#nordic bunny x reader
ikissroaches · 3 days
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Okay so after reciprocating for about an hour, I'm on the verge of falling into debauchery. I'm heavily tempted to write a fanfic with this dude. SHOULD I? It would be on wattpad😭
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starleska · 1 month
rolls into here.... do you happen to have any headcanons or ideas perhaps on how nordic would treat his s/o. this is totally not for oc/canon / f/o reasons (lying)
the only idea i have so far is that he's like, 100% a little clingy even if he tries to cover it up
hell YEAH I DO!! oh my gosh i was hoping so much that someone would send in a request for our favourite sexy guitar man 🙈💖 he shows off so much character in such a short space of time...tell me what you think of this 😉
Nordic Bunny x Reader headcanons 🤘🎸
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🎸 Nordic Bunny is the very definition of devoted to you. he's a man of deep insecurity and impossibly high energy, and when that's put in combination, you're in for a whirlwind of a romance!! he's always doting on you with unique, delightfully embarrassing (and LOUD) compliments, declaring you things like, 'The Awesomest Partner in the Galaxy!' and 'A Paragon of Beauty and Intellect!'. he simply doesn't have an ounce of shame in his body, so he pretends not to hear you when you try to get him to hush. in fact, you suspect that he rather likes the way his words make you squirm and blush! 😳
🎸 clingy doesn't even cover it - Nordic Bunny borders on separation anxiety. he's forever touching you in ways he tries to play off as casual: light touches on the waist, fingers curling around the shoulder...but Nordic always seems so disappointed when you finally break away. when the two of you are alone, he'll sometimes drop the bravado to ask you in a small voice, "You're not...planning on leaving any time soon, right?" at night he's insistent on being the big spoon, and curls around you like a latex blanket, tail wrapping over your thighs and strings tickling the back of your neck. he's forever terrified that you will find a reason to move on...so you know the best way to reciprocate is to be vocal with your love and generous with your attention 🥰
🎸 lucky for you that you have such a powerful villain for a partner...if anyone so much as looks at you wrong, they'll be wiped from existence. you bet if someone throws a harsh word your way, Nordic Bunny is there to clap back instantly, with a, "You kiss your mama with that ugly mouth?!" or a, "I know you are, but what am I?!" the rebuttal is soothing, but just for show...because as soon as you're distracted, Nordic's going to send an army of Battle Crabs to pinch the offending person until they're seafood. make no mistake: Nordic Bunny would die for you, but he'd kill for you first 😉
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oddballwriter · 23 days
Nordic Bunny x Reader HC
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Warnings: none really, but if there's anything that needs a warning feel free to mention it or contact me via inbox or DM 
Author’s Snip: I watched the Shred Force pilot yesterday and I'm in love with this nerdy loser. If anyone is interested in me writing things for Nordic Bunny then let me know and feel free to send something to my inbox!
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Nordic Bunny is an interesting boyfriend to have, that's for sure
He's very loud and vocal about everything, his happiness, frustration, disappointment, joy, and probably much more if we got the chance to see it
All the minions know who you are because he announces you, with a fancy pants title that he made for you that he makes all the minions call you, and if he sees someone so much as scoff at the mention of you then they ARE getting zapped
Nordic is clingy, so you are around him all the time both during his scheming and planning, but also when he just wants to hang out
Actually hanging out with Nordic seems like a very intimate thing, he seems to want to maintain his big bad grand imperial emperor and most extreme barer of awesomeness persona and wouldn't want someone to see him not performing that persona. But with you as his partner, he would gladly let you see such parts of him
He rants and vents about everything that is bothering him. Minions not doing as told or doing things right or the Shred Force foiling him again. Just listen to him, that's all he wants, just an ear to listen. You can rant and vent back to him so that you both can hear each other's troubles and be able to release them
Physical affection is interesting too
He's a robot alien rabbit cat bat thing so he's made of metal and built very uniquely, so cuddling may be weird at first, but with enough times, you'll be used to it
Kissing is funny. His cords are in the way so you can't really sneak a kiss, but he definitely wouldn't mind a regular kiss that isn't hidden. You can just push his cord out of the way and give him a smooch, and vice versa
He has a cat-like tail and I have declared that he has cat-like behaviors
He purrs, Nordic Bunny purrs, he purrs when he's happy and content. When you guys cuddle it's just purr city
His tail movements also mimic that of a cat, so he does the little tail flick that cats do when they're happy
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aubrey-plush12 · 26 days
Give us some Nordic bunny x reader romantic headcanons please!!!
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Nordic bunny x reader
🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆ 🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆ 🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆
-you better believe he likes to wrap his guitar tail around your legs when you’re both cuddling,hugging,or even when he’s standing right next to you.he is a sucker for attention,especially yours.
-don’t think he won’t shout out loud how much he loves you and how amazing you are.giving you titles and telling you that nobody can compare to your beauty.also loved to cart you,and show how strong he is.
-loves giving you hand kisses,kissing you up your arm and your neck and face.his strings get in the way,but you can kiss his strings as well or just move them out of the way.
-he will melt in your hands if you give him any praise and he will definitely give you praise in return.besides praise he loves cuddling and holding your hand because he’s very clingy.
-he will come up with rather corny and sweet nicknames to give you.he will also wipe out any minion that doesn’t agree that you are stunning.
-I feel like her also love to build a pillow fort with you.or maybe a sleepover with you and you two end up sleeping in the fort cuddling each other in the piles of blankets surrounding you.
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orangecarton · 19 days
Pt 2 Nordic Bunny x Reader WP (W.I.P.)
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Part one:
Here you are sitting in a sad break room chowing down on a bag of cool ranch doritos, because for some reason they didn't seem to have any other flavors. As you're munching Nordic Bunny tries to fit himself into one of the small break room chairs. They were obviously not meant for him but he seemed insistent on trying to sit there.
After a while he got himself awkwardly squished in the chair and triumphantly looks up to you.
"So huuuman, seeing as we are now friends AND hanging out. It is my right as your BESTEST BUDDY IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!!!... to be asking you some... bonding questions!"
He laughs off to the side and mumbles something about being so clever and tricking us into handing over our "planetary secrets", whatever that means.
"Oh yeah sure man, shoot." You reply between chews. Nordic Bunny grimaces then shakes his head.
"First question! What are Shred Force's weaknesess?"
You ponder that for a bit. No one really knew anything about the two rascals that called themselves "Shred Force". They kinda were just... there. Every now and then there would be some sort of monster and then they would show and blow up half of the city you lived in. But you really didn' know anything about what they dealt with and who they were, being more preoccupied with your own life and problems.
"Hmmm, I don't really know. I've never really interacted with them."
You shrugged, grabbing another chip from the bag.
"Wha- You gotta know SOMETHING! Ugh... Ahem, well then what, pray tell, is the weakness of EVERY SINGLE HUMAN? AND DON'T YOU DARE THINK OF LYING TO ME!!!"
"Uhhh... Well, everyone is kinda different so I wouldn't really be able to say..."
Nordic Bunny scowled at this. Trying to save face you make something up on the fly. Those improv classes you took during highschool better not fail you now.
"Buuut, most humans are weak tooooo-" You look around quickly looking for "HuManIty's gReatEst WeakNess".
"-uhhhhh ranch?"
"... Liste-"
"You humans have MOUNTAINS of that stuff! You just can't live without it! OH, how did I not see it before?!"
He abruptly stands up, knocking over his chair, and grabs you by your arm. Dragging you behind him once again.
"What scheme?"
He laughs to himself, and you can't help but smile along with him. He has quite a nice laugh, in your opinion.
Walking back down the halls to his strange war room, the reality of your situation sinks in. You are stuck in space with a crazy 10ft tall guitar man who wants to take over the Earth... Hey, we'll at least you aren't hungry anymore!
You both make it back to the "war room". This time you get a good look around. It was filled with all sorts of tech, including a medium holo-Earth that Nordic Bunny seemed to gravitate towards. Towards the back end of the room was a huge window that made up most, if not all, of the wall. Around the sides were extra doors, lights, and tubes that you had no idea what they went to.
"Muahahahahaaa, oh yes I can see it now! We can even make little ranch stealing ROBOTS to do our bidding. AHahahahooo!"
He pulls you aside and starts rambling on and on about his plan, and you listen intensively. He just seems so passionate and creative! You can't help it!
A couple minutes later he calls over some of his minions to bring over blue print paper and a table. When they arrive they are heaving over a big metal table with some paper and pens on top. The two minions let it down with a bang and Nordic Bunny rushes over to it enthusiastically. They seem out of breath, how long have they been carrying that?
After they collect themselves one of them turns over and sees you. They turn back around and nudge their partner whispering to them, they both are now just staring and talking to each other.
Nordic Bunny takes notice of this and spins around, looking back and forth between his minions and you. You honestly could care less about what anyone thinks, but you don't really want to get caught up in whatever space drama is going on right now. So you're feeling, reasonably, a small bit uncomfortable at the moment.
Before your eyes the two are blasted away by Nordic Bunny's hand and are now nothing but feathers.
"Wha- What the HELL?!"
You look incredulously at Nordic Bunny.
"Oh not to worry my dear compatriot! They are simply clones. Of MY design, might I add!"
He poses pridefully, looks back over to you then looks away awkwardly.
"Huh, uh cool."
Taking a breath in you walk over to the work bench he had been working at before to see unfinished sketches of what looks to be robot eels designed to steal... ranch. It does look super advanced though. At least more advanced than you could understand.
"Wow, you did all this?" You gesture to the blue prints and look up at Nordic Bunny.
"W- Why yes! I did!"
"Geez, this is some high level stuff. Super smart, and it looks so wicked!"
He appears to be taken aback by the compliment, donning a shocked expression on his face, then replacing it with a look of smug satisfaction.
"Of course it looks cool! Only the best made by yours truly!"
You snicker a bit at that and he grins then perks up. Grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you towards the huge windows you saw before.
"AND! AND! The robots will be produced over there! In my very own factory!"
Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Through the windows you are greeted by a production line of sorts, all kinds of machinery moving rhythmically and in pace with each other. You squint and look past the factory and can somewhat make out... a city?
"Impresive!... right?"
You look over to the validation seeking guitar and nod, stars in your eyes.
"This is so freaking cool, dude."
You turn back towards the window to keep gawking at the machines. Unbeknownst to you, the overlord beside you doesn't look at his factory, but at his new partner in crime. With just the same amount of fascination.
(I will be crossposting this on ao3 here's a link:
(Here are some doodles B))
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melchiordommik · 25 days
The lack of Nordic bunny content is awful I cry
Some Nordic Bunny stuff
My thoughts at least
>Nordic Bunny is a cuddler. After he finds out what they feel like, he's addicted
He will grab his s/o and demand they cuddle with the great leader of the galaxy (he will ask nicely)
>He also started enjoying kissing, too, although his tongue might be too long for when he gets too into it - s/o might choke
>Nordic Bunny shows off his s/o like they're an absolute treasure, and god forbid any of his minions don't treat them like he thinks they should be treated
>His tail movements mimic one of a cat's, he also likes being scratched (even if he's a guitar yk)
>He's so talkative, and loud, all the time in every single situation. Bro is the yapper
>Likes picking his s/o and just transporting them like that. He's very tall, so, pocket partner!
>Nordic's body feels a bit cold, takes a bit to get used to
THIS SUCKS ASS (I'm not a writer) but I rlly need more content about the he
Requests, maybe? Maybe, maybe?
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 1 month
Ok! Another headcanon for Nordic Bunny!
If you let him live with you in your house and you are both sleeping in different beds, Nordic will sneak to your room while you were sleeping, pick you up and take you to his bed and would continue sleeping with you being cuddled in his arms.
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koriyokai · 28 days
good evening guys, I’m here out of boredom while preparing for an exam, I was drawing something about boredom and here’s my snot about the fact that these freaks are sexy, I’m just not normal, I’m trying not to show that I’m in love with them, but I can’t stand it anymore
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Thor x (fem) reader! Goddess
🎰Casino event 🎰
Warnings: pregnancy, Odin being a grandpa, 18+, no minors 🔞, bondage, slight outfit kink, pet names.
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Odin had seen his fair share, but this took the cake by a mile.
Hugninn and Muninn were in shock as Thor held a small newborn baby in his arms as Odin sat on his throne taking in the information he just learned.
“You’re telling me, you’re a father? My son? A father?“
“…Been a dad for six months now. Her name is (Daughter’s Name)-“
Odin in a flash was close to Thor as he peered at the newborn baby who was calm yet happy as she had toy Thor made for her. Odin was all for fertility but who was the lucky lady that Thor actually bedded and ended up with a sweet baby.
“Where is the mother?”
Slowly poking her around from Thor’s arm (Name) made her presence known as she hid behind Thor closely scared of Odin’s response even though Thor promised her no harm would come to her as long as he was there. Finally meeting the mother, Odin became looked at Thor who looked at his daughter who looked at her dad confused.
“The waitress at the casino? The casino Thor?”
Odin recognized the woman as the waitress that they visited last year while on vacation. The casino is where Thor and young woman met, Odin only remembered her because Thor wouldn’t stop looking at her.
Odin blamed himself, he obviously had an eye for beautiful women and knew his son was the same way.
Just as Odin wanted to ask another question everyone heard a very small voice say,”Ra pa.”
It was the first time Thor’s daughter had spoke, all three looked down to see the newborn baby smiling.
“She talked.”
“…No, she didn’t say anything.”
Thor was in disbelief at first but agreed she said her first word, however Odin objected and believed that her first word was grandpa. The two gods went back and forth until (Name) decided to be the mediator, agreeing that her said both their names and that she was a genius. Surprisingly, Odin quickly agreed then proceeded to call the servants to bring toys from nearby villages. Even wanting a room prepared for her, Thor had a feeling this would happen but he knew his daughter was safe here in Asgard.
It all began last year.
Thor had become attracted to a waitress at a famous casino and resort that he traveled to, a place that was fun and where gambling ruled the day. The berserker of thunder found gambling interesting but not as much as fighting, and not definitely not as interesting as the sexy waitress that had to wear the “sexy bunny out fit” as Thor put it.
While Thor wasn’t the best with his words his actions spoke volumes as he would always keep prying eyes away from (Name), and of course. Thor was a protector and he was definitely protective of her but not in overbearing way, Which of course didn’t go unnoticed by (Name) as she found Thor to be quite kind.
“…Did I win?”
“…No, you lost.”
(Name) chuckled a bit as she revealed her hand as the two were playing 21 at the casino table. While Thor wasn’t a fan of losing he didn’t seem to mind losing to the sexy waitress. Making a “hmph” sound Thor asked for another round, with a few minutes left on her shift (Name) happily agreed.
“How about we make a wager?”
“..What do you have in mind?”
Thor of course was intrigued with whatever was going thru (Name)’s mind, as she smiled then proceeded to blow Thor a kiss making the Nordic god of thunder blush a little even though he looked calm on the inside he welcomed the flirting gesture.
“If I win I get a kiss, if you win drinks are on me.”
Thor considered it a win-win situation.
Without even thinking another thought Thor agreed to the game and surprisingly this time the Nordic god won. Receiving his kiss on the cheek Thor only muttered a “Thanks.” Noticing the faint blush on his face (Name) muttered a “You’re welcome.”
A month had passed by as the two had become close , so much so Thor was invited to (Name)’s apartment and his visits were frequent, routinely, and that was fine with (Name) as she enjoyed Thor’s company. The same was said for Thor as the following days the two became closer and closer until the two became as one heart and mind. Their bodies became rather addicted to one another the more time they spent together the less they cared about other things.
Thor noticed would come home early, even though he told her to stay for the entirety of her shift. However, Thor just didn’t understand is what (Name) told him, to (Name) Thor’s cock was worth coming home early.
From days to weeks the two had become passionately intimate, but that was okay to them. One night in particular, Thor was a bit rougher than nights previous. Maybe, it was the outfit.
In truth, it wasn’t.
What Thor liked most about the outfit was the stockings, the corset was another piece he liked but the stocking is what Thor liked the best. Agreeing to having her hands tied behind back it was a night Thor would never forget that night, loving the sight of seeing his beloved wrists tied by her own stocking as she was currently lying on her back waiting for her god to ravish her.
Thor gave her what she wanted and more.
In truth, it was Thor who was usually the calm and collected one, that night it was he who was full of emotion that night as (Name) was currently whimpering and moaning on his thick cock while facing him while sitting on his lap while Thor thrusted his hips upwards as his cock was deep inside (Name)’s wet cunt while massaging her breasts with his rough and manly hands, each time he would thrust his hips his cock that was deep inside his sexy bunny he would hit her g-spot making her orgasm draw near, her mind was full of pleasure. Listening to her shamelessly moan on his cock while he enjoyed how amazing she felt made the god of thunder feel emotions he normally wouldn’t feel.
Love and lust mixing together.
A smirk came to Thor as he stopped tending to (Name)’s breasts and proceeded to grab her chin making her lean closer to him which in turn made his cock slide deeper inside her and deciding to tease a bit he stopped moving completely. A taunting smirk now came to his lips when he heard her plea for more, shamelessly pleading for more. Thor moaned a bit as the grip on her chin tightened and his cock twitched a few times in excitement.
Thor could feel her grind on him wanting that release more than anything but the god simply refused even when she was pleading to her strong god only to be met with a chuckle. A chuckle that made her cunt shiver with excitement as it was deep sounding.
“Don’t be so needy, bunnies are supposed to be submissive. Can’t take a little teasing.”
Thor’s eyes were glazed with lust as he talked as he also grabbed the bunny ears that were barely hanging on and straightened them out.
“Such a sexy bunny. If you beg a little more I’ll reward you.”
“Please, Thor. Please fill your sweet bunny with your cum-“
Even though Thor was the one in control the emotions started mixing together until Thor couldn’t take it and had to have his sweet bunny right there and then. Mercilessly, Thor fucked (Name) in her apartment, simply not caring if the neighbors heard. Indeed, it was what Thor wanted so everyone knew who (Name) was with now. 
The day the two met both wanted nothing more than to have sex that would bound them forever, and love that would keep them together forever. The feeling both could only describe was sweet and euphoric.
Even the release was mind numbing as both tilted their head back while giving a sigh of relief, enjoying the pleasure Thor’s cock twitched excitedly filling (Name)’s cunt to the brim as her whole body did a shiver as she moaned again when Thor did a few sloppy thrusts before sliding out his cock and patting (Name)’s head as she was catching her breath.
“Well done, my beloved.”
That was the night their daughter was conceived.
Regardless, Odin was thrilled to have a granddaughter now as he now had a room prepared filled with stuff animals and toys. Loki, that had just arrived as he floated over the crib to see (Daughter Name) asleep. This was all new to Loki as he looked at Thor who was rocking the crib slowly while sitting down.
“….You fucked?!”
Thor gave Loki a glare, not for his statement but at how loud he was not wanting his daughter to wake up. Odin ignored them all nodding to himself that his grand daughter was a genius before leaving to get her books.
“Thor…you fucked??”
Loki was quiet with his question this time still surprised Thor, the battle hungry god, was able to have a baby.
A cute baby.
“He fell for my charm.”
(Name) patted Thor’s broad shoulders Loki didn’t need to hear anything else as he welcomed (Name) with a few questions all the while Thor watched over his sleeping baby and rocking her crib gently.
Thor didn’t believe in luck all that much, but he did believe he was lucky to have his small yet happy family.
Thor still believes his daughter’s first words was “Papa.” Odin disagrees everytime.
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🎰 Rukia-Writes🎰
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starleska · 1 month
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been wanting to try a looser style with my sketching, so have a WIP with Nordic Bunny and Anon 😉 attention-starved though he is, i think he'd be absolutely insufferable if he learned you're a fan…! 🤘🎸
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oddballwriter · 18 days
(I apologize in advance if this is does not land in ur inbox, I have not used tumbler in a few years)
I think a short fic with Nordic being overly clingy would be cute, like his partner needs to leave to do something but he doesn’t feel like letting them leave quite yet
What is this Exam?
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Summary: Basically what the requests says.
Warnings: None really, that I can think of 
Author’s Snip: I wrote this down in a sort of haze, so sorry if it's bad.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 543
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Ah, Nordic Bunny. What an interesting boyfriend you managed to score. I mean, he's a guitar-robot alien who plans to take over the galaxy and is currently working on taking over Earth, with varying degrees of success. But you love him from tail to strings and you've managed to find s place under his big bad imperial emperor of the galaxy and extreme barrier of awesomeness persona.
Clingy is a word that could definitely be used when describing one aspect of your relationship. You don't put it past him too much since he's apparently never had a friend before, something that you were sure came with being dead set on domination of the galaxy. However, he's very... insistent that you be around him all the time. That's how you end up spending a lot of time at his base, which actually has a breathable atmosphere, to your surprise. Nordic Bunny has made an effort to make his base more homey for you whenever you visit, at least as homey as he can make it considering most of it is a factory-like setting, but a corner of his office and a place for you to sleep is good enough for you.
But much to his dismay, you have things to do back on Earth that would cause you to have to leave every once in a while, something that Nordic hates but has come to understand as more of a you-thing than a him-thing. That doesn't mean he doesn't try to object though.
"And what exactly is the importance of this exam? What are you examining?" Nordic questions, earning a laugh from you. "Well, I'm not the one examining. I'm the one getting examined." you clarify. "What?" Nordic exclaims, "There's nothing wrong with you? You seem in perfectly functioning order to me?" Nordic explains. "No, not that kind of exam," you mention. "It's an... intellect exam. It's to test how much I know about a certain topic that I've been learning. So I need to take it to see how much I've retained and have it measured on if I know an acceptable amount." you explain.
"Well, what happens if you just don't take it?" Nordic asks in a tone that makes it clear that he wants you to try and opt out of it. You try to explain what would happen if you did that but you figure that it would be hard to articulate how a grade and college system works to your robot boyfriend who's probably never heard of a college so you settle on just saying that you don't have the option to skip it.
"I'll come back." you promise, "I always do, you know that," you mention. "I just need to leave so that I can study to have enough knowledge for the exam and then take it. When I have my grade I'll have you come get me so that I can come back here. Okay." you say. Nordic crosses his arms and grumbles before saying "Well why don't you just study here and then you go take the exam?".
"Because you're very distracting," you flirt with a wink, Nordic gasps and then smiles.
"Oh, and no creating a plan to get my exam day canceled," you warn.
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aubrey-plush12 · 1 month
OK OK OK one idea I maladaptive daydream to would be like reader being one of Nordic Bunnys minions but reader is lowkey chill and does not take Nordics shit and isn’t afraid to be blasted cuz apathy or whatever and Nordic is also kinda chill with it. Bonus points if reader is an ass to him (affectionate)
Ofc you can!I love Nordic bunny first time I’m doing him though…
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Nordic bunny x reader
🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆ 🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆ 🎸˚。𖦹☆°‧⋆
-he kind of takes interest in the fact that you don’t take anything from the minions or him
-he would definitely shoot a minion with his ray if they’re bothering you or complaining to you about how you get special treatment or how you don’t do work like the other minions.
-he’ll have you right next to him scheming up some plans and wouldn’t know it at first if you gave him sarcastic comments about his plans.he wouldn’t mind it as much though.
-if another minion besides you were to interrupt him in his plans he’d be more disappointed.you’re the only minion who isn’t a coward or afraid to tell nordic off so he likes to keep you around him mostly at all times.
-he loves to rant to you about how much he hates those heroes that always foil his plans.whenever he fails a new plan he comes to you and just loves to rant about his day while you listen quietly.
-might steal you for a moment just to have your opinion on things like if he looks cool or if he should add new decoration to his headquarters and you just give him an eye roll like you can’t believe he’s doing this right now.
-he tries to give you insults or threaten to zap you with his ray just to try and see if you care or give him a reaction.but he’s always met with the look on your face that means you don’t have time for his silly little antics.
-will have you around to insult or treat his minions poorly with you and laugh it off.it’s one of his favorite activities to do with you on a daily basis.
-you and him would go back and forth with banter and being sarcastic to each other.you also like to tug at his guitar strings a little too hard when he pisses you off.
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orangecarton · 20 days
Nordic Bunny x Reader WP (W.I.P.)
(Sorry in advance ;-;)
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TW: Swearing
Honestly this isn't your best moment. You kinda got scammed out of 20 bucks for what you thought was a cheap cosplay of an alien soldier and when you put on said costume you got screamed at to "get back to the ship" and got kidnapped by some purple fish looking creatures. Next thing you know you're in outer space in, what you can only assume is, some sorta Ren Faire for space dorks. It looked pretty cool, but people kept trying to put you to work and getting you to larp with them, talking about some "Ruler of the Galaxy" and "Nightmare to Humanity". It was all really charming but right about now is when you were starting to get the munchies, so naturally you went on the prowl for some poor vending machine and/or food cabinet.
Without any helpful signs around to guide you through this maze of Star Wars ride at Disneyworld and Metallica's love child, you got lost. After walking for a while you start to hear shouting. A sign of life, and perhaps snacks (or at the very least water. Because GOD DAMN was it getting hot). Walking closer the shouts got louder and you could make out some words.
"Um, you did... sir."
"SHUT UP, DUM DUM! Are you calling me STUPID?!"
You reached the door and it automatically slid open, just in time for you to see one of your fellow cosplayers get zapped and turned into feathers by an extremely tall guitar monster. In this life or death situation you know it is important for you do react with dignity and poise, as to survive and stay alive. So you respond in kind,
Your panicked state causing you to just freeze in place, stuttering and mumbling utter nonsense.
The guitar man struts closer, is it wearing platforms??? He (???) Raises his hand, the one that shot the guy before you (rest in piece). You stumble back and scream,
He falters, and in this moment you take in his appearance. He had a dark robotic and skeletal build, donning some sick ass platform boots, a leather cap, a red tie, and huge shoulder pads. His face was that of an electric guitar, rocking red eyes and scarlet lipstick, and... wait is he just in his underwear?
"What the- You're a human?!"
He lowers his hand and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah... I'm a human. What about it?"
"How did you get up here?! Into my IMMENSELY IMPENETRABLE EVIL HEADQUARTERS?!"
"... I walked."
You both kinda sat in awkward silence for a bit. The issue from before had presented itself once again when your stomach let out a noise that even Godzilla would be jealous of.
"You uh... got any snacks man?" You asked, the fear from before subsiding and your fallen brother in arms forgotten (R.I.P Nathan). Guitar man™ looks at you quizically, then turns around and whispers to himself (you could still hear though because he isn't a very quiet person).
"Sooooo... is that a no?"
He turns back around and smiles wickedly,
"Come now human! I will grant you snacks and in return you will become my friend, hang out with me, tell me all of humanities weaknesses and how to defeat Shred Force!"
"Yeah ok." You shrug.
He grabs your arm and just about drags you with him as he strides down the hallway. You stumble but manage to keep pace.
"Hey what's your name anyway?"
"You, my fair accomplice, can call me Nordic Bunny. RULER OF THE GALAXY AND NIGHTMARE TO HUMANITY"
"Cool cool."
What the hell have you gotten yourself into (Seinfeld credits play)
(Sorry for the bad grammar, here's a little doodle for compensation)
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melchiordommik · 19 days
Could I request Nordic Bunny x reader who introduced him to fruit and sweets?
OFC U CAN!! Omg that's adorable
Nordic bunny x Reader
Introducing him to fruit and candy! 🍬🎸
[Gender neutral, usage of "you"]
❥ Nordic Bunny was aware of such foods, but he didn't pay any attention to them since his main objective was taking over earth! That could wait;
❥ However, after you started dating, you begin bringing snacks to the evil headquarters, and he took notice of those;
❥ You offered those to him, of course. At first, he is super skeptical and very vocal about how weird it feels to eat;
❥ He, however, quickly grew found of sweets. He loves how chocolate tastes and he likes the smooth texture;
❥ Nordic Bunny will no longer let you eat in peace. He wants a piece of everything you bring, like he's starving;
❥ For fruits, he likes peaches, kiwis and smaller fruit he can just snack on, the sweeter the better. He's not big on sour tastes;
❥ He will request specific fruits and chocolate to be brought to him (politely, or begging), it's too good to resist;
❥ Wants to take over earth even harder now, he needs to discover what other delicious sweetness it's hiding!!
I'm not a good writer.. this is being practice for me, so sorry if it's not the best
Tysm for the request
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Allies’ reaction to a girl going up to a stranger who was discriminating someone
America’s reaction to McDonald’s being shut down
America and England’s reaction to being told they’re no longer a country
Allie’s comforting s/o whose family is constantly fighting
England with s/o who had spent all night doing a project and feel asleep on the desk
Allies’ reaction to a stranger dancing to Love Story in front of tchem
Allies’ reaction to a child who’s smart in front of adults, but childish when with kids
England with s/o who’s been exercising for a week and is now sore
Allies’ favourite types of cakes
England with s/o who sneezes like a kitten
Allies’ reaction to winning a lottery
England and America’s reaction to a wounded dragon landing in their backyard
France’s reaction to seeing his s/o amongst French books, reading a text outloud, but constantly stopping to correct her "r"
FACE family road trips
Allies’ reaction to seeing their newborn child for the first time
Allies with a singer s/o
Pros and cons of cuddling with Allies
Allies’ reaction to s/o snapchatting them during world meeting
England’s reaction to being called a cinnamon roll
Headcanons of America being a parent
France with s/o who squeks when feels overwhelmed
Allies’ reaction to England having a ‘’kick me’’ on his back
Allies’ reaction to seeing their preteen child rocking out to a song
France’s reaction to meeting Santa, Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy
America and France being drunk
Cuddling and sleeping headcanons
France x drunk!reader one-shot
Austria’s room
Germany’s reaction to being told he’s no longer a country
Japan’s kid running off after an ice cream truck
Axis’ reaction to a child who’s smart in front of adults, but childish when with kids
Axis’ reaction to their kid asking them if they would like to go to their school's show n' tell
Axis’ favourite types of ice cream
Germany with s/o who sneezes like a kitten
Italy’s room
Germany and Japan’s reaction to being called a cinnamon roll
Headcanons of Italy being a parent
Germany’s room
Germany with s/o who squeks when feels overwhelmed
Belarus’ reaction to holding her newborn child for the first time
Headcanons of Belarus being a ghost
Belarus’ favourite Disney film
Belarus’ reaction to her s/o proposing to her
Headcanons of Belgium being a ghost
Belgium’s favourite Disney film
Canada with s/o who’s been exercising for a week and is now sore
Canada with an affectionate and clingy s/o
Pros and cons of cuddling with Canada
Canada’s reaction to s/o snapchatting him during world meeting
Headcanons of Canada being a parent
Cuddling and sleeping headcanons
Chibi!Prussia, Chibi!Italy, Chibi!Russia, Chibi!Romano and Chibi!HRE having their first crush
Reaction to being told she’s no longer a country
Hungary with s/o who’s been exercising for a week and is now sore
Hungary’s ideal date
Headcanons of Hungary being a ghost
Hungary’s favourite Disney movie
Hungary’s reaction to her child cooking her breakfast because of her illness
Kugelmugel’s room
Liechtenstein finding out she’s pregnant
Liechtenstein’s ideal date
Headcanons of Liechtenstein being a ghost
Liechtenstein’s favourite Disney movie
Headcanons of Liechtenstein being a parent
Liechtenstein’s room
Headcanons of Monaco being a ghost
Neko!Allies noticing their owner is stressed out
Neko!Axis’ reaction to finding an abandoned kitty
Nyo!England’s reaction to her s/o dying
Nordics with s\o who likes cold weather
Denmark’s reaction to a wounded dragon landing in his backyard
Cuddling and sleeping headcanons
Norway boyfriend headcanons
Denmark being drunk
Sad and angsty headcanons
Nordics with s/o who’s afraid of loud noises
Nyo!America reacting to McDonald’s being shut down
Nyo!Allies finding out they’re pregnant
Nyo!Axis finding out they’re pregnant
Nyo!Axis holding their newborn child for the first time
Nyo!England, nyo!Canada and nyo!France’s reaction to s/o who is in the military coming home in secret
Nyo!Italy and nyo!Romano’s rooms
Dad headcanons
Poland’s reaction to his child ccoking him breakfast because of his illness
Prussia’s kid running off after an ice cream truck
Prussia with s/o who had spent all night doing a project and feel asleep on the desk
Prussia’s room
Prussia’s reaction to his child cooking him breakfast because of his illness
Prussia’s reaction to meeting Santa, Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy
Prussia being drunk
Reaction to being told he’s no longer a country
Romano’s kid running off after an ice cream truck
Romano with s/o who had spent all night doing a project and feel asleep on the desk
Romano with s/o who’s been exercising for a week and is now sore
Romano with s/o who sneezes like a kitten
Romano’s reaction to a wounded dragon landing in his backyard
Romano’s room
Romano’s reaction to being called a cinnamon roll
Headcanons of Romano being a parent
Seychelles finding out she’s pregnant
Seychelles’ favourite Disney movie
Reaction to being told he’s no longer a country
Spain with s/o who had spent all night doing a project and feel asleep on the desk
Spain with s/o who squeks when feels overwhelmed
Spain’s reaction to his child cooking him breakfast because of illness
Spain’s reaction to meeting Santa, Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy
Spain being drunk
Headcanons of Switzerland being a parent
Switzerland’s room
Switzerland with s/o who has an abusive ex
Boyfriend headcanons
Taiwan finding out she’s pregnant
Ukraine’s reaction to holding her newborn child for the first time
Headcanons of Wy being a ghost
Wy’s favourite Disney movie
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averyconfusedadult · 7 years
What's a good book you've read recently? :) 💙💛💙💛 (help i need book recs i have nothing to read)
Hmmm. I’ll give you a few. I’ve stumbled upon quite a lot of books recently. I’ll give you a list full of links. Hope you find something you like within them! :D 💛💙💛 (Most of it’s DenNor). You might find ones that you’ve already read but I love them so I’ll just put it on the list.  I had one I loved but I can’t find it. It was really angsty Denmark centric fic. I’ll try and find it again later when I clear out my bookmarks.
- Unexplained Caramels (DenNor)
- Sticky Sonata (DenNor)
- White Blank Page (DenNor)
- The Raging Quiet (DenNor) 
- Paging Doctors Bondevik and Kohler (DenNor)
-  Full Moon Nightmare (Nordics)
- Licorice Ice-Cream (SuFin) 
- Bittersweet Symphony (SpaAus) 
- Prussia x Reader - Til Death Do Us Part 
- Wake The Sleeping Dragon - Norway x Reader
- Top Model (DenNor) (This has an M rated scene in it. I guess it’s there but you don’t have to read it if you’re uncomfortable.)
- Silence (DenNor, Nordics)
- Norway x Reader - The Dragonheart 
- Denmark x Reader - The Dragonsight
I think that’s all. I’ll do a big list sometime later with all that I’ve read. Perhaps. Hope you enjoy these Honey-Bunny! 💙💛
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