#the jackdaw treasury
nejackdaw · 1 year
@incorrectskyrimquotes come get ur boy, Ralof guy
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Tysm for putting in all the work to run the poll 💞 a lil Ralof for your troubles
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triflesandparsnips · 6 months
The poll choosing between ten historical recipe manuals I have open as tabs on my phone is complete, and we have a winner-- the 1659 classic:
An antidote against melancholy. Or, A treasury of 53. rare secrets & arts discovered, by an expert artist, Richard Amyas
...tbh, I fucking love Amyas-- his book is maybe three actual recipes and the rest are TOTAL FUCKERIES.
Like, I cannot stress this enough: OMFD's Edward Teach 1000% has a copy of Amyas's An Antidote Against Melancholy and, moreover, he's working on an unauthorized fan sequel that he wants to go lay on Amyas's grave in his honor, maybe while giving it a little kiss.
I love this guy.
These aren't the full titles, btw. For true wonderment, see below:
A most Excellent Receipt against Melancholy; Comforts the Stomach, openeth the Liver, helps head-ache, breeds good blood takes away faintness of the Heart, Swoonings, expells Melancholy, prevents Madness, makes a man merry and a chearful countenance; and taken at night, takes away all Fancies and Melancholy Dreams.
A most rare Powder to keep teeth from perishing, to fasten loose teeth, to restore the Gums wasted, to keep teeth white, or prevent tooth-ach, and make a sweet breath; It is the same I sell and use.
How to make Hair to grow.
For to make a most excellent Ball to take away the Spots, Freckles, Red-Pimples, and heats out of the Face and Hands: It' also takes spots out of Linnen or Woollen: It is the same I make & sell.
A Receipt how to write your name on a piece of Paper, and to burn that piece of Paper & the same letters to appear on the back of your hand.
A device to make a Chamber to appear full of Addors and Snakes.
To make Fish drunk, so that they will tumble to the side of the water; so that you may take them, if you be but nimble enough; else not.
How to catch Crows, Kites, Magpies, Jackdaws, alive with your hands.
A fine Conceit, to clear a Room of drunken or rude company.
A pretty Conceipt to fright the people of a house, and make them believe there are Spirits walking in a Room.
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VR puts Oakland students in the rooms where Hamilton happened (SFGate):
Guadalupe Suarez, a 16-year-old Oakland high school student, has never been to Philadelphia or New Jersey. But on Monday, she and her classmates at Aspire Golden State College Preparatory Academy were able to travel virtually to historic sites related to the life of Alexander Hamilton, the nation’s first Treasury secretary and the subject of the hit musical now playing in San Francisco.
“It felt like you were there,” Guadalupe said. She and the other students lifted Google Cardboards — inexpensive virtual reality viewers — to their faces to explore key places in Hamilton’s life, including the New Jersey site where Aaron Burr fatally shot Hamilton in a duel.
On Wednesday, Google is releasing six virtual reality tours related to Hamilton. The goal is to help students “engage more deeply with Alexander Hamilton’s story,” Suzanna Bobadilla, a product marketing manager for the company’s Social Impact Team, wrote in a blog post. Google took 360-degree photos of historic sites, including Trinity Church in New York City where Hamilton is buried and Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
[. . .]
By releasing the Hamilton-related images, which also will be available to the public, the company is “clearly piggybacking on a historical figure that is interesting to people right now,” said Jan Dawson, chief analyst of Jackdaw Research, a firm that studies the technology industry.
To access the virtual imagery, viewers need a smartphone and virtual reality headgear, such as Google’s $15 cardboard viewer. [. . .]
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nejackdaw · 1 year
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"It is my duty to try."
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nejackdaw · 2 years
Punk rock dinosaur, come to conquer
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nejackdaw · 4 months
Had DnD on the mind recently after a couple posts about it popped up on my dash, so I figured I'd share the ref sheet for a character I hoped to play soon (enlarge to banish the blur)
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His name is Cariton Corbett and he's like if Jekyll and Hyde were a really wretched little priest
Never known peace in his life tbh. He's a grave cleric for a Bloodborne inspired campaign one of my DnD friends was cooking up (hopefully that's still in the cards lol.) It took forever to get a solid design idea, but then I picked MHR back up and uh
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"What if I combined a tailcoat with a cassock > you're a pain in my ass but you and your upgraded armor are so cool > hey what if I added inverted cathedral window shapes and cobweb tassels"
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nejackdaw · 1 year
💞💞💞 starting off the new year by finishing the piece I started last week! My Dawnguard blorbo
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"I'm right behind you."
My specialties include making men sad, unapologetically
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nejackdaw · 1 year
The first of three planned Skyrim pieces, Serana :)
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"In the end, I'm still just a pawn to you, too."
I've wanted to draw Serana for a while, so here she is! I know she's got a reputation, but I feel for her. The argument with her mother in the Soul Cairn felt like the end of her family, where she gave up on them ever being happy together. I wish Dawnguard gave you something afterward, instead of her helping you kill her father and then just sitting around in either the castle or the fort :(
Extra: the monstrosity
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Anyway, next up is probably Cicero, my favorite member of the Dark Brotherhood :) I wanted a dramatic moment for all three of them, so I'm sure you can guess what's going down.
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nejackdaw · 1 year
An Ignitus I drew at work 🔥🐲 (enlarge for better quality)
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nejackdaw · 1 year
Happy Valentines! 🌹💞🌹
Celann won the best husband contest in my heart, so who better to draw to celebrate? Little sleepyhead :) (click for better quality 💞)
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nejackdaw · 2 years
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Started playing Skyrim again
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nejackdaw · 2 years
@bread-fam is working on an Asmo piece, and when I saw it, I thought the goth little Twink was kinda hot. Kinda imagined a different outfit he could wear.
My hand slipped.
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I haven't played this game before, haven't seen this man before, I'm just gonna drop him off here where he belongs. Y'all keep on, funky devil people
(Extra: outlined version)
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nejackdaw · 2 years
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A design I made a while ago for a DnD character I'll probably never play (ft. There was no Feywild canon, so I made my own)
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nejackdaw · 2 years
Fuck bubbles lmao should I give him earrings? I am undecided.
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nejackdaw · 2 years
Trying to beat art block by making myself sketch, and I got this super cute Lucius out of it! Duck? Why not a duck face, too? (He's givin Pete a lil smooch)
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