#nothing i can say here <3 that isn't [redacted]
lunetual · 1 year
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no thoughts........ head empty.......
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zukkaoru · 22 days
ummmmm how about 3, 8, & 10 for fyonikonathan, montcott, and/or kunichuuzai (however you want to split the numbers and ships up lol)
also ily <333
3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope
well. on one hand. fyodor. because [redacted]. you know how it is (<- said to everyone except corey). and they react by ignoring all of their feelings of course. on the other hand. nikolai. and he reacts like this and this
8. What they argue about
religion. nikolai being against it entirely ofc but i also just know fyodor and nathaniel are fighting about the nitpicky things like whether you should be dunked under the water forwards or backwards when you're baptized
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
nikolai doesn't hide anything he watches. he's out here handcuffing both fyodor and nathaniel to the couch so they can watch all of riverdale and he is having a GREAT time. fyodor says he doesn't watch tv but does in fact rather enjoy soap operas. he and nathaniel watched the bible miniseries together to see if it was accurate or not and they took a great many precautions to make sure nikolai wouldn't interrupt. nathaniel actually doesn't watch much tv unless nikolai is forcing him to watch something. the three of them watch a lot of trashy reality tv together bc nikolai loves the drama and the other two are handcuffed to the couch again
3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope
i think. probably louisa outlives lucy. and she doesn't handle it well. she wants to lock herself in a room and use her ability because that's always what she's done to avoid facing her problems, except that will only make her life stretch on longer, so she stops using her ability at all. louisa's religious beliefs are very,, she doesn't exactly know what she believes but if she does believe in anything, it tells her she isn't going to see lucy again because lucy definitely didn't believe in the same things as louisa so she can live for another million years or she could die right now and it wouldn't make any difference. she hopes there's no afterlife so she doesn't have to deal with missing lucy anymore. she hates what she believes in, but that doesn't make her stop believing it. she's having a very bad time.
8. What they argue about
their big argument before they sort things out is about lucy betraying the guild + louisa just standing by and doing nothing while everyone treated lucy like crap after the ada figured out her ability. once they get past that and rekindle their friendship/relationship, smaller things they argue about are whether or not reading is fun (louisa thinks yes; lucy thinks no) whether sticking pins/needles through the top layer of your skin is a fine thing to do (lucy thinks yes; louisa thinks no), how many stuffed animals is too many (lucy thinks there is no such thing; louisa would like some room on the bed for herself please), and also their differing opinions on fashion (lucy likes fun flashy things and louisa prefers simple outfits)
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
lucy makes louisa watch reality shows that center around fashion/clothes with her (say yes to the dress, america's next top model). lucy also probably has watched keeping up with the kardashians but refuses to admit it. louisa prefers fictional tv shows, usually ones that take place in the real world but have magical elements (the librarians, witches of east end) but she's watched. a lot of different shows. bc growing up, she would use her ability to just read books/watch tv shows and movies to escape reality. she hides the fact that she's seen every episode of shows like riverdale and supernatural and sherlock bc they weren't that good but she enjoyed watching them anyway
3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope
kunikida . i think. dazai and chuuya are going to go together and they're going to leave kunikida behind and he's going to be angry at first because it's easier than being sad. he doesn't cope well. he keeps forgetting they're not coming back this time.
8. What they argue about
whether a diet consisting entirely of canned crab is sustainable (dazai says yes, kuni and chuuya say no), whether or not wine is good (dazai says no, kuni and chuuya say yes), whether or not chuuya's hat ugly (dazai says yes, chuuya says no, kuni refuses to get involved in that one), whether they should get a dog (chuuya says yes just a small one, dazai says no because he doesn't like dogs and they're too much work, kunikida says no because chuuya you are ALLERGIC TO THEM), and also there has to be one big argument about kunikida's ideal partner and is he actually going to stay with chuuya and dazai or is he just wasting time while he waits for the Right Person to come along and he can leave them behind
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
dazai makes the other two watch trashy reality tv and poorly-written dramas. chuuya pretends to hate it but ends up getting the most invested out of all of them. kunikida puts up with it because his partners enjoy it, and he likes seeing their reactions. dazai doesn't hide anything he watches. chuuya probably has one comfort cartoon they watch when they're having a bad day but will absolutely die before admitting as much. kunikida doesn't watch much tv in general, but he does sort of hide that he enjoys watching nature documentaries with kenji. it's not an on-purpose secret; he just never mentions it to dazai and chuuya
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avisperocustom · 8 months
On spirals
Babe, we're having a human experience. We're part of god, we're limitless consciousness, but we're also inhabiting a body.
I got triggered yesterday. I mentioned my sps, the 3d responded badly..Or so I thought.
Oh boy. If you're in the same boat as me, this is for you and for me.
So, you got triggered. You got bad thoughts...Now what?
See, when you get triggered it's you falling from one state of reality to a more unfavorable, and perhaps familiar, one. I know the state I fell to very well, it's low and it's full of anxiety. Horrible, sticky anxiety that fills my lungs and makes my heart beat way too fast. Boo, horrible, nobody likes it. My 3d reflected my fears and my assumptions. Babe, the 3d is nothing but a collection of your thoughts and feelings. I mentioned Teddy to my friend, whom I had built the assumption about that she hates him. What did I get? Exactly that.
SO. You know you fell into a bad icky state, how to get back to the better, more favorable state? I'm getting to that honey
Fulfill your basic needs: Hunger, Hygiene, Release, Sleep.
Try to sleep it off. It could be your mortal body that's screaming for help.
"[Redacted], it didn't help, I'm still triggered, I can't do this, manifestation isn't real, i'm crazy delusional and sp doesn't love me" It exists, we all have been through this honey, the feeling is normal, you WILL feel crazy and delulu at some point, it's completely natural, even more when you're going through this journey alone, but I assure you manifestation is real.
1- Check your self concept:
WHAT, is being said by the unfavorable state? What are you thinking right now? In my particular state, it was a complete victim state. "Why does my sp hurt me, what did I do" (Babe I manifested my own hurt in that one reality lmao the fuck you mean "what did you do") "I'm so hated, abandoned and unwanted" "I'm not chosen" "I'm pathetic and forgotten"
2- Ground yourself:
Remember who the fuck you are. WHO ARE YOU? You're that bitch. You're limitless consciousness, and whatever you say in your reality is what goes. Babe you're, literally, a god. You're all powerful and all capable. You're wanted, you're loved, you're admired and you are capable of ANYTHING you desire. You're desired, you're absolutely gorgeous, chosen, pursued, sought after because you're so fucking rare and amazing. YOU, ARE LOVED. YOU, ARE THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING HAPPENING AROUND YOU, LIFE HAPPENS THROUGH YOU, AND NOT TO YOU. IT'S YOUR INNER MAN THE ONE TELLING YOU, "LISTEN TO ME, I AM GOD, I CREATE FROM CLAY MY OWN REALITY."
3- Release that energy:
Baby it's time to get that anxiety physically off of you. Move around, dance, work out, shake yourself out of it. Rant to yourself how amazing you are. If you need to meditate? Do so. Listen to music. Listen to a subliminal, that shit doubles as affirmations being hammered into your brain and if the music is hype as a way to get that icky feeling outta you. Go walk your dog. Ground yourself on grass. Get straight in the ocean, or jump inside a pool. Anything. But get that shit out of your body. My only tip here is to not consume anything that isn't positive, manifestation content. Do not trigger yourself further. No sad songs, no "waaaa poor me" shit. REMEMBER WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE.
4- Persist, persist, PERSIST:
Remember that the 3d is fake. All of this is subject to change, from one second to the next. You didn't ruin your manifestation, nor even delayed it because you had a human day. You're a god living a human experience, training to be a higher being one day when your body is, at its right time and without intervention, gone. You're allowed to have flaws. You're allowed to have a bad day. You can talk about your fridge disappearing all you want, but if you KNOW you have a fridge, it'll still be there in the kitchen where it belongs. KNOW, that your manifestation is happening. No matter what you see, remember that from the first time you put your foot down and affirmed for your manifestation, it's already done. Nothing to seek, nothing to change, nothing to wait for. It's done, it happened. You revised successfully, and changed realities.
Moved back to the wrong reality? Boo, all you did was take the wrong bus. Just get your bus pass and go back to the neighborhood you should be at, silly. Your sp loves you, you have the money, your past is exactly what you want it to be, you're healthy, you'll be fine
Affirm. Or visualize, or script. Or idk float around somewhere. Whichever technique you use, remind yourself of what you have.
You'll be fine. I'll be fine. We'll be fine together.
And let me tell you.
I was spiraling so hard yesterday, I didn't even register I had solid, clear movement. More than once, I had clear movement. And I was so blind to it, swallowed up by my worries and pulling my hair and thinking oh god, I'll lose it all, that I didn't even notice.
My revision didn't go well, it went perfectly.
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Now this is really kinda sad because Trigun Stampede has a lot of potential for both an elevated version of the original story and world building lore. I really hope we get to see it fully realized soon.
In the meantime, if you haven't done so, please be sure to watch Trigun Stampede and rope others in as well.
Edited to add: Trigun Stampede is in both Crunchyroll AND Hulu so either one should be fine and would probably count.
FURTHER EDITED TO ADD: I understand some of the reticence is due to it basically being a reboot and as such people who have a fondness for the original anime or manga may not like the changes. Or people who have never seen the anime/read the manga may feel lost watching this. Lemme assuage some doubts:
1. Do I need to watch the original '98 anime or read the manga to understand?
NO! you can watch straight on and in the first episode it lays down the important points you need to know about this story and builds from there.
2. I'm really attached to the original anime tho and I was told it nothing like it, is that true?
Sort of yes. The tone here is more believable and realistic as opposed to the slapstick of the '98 anime, but it's more in line with the tone of Trigun Maximum when it gets serious, it's deadly serious. There is still some leavity in the show, but this version of the anime is meant to feel like a movie or a irl TV series
3. But *redacted* isn't in this!
Not in this season, no this season Roberto was there to build up Meryl's character arc. The events of this season will have an effect on her into the next season when she.... um.... comes across familiar faces. It's clear this story is meant to have at most 3 seasons to fully tell the story but again, if people aren't watching it then it's a good chance it will be dropped and then you'll never get *redacted character* at all.
4. I don't have Crunchyroll
Great! It's on Hulu!
All I'm saying is have an open mind and give this iteration of the series a chance. Studio Orange along with Kenji Muto and Yoshihiro Watanabe put a lot of thought into this series.
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
Actor 1-9 >:3
ngl i'm kinda surprised this wasn't the first character i got because. gestures at my icon. i'm basically asking for this HFKLDSJF
1: sexuality headcanon
generally i'm a pansexual actor truther buuuut honestly that damn sexuality flexibility has slipped in again, like. any queer sexuality WILL make me happy with him. special honorable shoutouts to aroace spectrum actor who hasn't yet realized that no, this isn't how most people experience sexual and romantic attraction AND my aus where he's a lesbian though, those have a place in my brain forever <3
2: otp
acting attorney, always, forever. i'm also fond of throwing damien and/or ben in the mix sometimes, but. yeah. :')
3: brotp
him and william for SURE, these two wouldn't leave my head no matter how little i knew how to characterize the colonel hgklajsdf. also him and celine when i don't want them making each other miserable because as much as i love them as besties i also love when they're dysfunctional assholes lmao
4: notp
i.....don't know if i have any?? i'm not big on romantic willmark but idk if that means anything cuz i don't really hate it either ghlaskjf, i just have other preferences. it's also not that big of a ship so like, idk.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
the real question is can i think of one that i haven't already rambled about on here before HFKLDSJF okay i know i've mentioned that i headcanon him with super curly hair, and i think that once he starts to settle down with y.n. more(/get more comfortable in his gender identity DON'T think i've forgot about transfem genderfluid actor it never dies) he starts to grow it out, but the thing is. he does not know how to take care of curly hair. and unfortunately, neither does y.n. (my self insert does not have curly hair lmao) so it's a lot of googling and trial and error to figure out how to take care of it......eventually they get a good routine for him though, which is good because he LOVES having long hair, it makes him feel so pretty 🥺 he also loves putting little barrettes/clips in it, i had the thought of him having little rose clips in it a while ago and hrhrghghhg he's so CUTE.....
6: favorite line from this character
okay i actively went and tracked this screenshot down because this line in date fuckin ruins me like
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why does he say this about himself AHKLJKLDSF 😭 actor mark [REDACTED] kink confirmed ig
7: one way in which I relate to this character
ATTENTION WHORE LMAO. and on a more serious note the tendency to self destruct/isolate when we feel hurt but that's a little much for a fun ask game lol so ATTENTION WHORE!!
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
god. i adore him to bits but so much. so many. to choose one in particular the whole hero speech he gives damien makes me want to curl up into a ball and die like honey no please, stop talking 😭
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
i know he's a problematic fave, but listen......in my heart he's done nothing wrong........my beloved....... ;_;
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sollucets · 1 year
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I posted 1,083 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 133 characters
#i can see their dressup day so vividly i almost wanna write it myself… gavin in a victorian gown…. gender….. ends with a ring……. ahhh
My Top Posts in 2022:
8 and/or 22 for the micro prompts!!
from this list, sunbathing + nap. it's been a while since i've written something about characters waking up /s /s /s /s so thank u very much for the prompt!! i am returning to my roots here. please note that this implies Activities but would still be t rated
"Sam," they murmur, lips brushing the skin of his collarbone as they speak. "Sam."
He's a light sleeper; most Vamps are, since they don't need it the way others do. It's barely a second before he's moving under them, his breath catching as he comes back to awareness and his arm tightening reflexively where it's secured around their waist. "Darlin'?"
"It's okay," they tell him, quiet voice rasping after the workout they'd given it before their nap. "Nothing's wrong. We just gotta move."
They watch him carefully as he wakes. This isn't so familiar yet that they can miss it, that they can look away from these moments they've been allowed into. In the near-dark, they can just barely see what a human wouldn't. He checks his surroundings, gaze passing over their bare back and the couch and finally up to the reason they'd disturbed him: the light through the window, threatening to brighten.
"And what if I wanted to sunbathe, huh?" he asks, voice wry.
At his house, the windows are few and all fitted with blackout curtains, but this is their shitty little apartment and their ratty, bloodstained couch (again, he'd come back, somehow), and it's going to be sunrise soon. Their head had been too fuzzy and content and warm to think of it just after, senses full of his hands steady on their waist and his voice low and rumbling, and they'd drifted off. For once, they're grateful for their inability to sleep a full night.
"You're welcome to get crispy if that's what you really want," they say, shifting off him with a groan and watching with quiet delight as his eyes snap to follow their movements.
Sam hums, sitting up after them and letting them take both his hands to tug him to a standing position. They both know he doesn't need it, but they like his hands, and he follows after them like that towards the bedroom, where they intend to hang a comforter over the single window and shut out the impending morning. Just before they enter the room, he adds, simply, "I know what I really want."
There's nothing for it after that but to pull him onto the bed in a tangled pile of sleep-warm skin and kiss him until they can't breathe, until the very last second before the sun rises and they have to scramble, laughing, to hide from the light again.
75 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
it is again wednesday
@/ejunkiet tag! <3 thank you
this is the same fic from last wip i posted; sorry, i know that wasn’t that long ago, but it’s got more words in it now. i won’t post from this again before it’s done, we will all just have to wait (yes we... i am waiting too, you understand how it is)
i would like to gently tag @/bicyclepainting (if u want to!! fully none pressure. its just that it worked last time eheheheh) and anyone who sees it and would like to!
“Ash?” they ask, in the barest of whispers. “You awake?” 
He makes a little rasping noise that’s halfway to being a groan, his arm tightening around their waist. They don’t fight the fondness that wells up in their chest, and they don’t push him, either. It’s another long few moments before he speaks, murmuring, “G’mornin’, babe,” into the tiny space between them.
It sends an involuntary shudder down their spine to hear him, his voice so husky right on waking up that it’s barely anything but gravel, vowels drawn-out and lazy. He notices (of course he does) and the visible corner of his mouth tips up into a smug little smile. “Good morning,” they answer.
Asher cracks one eye open, the blue one, to look at them. “Nice view,” he says, still in that low rasp. 
They match his grin with one of their own, shifting just a bit so it’s easier to see his face. “Keep talking.” 
He snickers, both eyes open now, and gives them an obvious, exaggerated once-over, gaze half-lidded as it wanders down their body. “...You’re the sexiest alarm clock I’ve ever seen.” 
Taken aback, they let out an inelegant snort. “I will take even your weirdest compliment if you say it in that voice.”
“I literally just woke up,” Asher retorts, although his eyes are crinkling at the corners. “And... mmh. It’s hard to think when you’re not wearing a shirt, I’ll have you know.” 
I could say the same for you, they almost say.
80 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
33 with Gavin/Freelancer? (I am so predictable requesting them but. listen) or any other pairing tht strikes ur fancy!!
33: saccharine
hi calico! thank u for sending me a prompt 💜 i think this might be an instance of taking it a little too literally
"Gav," they call out into the house, not looking up from the contents of the saucepan. "Darling, light of my life, apple of my eye, treasure--"
The rush of wind that accompanies a rift cuts them off, and they laugh a little as familiar arms loop around them from behind. "What do you need me to do?"
They snort. "Can't I say extremely saccharine things to my beloved boyfriend without an ulterior motive?"
"I suppose you can," he concedes, "but you definitely aren't. What is it?"
Casting a brief glance back at his knowing little grin, they return their eyes to their project, one hand at the ready with a whisk. "Can you make a bowl of cold water? I'd meant to just let it sit, but the timing's wrong."
And maybe, just maybe, they could chill it themself, but this is time-sensitive, and it's water, so it's better if he does it. Gavin pulls away, and after a moment they hear the sink running. Another moment later, they feel the familiar flare of Gavin's magic, just the slightest touch. If he didn't want them to, they'd never feel it at all; this is part of something they'd asked him to do to get a handle on different people's auras, to get used to feeling magic around them.
Gavin's is like the brush of fabric against newly-shaved skin, silky and smooth and often fleeting. (Not for them, though, they think, with a deserved trace of smugness.)
"Will this do?" he asks, returning to them with a glass bowl of water that steams a little when it comes near the stove.
"Wonderfully, thank you," they say, leaning up to kiss his cheek distractedly. The second he puts the bowl down they transfer the pan into it, the hissing drowning out every other sound for the ten seconds the sauce needs to quench.
When they pull it out, the caramel sauce in the pan has settled to a perfect warm brown, and they grin triumphantly, turning the stove off. "All set. If you want this on your ice cream, get it out before it's too cold to pour."
He doesn't comply right away, and they glance over their shoulder again at him to find him doing that birdlike little head-tilt he does at particularly human things. "I wouldn't have thought that was how you made it," he says aloud.
"It's just really hot sugar," they say, realizing a second too late they've left a massive innuendo window open. It really pays to be more careful about your wording, living with this man.
Sure enough, the "suits you well, then," comes right on cue, and they scrunch their nose up and go back to stirring. They don't even try to fight back the fondness. He'd said once, quiet against their ear in the sleepy moments before full blackness, that their happiness felt like bubbles to him, shimmering and beautiful and popping soft against his skin when it's directed at him, and denying him that isn't worth even the pretense of exasperation.
Gavin returns from the freezer with the open ice cream container, and when they turn to face him, he grins, that slow, spreading one they've come to love. "You have a little something," he says softly, reaching out. "Just... there."
91 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
An evening at home with Avior & his starlight. t, 3286 words; if i have to make them happy with my own two hands, so be it. presenting postcanon domestic avior. cw for some discussion of food issues / forgetting to eat.
Senses are so different on this plane, clearly delineated, sharp and weighty and meaningful, and to those senses this room is full of grounding traces of his starlight, the evidence of their presence; a candle burned recently enough that the wax hasn’t settled, the faint smell of cinnamon, a jacket left on the sofa instead of the coat rack. It settles something at his core to see a home that they can change, a place that they can leave a mark on.
on ao3, or full fic under the cut. 💜
It’s a long few seconds of standing in his love’s apartment before he feels sure the rift has worked. Avior observes the details, the coffee table with its many concentric rings from drinks left unattended in favor of half-formed hypotheses, the scattered mess of letters across the counter, the dull light of the living room’s sole lamp casting long shadows across the floor.
Rifting is a matter of knowing your destination, of imagining it in close detail, of feeling how it feels to be there and then being there. Avior hates how, even coming to the one place on Elegy he has come to know better than any other, he still sometimes expects to open his eyes to fire. He still fights the urge to brush at his shoulders to rid himself of the feeling of trailing tendrils of blackness, of the feeling that each time he does this the Meridian looms closer.
Avior shakes his head, just to fight off the fuzziness that always comes alongside returning from Aria. Senses are so different on this plane, clearly delineated, sharp and weighty and meaningful, and to those senses this room is full of grounding traces of his starlight, the evidence of their presence; a candle burned recently enough that the wax hasn’t settled, the faint smell of cinnamon, a jacket left on the sofa instead of the coat rack. It settles something at his core to see a home that they can change, a place that they can leave a mark on.
There are traces of him here, too. Avior doesn’t have many possessions, as he’s rarely spent enough time on Elegy to warrant a permanent record of his presence. That’s begun to change, among so many other things, since their escape. One corner of the sofa is indisputably his, a soft red blanket they’d bought for him still indented oddly from the last time he’d sat there. He has a designated coffee mug in their cupboard. What few possessions he had called his own, his meager book collection, have merged with his starlight’s next to their piles and piles of research texts and shelves full of poetry collections and time-worn fantasy novels.
For all he sees them in each part of the room, they are not actually home. Time can be difficult between planes, but they’d said there was an evening meeting today, so they should be back soon. They will be back soon.
Avior goes over to the bookshelf and casts his eyes along the titles for something to read as he waits, but despite his best efforts, his attention is scattered enough that all he’s doing is rereading the same spine over and over, that odd blurriness still plaguing the edges of his awareness. He tries, for a long fruitless moment, to convince himself he isn’t straining his senses beyond the apartment, searching for them. It’s barely been two days, and they’re coming home. There’s no need to be pathetic.
He still jerks his head up like he’s been trained when he feels them at the edge of his magic, though. That range is further than his corporeal senses, and his range with them is further than it is with anyone he’s ever known, enough that he can tell immediately they’re angry about something. Their emotions are intense, white-hot, and most of all contained, a controlled burn. Feeling his back tense up in sympathetic concern, Avior sighs and goes to the kitchen. He takes two mugs out, his (deep blue with the dots of Carina across its front) and theirs (black with ‘Don’t Talk to Me At All For Any Reason’ in bold white letters) and sets to making tea. Avior has relatively little experience with human food; they’d taught him how in this very kitchen, explaining the kettle and the infuser and the entire cabinet dedicated to all their different little bags. He suspects that someone less particular about it might have instructed him with fewer steps.
He’s done this enough times now that he can split his attention to examine their feelings a little closer as they near the apartment. They’re stewing over whatever it is, letting the cause sit burning at the back of their throat. That isn’t the kind of thing he’d be able to tell, usually; all he can feel is that anger, its direction, but he knows them. If it’s this bad, they haven’t been able to address it yet.
When their footsteps are finally audible in the hallway, things are almost ready. Avior could have made tea with magic and been waiting with two fresh cups, sure, but every time he does it that way they complain that something tastes wrong about it, then pepper him with questions about what specific part of the process he's accomplished with magic. This way, they’ll know that it’s because of his own deficient tea-making skills if it isn’t up to standard.
The kitchen smells good, at least. That should help.
They tumble in through the door in a flurry of emotion and sound. He can hear them grumbling something under their breath at the same time as he hears the telltale flop of yet another jacket thrown onto the couch. It’s another few seconds of them stomping around before they stop still, and a shining ray of surprised delight breaks through the storm cloud in their aura.
“Avi?” they call.
“In here,” he answers, checking on the tea.
In no time at all, their face appears in the kitchen entryway. They look like they’re trying to smile at him, but the frown they no doubt came in with hasn’t left yet, and the effect is quite silly looking. “Welcome home, my love,” he tells them, and the last traces of visible irritation melt away.
He can still feel it bubbling under the surface, but the relief and care that accompany their smile are real. They cross the kitchen to where he’s standing near the kettle and snake their arms around his waist from behind, hooking their chin over his shoulder with some difficulty. “Hi,” they say, the single syllable curling delighted and familiar. “I didn’t expect you back so soon. Weren’t you with Circinus?”
“I was,” he answers, leaning into their hold without his conscious input. Their heart is beating strong and steady against his back, and their aura settles against his, and things have clicked into place again. He’s home. “We weren’t sure how long I’d be required at the Chorus this time; as it turns out, it was less than they anticipated.” The timer he’d set beeps, and he goes about taking the kettle over to the counter, hindered slightly by their complete refusal to let go of him. “Do you intend to hang off of me the entire time?”
They hum contentedly, tightening their hold on his waist in a quick squeeze. “Yes, and don’t pretend you don’t like it. How were they? Circinus, I mean. I like them.” Pointedly, Avior takes his steps across the kitchen, forcing them to walk after him or be dragged. They laugh right in his ear and let him drag them.
“They like you too,” he concedes, pouring both cups. Of course they would. Circinus loves answering questions, a fortunate trait in a shepherd, and the one time the two had met, his starlight had absolutely pelted them with every question under the sun. Avior had sat back and watched them like a tennis match, glad that at least one of them couldn’t feel how hopelessly, impossibly fond seeing his mentor and his beloved getting along had made him. “They’re well. They’ve taken a new charge recently, as I think you might recall, and that’s been something of a fulfilling challenge for them.”
“Right, right, yeah, they told me.” The moment their mug is full, they immediately and without a hint of regret detach themself from his back to make grabby hands at it, leaning back against the counter. When he passes it to them, they wrap both hands around the mug immediately with a long, drawn-out sigh. Avior takes a drink from his own cup and deems it acceptable; his isn’t the opinion he’s looking for, though.
They don’t immediately follow suit, instead blowing gently across the top of the liquid, and he takes the moment to observe them closer. That flickering anger he’d felt before is banked now, under layers of fondness and tiredness and warmth, but it’s still there, nudging at the edges of his senses with a surprising amount of immediacy.
“I take it your meeting didn’t go as you might have hoped?”
They blink at him over the rim of their mug once, twice. “Do you want me to get into it? Because I’ll have to get into it.”
Avior hisses out a sympathetic noise through his teeth. “That well?”
“Would you like to get into it?”
Furrowing their brow, they stare at the tea in their mug like it holds all the answers in the universe for a long moment, and for someone like them, that is a significant expression. “Yes. No. Maybe.” They take a sip, then tilt their head at him consideringly, distracted. “This is good.”
See the full post
101 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
wip wthursday
@/calicostorms says post wip; wip i shall post
i’m actually kinda. stalled on both of the ones i have right now, but there is more vincent than i have yet posted so have some of that
Having them both taking classes has been a bit of an adjustment. Vincent can only go at night, so their schedules have become even more diametrically opposed than usual, and they’ve both been so busy they’ve been talking a lot less than usual. Just yesterday all they’d done on getting home was sit together at the kitchen counter, heads bent over their respective assignments. 
(It’s new to them, just occupying the same space as someone else, quiet and comfortable. No touching, barely any talking, no end game, just content to exist near each other. They take some comfort in knowing it’s new to Vincent, too.) 
Their boyfriend opens his eyes again to look up at them, said eyes creasing slightly at the edges as his expression softens. “How was your day?” he asks, and the true miracle is that he sounds genuinely interested. 
“Long,” they tell him, “but good. I got that essay back from the Illusory teacher.  One of my classmates saw that it said ‘good work’ and fully lost her mind.” 
Vincent chuckles, his shoulders moving up and down against the rug under him. “You deserve it, lovely. Your work is more than good, and I know you spent a lot of time on that.” 
They laugh, a little higher-pitched than usual, and lean over him to press a kiss to his forehead. They’re more comfortable with his praise than their notoriously-difficult-to-impress instructor’s, at least, worn down after months of his constant deluge of compliments, but they can still feel the urge to curl in on themself and deny it. “Thank you,” they tell him instead, no matter how much it grates, and they’re rewarded with a smile.
292 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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for the fic writer questions... 4, 5, 27... and 10 !!
=^.^= <3 I'm just gonna pic a few of my fics at random!
4. What detail in grasp the nettle are you really proud of?
How Keldar is able to knock out a mage with a sign in one hit. This is part of a bigger story where it would get elaborated on more, but Griffins are known as the more magical of the Witcher schools, right?
So, they're probably all really strong at signs. Especially an elder Griffin.
I head-cannon that when mages go wrong (whether that be genuine or politically motivated), they contract Griffins as bounty hunters to track down and bring them in for sentencing/ jail. Keldar has had centuries of experience tracking and capturing mages.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about nothing more to say? Answer it now!
Why/how were they looping?
A long time ago, I read a fic called Turtle Loops that was pure crack in the best ways. Apparently there is a whole universe of fics built on this premise? IDK but I thought it would be neat if there was something like this but for Witcher. I chose my favorite version of each character (Book!Geralt, Netflix!Jaskier, and Game!Yennefer) and ran with it.
I originally wanted this to run a little longer and actually have all three jumping into Book!Geralt's timeline at the proper time, but I ran out of time. Flash fic can be very unforgiving like that! :D I might come back to it someday if the bunny bites again.
27. How long did it take to write Vi Moxt Miirik? Describe the process.
I got the idea for this story sometime late October/Early November of last year. I started the document on Nov. 9th, 2021. I was searching through the Witcher wiki for some other story and fell down a rabbit hole, leading to some interesting articles on other wikis about the origins of specific monsters on the Continent.
I love non-human!Jaskier so much and thought, wow, Jaskier would make an excellent [redacted]. I also had just finished both The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny, and really wanted to incorporate a few of the other short stories into the Netflix!Canon.
I started the story, but I kept skipping around terribly. I wrote a lot for it, though, and I even had a general outline of when I wanted the stories to take place; but the connective tissue just never felt right to me. So I tossed it to the back burner for a while, adding a little bit here and there, but mostly left it alone. It's sitting at 28,224 words right now, and still nowhere near done.
Then, I see this year's What About The Bard?'s prompt list and... it clicked. It was originally in Geralt POV, so I switched it to Jaskier's and the ideas just worked so much better like that. Fun fact, the italic parts of the story are bits and pieces from the original Geralt POV version cut down or finished up. Most of the dialogue is the same across the different fics.
Who knows? I might get the inspiration to finally finish up the original version one day and post it up along side the WATB Jaskier version.
10. How do you decide what to write?
I get ideas from the most random of places. Flash fic has been great for letting loose random plots; the time limit means you have no time to dawdle. You just write and hope it makes sense when you're done.
I have a couple of documents I keep running lists on of ideas / pairings / concepts that I want to write. I have a fic in the works that's Young Vesemir/Guxart/Keldar OT3 set in the same universe as grasp the nettle.
Discord shenanigans are also very inspiring. I wrote a Sentinel/Guide AU because someone in a server was talking about how much they loved them and how much of a staple trope it was 'back in the day'. I have several rare-pairs that I want to write for, just so a friend isn't the only one making content for it.
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The three princesses vacation II
Sorry for not posting on Tumblr for a while 😅 but, this is the next part! So, hope you enjoy it!
We continue with the three girls walking into the train...
Peach: "This looks fancy!"
Daisy: "eh....its cool, futuristic you could say.."
Rosalina: "I wonder how people built this..."
Worker 1: "Guests! Welcome aboard the train!"
Daisy: "Hi! I'm daisy!"
Worker 1: "wait..."
Peach: "what is it?"
Worker 1: he points at daisy with shock then says...
Worker 1: "Your THE? Princess daisy!? Of sarasaland!?"
Daisy: "Yup! And that's me!"
Worker 1: "and you all are .."
Peach: "Princess Peach! Ruler of the mushroom kingdom!"
Rosalina: "Rosalina."
Worker 1: "I-...Follow me girls to your rooms!"
They walked to the luxury room, guided by the worker.
Worker 1: "Here you are girls! Thanks so much for coming!"
All three of them: "Your welcome!"
As they walk and explore the room silently until dawn, eventually, after they all finished unpacking, they all chatted and tested there beds for a bit until,
Daisy: "well, fun chat girls, but I'ma go get food!
Then, daisy got up and walked to the door and peach jumped up and ran up to daisy and said,
Peach: "alright then, I'll play some games in the arcade!"
And, Rosalina didn't want to stay sitting in the room so she got up right before they left, and she told them that,
Rosalina: "I will read at the library."
then, they all left the room, and waved bye to each other and went separate ways.
But, after the worker left the girls to chat for an hour...this happened..
As then worker dashed to the conductor's car after they went to their room, then he ran inside, and told the conductor that the three princesses were there..and taking vacation there as well....
??? 1: "Really? Those three came..."
Worker 1: "Y-Yes ...Sir."
??? 1: "Well then ....we can have some fun with them.."
??? 1: "Isn't that right....Boys..."
??? 2: "You won't get away with this [REDACTED]!"
??? 3: "Y-Yeah!"
??? 1: "well, to them, this is just vaca on a train."
??? 1: "they won't suspect a thing..."
??? 2: "What are you even gonna do with us anyway!"
??? 1: "You'll find out ...and YOU! Will pay the price!"
As 1 pointed at 2 with a angry look in his eyes
??? 1: "Cmon worker, let's go rest, and, bad sleep you two."
so then, the worker and 1 left the two of them to rest
??? 2: "Luigi? Do you anything on you?"
Luigi: "N-No...." as he looked down, then back at 1
Luigi: "You Mario?"
Mario: "No ..Nothing that'll help untie us, plus I can reach my pocket anyway..."
Luigi: "W-What are we gonna do then?"
Mario: ". . ."
Mario: "Escape from him, and leave this train with the girls."
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laora-ryn · 2 years
Fanfic Review
tagged by @sapphireswimming, @ninthfeather, and @hawk-in-a-tree ! went back in the thread a little to get some extra questions, because I could lol
How many works do you have on ao3? 100 ahhhh. I posted #100 in August, and apparently my brain liked the round number enough that I haven't posted anything since ;0;
What’s your total ao3 word count? ...1,143,375...jesus christ
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 18! "main" fandoms: Gundam 00, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, The Hobbit, The World Ends With You, Persona 3, Supernatural, Danny Phantom, Kingdom Hearts "side" fandoms (only one offs, or crossovers): Bleach, Final Fantasy 13 + 15, Persona 5, Lord of the Rings, Van Helsing, Legend of Zelda, Doctor Who, Octopath Traveler
Are there any new fandoms you want to write for? Of fandoms that aren't in the lists above, I have fic ideas for Assassin's Creed, Gnosia, and The Hunger Games. P5, DW, and OT will ideally be in "main fandom" list at some point lmao
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Byzantine (HP/FMA)
Desiderium (Hobbit/LOTR time travel)
Symbol (Danny Phantom)
Chrysalis (FMA)
Yggdrasil (Hobbit)
Honorable mentions go to Penance (HP/FMA) and Men and Angels (FMA), which were wildly popular on FFnet, but since they got back-posted years later to AO3, their numbers here are lower.
Which of your fics do you want more attention for? Every single one of my 00 fics, tbh. It's a tiny fandom but it still makes me sad because I'm really proud of them :(
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to! except sometimes my brain is an ass about it
What sorts of things do you normally write? I uh got a little infamous in a few fandoms for the angst/tragedy side of things lol. Anymore I tend more toward angst with a happy (or at least not terrible) ending, found family, trauma recovery, dramatic irony/revelation fics where the reader has more info than many of the characters (looking at you, Bring Down the Sky)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Oh lord, hope you were looking for a list lmao, because it's impossible for me to pick. in reverse posting order, going down my ao3:
our fury burns, a TWEWY haunting AU that I guess isn't angsty so much as Dark As Fuck
Empty Promises, a DP fic where Danny dies in chapter 1, and the rest of it is people dealing with the aftermath. it is, i have been assured by many people, awful
this is the way the world ends, a Gundam 00 AU where [redacted] survives their death in canon, only to die horribly a few months later. [other redacted] blames themselves and there is, um, all sorts of trauma to unpack
Phantasm, a Supernatural fic that I don't even remember the details of anymore except it is Dark As Fuck and Sam dies at the end
Ash Like Snow, an old Harry Potter/Fullmetal Alchemist fic set in an HP Dark Timeline, where Ed, Ling, and half of Al's blood seal show up in the Great Hall during their fight with Gluttony.
Honorable mentions go to Promised Eternity (FF13) and Asymmetria (FMA). They're both grimdark fics I started and then decided were Too Much, Even For Me, so I abandoned them halfway through.
What’s a fic that pushed you out of your comfort zone? Idk what it says about me that?? I don't know?? the only thing I can think of is my 100 word drabble collections (Gundam 00, TWEWY) since i, uh, don't know the meaning of brevity lol. But yea other than that, nothing I can think of? And I can't tell if that's a testament to my comfort zone being Very Big, or me limiting my fics to things I'm familiar with lmao
Do you write crossovers? What’s the wildest one you’ve written? Occasionally yeah! I wrote several Harry Potter/Fullmetal Alchemist fics back in the day that were pretty well received. I think the latest crossover I wrote was a TWEWY/Gundam 00 fic that I'm particularly proud of (but got next to no traffic, since neither of them are huge fandoms OTL)
Wildest?? i mean the crackiest one was probably Dimensional
Have you ever received hate on a fic? yeah back in the day on FFnet, tbh I'm just glad the concept of 'flames' isn't around much anymore, it's so pointless
Do you write smut? if so what kind? i am way too ace for that
Have you ever had a fic translated? A lot of them actually!! I have them (+gift fic art) all archived on this page
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Hooooooo boy this one takes me back. Yea, ten years ago I had 3 friends on a forum on FFnet, and we made a joint account to post all our co-written HP/FMA stuff. Playing God was the biggest one, but there were a bunch of oneshots too. You can read them here
What’s your all time favorite ship? Lockon/Tieria and Christina/Lichty from Gundam 00. they deserved better
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Yggdrasil, and I feel awful about it ;0; I had big plans for it, but it's definitely a case of "bit off more than i could chew, and found plot holes, and got overwhelmed" so :(
What are you currently working on? Currently, the main one is the next installment in Bring Down the Sky. It's taking so long since I don't know how the next several blocks are gonna be split fic- or chapter-wise, so I'm pre writing a lot of it to figure it out as I go Px I've also got a set of character studies of the season 1 Ptolemy crew from 00, but that's uh 2.5 / 11 done so that's gonna be a while There's more in my WIP folder but those are the ones that are probably at the front of the line for posting!
What are your writing strengths? I've been told by several reliable sources that I'm very good at The Angst lol. I also pride myself on characterization and character interaction in general! My fics are definitely character-driven
What are your writing weaknesses? Action scenes are a WIP for me otl. I'm also very bad at like, describing visuals for people? Since I'm 100% one of the people who doesn't visualize things in their head at all, so I forget a LOT of the time that people appreciate that lmao
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I mean, depending on the fandom, it's kind of inevitable? For multilingual characters, I only write out the dialogue if the POV character can understand what's being said Main example right now is Lyndsay Dylandy (Lockon's mom in 00), who I write as severely deaf and speaks in Irish Sign Language. The people around her are fluent, but randos around town (and the kids' friends, the first several times they come around) aren't When it's in those people's POV, I just write that Lyndsay is signing, and if the friend need to know what she said, one of the kids translates for them. For Lyndsay's POV, if the person's vocalizing, she does better if they're facing her, and talking louder, and is patient if she needs something repeated. She can read lips okay but it's not fool proof, so in non-ideal situations i tend to write vocalized dialogue from her POV with gaps in the parts of speaking that she would miss (ends of sentences, hard-to-parse words for lip reading) Tbh it's been a really interesting thing and I'm working hard to get it right - I've got mild hearing loss myself and am learning ASL, and I'm modeling Lyndsay's progressive loss after a close friend with the same condition. She wears hearing aids, but still has a lot of issues with hearing/understanding if she's not on her A game.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Most recent? First, a bad Harry Potter fic from when I was 14 - most recent, a much better Gundam 00 fic from August lmao
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? how dare you make me choose probably Nodus Tollens (TWEWY post-game trauma recovery) or the endings of stories that never got to be told (Gundam 00, an exploration of the Dylandys' backstory and the impact the war had on their family and friends)
What fic are you most proud of? Same answer as above??? I guess I'm pretty proud of writing our own secret ceremonials for TWEWYtober 2020, 33k words within a month for 31 separate oneshots was impressive
anyone who wants to Do The Thing can consider themselves tagged! @the-stray-liger, @neildylandy, @tieria-erde maybe??
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hi !! can I please get a 🍰?
i just came across of you writing and it is so cute !! (´-﹏-`;) every post made me feel all warm & fuzzy inside ~ please feel free to totally ignore this if this isn't the proper way to ask or if you already closed your request (also I'm sorry if you already closed your request I didn't noticed) . Also sorry if this has any grammatical errors or if the descriptions don't make sense, english isn't my first language.
so, uhm, to begin my name is elliot (she/her) I'm 5'4, I'm from argentina (south america) i speak spanish & english (among other languages) idk how much I'm supposed to put on here so I'm just going to describe myself as redacted as possible. (Don't know if this is necessary but I'm jewish ¿) ^_________^
I have short brown wavy hair, just a couple of centimeters below my ears, i have bangs, I'm very pale ¿ not chubby but also not skinny average if i may say so. My fashion style changes from time to time but i usually wear clothing in the range of black to white, also sometimes I like trying whatever aesthetic is going around at the time.
Personality wise I'm pretty calm at first, i'm not very good with getting to know new people so I try to be as quite as possible but once I get comfortable i tend to be very loud, i like making my friends laugh since i think that's the most sincere way of knowing they talk to me because they like me. I would say I'm like the mom friend/therapist friend since i really like helping and listening people talk. I love having deep conversations with friends/loved ones, they give me this sense of connection nothing else can give me. I am very blunt and it usually comes off as rude but i try to sugar-coat my words as much as possible.
And while I very much love everyone who is friends with me I have a very hard time showing it and/or showing my empathy for them (one of the reasons as to why I'm not good with meeting new people) but i try to become a better version of me day to day.
What i look in a person is someone who can understand me and my boundaries, since I'm germophobic PDA isn't really something that i enjoy doing but with time i can get myself around to it. Someone whom I can trust enough to be emotionally open with and vice versa. Talkative or not doesn't matter to me. My love language is acts of service. ^_________^
I hope you have a really amazing day ! ! remember to drink water and eat something yummy (*^3^)/~♡ don't be too harsh on yourself and keep in mind that many people love you, ba-bye ! ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
🍰 for @vvanteffect
Romantic Matchup
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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How yall met
You guys met during the All-Japan Youth Training Camp
(You were a partial manager from Nekoma during that time)
Shockingly enough he actually approached you
Granted his cousin was forcing him to socialize but that's not important
He had noticed how you tended to stay away from other people or how when you did talk to someone it was usually a very short conversation
Basically you seemed like the least contaminated person he could talk to so he just went for it
Right away he noticed how blunt you were
Like he would ask you a question adn the longest answer you would give him was about a sentence
“Hey how are you”
“Uh so what school are you from”
You get what i'm saying
But honestly he didn't really care he just kept talking to you
And the longer he talked to you the longer your responses would get
You guys spent the rest of camp together
And when it was time to go home you exchanged numbers so you could stay in contact
Your schools weren't too far from each other so you guys would see each other in person when you were both free
And well he ended up falling for you
What they love about you
Of course he loves that your also a partial germaphobe
It makes it easier for him to be around you knowing that you try your best to stay clean
He loves how simple you are
From the clothes you wear
To how you talk to other people
He tends to over analize if people are to complicated
But with you everything is just short and sweet
He loves how good of a listener you are
Like if he's had a bad day he can just call you and rant about it
And not only do you listen
But you also help him solve his problems
This next one isn't really something he loves more like something he's proud of
He's very proud that he's gained enough of your trust for you to talk to him
Like full blown conversations
Your guys convos have come a long way from the very first conversation you had
He's just happy that you trust him enough to talk to him
What you love about them
You love that he respects your boundaries
Let's be honest here
Mans isn't really into PDA either
Like come on
LOOK who were talking about here
But that's not the only boundary he respects
He respects All of your boundaries
Like all you have to do is tell him you don't like something and he'll stop
You love how he can handle your bluntness and not get offended
Honestly when you look back on how you met him
Your shocked that he even kept talking to you
That whole training camp people would keep on trying to talk to you
But then leave after a short while because you were being blunt and they took it the wrong way
But not Sakusa
He kept on talking to you even when you were acting pretty cold
And your very appreciative about that
Favorite things to do together
Ok so even though you live semi close together
It's not like your neighbors
So his favorite thing to do with you is to just facetime you and talk about each others days
And when you guys are able to get together
He prefers that you both just stay inside for the most part
So you do just that
Usually your in person hangouts include playing board games, reading,or watching movies together
And if you guys decide to go out
He makes you wear a mask the whole time
And you guys will usually just take a walk at a park or on the beach
Somewhere where theres not a lot of people yk
Random Hc
He has bought you two matching masks
His homescreen on his phone is a picture of you that he took while facetime you
Once you guys were in public and he accidently gave you a kiss while both of your masks were on
And now thats just became a norm for you two
You guys have these matching pajamas
Friendship Matchup
Kuroo Tetsurou
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How yall met
You are Nekomas manager
And since kuroo was the captain you worked very closely with him
Which eventually made a friendship bloom
Why you became friends
He kind of saw you as a compitition if that makes sense??
Like when he first met you it's almost like you didn't want to talk to him
Which couldn't be true because he's awesome!
Sure you are kuroo
Anyways kenma had made some backhand comment on how some people just dont wanna talk to him
And kuroo was like 🧐
So he made it his goal to befriend you
It started with him having basic conversation with you everyday
Then it turned into him talking to you during the school day
Which then turned into him inviting you to hand out after school
Eventually you guys just became besties
What yall love about each other
He loves how straightforward you are
Like if you don't like something youll say it
If someones ticking you off you'll tell them
Even though your bluntness is something you get insecure about sometimes
He thinks it's one of your best traits
He also loves that you are bilingual
It makes for a good time when your ranting about something because your languages will start to blend
And if your really mad you'll just switch to spanish and just start ranting
And even though he can't understand a word your saying
He just smile and nods till your done
You love how deep your conversations can get
Like he'll play along with whatever deep topic you talk about
“What's the meaning of life”
“I would say its to give life a meaning”
Yeah y'all talked about that for HOURS
You also like how helpful he is
If your ever having a hard time managing the team he'll always offer a helping hand
And if your ever struggling with schoolwork he's always there to help you
Random Hc
He was very shocked when you and Sakusa started dating
He threatened to kick his ass if he ever broke up with you
Hes tried to learn spanish but gave up after a week
But he did learn how to say all the cuss words in spanish
After he befriended you he rubbed it in kenmas face
Kenma was just like 😐 ok
But kuroo took satisfaction in his victory
You really had kuroo thinking for a whole day when you asked him
Did the color orange come before the fruit? Or is it vice versa?
Still hasn't come up with an answer to that question
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misseffect · 2 years
3, 12, and 14 for the end of the year asks!
thank youuuuuu!! 💕
12. favorite character to write about this year
Honestly? Wrex.
I have a lot of feelings about his development across the trilogy, and it's been really fun finding ways to splice him and his arc into an actual uncle role in The Normandy Detective Agency. He's basically the only thing keeping me going with the baby Shep fic rn :))))))))
I could go on but wordcount so here's a visual aid:
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sorry wrex ily you'll get there in the end
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
Dress Blues! It was kinktober, I needed to write something stupid and horny - can I make it any more obvious?
I didn't expect it to turn out the way it did AT ALL, and by the time it was finished I couldn't stand the sight of it, but now I've had a few weeks to calm down I'm actually really proud of how it came out lmao
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Published edition! (under the cut)
I am not a planning person. Most of the time it's chaos and a lot of stuff doesn't make the final cut, and when I started writing Flux I didn't know much about what I wanted from it beyond getting SOMETHING about these two fucking war-trauma-riddled detectives out of my brain.
But I remember writing this last section pretty much in one go and thinking ah, so that's what this story is going to be about.
"You didn't try to stop me."
They're at least two songs deep now, maybe three - Shepard isn't really listening. There's a loose thread poking out from the back of Garrus's tie.
"They were your people," she says, "It wasn't my call."
In truth, short of turning herself into a human shield, Shepard doesn't think she could've stopped him if she'd tried.
"When we found Saleon you put a gun in my hand."
"That was a long time ago. And it was different." They were different too. Garrus; fresh out of the LAPD and desperate for purpose. Shepard; judge, jury and executioner. Uncompromising and invulnerable. "Turning Saleon in was too much of a risk. If he'd gotten away without jail time, he would've gone on hurting people."
"Maybe Sidonis would too." Garrus says, though without much real conviction. Shepard says nothing.
Like so many of them, Sidonis became what he was half a world away, in guts and shrapnel, barely old enough to drink when he left home. Shepard understands wanting somebody - anybody - to pay for what they all endured, tooth for tooth, but in the end it's too awful, too unknowable, too god-damned big to figure out where the buck stops. You'll chew yourself up trying.
So Garrus made a strawman out of Sidonis and now they're here, folded into one another, and there's a body face-down in a shipyard warehouse.
"I think he knew it was you, somehow," she says. "I think he knew when I called him. But he came anyway."
She remembers Sidonis's tired, even voice on the telephone. How he'd agreed to a meeting - with a stranger, before dawn, in a deserted part of town - without question.
Long before she met Garrus, Shepard got ahold of the Archangel dossier - or whatever scraps of it her clearance allowed at the time. Archangel's reputation preceded them across Europe until their abrupt disappearance in '44, she'd known that much already. Officially they were an elite sniper unit but some of their confirmed kills - especially the later ones - had not made for pretty reading.
[REDACTED]: Gunshot wounds (all limbs and primary organs). 80% third-degree burns.
[REDACTED]: Chemical overdose, [REDACTED] acid (direct, prolonged contact with eyes).
She trusts Garrus, completely and unflinchingly, but last week - when he handed her a grainy photograph of Sidonis in a Long Beach bar, his face blazing - all she could think of was the dossier. She agreed to help him partly because he asked - because of engagement rings and lemon muffins - and partly because she knows just how much pain he has the capacity to inflict.
She remembers Sidonis and his sunken face in the dusty orange sunrise. He didn't flinch when Garrus yelled his name from the gangway in the rafters; he saw the scope over the railing and he didn't move a hair. There are worse ways to go than a bullet between the eyes.
"Maybe it was a relief for him, in the end."
"I hope not," Garrus says, quietly.
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This needs to be addressed:
I'm on reddit regularly. Today I saw something as I was scrolling that deeply disturbed me & I feel needs to be addressed.
For those not familiar with reddit's format, let me explain. The website is basically a host to multiple forum style 'subreddits' that are based around various interests where you can post photos, videos, gifs, links to websites, links to articles, or just good old fashioned text.
Some subreddits are very broad (r/aww is pictures, videos, & gifs that are adorable & make you say "awww") & some are extremely niche (r/picturesofiansleeping was created by a dude where he just posted random pictures of his roommate, Ian, sleeping because the dude could fall asleep anywhere). Each subreddit is it's own community with its own culture & rules, while also being a part of the reddit community as a whole & abiding by its overall culture & rules.
Below is a screenshot (with the username redacted) from a post in the Ehlers-Danlos subreddit, which I scroll through from time to time just to see what's there, but not regularly because the overarching culture there is not one I want to be a part of (& what I'm about to show you here is a perfect example of why).
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So a photo of Joaquin Phoenix filming a scene for the movie Joker is making the rounds with the caption above it, stating that he dislocated his knee filming that scene (not written is that he continued to film after the dislocation) & demanding he be given the golden globe. Given the quality of that performance, even prior to knowing about his knee, I agree that he should have a golden globe for it.
What I take issue with is the fact that that was posted to r/ehlersdanlos with the title "My knee dislocates 5-20 times a day. Where's my reward?"
So let's chat about why this is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable, despite the fact that I see similar sentiments throughout the chronic illness communities.
First of all, this person is 100% exaggerating. I'm not one to doubt anyone's claims regarding their health but as someone who has had knee dislocations since I was quite small, it's not feasible. Subluxed knee 5-20 times a day? Eh, still not really believable. 5-10 subluxations? Sure, maybe. But no way is this person having 5-20 full knee dislocations in a 24 hr period.
Exaggerating like this actually really hurts credibility & not just for them as an individual. I'd be will to bet that if they are stretching the truth that casually in an inconsequential post online, that they do it in real life to medical staff as well. If the medical professionals that we all rely on for care hear enough exaggerations from specific demographic groups (say... women under 25 with an EDS diagnosis), then eventually when they see a patient that fits that criteria, there will be an unconscious bias & assumption of exaggeration. Then it hurts the chronically ill community as a whole.
Second, this person is minimizing & invalidating Mr. Phoenix's (i spelled his first name once & was quote proud, but it is not happening again) injury simply because... why? Because he is able bodied? Because the poster is chronically ill? Those things don't cancel each other out. This is the bit I see FAR too often.
There is this weird line of thinking that is prevalent in the chronic illness community where some chronically ill people think that because other people aren't chronically ill, any illness, pain, or injury they go through isn't as valid as their's is. Lemme just hop up on my soapbox here to say...
I've seen it first hand via my aunt. She is diagnosed with fibromyalgia. She has all the hallmarks of EDS, but despite me getting diagnosed & telling her she needs testing, she is weirdly attached to her current diagnosis. Any time my cousin (who is 3 yrs younger than me) is sick or hurting, my aunt says something about how much worse she feels. Cousin says she has a headache? Aunt: "Now you know what I deal with 24/7." Cousin has a stomach virus & can't stop puking? Aunt: "That's literally my life 4 out of 7 days of the week."
When The Spawn was in middle school, right after I had started to trend downward health wise, I noticed her wincing & holding her head a lot. I asked what was up & she said she had a headache & it had been hanging around for 3 days now. I asked why she didn't tell me sooner so I could help & she told me that she knew it was minor compared to what I deal with, so she didn't feel right bringing it up.
I immediately sat her down & had a long talk explaining that just because I am dealing with the dumpster fire I was given does not at any time mean that whatever she is going through isn't every bit as important, painful, or difficult for her & that at no time do i want her to have to handle it alone. I made sure she knew that no matter what was going on with me, I am here for her because what she is going through is important & valid. I've only had to have that talk 2 more times with her.
I've had to have a version of this talk with a few friends & my dad, as well. I'll see my dad wince or hear him do what I call "The Dad Huff" & I'll ask what's up. Dad: "I know I shouldn't complain to you because it's nothing compared to what you deal with but..." BRO i am EXACTLY who you should complain to. I know tricks that could help with a myriad of physical ailments PLUS i have a whole ass Walgreens in my bathroom.
My point is that as a whole, chronically ill people need to stop invalidating healthy, able bodied people's illnesses or injuries. PERIOD. It's not a fucking suffering competition. What? You think if you keep invalidating healthy people & boasting about how much more sick or more injured you are that at some point a guy is going to leap out of the bushes & hand you a gold medal & a giant check for suffering the most?
Also, you'd think if someone was suffering that much, in that much pain, was that ill, that they wouldn't want anyone else to feel even close to the way they do & would be happy to help or be genuinely distressed/concerned for the other person's wellbeing.
So fuck off because people who do this shit just sound like they lack empathy, compassion, and other generally human qualities which implies they have no fucking soul.
Just be supportive of one another, able bodied, disabled, chronically ill, chronically healthy, or whatever. Just be kind to people. Fuck.
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