah, it was Simeon. A close second was Barbatos, and following that, I loved Solomon in the whole lesson.
Simeon’s individual time was adorable. I loved the callback to the previous lesson. Giving him his own advice, and getting the option to cover his eyes for him as well? I think that was a nice touch. I also loved how we could see the seed of distrust planted in Simeon. We got to see him begin questioning his Father, which I think was actually very interesting. There Will be writing based on that coming from me at some point lol.
Next, Barbatos. I’ve seen other people talking about it, but… He knows. Barbatos SO knows. I loved how they hinted at him knowing that we aren’t from that time.
Lastly on the individual characters, Solomon! Normally, in OM, things that happened a while ago just straight up get forgotten, or brushed under the rug if they conflict with something new. I fully expected that to be the case with telling him his food is hot garbage. But it was very fun to see his endeavors in cooking once more, and actually succeeding with the help of Luke and Barbatos! I still feel bad about telling him the truth, but hey… someone had to. And we had a nice moment where his food was actually appreciated for it!
Now… That’s about all the positive things I have to say about this chapter. Please, click away if you don’t want to see criticism.
So… The goodbye felt lacking. The whole thing did, honestly- but the goodbye especially. You mean to tell me that we spent months building up to this epic moment where we are supposed to be going back home and… That?
1: the whole portal thing was absolutely pulled out of someone’s ass. Unless anyone remembers something I don’t- there was absolutely 0 mention of some hole in the sky that was meant to take us home. It makes no sense, either. We had the OPTION to wait until the founding ceremony, according to Solomon. That’s what made it special, in my opinion. The whole thing felt like laziness and rushed explanation. It feels as though they just didn’t want us to see Lucifer’s speech and wanted some excuse for the boys to “sacrifice” something for us, but really- there’s no reason.
2: You mean to tell me we really didn’t get to figure anything out about nightbringer? I want to be able to say that I trust the writers to give us more on nightbringer in the later lessons, but… We all know how much Solmare loves to just brush things under the rug. I wouldn’t be shocked if we got a half assed explanation, or even just ignored the whole nightbringer dudarino entirely.
3: Now, I can’t personally attest to it since I don’t give as many fucks about the hard lessons… But from what I hear, the hard lesson 40 was kinda bullshit. You’ll have to look for someone else’s explanation (or please, post your experience here!) but basically, from what I gathered, it also seemed very half assed.
4: This one is maybe more subjective, but… It bothers me a LOT that we never came clean. We made this big deal about having the brothers and everyone else trust us, but at the end of the day? We were no better. We hid a huge secret. And, don’t get me started with the whole “we can’t say anything because it will alter timelines” bullshit, because what the hell is the excuse with lesson 16 in OG? We died, then showed up again back then. That’s pretty groundbreaking shit.
ADDITIONALLY… Would that not give something for us to overcome? What is the point of storytelling if not to give the characters a problem? Say the timeline went fucky because we said something- I think that’s a way more entertaining tale than if everything went perfectly according to plan.
I’m really, really irritated that the MC had to be so hypocritical. How is it fair that we demand the trust from others if we won’t place our trust in them?
So… There are my thoughts. I don’t think my experience is universal- people are 100% free to disagree. But, with this being the season finale, I feel it was so… so lacking. Please, share your thoughts!
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yxablue · 10 months
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June 26... Trauma day!!! 🥳🎉
(Why is today trauma day? Can somebody explain XD)
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nerdy-talks · 4 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 40 Spoilers
I have read through all of Lesson 40, including in the Hard section.
And in the Hard section, it is shown that we have returned to the House of Lamentation.
But are we really supposed to believe that our return to the present/future is met with just a simple “hey, welcome home”?
I don’t know about you, but I think the devs could have easily written at least one full Lesson just celebrating our return, spending time with the brothers, explaining everything that we’ve been through in the past, etc.
Personally, I would love to see Lucifer just calmly telling Solomon “you’re lucky you brought them back home in one piece” and Solomon responding with “haha, is that a threat? Well don’t worry. I’d never let anything happen to my adorable apprentice. Anyway, we had quite the adventure. We even lived together.” just to try and piss Lucifer off. I love their little rivalry/feud when it comes to MC lol xD
And I mean, okay… Levi cried when he saw us and said it felt like we haven’t been there in so long. And Asmo agreed after hugging us.
Are we truly back home?
There are so many theories and possibilities that I’ve been thinking about.
What if what we’re actually being shown is an alternate reality created by Nightbringer?
We haven’t seen or heard anything about Nightbringer for quite a while, so I’m highly skeptical that he just went away. In fact… I think he has a major role in everything going on right now. Why else would the devs introduce him in the first place?
Also, why wasn’t Solomon with us when we “returned” to the House of Lamentation?
It’s suspicious.
On the same note, what if Nightbringer has just intercepted our return home to show us “someplace we will be happy”, as he has said he could show us. It would explain why Solomon isn’t there (which begs the question : if this is the case, where is Solomon? Has the time travel been paused somehow and he’s temporarily unaware of what’s going on? Has he been returned home without us? Is he somewhere else within this new reality?)
Or what if we really are back home, and Lucifer is the only one who knows/remembers that we were missing (like, what if his brothers were losing it because it was taking so long for us to return, so he erased/altered their memories of all the time we weren’t there?)
OR!!! I know this is just me leaning into the whole “yandere Solomon” thing, but imagine if we are in a different reality where the brothers are just friendly towards us. No romantic feelings or love or anything like that.
I mean… Solomon did mention :
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Side note on this silly, unrealistic theory : imagine Solomon working together with Nightbringer to make this happen.
Putting all of my dark fantasies aside, though!
I’m also super curious about Barbatos. Before we left, he dropped this on us :
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He may not have given us any direct knowledge/information, but that's a big enough hint to convince me that he knew damn well we were from the future.
And if that’s the case… why would Barbaros allow us to be sent off to any place except back to where we came from? Unless he didn’t predict Nightbringer being involved?
I don’t know, though… I’m still super interested to find out more about Nightbringer and how/if he’s connected to Barbatos and Solomon.
I need more! *screams*
In all seriousness… I really hope there will be many more Lessons for us to look forward to, and that we'll get more direct answers soon ^^
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sweetbrier2908 · 4 months
me ranting about lesson 40-8
okay, it's time to talk about lesson 40-8 hard mode
no no i did understand what they're trying to do here. but the brothers completely forgot that we had disappered into nowhere???? the brothers completely forgot that they had threatened solomon so solomon could've brought us back????? no no, i want that angst i want to see them completely devastated before MC came back BECAUSE THIS WAS HOW IT SHOULD'VE BEEN
i understand what solmare's trying to do here. it's wholesome, im not gonna lie. but after all the ups and downs, after everything we did to finally come back just to see that they forgot they suddenly lost us, it's just not enough, never enough. i want to see them look at us like we're a dream or something, like we're their imagination until we say a word and they realize that we're real. i want to see their smile and tears for the first time ever since we're gone. the idea of them crying without even knowing why does not sit right with me.
the whole "im home" and "welcome back" scene is wholesome, but not enough for all the things that we have gone through. it's emotinal, yes. but something about it is just not enough. and it really made me wondered if we're really back to our og world. so i just kinda disappointed.
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fluffykitteninabox · 1 year
I can't believe it, Solomon you complete ass bastard!
He could have summoned Barb the entire time to save us from the stupid spider, but instead we wasted time for him to make a pact with Asmo!!
And I was praising him too because at least this time he didn't trick him while he was drunk and depressed...
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nocreativityfornames · 2 months
I just realized that the new cards are passing in the original timeline. In Lucifer's one we're living in the House of Lamentation and in Solomon's one he comes to visit us there :")
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