#not a trentbastian fanfic
they-them-mayhem · 1 year
Time to work on Let Me In! Here's a sneaky peek:
Ready at last, head held high, I swing open the bathroom door and step out-
And walk right into someone on their way through the door.
“Oh!” I gasp as I trip back over my feet in an effort to avoid the other person. Unfortunately, I must have left all grace at home, because I end up literally tripping over my feet and start to fall backwards. I close my eyes and brace for impact, but it never comes.
A hand grabs my arm and yanks me back up, but rather than righting myself I stumble forward, falling against a firm chest instead. My face heats in embarrassment, and I open my eyes to apologize, but I freeze when I meet a pair of amused hazel eyes. I can see flecks of green amongst the warm brown, and I’m pretty sure I’m gaping as I take in short curly hair, day-old stubble, and smooth, pink lips. The guy’s gorgeous, and my heart pounds in my chest.
“Easy, pretty boy,” he murmurs in a voice like velvet. He still hasn’t let me go. “No need to fall for me.”
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they-them-mayhem · 1 year
Some Background
So I started this Klaine fanfiction in 2012. I'll be the first admit that my writing wasn't at its best; I was just glad that people loved the story so much! Especially since it's kind of a cathartic way to process the trauma of my past. A lot of the abuse/issues/problems/insecurities my characters suffered were similar to my own experiences.
But I digress.
As Let Me In grew in popularity, as the characters developed, and-not to toot my own horn-as my writing improved, I fell in love. I LOVED my story, and I was so inspired by all of the support given to me by my readers. However, I was still under the control of my abusers, and I let them dictate my life. I had to write below the radar, and then I eventually had to abandon Let Me In, leaving it unfinished. I was devastated, but it was what it was.
And then came the long, drawn out process of healing. I got out of my abusive situation thanks to some incredible people who've had my back for as long as I can remember. I owe my life and happiness to them, and I'll never be able to thank them enough.
But this post isn't about me.
Fast forward six years-I'm healthy, happy, and can't stop thinking about Let Me In. Truthfully, I've never stopped thinking about Let Me In. I wanted to finish it; the problem, though, was that original Let Me In didn't really get good until over halfway through the story; it would never reach the full potential I knew it could have.
My decision?
Revive and revise.
I posted an announcement that I was bringing Let Me In back, and I was SHOCKED that so many people showed their excitement. I truly didn't think people were still hanging around this story. It made ME even more excited! However, life always gets in the way, and in the course of four years, I only have six chapters done. And of course I feel guilty, because I feel like I've continued to make empty promises, but I want this revision to be fully complete before I start posting anything, because people don't deserve another unfinished story from me.
So here's where the blog comes in. For anyone who was following me before, here's the proof that it's coming. You can see sneak peeks, updates, random drabbles, and any new people can hopefully join this family I felt like I'd found so long ago. And even if everyone has given up, this is for me, too. I need to finish Let Me In, for the sake of my younger self, and to feel like I can really heal and move on from my past.
And if anyone wants to join and enjoy the ride with me? Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to give Let Me In another chance <3
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