#now thats a LONG ASS INFODUMP !
demelly · 1 year
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sobbing over them WAAUGH <\\\3
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beemers-hell · 3 months
I've seen a lot of fashion doll posting on your twitter and like, I don't exactly know how to ask but if you ever want to infodump about it on here that would be so genuinely interesting
Not pressuring you in any way of course! I just like seeing your fashion doll posting
rubs my hands together maliciously
Ok so I don't actually have anything I feel like talking about doll wise atm, I prefer making one off posts here n there about the dolls I'm into on twt more than tumblr cause I feel like twt is better suited for one off thoughts while tumblr is better suited for dedicated n thought out posts, at least with how I use it. Which is why you see a lot more wips/shitposts from me on twt than tumblr. so instead I'll just show yall my current collection!!! ANYWAY long ass post time
I've been working on finding and filling out various release lines from different doll brands im fixated on and have been rearranging my collection set up a lot cause of it lol. My shit is scattered all around my room because of how me and my little brother have divided up space for us to display both of our separate collections of things (we are both autistic and insane about our special interests) so there's gonna be a lot of photos lol
TO BEGIN: here's my display case of all my old g1 Monster High dolls I managed to hold onto since I was a kid! I got all of these back when MH initially debuted (when I was around 8 or 9) and all of these dolls have survived through my childhood/teenage years, hence why they're not in super great shape unfortunately lol
the only exceptions to this being the Día de Muertos Howliday Skelita, since obvs that's a recent release, as well as the misc. dolls I have scattered around the top of the case, those are dolls that s0uless has gifted to me over the past 2 years teehee
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Moving on, to my current collection of dolls I began purchasing for myself over the past year: starting with this set of shelves next to my bed! I'm mainly using this as my Bratz shelf, but I ran out of room to fit my Skultimate Secrets Fearidescent Dolls where I usually keep my Monster High dolls, so they're there for now.
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I only have Jade's reproduction doll because when the Bratz reproductions first began releasing, I was being strict with myself about not indulging in dolls again so I only let myself get Jade since shes my fav. Which I'm sad about, cause I'd love to have all the girls together for both their 20th anniversary reproduction dolls and their Alwayz dolls together. Also, there's a spot left empty next to my Alwayz Cloe bc I have Not been able to find Alwayz Sasha in stores like ANYWHERE for the past 2 months, so I gave up and ordered her online. She'll be arriving here in a couple days!!
Next up is this series of shelves above my dresser that I mainly use to display misc. figures n other shit I've come to own since I was like 12 (you can tell bc of the MHA stuff lmao) but I recently cleared some space so I could fit my Skultimate Secrets Series 1 Dolls (and Spa Day Lagoona + Scare-adise Frankie and Draculaura) somewhere, as well as having a place to display my current set of LOL OMG dolls! And also Bank art doll cameo lmao
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Then we have the top shelf of my desk, which mostly has various Knicks knacks compacted into a corner but I put my two LOL OMG Tweens together there, as well as my single Licca doll that s0uless got me for this past christmas and the custom doll they made of my sona for me! <3
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(fun fact me and s0uless are currently in the process of making more custom dolls of Eb, Bank, and the triplets but you'll have to wait n see on that one hehe)
And finally for dolls, here's my desk setup, where I display my main Monster High dolls! I mostly just display each Signature Doll + Their Core Refreshes here, but Monsterball Draculaura didn't have space anywhere else so she gets to chill there too lmao
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Thats it for my actual dolls, but I have two other photos to share, which is just how I set up my Skultimate Secrets Series 1 Lockers + where I put the posters that come with each Bratz doll I have lmao
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ok thats all I'm done now, ill update this when Sasha gets here lmao
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tradetobest · 5 months
do u still think abt the golf au bc i would pay billions for you to infodump about it…
YEs i love thinking about this au so much thank you so much for asking me about it anon ilysm....
(under the cut bcs it feels a bit long to me)
this was my first act as a hockey fan it has such a special place in my heart.... i thought about it while i was in class and sorted everyone into categories Definitively. thank you for making me do this. of course some of the things i have these guys do you Shouldnt Do on a golf course, and like this is Super unrealistic but i love having my fun ok…. just Good Vibes… (also, im generalizing “clubhouse” as both people who work as servers at the course’s restaurant and the people who help golfers with carts/clubs/etc and all that. i did Not work there At All so it just makes it easier for me to loop them…. imagine they just like rotate around or something….)
OK… so…. starting with the two who started it all, mitch and auston.
i dont ever think i ever totally explained what mitch and auston's roles were besides surface level stuff so!! mitch is a member of the turf team at the golf course, which are basically the group of people who go around and cut the grass and do the landscaping and all of that. like ice crew, but just for the golf course.
auston is like. i don't know. some sort of moderately rich guy. maybe he's Auston Matthews or maybe he's just rich, i have no clue. all that matters is he golfs. maybe he's a professional golfer. of course, i imagine everything in this au as happening at my course, but tbh it works at any course...
(now, of course, one of mitch's friends works at the clubhouse, and tells mitch every time auston is sitting there looking for him... willy nylander youre a real one)
just imagine mitch driving around a work truck with a rake, a bucket of sand, and a leaf blower in the back and auston (dressed prim, and proper, white pants white shoes white hat purple shirt all nice) literally falling all over himself to talk to him. loitering all over just Hoping that Maybe mitch will drive by and he can rope him into conversation. meanwhile when mitch sees willy he’s like “yeah auston’s so cute but like idk if he’d ever go for me” and willy is like “yeah you have no fucking idea”
i used to have to do this task which was just. watering all of the flowers near the clubhouse and i can imagine mitch doing that and like surroptitiously glancing over his shoulder to check if auston is around or watching or something… just some good old fluffy pining yk…
i have a like Whole Ass procreate file w everyone sorted into lil groups so here’s some little tidbits …
i think i mightve talked abt this in another post but sid (crosby) and claude (giroux) both work for turf and are both Incredibly Competitive about it in the most insane way ever… im talking “you take half the course i take half the course and we see who finishes faster” (starting at 6am ish) mowing competitions and theyre both done at 8 on the dot…. insane people shit…. they did it with bunkers ONCE and claude tripped and fell into a bunker and broke his wrists so they do not do that anymore o7….
in honour of my boss feeling like my dad i put patty marleau and matt martin in turf…. they do rough mowing in honour of the two guys at my course who Only did rough mowing…. big ass machine
the thing to know about guys who are higher up on the turf echelon is that not only do they all know each other but they also went to school for it… turf school…. all this to say top grad of turf school Sidney Crosby got some little ducklings and thats how Connor McDavid (top turf school grad) got to this course…. we love that for him
shoutout to other guys who also have fun little romance stories but who arent mitch and auston, including but not limited to:
connor mcdavid, who keeps getting his work paused by these three golfers, which always makes him grit his teeth and smile softly at them, because Holy Shit Let Me Get Back To My Job Please. matthew tkachuk (son of Great Golfer Keith Tkachuk) seems to take joy in interrupting connor while he’s in the middle of something, jack eichel always catches him bent over and sweaty trying to shove the wheels back onto a greens mower for one of the kids, and leon draisaitl stands on the side to wait until connor’s at least done a pass to ask him something. matthew jack and leon can be seen at the clubhouse after they finish a round, head in hands, because connor is oblivious to their flirting. maybe they should try learning the names of different types of grass.
jamie drysdale (uni student staying with his grandparents over the summer) always comes to the clubhouse for breakfast with them, which absolutely delights bored server trevor zegras… too bad the summer has to end some time! lol! anyway
tyler bertuzzi (turf) seems to always have dirt under his fingernails, some mulch and woodchips stuck to his shorts, scuffs on his knees, and a dirty ass sweater on. dylan larkin (clubhouse) finds him INCREDIBLY endearing.
brady tkachuk (son of Great Golfer Keith Tkachuk) when he’s not driving his brother around so he can try and find connor (“seriously, matthew, he looks busy” “no, it’ll be fine, look—”) is smiling sweetly at the fumbling german waiter who always engages leon in rapidfire german conversation. tim, his nametag says, and brady would love to have more than a few word conversation with him. maybe he should interrupt leon’s brooding time with matthew and jack and ask him to teach him some german.
if you want to communicate with the turf team’s mechanic and don’t want to be asked “where sid? tell him—” you should bring sid with you to see him. however, if you do bring sid, you will have to watch him and said mechanic do Weird Flirting for a good 30 mins before your question is answered. this is outside of the Weird Flirting they do anyway, all the time. if a day goes by without sid twirling his hair kicking his feet over some shit geno said to him earlier in the day has the day really gone by?
followup turf/clubhouse Flirting (I CANT BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION THEM IYKYK) tyler seguin, Pretty Boy Galore, and his loud, bubbly, and all consuming obsession with quiet doe-eyed turf worker jamie benn. now thats what i call oblivious. “yeah i flirt with jamie all the time but he just thinks its a joke haha he couldnt want me i know that like have you seen him?” “yeah tyler flirts with me but he’s just joking he doesn’t mean that he could never like me like that have you seen him?” and all that good good shit… tyler sees jamie take off his shirt once because it got soaked and loses his mind.
jack hughes (brother of turf guys luke and quinn) absolutely has the biggest crush on his coworker, fellow clubhouse worker nico hischier. once nico got wet in the rain and soaked through his white work shirt and jack almost lost his fucking mind. absolutely twirling his hair kicking his feet.
both pairs of bruins that i like (bergeron/marchand and swayman/ullmark) are fun little golf tandems. me when i get a hole in one and hug and twirl around a kiss my golf partner. what if we kissed in the front seat of a golf cart. and all that.
finally… honourable mention to john tavares (golfer, has his own labelled golf cart at a course in toronto… love that for you king….) kris letang (turf) and marc-andré fleury (clubhouse) who get to listen to sid moan and groan about geno, and self jarvis (turf) who is completely out of place among the other teams included in this au but i love him so hes here lmfaoo
anyway. yeah. i have LOTS of ideas about this au if you couldnt tell and anon i am SO happy you asked abt it… sorry it took me a few days i have to write like most days for school this semester and its leaving me Very Little time to do anything but reblog posts and draw matty and woller. MATTY AND WOLLER. oh my god i cant believe i almost forgot them uhhh…..
matthew knies and joseph woll are….. both turf workers maybe… yeah. call that lets talk while filling divots on the course or raking bunkers. what if we kissed in the rain while shovelling dirt and seed mix into small holes over and over again. Them
OK IM DONE FR NOW. thank you so much sorry there are no visuals i have written this mostly in class now but if you want to know more or if you want me to elaborate on a specific dynamic (or add some people, because god knows these are just the guys i know/like) or want visuals for anything i can 100% provide, might just take a bit again haha… ilysm anon you made my week
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kiwibongos · 2 months
i dont really infodump in general at all but im doing it cus i need some ideas off my chest. do you freak with angst? perhaps an unhappy ending?
// sdr2 chapter 5+ending spoilers ig. kuzuhina au baybee
ok im, pretty positive that if there's two people left then neither of them can get out together and just split the prize bc that'd be pretty bullshit (idek if they ever cleared it up, imo tho one man standing would be the most logical)
so what if nagito DID bomb the island, taking everyone out?
fyi ive written this nearly entirely so im sparing u with a little summary(this is not a summary)
so bombs are spread all around the islands forreal this time. after nagito's video, a chain of them went off right as they were running out of the plushie factory, barely on time. everything started crumbling around them, and all the others were downed one by one, either caught in the explosions or crushed underneath falling structures
but somehow haj and fuyu survived, the others killed right in front of their own eyes. but they ran away, retreating to the warehouse, to which they find nagitos body. and the realization hits– it’s just them now, they’re the only ones left, and neither of them know what to do
im sure u can imagine hajime was fucking RAGING at that point just breaking down and stressing out
they didnt know what to do, they couldnt do anything, but fuyuhiko was here, so the first thing they did was to get off the island since the fire was spreading. from there, they wander around, hoping maybe then something would happen, but there wasn't any sight of monokuma or monomi. all they could do was look onto the destroyed islands, before they inevitably wait in a safe spot at the military base, officially at a dead end
they just kinda sit there for a while, not knowing what to do. but they cant wait here forever, and fuyuhiko knows what he has to do
eventually, he hands hajime a pistol(acquired from the truck of firearms outside), and asks him to kill him so it could finally be over
obviously hajime refuses at first, but fuyuhiko begs him, because he isn’t a good person and he doesn’t have much else to live for, while hajime has singlehandedly saved everyones asses, he deserved to escape more than anyone else here. by now, hajime was crying, but they’ve been at this dead end for so long, he knew he had to do it or else they’d never be getting off this island. so hajime just holds em close and says his final goodbyes (maybe a kiss teehee) before making it quick for him
pulling that trigger hurts him more than anything, ANYWAY BOOM hajime is the winner, simulation ends
also postgame babey; when things end here, hajime would wake up from the simulation, and since he never got to choose his own future alongside everyone else, he wakes up as izuru kamukura. he's not entirely empty i think, izuru and hajime still would have "merged" afterwards, so it'd moreso just be hajime somewhere in there half of the time just mourning but its deeply suppressed into the deepest part of his mind, but thats a wholeee thing to get into
(also very late edit but i did end up writing this as a fic entirely! the brainrot consumes. just wanted to say.)
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wolflyndraws · 4 months
That animation style is so cool, it's so interesting to look at (I'm bad at complimenting art but that's the best way I can phrase lol)
THANK YOUUU I’m assuming ur talking about the c!dnf one i posted recently and I’m gonna go on a long info dump about it now and you guys can take a glimpse into what happens in my messy ass brain while making things haha (thank you for letting me infodump)
My designs and artstyle for the dsmp characters are mostly inspired by folklore-like artstyles such as cartoon saloon (biggest and most well known inspo so will use them as an example here!)
I loved the vibe of cartoon saloon and the unique artstyle they have! Very angular, their shape language is AMAZING and the vibe of folklore and whimsy is so fucking insane and for me DSMP gives folklore medieval aesthetics so I had to go with something like this
(I could go more into the actual more specific designs of the characters and why i designed them that way but I’ll answer that in a different post! send me an ask anyones interested :3)
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And for this animation specifically i wanted to go with a wes anderson movie vibe the parallels and pauses and slight eerieness matches well with how I would make a dsmp movie (if i had the time and budget) so as everyone knows one of the key cinematography points of wes anderson films is his symmetry
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so in the first scenes where its peaceful i went with a melancholy yellow tint similar to this scene in moonrise kingdom as the bg and vibe and tried to have more symmetrical scenes as possible without it becoming boring focusing on the little details like george’s ear the animation for the hair etc (i usually animate more fluidly but this time wanted to give the similar vibe as anderson’s stop motion movies so went with the more static stale movements with no camera shakes /movements)
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In the second part you can tell that the scenes are more unstable compared to the first the lights darker, colder, rain etc no music the scenes are more cinematic than symmetrical (although some scenes are still slightly “wes anderson-y”) and “I bite” is said with no rain no symmetry in his design and only his voice
I made the difference more intentionally to show how much of their lives and relationship deteriorated
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Yeah so thats like the most basic ass rundown of the animation! there are still more details design wise and animation wise that you can catch tho im sure
If you guys want more indepth rundown of my animations or character designs or lore lmk thru askbox i would gladly infodump :3
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leox-un · 1 year
*scuttled over* Talk more about siren Vash? Does he use his siren powers to lure people away from violence like an aquatic Slyveon? Do his eyes go nyoom when its dark out or he looks at something/someone he loves? Can he mimic human voices? Is him being a Plant in this version like him being some weird version of algae and/or fish that have evolved together? Also he looks pretty 💙 Thank you for the art 💙✌
so sirens are feared and considered a pest animal in the au, less of a "mythical creature ooo o oo" and more of a "we 100% know they exist we just hate their ass and are gonna hunt them to extinction"
general basic siren biology is that they all resemble some sort of fish/sea creature, but not from birth. their environment shapes them, and they grow to fit what they need. so essentially, vash and knives really change how they look when they're apart; vash grows to look like a sea dragon, and knives grows to look like a lionfish (pics below)
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in terms of the main siren power, the fact that it attracts humans to them isn't intentional, its really just the way they speak (kind of like another language, but just. makes humans go kooky)
vash essentially left the ocean a Long time ago to just be a human, which means he tries not to use any siren things unless absolutely necessary; because of the effect the siren voice has on humans, he thinks its immoral of him to use it in any way (cough cough, scene where he has to save ww from drowning and he has to be siren to do so, cough cough, ww feeling betrayed thinking vash made ww like him with siren voice, cough cough) knives on the other hand uses it completely how you would expect, sinking ships that stray just a bit too close to where he generally stays
some other fun lore tidbits regarding sirens and their powers and such
- their voices sound very instrumental, vash sounds like a violin and knives like a piano (i wonder why)
- they're the only sirens that can assume a fully human form, other sirens are very animal-like in nature
- rem is the one that taught them to speak Human Words (they're a little bit older when they get to her in this au)
- yoinking a bit from tristamp here but vash and knives have somewhat opposite abilities that are unique to them alone; knives has the ability to revive the dead, and in general create; meanwhile vash has the ability to destroy
- the reviving the dead thing is important because legato was a sailor that knives revived and is now utterly devoted to him lol
ok thats it ill shut up now 😶
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mynameisnotsoda · 3 months
In the beginning, we werent going to do lore, it was just meant to be a server for fun! Me and my brother explored and gathered materials for a while and he ended up taming a dog! Thats where the lore starts. It all started when that damn dog died.
So, he ended up naming the dog Piss, cuz it was funny, and we were exploring more at night. Piss ended up chasing after a spider and fell into a ravine and sadly passed away. (Now in character) Cyrus laughed his ass off, Ezra (he shares a name with my brother just bc he goes by Father Piss for the rest of the series) shouted "PISS YOU FUCKING DUMBASS" and it fucked him up pretty badly even if they both played it off like joke at first.
Cyrus and Ezra settled and started building their bases, however, Ezra was actually making a church. For a while he kept cryptically laughing and saying "oh my beautiful creation" and everyone was pretty worried, of course, but no one thought anything of it. Doc went off to build their base elsewhere (across the lake from the mainland since it was a small island only disconnected by a few blocks) and Cyrus went mining.
While everyone was doing their own thing, Cyrus kept dying in The Pit. It was just a small cave entrance that was really steep and there was lava and a ton of mobs in it, he died a lot from skeletons and burning. He's had a vendetta against skeletons since then and tends to avoid the nether as much as he can. Thats how he got his burn scars.
After that, Ezra finally finished the church. Everyone was invited to the grand opening! (Although in canon only doc and cy made it, ive rewritten it to where everyone else actually came) Ezra declared himself Father Piss, bringing peace and harmony to all the lands in the name of his dog, Piss.
The only problem was.. Father Piss slipped up, it was actually a cult. Cyrus was outspoken about not wanting to be apart of the cult, Father Piss declared him a traitor and killed him. Which is the first time anyone had really lost a life. (Death by mobs/environment arent permanent but DO cause permanent damage to the body over time. Death by players are limited to three before they stay dead. AND lives are counted by red hearts on the napes of their necks, they become black when a life is lost)
When Cyrus respawned they got into another fight, also ending in death. Out of fear, Doc impulsively joined Father Piss' cul- church.
Cyrus was exiled from the Pisslands (names by Father Piss of course) and wandered around the woods for a while. He began construction on a small house in the spruce forest but overnight Father Piss and his goons found it and vandalized it. Out of fear Cyrus ran to Doc, hiding out in their home for the next night.
Thats when he got a great idea! He created the entrance to his bunker on the hill next to Doc's house, Father Piss would've never guessed he stayed so close and he was right! He spent days making that bunker and over the following weeks he just grew more paranoid and afraid of Father Piss.
Eventually, Father Piss requested to meet with Cyrus, at Piss' grave by the ravine. They met up and Cyrus was led back to the church, skeptical but too afraid of angering him to protest. He ended up being imprisoned behind the church. He spent hours talking to himself and playing with sand as it was the only thing left in his inventory. He was scheduled to be executed the next day, however Cosmic busted him out! Laying down her first life for him to be able to get away.
Cyrus then decided to make a second bunker, connected by a LONG tunnel for him to escape through if needed. He spent months making it, he kept a nether portal in the second bunker and tamed a dog that Argent named Swaginator. His friends didnt visit him often, apart from Doc or Argent. He rarely left but when he did it was ALWAYS to see Doc, the love of his life. He was so clouded by anxiety that he wasn't able to be there for Doc. Doc was dealing with their own problems from within the church, not wanting to do Father Piss' bidding and unable to leave.
This put a strain on their relationship, but Cyrus really did try to make an effort. He began experiencing auditory hallucinations which only made his paranoia regarding Father Piss worse, which quickly deteriorated his mental health.
One day, he decided to go into the nether for some supplies to make his bunker look nice. He ended up running into Homeslice, one of Father Piss' goons, and he panicked. Not realizing that he hadn't been noticed he started swinging, he knew it was over as soon as the fight started. Father Piss had been alerted and the two of them cornered him to the ledge, before Father Piss swung his axe and took Cyrus' final life. His body fell into the lava pool below.
After a few days, he came back! As a ghost, he lost all his memories and the first person to see him was....Father Piss. It wasnt hard to trick him into finding his old bunker before raiding it. Ghostrus was completely unaware and blissfully complied with whatever Father Piss wanted for a while. Although he grew weary of Father Piss' instability.
Ghostrus built a house on a mountain near Doc's house and kept a close eye on them. He felt incredibly drawn to them but didnt know why, as he didnt entirely believe that they were married when he was alive.
Axel then joined, making a house on stilts in the sea, he became very close to Doc. Argent also became close to Doc, as they visited his restaurant often! Then again, it was the only restaurant and it was right next to her house. Slowly the three of them became friends and eventually partners.
Ghostrus on the other hand decided to start a taco truck, which was just a front for his drug business. He laced his tacos with coke to keep customers always coming back for more! Father Piss became hooked on his food.
More people moved into the Pisslands, the community grew and so did Argent and Ghostrus' respective businesses. He created a drug empire for himself, which gave him a lot of power. With the lack of memories and moral compass, Ghostrus created an image of himself to be the sweet and friendly taco truck owner. While behind the scenes he was a cynical and uncaring asshole.
He enjoyed the chaos that Father Piss created and became the worst version of himself for it.
AAAAAND THATS ALL WE HAVE SO FAR !!!!!! the rest is much blurrier and not concise so ill stop there, but thats the lore thats absolutely canon as of now ! Ty if you read this far :33
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amethiosspouse · 9 months
an ungodly amount of grusha x maki rambles (+ maki x rika rambles) cuz its 12am in the morning (bear with me this post is chaotic and so many things are in brackets)
their ship name is poisonpear (maki specialises is poison type pokemon and grusha's name is pear in russian)
the two live in this cabin thingy??i forgot the name...chalet or something>?? (pls correct me) and their house is like at the peak of glaseado mountain
honestly i have no idea how the two met
there's a frozen lake behind their house and every now and then, the two would ice skate ther
grusha knits lil sweaters for maki and their pokemon
maki has this habit of pulling down grusha's scarf and kissing him
they also doodle on grusha's arm/hands a lot
grusha teaches maki swear words from his native language and maki does the same
the two throw snowballs at skiers (i love the headcanon that grusha throws snowballs at skiers)
ok, so this is gonna take a while to explain but basically...
it was during a party, Maki was dragged along by Ryme and Iono saying that they need to interact with people more
sometime during the party (when everybody was drunk), Maki was getting ready to leave when they saw Grusha
They thought that this was the perfect opportunity to make a new friend and there, thats how they met
ok so, my homosexual ass can't choose who maki should be shipped with so here's maki x rika content:
their ship name is spiceprincess (apparently rika's JP name is chili and thats a spice idk and maki - despite being mistreated in their childhood, was often called a princess. rika may or may not call maki princess as a form of endearment)
rika sometimes uses maki as an arm rest (she's like 5'10?? idk and maki's 5'5 ish)
honestly, this ship is angstier than poisonpear
rika is well aware that she has competition w grusha and she knows damn well she doesnt stand a chance
she knows that maki will always choose grusha over her and she tries to express her love for maki as much as she can via "platonic" flirting and whatnot
maki on the other hand, thinks that rika is just flirting with them for the hell of it and there's nothing deep behind it.
maki crochets a bunch of clodsire/wooper plushies for rika and her room has an entire corner dedicated to all the clodsire + wooper plushies maki made for her
during that one party where maki met grusha, they also met rika there
after performing a short song on stage with Ryme, Maki's personality ig sparked rika's curiosity and she basically went up to maki and just started complimenting them
maki and rika often swap their glasses around with eachothers
they also have this habit of grabbing rika by the tie and pulling her in for a kiss
everytime maki does this however, they always end up getting kabedoned by rika :3
wow, that was a long infodump
(i fr started typing this up as 12am and it's now 1am idk why it took me this long)
idc if maki is gnc and rika calls them princess >:( /lh
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tzawa-1y · 2 years
ummm homestuck au isnt dead until i say it is (never)
i rlly didnt want to post this but then realized i never post enough without just keeping shit in my pockets. and then i wrote a long ass infodump and now i have two (lazy asf) drawings for em
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these two r eating my think pan infodump time
rainbow homestuck troll gore below
@nicosbrainrot thank u <33333
alsooo ummmm lore explaination <3333
Copying from discord because im lazy, i will try to explain things for the greater than degenerates <3 rlllly angsty shit
so the setup for these two ooooh man
for any needed contexts, Hoshi in this au is a purpleblood. Highest ranking land dweller, in a society that revels in useless unnecessary violence. Basically, he kills people below him for a living, and is like a celebrity for it too. But, even without that, purples are quite well known for murder and killing, and one look at this scarred as fuck purple with murder in his eyes you should prob run like, whoever you are-
Ikuto is a mutantblood. Lower than the lowest. Like, never show Anyone what color your blood is, you will be killed on sight.
And thats exactly what happened.
so long ago but not actually that long ago actually, these two first met <33 yippee!!
ikuto was getting Damn Assailed by some highbloods, like, these mfs saw a mutantblood and saw murder. Ikuto barely managed to escape through some woods, about on deaths door.
but he runs into hoshi like DAMNIT,, like he's already injured & bleeding so it's basically on display "Hey I'm a mutant!" so he just like accepts his death.
but hoshi sees this dying little man and goes "ooh pretty" and takes him home with them.... and because purples are about 10000000x more resilient hes just like "oh its just a little booboo" meanwhile ikuto is Going To Die.
but once hes patched up hoshi decides "actally im gonna keep him"
i cannot stress this enough their relationship in this au is at such a power imbalance. like. hoshi could gently place ikuto outside and he would be killed. this shit toxic asf.
hoshi basically keeps ikuto in his basement forever now. and its kinda? good? because like, ikuto now has permanent shelter and protection from a very powerful highblood, but also, like,,,,,, ikuto cannot leave. if he wanted to. like now he got hoshi incredibly overprotective & ikuto is kinda just stuck with him. just trapped in this guys basement forever.
but! hoshi loves him very much and spoils the fuck outta his boyfie. they will bring him! so many gifts! and ensure that this basement is the coziest place ever for him hangs out with him all the time and will never let even a whisper of harm come to him. its still fuckin risky but,, hoshi loves him. the one big thing is just like. ikuto cant leave. the kid is still just. kinda lonely :(
but relatively? even if theyre afraid, theyre happy.
but then someone hears about this cool new "sgrub" game.
And suddenly, word gets out about Hoshi, high standing purple attracting attention from three fuschias, being in a secret redrom (romantic relationship) with a mutant, and hiding him in his hive.
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drones are sent to his house & havoc insues. hoshi is tryinna find and save ikuto, his massive lusus (dragon dad) is also freaking out and kinda tears the place apart even more. in this calamity ikuto is discovered by the drones while theyre trying to enter their sgurb session.
the drones are Out for ikuto. like. he is going to die. They desperately are simultaneously trying to enter their session, their only real hope of escape. Theyre slamming through trying to get through the progression quickly while fending off drones, which fortunately their server player (doesnt matter) is attentive enough to get them through.
But in the havoc, Hoshi is dead focused on trying to keep the drones off, meanwhile Ikuto prepares the actual session. In this he gets beat. Beat bad. And soon enough hoshi just. Cant even stand. Cant protect ikuto. Scared for the little guys life but literally incapacitated and about to die himself
but fortunately hoshi was just able to hold off just long enough so that Ikuto could get the two of them out of there even while hoshi is on deaths door, but once they enter the session they are Separated and neither know that the other is even Alive
all hoshi rlly knows is that he couldnt protect ikuto forever
and all ikuto knows is the dying body of hoshi behind him as they escape sure doom.
anyways, i love em like a loooot <3333
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fujimen · 2 years
Hi. Józef. Hand him over 🤲🏼
(Tell us anything about him! Is he from an original story of yours? What is his role? His age? Anything you want!) ☺️
Ok ok so, first off - his name was originally Yuji but it evolved into Józef (Yuzew actually, but calling him Józef doesn't give an eyestrain to people not used to it) due to my messy handwriting - the way I wrote it it looked like Yuzi which sounds similar to Józio which is a diminutive to Józef. My cousin and sister made fun of that and it sticked.
He's from my original """"story"""" if you can call it that - its literally a sandbox for my OCs to play in with a cringe-ass-not-even-trying-to-be-something-more plot. I've created him when I was like 10-11 years old and originally he was supposed to be a son of Tenten and Neji XDD basically that story was supposed to be a Naruto spin-off kind of shit (now it really has nothing in common with it). But anyways. He's the apple of my eye and that kinda goes with being the mainest of main characters. The main cast consists of my 4 OCs and he's the muscle of the group, due to his superpower being the Power Of A Beat Down™. Because he's actually a demon. Yeah. Look, I told you its cringe. I thought a lot about giving him an element-based superpower but none of that didn't really suit him. So swift and merciless beatdown it is (or as I call it in polish - 'moc wpierdolu').
His age...... lmao back when I was younger I was like "yeah... he's 17. Thats such a mature age" but now that I'm older I just can't do it to him, you know. So I've changed his age to above 20, I don't really have an exact number.
He doesn't have a half of his left ear because I really wanted and NEEDED to humble him. That story is with me since 3rd or 4th grade, his character evolved from a courteous smart boy to an evil little shit that was so full of himself, showing off constantly. So I grew up and did what I had to do - gave him a cool permanent bodypart loss (if you can call an ear that. I blew it off) that I really like to accentuate whenever I draw him and I've also reworked his character so it doesn't change with the gust of wind and is more or less consistent (he's still edgy tho, I can't take that away from him). Gave him love for tomatos while I'm a tomato hater, peak character design right there
What else.. he can lie without batting an eye and he immediately goes beet red when flustered in any degree. He has a constantly judging, looking-right-through-you stare. And a stick up his ass. Awkward as hell. Swears like a sailor too (I thought I gave him a normal or slightly above average amount of profanities in his speech pattern but my friend told me 'he's so vulgar haha' and they were actually so right. That man won't hesitate to swear when he really doesn't need to). He's ugly but I still draw him like a sexyman or some shit. Thick and bushy brows, massive widows peak, permanent dark bags under his eyes, long and strong slavic nose (at least in my head, my artstyle can't really do justice to everything I imagine). Bored&fed up grimace on his face at all times. Literally an edgy red&black coded OC. He's tall as hell, like ~190cm and has a light muscular build.
Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to infodump about him 🥹
As an endnote here's a quick drawing of how he changed during the years
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oleanderblume · 2 years
I don't know how else to put this, so here goes.
From one indie author to another, you have a long road ahead of you. I can't tell if you're serious about your publishing career, considering that your blog is full of average Tumblr blog reblogs in-between the sparse posts about your book and other author-ly posts.
First, your marketing could use some work. Most readers will want a summary of the book they are being presented instead of being spoon-fed tropes and other weird Tumblr lingo.
Second, I would suggest getting a new book cover. The one you have now is an eyesore, to be quite frank. The rainbow barrage of colors is just not a good look, and it is very poor graphic design.
Third, you could use a new blurb. Blurbs are very important to sell your novel, and the one you have now left a lot to be desired. Not only is it a massive infodump in the first sentence alone, but it also leaves the genre unclear and is overall worded very confusingly. Blurbs are hard to write, I get it, so I recommend hiring someone else to write one for you.
That's all I have to say. Wishing you the best of luck in your writing endeavors.
Thank you, I'm self pub and honestly don't have any intention of turning my work into a typical run of the mill sort of book marketing scheme, or a full time job. I write because I like to, and I market when I want to. (This being my actual first attempt)
The design and color scheme being loud is intentional, along with the title and the general premise. It's *supposed* to be jarring because how can a story about interdimensional space clowns not be? It's targeted toward people who would be drawn to a book about interdimensional space clowns lol.
My entire marketing is the concept of "this is sounds weird as fuck, wanna read it?"
Idk if you followed the link but the actual blurb is:
Oliver Tarsul is a mostly average 14-year-old kid; aside from being the unwilling roommate to an interdimensional space clown his step-father solicited to rebuild a portal designed by his recently deceased mother. Things are more than a little complicated. Regardless, dealing with a gelatinous slime monster in the shape of a clown girl named Dindet, while also trying to stay under the radar as the only trans kid in school, proves to be significantly harder than he imagined. But the fallout of his mother's supposed death didn't just bring into question what she was working on and who she was working with. It also brought along with it a part of Oliver's past that he'd rather just forget. His biological father.
"Interdimensional space clown" and "portal" pretty clearly state that it's a science fiction, and the inclusion of the MC's personal history denotes a level of reality to the absurd premise.
It's not perfect, obviously, I can recognize that for sure. But I have plenty of time to improve lol.
My blazed post isn't trying to sound like an advertisement because I'm shit at it and that's the point. I don't want to be that platformed, weirdly separated, perfectly curated author. I'm a person first and this is my personal social media, so I will use it personally.
Also...I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but largely what I have seen as successful marketing for books in today's internetty age, *is* utilizing tropes. Like entire manuscripts get picked up by agents based purely off tropes and incredibly brief pitches. There are entire events on social media created to facilitate these sort of pitches for agents and traditional publishers because it's proven to be somewhat successful. (Its also recognizable to the fic community, who I feel would likely be interested in au and original content that fits their favorite tropes)
But...I mean, I've had several notes of people reblogging and saving the blazed post in their tags and thats proof enough to me that my half assed attempt worked.
So, I appreciate the constructive criticism, but I'm not trying to do stuff the normal people way, and definitely not on the single website where doing things the normal people way would work more likely to my detriment lol.
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variousxreader · 3 months
i see you said we could send in Koby thoughts… im so obsessed with Koby it’s not even funny. i have an ocxcanon ship with him that ive made over 100 doodles of in a few months and at least 10 pages of dumb thoughts for
i very much hc him as bisexual , usually in my mind he’s cis but i love transmasc Koby too. he’s perfect every way. but i am very much of the opinion he is very muscular either way and dedicates himself to being in the best shape possible.
my oc is a marine so A LOT of my hcs are revolved around a marine s/o who’s his superior. they’re on garp’s ship together and he gets them to talk. oc is a bookworm and has no social skills but Koby is enamored with their insane amount of knowledge and passion for reading and enables their infodumping 24/7, borrows books and they work out together. they get close over their Marineford trauma and eventually cross the friends to lovers bridge because they spend sm extra time together after and understand exactly what’s going on with the other’s mind.
and even though they wouldn’t be able to be together often, I think Koby is a very mature and understanding partner who is able to handle long distance and leaves little notes for his s/o to find, calls them at night once his work is over, and always makes sure to hug them whenever they see each other again. he gets little trinkets for them or a small bouquet of flowers if it’s been longer and will spend the entire night with his attention on them.
i think he’s awkward but well meaning early in a relationship!! scared of messing up or worrying he’s not good enough and still being oh so very shy later down the line. kiss him long enough or pepper his face in little smooches and he will be so!! So embarrassed!! but he loves it… he’s less forward physically but loves to talk and just. look at his so and admire how pretty they are. but I think he loves spooning them and kissing the back of their neck, their cheek and their shoulder at night, or their forehead if they’re facing him. he loves it when they lay on his chest and caress his face. he would be insanely flustered but so tickled by them wearing his shirts or jackets, his old bandana too…
he’s super shy but extremely loving and lovable. i am actually in love with him. no man has ever affected me as much as the existence of Koby and rambling here makes me want to post about him and my character again LOL, thank you for enabling my Koby fixation
Of course!!!! Hes just such a good boy!! I love the marine lover ideas too, but im such a sucker for Koby falling for a slightly older or his age pirate!
Hes so salty he fell for a pirate but he can't help but be so smitten with them lol when i can im writing away for the one shot i mentioned, but that idea spawned a larger fic which accidentally became 2.5k of introduction. Which will allow me to now devolve into chapters of doing whatever i please with the man lmao! It was 100% meant to be smut but i might accidentally turn it into a slow burn romance who knows!
The one shot is now going to be an off shot of the main fic, but being an omegaverse au version. Hell it might not even be a one shot but a mini chaptered fic its self! It could very very well end up as 3 parts or longer
Bi Koby is a dream. My ass really wants to drag him into a reader/ace/sabo/koby relationship thats all levels of debauched.
Theres just something about Koby that makes me primally insane.
Like i fucking love ace and Sabo, but they're so dominant and more sure of themselves (yes even ace) than Koby still
Koby really is the type of man i wanna shake around like a chew toy because hes so precious.
Feral cute aggression w the blorbo.
I shall hug him and squeeze him and call him george,
Also put him into sexual situations that render him fucked absolutely stupid because hes so innocent and sweet and i want to deflower the sweet thing
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sociallyawkward--fics · 10 months
hi xy time for what is becoming my annual checkin! how are u! i feel like since its been abt a year i have to infodump abt all my character development hold on i'll speedrun it. my pronouns r it/its zhey/zhem or (less preferred) they/them. and i have settled on those. it/its is the only one thats ever given me gender euphoria, took 4 years but i got there. ummm realized i have autism (undiagnosed). love the stimming and the being insane abt fictional characters the rest isnt that great. got anxiety meds!!!!! oh my god xy!!!! life is so good now antidepressants r a girls best friend. also. hold on ur never gonna believe this. i have adhd meds now. the crowd goes wild. was like yea doc idk i just think the anxiety meds r not improving my ability to focus what was that u said abt adhd^__^ n she was like hmmmm ok i cant diagnose u but i can give u this adderall u dont need a diagnosis for n if its like glory hallelujah we'll just assume u have it and GLORY HALLELUJAH. ive cleaned my room like more times in the past few months than i have my entire life im WINNING. i cant rly feel if its working but i'll sit down to write or smth n i wont get distracted every 5 seconds n the mental block that keeps me from doing things is gone!!!!! life changing stuff just wish i had it before my grades fuckin woooo splat. um my gpa is 2.2 weighted im like. ok well now that i have adhd meds im working on it -H (i feel like. ok i think tumblr made it so ur asks can be longer but fuck all those liberals n their woke agenda (joke) i am all abt tradition babey i'll be back for a pt 2 rq)
ummm rly into books love books. "thats old news h everyone knows that" but like im being wonderfully unnormal abt them<3 there was this one series the ascendance trilogy n i was fucking OBSESSED w it when i was younger n i learned there was a 4th n 5th book recently so like. the trilogy thing was a fuckin lie. but i obviously had to reread the series so i could read the new books n im still so obsessed w the series its so banger for a middlegrade series. got so unnormal abt it i made a 7hr playlist for the main character bc everyone elses sucked so much ass i just had to. still in the process of rereading but yeah. also theres this OTHER series the raven cycle i read recently n im also obsessed w that these series r all like my ideal books they hit all my favorite tropes. yeah just being rly unnormal abt books thats my current obsession. also. drawing. im so good at it u wouldnt believe. next fuckin van gogh right here. n honestly i dont even care abt going off anon it just bothers me bc my ROUTINE. the TRADITION. its just not the same. but i'll go off it just for u to show u some of my banger art. at a stage where im pretty frustrated at my limitations but that doesnt mean i cant recognize that im fucking awesome ok hold on again -H but yea ok to finish up what have u been up to! tempted to just ask what shows/game/etc uve been into but also i am exerting a little of my brain power to realize some ppls lives dont revolve around those. so just liek what have u been spending a lot of time doing. how is writing going! wait what r ur drawing skills just out of curiosity draw smth for me (if ur comfy ofc n dw i completely understand if it fuckin sucks taht was me just over a year ago) -H (when i was younger i used to think that ppl couldnt be good at writing n drawing they had to choose one. exerted my baby brain power to be like. it takes too long to get good at them u can only do one. then saw a book w the cover art credited to the author n i was like woahhh this is fuckin crazy living my younger selfs pipe dream)
The way I have had a reminder on my phone to answer these asks for MONTHS but my executive function has been GARBAGE i am so sorry my friend it was not intentional to leave this sitting for so long i am so sorry!!! (also between the two of us this got Long so i am putting a read more so i don't take up a big block of people's dash in my return from the dead lol)
thank you for pronouns update! congrats on meds!! i gotta get me some of those so i can Detroit: Become Functional lol. I am rooting for you with your GPA!!! Also lol, love that we are following tradition of multiple asks still even with the tumblr updates letting asks be way longer now lol, it is just Familiar To Us
I will have to look into the ascendance trilogy!! My sibling is also obsessed with the raven cycle, but i have not read it yet (still debating if i want to or not, have been for YEARS lol, because i keep hearing "author problematic" and then never remember Why because i have Goldfish Memory). I will not post your off-anon ask with the artwork unless you want me to (want you to feel comfy on the blog and sending asks and I know you prefer anon!), but i will say that your art is AWESOME, my friend!! you are SO good and you're only going to keep getting better! I am glad you enjoy it!
Also bestie. This is a neurodivergent space lol, my life also revolves around shows/games/books/etc. they are the only thing that make the monotony of life and job-having under a neurotypical capitalistic society bearable lol. I actually have been getting back into reading ACTUAL BOOKS lately which feels GREAT (because reading Actual Books when i am so tired and Non-Functioning all the time is Hard lol), i am finally going through my seemingly-endless TBR and also have reread some old faves this year. Games-wise, the only thing i ever think about is still the Dragon Age games, Alistair is the love and light of my life lol. Show-wise.... i am in Limbo because of the Exhaustion, tragically, and also just waiting on new seasons (OFMD). Witcher has a new season out, but i have not watched it yet because Energy and also i have no motivation to because the last season they put out was so bad (even if i hear this one is good, i have lost trust lol)
Writing is. Not quite going lol. I have not finished a fanfic in ages, and also have made little to no progress on any of my original work attempts either, tragically. Hopefully things look up for me soon cuz I wanna get stuff DONE again lol, this blog has become so quiet and near obsolete because i cannot FINISH anything and it is TRAGIC.
Also, I have little-to-no drawing skills, but I also unfortunately do not have much energy to apply to drawing you a picture atm :(( maybe someday. Sometimes I can draw something that makes me go "omg i am not Awful, maybe I could actually put thoughts and energy into learning this as a skill" and other times it is like "i will never put pencil to paper (or stylus to screen) ever again" lol. Maybe someday when i am doing Better again i will hopefully have the energy to draw you something!!
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kagender · 3 years
anyways i think that catifying non-kitty characters is fun and awesome so heres what i think keroro characters would look like as cats (not many pics included bc of tumblrs image limit)
keroro - hes a longhair red classic tabby with some white/lighter markings! notably on his neck, paws and tailtip. he also has a stumpy tail and star markings on his neck and forehead
tamama - hes a fairly scrawny black shorthair with a white face, neck, belly n tail. his tail is like super fucking fluffy so i guess thats where all of his fur went
giroro - a calico shorthair! hes actually pretty scrawny too, but not as much as tamama. he also has a fluffy tail tip
kururu - ive actually always found the coat that i picture him with kinda hard to describe,,,, i guess that the closest thing 2 it is an amber tabby? actually providing a puc for this one bc idk how many of you know what such a cat looks like!
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anyways hes also a longhair much like the cat in this pic, fluffier than keroro even! hes also blind n has gray spiral shaped pupils
dororo - hes a silver shaded! im also going to provide a pic for this one bc so many pics of this coat look exactly how i imagine him to look like
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yuuup, thats pretty much him! the only difference is that he has folded ears :]
garuru - a dark brown/agouti cat! think tigerstar from warrior cats,,,, also unlike giroro hes longhaired and pretty fuckin massive!
zoruru - theyre a blue somali! idk how many of you have heard of this coat so this one is getting a pic as well.
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i imagine his fur to be a little bit green-tinted though,,,, also he has a giant scar that runs across the right side of his body, kinda like snoftuft from warrior cats! hes also fairly scrawny..... rat-like even
pururu - shes a mediumhair red tabby with heavy amounts of white! or what most people might refer to as a white cat with orange spots. i imagine her spots to be a little pink tinted though because well..... she is pink :]
taruru - similiar to pururu, hes a silver tabby with lots of white! they also have a stumpy tail and r pretty small ......
tororo - a longhair chocolate tabby! much like kururu he is also blind, with pupils shaped like the three circles in his glasses!
shurara - hes a shorthair tortoishell chimera! specifically a black tortoiseshell (aka black/red) one. he is very tiny and dumb looking .... hes pretty much a scourge from warrior cats ripoff! also he has two spiked collars, one green n one purple, and they both have his weird axe thingies that he has on his helmet
kagege - a longhair black point :] ofc his point markings look like flames! hes pretty damn big, i imagine just a bit smaller than a maine coon cat? n also he has a pretty scarred face. he wears a purple spiked collar, too
putata - a sphynx.... one might say........ a bingus. hes one of those sphynxes w gray spots on their body! also do not worry about his possible lack of color..... he wears a shitton of colorful accessories to make up for it!
mekeke - hes a longhair black cat, n hes also pretty huge! just a tad bit smaller than kagege...... also also he has a white marking on his neck that looks like the pin.... button..... emblem..... thing on his coat!
giruru - they r a longhair blue point! he looks p much like a persian cat w his flat mustache like muzzle.... also hes missing one of his eyes and is blind on his remaining one
dokuku - aer is a shorthair red point.... unlike giruru they resemble an oriental cat instead of a persian! and instead of the flame thingies on their head ae has like overly long tufts of hair coming out of their ears. also they have the same exact face scars as giruru does!
gyororo - a longhair blue tortie (aka blue/cream) theyre tiny.... a tiny menace.
nuii - shes a red classic tabby..... much like keroro! in fact theyre also a longhair..... just like him..... huh? also theyre much tinier than gyororo.... a literal damn kitten!!!!!
robobo - they r a mediumhair blue classic tabby! theyre overall kinda blocky looking.... esp their face/muzzle! a very funny fellow, indeed..... theyre also blind in both of their eyes
yukiki - a tortoiseshell shaded .... heres a pic as theyre a pretty rare coat afaik:
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id say that hes pretty fluffy and round, similiar to dororo maybe? except its just his body that looks like that ..... plus hes much larger than dororo! also i imagine that he has a funky-looking/crooked nose thats all red..... like a carrot
as for the humans: actually im too tired to do the humans .... at least rn llol bye suckahs!
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vive-la-revolution · 2 years
okay i’m going to infodump about both my crushes here feel free to ignore this if you want skdjfjfjgj
crush 1/2 because im a polyam bi mess lmfao
okay so first is this girl i’ve liked since like. the beginning of this year lmfao. i was jsut realising i was gay and i fell for her and went through the whole ass angsty gay closeted teen shit lmfao, i felt like i was the star of some gay movie tragedy but now looking back it just seems funny as fuck
anyways about her. we used to be close friends but then she and her bff got really close and we kinda fell out and after that happened i remember going to sleep one night thinking about her and i Could Not Get Her Out Of My Head!!! And I was like “huh thats very weird for me, a known girl who does not have a crush on her, to do”
and then i could not stop thinking about her and then i saw the pic of her she had as her pfp and it was her with her hair down (her hair is absolutely beautiful btw its like, really really black and it’s curly and really long and hhhhhh i can’t describe it) and i was like “oh. oh shit oh fuck oh shit FUCK i’m gay”
anyways yeah i basically obsessed over her for like a month or so and then it faded 😭 my crushes generally fade pretty quickly skdkfjfhtu but yes, that was like my first real crush lmao (#latebloomer lol)
i dont really like her anymore but she’s still like. hella pretty tho. like. hh. am gay.
like we have to wear the uniform at school obv but she had this sweater she wears and it’s like hHhHhHhhHhHhHHhhhhhhhhhh i am a homosexual
and like. if she wanted to date or smth. i like. wouldn’t say no tbh.
anyways yes that is her i love her
have i mentioned how like absolutely fucking pretty she is?? all the other conventionally attractive girls in our grade are like pretty eh and they really don’t have any personality but like HER oh my GOD she’s so pretty and she’s funny?? and she’s such a good friend she’s also so energetic and talented and chill and sweet and she makes me so nervous i literally love her also obv i can’t say her name for privacy reasons but it is. The prettiest name like you can tell she was made for life she is so full of joy i love her i love her skdjtafadcoaaokrjfhf gay she recommended this song to me and i always think of her when i hear it i think of when we used to hang out. i miss her but shes too good for me tbh
bestie you are absolutely down bad
i am rooting for u in ur polyam bi mess endeavors
though she does sound so cool though???? like bestie. cheering from the sidelines watching ur love life
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athys-obelia · 3 years
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summary: the non dysfunctional!imperial family au hcs no one asked for 😳👉👈
character/s: anastacius de alger obelia, claude de alger obelia, athanasia de alger obelia, jennette de alger obelia
here's part 2 :)
let’s set our stage, shall we?
first of all claude n anastacius’ dad is dead coz we don’t like him at all ew
so ana is the emperor, and claude is his heir presumptive (aka he’s got the strongest claim to the throne rn, but this can be changed by the birth of someone who has a stronger one - ie, anastacius’ child who would be the heir apparent) also bc “i know my mom and i gave u lots of childhood trauma that you prlly won’t be recovering from because therapists aren’t a thing here but here’s a crown you might get to make it better”
claude’s in a position where after the birth of ana’s kid/direct descendant, he’s gonna be given a duchy that athy should inherit after him while still retaining the title of prince
but after hearing of diana’s pregnancy, ana tells her and claude he doesn’t really plan on having children and wants to make their future kid his successor
he basically reserves a spot for their child in the directory and rather than announcing anything publically, anastacius names her athanasia after the sex is confirmed
then this mf obviously pulls a clown move and gets penelope pregnant and complicates things, ultimately naming her jennette, finding the name fitting - ‘god is gracious’
and really, what could be more evidence of god’s grace than the child he’s now fathering, when he thought his legacy would be ending with him?
so since athy and jennette are born near the beginning of ana’s reign, both claude and anastacius are wayyy too busy trying to bring back the empire from the literal brink of bankruptcy and a possible war to really spend time w their kids
it’s alright, though!! lily is hired as athy’s nanny, while jennette gets kiel’s mom as hers
they all still live together, though obviously the main palace is for ana + jennette while claude + athy are in a separate one
this 'separate one’ is ruby palace after ana dismisses the concubines and he definitely 100% did this on purpose, and whenever he’s summoning claude he’s such a shit about it and goes about it the way you’d summon a deadass concubine
on a separate note, it’s surprisingly claude who visits athy first - he’s seen her here and there with lily but hasn’t ever had the chance to spend time w her. but now it’s almost been a year since athy’s birth (or diana’s death), her first birthday is fast approaching, and he is drunk
lily is a reallyyyy light sleeper and enters the nursery upon hearing someone inside
she doesn’t expect to see the prince standing above his daughter’s crib, a strand of her golden hair between his fingers as he just…stares at her
she approaches quietly, curtsying in greeting - he’s too absorbed to notice, and after a few minutes of silence lilian tells him, “babies can get lonely too, your highness.”
he glances at her then, confused. “how?” he really can’t understand how this girl, who can’t even speak yet comprehend something like loneliness
“princess athanasia is very responsive to her surroundings, much more than children her age usually are,” lily says, “and i like to believe children are able to tell when their parents are with them.”
he scoffs - what a foolish thought. still, claude sits by her bedside, and before he can register it, he’s taken over by sleep
the next night, claude makes his way towards the nursery and stiffly asks if athy could sleep beside him for the night - it’s fairly late, but lilian allows it
he’s gone to the main palace too early the next morning for athy to be awake, but she spent about two minutes tops worrying about the strange surroundings, saw the shiny chandelier and fancy bed and decided yes, she doesn’t mind this kidnapping
this becomes somewhat of a regular occurrence soon enough, and sometime that week she wakes up in the middle of the night with her nose pressed into something soft and literally falls off the huge ass bed at the realisation that this something soft is actually her papa’s hair (you just know that hair smells great i mean uh-)
this mans wakes up and peeks at her on the ground, reaches out to grab her from the front of her nightdress (he swears it’s exactly how he’s seen lilian do it) and plops her back onto the bed
she backs up OBVIOUSLY, you don’t just wake up with a random ass man in your bed and just vibe together?? lee jihye is dying but he glares at her for disturbing his sleep and athy pulls her act together in 0.000001 secs as claude pulls her closer and goes back to sleep
as athy grows, claude starts allowing her to visit his office during the day until it becomes a sort of ritual - he’d have tea and milk prepared and she’d come, sitting somewhere completing a puzzle or sum while he works
mans nearly tears down the entire imperial palace the day she doesn’t show up until he finds her in the garden, teaching jettie the 'proper’ way to hold a teacup during tea parties while lilian and roger’s wife, vivian, watch
athy emotionally blackmails asks him to join the tea party, so half an hour later, anastacius finds his brother sitting on the grass with a plastic teacup that athy’s filling with hot water as she lectures him to learn to fix his posture from lily so he can sit like a “proper dignified lady”
so in the beginning, jennette actually ends up spending more time with claude than her dad. though one day, the brothers are in the audience hall when athy runs in with felix running after her telling her not to run (there’s a shit ton of guards surrounding anastacius so felix has orders to be with princess athanasia when claude is with ana)
anastacius is used to this sight, and watches, smirking at his brother’s subtle smile as athy offers him this wonky looking flower crown - claude accepts it wordlessly, and ana wants to slap his ass to sanity, who wouldn’t thank their kid when they do adorable things like this??
but then they hear another voice, and in comes jennette with vivian not too far behind her. now jettie has a much cleaner looking crown in her hand, but she glances at her father’s elaborate and beautiful crown all embedded with gems and glittering and then at the one she’s fashioned out of daisies
she's always thought she was much like her uncle - jennette was so fascinated by the plain daises, they weren’t flashy but caught her eye all the same - while athy was shiny and bold like her dad
but now she’s second guessing her choice, how could she make such a simple crown for her dad, the emperor??
claude sighs from beside anastacius and literally picks off his brother’s crown before tossing it towards a very tired felix
athy urges jennette forward, and with a bright red covering her entire face she offers the crown. jennette glances at her uncle for comfort before muttering, “for papa”
anastacius.exe has crashed
this blushly, embarrassed, and apparently talented at flower crowns kid was his?
long story short he forgets to breathe or react and jettie thinks he hates the crown and hates her and won’t ever like to see her again so she starts getting teary
claude pushes his brother’s head down before athy can be convicted for murder
ana 100% almost faints when her tiny chubby fingers delicately place the crown in place, he’ll never admit it but he closed his eyes and almost hugged her instinctively as she shyly adjusted some of his bangs around the new headpiece, muttering, “papa pretty”
jennette rushes back to her sister, who’s glaring daggers at the emperor
anastacius tries to smile to calm jennette a bit and maybe look nice enough for his niece to not kill him in his sleep
right well kiel becomes the royal playmate for both the princesses - athy has her classes with him since she’s advanced and honestly they’ll be going back forth with infodumps one minute and he’s teaching her to make paper airplanes the next
(she writes notes on the paper airplanes the next time she’s in claude’s office and flies them towards him, stuff like, 'does uncle cius also snore loudly like papa?’ and he gets seriously offended like a pissbaby)
jennette first met kiel when he was visiting his mom - vivian had to leave for a bit and she taught him a bunch of flower names and their meanings in the meantime - he makes sure to research a new flower every time he visits her, and brings her a bouquet of said flowers she always knows them but never says anything coz she doesn’t wanna hurt his feelings and he gets so excited as he tells her about their meanings it’s so cute
speaking of jennette - claude and ana may seem worlds apart but they’re at the same level of emotionally constipated
ana watches his brother and niece interact and he craves that, an unconditional, timeless love that can’t possibly be tainted by ulterior motives or the like, but he just doesn’t know how to approach little jettie
it seems easy enough - she’s a smiley, sweet girl and theoretically would be friendly if he is to approach her
but gods he’s just so ashamed - such a sweet babe grew without either of her parents and he doesn’t have an excuse because holy hell, even claude is close to athy
he’s being served food in his chambers when he asks the maid about jennette, and she tells him how among her first words was 'love’ and the brunette would just stroll the palace pointing at people and declare “love you” and watch their face light up
thats so CUTE OMFG
his jaw is touching the floor when he’s told that his daughter knows the names of every worker within the palaces
at this point he’s honestly questioning whether this child is his at all
he’s absolutely horrified at the realisation that this maid, who doesn’t even work in jennette’s part of the palace, knows more about her than he does - hell, he hadn’t even asked vivian to keep him updated on her growth, what right does he have to stick himself into her life now?
now, the maid quietly suggests starting with something small like inviting jennette to tea and
of course he goes about it the wrong way??
poor jettie thinks she’s being tested by the ruthless emperor on her etiquette and spends the entire day practicing with claude after athy guilted him into it
she’s so nervous in front of her dad that he honestly feels even guiltier, and anastacius hurries to grab her hands in his to calm their tremble as she reaches to serve him tea
she apologises lmao and he’s just so flustered himself that he orders for her to sit down and instructs her through a few deep breaths
as she calms down, ana serves her the tea before asking whether girls her age even drink tea
she says no and you can literally hear the crickets
he slides the cup he’s poured for her over to his side before gesturing towards the deserts (it was claude’s daughter-luring pro tip) on her side
“you look like you read a lot,” ana says, before asking whether she’s been reading anything interesting lately
“i don’t, actually,” she tells him shyly
anastacius laughs at how of all things his hate for books is what she got from him - and only when jennette chuckles does he realise that he said that out loud
he lets her go around her bedtime, feeling rather… energized? he doesn’t know how to explain it, but it’s a good feeling
he’s busy again the next day, but has an aide send her flowers - the same ones she had put in her flower crown for him
yes lucas is still sleeping in the palace, yes athy still finds him
so athy sees the flowers from uncle cius and is enraged, literally walks up to her uncle and demands he leave jennette alone if he’s only gonna break her heart by neglecting her
and so we have fifteen minutes of the emperor of obelia stuttering as he explains himself to this seven year old
smfh his cluelessness reminds her of her own dad and she takes pity on ana’s suffering soul
the next morning, to give him a chance to redeem himself, athy asks all four of them to have breakfast together - they accept the invitation, and despite an awkward start, the meal seems to be going well
peace is not written in this family’s fate however, and this is where the first coughing up blood thing happens
ohhhh the palace staff almost gets massacred that day
athy’s limp body is moved to jennette’s room since it’s the closest - lily bursts into tears at the very sight of her princess, jennette refuses to eat or drink until her sister can, felix hears his heart break, claude is barely holding himself together
ana is livid - who dares poison a member of his family? what has he even done to earn the privilege of calling these girls his family, when he can’t protect them, at the very least?
claude absolutely refuses to leave her room and finishes all his work right outside her door, lest she wake up in pain again
anastacius can’t keep his own anxiety about jennette at bay, insisting she sleep with him as long as claude stays with athanasia - he can tell she’s drained, and she ends up sharing some of her worries late at night. he soothes both her worries and her cries, letting her curl up into him despite it being a rather uncomfortable position
the family is thrown into chaos again once they realise it was never poison, but athy’s own magic that caused this
aka when chibi lucas drops by and voodoos her back to 100%, everyone legit starts worshipping the ground he walks on - he saved their precious princess!!
ana insists on making him athy’s royal playmate after hearing she isn’t fully healed yet
what does this give us? well, a very very early lucas vs kiel
since they’ve both got the title of royal playmate, they constantly argue on whether being the future duke alpheus is a better title than the future royal magician
the girls are always dragged into this - athy always takes kiel’s side to avenge blackie, and jennette likes kiel too, but the young magician sir saved her sister!!
when vivian passes away due to an illness, it’s like roger is an entirely different person
jennette + kiel + athy all help with the funeral preparations since she was a mother/aunt to them all
felix seems to be paying extra attention to kiel
it isn’t long after this that roger decides to send him to arlanta for his studies, leaving behind two disillusioned princesses
athy spends her time viciously studying to stay ahead of arlanta’s curriculum, while jennette takes an interest in cooking
(athy tries and fails spectacularly; lucas laughs at her and jettie accidentally serves him his favourite food too salty to be edible)
a/n: this would be the first of the two parts, so stay on the lookout, hope y'all enjoyed n have a great day <3
edit: part 2
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