#now theres a tag i havent used in a while
nejackdaw · 4 months
Had DnD on the mind recently after a couple posts about it popped up on my dash, so I figured I'd share the ref sheet for a character I hoped to play soon (enlarge to banish the blur)
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His name is Cariton Corbett and he's like if Jekyll and Hyde were a really wretched little priest
Never known peace in his life tbh. He's a grave cleric for a Bloodborne inspired campaign one of my DnD friends was cooking up (hopefully that's still in the cards lol.) It took forever to get a solid design idea, but then I picked MHR back up and uh
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"What if I combined a tailcoat with a cassock > you're a pain in my ass but you and your upgraded armor are so cool > hey what if I added inverted cathedral window shapes and cobweb tassels"
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wizisbored · 2 years
for drawing requests,,, may i perhaps have an emma perkins in these trying times,,, can be an au em if u so desire,,,
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trying times indeed,,,,,
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i have to stop going in the main fandom tags on ao3
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nighty-night-nh · 9 months
Lads I FINALLY woke up fast enough to document one of the sonic game dreams I have constantly before I forgot the entire plot. I'm bouta put Sonic the THE cringes Hawaiian shirt
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stubborn-studies · 2 years
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transgaysex · 2 years
today has definitely been one of the weirdest days ive had in a while
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jatlokgwo · 2 years
cycle 30 has 30 days of this unhinged you further?
I dont know but it made me more comfortable with this blog!!! :D
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fairuzfan · 3 months
hey i know theres way bigger problems right now but i see you reblog a lot of stuff calling people "psychotic" and "psychos" and "psychopaths" and i wanted to just pop in and mention that ive seen a lot of people say that kind of language tends to be really harmful towards people that experience psychosis and other people with similar "scary" mental disorders/diagnoses/etc.
you reblogged a post a while back in january where you said in the tags that you'd like people to stop using ableist insults like insane and delusional and still reblog posts that use those words as insults often.
i know people are angry and upset, and have every right to be, and so i havent said anything, but ive seen a big up-tick in those kind of insults. i dont mean to send this ask in any sort of accusatory way to you, im sorry if it seems like that- i just get so sad every time i see people use language like this. i'd really appreciate it if you could maybe reblog less posts that use ableist insults? i know some of them have really important info in them, so its understandable if not.
thank you for all that you do. i really appreciate you and your kindness.
i completely understand, im sorry if i hurt you or anyone with my reblogs about this. i do try to avoid those sorts of words in my own posts as much as i can. but yeah i can definitely try to be a little more selective with things i reblog for this, i agree. thank you for reaching out, i really appreciate it.
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
Hi hi!! I have questions regarding snapdonnie (plant boy)
Can he talk? If he can what would it sound like? How would he try to hide this from his brothers if he does? Are your commissions open? Oh I wonder if he would just disappear. I imagine this is sensory hell for him. On top of having to eat bugs. eugh hahahaha I love this! He kinda reminds me of those mushroom zombies (/pos)!! What are your thoughts on him? I would love to hear more about this creature against nature (or with nature now, haha!!) I was originally here for open your wings but I have gotten thoroughly attached to the wacky Donnie fusions. Are you alright if people draw him?? How did you do this?? This is so cool!!! I love all of your Donnie designs but he is most definitely my favorite.
(Feel free to ignore, this turned into just gushing about him)
I was gonna keep going but it was going to get into weird unhinged cult territory really fast, hahaha!!!
Wow! Hi!
I will try to answer all your questions, me and @zeawesomeness were just throwing ideas around for SnapDonnie, so theres quite a bit to talk about!
What does he sound like:
I'd imaging real gurgly when he's like that, but he absolutely hates the sound of his voice, and the fact that most of what he says is muddled. So id say he mostly uses sign language to communicate. while he can still do that
How would he hide it from his brothers:
He would definitely try at the beginning! especially when it starts off as a small growth on his softshell, but eventually the consequences get too big and it gets revealed relatively quickly (at least compared to Open your Shell)
Are my commisions open:
uhhhh, not at the moment, but if there's enough interest in commissions for my art (which would be amazing) then i would be open to opening them!
Is this sensory hell for him?
Absolutely. especially now that flies are attracted to him. he hates it. his shell is consistently moving and it is hell.
My thoughts on him:
I live this creepy little dude. but now there is a little bit of trepidation with it. because now i want to turn this into a proper au and i need to stop doing this to myself.
More about SnapDonnie!
he was infected with this venus fly trap-like curse (from what I havent figured out yet, either kraang or mystic)
it started as a growth in his shell, which then sprouted those flytraps (which he couldnt hide)
the energy needed for the transformations makes Donnie ravenous, and the more he eats, the faster he turns. this is the part where his family find out.
yes he was compelled into eating raw (kinda rancid) meat.
they find out that this infection will continue until Donnie is fully turned into a carnivorous plant.
at the end of the transformation, Donnies face would split open and the single flower would bloom.
Small teeth-like spines are growing down the middle of Donnies face.
Donnie has to balance, starving himself without rotting/wilting (bc yes he does that now), while not eating too much that the transformation continues at too fast a pace.
it doesnt help that sometimes he goes feral (and his face does the splitty open thing), and attacks and tries to eat anything in his path. including his family. Ah yes. Angst.
so they need to figure out how to help Donnie before they loose him forever.
Okay I think Im done with ranting lol.
Can you draw him?
ABSOLUTELY!! please tag me if you do! in fact I am completely on board with you drawing anything from my aus! I love receiving fanart!
I think thats all the questions answered! I love asks like this lol, theyre always so fun!
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
I’m hoping this is the inbox- pls help I’m used to just reading what’s in the tags on tumblr and never requesting anything 🥹
I hope you’re having an amazing day/night/whatever time of day it is for you-!!! I just found your blog and I am so happy I did!! I’ve been binge reading it but the fact that I found someone who writes for Creepypasta???? I’m??? In luv??? (platonically ofc) may I request some LJ with a fem!reader who has bpd and he’s their fp, carries his little music box everywhere she goes and always “talks” to him in public, not caring about any crazy looks she gets from people?
Also politely asking to be 🩶 anon (if you’re taking any ofc-)
Laughing Jack x fem!reader w/ BPD who has him as her FP!
UEUEUEUE im so happy to hear you love my writing sm ehehehe! always thrilled to hear people enjoying my stuff/that it makes them happy! i hope you enjoy this, i havent written a reader with BPD before so i hope this is decent! also also youre doing wonderful; requesting i mean! i dont think theres many rules against how youre meant to request (every blog is different though!!)
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honestly i think hes genuinely thrilled to be taken around and about with you in his little box! usually hes sitting in his box waiting for an unfortunate soul to take it home; its been like this for... a while now... so actually being able to go around and see things is a nice change of pace! plus it makes him feel more included in your life rather than just being an "at home friend"
i think in the beginning youre going to have to ask him to pipe down a little since he might talk a little too loud... like near yelling because hes just so excited
loves helping you shop :)! quick heads up though he might beg you to buy stuff you guys dont need
general silly ideas aside, i think hed be chattering the entire time so you two probably always have a conversation going on whenever you guys are out
probably sneers at people who give you looks tbh, will probably trip them if they decide to be a little ruder and mutter something under their breath while theyre passing by you... i mean they cant prove anything! they just tripped on air! jack totally didnt swipe one of his long arms out and tug their ankle back!
the only downside is that jack cant do much outside of talking and sneaking stuff around since him just fully popping out his box might blow his cover, you know? doesnt mean he doesnt have the urge to jump out when he sees you getting a little stressed out or overwhelmed about your surroundings or when someone is being particularly cruel
though i dont doubt hes remembering faces; i mean at the end of the day hes still a clown that specializes in torment, do i really need to say what hes cooking up in his brain?
no in cases where you're beginning to struggle hes probably going to try to quietly urge you to disconnect and take a breather
keeps your favorite candies on him at all times and slips them into your hand, probably does the same to any stress/fidget toys you may or may not have.. though i do hc he can just materialize certain things and i can easily see that sort of thing falling into something he can just yoink into existence
very good at reassuring you of your worth and how much you mean to him; this is a general thing but i think he makes it more of a point if self image is something you particularly struggle with
who would have thunk it, the clown with abandonment issues is good at reassuring others that hes not going to go anywhere
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wall-e-gorl · 25 days
Hey, just curious, is the crows nest a podcast or something? I see a few people on here talking about it but can't find anything online about it 😅
Hi! So the reason you cant find anything about it is cause its our dnd game <3
its not recorded its not streamed BUT if you want to find all the posts and art (we make so much art. go look at it all) about it check out the tags #crow's nest crew and #crows nest crew! You have to check out both, cause we never decided which one to use so now some people use one and the rest the other lmao. It was the games one year anniversary last week, so while we havent been playing them the whole time, we do constantly think about them so theres quite a backload! Theres art and explanations and midgame liveblog yelling about whats happening and general silly posts
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Ok I didnt want to write a whole fic about this but here me yap for a second...i just think that Zamasu would try to prove how he was the obvious choice for controlling Goku's body in the future.
Tags: MDNI 18+ oh i guess technically spoiler if you havent seen Super foursome(??). fmmm. self-cest. masturbation. dirty talk. humiliation. goku x goku black / zamasu x reader. Zamasu is holding all the reigns. Im not sure where this was going, but like...it had to be said.
Im thinking thoughts, thoughts of Zamasu and Goku Black travelling unto Earth. Talks of ending the world and making it their own, destroying the world yada yada. And of course Goku (your boyfriend and partner in crime), wants to fight- but you know in your soul- theres no way he's winning. Zamasu talks of purity and how easy it was to overpower Goku in the future before he slides his gaze...to you. And..oh you- well now you weren't in the future were you? Pretty thing that you are...How about you come with us hm? I'm sure we can treat your body way better than he has.
Actually, he's sure he can treat both you and Goku's bodies the way their meant to be treated. To serve...under him. In every way.
Of course you're protesting- but really its no matter. Its either the world is destroyed or they have you and they leave your little measly planet alone.
There's a barely there affirmation (work with me here we don't need canon Goku right now) and suddenly you're in your home and Zamasu is behind you wrapping his green hands around your waist and pulling you flush against him. Propping his head against your shoulder while he tells you to wait " for the show"
Doesnt take a genius to realize whats happening when your Goku is spread out on his back and Goku black himself is kissing down his body.
"Think of it like training Goku. Just take what is given" Zamasu tells your boyfriend.
And maybe you shouldn't look or enjoy the fact that another man that looks like yours is holding his cock and making him fuck himself with the pink haired fist. Or the fact that green fingers plunge into your slicked insides, matching the pace and sounds of Gokus whining. Perhaps its not wise to beg for more while Zamasu adds marks to your neck as he grips your hips and fucks you faster down on his dick. Cant hear Goku's whining when you're moaning in pleasure. Maybe you shouldn't tighten up when Pink hair tells Goku to beg to come. To admit that he does in fact treat Goku's body better. He wont come until he admits how good he's treating him- you wont come either. You better say it louder, cant hear you over all the moaning
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basofy · 8 months
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i havent seen anybody else mention this connection so idk if anyone noticed but i get sad whenever i think about it
FUCK i wrote a whole damn anaylisis but tumblr is super stupid and cant take many tags so heres this
#not a vent this time just analysis #but ive had this in mind for a while and im on so much coffee right now that i wanna ramble
#theres this aspect in their interaction where garth bullies jack over his most sensitive aspect #which is his lack of knowledge and his issues with his age #and like this goes for the whole thing#it was odd to me to see garth being verbally hostile cuz he never was in the original#not even in rando land #and as i see it now he is just using this agaisnt jack to make him feel like he needs his art to feel older #for whatever freaky reasons, ive seen many interpretations of this thing on garth's part #i like the thought that he's a big attention seeker lmao #regardless of intentions this must've had consequences on jack or so i think #so when it comes to jack i think he might be affected not only cuz of the porn #but also must have felt really insulted by this #and like i keep thinking that if jack were to get mad at garth it would be because of this #(and i do actually want to see him get mad at garth ) #cuz i think he wouldnt realize for a while that the porn thing was wrong
#not to mention how the fuck did garth know this would work on jack????? #the MAGS #the convo starts with jack being all sneaky about the magazines #being a kid or teen that DOESNT like to be one and wants to grow up too soon #while also being the only companion that wouldnt poke fun at garth even if just a little LOL #this makes him tragically the perfect target for whatever he was doing #im NOT saying jack asked for it but that it was easy for him to fall for it #and ive been thinking about my friend's theory that garth might've grown up the same way #not exactly by being groomed i mean #theres so many cases of kids and teens that purposefully put themselves in situations that arent for them #which jack was doing as well and what garth did was worsen that #and if this were the case then he would perfectly know that hypersexual teens HAAATE being reminded of their age #i speak from experience (not a good thing) #and honestly i can completely see garth as someone who would say yea i was addicted to porn at the age of 14 and turned out alright (LIES)
#i know i get annoying with this thing #half the fandom found it funny the other half doesnt want to think about it which i understand #but i keep thinking about it cuz i care about both characters and i care about the themes here too
also also leaving this old analysis i did on twitter here too..
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it's 5:35 am rn LOL
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lithominium · 6 months
Ughhh hahah im ahving a “nobody under 40 really expects anything good to happen ever again” moment right now going “climate change has completely ruined seasons as we know them, not the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by sea level rise and (un)natural disasters caused by global warming” and “every single product in the entire world is designed to break down in a year at the most and every year it gets worse, including housing”
Its not like yoi can go buy a good that actually functions, because All goods are like this. Tools are godawful now. You buy a brand new sandblaster from a reputable company and it literally sucks shit. You buy a modern reissue of music equipment and its shoddily built and doesnt work right or something. Houses being built in the modern era are thrown up in a week and collapse with people inside a week later. Video games come out and are half baked and dont change when people ask
The consumers dont have power anymore, they havent for Years.
Every time i look at politics (USA because im unfortunately usamerican, but ive seen some godawful shit in other countries too) i go “well he cant nearly be as bad as the last guy” but somehow they always one up each other for being more genocidal and more awful. On both ends of the spectrum. It used to be 3 years ago “do i wanna vote for the awful person or the awful person who actively wants to kill me” but now its literally just. “Person who wants to kill me or person who wants to kill me.” And every single worthless politician in existence is doing the same thing. If i voted for someone who didnt want to kill me, so few people would end up voting for them, that the people who DO want to kill me would win anyways. My old college town banned public homosexuality. Tennessee of course. Worthless ass state.
I dont doomscroll, i know how ungodly unhealthy it is to scroll through tags showing off how bad everything is. But its inescapable. I go to funny youtube videos and see wade dankpods complaining about how all tools suck while he tries to rebuild a car. I scroll through my dashboard which is supposed to be memes and fandom content and its “this us democrat just said ‘yaknow i really think its great that israel is finally killing all those subhuman palistinians” and what the hell am i supposed to do about that??
I just need. Some semblance of hope. Anything just to tell me it will be alright. Tell me theres a reason for me to not steal a plane and fly it into a god damn mountain so my final moments will be doing the one thing i really love.
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bigassmoth · 7 months
Dazai Osamu does not have a breeding kink with a longterm s/o. Hes got other ones though
R18 below
He doesnt have a breeding kink. Osamu doesnt have any interest in having kids, reminding him of it during sex would probably a turn off. Kids are annoying and fragile and he would fuck them up too quick.
To Osamu theres nothing sexy about the image of you pregnant, that just means you are now creating new life (barf) and your body is expending energy and resources to do so.
While Osamu is very possessive, he doesnt view pregnancy and children as a way to have access to you. Theres no "youre mine" aspect in it for osamu just because you carried his progeny- he would actually think that the relationship was even more precarious because of course the child will come first.
He practicess his obsession with you in other ways. Bites and hickies on your neck and chest, vibrators held under the hood of your clit or to the slit of your dick, coaxing orgasm after orgasm from you until you are lax against his body.
"You are so sweet like this. I could keep you here forever- I should keep you here forever." His words are honey and sin. This is typical roleplay- him having you cuffed and displayed for his use over hours. But when he says things like that he means it. "If someone else tried to do this to you I would kill them", "if you can make yourself cum by riding on my thigh then i will let you outside again", "im going to borrow your lipgloss, youre not allowed to wipe it off no matter how ticklish you feel. I want you to feel tingly and sticky all day, knowing that i will lick it off when you get home."
He purposefully teases and annoys you so you scorn him in public-anything to get his name on your tongue. When you do sometimes snap at him with an even-toned "Osamu..." as a warning to stfu, he is smug and puffed like a pigeon. For you he can play the part of an obedient guard dog
You arent the only one accessorized with leather, dazai loves a leash and collar on himself. Maybe even more than when its on you. Pull his leash, run your finger between the leather collar and his skin, fidget with the gaurish bright pink [Y/N]'s heart shaped id tag. He always melts under your praise and attention but this creates a specific kind of fire in his gut. If he is your beloved pet then its his job to protect you, right? No one else gets to see you vulnerable, no one else gets you obey your commands. Not that he always obeys you anyway- you scold him and put a hand on his shoulder to push him off your body. You flex the leash away from you, not hurting him but making clear your demands. He doesnt budge, continues to pull apart your outfit and plant slobbery kisses on your skin. "Please, pleeeaassee~? I have been lonely all day without you. Havent I been a good boy? Dont i deserve a reward?" "A reward for what? You havent done anything." "Hrm, boo. I watched you all night you know."
He jokes about being praised for his dedication. Dazai doesnt actually expect any favors from you just because he brought you pastries for breakfast. He will complain and dramatize as per usual but knowing he was the one who filled your belly or made you smile is enough reward. You shower him with affection anyway, he soaks it up like a sponge.
Maybe you decide to indulge him, he will have plenty of ideas. "I have always wanted to see if I could get you to cum just by playing with your nipples. Ah- it will take a while though, lets see how hard I can get them." "Suck me, just the tip. I want you to be between my legs licking my cock for as long as your jaw can stand it." "No clothes today, I dont want any obstructions when I touch you."
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Hello there, thanks for stumbling across my blog!
(Here's a lil comic I made for a school assignment)
I'm going to start putting my social energy levels in my bio... There's a lot of stuff I want to respond to but i currently dont have the energy to do so, and so if I don't respond within like a day, check my bio and see that... I always feel bad about being on tumblr when theres things people have sent me but responding to those things is a different level of interaction than reblogging a post... so yeah... Sorry to the people i havent responded to yet! I will soon <333 (writing this on low energy, sorry for the incoherence)
Who am I / Where else can you find me?
First of all, feel free to call me Eli!! I'm on the waiting list for an autism diagnosis. I am agender and aroace-spec.
I am a very big fan of the oxford comma and double brackets. Semicolons are pretty cool too. And ellipses are incredible.
I am verrryyy enthusiastic about the things I am interested in (hence the URL hehehe). And currently, those are: podcasts (theres a list at the bottom of the post), good omens, ofmd, bbc merlin, star trek!!!!, lotr, and probably more things that I am too tired to think of right now!
I use the queue! Im not awake at the ungodly hours i sometimes am seen posting at, I just dont want to utterly flood peoples dashes! I do reblog fandom stuff and things ive added anything to immediately, so if you see a few posts in short succession, im online!
i love all of my mutuals dearly!! Making cookies and hot chocolate for you all <33
I try to use tone tags as much as possible!
Things I am okay with sharing/doing:
My age, gender/sexuality, things about my guinea pigs!!, and most other things
Things I am not okay with sharing/doing:
The city I live in, pictures of me/anyone I know, my full name, my birthdate, my phone number/email address, meeting up with people irl, sending/receiving money/gifts, dms (<- though if we're mutuals and interacted a lot dms are fine!!)
^ this applies to everyone im not in the discord with
I will let someone know if they cross boundaries, and *really* would like other people to let me know if I cross theirs!!
DNI: people who are here to spread hate and anger. Just, stay away. I dont engage in discourse. I know DNIs dont deterr these people, but this is a demonstration of my core values :)
(At the top cause otherwise it will get lost) ALSO #tw body horror
I block quite a few tags but most notably #tw war and other ones to do with the war in israel/palestine. This is not because I don't care. I care so so so much about what is happening and I cry every time I see a post about it. It breaks my heart that such horrible things are happening. However, I really struggle with high empathy, and seeing a post about it can really affect me for a while, and I need tumblr to be a safe space away from the real world problems. If I follow you - please could you tag things to do with war. Thank you <3
Updated to clarify - I do block the generic tags such as Israel and Gaza, which most of the posts are tagged with by the op, so if you forget its no big deal!!
A list of all the podcasts I listen to because y'know, its fun:
The Amelia Project
Wooden Overcoats
The Adventure Zone
Sherlock & Co
Alba Salix
And a whole lot more that i no longer listen to either because they havent updated or they are a little too creepy (Welcome to Night Vale falls into the latter category)
The Sci Guys
Lets Learn Everything
A podcast of unnecessary detail.
Dear Hank and John
The Unmade Podcast
Books Unbound
A book list of recommendations from mutuals for my own use:
abigail by Magda Szasbo (@mack-anthology-mp3)
The Alphabet of Candice Phee (@jamie-dinow)
A list of music reccomendations from mutuals:
in the lap of the gods revisited by queen, why can't i be you by the cure, pyramid song, and lucky & the tourist by radiohead, when the sun hits by slowdive, dancing barefoot by patti smith, tangerine by led zeppelin, autumn sweater by yo la tengo, rubber ring by the smiths, water by pj harvey (from @/mack-anthology-mp3)
imi hendrix’s all along the watchtower (from @/catholickedd)
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