#nyfa source
nahastrack · 2 years
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What started as a promising indie game on the PC has morphed into one of the biggest franchises in the video game industry. Trello also lets you run AGILE development and SCRUM with a little know how. Trello is our current favorite because of it’s ease of use, flexibility, and ability to integrate other platforms such as Dropbox and Google Drive. There are many free online collaboration tools.
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It is approaching its year 10 anniversary and going strong, so you know it isn’t going to disappear any time soon.īest Free Project Management Software – Trello This software is being used by game developers, musicians, podcasters, filmmakers, and other creative people. The open source leader today is Audacity. This is especially true because of the need to communicate location in VR and AR to create an immersive experience. With the emergence of virtual reality and augmented reality, the demand for great sound design is stronger than ever. More info here.īest Free Sound Design Software – Audacity edu email and you can hang with the best of them. edu email address: MAYA reduces its price tag to $0 for three years! All you need is a. It is your one stop shop for 3D modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, and more. What GIMP is to Photoshop, Blender is Maya. MAYA, MAYA, MAYA - is all everyone says these days when it comes to 3D asset creation, and for good reason! Yet Maya’s price tag of $180 / month leads some developers to the great, functional open source alternative, Blender. Check out a world of tutorials on the web.īest Free 3D Art and Animation Software – Blender GIMP is a freely distributed program for image authoring, graphic design, and photo manipulation. GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is the open source version of the industry standard graphic design program, Adobe Photoshop. It is a free AAA engine that is deeply integrated with the Amazon Web Server (AWS) platform and Twitch.Īll of the engines we recommend are fully documented and come with a slew of tutorials online.Ĭompelling art is the make-or-break point on whether a new player will be willing to try a new game. Lumberyard is a relative newcomer to the game engine space. Have a look at their website if you want to learn more about the games Game developers of this free slot games website have used Unreal to develop the slot machine games. Games developed with Unreal include “ Gears of War ,” “ Borderlands 2 ,” “ Batman Arkham City ,” “ Bioshock ,” “ Mass Effect 2,” and more.
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When using this tool you are given the full force of a AAA tool. Unreal was created for it namesake (the Unreal franchise) and is a top of the line game engine through and through. Games made with Unity include: “ Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft,” “Deus Ex: The Fall ,” “ Assassin’s Creed: Identity ,” “ Temple Run Trilogy ,” “ Battlestar Galactica Online ,” and many more. Have a look at to find out which gambling apps make most money and developed on which software. Secondly, Unity allows developers to write their programs once and output to the top 25 game platforms including Windows, Mac, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Oculus Rift, and many more. However, it also has the full power of object oriented programming through scripting languages with the most prevalent choice being C# (pronounced “C sharp”). Our platform at NYFA Games is Unity for two reasons.įirstly, Unity gives developers to build functioning games with little coding - e.g. Both are great and do many of the same things, so deciding between the two comes down to user preference. Amazingly, both platforms are now free to develop in.
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The most prevalent platforms used by professional game studios today are Unity and Unreal. They provide tested, reusable components that allow you to build more quickly and focus on making a great player experience.
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Game engines provide you ways to quickly implement core game functions like physics, rendering, scripting, collision detection, and much more without the need to custom code them. One of your first key decisions as a game developer is which game engine you will use. Everything on the list below is used by professional game developers.īest Free Game Engines – Unity and Unreal Sections include game engines, 2D art, 3D art and animation, sound design, and project management. Is the only thing keeping you from transforming your great game idea from dream to reality your wallet? Well then, you will be happy to hear that there are excellent free / open source software packages in every discipline you need to build a great game.
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nyfacurrent · 4 years
Business of Art | Literary Submissions 101
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Top tips for getting your work seen by editors and publishers.
When it comes to getting your work published, writing is only half of the job. Submitting your work to publications is also a big part of being a writer, and it requires some strategizing. Not sure where to begin? We compiled a series of tips from previous NYFA Current articles, plus updated best practices, and some very helpful advice from former #ArtistHotline guest chat participants Elisa Gabbert and Lincoln Michel. So take a deep breath, gather your courage, and take note of the tips below before starting to submit your work!
Step 1 - Doing the Research
It might sound obvious, but we will say it one more time for the people in the back: you must read and familiarize yourself with the publications you’re considering sending your work to. What kind of work do they typically publish? Do any of their published works stand out to you? Who is their audience? When do they usually have open calls? 
If you’re not sure how to begin this research, a good place to start is by following the steps of your main inspirations. Where have they published before? Have they written about their process anywhere? Do they talk about it in interviews? Interact with them on social media, but don’t expect them to take you by the hand and answer all of your questions, especially if unsolicited. Every now and then writers will feel like engaging on Instagram or Twitter, either creating threads or soliciting questions. Take advantage of these moments, but don’t be invasive. You can also follow hashtags like #pubtip and #querytip, used by writers, agents, and editors to share snippets of advice for aspiring writers. Another great way to understand where your heroes currently are and how they got there, is by reading the “Thank Yous” and “Acknowledgments” in their publications. 
Step 2 - Getting Organized
Step number one means you’ll collect a lot of information, which can quickly become unparsable. Before that happens, we suggest preparing a spreadsheet where you can organize all the publications you believe are a good match. Here’s a sample spreadsheet with some basic information you should have on hand for tracking your submissions. You might have to submit several times before getting a yes (and that’s totally normal), so make sure to track your “yes” and “no” responses and feedback received (if any) for future applications.
Feeling overwhelmed? Prioritize your submissions. What is your dream venue? If it’s a super-selective place, they’ll probably require a more extensive publication history. Focus on building this history first, perhaps applying to smaller names in the industry, and then aiming for the powerhouses. The most important thing here is to make sure this process doesn’t compromise your writing time. Here are a few tips on how to balance your time between submitting work and making it. 
Step 3 - Selecting Materials
Your “favorite-ever-thing-you-have-ever-written” is probably great, but it still might not be the best fit for a particular open call. When choosing what materials to send out, ask yourself the following question: does this work fit seamlessly with the other stories, essays, or poems this platform typically publishes? Choose objectively.
Along with your writing, open calls may ask for other supporting materials. The main one, and arguably, the most feared, is the cover letter. According to Lincoln Michel, writers don’t need to worry so much about them, focusing on keeping them short, direct, and simple. It's still important to know who you’re writing to, though. Show you did your research by matching the style of the publishing venue, Elisa Gabbert advises. CVs, references, and bios are other common files requested. Learn how to prepare them with these older, but golden tips from BinderCon. In terms of design, err on the side of cleanliness. Stick to the basics unless formatting is a big part of your text (for example, if you’re writing concrete poetry). 
Last but not least, follow the guidelines! Remember, one very important thing must happen before an editor even gets to read your submission: you must make it out of the slush pile. Due to competitiveness or likely lack of time on the side of jurors, you might receive a rejection simply because you did not follow simple rules like sticking to the word count or labeling your files correctly. 
Step 4 - Dealing with the Nos
Rejection is normal and does not necessarily mean your work is not good enough. Maybe your manuscript got lost in the slush pile—it happens to the best of us—or maybe it was not a good fit for the platform at that particular moment. 
Use rejections as a teachable moment. Ask for feedback if possible, but don’t be offended if editors are not able to answer. If you do get a response, don’t feel pressured to internalize all critiques or to revamp your work completely. Know your writing and your value as a writer so you can process useful commentary and disregard the rest. Follow the advice of Gabbert and develop a network of trusted peers (folks in the industry, friends) that can be your beta-readers and be ready to accept and learn from honest criticism. 
- Luiza Teixeira-Vesey, Designer/Marketing Officer
This article draws inspiration from #ArtistHotline, an initiative dedicated to creating an ongoing online conversation around the professional side of artistic practice. Our goal is to help artists discover the resources needed, online and off, to develop sustainable careers. You can follow NYFA at @nyfacurrent​ on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Find Elisa Gabbert and Lincoln Michel tweeting at @egabbert and @TheLincoln.
Have an arts career question? You can contact NYFA staff directly by emailing [email protected].
Image: Gil Avineri (Fellow in Printmaking/Drawing/Book Arts Fellow ’14); Ghastly Spread Between; 2009; color pencil, ink, acrylic, photo,collage on paper
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carotidartistry · 4 years
COVID and the Arts
The existence of algorithm-driven, non-chronological "timelines" is very bizarre right now. On my Facebook feed, I see posts from March 10 talking about starting the second week of previews or celebrating good box office returns. On March 12, my job ceased to exist, as did the jobs of hundreds upon hundreds of people as an entire industry shuttered over the course of one day.
The cancellations and closing of events and arts/entertainment venues, while important for public health, have left many people (who earn on a gig basis rather than salary) very suddenly and entirely without expected income. There is no work-from-home option, just their job disappearing entirely. Some people will be able to collect unemployment insurance, but many won't even get that, as they work as independent contractors who are paid a fee for work delivered or vend their goods directly to customers at such events.
This is a tough time for arts/events organizations and those who work them (which includes not just artists but all of the ushers, custodians, etc. whose work is tied to the event itself). I'm compiling ways to support those who have been impacted (pass-the-hats for donating to individuals, funds that are accepting donations, ways to purchase people's goods/services, etc.) and resources for those who have been impacted. The industry community is coming together in a heartening way right now, but it would mean a great deal to me if those not in the industry could take a moment to glance through and maybe even to share this information. Even if you can't make any sort of donation yourself, it means something to have this hardship be seen and acknowledged.
Additionally, if you have tickets to events that have been canceled and don't immediately need your funds returned, I encourage you to wait a bit before reaching out to the theater/venue/etc.. Box office workers have been overwhelmed. And particularly if it was a ticket for a non-profit or grassroots organization, if it's possible, I'd encourage people to consider donating the cost of their ticket rather than demanding a refund.
While I'm aware that there are many people in many sectors taking a hit right now, I am putting my focus on where I am and would like to keep that the focus here. Please share any relevant updates, additional resources, etc..
Support Those Who Have Been Impacted
A general pass-the-hat for individual theatre workers (updated daily): I Lost My Theatre Gigs
“The Indie Theater Fund is launching this fundraising campaign to provide direct support and emergency relief to independent theaters and artists in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.” https://www.facebook.com/donate/509591526599992/509604039932074/
NYC Low-Income Artist/Freelancer Relief Fund: "We seek to provide support for low-income, BIPOC, trans/GNC/NB/Queer artists and freelancers whose livelihoods are being effected by this pandemic in NYC. Whether it's from cancelled gigs, lost jobs, or a lack of business due to coronavirus scares, we hope to orchestrate an egalitarian approach to crowdsourcing." [Note: their funding applications are currently closed as they make sure that they have enough resources to cover the 500 people who have already applied.] https://www.gofundme.com/f/nyc-lowincome-artistfreelancer-relief-fund
"The Philadelphia Performing Artists' Emergency Fund was created amid the COVID-19 outbreak to assist performing artists whose income has been impacted by show cancellations, slowing ticket sales, and/or low turnout during this pandemic." https://www.gofundme.com/f/philly-performance-artist-fund
"The Boston Artist Relief Fund will award grants of $500 and $1,000 to individual artists who live in Boston whose creative practices and incomes are being adversely impacted by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)." https://www.boston.gov/artistrelief
Boston Music Maker Relief Fund: "Small grants of up to $200 will be paid rapidly on a first come, first served basis to affected artists and groups. Please see grant guidelines below. Donations will be accepted from individuals and corporations in order to replenish the fund and continue making payments to eligible music makers in the queue. The Record Co. is covering all admin/processing costs so 100% of every donation goes directly to music makers in the community. Please consider donating using the form below or contact [email protected] to get involved.": https://www.therecordco.org/relief
Durham Artist Relief Fund: "Funds donated here go directly to artists and arts presenters in Durham who have been financially impacted by cancellations due to COVID-19, with priority given to to BIPOC artists, transgender & nonbinary artists, and disabled artists": https://www.northstardurham.com/artistrelief
Emergency Relief Fund for Artists During COVID-19 (Minnesota): https://www.givemn.org/story/Epf3ag
Opera San José Artists and Musicians Relief Fund: “This emergency cash reserve will allow us to provide support to the musicians, singers, carpenters, stitchers, designers and other hourly company members that make our productions possible and who will be deeply affected by COVID-19.”: https://operasj.secure.force.com/donate/?dfId=a0nf400000QZ7hKAAT
A pass the hat for individual SXSW workers: "Update 3/10: We have received over 400 submissions - thank you! We are working diligently to verify each submission and get them posted. As of today, the total amount of reported income lost is $2,108,835. Your stories are heartbreaking but we know them all too well. We appreciate you, we see you, and we love you, Austin. Hang in there." https://www.ilostmygig.com/
2020 ECCC Artists Alley: An unofficial compilation of Eccc2020 artist alley online shops. Browse the goods of artists who won't have the opportunity to sell directly to their anticipated customers: https://ecccartistalley.tumblr.com/
Artists Alley Online:  A directory for some of the artists who would have been at Emerald City Comic Con (March 12-15, 2020) had it not been moved due to the corona virus.  https://artistalleyonline.com/
Shoutout to the theaters who have suspended performances but are still paying their artists in the interim. These have been reported to include: Ars Nova (https://arsnovanyc.com/), Geffen Playhouse (https://www.geffenplayhouse.org/), WP Theater (https://wptheater.org/), Soho Rep (https://sohorep.org/), Playwrights Realm (https://www.playwrightsrealm.org/), New York Theatre Workshop (https://www.nytw.org/), Rattlestick Playwrights Theater (https://www.rattlestick.org/), the McCarter Theatre (https://www.mccarter.org/), Parity Productions (https://www.parityproductions.org/), and Second Stage Theater (https://2st.com/).  (sources: https://twitter.com/diepthought/status/1238194781437734912?s=19, direct email from Second Stage)
More who have been named are the Public Theater (https://publictheater.org/), Transport Group (http://transportgroup.org/), Vineyard Theatre (https://www.vineyardtheatre.org/), and Lincoln Center Theater (https://www.lct.org/). (source: https://twitter.com/westratenick/status/1238847988262453248)
Please consider giving those organizations (and any others who are doing similarly) your support if/when you're able to.
Resources for Impacted Arts/Entertainment/Events Workers
Freelancers & Community Resources 2020: Resources centered for artists and those impacted by gigs being canceled/postponed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xt1QZlGsyga_HrXagubV9O0rebV5dx4DuMOd2sWvWwc/edit
COVID-19 & Freelance Artist Resources: https://covid19freelanceartistresource.wordpress.com/
NYFA Emergency Resources: "Artists who experience personal hardship or who are impacted by a large-scale disaster, or who need funding for a last-minute opportunity can find critical resources in NYFA's Emergency Resources Directory.": https://www.nyfa.org/Content/Show/Emergency%20Resources
The Indie Theater Fund: "Rapid relief grants of up to $500 will be awarded to support our community, prioritizing the consortium of companies, venues, and individuals working in NYC independent theater (Off-Off-Broadway in theater houses of 99 seats or less), operating with budgets under $250,000. We will award grants on an on-going basis until our funds run out. Grants can be requested via a simple online application and will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis.”  https://forms.gle/pLm7bLhKQE8AbpDn6
Send your information to "I Lost My Theatre Gigs": https://ilostmytheatregigs.squarespace.com/
Philadelphia Performing Artists' Emergency Fund: Emergency Funds can be requested by any Cabaret, Drag, Burlesque, Theater, or performance artists facing a financial hardship caused by COVID-19. Performance artists who need aid can apply here: https://forms.gle/SwsMERPM1CTivFyc7
Boston Artist Relief Fund application: https://cityofbostonartsandculture.submittable.com/submit/af2153eb-2d87-4e9d-9ebc-5861eb135999/boston-artist-relief-fund
Boston Music Maker Relief Fund application: https://therecordco.typeform.com/to/w6wTkF
Durham Artist Relief Fund application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEJKTP91h5e7MuUITHj96J6eKWeZjgVLZjLG4Wp-WMhyQ4mg/viewform
SXSW workers send your information to "I Lost My Gig" here: https://www.ilostmygig.com/
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brooklynmuseum · 4 years
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Stronger Together
Weekend Roundup of Resources for our Community

Happy weekend Brooklyn! As we close the door on April and look forward to spring, we know you and your family are facing tough months ahead. We also know we are stronger when we stand together. Check out new opportunities to support and be supported in this week’s roundup.
If you have questions, or have more you wish to see or to spotlight, reach out. We want to hear from you. Please email [email protected].
Also, text 'COVID' to 692-692 to get important COVID-19 related updates sent straight to your phone. You can text 'COVIDESP' to get updates in Spanish.
Follow Our Elected Officials For News:  
Stay up to date with information provided by Governor Cuomo. Follow our New York State governor on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for up to date information regarding new health guidelines closures, and executive orders.
The Mayor has a new Daily Message available on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube every morning. If your constituents have questions, comments or concerns, they want him to respond to, they can send them using the hashtag #AskMyMayor
The Office of the Brooklyn Borough President provides the most up-to-date information and resources to Brooklynites. Follow these pages regularly and follow Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams on social media for real-time updates.
Congresswoman for the 9th District, Yvette D. Clark is working hard in Congress to support our local communities. Follow the Congresswoman on her Twitter to receive updates on what is going on in Washington DC and resources available in your ‘hood!
Follow updates from Council Member Carlos Mechaca, representing District 38-Sunset Park, Red Hook, Greenwood Heights, and portions of Borough Park, Dyker Heights and Windsor Terrace on Facebook for more information regarding COVID-19.
Follow updates from Council Member Stephen T. Levin on Facebook and Twitter. Levein represents District 33-Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO, Williamsburg, Greenpoint, Boerum Hill and Bedford–Stuyvesant.
Follow Updates from Council Member Alicka Ampry-Samuel on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Ampry-Samuel represents District 41-Bedford Stuyvesant, Ocean Hill-Brownsville, East Flatbush, and Crown Heights.
Local Business Highlights of the Week:
Cheryl’s Global Soul appreciates the love and support over the years from the Brooklyn Community. While they are working towards opening, some of your favorite menu options are now available with an abbreviated Global Bowl menu for take out and delivery. Global Bowl and Take-out Menu
Since Colonie first took root on Atlantic Avenue, they have supported the New York food community by using products from countless local farms. Though they may be closed due to coronavirus, you can still support Colonie, or one of their sister restaurants Gran Electra and Pips, by donating here to their employee relief fund. 100% of the proceeds goes straight to their incredible staff of nearly 100.
A reminder to complete the 2020 Census today at my2020census.gov.
Resources for Essential Workers
Here, you can find Governor Cuomo guidance on Essential Services under the “New York State on PAUSE’ executive order
Mayor de Blasio, NYC DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenbery and Lyft have announced free Citi Bike Memberships for critical workforce in response to COVID-19.
Hotels for healthcare workers: NYC hotels are offering discounted accommodations for healthcare clinicians, administrators and other employees who may require overnight stays and cannot return home.
In light of the recent state changes to what is and is not deemed essential construction, DOB has posted a new FAQ for the public and industry
Service Workers Coalition is an action group work striving to provide help, money and resources to Brooklyn Service workers. For more information, please contact at [email protected].
NYC Health and Hospitals needs workers to help transport patients, clerical staff and cleaning staff. You can apply today at NYC Covid-19 Citywide Information Portal. Engage with Mayor De Blasio’s call to action for the recruitment of medical personnel.
Companies who have stock on hand and are offering to DONATE or SELL medical supplies and equipment (e.g. gowns, masks, ventilators, face shields), visit Supply Registration Form to apply.
Local manufacturers and industry sector companies looking to begin producing supplies please visit COVID-19 Emergency Supply Sourcing & Manufacturing.  
Grants and Funding Opportunities
Mutual Aid NYC is a network of groups organizing to provide aid and support to New Yorkers in the midst of the COVID-19. Groups may be located here.
The Northern Manhattan Emergency Recovery fund is offering immediate emergency assistance. To apply, click here.
The Robin Hood Fund is now accepting applications from organizations on a rolling basis for immediate response grants. Visit the Robin Hood Website for more information.
The New York Community Trust has created the NYC COVID-19 Response and Impact Fund Applications for grants are now available forNYC-based nonprofits that are trying to meet new urgent needs that are hitting our city.
Hot Bread Kitchen has recently developed a relief fund in support of small business grants, family stipends, financial coaching and providing meals for hospital workers and front line responders.
CJI Strategic Opportunities Support (SOS) Rapid Response Fund is providing flexible and immediate funding to organizations responding to changing political landscapes and working to build collective power at critical junctures.
The rapid response fund, Collective Future Fund Survivor Safety and Support Fund is a  rapid response fund will give increased funding support to Collective Future Fund’s existing grantees, while financial offering financial support to survivors and low-wage women of color and immigrant workers, and provide additional support to other critical efforts to advance safety and support the queer, trans, and cis women of color, Indigenous, and immigrant women survivors who are on the front lines of this crisis.
In response to the emergent needs of Black feminists, Susu Rapid Response Support for Black Feminists has been developed for those who are living/caring/healing/responding and beyond to COVID-19, SUSU will be dispersing rapid response funds for the next 2 months to Black feminists.
TheOrka Project has launched the Black Trans Solidarity Fund to raise money to combat food insecurity in the Black Trans/GNC Community.
New York City Financial Empowerment Center counselors are available to support those experiencing financial challenges.
Edquity is here to help you support students, offering efficient, online access to emergency funding and other resources during the current pandemic.
Coronavirus Financial Impact Loan provided by the Hebrew Free Loan Society is offering loans to support individuals with financial challenges caused by the Coronavirus outbreak.
Food Resources:
Food Not Bombs Bed Stuy is passing out groceries at Marcy and Lafayette in Bed-Stuy every Saturday at 3pm.
Smile Faith has created a survey to help individuals in need of food delivered in the current pandemic.
Comida Gratis is an interactive Spanish language map that allows for the spanish speaking community across NYC find available food pantries
Food Bank For New York City has created an interactive map to find “grab and go: meals and pantry bags to minimize the risk of exposure.
Hunger Free American has generated Neighborhood Guides to Food & Assistance containing detailed information on free food access in all five boroughs. Click here to find out where to find Brooklyn resources in languages such as English, Spanish, Chinese, French and Polish.  
The following stores have developed dedicated shopping hours for seniors and Immunocompromised Individuals:
Whole Foods: Daily 8:00am-9:00am
Target: Wednesdays 7:00am-8am
Trader Joe’s: Reserved expedited line daily 9:00am-10:00am
Stop and Shop: Daily 6:00am-7:30am
If you are in need of Free Groceries, go to 716 Chester St. Brooklyn NY 11212. If you are sick or over the age of 65 this group will deliver free groceries to you in Brooklyn, Please call them at 718-306-1036 for more information.
The Southern Smoke for Emergency Relief Program provides emergency funding to those employed by restaurants or bars that have faced unforeseen expenses that cannot or will not be covered by insurance.
The City of New York is hiring licensed TLC drivers to deliver food to New Yorkers in need during the COVID-19 crisis. To find out if you are eligible, visit the NYC Food Delivery Driver Portal.
Support for Artists
Anonymous Was A Woman (AWAW) x New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Emergency Relief Grant will distribute $250,000 in unrestricted grants, up to $2,500 apiece, to women artists who have experienced financial hardship from loss of income or opportunity as a direct result of the crisis. As with AWAW’s annual award, the program is open to women-identifying visual artists over the age of 40 in the United States and territories, and aims to address the unique challenges faced by artists in middle age or older, particularly at this critical time 
The Authors League Fund helps professional authors, journalists, poets, and dramatists who find themselves in financial need because of medical or health-related problems, temporary loss of income, or other misfortune.
The Binc Foundation is providing financial assistance to booksellers and employees, independent bookstores, and local comic book stores affected by COVID.
DGF provides emergency financial assistance to individual playwrights, composers, lyricists, and book writers in dire need of funds due to severe hardship or unexpected illness.
Mayer Foundation Economic Relief Grants provides grants to individual artists and nonprofits who are distressed or suffering as a result of poverty, low income or lack of financial resources.
Resources for the LBGTQ+ Community
The End is Queer: NYC Mutal Aid is a LGBTQ specifc response to the COVID-19 pandemic as way to build and maintain community bonds and empower folkd to organize support. You may join their Facebook Group or Discord (Discord is prefered) to become involved.
A Know Your Rights Guide for Transgender New Yorkers Navigating COVID-19 guide has been prepared to ensure trans and nonbinary people are aware of their legal rights and can make informed decisions about their safety, health, and well-being as the situation continues to evolve. Oprima aquí para la versión española.
Consuelo Kanaga (American, 1894-1978). Hands, 1930. Gelatin silver photograph). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Wallace B. Putnam from the Estate of Consuelo Kanaga, 82.65.2248 (Photo: Brooklyn Museum)
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NYFA Source lists over 12,000 awards, services and publications for individual artists and art professionals. More programs are added everyday.
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fotografare · 3 years
A lot of novice photographers probably take the most of their photographs straight-on. However, it is a good idea to start looking at subjects from different angles – switching up your position every once in a while can lead to very interesting results. There are 4 different viewpoints that photographers may use. Namely, bird’s-eye view, becoming the subject, eye level, and worm’s-eye view.
Bird's-eye view: When photographing through the bird’s-eye view, you shoot from above. This could be taken from up in the sky, such as when flying in a plane, or could simply be taken by standing on a ladder, slightly above your subject.
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Becoming the subject: this point of view tends to be the most effective, especially when photographing people. To use this technique, photograph your subject from the point of view of the person interacting with the subject. For instance, if you were to take a shot of someone making dinner, take a photograph of the food as if you were the chef – perhaps even including hands in the foreground for reference. These sort of images make the viewer feel as though they are experiencing the scene themselves, and makes it easy to put themselves in the photographer’s place.
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Eye level: Shooting at eye level is the most common way to photograph a subject. After all, it is typically the way we regard most subjects in our day to day lives, especially other people.
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Worm's eye view: Photographing at worm’s eye view is done from below, as if you were a worm looking up at the world around you. This viewpoint makes all subjects look very large, even if they are very small in reality. As opposed to images shot from above, subjects presented in this way look as though they hold power over the viewer, and can seem very intimidating.
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By: Bea Orense
4 Points of View in Photography | NYFA Photography. (2014, December 9). Student Resources. https://www.nyfa.edu/student-resources/point-view-photography/#:~:text=In%20relation%20to%20photography%2C%20’point,in%20when%20viewing%20a%20scene.&text=Subjects%20can%20be%20dramatically%20distorted%20simply%20by%20where%20you%20place%20your%20camera.
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ddcartsfoundation · 3 years
The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA)
Offers lists of emergency funds for artists in a variety of disciplines affected by recent natural disasters.  https://www.nyfa.org/Content/Show/Emergency%20Grants
NYFA has another page of emergency resources at: https://www.nyfa.org/Content/Show/Emergency%20Resources
NYFA have a list of resources related to the coronavirus outbreak at:  https://current.nyfa.org/post/612485365185560576/covid-19-resources-and-updates-from-nyfa
While you’re visiting the NYFA website, please note their Other Online Resources , such as the NYFA Source (a searchable online database of opportunities for artists), the NYFA Current magazine, and the NYFA Classifieds opportunity listings.
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mosqitofood · 3 years
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. 
Solidarity! Revolutionary Center and Radical Library: Located in Lawrence, Kansas the mission of Solidarity! Revolutionary Center and Radical Library is to organize as a non-hierarchical collective for the purpose of sharing and distributing information. 
DaVinci Resolve is the world’s only solution that combines editing, color correction, visual effects, motion graphics and audio post production all in one software tool!
Artnet: Uncover the art market with the Price Database, read daily art world news, browse offerings from galleries, grow your collection.
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NYFA High School Tournament on Table Rock Lake and Limit of Smallmouth Bass!!! With no practice for this tournament, I'm very glad that we found this gravel point that was holding smallmouth. It was very cool to have my first limit of these beautiful fish! source
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ultimatenomi · 7 years
In 3 months time I will be flying to Vancouver, making the move I first wanted to do when I was 15 years old. 11 years later Its going to happen- and a lot of other stuff happened in between- good and bad. 
I don’t know if it’s reassuring or not that the reasons behind my move are the same as back then, life and experience has given me a lot more ‘realistic’ perspective on how easy it’s going to be. But It’s happening. 
Not only that I MADE it happen. 
I did that.
That’s something no one can take away from me. 
I don’t know about you- but I often feel like I’m not accomplishing anything- or that everyone else has some secret guide book no one let me see- everyone else is doing something with their life and I haven’t done shit.
Well that’s not true. It’s hard to see sometimes- but I’m finally starting to see that the hardest accomplishments to see are your own sometimes.
I got into Uni. I applied and was accepted to study abroad. I made friends. I completed uni with a decent grade. I made more friends here. 
I was accepted into NYFA- I was awarded a scholarship. Although I struggled (and continue to struggle) with feelings that I was and am lightyears behind my peers- I managed to be involved with both full scale musical productions whilst I was there as well as two staged reading of new works. I helped write and produce a dance video with a Broadway and Hollywood professional. I was a lead in an original movie musical in a role written for me. I was a part of the team for our final showcase- a showcase the school weren’t going to do so we organised ourselves. We organised each act, each solo, each group, sourced sheet music, arranged for an accompanist. We. Did. Everything. I made even more friends and contacts than I thought possible for me. 
I sought out voice work on a whim- I auditioned for Geek By Night, not knowing what I was getting myself in for. I was offered a regular voice role in Geek By Night. I was somehow nominated for an award for a role I somehow managed to trick my way into getting- I made some MORE friends and contacts- 
I managed to find an IRL ‘money job’ at a cinema that is also a theater- I ran a movie quiz for a year and made something useful of my love of cinema- I applied for and was offered a role as a theater technician and was able to keep working in theater
I went through the process of applying for a VISA to move to Vancouver. I had to send my fingerprints to the FBI twice because of technicalities- My application was approved the day before the US Presidential Election. The day after it was approved the Canadian Immigration website crashed due to the number of people trying to access it. 
I have managed to save a considerate amount of money by putting away more than half of my paycheck every week and not touching it. 
I am learning to love myself and believe in myself. 
How can I think I’ll never make something of myself or achieve anything when I’ve already achieved so much? 
My dreams are bigger than my current life- but its ok. I dreamed of living and performing in London 10 years before I moved there. I dreamed of living in America for 15. It’s been 11 years since I wanted to move to Vancouver. 
I will make things happen in my life-and they wont be perfect. but they’ll be MINE.
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micaramel · 4 years
Artist: Noel W. Anderson
Venue: JDJ, Garrison
Exhibition Title: Papers of the Archive
Date: August 29 – October 11, 2020
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of JDJ, Garrison
Press Release:
Noel W. Anderson is known for his explorations into the evolving makeup of black male identity as seen through the lens of American media.
Using a variety of materials, predominantly textiles and experimental printmaking processes, the source images are heavily manipulated—blown up, warped and distorted, limbs bending into unrealistic postures, as though the images are transforming right before our eyes.
Anderson’s photographic source material—from political activists like Martin Luther King, Jr., to a group of prisoners lined up against a prison fence, to sports heroes like basketball player Spud Webb— collectively prompts the viewer to consider their own relationship to the distorted depiction of Black masculinity in American culture.
The six unique handmade paper objects on view were produced during Anderson’s 2019 residency at the renowned papermaking institution Dieu Donné in New York. Several works from this series were recently exhibited in museum exhibitions at BRIC, Brooklyn and the Hunter Museum in Tennessee.
These works are made entirely from cotton pulp, and the images on the surface of the paper are made by pressing wet paper pulp of various colors through mesh screens. The process creates a visual distortion that feels similar to the effect of making a copy of a copy of a copy—the original image becoming more indistinct with each translation.
The process and effect of these paper-based works function in a similar vein to Anderson’s textile-based pieces, in which distorted photos from his archive are translated into woven fabric, which he then picks apart, thread by thread, until the image becomes barely legible. In both bodies of work, the source photographs have become so distressed that they can no longer articulate what they once represented.
Papers of the Archive is presented in collaboration with Elective Affinity, a multidisciplinary platform featuring artist editions and publications with an emphasis on artistic agency.
Noel W. Anderson was born in Louisville, KY and lives and works in New York. He has an MFA from Yale University in Sculpture and MFA from Indiana University in Printmaking, and is currently a professor in Printmaking at New York University. In 2018, he was awarded the NYFA artist fellowship grant and the prestigious Jerome Prize.
Anderson’s most recent solo museum exhibition Blak Origin Moment debuted at the Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati in 2017 and traveled to the Hunter Museum in Chattanooga, TN in 2019. He has an upcoming solo project at the Telfair Museum in Savannah, Georgia, titled Heavy is the Crown, which uses the words and images of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rodney King to articulate the spectrum of Black masculinity in America.
The gallery is open by appointment with Covid safety measures in place in accordance with New York State guidelines. Please schedule a visit using this form, by text message to +1-518-339-6913, or by email to [email protected].
Link: Noel W. Anderson at JDJ
The post Noel W. Anderson at JDJ first appeared on Contemporary Art Daily.
from Contemporary Art Daily https://bit.ly/2DDeGDd
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nyfacurrent · 5 years
Business of Art | Tackle Creative Block
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Four generous and surprising ways to work through a creative impasse.
If you’re an artist of any discipline, you are surely well-acquainted with creative block. You may dread its coming at times, and appreciate its ability to challenge you to improve or innovate at others. Many factors can cause the blank state of creative block, including: exhaustion, a temporary lack of confidence in your ideas, or simply what many describe as the natural ebb and flow of creativity.
Whatever the cause, we’re including advice from a range of multidisciplinary artists in NYFA’s community to help you beat, harness, or simply sit with and accept creative block. Every creative person may find different strategies work for them at different times. The techniques you relied on two years ago may seem unhelpful today, and a strategy that works for you while you’re starting a new project at a residency may fall flat when you’re back at work, trying to squeeze your practice into a demanding schedule.
With a willingness to get creative about your creativity and experiment with new approaches like the ones below, you can have confidence that creative block won’t stick around forever.
Take a Break
Like our bodies, our minds need rest. If you keep hitting a wall, it’s not always helpful to persist with the same approach. There’s merit to the idea that putting your work down and doing a rote or physical task, like washing the dishes, showering, or taking a walk can help you become unstuck.
This kind of mentality can also apply to your long-term planning and your daily schedule. Comic artist and illustrator Maxine Worthy relates: “A good friend has begun to schedule ‘fallow periods’ after exhibitions and artist residencies. During the fallow period she doesn’t try to make “art” with a capital A. Instead she explores, plays, and looks for inspiration.” Accepting that you may not be able to sustain single-minded, focused activity full-time, week after week, could be a great first step to unleashing new sources of creativity.
While creating often and regularly is extremely helpful and productive, it’s also important to be patient with yourself sometimes. “In principle, regularity and discipline are nice ideals, but I feel that I’m a human being, not a robot,” says Hanna Varga of the collaborative sculpture duo Ashleaf. “Some days, weeks—despite my best intentions—I can’t be productive. All I can do is wait patiently until all that’s fallen apart comes back together again.”
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Be Multidisciplinary
In addition to resting from a current project, try to step away from your primary medium or discipline, or your customary techniques, from time to time. When writer Danielle Krysa, known as The Jealous Curator, feels blocked, she rethinks her process “by trying to do the opposite of what I normally do—if you work small, go big—if you paint, try using clay.” Veering away from your creative routine can help you “let go of your typical tropes and INVENT something you’ve never come up with before,” confirms Design Matters founder and host Debbie Millman. In this way, creative block can be a blessing in disguise. It can make you more willing to experiment and fashion you into a more well-rounded creator, the virtues of which were recently extolled in Why Artists Who Dabble in Other Professions Find Success, an Artsy article inspired by David Epstein’s Range (Riverhead Books, 2019).
Embrace Constraints, Embrace the Random
There’s a reason why prompts are helpful. We all need instructions sometimes, a bit of guidance. And prompts that include a random restriction—like a poet writing a poem that can’t include verbs or the letter “o”— can be surprisingly fruitful. Try incorporating arbitrary rules as well. Krysa recommends rolling die and following their instructions, based on a few predetermined rules. She explains: “Roll dice and then walk or ride as long as the dice tells you to. 1 & 3 would be 13 minutes. Then get to your destination and sit for an hour, take it all in” by sketching, listening, or collecting impressions and sensory data.
Then, there’s always repetition. Wendy Perron (Fellow in Choreography ’85, NYFA Hall of Fame Inductee ’11) says dancers can “walk across the floor in 50 different ways” and see what happens, or a visual artist can try altering a photocopied image a set number of times, a technique inspired by Pop artist Trey Speegle.
The possibilities are endless but most constraints will help you cultivate a sense of openness, put less pressure on yourself, and open the door to inspiration.
Make Bad Work
The blame for your present creative standstill may rest squarely on an inner critic with too much power. If the pursuit of perfection is holding you back from creating anything at all, give yourself permission to create something that seems terrible. When illustrator Laura Baran allows herself to do this, she feels relief and thinks, “Now I’ve got momentum. And I might as well keep going and see what else I can do.” What’s more, you may be surprised when you revisit those “failures” later; they may provide fodder for something great or be the promising beginnings of a brand new creative direction.
- Mirielle Clifford, Program Officer, Online Resources
This article draws inspiration from #ArtistHotline, an initiative dedicated to creating an ongoing online conversation around the professional side of artistic practice. Our goal is to help artists discover the resources needed, online and off, to develop sustainable careers.
Have an arts career question? You can contact NYFA staff directly via the NYFA Source Hotline at (800) 232-2789, from Monday - Friday, 3:00 - 5:00 PM EST or email [email protected].
This initiative is supported by the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation.
Images from top: Diana Markosian (Fellow in Photography ’19), Allison Janae Hamilton (Fellow in Interdisciplinary Work ’18)
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Quarantine Diaries! Here is how Rashmika, Keerthy, Payal and other Tollywood divas are spending their time | The Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/quarantine-diaries-here-is-how-rashmika-keerthy-payal-and-other-tollywood-divas-are-spending-their-time-the-times-of-india/
Quarantine Diaries! Here is how Rashmika, Keerthy, Payal and other Tollywood divas are spending their time | The Times of India
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Quarantine Diaries! Here is how Rashmika, Keerthy, Payal and other Tollywood divas are spending their time | The Times of India
Quarantine Diaries! Here is how Rashmika, Keerthy, Payal and other Tollywood divas are spending their time
TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on – Apr 21, 2020, 07:00 ISTShare fbsharetwsharepinshare
01/7Quarantine Diaries! Rashmika Mandanna, Keerthy Suresh, Mehreen Pirzada, Payal Rajput, Hebah Patel & Nidhhi Agerwal
In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, the prevailing lockdown in the country has been officially extended till May and with no shootings in progress, celebrities are making most of their free time at home by reading, cooking, indoor workouts, cuddling their furry friends, playing board games, eating one’s favourite snacks or catching up on hobbies. Meanwhile, despite confined to their living spaces, few divas of Telugu cinema have been entertaining their fans on social media by constantly sharing photos regarding their daily activity. While Rashmika Mandanna and Keerthy Suresh are staying close to their pets as much as possible, Payal Rajput is busy with household chores and Nidhhi Agerwal is hands full with her online acting course.
02/7Keerthy Suresh
A week ago, Keerthy Suresh took to Instagram and shared a couple of pictures featuring herself and her pet dog enjoying the sunset from their terrace. On Sunday, the gorgeous gal came back to the photo-sharing platform and shared a mirror selfie with her cute doggie Nyke from the gym. On the work front, Keerthy is hands-full with a pipeline of projects in Telugu and Tamil. Besides playing the leading lady in Rajinikanth’s Annaatthe and Nithiin’s Rang De, the 27-year-old national award-winning actress will be next seen in the female-centric project titled Miss India. She is also essaying the role of a sharpshooter in Nagesh Kukunoor’s sports-drama ‘Good Luck Sakhi’.
03/7Rashmika Mandanna
Kannada beauty Rashmika Mandanna is spending some quality time with her family and pets at her hometown. On Sunday, she shared a photo of herself comforting her German shepherd dog at her home. With an impeccable success ratio in Telugu cinema, the 24-year-old actress has proved to be the lucky mascot for several star heroes in the last two years. Though her most-anticipated film ‘Dear Comrade’ failed to click at the ticket counters, she bounced back to form like never before in 2020 with the monstrous success of Sarileru Neekevvaru. While her hilarious antics struck the right chord with the family audience, her arresting dance moves opposite Mahesh Babu in Mind Block has sent the masses into frenzy. Rashmika’s recent outing Bheeshma also enjoyed a solid run in the theaters.
04/7Payal Rajput
After taking part in the Pillow Challenge and nailing it with her alluring postures, Payal Rajput took to Instagram and posted a few photos on Sunday where she can be seen cleaning the fan in her house. Slipping into a sleeveless tee and shorts, her striking figure in the eye-popping outfit will certainly make you go weak in the knees. Besides the female-centric project ‘5Ws’, the 29-year-old actress is playing the lead role in her Kollywood debut ‘Angel’ starring Udhayanidhi Stalin as the protagonist. She is also reprising the role of India’s first female fighter pilot in Director Jayanth Paranji’s action slammer ‘Narendra’.
05/7Hebah Patel
From the past few weeks, Tollywood bombshell Hebah Patel has been delivering a visual treat on Instagram by sharing her makeup free selfies. Besides her solid performances on the silver screen, the 31-year-old actress is a popular celebrity on social media who doesn’t disappoint her fans when it comes to sharing jaw-dropping stuff. After playing a pivotal role in Nithiin’s upcoming film Bheeshma, she is looking forward for the release of Raj Tarun’s Orey Bujjiga.
06/7Mehreen Pirzada
Mehreen Pirzada heaved a huge sigh of relief in 2019 with the stupendous success of Anil Ravipudi’s F2: Fun & Frustration. Her rib-tickling role of Honey garnered a huge response from cinegoers and her catch-phrase ‘Honey is the best’ in the film went viral in no time. In 2020, she already made her presence as the leading lady in two films; Entha Manchivaadavuraa and Aswathama. Amid the implementation of lockdown in the entire country, Mehreen has been spending some quality time with her family members at home. In her latest post, she can be seen pulling off some flexible postures during her workout session.
07/7Nidhhi Agerwal
Nidhhi Agerwal is making effective use of her quarantine by sharpening her acting skills through an online course with a reputed foreign university. Opening up on her passion, she said “Presently, I’m busy with my online acting course with New York Film Academy (NYFA). I am already in the third session now and besides that, I’m also doing a scriptwriting and direction course on Masterclass.” Present, she is romancing newcomer Ashok Galla in Sriram Aditya’s romantic entertainer. Besides making her Kollywood debut opposite Jayam Ravi in Bhoomi, Nidhhi is also stepping foot into Kannada cinema with James starring Puneeth Rajkumar.
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findmyfreelance · 4 years
Freelance Museum Educator, Groups and Tours
Freelance Museum Educator, Groups and Tours
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earlrmerrill · 5 years
This Writer Asked New York Film Academy To Pay Her What Men Were Getting Paid. They Kicked Her Off The Project.
Last summer, Krista Knight signed on to write the script for a 20-minute movie musical for NYFA. At the time, she agreed that she’d be paid only with in-kind services. Then she found out that the composer and lyricist were each receiving a $150 honorarium … – Hyperallergic
Article source here:Arts Journal
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attiaawadh-blog · 6 years
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Hot lightened wire gives us a hope in the darkness around us. Be a source of heat at cold Be a source of light at darkness. Abstract #abstract #abstractart #wire #hot #yellow #black #darkness #light #dark #hope #attiaawadh #attia_photography #ibnatoota #photography_doctors #creative #ابداع #nikon #natgeocreative #nikonartists #nikontop #egyptian #NYFA (at Hurghada)
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