#not to say that oh Aew doesn’t deserve so much better right now
functionalasfuck · 3 years
*preparing myself for some discorse*
If you think what Teh did in ipytm ep 3 is out of character… you weren’t paying attention to the entire season of itsay.
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itoldsunset · 3 years
ipytm episode 3 thoughts (very very long), take it or leave it. i have a lot of asks in my inbox and honestly i'm overwhelmed (there are a lot of feelings about this episode that i'm not prepared to hold because i am processing my own) so i don't think i'll get to them, but here are my reactions after thinking about it for a bit.
i kind of wonder what my reaction to episode 3 would have been had i stayed off of social media all day yesterday. my mindset going into ipytm was, "i don't want a cheating plot, but if there is one, i trust nadao to handle it well" because they're responsible for some of the best writing i've ever seen in thai television. i still believe that. i wish they hadn't chosen the cheating plot because there are other relationship conflicts to explore that don't involve cheating, but for me it's not a dealbreaker.
i disagree with critiques saying they did it for ratings or sensationalism. if anything, they lost viewers from this. people are not okay with cheating plots, and the team most likely knew this when they wrote it. yet they took that gamble anyway, which makes me want to believe they have something they want to say, and i'm waiting until the series ends to give my final judgment on whether they succeeded in that message.
i watched the episode live and saw thai fans' live reactions on twitter, then i spent the morning checking everyone's reactions here on tumblr. as of right now, thai twitter has not stopped insulting the director, the writers, and the company. the backlash is harsher than anything i've seen from international fans (i'm leaving it at that so please don't ask me). pretty much everyone hated what happened this episode, which i understand. but i don't think it means that it was lazy writing or that teh was out of character. i definitely think there's a problem, though, if the majority of viewers are feeling alienated from the show, because it means something went wrong along the way with the storytelling.
it is totally possible and in character for teh to cheat on oh-aew, because you can love someone with your whole heart and still hurt them and betray them (to be clear, it's still not okay). and it is totally possible for teh to have done something as shitty as this and still grow up to be a decent person in the end. this is where the time jumps become an issue for me. we left episode two with teh crying because he was afraid of losing oh-aew, and then we land in his third year where he's seemingly indifferent to oh-aew. but we weren't part of that journey, and the storytelling didn't lead us there emotionally. all we see is oh-aew being a super dedicated partner who is trying to salvage their relationship, while teh is completely distant and seems to have given up altogether.
i get it, he's insecure about his career and the possibility that he might end up like khim, and jai is the last thing he has to latch on to his now-more-elusive dream of becoming an actor. he's barely thinking about oh-aew and he's incapable of being a good partner right now, especially since oh-aew's success and happiness in advertising probably makes teh doubt himself even more. he's so in his head he's not even himself anymore. he has completely lost who he is, which is why he seems so foreign to us here. the objective facts are all there, but the emotional connection to make me empathize with him isn't, which is why all the shitty things he did this episode--juxtaposed against all the wonderful things oh-aew did--make him come across as such an exceptionally terrible person. and the thing is i know he still loves oh-aew. in the sex scene, he still clearly loves oh-aew. sure it was initiated by a desire to improve his acting for jai, but during the sex and the morning after, the love and affection for oh-aew are still there. teh just doesn't recognize it because all he sees is oh-aew having left him for better (a new career track he's happy with and doing well in, a group of friends who understand and support him) while teh remains stuck in the same loop holding on to jai as his last hope, which is why he's giving jai his everything. none of that makes any of it okay, but it makes it make sense.
i wish they had spent more time developing this internal conflict so that we could see it better, because it was only after rewatching it a couple of times, sitting on it, and reading people's reactions that i could begin to understand where teh is at in this episode. and i know we like that itsay gave us a lot to analyze, but i think ipytm has tried to jam too much into too few episodes that it ends up leaving the audience with blanks to fill in, which is a bit more work than i want to do when i'm enjoying a series. i think teh and jai got too much screen time, and teh and oh-aew not enough. i think there's a lot of insider stuff about drama/comm arts that's taking up space, which might resonate with folks who come from that field but not the majority of the audience who don't speak that language. i think if they had given more time to exploring teh and oh-aew's relationship, we wouldn't be seeing as much of this backlash.
a cheating plot doesn't make it cheap drama. i would happily watch a series that tackles infidelity in relationships because it is a super real topic with lots to explore: how does a couple navigate the aftermath of infidelity? can they rebuild trust, and how? what are the consequences to the relationship? all of these are important things to address, but the topic deserves a lot more space than a five-episode series can deliver, especially when it's combined with teh and oh-aew's other conflicts related to career, ambition, and other coming of age struggles. so for me it's not the cheating plot that's the problem but more so the fact that i don't think there's enough time for them to do it justice.
all that said, i think there's a tension here between a creator's creative vision and audience expectations, and i think this is an example of the showmakers maybe going too far in their vision to the point of alienating the audience. itsay is a comfort show and teh is a comfort character for a lot of us, and it's justifiable that folks are upset at the turn he's taken in ipytm. i'm also disappointed that it seems like teh remains the main character in ipytm while oh-aew's role has been reduced, because i can tell pp's acting has really improved and i would have loved to see more of him on the screen. the cheating storyline also makes it a lot harder to root for teh and oh-aew, and that honestly hurts the audience and affects our relationship to the show, and is another consequence of the writers choosing to go in that direction.
for me personally, itsay was full of angst but it gave me joy to watch because i loved watching teh and oh-aew fall in love with each other and i was rooting for them to overcome their obstacles to be together. ipytm has proven a lot more stressful to watch, where it doesn't spark that same joy but a lot more anxiety about "what's next," which was definitely a choice in setting the mood of the sequel. the material just doesn't work with the audience's emotions in the same way, it almost works against us. there's not the same sense of comfort and nostalgia and romance, but a darker realism of coming of age, and i wouldn't blame people for dropping off for that because it's a legitimate shift and doesn't match everyone's tastes in terms of the media they want to consume. i think we can hate the choices that were made here because they don't speak to our demands as an audience, but i wouldn't say they did it for the drama or for the ratings.
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shinwoonoh · 3 years
itsay ep4 spoilers and thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just need to talk about teh ok? and my own experiences about being queer and being asian.
first of all, if you’re reading this and have watched ep 4, are you okay? please go drink some water because i know you cried.
anyway, now that we’re hydrated rofl i just want to talk about teh and how much he means to me and how much of his story hits so close to home. i also want to disclaimer that my thoughts in this post are very much coming from my individual experience growing up in canada, being asian (not thai) and being queer. so if you disagree, that’s okay.
teh’s struggle with coming to terms with his sexuality is more than what i’m actually going to talk about. there’s so much but i’m just going to focus specifically on family, coming out, and the unique cultural differences within that. 
we know teh’s mother loves him. one might even think, yeah, she absolutely would still love him if he told her he was in love with a boy. but teh’s mother is this very familiar, very specific character i see in my own life: the proud asian mother with not one, but two sons!
i also see those little jabs made at teh by his mother: when teh comes back from his audition and the celebration isn’t actually for him, but for hoon. teh telling oh-aew that everything hoon did was always just better in his mother’s eyes until she saw yongjian and thought he could be an actor. hoon bringing home nozomi. and then, the kicker, when teh’s mother, whilst crying and angry, asks why teh can’t be like his brother?
there is absolutely a responsibility that teh knows he has to his mother. to be a good son. and it’s not like his mother doesn’t love him. it’s just that he can’t do that if he doesn’t get into uni or if he’s gay.
so it hurt me so much when tarn said, “you don’t have to apologize to me. you have to apologize to your mae.” and when teh realized what he had done was so so so stupid when his mother had said, “but what if you don’t get in? what then?”
because he fucking tried. in a twisted, convoluted way, he tried to satisfy everything he thought he had to satisfy. he was confident enough that he’d get in through admissions and in turn, would still be his mother’s son who got into uni. so he gave up his spot for oh-aew because he wanted to help oh-aew, loves oh-aew. and maybe, maybe, that way, he could be with him.
so i guess what i’m trying to say is that it’s important to understand that the story itsay is conveying intersects with the cultural experience of being asian and also the expectations one might have in a family such as teh’s. there’s shame in doing things for yourself. it’s an idea that is common within certain asian cultures. it’s why sometimes, when i do things, i know my actions don’t only speak for myself, but also for my family.
i’ve heard my parents say this before: “the way you toh sang think is more individualistic” (translated poorly, toh sang in cantonese means born here. particularly, here as in north america.). and i’ve always never been completely comfortable with the whole sentiment of “be yourself! be who you are! don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!” because how? i just can’t see myself doing that because who i want to be is this mesh of what i’ve been taught to be growing up, what i want to be for my family and who i happen to be. they’re not the same but the same, all at the same time. they exist simultaneously even though, in all practicality, should not exist together. 
in simpler terms: i’m queer but i also know i can’t be if i want to be who i want to be for my family.
this is what i see when i watch teh. a boy who thinks/knows he has a very specific place in this world, who knows he has a family that loves and cherishes him (hoon, the silent understanding brother saving up money for teh’s tuition, his mom fussing over teh, bragging about him to her friends, her gift hung on the wall), and who he doesn’t want to let down. and it’s not as simple as, “if you told them, they’ll still love you.” that’s not enough to convince me to tell them and come out. it’s more than not having their love afterwards. it’s also, how can i be who i am and still claim to love my family? for teh, he’s probably thinking, is he deserving of their love after what he’s done? if they knew who he was? they’ve done so much for him already. who he is will just hurt them.
i think that’s one of the reasons why we see grown ass adult asians, hiring spouses for a day or a trip to see their family. it’s why we don’t marry and it’s why we move away. i want to be who i am, but i don’t want to hurt/disappoint/betray/dishonour my family. 
it’s a sad reality. but it’s one that exists and goes against the western belief that you have the right and the freedom to be who you are. i know i do. i know i have the choice. and it’s great and it’s amazing to see queer characters standing up for who they are, even if it means losing your family or friends who don’t agree and ultimately, “choosing love”. it’s commendable and it’s admirable. it’s what we all wish we could do.
but the sad reality is that, it’s not always the case. is choosing my family not choosing love too? why does it have to be either/or? i don’t have an answer or a good explanation for that. it’s just a thing that i think some of us experience but for which i am eternally grateful to see materialized on screen in itsay. 
anyway, i just want to say thank you to billkin for absolutely killing me in the last act of the episode. the way he cried... it hurt. 
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wuzzupketchup · 3 years
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I was meaning to do a review once I’m done watching the whole series but I can’t help myself after seeing Episode 3. I just need to put my thoughts into writing before they drive me nuts.
Going into Season 2, I clearly wanted something that most people, I’m sure, don’t. I was secretly hoping that Teh and Oh Aew would call it quits in the end. Okay, please don’t crucify me for this. It’s just that I want them to separate in order for them to grow into their own persons. They’ve been together far too much that I feel like their characters won’t flourish into what they ought to be if they stick it out till the end. At least, that’s how I perceive it.
I can’t say I’m a fan of I Told Sunset About You, but when I Promised You The Moon came out, my hope was really high. I’m gonna be in the minority for this because ITSAY didn’t do it for me. It was moving, however, I wasn’t really that invested. That’s why I was so looking forward to IPYTM. Take a hold of me and bring me along for a ride.
Teh. Where do I begin? People are angry at you right now. And for good reason. Any form of cheating in a relationship is a no-no. You’re very wrong there, my friend. Although I can’t help but still love your character. To me, you’re one of the most human characters I’ve seen on TV. You are dumb. You are rash. You make mistakes. You overthink. You overflow with so much emotions for your own good. You are not perfect. You reflect each of us in the real world. Maybe that’s the reason why you are probably my favorite character in the entire series. Because you are flawed; grounded on reality.
I get you, Teh. I get what you are going through. ITSAY portrayed you as the formidable male lead. You were smart. You were the star. You were poised for greatness, yet by your own doing, you fell from it. But due to your determination and perseverance, you were able to turn things around. You were victorious in the end. You were on top once again. IPYTM set you up differently. It made you realize that maybe you are not enough. You thought you were great, but reality had you thinking twice. There are other people far better than you. You are now feeling inferior. I see you dealing with that internal conflict through your dazed eyes. You’re like a deer caught in headlights.
I am not here to defend you, Teh. I’m just voicing out the point you are in right now. You are afraid of a lot of things. Losing Oh Aew as evidenced by the ending of Episode 2, never making it into acting due to the zero casting you’ve had despite numerous auditions, ending up like Khim who gave up her dream, to name a few. I’m sure due to your desperation, you had to cling on to Jai. You’ve pinned on him your last hopes because he’s right in the same alley as you are; the ambition to make it in the entertainment world. Enough to cloud your reason. You were so naive to recognize that you were acting on a little, harmless crush. There’s so much you have to deal with. I really hope the last 2 episodes would be enough to tie all the lose ends.
I sincerely wished the production team went a different route instead of the cheating part. It really left a bitter taste to everyone, casuals and fans alike. I wouldn’t say I was surprised, but I’m really disappointed. Things could’ve been dealt with differently. Now there really is no turning back. Oh Aew doesn’t deserve any of this. For me, the only logical ending for them is a breakup. There’s no point of still being together. We’ll just have to wait and see how the whole thing pans out in the last two episodes. I’ll leave it to the team behind the drama.
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
AEW needs to fix their women’s division
AEW’s women’s division desperately needs help and needs more screen time. 
AEW have done more to set women's professional wrestling back than bring it forward. From forcing Brandi into programs to their deliberate non-efforts in actually building any of the Japanese women with promos or video packages or any angles of note until they lost them all to Covid travel restrictions. Only in the past four or so months did they let Hikaru Shida even speak. That's straight up bigoted, culturally elitist, racist shit.
Hikaru Shida is badass, a very likable champion in and outside of the ring.  But she is rarely given the time of day on Dynamite and barely enough time to build storylines or feuds. AEW NEEDS to do better by Shida. 
The problem is only two people in AEW who they actually allow screen time. Britt Baker and Brandi Rhodes. 
As far as I'm concerned with, Britt Baker is the closest thing they will have to a star. She's great on the mic, talented, her role model/dentist gimmick is awesome and Britt just feels like she should be champion.
Now the problem isn’t Britt. The problem is Brandi. Brandi has to be everywhere. She always has to be in the spotlight. To the nightmare collective to tagging with Allie(when she was already in a stable to begin with??) to always being there with Cody. Even when she doesn’t need to be there or when it’s not even in the women’s division, Brandi is always there. Brandi Rhodes camera hogging and attention whoring has been a detriment to their women’s division. I joke about Brandi being a discount Stephanie, but she really seems like she wants to be Stephanie complete with always being a presence and even having her job title. The only difference is Stephanie has more charisma and grit and is just that one person you can’t help but love to hate. Brandi is just annoying. 
AEW spent more time on the nobody-fucking-gives-a-shit camera hog Brandi Runnells and Britt Baker than the rest of their entire women's roster. Hell, even the women dancers in Kenny Omega and Cody’s entrances get more screen time than their entire division
There is a complete lack of development for anyone NOT named Brandi Rhodes or Britt Baker. 
Sorry/not sorry. AEW are even trailing WWE's atrocious main roster booking of women, hell it’s almost as bad as WWE’s Divas era complete with a bad belt design and they show no signs of helping to develop that division in any way. Oh, and all of the bookers are men. Brandi doesn't count because she knows fuck all about booking (and branding). Men who book shit are doing their shittiest at booking one of the worst women's divisions going at the moment. None of the talent grow and zero effort is being made to make that happen. Zero. Hey, pay $50 bucks though and AEW will pretend to care with their "Heels" online ponzi scheme program. I mean, how fucking condescending is that? Naming some hokum ponzi scheme "online safe space" for female fans that requires $50 to talk about a  promotion who has done fuck all beyond virtue signaling for their women's division. Let's play on the name of women's fucking shoes because it goes with the biz lingo for the tough, bad guys (fuck you very much, Brandi Rhodes).
Then Nyla Rose. Goddamn I love the native beast. She was awesome since her debut and I always thought she should’ve been the first AEW Women’s Champion and held onto it until Shida dethrones her, giving Nyla plenty of time to squash the entire division and building up her character. Giving her Vickie Guerrero as a manager was a smart move. But why did they wait so long for a rematch? Her statistics is higher than anyone on the roster. Even higher than Riho. Yet they gave the match to Big Swole? Glad she’s getting a rematch at Full Gear, but it feels a little too late.
Abadon. I love my zombie queen. She is a beautiful work of art. Still green, but she’ll get there. She certainly deserves to be featured more frequently on Dynamite. Seriously, stop keeping her on Dark and let her thrive and scare the shit out of everyone on dynamite. She has an awesome character and has perfected her look. No one knows much about her outside of the ring which adds to it. She can definitely help build the women’s division which desperately needs talent. I just see Abadon as AEW’s Undertaker. A character so mystique and compelling, that she doesn’t need the title, at least not yet.
Thunder Rosa. Her match with Shida gave their women’s division the attention it very well deserves. It was the best match at All Out and just shows how much potential their division has.
As of right now, the only ones who I feel can elevate their division are Britt Baker and Anna Jay or unless they sign Thunder Rosa. The more they focus on the NWA women, the less screen time the ladies of AEW can have a chance to shine and improve themselves. Yes, Serena Deeb is signed with AEW. But she's the NWA Women's Champion, not the AEW Woman's Champion. That's the problem, they focus on the wrong championship. It says a lot of how little faith they have in their own champion, plus the small size of the actual title in question is symbolic of how little the powers that be actually cares about their own women's division.
It would be one thing if the brain trust could just admit their booking of the women is bad, but they won't. Considering that even Cody admitted there isn't a problem, there doesn't seem like any sign of change.
It says a lot when NXT, what your EVP refers to as a “developmental brand” is doing so much better for their women’s division than yours, is just really telling.
Sign Thunder Rosa. She is the solution. 
It may not fix everything, but it gives you your needed star power and honestly fuck Ivelisse’s unprofessionalism. Tony Khan should be begging on his hands and knees to sign Thunder Rosa in 2021 after her time with the NWA is up, his women’s division is getting their asses kicked by what Kenny refers to as a “developmental brand” and if WWE signs Thunder Rosa, then AEW’s women’s division might be fucked.
There’s still some time to do what’s right for your women’s division, but the only thing that remains to be seen, does the powers that be of AEW even care?
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livwwe1 · 5 years
My Best Friend
Jon Moxley x Amber (requested by @wwesarahjaneroszko)
Summery: Jon Moxley has recently gone through a divorce with, Renee Young. Cody’s sister, Amber, has just joined AEW after coming from WWE. Cody and Jon are best friends and both Amber and Jon’s feelings for one another resurface.
Warning: Swearing, lil angst, fluff.
Word count: N/A
A/N: @wwesarahjaneroszko I hope you like this one!!
*Requests are closed*
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*2 months prior to joining AEW*
‘Listen Vince, I just don’t like the way I’ve been treated recently. It’s been Becky this, Charlotte that! I’m done, ok. I’m asking for my release. I am grateful for the last 5 years, but it’s my time to go’ You exclaimed to Vince. You have been in WWE for 5 years, but recently you’ve been shelved and haven’t appeared on tv for 2 months. You have been really pissed with the authority and creative recently. I mean, being a former 4x Raw women’s champion and a 2x Smackdown women’s champion isn’t a small accomplishment, hell you’ve had more reigns than Becky Lynch.
‘Amber, hey! You alright?!’ You look behind you and see Alexa running towards you. ‘Hey Lex. I’ve been better. I just asked Vince for my release’ You explained to Alexa. ‘What?! Why. You can’t leave! You’re amazing and I’m gonna miss you like hell’ Alexa pleads with you. ‘I wish I could Lex, but I’m not gonna be treated like a dickhead and my brother has offered me a contract with AEW’ You whispered the last part quietly, as WWE was their revival company. ‘Damn. Joining the enemy, huh. I will respect any decision you make. Just don’t forget about me, ok. I love you so much Ambs’ Alexa says whilst giving you a massive hug ‘I will never forget about you Lex. We will always see each other’ you reassure her and let go of the hug. You smile at her once again and walk out the arena
‘Oh and Amber’ you hear before leaving ‘Don’t forget to give Jon a big hug’ she says and winks. You roll your eyes and leave.
You and Jon have had a complicated relationship. Before getting with Renee, you two were best friends. You did everything together. You ate together, roomed together and even road together. However, that all changed when he got with Renee. You two slowly stopped hanging out and that’s when you realised you had feeling for him. You were silently praying they would end their relationship, but they did the complete opposite in 2017. They got married. That’s when you knew you had to stop all feelings for him. You actually did. You started a relationship with Finn Balor a couple of months after they got married, and you really liked Finn. However, that ended a couple of months ago, when he got drafted to Smackdown and got stayed on Raw. The only con about joining AEW was seeing Jon. Cody and him became really close friends, and you were happy that Jon was happy their and was making friends. But, you knew you were gonna be treated correctly at AEW.
*Present day*
Today was the day you were debuting at AEW. News broke out 3 weeks ago that you were released from WWE, and everyone was hoping and praying you join AEW. You were currently sitting backstage in front of a screen watching Brandi vs Allie’s match. It was ‘Fight for the fallen’ tonight, and you were going to debut at the end of their match. The plan was for Brandi and Awesome Kong to beat up Allie, and you were gonna save her. Starting your feud with Brandi.
‘Hey sis. You ready for tonight?!’ Cody sits next to you and hugs you ‘Yeah I can’t wait. Thanks again for giving me this opportunity. I love you’ you smile and hug him. ‘No worries. I know how much wrestling means to you, and you deserve all the recognition you get. I mean it’ he relies. You look at the screen and see Brandi about to pin Allie. ‘I guess what’s my queue’ you say and stand up ‘You got this sis!’
‘One. Two. Three’ ring the bell!! ‘The winner of this match, Brandi Rhodessss’ Justin announces ‘awww come on Allie. Get up girl. What’s wrong bitch? Huh’ Brandi shouts at Allie. Her and Kong start to kick, punch, throw her around the ring. ‘This is unacceptable. Brandi won the match. She doesn’t have to do this!’ Jim Ross exclaims on commentary
*Amber’s theme song*
‘Oh. My. God. Is that Amber?!’ Jim Ross exclaims as you run down the ramp to the ring. ‘That sure as hell is here. What is she doing here?!! The crowd is going nuts!’ Alex says. It’s true, when you ran out, the crowd was going nuts. They were chanting ‘Holy Shit!’ ‘This is awesome’ ‘Amber!’ You dropkick Kong our the ring and went straight to work on Brandi. You do your signature move on her and go and check on Allie. ‘You alright?!’ You ask. ‘Yeah I’m good. Thanks Amber’ she smiles and stands up. You look around the arena and see everyone standing up, cheering. ‘I’m back baby’ you wink at the camera.
You and Allie walk backstage and are greeted by your brother, Cody. ‘That was fucking amazing. Great job, sis. They fucking love you!’ You hug him ‘thanks Cody. I’m gonna go to the locker room and freshen up. I’ll see you and Brandi tonight?’ You ask. You and Brandi were really great friends. I mean she was your sister in law after all. It was funny being in a feud with one of your family members. ‘Yeah definitely. See you then’ he replies.
Jon’s POV:
‘I’m back baby’. Jon was watching your match. All of it. He was in his changing room and couldn’t believe you joined AEW. He thought you were happy in WWE but he couldn’t deny the happiness he felt inside him when he saw you in that ring. Him and Renee got divorced 3 months ago. After joining AEW and her still being in WWE, it was too much for them and long distance wasn’t his thing. He always had a special place in his heart for you. When you were best friends, he did have feelings for you, but Renee happened and he did fall in love with her.
He left his changing room and made his way to catering. He didn’t have a match tonight, but he still liked coming to the arena. ‘Shit, I’m so sorry’ he hears a girl say from the floor. ‘No, I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going’ he replies and looks down. Only to see you on the floor. His heart just stopped.
Amber’s POV:
You start walking to the locker room looking at your phone. You got a text from Alexa, saying how proud she was with your debut. You were happy that her and you managed to stay close friends. That was until you walked into what felt like a brick wall. ‘Shit, I’m so sorry’ you exclaim. ‘No, I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going’ you hear the guy say. You look up and see Jon. Your heart just stops.
‘Amber...h-hi. How are you?’ He says and puts his hand out to pick you up. ‘Yeah I’m good. How are you?’ You smile and take his hand. The hand with the stupid, tattooed wedding ring. You never understood why he got his wedding band tattood. Why not buy a regular wedding band? What if you get divorced? The feelings you felt before just resurfaced. Stupid feelings. ‘I’ve been better. You know. Going through a divorce isn’t the best thing, but I feel better now’ he smiles. Wait divorced. Did he just say, he got divorced?! ‘Yo-you got divorced? Why didn’t you tell me? I mean I know he haven’t spoken to each other in a while, but I’m still your friend. I could’ve helped you’ you ask. ‘I know but you were in WWE. She was there too. I guess, it would’ve triggered me too much. I’m sorry, Amber. I really am. I’m glad your here tho. I really am’ he smiles and hugs you. ‘Me too Jon’ I say. Little did you know, Cody and Brandi were standing not that far away seeing this. ‘You know they’re meant to be right?’ Brandi tells your brother. ‘I know. I hope she goes for it’ he replies.
*Later that night*
You, Cody, Brandi, Jon and some others decided to celebrate the success of the PPV and went our for a couple of drinks. You felt so much happier being here than at WWE. Everyone around you was so friendly. Kenny was amazing and sweet. He helped show you around the arena, and you guys became friends quite quickly. ‘Hey, Amber. You want me to get you another drink?’ He asks you. ‘Uh, yeah sure. Thanks Ken’ you smile. You could see Jon shift in his seat in front of you, looking a little disoriented. ‘You alright Jon?’ You ask him. ‘Yeah I’m good’ he drinks his drink. You didn’t want to toot your own horn, but you thought he seemed a little jealous. I mean, come on. Kenny is great and all, but he’s no Jon. You were so relived when he said him and Renee got divorced. You may have sounded like a bitch, but you really loved him. Like a lot. Kenny came back with your drink and sat next to you.
The night went on. Everyone got a little tipsy, expect for you and Jon. You guys were the designated drivers for tonight, and you knew you couldn’t get drunk. You guys had one drink and that was it. ‘Hey Amber. You want to go out tomorrow?’ Kenny asked you. Right after he said that, Jon stood up and left to go outside ‘for some air’. ‘Oh uh...I would love to but I have training tomorrow. Maybe another time’ you say. You didn’t really have training tomorrow, but you didn’t want to lead him on. You stood up and followed Jon outside.
‘Hey. You alright?’ You ask him. ‘Yeah I’m good, doll. Looking forward to your little date with Kenny tomorrow?’ He smirks. You could hear the tint of jealously coming out of his mouth. ‘There’s going to be no date tomorrow, actually. Why, you jealous Jon’ you smirk back. ‘Why would I be jealous for? Were best friend remember. It’s all good’ he replies back. Best friends. Right. Nothing more, nothing less. ‘Just messing with you’ you sigh and sit on the bench outside the pub. You wish you two could be more than friends. Renee isn’t in the picture, it would be perfect. However, you knew he didn’t like you like that. It was obvious. ‘I’m gonna head back in. See if the guys are ready to leave’ you say and just as you were about to get up, Jon pulls your arm to sit back down. ‘Why did you think I was jealous for?’ Jon asks. ‘I didn’t. I was joking remember’ I whisper. ‘I don’t think you were joking’ he whispers back. You looked into his eyes. ‘Look Jon, it was just a silly jo-‘ you were then cut off by his lips onto yours. It took you a couple of seconds to realises what was happening, until you started kissing him back. ‘I really like you Jon’ you say into the kiss. ‘I really, fucking like you too, Amber’ he replies back. You break apart and smile at each other. ‘Let me take you on a date tomorrow’ he smirks. ‘I would love that’ you smile and kiss him again.
‘Hey g-guys leets go ho-‘ Cody says walking out the pub, but stops when he sees you and Jon. He stands there and smirks. ‘I told you she would go for it’ he smirks at Brandi.
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jxffhxrdy · 4 years
RAW 5/19/2020
Wassup everyone. Back again with opinions that you didn’t ask for on Monday Night RAW tonight 5/19/2020. I am not related to WWE in any capacity, so what I say is not bible. 
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The show in general tonight? Sucked. I’m sorry, but it really did. You’d peaked my interest with a Drew/Corbin fight, because I think Drew is the most talented big guy on RAW and Corbin is the best heel on Smackdown. But even THAT let me down. Alright, let us discuss, shall we?
♡Edge Accepts Randy Orton’s Challenge (-)
I mean, duh. God, I am so bored with this. WWE, I played your little game and allowed it with Wrestlemania, since Edge had just come back and let’s face it- I am a big ol’ fan of Adam Copeland. But this is just overworked, overdone, overpromoed, just... over everything. And calling this “the greatest match ever?” Really? In an empty arena and no fans, no pop, no nothing? Please WWE. Chill with that. It just makes me cringe. I could easily list 10 matches of both of theirs that are undoubtedly going to be better than this match. Minus.
♡Murphy vs. Humberto (-)
Jesus christ. I’m sorry, but you cannot take someone who was literally a jobber last week to trying to take on the biggest tag team on RAW. You just can’t do that. You just sent Humberto to the slaughterhouse because you wanted a hispanic wrestler to stand up for a hispanic wrestler. Let’s be real. Now, if Aleister Black had come out for a little pre-match tussle, it would’ve been more forgivable. But this was just random and boring.
♡Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Ruby Riott (-)
Honestly, forgot this match happened. CHARLOTTE FLAIR SHOULD NOT BE ON 3 SHOWS. I see so much of Charlotte Flair during the week that I literally do not care what she does anymore, because I know if she loses a match on Monday, I’ll see her fight on Wednesday and Friday again. Yes, I commend her for working like she does 3 days a week, that must be insane. But it is Charlotte City so much that all of her matches just run together. Give Rhea back the NXT belt, take her off Smackdown, and just keep her on Raw. Less is more here. Also... what is Ruby’s storyline? Redemption? Isn’t that Liv’s story? Like this match just made no sense for either character, unless they’re trying to make Charlotte seem like some tyrant and Ruby even more of a loser than she already is. Seriously, when was the last time that girl won a match? Please don’t turn even more of your female roster into jobbers for the 4HW. 
♡Whatever the Asuka thing was (?)
So it got leaked after Becky’s announcement last week that at MITB this year, we were supposed to get Nia Jax vs. Becky, with Nia taking home the belt. But with her sudden pregnancy and Nia not being the most well liked woman on the roster, they figured giving the belt to Asuka was the safest option. Which, yes, that is correct. I get Asuka and Kairi are cute lil weirdos and they play their parts well, but this was a very weird start to the Asuka/Nia feud. It was just kinda sped through and all over the place. However, I did enjoy including Kairi. I am terrified of them splitting up the Kabuki Warriors. I just don’t really know how I feel. 
♡R-Truth vs. Bobby Lashley (-)
The only positive out of this is I absolutely adore R-Truth. He is so damn funny (until he puts those damn teeth in) and I cannot wait to see how he gets Gronk. On the other end with Bobby.... I just really don’t care? I mean, 3 weeks ago, we saw the man flip a tire. Like, that was a whole segment. And if you want Bobby to seem like the biggest badass, why oh why would you put him with Truth? Why wouldn’t you have a Jinder Mahal vs. Bobby Lashley for top contender spot? That would be FAR more entertaining then watching Lashley put the beating on Truth every week. MVP is settling quite nicely into the manager position though.
♡Women’s Tag Team Championship (A BIG -)
I AM FURIOUS. ABOUT THIS MATCH. FIRST OF ALL. Fuck WWE for ending it on a DQ, because if it were a male match, it would’ve been completely fine and not mentioned. I am very very tired with womens’ wrestling in WWE being so quick to DQ. Second, why would you have an ACTUAL tag team lose to this awful combo? Put Nikki back in NXT with Sanity; you can’t deny that would bring BIG interest into NXT. Alexa... I don’t know. She has a horrible mean girl thing about her that I can’t take any of her feuds seriously because she reminds me of high school. I truthfully don’t see her in the title picture, especially not with the likes of Nia and Asuka, But you know who she would absolutely kill with? Zelina fucking Vega. Ruby, maybe? Liv even? The combo with Nikki and Alexa is just so awkward and I’m over it. The IIconics are annoying- BUT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. You can tell they are best friends and have the best chemistry in and out of the ring. They are so entertaining and a genuinely good team. Please. 
♡Shayna Bazler vs. Natalya (-)
Natalya deserves better than a year of losses. That’s all I am going to say about this match. Shayna is very talented and will do very well in the current main title picture.
♡Owens/Crews vs. Andrade/Garza (+) (MVP)
I actually liked this match! Kevin Owens is the fuckin’ man. He is so talented, he’s amazing on the mic, and honestly- he is what kept this episode afloat for me tonight. Plus getting Crews back was amazing; he is the most underused talent on the Raw roster. I enjoyed getting a taste of the Andrade/Garza tag team that’s been rumored for a while and I think once Andrade loses the belt (which is undoubtedly coming shortly), I’d love to see them do some stuff with Street Profits. Or even Mysterio/Black if we get that tag team. I would absolutely love to see Crews get that belt next week, it is time for him to. If he does get it and they’re going the McIntyre/Lashley route they seem to be going on- maybe pair Crews with Jinder? Shelton or Titus maybe? I think that would be great. A lot of potential here. MVP of the night!
♡Murphy vs. Aleister Black and randomly austin theory and seth rollins (?)
So, everyone knows I love me some Aleister Black. I think the man is insanely talented and should be in a title picture ASAP. And honestly, I’m a fan of Murphy too! I think the two of these men have great in-ring chemistry and I enjoy watching them fight. The reason this match is getting a question mark is... Austin Theory? Really? So, I know Theory was kinda brought up to give Angel Garza something to do while Andrade was out on probation, but why on God’s green earth are you going to put him with Seth and Murphy? I was hoping after the split of Zelina’s group, he would go back to NXT and maybe work with Undisputed Era or Cameron Grimes. I also know he’s not been moved from the NXT page on the WWE website to RAW yet. But if you’re planting the seed of him “following” Seth, then when are you going to make that pull official? Should they? No. Theory is not ready yet. He doesn’t have a distinct ring persona yet. Out of the three, Andrade is the cocky workhorse, Garza is the flirty ladies man, and Austin is... there. Send him back and if you want to fill your roster, pull someone who could make some good ass TV (Damien Priest with Aleister Black, thank you). 
♡Axe Throwing (+)
Scrolling on Twitter, it seems to be that a lot of people cannot stand the random competitions between the Street Profits and Viking Raiders, but honestly? I’m a fan! With the empty arena era, all of WWE’s matches are just grunts and ring slaps. Long matches become literally miserable to watch (ie. Orton vs. Edge at Wrestlemania 36). Having these random cutaways, while aren’t wrestling, is something different from the usual. And frankly, I’d rather see this than most of the other matches I sat through tonight. I don’t want to see the Street Profits lose their belts just yet, I absolutely adore them, but I think these cutaways are setting up a really fun feud. 
♡Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Baron Corbin (-)
Drew wins, fucking obviously. Did people REALLY think Corbin was going to win here? Against Drew, who is literally a tank? No ma’am, not a chance. This was kind of a throw away match just to set up the feud with Drew & Lashley... yawn. MVP is the best part of Bobby Lashley right now. I just love Drew McIntyre so much, I never want him to lose the belt ever. Bobby vs. Drew at Backlash, most likely. Whatever man. 
♡General Thoughts
~Please just never let Lana speak anymore. No promos anymore from Lana.  ~More Kevin Owens. More Aleister Black. Yes. ~Where the FUCK is Cedric Alexander and Ricochet? Please bring them back, WWE. Please stop destroying legitimately good tag teams.  ~Lana Never Speak Again 2020 campaign. 
Thanks for reading my rambles and I’ll be back on Wednesday for AEW thoughts. <3 
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jeremy-heresy · 5 years
My Reactions to WhatCulture Wrestling’s “20 INSANE Vince McMahon Stories Leaked By Secret WWE Source”
If you haven’t come across this video, grab a drink, relax in a comfy chair, and get ready to spit that drink all over your screen, because some of these stories in this video are truly terrible.
All set? Good! Let’s begin starting with 20! And warning, this about to be a loooong post.
#20. This makes me feel bad for the writers who do produce some good storylines and writing that get ignored because it doesn’t appeal to good ol’ Vince. Furthermore, it’s utter nonsense that it’s whatever Vince wants that goes. Like, should Vince have some say? Sure, he’s the owner of the company. But it shouldn’t just be up to him, because God knows he doesn’t have the viewer’s interests in mind when he’s approving a majority of the stuff that gets put on TV.
#19. Why am I not surprised that the B.S. Wild Card rule came about in such a fashion? It’s been a disaster since it was put into place and just prevents the unfeatured superstars on each roster from actually being used. For example, Finn Balor and Shinsuke Nakamura were originally scheduled to be on a recent SmackDown Live, but it was bumped to being the dark match so that we could see more of Shane McMahon (the subject of a post that I need to make in the future).
#18. Again, feel a little bad for the creative team when they pitch something that may actually be good. Vince’s grasp over the group, as we all know, is making the product worse, and if the old bellend actually took a moment to consider the ideas thrown at him, maybe we’d get some quality television.
#17. Of course, another aspect that Vince totally ruins! I know the brand split is coming to an end (thanks ya damned Wild Card rule), but how are we honestly supposed to believe that the brands are different if so much stuff is so similar? I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir with such a question, but nevertheless. It makes matches like RAW vs SmackDown elimination matches at Survivor Series utterly pointless.
#16. To absolutely no one’s surprise, Vinny doesn’t watch NXT. Y’know what? That’s probably for the best; let Trips continue to oversee and put on excellent shows with the NXT brand(s). Otherwise, if Vinny Mac were to get his hands on this, we’d watch NXT and NXT UK, two of the few saving graces WWE has at this point, burn down in front of our very eyes.
#15. “VKM? Unaware? Who woulda thought, eh?” asked no one ever. I get it, he’s busy running a billion-dollar company, having meetings, working out, etc., but he can’t spare five minutes to check out what’s going on in the world today? Not even the wresting world that he wants to dominate? FFS, man! Hopefully the start of AEW TV will change that once they develop more and more of a following.
#14. I was actually unaware of this bit of information, and now that I know this I gotta say, much respect to Dana Brooke. I know I was negative about her when she first debuted on RAW, but this changes this. She deserves praise for putting in the hard work to become the best women’s wrestler she can be, but clearly Vince is the biggest roadblock to her showcasing her new skills.
#13. Not a big surprise. That’s all I’m going to say.
#12. The New Age Outlaws reunion? Probably not, but I would be fine with watching Road Dogg go to AEW. I’m sure he could do some incredible work behind the scenes in the promotion that he wouldn’t be able to do in WWE.
#11. So Vince loses interest easily... there’s a word for that, what is it again? Oh that’s right:
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#10. I’d love to see an absolute list of the people who are trying to get out of Dodge right now. The talent are unhappy and they have a right to be, as should the writers. Is the money really worth the frustration? Only time can tell.
#9. To quote Kanye West to repeat another point I made, “NO ONE MAN SHOULD HAVE ALL THAT POWER!” Things could have been much more solid for both brands if they had stuck with something and not changed it on the whims of a senile old man who finds humor in jokes for children.
#8. YOU’RE GODDAMN RIGHT HE IS! To no one’s surprise, the best thing on RAW every week is the brain child of Bray Wyatt, and this confirms for me that the Eater of Worlds and host of Firefly Fun House is a locker room leader.
#7. I honestly don’t know how to react to this one. Certainly weird, but I just... Why is she their boss? I know she’s Ultimate Warrior’s wife but like... ugh, moving on.
#6. New-found respect to Michael Cole who has probably had Vince barking B.S. in his ear for over a decade now. How the hell do you expect your commentators to do a quality job when you’re degrading them as their doing the job? It’s nonsense. Give them the points they need to make and let them go, they should be able to call the match just fine without the criticism.
#5. Bless you Sami for making this work.... BUT, if this is Vince talking through Sami Zayn, maybe you should use your power for good and make the proper changes! I know that ruins the point of Sami’s gimmick, but we all know what the real problem is, and it isn’t the WWE Universe (least not on a weekly basis).
#4. Bless you Neville/PAC for verbally bashing Vince on your way out of the company. He deserved so much better, as do many of the talented men and women still there. However, I’m glad he’s kicking ass in Dragon Gate and being the bastard we all know and... love? Hate? Tolerate?
#3. Of course the man behind little red carts, mannequin torture, and pooper scoopers is behind Ucey Hot. This feud could have been amazing, and I was looking forward to it at the beginning. But now it’s a mess because Vince has the humor of a 10 year old.
#2. This, by far, is the most disgusting of these 20 stories. Surprising? Absolutely not. Horrendous? You bet your ass! The man left Mexico to work for your company and this is how you treat him? He didn’t have to work for you, he coulda gone anywhere else! This is also evidence of Vince not watching NXT but I’m sure you, the reader, already could’ve guessed that.
And last but certainly not least, #1. Once again, to no one’s surprise but everyone’s displeasure. It’s a shame that this is the case because we all know how much of a good job Trips can do if he took control. But it’s very likely that Vinny Mac truly will die at his desk at WWE HQ before he ever lets anyone take control of his company, even if it means he’s ruining it in the process.
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duhragonball · 4 years
Sorry about all the weird asks you been getting, Here is an actual question: What do you think of Bray Wyatt's current fiend character?
Technically, this should be addressed on the wrestling blog, but I get them mixed up myself all the time, and let’s be real: duhragonball > buttdawg >>> imatlasarrestmeplease.  
In any case, I don’t have strong opinions about The Fiend, because I stopped watching WWE in October 2018, before The Fiend’s debut.   I think I have a general idea of what the character is supposed to be, but it’s probably not fair to judge it on hearsay.    So take this with a few hundred grains of salt.  
From what I understand, Bray Wyatt sort of dropped off the map for a while, then returned at... was it Summerslam ‘19?   I think it was.    He came back as the Fiend, who’s sort of like when Mick Foley switches from Mankind to Cactus Jack, only in this case The Fiend no-sells everything and he’s super strong.    Also, the Bray persona has become like this Mr. Rogers pastiche, and may not fully understand the Fiend’s actions.   
I have no idea how this Firefly Funhouse thing works.  I watched a pirated video of the John Cena “match” at WrestleMania 36, mostly because I wanted to understand what nWo Cena was supposed to be about.    I still have no idea, but I’m a huge nWo mark, so I was satisfied to see John rocking the black-and-white, even if it makes no sense.   
Actually, let me talk about nWo Cena for a minute here, because that’s been on my mind for a while, and I think it does sort of tie into Bray’s WWE career.   Okay, so for anyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about, Cena and Bray had a match at WrestleMania 36 which was like some sort of Twilight Zone thing where Cena kept quantum leaping into different eras of wrestling history.   He found himself in the Hulkamania era, then he relived his own debut in 2002, and for some reason he was on the set of WCW Monday Nitro, circa 1997.   There, he was wearing an nWo shirt, indicating that he was supposed to be a member of the legendary heel stable, the New World Order.   
What struck my fancy about this was that I saw John wearing the shirt and for a moment I imagined how cool it would have been if Cena really had been part of the nWo.   The group had this amazing start in the summer of 1996, but by 1997 it was running on fumes, and in 1998 they had absolutely no idea what to do with it.    After that, they just kept breaking up and reuniting over and over, trying to recapture the old magic.   There were a lot of problems with the nWo, but I think the biggest one is that there was no clear identity of the group.   Somtimes it was a bunch of cool dudes having a violent party, and other times it was Hulk Hogan’s personal cult.  Other times it was just Hall and Nash wearing matching shirts.    It didn’t matter in the early years, but when the group got older and the older members moved on, there was nothing to define what was left.   
I’ve only been watching New Japan for about a year, but I’m already impressed with how Bullet Club has managed to avoid the same problem.   Let’s face it, they’re a baldface ripoff of the nWo concept, but they have defining characteristics that don’t just rely on a specific person.   Prince Devitt (Finn Balor) was a founding member, but he’s been gone for years.   Then AJ Styles was their #1 guy, and he left.   Then Kenny Omega was their leader, and I showed up a few months after he left.     I thought the BC was doomed to decline after that, but then I saw how dominant their new leader, Jay White could be, and then they replenished their ranks with KENTA.   Generally, Bullet Club is a gaijin stable, so that sets the tone for their act rather than any single person.   If a Canadian leaves, you just get a New Zealander to replace him.   But with the pandemic keeping most of BC out of Japan, they adapted again and brought in EVIL as their new top guy.   It’s impressive to me, because NJPW figured out a way to make the nWo an evergreen angle.   They can sell those T-Shirts for the next fifty years.   
But I still miss the classic nWo, and I liked the idea that in some AU, John Cena might have formed his own nWo revival around 2011 or so, and they could have done it right.    Imagine someone with Cena’s prestige and longevity doing a heel stable like that, and when his time is over, he hands it off to another big star who can carry the torch.  “If only they had John Cena,” I thought to myself.  “He could have righted the ship.   He could have fixed it.”
Which brings me back to Bray Wyatt, because the vibe I get is that Bray’s fans seem more focused on what could be, and what might have been.   Bray’s entire WWE run feels like a running effort to fix Bray’s entire WWE run.   He started as Husky Harris in NXT, then they brought the entire NXT roster out as a new heel stable, the Nexus, and had them run roughshod over WWE, except they were mostly too green for that role, and they kept losing big matches to Cena and Orton.    Then CM Punk took over Nexus and they became his faceless sidekicks, and then they vanished altogether when Punk moved into his Pipebomb era.  
Then Husky came back as Bray Wyatt, and everyone loved the gimmick.   I never cared for it personally, because I never saw much of Waylon Mercy, and I’ve never watched “Cape Fear”.   But people loved it.   But he kept losing the big matches.   Then he comes back as The Fiend, and now he’s like invincible or something, and it seems like he’s finally on track to get the success people wanted him to have before.  
Only, I don’t think it’s worked out that well.   They made him invincible, but they don’t seem to know what to do with that.    This led to that Hell in a Cell where Seth Rollins got “disqualified” in a no-DQ match.    They literally couldn’t decide how to end the match, or who should win, so they just stopped it for no reason.    That’s a long-term WWE problem.    Vince can’t make up his mind, so he just doesn’t put anyone over.    He didn’t want Seth to look weak losing to the Fiend, even though the Fiend is literally a monster, and he didn’t want the Fiend to win the title because he’d eventually have to lose it later.    Except the Fiend did win the title eventually, only to lose it to a 50 year old Goldberg in Saudi Arabia.   So Vince’s efforts to protect the Fiend at HiaC were ultimately pointless.    
I’m not sure where the Fiend character is now, but I think he may have turned face, and Alexa Bliss is his girlfriend?  Sith Apprentice?    I see people saying she’s possessed?   Well, whatever, I like what she’s done with her hair lately.   Every time they revamp Bray, I always hear fans suggest that they’re finally going to have Sister Abagail debut.    No one even knows who or what Sister Abagail is.    She’s just a name Bray used to mention during his creepy promos, and I think Randy Orton desecrated her grave one time.    Wrestling’s pretty great.  
Here’s the thing, I’m 100% in favor of a real, live SIster Abagail character.   I’ve written a 600,000-word novel about a background character in Dragon Ball Z, and at least thirty chapters were devoted to the Shockmaster.    I remember in 1997, when everyone thought Kane was dead, and then he finally showed up and set everything on fire for the next twenty years straight.    I still want to know who the Black Scoprion really was.   If Sister Abagail turns out to be an on-screen character, it’d be amazing.   Maybe Alexa Bliss is supposed to be turning into Abagail somehow.   She needs to dress up more like a ghost, though.   
The problem is that--right now-- there isn’t a Sister Abagail, so until the real thing is introduced, it’s just a hypothetical that everyone can pin their hopes and dreams on.   “Oh once they pull the trigger on Sister Abagail, Bray will finally get the push he deserves!”   “Yeah, that last Fiend match wasn’t so hot, but it’s all building up to the big payoff when they finally bring out Sister Abagail.”   “Sister Abagail will fix it, she can right the ship.”  
What I’m worried about is that one of these years Bray’s going to retire from wrestling, hopefully on his own terms, but his fans will still be waiting for a dream storyline, long after his actual career has passed them by.   I guess there’s problems with his run, mostly systemic problems with WWE’s booking philosophies and indecision, and fans are praying for a miracle to fix it all, like John Cena in an nWo shirt.   And even if they did bring out a Sister Agagail, it would never live up to the fans’ expectations.    It just feels like everyone’s setting themselves up for a disappointment.  
And that’s one of the reasons why I quit watching WWE.   At some point I realized that there just isn’t going to be a light at the end of the tunnel, a big match that somehow makes up for all of the dumb ideas and bad finishes I’ve seen over the years.    I’m all about AEW and NJPW now, and those promotions aren’t always perfect, but they are a lot better about meeting my expectations.  
I guess, when all is said and done, my big opinion on the Fiend is that I hope Bray lets his WWE contract expire and shows up someplace else.  He’s a great talent, no denying that.   I just don’t trust WWE to do right by him creatively. I think they want to push him, but they don’t know how to push guys anymore.   
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shinjaeha · 3 years
i want oh aew to find someone new so so much but i just know it's not gonna happen. oh aew is not a protagonist (no more 'two male protagonists' i guess lmao), he is only there to prop teh's development and thus his role is just 'teh's boyfriend'
it's funny bc i /knew/ since i saw the opening credits that oh aew was not gonna be prominent this season apart from being teh's boyfriend: we see bkpp first in the credits, then jai alone, just like bkpp (important role then), then khim and top together (not as important bc they aren't alone in frame but still, they are after jai) and then we see oh aew's friends ALL TOGETHER in one frame, the last ones, that's when i knew. it sucks bc ltip was oh aew's pov and i thought that meant ipytm was gonna continue with that but guess not.
I am guessing it's bc they wanted to explore the acting world through teh so oh aew had to be transferred to another major so they could focus only on teh and his development as a character. it sucks bc while it is in character some of the things he is doing, it just feels repetitive? teh is confused about his feelings (again) and now it's oh aew = tarn; jai = oh aew, the storyline thread seems the same, it's a cycle and yeah, in real life it's like that sometimes but this is a tv show, you HAVE to show growth in the character, from one season to another, rn its just feels like teh didn't learn anything in itsay, he just became older (and more of an ass).
also the "changes" in oh aew, what are they? like i only see superficial changes: his major, his car, his hair, but personality wise? he is the exact same as in itsay, he didn't change? so teh's feelings about it are just not understandable to me, and seem SO superficial? it's like he only fell in love with oh aew bc he had the same dream as him, which isn't true (at least from what i understood in itsay) so like, what is it? i just don't get it and again, everything seems so superficial in general and it lacks the depth and complexity of itsay for me (i guess the time skips are partly to blame for that)
idk it's just disappointing i guess, i loved itsay so much, i loved these characters so much and now i just don't feel anything anymore? i am apathetic towards all of it and i hate it bc i spent so much time waiting for part2 that i just feel like i wasted my time.
anyway i loved reading your thoughts (like always!) and you can ignore this ask if you don't wanna talk about this ep anymore, i totally get it ^^
honestly, same :( i don't necessarily need oh-aew to find someone else, but i do want him to be able to be his own person without teh. not just an add-on to teh's story. i know we'll be getting more of him in ep 4, but it looks like he's going to get even more hurt from the preview :/// i'm guessing there'll be a confrontation by the end of it so i really hope he doesn't just take what happened lying down. i want him to see his worth and realise that he deserves better than what he's been putting up with. i honestly really want to see him tear into teh about it bc that's the least he deserves.
i didn't even think that about the opening credits but you're so right :((( it's weird how inconsistent everything is in terms of the povs...i totally thought the same about ltip bc there was so much focus on oh-aew, but then they really only continued on with oh-aew's feelings in ep 1 and everything basically got resolved for him by the end of it.
yesss, that's why it feels so much like teh's taken all these steps back in ipytm. like yes, it's obv this is his personality and so technically everything he feels/does is consistent with his character...but it's also like the development we got by the end of itsay's been revoked. so he's regressed only to grow again, rather than just grown more from where he initially was. if that makes sense? and bc we've already seen him act like this before, it's harder to sympathise with him now bc you'd think he'd have learnt something more the first time he went through this (and ESP now that he's older). so even though this is technically something different, it's similar enough that it feels like a rehash of his previous experiences.
i really think this is def a case of where they told too much instead of SHOWING us oh-aew's changes/why their relationship had deteriorated so much in teh's eyes. like we hear him say the words (and see all the superficial ways oh-aew's changed), but that's not enough for us to actually understand WHY things have changed so drastically for teh in regards to their relationship since the last ep. and also just why he doesn't try harder (or at all tbh) to make things work between them. he did so much for oh-aew in itsay, you could tell how much he loved and cared for him...which is why it's so strange to watch this ep and see how cold he's grown towards him since.
yeah...itsay gave me this fluttery excitement every week. i couldn't WAIT for new eps...but ipytm kind of just leaves me dreading new eps bc it's nowhere near as enjoyable to watch. like i'm still interested in knowing what happens in the last two eps, but it doesn't feel the same anymore. the cast and crew really were right when they said it's like watching two entirely different shows...
whatever happens in ipytm, i already told myself before it aired that i was going to separate the two shows in my mind (also partly bc i love itsay so much that i didn't think anything would ever live up to my love for it anyway). i'm SO glad that itsay at least gave us a proper ending so it can still act as a standalone series by itself as it's genuinely one of the shows that comforts me the most (and i'm not gonna let my sad ipytm feelings ruin that for me no matter what).
and nooo, i really appreciate the asks, anon!! it's really nice to know that i'm not alone in all my feelings too ;;; it means a lot!! i'm just sorry it takes me so long to answer bc tbh i've been avoiding tumblr a bit bc of how drained i've been feeling. that being said, i'm always happy to talk more!!!!! i really love hearing your thoughts too ❤️
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0reblogufufu0 · 3 years
Spoilers Ahead For IPYTM EP 3!
Okay, well, the episode is over. Lots to say here, so sorry for following up my long first one with a long second one. But, yeah this will be the last one for the night! 
I know anyone reading this is going to be wondering first, am I furious about the kiss like everyone else was? Actually, no. I came into the episode so prepared to have the whole series ruined for me because of how everyone else was talking my stomach was twisting and I was breathing down my own neck while whispering into the night for stuff to hurry up so I could get it over with, but, no, I actually feel much better, oddly enough. Now, firstly, I want to say I do feel some confusion for the first time reviewing this, because I’m not entirely sure about how to describe Teh’s regression from the moment he wakes up next to Oh-aew, all sweet and things are falling back into place again, to when he’s looking at himself in the mirror and things fall down again. I’m thinking, well it has to be that everything is hitting him again after having that one night to escape it all, but that explanation doesn’t entirely sit right with me, even if feels like the most likely one. I’m not sure. A lot transpires for Teh during this episode, and every inch of it you can feel building up to that moment with Jai. And so, I still totally agree with my thoughts before about Jai being Teh’s personification of all he wants back. He kisses Jai like he’s kissing the past, begging to stay in the moment where he’s able to feel all he feels then again. His mannerisms here mimic some of those from his ITSAY days, and it’s obvious that that is when he is trying to go back to, back when things had just fallen into place for him and Oh-aew after everything and their relationship was still fresh and new, even if that also meant it was insecure and flimsy.  He’s smiling whenever Jai takes him to that view, when they almost get caught he’s looking Jai over, attracted to him, feeling something pump into his veins like he hasn’t in a while, and he chases it full stop as far as he can without doing something that makes it obvious, up until he kisses Jai. And no, I’m not condemning any of it, I’m simply studying Teh’s character, because this all matches up with the him from the past couple episodes. But, if you go back to ITSAY then you may say it doesn’t match that him. The characters from IPYTM are older, changing, growing versions of those characters, they won’t stay the same. Am I happy that I’m getting presented now with a dilemma for a character I love regarding whether he deserves to be forgiven or redeemed for what he’s done in the midst of a horrid mental struggle? No. But the story telling isn’t completely to blame for that.  Yes, knowing next episode is going to blow past some of this somehow, and even more so in episode 5 makes it rough to be optimistic, but this episode actually wasn’t bed as a standalone for this arc of Teh’s. I’m glad they didn’t time skip any more. But, I’m guessing, and hoping we get Oh-aew’s point of view for this, even though I know seeing it through his lens will only demonize Teh more because of what he knows he did and the pain he feels being the one it is inflicted upon. Teh is running from a lot in doing what he did, in doing what he does, and it actually reminds me a lot of a story I’m writing simply for the fact there is so much running, even if from different things at the core, and there’s also a lot of discomfort around relationships and intimacy that has built now. But it is always new intimacy, new relationships or changes to old ones, he’s fine with Jai because Jai is a constant, but with the girl or in imagining Oh-aew, he has to think about change again. It’s all about change. Wouldn’t be surprised honestly if we get a bad ending, wouldn’t be surprised if we get a good one. Also, wouldn’t be surprised if we get one of those endings where the characters seperate for years but then meet up again once they’re older and more confident and things are left open endedly. Either way, went from buzzing about the series to neutral. Lot to see these next couple episodes, so I’ll definitely be keeping up with like Instagram clips and stuff.  Anyways, that’s a wrap! Hope this analysis did something for someone, even if it all over the place and stuff! I’ll be back next week!
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