#not that bttf is negative but
Watching Back to the Future 2 and so far 2 things in the "future" that are in the secret base. I didn't do this on purpose; I barely registered it when watching before. Funny the things that emerge from your subconscious. These movies did influence me in ways I don't know (also other media. Who knows when it'll turn up when I think I'm being original. New combinations...)
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wanderingmind867 · 9 months
IMDb part 4, here we go! Let's wrap this up! Parts 1-4 will be linked below! All that said, let's get started:
• Back to The Future (I don't despise any of the actors really, but I just always struggle to appreciate these teen movies. Also Sci-fi is not my favorite thing. If it was a book like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, maybe I'd have liked it more. Idk. I'm just rambling now. Anyways, I still like Christopher Lloyd's character. So there's that).
• Spin City (I'll admit, I only looked up bad reviews of this one because I had just looked up back to the future and was beginning to convince myself I just don't like Michael J Fox. I'll retract that hasty thought now, but it does seem like he didn't do much I'd love. Anyways, not much else to say here).
• Rocky Horror Picture Show (The thing just sounds weird and unfunny. I know it's what made Tim Curry a star, but I only really know him from Home Alone 2. And honestly, I'm largely content with that. Especially since this just sounds weird. Also glad I never go to theatres, this film just sounds loud and obnoxious).
• The Breakfast Club (Another film about teens I could never sit through. You know, I actually don't hate the people in it. The actors are all fine and some of their characters seem interesting enough, but I just can't sit through it. I never could. I think I just have issues with teen movies).
So that's all of them for now. But before we go, I want you to know this series might continue at some point. Old habits die hard, and I doubt I can give this one up without screenshotting some more reviews. And I want to reemphasize: a lot of these films I don't hate, I just looked up bad reviews because I think I wouldn't like them (and because I was bored). Some of the films I actually don't mind, but I find very dull (like most of the teen movies, for example).
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future-boi · 7 months
Doctober 2023 Summary
Completed 24/31 prompts!
List of all the prompts I did for Doctober 2023 below
So happy to be done 🥳🥳🥳👏👏👏
1. Sunrise: Tbh I don’t feel any which way about this one and I think it’s because I created it to be a companion piece to Sunset. So its like lowkey half-assed but also far from it. I’m very happy with how that turned out so that’s something…
2. Desert
3. Gun Fight😜🤧☠️: Ah, the first meme post. I felt shaky posting this. Cherry, I hope you know I did it for/because of you
4. Light Blue😈: Ah yes, the first Hell Valley angst post. I’ve always been super proud of it and I’m really happy that others are still liking/reblogging to this day! Almost a month later
5. Alarm Clock😜☠️: AH YES, the first post to really give me anxiety about posting. I was like this ain’t a SIMPLE meme anymore, ITS GOT COMPLEXITY.
6. Ticking Time Bomb  
7. Family😇: This one was super wholesome and the first time in a long while drawing Jules and Verney!
8. Outatime😜💛: This one was a fun one! There was a moment where I wasn’t sure if I should do a background… I’m glad I still had fun with it, it took a lotta work hahaha
9. Zipline
10. Nuclear  
11. Briefcase😜☠️: We back doing goofy shit again… but I really liked this one and had a lotta fun with it. definitely up there with Rear View Mirror.
12. Train Tracks  
13. Photo Album😜: This one was fun and gave me a break from drawing (aside from the days I didn’t do anything…)
14. Coffee😇💛☠️: This one’s so wholesome. But Im biased af
15. Invention😜🤧: This is the first certified half-assed art piece LMAO im sorry to admit it but I gotta speak the truth
16. Stage
17. Einstein😜: This was really fun, I love poking fun at Biff but who doesn’t?
18. Letter  
19. Memory 😇😈: Didn’t like the linework on this one I think that’s why I was feeling so negative about it… or maybe the composition… overall, I think I can do better.
20. Rearview Mirror😜💛🔥☠️: This one’s definitely the funnest one I’ve worked on and still makes me giggle.
21. Improvement😇: I was stressing over trying to finish it so I don’t have the happiest memories of working on this one…
22. Constellation😇💛: This one’s special to me so I was gonna love it no matter what lmao. I really enjoyed working on it even though I wish I had more time.
23. Nostalgia😇💛: One of the faves and always will be. The vibes are on point.
24. Record Player😈: The return of Hell Valley angst
25. Café😇: I’m happy with the color palette. I want to revisit this one some other time cuz I feel like I could do more if I had more time. Not sure if I should categorize this under half assed attempt or not.
26. Anniversary😇🤧: Yeah this was another half assed one, sorry
27. Thunderstorm😈: Angst and Hell Valley are synonymous at this point. I really liked this one, especially how it transitions from colored to black and white
28. Metallic😜☠️: Nimona. That’s all I gotta say. Nah jk I wasn’t going to do this but the no pines timeline was really interesting to learn about… and by interesting, I mean scary. But hey, it gives us another angle to the bttf storyline.
29. 2023😇😜🤧: Talked about the musical. Drew a few doodles. Hair style reveal?
30. Sunset😇⚡: Gives all the warm fuzzies, how could you hate it? Very happy with my use of color here.
31. Free Day (Halloween)😈🎃☠️: We don’t talk about this one… It’s the number one rule of the club 😉
What the emojis mean:
🤧 Half Assed
😜 Funny/Meme
😇 Warm Fuzzies
😈 Angst
💛 Top 5
🔥 Funnest Prompt
🎃 Spookiest
⚡ Personal Fave
My goal for this prompt list challenge was to focus on quality over quantity. There’s a few half-assed art pieces that snuck in, but it could have been worse. By quality, I wanted clean line art, backgrounds, and if I have enough time, color!
What drove me to create art: Showing other people that are in this fandom (most notably ⚡@cheriboms). I’d love to interact with other mutuals on here. Shout outs: 💛@bttf-dork 💛@synthsays 💛@alex-a-fans. I feel like I’ve been doing that more towards the end of the challenge, but yall give me motivation! And sometimes, inspiration!
What I learned:
🤔 I can actually draw backgrounds if I actually try [wowowow who'da thunk] It’s much easier to draw a background from a reference rather than coming up with one on your own. So I need to keep that in mind whenever I feel discouraged.
🤔 I feel like my work is very dramatic. Like melodramatic fr. Or at least it can be... I blame watching those tv dramas with my mom when I was a kid. But then again, if you want to incite emotion out of an audience, you gotta know how to frame stuff and do all the fancy cinematography work. So you gotta be dramatic to an extent. I got really really bored with my ideas that weren’t telling a story(or rather a more interesting story…). And that effected my motivation.
🤔 Looking back at the list, I noticed that my top 5s are all either silly or wholesome and I’m glad and relieved about that. I said that I’m really dramatic and there’s quite a bit of angst in there, but ig I’m not THAT edgy (or maybe the prompts didn’t allow me to be🤔👀)
Things that I want to improve on: COLOR THEORY. Brush theory/line weight. I’ve been experimenting a tiny bit with this throughout the month, but I want to delve into it. Since I didn’t work on something for more than a day, I felt like I was throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.🤪I didn’t get to really study what colors work well and why and experiment with it.
A lot of the ones that I’m not very proud of could be chalked up to not having enough time to work on it/make it better, so that’s an interesting dilemma.
TL,DR; I talk too much. Gotta work faster smh git gud 🙄
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brinkle-brackle · 10 months
Mcflyjuly day 16: Blue Hour
(Okay so this is 2 days late but I finally finished it!!! my first mcflyjuly post yall!!! I got the idea for this one from a show called the moomins, it's a very sweet and heartfelt show and I highly recommend checking it out :) no idea how big the overlap is between moomin enjoyers and bttf enjoyers so this is probably gonna cater mostly to me,, but this came to me as a shower thought the other day and my brain wouldn't let go of it soooooo you guys get to have it now too :D )
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He waited until the rest of his family was in bed.
He wasn't sure why he waited. It's not like they would have noticed him slipping away, anyway.
It wasn't as if he didn't feel cared for. It... well...
...okay. Maybe he didn't exactly feel cared for. He loved his family, and deep down he knew that they loved him, too, but sometimes he felt as if they looked at him and only saw the things they percieved as wayward.
The boy who was dating Jennifer Parker, even though they deemed him too young to be "romping around with girls." (Kind of hypocritical, although he didn't know that yet.)
His pursuits in music-- a very difficult and competitive scene, with hardly any guaranteed income. Getting popular was lucky, staying popular even luckier.
And, of course, the consistent tardies he racked up in school.
He'd learned to live with their constant critiques. They were normal in his family, at least to everyone aside from him. But that was just the issue... Marty was an inherently positive person, and he would have been lying if he'd said that all of the constant negativity-- in general, too, but especially towards the life he wanted for himself-- wasn't starting to wear him down.
Sometimes he felt as if they were so engrossed in their own little worlds that they couldn't really see him... or, at least, the him that he wanted them to see.
How his relationship with Jennifer was more than just a "romp"-- he was genuinely in love with her. How wonderful and sweet a girl she was, how she was genuinely one of the best parts of his day.
The raw passion that he put into his music, and how much sheer joy it brought him to play his guitar and sing. People would hear his music, and they would pick up on that, and they would love it. He was certain.
That couldn't exactly be said about his immediate family.
And, the usual reason that he was late for school-- that he actually had a friend, who cared deeply for him, and he'd lose track of time talking with that friend. Granted, that friend was a disgraced nuclear physicist whose meddling had reportedly resulted in the burning of his own family mansion... but he was also friendly and kind and enthusiastic, and he was always there for Marty, no matter for what or for why or for when.
But they couldn't see that. They always made sure to make that perfectly clear to him, at the dinner table that night and so many nights before.
But they couldn't see him. And they couldn't help him if they couldn't see him.
Marty was coming into himself. He was starting to flourish, he could feel it in his bones. He couldn't do it alone, though. He needed help... he needed their help.
He knew his mother would worry. She always did. But he'd left a note for her, in the hopes that it would be able to assuage her fears, at least a little bit.
He'd left it on the kitchen counter, just below the alcohol cabinet-- that way he knew she wouldn't miss it.
Einstein wouldn't stop barking. He'd been at it for the past five minutes, almost nonstop-- staring intently at the garage door, sitting oddly close to it, and barking as if his life depended on it.
Emmett loved the dog to death, but he knew that although Einie was much smarter than he probably should be, he was still a dog. He had barked at an empty paint can that had fallen over once. He'd even seen it topple off the shelf, and he'd still barked at it as if it were some extraterrestrial being from Mars.
Einstein had his moments. And, apparently, those moments now included barking at the garage door at 11pm on a chilly September night for five minutes straight. Emmett was willing to pass it off as nothing at first.
And then there came that soft knock.
Emmett's eyes immediately darted towards the door, and he frowned. Now, that was definitely not nothing.
He got up and slowly crept up to the door, hushing Einstein with the help of a few gentle pets and soothing words. Who on earth would be knocking on the door to his garage at this hour...?
With a cautious demeanor and eyes filled with apprehension, Emmett slowly opened the garage door to look outside and found...
His brows furrowed in suspicion. He immediately started to comb through all of the possibilities, wracking his brain for any answers.
Had he been ding-dong-ditched...?
Eh... it was probably all just part of the fun, he supposed.
It wasn't uncommon for the neighborhood kids to try and spook each other with stories of the mad scientist who had burnt his own mansion to the ground. He'd had his fair share of teenagers knocking on his door and then making for the hills, for nothing more than a cheap thrill. A chance to catch a glimpse of the crazy old man who lived in the husk of what was once a home. But at this hour...?
He leaned a little bit out of the garage door, peering down at the grand driveway and gate that led from his garage to the lamp-lit street below. But there were no swift silhouettes of children running down the street. There was no raucous laughter of teenagers who had just pulled off the most juvenile heist of the century. In fact, there was no sign of noise or movement at all. Just the empty street below, the sidewalks dimly illuminated by the soft light of the streetlamps, and the slightest whisper of a breeze playing through the trees.
He turned to regard Einstein again with a quirked brow. But the shaggy goob just sat there softly panting and staring, a big doggy smile on his face. His tail swished back and forth rapidly, as if there were a friend outside the door.
A frown etched itself onto the scientist's face. No, no, no... that couldn't be right... but...
After a few moments Emmett decided that it didn't matter, because evidently there was no one there. Grumbling to himself, the scientist looked back down the street, then turned away and started to go back inside. "Damn kids," he muttered under his breath, reaching for the door handle again.
That was when he heard the rustling noise.
Emmett instantly froze in his tracks, ran a hand through his frizzy white hair, and then whipped around, hoping to catch the source of the noise off-guard.
His vision was met with a simple, folded note... perfectly smooth on one end, but creased and crinkled at an angle on the other end, as if someone were holding it out to him.
Except... well... there was no one standing there.
The note appeared to be floating in midair in front of him.
He gasped a little and stepped back, nervous eyes trained on the phantom piece of paper. A flashing neon sign suddenly appeared in his mind and refused to leave. GHOST. GHOST. GHOST.
The notion wasn't unheard of, he realized. His mansion-- er, garage-- being haunted. The place was certainly old enough to have harbored a ghost or two over the years. He'd just... never thought about it before.
But, at the same time, that didn't really make sense either... if his property was really haunted, why hadn't there been any strange happenings until now? Why tonight, of all nights?
The note moved forward slightly, toward him, a silent plea from the ghost... or... whatever it was.
Emmett regarded it warily for a few moments, but then eventually reached out to take it. Something didn't add up, he told himself, and he needed to figure out what it was. He had a feeling, a very strange feeling, that this was something exceedingly important.
The scientist took the note in his hands, carefully unfolding it with his fingers before drawing it up to his eyes. Upon registering the formatting of the note, however, his eyes went even wider than they had been before.
The handwriting... he recognized it. He knew it all too well.
"Great Scott..."
He wanted to look away from the body of the note, for the moment, and study that blank space in front of him. Comb his vision around the nothing, desperately try to make out some form of physicality, any form of physicality. Ask it... beg it to talk. He had to know what was happening. What was happening?
Instead, he slowly read over the note. It was only a short string of words, but his inquisitive brown eyes scanned over it and took in everything with the utmost care.
He froze as he came to the end of the writing, clutching the slip of paper tightly with both hands, and slowly looked up at the nothingness in front of him... which, as he was now certain, couldn't be nothing. This note...
He read it over and over again, then looked to the nothingness again in disbelief.
He'd heard stories of things like this happening to people who were sad enough... but he'd never even given pause to the fact that they might have been true.
No... oh, no...
The scientist hesitated, but then slowly extended one of his hands, as if to make absolutely sure of the situation. Almost instantly, he felt the nothingness take it and squeeze hard.
And those things happened to other people... not...
Emmett squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled through his nose.
He knew that grip.
"Great... Scott..."
He'd felt it first a few years back, when he'd come home to find that someone had broken into his garage. The thief (no, he wasn't a thief... break-er and enter-er??) had shaken his hand, and in that moment, somehow Emmett had known that he would never forget what that hand had felt like. He'd felt it after he'd successfully tested one of his smaller inventions-- that hand meeting his in an enthusiastic high-five, accompanied by an excited exclamation of "Doc!!"
And he'd felt it right before the kid had taken his driver's test-- trying to reassure him as they walked up to the DMV building together. The poor teenager's hand had been shaking like a leaf, but it was still the same grip.
Emmett's heart dropped.
He'd heard stories of things like this happening on rare occasions. Strange... sad stories, that he'd been convinced were nothing more than myth or urban legend. But one look at the note in his hand and one shaky squeeze to his other hand said it all.
And then the scientist saw a single droplet, slowly sliding down what had first appeared to be thin air... sliding down, slowly tracing the uneven lines of a face that wasn't there.
Something stabbed into Emmett's gut and twisted a little.
"Oh, no..." the scientist murmured, squeezing back just as tightly. He sighed in sadness and deep worry as he used his other hand-- the one with the wrinkled note in it-- to push the garage door open wider. Einstein jumped up to his feet and yipped, his tail wagging in excitement as if he could sense that Marty was there. (He probably had all along.)
Yes, Emmett had heard stories of things like this happening... but he also knew that there were solutions. He could help.
That was why Marty had come to him first, he realized. He'd known that he could help, and that he would.
He gave the invisible boy a sad smile.
"Come on in," he said softly, nodding his head in the direction of the extra bed. "Make yourself at home. I'll grab some Burger King."
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jowritesfanfiction · 5 months
Thank you to @daryfromthefuture for tagging me in this!
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie? 7 times. Once was with a friend who’d never seen it (they really enjoyed it).
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what! I think I got some t-shirts, but I can’t remember which ones. (I have a lot of bttf shirts lol)
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year? None. I don’t like carbonated drinks :/
What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year? Despite the Distance by @knickynoo. That fic wrecked me in the best way and I think about it at least once a month.
A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!) This piece of fanart by @future-boi. I love it sm. (Now look who’s being annoying /j)
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of? Oh gosh. I worked on quite a lot of fics. I think I’m most proud of working on my current WIP: Someday We’ll Find It. It’s been really hard writing it and getting time to write it, but I’ve just been chipping away.
How many times were you late for school this year? None.
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them? I watched MJF’s documentary Still, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and Clue. I’m not sure if this counts, but I watched Zombieland: Double Tap which has Lea Thompson’s daughter in it (absolutely iconic in that movie btw).
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year? I don't usually listen to Huey Lewis, but I listened to some songs from the bttf soundtrack while studying and those had Huey Lewis.
How many times did you fall down this year? I genuinely have no idea. I don’t think I fell down this year— at least from what I can remember.
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like! I did not see the musical.
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met? At least twice that I can remember off the top of my head.
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be? “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!” I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. I worked really hard this year and accomplished a lot. There were a lot of times where things did not go how I wanted them to, but I still put effort into making something out of it. I usually tend to focus on negativity and all the things I didn't accomplish, but writing this out really helped me remember a lot of the things I did accomplish.
⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year? I think I'm going to work on just letting things happen. I can be quite a control freak and obsess over things going the way I want perfectly, which never happens. I'm going to work hard, but whatever happens from it, happens. And maybe work on being more assertive, but ehhhhh.
I shall tag @future-boi and anyone else who wants to join!
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penny-anna · 1 year
💖 answered here!
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
hmmMm. i don't have anything where i'd say 'never' bcos of like, negative feelings towards them, but i do got a couple of WIPs that are realistically never getting posted:
1 DW fic that was going to be on the long side w a proper sci fi plot and a major character death fake out that i just sadly lost interest in
& going WAY back i actually did start & then abandon a sequel to Rainbow Cake.
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic?
uhh. hmm. i'd say for me the top 2 hardest things are 1) to this day, fully Committing to longer projects and 2) environmental descriptions etc which i just don't like writing and do not think i'm good at.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
i HAVE been throwing around some ideas for a BTTF fic about 1985A Doc & Marty figuring out that the timeline has been altered and trying to correct it. i may or may not write this!! we will see...
thank you!
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constablequodo · 11 months
Hey, so im still super into BTTF and Star Trek, but I've been into Stranger Things for a while and i think my hyperfixation is resurfacing a bit.
So I'd like to announce that Dustin Henderson has been and always will be my favourite, and if you have any negative thing to say about him, I will actually bite you 😁 /nsrs
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knickynoo · 2 years
Hey, I'm new to your blog, so haven't read everything ofc but so far I love it! I basically grew up with BTTF, have seen the films countless times, but never really thought Tumblr or Facebook would have anything related to it. 😅 That's silly but whatever.. I saw the musical in London and looking for gifs about it made me realize the films have fans and blogs as well, haha.
My question is, have you seen the musical by any chance? I saw many movie fans hating it but I think it's actually amazing, easily the best show I have ever seen in theater in my entire life.
I haven't seen the musical, but I hope to one day! I've heard a lot of good things about it and have been enjoying the songs from it. That's interesting that you saw people hating it because I haven't come across anything negative, at least in the few fandom spaces online where I've seen people discuss it. I almost have to wonder if those who "hate" on it are the more casual fans, because most people who are involved in the fandom around here have been like, "YES. YESSSSS AHAHA!!!" since it came out lol. I'm actually not a huge theater person, but it's one that's on my list for sure.
Thanks for the ask!
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rose-of-pollux · 1 year
5 and 7 about any and all your HH fics, plus 8? :o)
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now! I honestly wish someone would ask about what ideas I have for an HH/MFU crossover, because the scope of ideas is incredible--it's not far-fetched to believe that the Heroes would still be tracking down war criminals in the 60s, and of course U.N.C.L.E. is involved in that kind of thing (there've been MFU eps about that specifically). Illya and Carter are both pyromaniacs (though Illya is certainly more of a quiet personality, you can tell he's eager when Waverly gives him the go ahead to blow up a THRUSH satrap), and, in my fic 'verse, they've already crossed paths, when Carter met a very young Illya when Danzig was helping him out of Kyiv (Illya would've been 9 or 10 at the time) and Carter would be thrilled to see how well Illya did for himself in spite of what he went through. Napoleon knows LeBeau and Newkirk because of frequenting LeBeau's Parisian restaurant and is gobsmacked to learn they were once spies, and he gets along with them, as well as Kinch, fairly easily. I think Napoleon would be cautious around Hogan until he gets to know him personally as Napoleon's experiences with military officers tends to be negative, but once he realizes how unorthodox Hogan is, they get along.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? For my Hogan's Heroes fics specifically, I am proud of my explanation for "what happened to Kinch" -- that he was allowed to escape to London with Olsen to take down an enemy communications network in there. Also Hogan's aforementioned post-war mission for the team to track down war criminals--I really want to do more with that idea, including the MFU crossover.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)? Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" has directly inspired 3 of my fics in 3 different fandoms (Scooby-Doo, BTTF, and Hogan's Heroes)
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dracwife · 1 year
1, 2, 16 for end of the year ask game (via @me-myself-and-my-fos)
1. have you gained any new F/Os this year?
yes. of course. tons. as usual. napoleon and illya, emmett, saru, travis, auto & joxer, elvira, willard, tim ofc...and like a bunch more. i just have a lot of love to give. tbh.
2. if you did add any new F/Os to your list this year, was there someone who you absolutely didn't expect would end up becoming an F/O? if so, did it take you a long time to realize you like them, or did they take your heart by storm?
deep sigh. did not expect emmett at all, honestly. i kind of didnt even like bttf before ?? like. idk. have a neutral leaning negative opinion on it till i sat down and watched them all proper. and look at me now. elephant in the room is tim, of course. went in expecting old men and pretty girls and came out with some fucking loser who rules my heart and brain. what gives. i want a refund. i dont wanna play this game anymore
16. did you pick up a new piece of media because of an F/O this year?
answered already!
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leftoverspagehhti · 1 month
Hi welcome to my blog!! Here, I collect and talk about BTTF content because it's my special interest. If you see a bunch of stuff you like, feel free to spam, I really don't mind :)
This is pretty unnecessary to say, but i don't want any hatred/bigotry on here, so go spread your negativity elsewhere.
Ok that's all. Enjoy my stuff!
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professorsaber · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
No one tagged me for this, but I saw it posted by @walker-lister and wanted to jump on board.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Doctor Who (so far only the Twelfth Doctor [but caveat under question 14]) and Back to the Future.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Portraits of a Romance (Doctor Who)
Loose Ends and Loose Memories (Back to the Future)
The Post-Game Wrap Up (Back to the Future)
r/ThePinheads: Guys, Marty McFLy really *is* a time traveller!!! (Back to the Future)
Their Song Is Almost Over (Doctor Who)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try! I love getting them, so it seems polite if nothing else. But on occasion I don’t have the time and then the notification gets buried in other emails and I forget to.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
“Their Song Is Almost Over” ends with both Clara and the Doctor dying after 20,000+ years together, which is probably the closest I’ve come. I suffer from major depression and so nothing I write has a negative/angsty ending.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly I feel like I could say “Their Song Is Almost Over”! Clara and the Doctor have 20,000+ years together and an afterlife together, to boot. In the same continuity is also “That She May Find Her True Love First,” in which Clara reunites with the (original, non-canon, female) Fifteenth Doctor a few centuries after breaking up with her predecessor.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Once, on a fic I posted on FF.net and not AO3, someone just wrote “FAIL.”
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I’ve only written smut once—"I Need You, Now More Than Ever". To quote the summary, “Escaping a planet after a ‘date’ where everything went horribly wrong, the Doctor and Clara find comfort in each other.” So hurt/comfort with sex. There was a four-year gap between me writing it and posting it.
I might do something smutty for Marty/Jennifer one day, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not anymore. The stuff I did as a kid was sorta a massive crossover between just about everything I was interested in, but I wrote little that could be called “fics.” Most of it was me and my friends doing what you call LARPing when you’re an adult. The universes involved a shitton of original characters on top of at least Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Trek, Animorphs, Men in Black, and Honey I Shrunk the Kids: The Series (when I could sneak it in).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, though I’ve taken part in a Discord server game that involves writing a fic one line at a time. (Results here.)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
The only ship I’ve ever actively shipped shipped is Whouffaldi, AKA Twelfth Doctor/Clara Oswald. All my DW fics involve them, though bits involve either Thirteen with Clara or later, original Doctors with Clara.
I have a soft spot for Marty/Jennifer in BTTF as well. That’s mainly the reason I’ve never been able to get through the “Marty gets permanently stranded in time” fics out there.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh dear god. First, none of them are posted—I strongly believe in posting only finished works. But in all probability I’d say I’m never gonna finish the Mire AU, a Whouffaldi AU that I wrote about 22,500 words for. It was supposed to be a preemptive fix-it for “Face the Raven,” but I later decided that I wanted my Whouffaldi fics to have Clara become a Time Lady instead of using the Mire kit.
Two BTTF ones—Meet the Family and Psychology 135—have been on the drafting board about ten years but are much, much more likely to be finished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Shit, this is hard! I’ve been told though that I’m good at characterization, and also that I weave in just enough background detail to make it all seem real. So I’m going with that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I spend far too much time on pointless background detail that I can’t fit into the story, I have difficulty finishing anything (especially of great length), and I think my descriptions can be too bland.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In one of my BTTF fics just a few days ago, I decided that something Doc said was actually from his German grandfather, so I went to our Discord server and asked two German users for a translation. If there weren’t German speakers on our server, I might have used Google Translate and then double-checked with Wiktionary, but in all probability I’d have not done it at all.
BTW, it’s “Ein gesundes Maß an Neugierde ist immer etwas Gutes.”
19. First fandom you wrote for?
This is a complicated question, as you could say I wrote “fanfics” before I was aware of fanfiction or fandom as concepts (see question 10). In high school, c. 2005, I finished a Transformers: Beast Wars fic but never posted it, but I still think that’s the first.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I might also have to say “Their Song Is Almost Over”! To quote another one of these asks I did, “ wrote it in a single sitting, it’s epic in scope, [and] it gives a ship that got an at-best bittersweet ending in canon a gloriously happy ending.”
For BTTF, I’m not sure really. Perhaps “Moving Day”? Because I accomplished so much in such a brief space (compared to my previous BTTF fics), and I loved focusing on Jennifer.
Tagging @bg-sparrow, @daryfromthefuture, @synthsays, @mythical-bookworm, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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bttf-adder · 3 years
So, fun fact: the latest version of the BttF screenplay available online seems to be from after the Stoltz footage was filmed, since it includes the line about Marty's "life-preserver" jacket, which Stoltz didn't wear, and doesn't include the scene with Strickland destroying Marty's Walkman, which apparently was filmed with Stoltz according to this page. But this version still doesn't include the hug between Doc and Marty before Marty goes back to the future. Conclusion: Doc and Marty probably did not hug in the scene as filmed with Eric Stoltz.
Man I am so curious about the Stoltz footage in general, but I have no doubt that it will get released eventually. It's been stated that the footage still exists, and the reason for holding it back is to avoid embarrassing Stoltz and negatively affecting his career. So probably they will make it available either sometime after Stoltz retires, or after he dies. And I'm younger than Stoltz is, so I can wait.
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mjf-af · 7 years
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Michael J. Fox between takes of Back to the Future (1985)
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beerselfie · 3 years
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#Repost @ale.aboard ⚡ "Time Circuits on, Flux Capacitor ... fluxing." I'm a huge sucker for anything Back to the Future related, and Negative Flux Given hits me with the can art, but it doesn't hurt that this fruited sour was completely delicious. 💛 The nails are back-- something I've done with my 5yo during quarantine. They don't usually stay on long, but it is super interesting how jarring it is for people when they notice the nails (even if they aren't neon!). It's interesting because if a woman has her nails painted it could be hardly noticeable, but if it's a dude, it's the first thing they notice. But, it's just nails, which every person has. My daughter thinks it's rad, and I don't hate it. But whatever, negative flux given! This beer is incredible. I have really been digging sours from Newgrass, and this one wasn't too sour. Even my wife, who doesn't usually like sours went splitsies with me on it. Super tasty, and awesome on a warm day! I mean, look at this description ... 🍺 Negative Flux Given Imperial Berliner Weisse brewed with Kiwi, Strawberry, Raspberry, Coconut Cream, and Tropical Punch (8% ABV) . . . . . #newgrassbrewing #newgrassbrewery #ncbeer #ncbrewery #aleaboard #fluxcapacitor #bttf #fruitedberlinerweisse #fruitedsour #sourbeer #neonnails #neonnailsummer #malepolish #beercanart #beerart #beerstagram #beerselfie #beerselfies #craftbeerselfie #beerstagrammer #craftbeer #craftbeernotcrapbeer #craftbeerlove #beerlove #beertography https://www.instagram.com/p/COawB-wLKuu/?igshid=397roqpd00av
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zephyr-together · 5 years
I saw Endgame tonight.......here’s some spoilery reactions
I feel like I kinda both love and hate it at the same time alkdfjalkdf
it was a lot better than I thought...not that I thought it would be bad! but there’s so many Marvel movies at this point and my focus is all over the place with everything in general so it can be hard to stay engaged. also I really thought the entire movie would be a huge Thanos Battle to get the stones back, which does happen near the end, but I thought it’d be that way from the start. I LOVED so much the time travel stuff!! it felt like a cartoon...not that it was just goofy and silly because there was a lot on the line and all but it felt like a fun parody of BttF or just any time traveling cartoon episode...I feel like the movies have gotten more rough lately to be all exciting and I forgot how much I love the humor in these when it’s there because it just feels very natural, like just the characters reacting to what’s happening or adding a thought to something without actually trying to be funny. it also helps the relationships/dynamics with the characters to be more interesting and sweet if there’s some fun stuff in instead of only suffering
but speaking of suffering......I wasn’t that shocked at everyone fading away at the end of Infinity War because I just thought “well obviously they’ll save them so why are fans getting worked up” and they did (except for the ones that didn’t die that way...) but we also lost more...and I feel so stupid for going into this feeling kinda bored like you got what you wanted! real death! happy now!! nope. feels bad...I don’t even feel bad in the sense of morning characters I just kinda feel a bit bitter and betrayed? mainly because the MCU, while it can be all dramatic and tense at times and all, has always also been pretty lighthearted, fun, entertaining etc too? and when Tony’s message at the end plays and he says that life doesn’t work out how you want it to or whatever I’m thinking...yeah...life doesn’t, but this is a film? that I’m supposed to be enjoying...to get away from what IS bad in real life
you know...Tony used to be my fav of the most main characters (it’s Thor now though) but I started to feel a bit “eh” with him after people pointing out what a jerk he can be, and it made me think “yeah I kinda can’t stand sarcasm so I can see that” but then I feel like he was actually really redeeming himself and becoming a way better person, and FATHER? and now they just do this. this always happens where I’m iffy about a character, grow to really like them a lot because they take actions to make up for their past behavior, and then they get killed off because of it...(whispers) she loved him times 3000
I was embarrassed to admit this too but Loki is my fav character, I wanted to replace him with Rocket because RACCOONS (Rocket is still right behind though) but also because I just feel kinda icky when I admit that because of how the fanbase rubs me the wrong way? I feel uncomfortable looking him up because of how there’s: people shipping him romantically/sexually with his own heckin brother, people shipping themselves with the actor/other actors with his actor, or people just defending absolutely every horrible thing he’s done and talking about him like he’s their baby lakjdlfkj but screw it he’s still my fav because I just almost always will love a villain who’s had some messed up stuff happen to them while bottling everything up and acting all silly and mischievous and fun...anyway that being said I wasn’t expecting him back but there was a tiny sliver of hope and it’s basically gone now...I did like his moments though but it feels like it doesn’t count since that’s just past him and he’s dead
sorry if I made this sound super negative!! I did again REALLY REALLY love all the time travel stuff not just for the trope but just how neat it was to see all these scenes from previous movies and how they reshot them and interacted with them and how they happened in the same times as they come out...I think that’s neat and cute...ALSO I REALLY love Nebula she’s my fourth overall fav MCU character now...and I’m SO happy she’s alive I was so sure she wouldn’t be!! she deserve so much!! that post I just reblogged about letting trauma victims be happy...I actually thought of her instantly...I thought she was sure to die because she’s suffered so much and it doesn’t seem like things are ever happy for her but I hope they will be!! because she deserves to be happy!! 
also I’m happy Steve got to be with Peggy...that’s incredible he’d get a chance like that and I’m happy for him but I feel like he did Bucky pretty dirty there I dunno...and it felt so weird and tacked on at the end him getting so old like that 
gotta add though that everything salty or negative about any of this is NOT me trying to say that it was badly written, more just like...I’m just disappointed because I wanted to have a fun time at a movie and I just feel kinda hurt and confused and weird in the end, that’s all!! I feel like though if things DO end up working out for everyone (mainly Loki and Tony) this would probably be my fav MCU movie or at least second fav because Ragnarock, but if not it’d be like one of my least...I just don’t like character death at all unless they come back. but even if they do...it hurts not knowing. and not in an exciting way just a bummed out disappointing way
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