#not made in krita for once
casual-avinoctic · 2 months
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Somehow this was made in MsPaint, literally one layer. Would this qualify as pixel art?
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irregularm4ngo · 9 days
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finally finished that mike drawing
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copper-skulls · 5 months
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i am never using this brush (pencil 1 (mypaint)) for lining ever agin. not-full-opacity brushes are one thing, FUZZY BRUSHES are a DIFFERENT THING (the devil)
yoinked this palette
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transthatfag · 3 months
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theyre doing a sick cover of the winner takes it all
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bee-paints-n-dances · 23 days
i wanted to post this but it was kinda nsfw and i know how people feel about minors posting that so i put a t-shirt over it
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guys look!!! it's poe!!
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follineo · 7 days
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although it took me a few days, Krita say I painted it in only 6 and a half hours, so if I hadn't been distracted so often by myself, I probably would have finished it in one day…
but whatever! It's still pretty quick I reckon, and most importantly I really like the result! I'm proud of myself! >:] if I can keep draw like this, and even with the background, I'll think about open a commissions, but we'll see-
Close up version:
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Thanks for your attention!
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mortemcatabasis · 6 months
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foxy 🦊
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Today, Jean Grey for my X-Men AU. Tomorrow, disappointment (probably)
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idonutlose · 2 years
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I thought the visual novel level was a joke up until I stumbled through the 2-S door. It reminded me of Everything Everywhere All at Once.
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shinmiyovvi · 8 months
Not me wanting to try and practice coloring so that my fanarts looks very pretty to look at and the blending won't be a bit wonky but if I don't like how it goes then I may still use the usual method I tend to use
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angelpukq · 8 months
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undertalethingems · 2 years
helloo just wanna ask... what do you use for drawing? :>
i just talked about the tablet i use here, and as for what drawing program, I've switched to using clip studio these days. i used to use a very old version of photoshop, but it didn't work when i got a new computer--hence the switch. The text tool is the one thing I've noticed that isn't as good, but it's fine for my purposes.
you do have to pay for clip, but it goes on sale for a very reasonable 25USD pretty often. considering even the dinky version of photoshop i was using retailed for 70USD, it's a huge bargain. it's also not a subscription service like current photoshop is, and that's a big plus too.
there are quite a few free art programs out there as well, but i only used medibang paint for a little while and have no experience with the others, so i'm not the best for making suggestions there. But I know a lot of artists like them, so it's worth checking them out.
hope that answered your question! ^^
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ds-os-art · 1 month
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kianlonart · 4 months
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L to R: Natalie, Josh, Grant.
All of them are children of Ares; Natalie and Grant are twins. They've been around a lot longer than Josh, who doesn't even get a bead for like ten more months.
This is the first piece I've finished in... uh... a very long time but I finally used my portable tablet for everything but the initial sketch and I'm happy with how it turned out! Hopefully I feel more like drawing this year than I did last year. It's very nice to do at work.
January 2024
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tickfleato · 6 months
how to make cool blobby turing patterns in photoshop
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i'll preface with i learned the basic loop from skimming a tutorial on youtube, but as someone who prefers written tutorials i'm sure many would appreciate one! also, the second part of this is some of the visual effects i figured out on my own using blending modes and stuff.
i'm using photoshop CS4 on a mac so some buttons and stuff might be in different places on windows and newer photoshop versions but all the actions are the same. my canvas is 1000x1000 pixels.
UPDATES (i'm hoping these'll show up whenever you open the readmore?)
it's possible to do something similar in krita using this plugin, made by the love @arcaedex
it's also possible to do this in photopea, a free browser alternative to photoshop! the results are pretty much identical.
FIRST off you wanna get or make a black and white image of some kind. it has to be one layer. can be noise, a photo, a bunch of lines, whatever. here's mine, just some quick airbrush lines:
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now find the actions tab. idk what it looks like in newer versions of photoshop but you probably won't need to dig!
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hit the little page thingy to make a new pattern. once you hit 'record', it'll record everything you do. the little square 'stop' icon will end it.
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now you want to do a high pass filter. you can mess around with the radius to change the size of your squiggles, but the tutorial had it set to 6. experiment!
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now add the 'threshold' adjustment layer. i use the adjustments tab but i think there's also a dropdown menu somewhere. keep it at the default, 128. merge it down. (control or command + E or you can right click it like some kind of weirdo)
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and finally, the gaussian blur! the radius of this affects the shape and size of your squiggles as well. i like to keep it around 4.5 but you can mess around with that too.
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after that, hit 'stop' on the action you're recording, and then repeat it a bunch of times using the 'play' button, until you have something you like, like this:
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WOW!! that was fun!! and only a little tedious thanks to the power of macros. anyway, here's some fun layer blending stuff i like to do. it's with a different pattern cause i made this bit first.
anyway, using a black and white gradient (or a grey base that you do black and white airbrush on), make a layer with the vivid light. this will make the blobs look thicker or thinner.
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then, for cool colors, do a gradient map adjustment layer over that:
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and finally, my best friend, the overlay layer. just using a gradient here bc i'm lazy, but feel free to experiment with brushes, colors, and blending modes!
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also these are not hard and fast rules PLEASE mess around with them to see what kind of weird shit you can make. here's a gif. as you can see i added some random airblush blobs in the middle of it, for fun.
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igorlevchenko-blog · 2 months
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Elder Scrolls: Possible portrait of Akaviri Potentate.
The tradition of depicting tsaesci in a thoroughly anthropomorphic fashion, may actually predate the "damnatio memoriae" issued against this race (once proudly prolific in all the upper echelons of imperial society) in the aftermath of dissolution of Akaviri Empire. One, after all, understands the need to assuage the apprehension of the populace being governed by creatures the sources describe as towering, eel-like and vampiric. And given the texts (having gone through stringent censorship) have been allowed but a momentary candor to suggest decidedly serpentine features of Akaviri Potentates—we should deny ourselves the comfort of this "conventionally monstrous" interpretation. I for one am not prepared to dismiss the notion of them having four arms, especially in relation to a passage lauding Savirien Chorak's ambidextrous wielding of swords. Another remarkable feature of this painting (besides its faithful depiction of imperial scale-mail armour) is that the mask looks almost identical to another famous artifact—The Battle Mask of Almalexia—which itself perhaps been made in commemoration of sinking of Tsaesci fleet at Bal Foyen.
Digital painting. Made in Krita. Feel free to repost.
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