#not tagging all of them theyre too little
cautionszz · 2 months
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favorite gouys! idk why i never posted this
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howlonomy · 3 months
Monster Clover, like this is so awesomecool.
They're such a little beast and it is amazing and please i need more, like written text even i just need the juicy lore and emotional moments that are circling in ur brain.
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
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And who says scientists aren't passionate! 😉💖 here's a little comic based off an ACTUAL moment I shared with my irl partner @cherry-bomb-ships last night 😂
Taglist♡: @crushes-georg @changeling-selfship @me-myself-and-my-fos @sunstar-of-the-north @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @adoredbyalatus @dearly-beeloved @squips-ship @sunflawyer @miutonium
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panel from a comic i am NOT going to finish u.u
Bonus close up of Peppino (bc i love how he came out heehee) and a face from another scrapped panel ^^
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ssomepersonn · 2 months
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many thoughts about these guys
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@vanweek2024 day 4 - food
peep the vanny
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Hiii everyone, say, how do your Hawkes go go about sharing their estate? If they do it at all? Is everyone free to come and go or are they more private? Or do they only invite their LI to stay? I'm curious!! :)
#lay rambles#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#oc: lilian hawke#both my hawkes are very social w their friends but i love comparing their boundaries around it#theres variation in rules for specific ppl with both of them ofc but theres still general differences#with liam its all very open and everyone can p much come and go whenever#they dont get extra keys (theyll get lost and he doesnt want randos finding them lol) but they know where to find the spare key#and bodhan and sandal and orana know to let them in whenever#hes very lenient in this this regard but he does have rules abt what he does and doesnt want them to do#mostly its about not making too much of a mess lol bc liam prefers to clean himself#(he doesnt trust the crew with his household and also he has particular ways of doing things and Hates when theyre done differently)#so things like keep your dirty garb at the entrance dont cook by yourselves (this was banned after they did it one (1) time lol) etc#also no fucking allowed. do that somewhere else for the love of the maker he does NOT want to walk into that in his own house#(and it also comes back to liam not trusting them with cleaning but also Not wanting to clean that up lol)#also he is not fond of them going into his room uninvited. most of the house is chill but that is *his* space#he accommodates these rules by e.g. having spare slippers and a little washing basin in the entrance hall for dirty shoes/feet#always makes sure to have snacks in stock that he knows they like#food will have notes abt what to leave for leandra/orana/etc but otherwise food is prepared with his friends in mind#and in general he'll make sure to adjust the space/routine in little ways to accommodate them#(air out when fen isnt there cus he doesnt like drafts; keep curtains open cus anders prefers open spaces; etc)#lilian on the other hand doesnt like when her friends come into the estate without a heads up (cept for emergencies)#but once they have her 'ok' its basically mi casa es su casa#dont yknow. overdo it and get too rowdy but otherwise do whatever#however. she also expects everyone to clean up after themselves. she aint here to play maid and youre all adults#also liam has a general 'please try to not be too wild when leandra is here' and lilian doesnt#not cos she doesnt care but cos leandra is bothered by sth she can speak up herself#oh and lilian uses the basement space as temporary refuge for anyone who needs it (mostly escaped mages)#also side note: both offered gamlen to stay but he refused (out of pride/remorse)#...this got long and i ran out of tag space lmfao so this is it for now xD
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cheaploafs · 1 year
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late night cuddles
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devondespresso · 1 year
i was reading a scoops era steddie au where eddie visits scoops often and one thing i noticed i alway want but have yet to see (bear in mind my fic pallette is basically just shit i see on Tumblr and occasionally reading every fic a certain author has written) is a specific scene of eddie noticing stobins missing when he goes to visit them at scoops the day theyre stuck in the bunker. cause they entered the bunker after a shift one night and didn't get out until at the soonest the next afternoon right before the mall closes so if either or both of them were scheduled to work then they'd be just... gone.
and how characters around them handle that depends on how soon (if at all) they're declared missing. did robin think they'd be in-and-out in their snooping and tell her parents shes be back a little late or did she think they'd be out kinda late fucking around and just lied to her parents telling them shes sleeping over at a friend's like how we know tina was going to cover for erica? did mrs Henderson freak out when Dustin didn't bike back home (knowing what happened with will) or did she know he was with steve and trusted that they were goofing off or something?
and usually i see Steve's parents not being home but what if they were?? they could panic because steve always has some sort of excuse for why hes gone or maybe just his mom starts worrying because while his dad never really asks about him she does and she knows hes probably not at some girls house right now because he at least would have told her. or maybe mrs harrington doesn't know her son as well as she thinks she does and assumes he is out at some girls house and is relieved hes finally getting to be more like himself.
maybe just one or two people in scoops troop are reported missing that night and maybe the search started for them is enough for the other's parents or friends to realize they're all missing. maybe none of them are because they each already had a coverup with the people who'd notice. maybe they spent a good few hours in that elevator regretting lying about where they'd be because now no one knows they're in danger and by the time they start looking it could be too late (obviously erica didn't seem to grasp this yet but shes literally 10 and it's definitely her fist severely traumatic life or death experience. for the others tho it could definitely be on their minds and i have seen a few fics where robin wonders about how steve and Dustin are reacting like they've done scary shit like this before together)
then morning comes and id give it until lunch with no calls or anything before parents who believed their kids were sleeping over to start worrying seriously. maybe they call the friend their child's supposedly with and get a confused parent saying they haven't seen them or maybe they get the friend picking up and confirming they're fine (like tina). but if Mrs Henderson gets worried and calls steve she'll either get the harringtons saying he isn't home right now or she won't be able to reach him. and knowing steves like a big brother and a best friend to dustin knows that if steve missing too he's probably at least missing with him and goes to the station worried about them both
and then theres the fact that scoops has to open in the morning, probably sometime around 10am. maybe steve and robin were scheduled to both work again and as 10am comes and passes scoops ahoy hasn't been touched. maybe some mall manager calls the scoops manager (forgive me ive never worked in a mall but i do work in a store-within-a-store and we have our own manager plus the big store manager) and asks where their employees are. if missing persons reports were filed that last night then the manager would be really worried while frantically trying to find someone to cover for them. but maybe no one knows they're missing yet and their manager is grumbling about their no-shows, maybe considering firing them for both disappearing without even calling out. depending on how much they know and if the reports were filed, whoever has to cover their shifts is either worried about their coworkers (probably moreso robin than steve because of his reputation) or utterly pissed that they both didn't show and they have to open scoops ahoy with a few hours delay and probably a good few karens bitching about being closed. or maybe one or the other was scheduled and while their no-show is really inconvenient at least someone's there to open and ask for backup
and then theres steves car still parked in the back where it was the day before. a bike left behind at the mall is less eyebrow-raising but a fancy car? Steve Harrington's car? Steve Harrington who was scheduled to work today but somehow isn't in scoops right now? is he skipping work while simultaneously wandering around his workplace? and whats worse is despite evidence being there *no one can find him*. maybe thats what it takes for people to realize hes like actually missing. maybe they think he was kidnapped, hopefully he just went home with some girl and lost track of time.
and then theres eddie. eddie whos been stopping by scoops for a while now. maybe he still doesn't really like Harrington but likes teasing him with Buckley or maybe they've gotten pretty close. maybe they're already dating. maybe eddie walks up to scoops one morning to find it closed or to find that one or the other didn't show up for work this morning. maybe he hears from the worker that ones missing or maybe they get a rant about how pissed the worker is to be opening alone. maybe he's the one to go to a mall manager or security officer worried about scoops being closed because he *knows* the people that are supposed to be there right now and they don't just abandon work at the same time with no explanations.
or maybe eddie visits in the afternoons and learns they're missing from their coworkers or maybe hes there because he saw it on the news and went on his our hunt. either way it'd probably end with Eddie looking around the mall for them because he knows steve isn't going to just abandon his beemer in a busy public parking lot. maybe he finds them high out of their minds while checking the movie theatre (this one i do see a lot and am obsessed with its so good) or maybe he doesn't find them at all (its a big mall and they are actively hiding from Russians who know they escaped. sure stobin are not being very secretive while high but dustin and erica are at least keeping them in less-discoverable locations). maybe he goes home knowing hes looked everywhere in that damn mall and assumes they're probably kidnapped and taken somewhere else (if he did find them tho that opens a whole can of worms for if, how, and how much eddie gets involved and while my brains gone down sone of those rabbit holes i don't think i will today)
and then they see the news about the mall fire. and eddie knows damn well that he looked everywhere in that mall but didn't see a trace of his friends but there they are on the news and apparently in the fire. maybe eddie assumes he didn't look hard enough. but maybe he sees how steves the only one with more than a few bruises on his legs, how despite them claiming he was trapped in rumble that also allegedly killed billy hargrove he looks like hes carrying himself on adrenaline alone and hovering around robin and the kids like something more than falling support beams could get to them. maybe its the fact that he look as shit as he did but wasn't laying down on a hospital stretcher like he would be if he just got those wounds.
hi if you saw any typos no you didn't UNLESS theyre funny or actually concerning then you should tell me and i can react appropriately
also i swear i feel like doctor strange looking through every possible reality when i go on tangents like this. idk whenever i come up with little fics in my head or come up with different ways my favorite unfinished fics could end im always exploring as many different versions of the same scenario as i can and coming up with as many what-ifs as i can.
also i pressed the poll button by accident while making this and idk how to make it go away to we're trying just ignoring it and not writing anything in it to see if it goes away
actually fuck that it probably wont work so im adding a poll question as a treat for the people who read this far
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
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*hits you with a magic school shoujo beam*
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loves2spwge · 5 months
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my stan & kyle commission <3
+ bonus natural colored hair
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wanderingcoyotes · 1 month
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(not intended nor drawn as a ship but idrc if u see it as that at this point. i think they're good buddies and i love them)
bonus version without all the very. drastic shading/lighting under cut
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(they look BALD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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homoeroticvillain · 4 months
i got my amiami package with new yuumori stuff so here's my current yuumori display since i dont think ive ever actually posted it on here. looks a little cluttered to me rn so ill need to think of some way to fix that
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+ a picture of just the new guys
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 5 months
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yknow what . i like you . shows you my exe ocs and also gives you little summaries of them underneath the read more cut and in the tags :3 ( desc in alt text 4 the 1st img ! ) - Nicky 🌊
in order: Rawr.EX3/EXD (any) imagine sonic.exe + 2010s sparkledog raver culture . that's Rawr. she likes waffles and is a virus exe who lives in a bootleg rom pack of the first 3 sonic games & a sonic crackers prototype Itazura, Guardian of Mischief (she/they/it/plush) first ever pc port oc!!! what it says on the tin. secret 8th guardian who loves nothing more than causing problems and playing life-threatening pranks on people. you can tell they're after you if you hear what sounds like jingling bells and giggling around your house in the dead of night. oh and plush's kyofu's kid 👍
Sew (any, no she/her) amorphous dimension travelling critter that uses sewing / crafting to make it's "skin" , typically based off of pre-existing people in the dimension. saw sonic and his super form and thought he was the COOLEST thing alive, so it chooses to resemble him :] Sink/Waterhog/Nicky (we use he/it but it doesn't rlly care /ref) literally just me lol , but from a 3rd person perspective he's a personal take on Mr. DJ's "Sink Sonic" concept . he's like 12-13ish and has way too much lore for me to summarise but fun fact : worldbuilding wise, he's a mish-mosh of the games, the Shogakukan sonic manga and a little bit of sonic x sprinkled in. :3
#scary / weird sonic tag 🩸🌭#sonic.exe#creepypasta#exe community#exe oc#sonic pc port#sink fnf#below the depths#chaos nightmare#scene kid#scenecore#scene oc#fun fact . that sweater i drew sink wearing is NOT the only one he has and every time i draw him he's wearing a different one. always#he never really has the same one on twice in my drawings unless im feeling a vibe and if you ever want to draw him you can also#make up a sweater for him to wear!!! just know he always has on long sleeves so youre free to give him a tshirt layered over a long sleeved#shirt too . you dont gotta limit yourselves like i do i just default to sweaters lmao#you can also do this with rawr but with like. ALL of her parts except the teeth (theyre consistently neon yellow or neon green)#so feel free to go nuts if you draw rawr. like actually. give them cool hoodies or clothes or new bang patterns idc go OFF that's the point#ita and sew are meant to be consistent as possible but tbh you could draw sew with different patch patterns and ita with a different bow#tl;dr I Love Customising My Little Guys and therefore everyone who wants to draw them should also give themselves that joy#also also. please tell me if the alt text is good. im not very good at IDs and i am chronically low on spoons so i never write them#this is to say that if you have the spoons and better descriptive vocab PLEASE write img ids for my art if you feel the need to#i want my art to be as accessible as possible and that includes allowing those with low visibility to be able to visualize my work
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chambers003 · 9 months
you know how in the book aziraphale calls crowley variations of ‘dear.’ yeah what if that changed to ‘dearest’ when they got closer 👍
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maraschinotopped · 1 year
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some digital horror yt channels ive been meaning to make art of for a while now. teeny toys exploration and plasmapunk my beloved <3
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