#obc hamilton
icarusbetide · 2 months
the way a random hamilton audio goes viral on tiktok every few months needs to be studied. you know the one that's trending rn. "mr. vice president. mr. madison. senator burr. what is this?" hounds me on my fyp every few videos. that musical will never leave our public consciousness. people can't get enough of it even though they claim it's cringe.
just a month ago it was the "undressed she looked a mess pathetic she cried"; "ha! you don't even know what you're asking me to confess"; before that it was the horrifying "if i prove that i never touched my balls" audio; the "eating oreos in a parked car" one; then it was first burn and aaron burr's female rage "how does hamilton an arrogant immigrant orphan bastard" rant; and several others i can't even remember. i'm honestly impressed at this point.
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enter-drfrog · 9 months
One thing I’ve learned through my years of consuming live theatre and bootlegs of live theatre is that you can almost always tell when someone used to be a Newsie.
They always have this like indescribable quality about how they move even compared to other incredibly well trained dancers. I think it’s just because Newsies is such an insane, other level caliber of dance that it just brings them to another quality of movement.
I don’t know how to describe it. I just know that whenever I watch something the Newsie always stands out.
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conjectureand-gloom · 4 months
i think one of the most slept on first drafts of a hamilton song is the adams administration
“the line is behind me again, while the president lost it again,
aw such a rough line, better run to your wife “yo the boss is in boston again”
let me ask you a question, who sits at your desk while you’re in massachusetts? they were calling you a dick back in ‘76 and you haven’t really done anything new since.
you’re a nuisance with no sense,
you’ll die of of irrelevance.
go ahead you aspire to my level, you aspire to my malevolence”
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suddenlyschwinn · 3 months
my english teacher's daughter saw hamilton with the obc im absolutely not jealous nope nuhuh
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felizusnavidad · 7 months
IN THE HEIGHTS countdown: 17 DAYS!
song for today:
it's silly when we get into these crazy hypotheticals you really want some bread? then go ahead create a set of goals and cross 'em off the list as you pursue ‘em and with those ninety-six i know precisely what i'm doin'
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lightleckrereins · 2 years
Congrats on making the official Six Broadway Insta!! Another step toward being the official Six Co-Costume Consultant with Elisabeth!!!
Hey this is me taking forever to answer asks again. This is about the six halloween post if anyone is wondering.
But thank you so much!
This is technically the seventh or eight time I appear in one of the six official accounts but who is counting?
I am. I am counting. And keeping screenshots. If I am being honest I am to a point a little numb to queens sharing things from the game. Most of those werent posted by me and a few still conveniently not credit or crop the watermark. As nice as it is to know the queens like it most times it is the start of the whole "did they credit this time?" process.
But cosplay hits different. This is mine only. And I stopped tagging anything beyond the official accounts long ago. Yes comments are really nice (and I have a folder called serotonin messages) but cosplay is a thing I do because it is fun and because I love crafting. And lost important because I can see something and give myself the challenge of making it on a tiny budget and not buying any of the fancy expensive things. It is my thing.
Also yes Elisabeth and I say six should hire us at least once a week.
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kai-ninjago · 1 year
Everyone talks abt lmm being piragua guy in movie!In the Heights, but no one mentions how Chris Jackson is the Mr. softee truck owner 💀
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Look at him
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sgtstrawberrylane · 2 years
Happy 7 years since Hamilton first premiered on broadway! Also happy independence day! To celebrate both, here's the founding fathers AND John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin! If you'd like you can use these designs with credit- they were by me lol
Hamilton means so much to me, it helped me through hard times ♡♡♡♡
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moonmeg · 2 years
I blame my best friend for this. We thought the song fit them pretty well so... I did this ✨️
Don't want any legal problems come at me for using OBC recording Hamilton audio so I used the karaoke version by Clark On Stage on YouTube and took over Eliza's part. (I was sick when recording it but eh I don't exactly have the opportunity to re-record it now)
That one anon saying the sneak peeks gave them That Would Be Enough vibes,,, how does it feel being so powerful?
Anywayyy a bit fluff before shit starts rolling downhill pretty fast :>
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Notes on Hamilton International Tour (Manila, Oct 28, 2023 matinee)
No list of who specifically in the cast was on for the day, the programme only had the full cast list.
Act 1 notes
-Deep voices, deep voices everywhere
-They kept the “Laurens I like you a lot” line for international!
-I love the lighting! Some of the lights even create polygons
-Laurens was so drunk by the start of the toast
-Angelica had such a pretty voice
-Everyone enjoyed the King. YBB was delivered in such an angry incel kind of way
-“I’m so blue” *the King stomps and the lighting turns blue*
-The transitions during the wedding and toast are so beautiful and smooth, it almost felt magical
-Burr’s “How does a—-“ narrations really reek of his jealousy
-Desr Theodosia was so so good, mmm the vocals
-Some USA-specific references weren’t that understood by the audience, understandably
-Washington’s voice is so perfect for the role, I love him.
-The war scenes were so well choreographed I loved them!
-I can sometimes hear undertones of the actors trying to approximate the OBC’s voices, especially with some of Alexander’s lines
Act 2 notes
-Jefferson had no drawl (he had some tiny French accent as Laf tho)
-Sally didn’t show the letter near Jefferson, instead she held it above her head like she wanted Jefferson to work for it to read
-“Whatever the hell it is you do at MON-TI-TELLO!”
-“These ~VIRGINIAUUUGHNS~ are birds of a feather!”
-Philip was as fun as usual, and also he’s taller than his dad
-“Angelica tell my wife Vice President’s not a real job anyway” earned a lot of laughs because we currently have a shitty VP (Look up “Sara Duterte Confidential Funds”)
-Say No To This, oh boy (They kept all the scenes for international!)
-Congress is fighting over where to put the capital: “GEORGIA!”
-Daddy’s calling got a lot of laughs
-The King was as insane as ever, shifting from sad to angry to jolly. What Comes Next was fun
-That was my wife you decided to fuuu- got laughs
-The Philip death arc still brought me to tears even if I already listened to it a million times before
-Someone said out loud “Aaron Burr is a loser!” after election of 1800
-“Weehawken” became “Jersey”
-I love the choreography during Ham’s duel monologue, it was so creatively done
-WLWDWTYS was Emotional for sure
The overall pacing was really like as if you were listening on a music app, save for some instrumental interludes and some lines of dialogue. Some of the songs had parts that were slowed down for some actors’ own spins, such as the Laf/Jeff actor going a bit slower in some of the lines.
Admittedly the Angelica actress overshadowed Eliza a bit but tbh it kinda fits, with her being the “leader” amongst the three.
Overall it was a magical experience, and the seven-year wait really paid off. I have been a big fan of Hamilton since I was in high school, and now I’m on my last year of university. It really felt so rewarding to be able to watch this.
This cast was composed of actors from varying places, mostly Australian and American. I really recommend checking out this international tour as they were really a blast to watch, and definitely live up to—even exceed—expectations. Their next stop after November is Singapore iirc.
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northpearl · 25 days
forever thinking about the preshow facebook livestreams the hamilton obc did. especially the one from leslie odom jr that runs all the way up till the show starting where he's answering comments and stuff. and hes like maybe tonight i wont shoot him hahahaha. AND ITS SILLY JOKES BUT AAAAH. something something doomed by the narrative something something damn fool that shot him
actually ill go get the clip.
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claireverlasting · 11 months
41 and 12 for the ask game?
41. What are some lines from musicals you really like?
Don't be afraid of death, Winnie. Be afraid of not being truly alive. You don’t need to live forever, you just need to live - tuck everlasting
Try to walk all over us, we'll stomp all over you - newsies (this makes me wanna bang my head against the table/pos)
To the world we dream about, and the one we live in now - hadestown
You're not good, you're not bad, you're just nice. I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right - into the woods
How can you soar when you're nailed to the floor? - tick tick boom
But when you’re gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells your story? - hamilton
12. Worst stage to screen adaptation?
Short answer: Dear Evan Hansen, no one asked for a movie why didn’t they give us a proshot with the obc
Long answer:
Oh boy, ohhhhhh boy *crack knuckles*
It has to be Dear fucking Evan Hansen. For a show that has the og team in the writing room I don’t know how on the fucking earth they missed the whole story completely.
They did not realize the original plot has already walked on the edge of That Is Fucked Up and was on thin ice from falling into the Problematic Cringe Theatre Hell. They were like oh it’ll be fineeeee we can totally remove these import parts and it’ll be fineeeeee. Like bro. BRO.
A huge part of the story relies on a) Evan’s connection towards Connor, and b) The story acknowledges how Not Okay Evan’s actions are. And what did they do? Butcher the script until it highlights the worst possible part of the story. I don’t even give a flying fuck about Ben Platt being too old for the role or whatever, I can’t tell people’s age anyway, but not even the most talented and 17-years-old actor can save that monstrosity of a script, and that’s the same guy that wrote the musical one! Like how👏did👏you👏not👏see👏it👏
The thing that motivated Evan to do all the stuff in the story is that he saw himself in Connor, and you can see a lot of his action was based on “What if I’m the one that was dead, what would I want people to do”. You got Anybody Have a Map, Disappear, and ghost Connor, you cut those, you cut the connections between the two characters and Evan’s inner struggles. And they made Alana the one to suggest a Connor Project as an attempt to make Evan looked more blameless in the whole ordeal. I can’t believe I need to spell it out but it did😑not😑work😑like😑that😑, you just make Alana looked manipulative, and the whole thing can be avoided if you didn’t cut Disappear. And there are Jared and Good For You, without someone that is boinking Evan on the head like “Dude please stop”, it just looks like the story is excusing his actions.
In conclusion, they thought it’ll work better if they make Evan more out of control of his situation and overall more “Opps shit happened around me and I just went along with it”, I saw a post somewhere that said that making the character directly responsible to the thing that happened makes them more sympathetic (or smt) and it applied to this situation so much. In the musical we see a teenager that make terrible decisions as an attempt to make things better, but in the movie we just see an opportunist that is manipulative and did all of the stuff to get into a girl’s pants
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
considering that lin manuel miranda and chris jackson had been close friends for years before hamilton, do we think lmm wrote washington if not for chris jackson, at least with chris jackson in mind?
I don't have a source, but I do remember chris saying somewhere that lin had told him once "as long as I have a job, you have a job" or something along those lines, which honestly checks out considering they do seem to work on projects together more often than not
and no shade to other washington performers, and keeping in mind I HAVE only seen two other productions apart from the obc, but to me chris is by far the best. like obviously he's an insanely talented person over all but a role tailored to one's specific abilities will of course help highlight those abilities if you get what I mean
so yeah that's my conspiracy theory for today lmao
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mariacallous · 6 months
I am not immune to the Hamilton OBC recording
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felizusnavidad · 3 months
top 5 musical theatre performers?... and you can't choose lin
i love this question so much! & i'm so happy you said no lin because it's a great opportunity for me to talk about the others! this will be probably chaotic (surprise, surprise) & i will drop clips to prove my point:
i don't think any words could describe how i feel about her... the most incredible voice i've ever heard. i would literally die for her, i'm being serious right now. she is one of the reasons i think the off broadway cast album of the great comet is better than the obc one (unpopular opinion maybe but oh well she is MY natasha). i would never be tired of listening to her, she is so precious to me istg. one of my favourite videos is, of course, phillipa singing no one else from tgc (ha! i know you were expecting hamilton! no way, you are getting this one instead):
i know a lot of people wouldn't agree with me, but i actually think he is incredibly talented. he has a great voice & damn, he can act! i kinda lost my mind when i saw his first pictures as orpheus in hadestown, i also recommend to watch all the clips with him (especially wait for me, my personal favourite), but what i really want to show you is this video of jordan singing waving through a window from dear evan hansen (the fact that he is not only singing the song but also acting here, i couldn't love him any more, he also has the most adorable smile but it's not that important or is it?):
his voice... for the love of god... i am kinda crazy about him. amazing as sweeney todd, yes, true, but most of you probably know already i am absolutely fucking insane about pierre bezukhov the biggest fucking loser oh god i love him so much (a little disclaimer: i usually listen to the off broadway version of tgc, yes, but i do have playlists with all pierre's song so josh groban is there as well), so it's probably not surprising that i am giving you this today (dust and ashes is, in my opinion, one of the best musical songs ever written):
ngl, i fell in love with her immediately while listening to hadestown for the first time. she is just aaaaaamazing, that girl can sing & definitely can act. also, she is so incredibly beautiful i can't even (i may have a little crush on her). i am always getting super emotional when i watch her, so i want you all to feel the same, watch this video of her & reeve carney singing all i've ever known:
dear fucking god what a voice. first of all, she is definitely my favourite persephone, i mean come on. i am also fucking obsessed with the song charming from tgc which is not surprising to anyone probably. i also found an audio of her singing starchild from ghost quartet & my head exploded (i don't know where it is now but believe me, it exists... somewhere). but this is what you get today:
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bigmack2go · 3 months
Random things that I desperately need to happen:
Philipa So as Persephone in hadestown.
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Cory güter-andrew to play a younger version of what ever role andrew keenan bolger could have
Jordan Samuels to play Electra (stex,not cats) because he would SERVE in stex anyway but i think that he would fit electra so perfectly
JerJor as King George in Hamilton
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That and he has the voice. (Or ben fankhauser bc he too has the voice but also: spit in HD mhhh)
Tom hanks as remus lupin? Idk why tbh but the actors remind me of each other
Leslie in hades town bc the obc voixe sounds like the german burr voice lmfao
Mike faist as rusty in starlight express
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