#non-binary? gender fluid?
bucker3911 · 8 months
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YAY its spooky pride flag season
(fyi: i didn't make any of theses, i got them from pinterest. full credit goes out to them! @notroxielol and @charlieeeee_3 on pinterest! and @FogPal on Twitter! :D )
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dragoncuspid · 3 days
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Gay ass 😒😒😒
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justdavina · 2 months
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I love yellow so much! This wonderful gurl is wearing a spring time wonder! The bee-bois must be buzzing around her at the night clubs later on the beach. Sand and sun make for a picture perfect cisgender woman to look her best.
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samsayswhatever · 5 months
Shout out to the people who wake up a woman and go to bed a man. The the people who wear lipstick and have a beard. To the people whose gender is complicated. To the people who need a minute to think about it. To the people who don't really care. To the people who never stop thinking about it. To the people whose gender and sexuality are the same thing. To the people who like people in a way they can't explain. To the people who don't like anything. To the people with a thousand crushes. To the people who never had one.
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powerfem · 1 year
You feel both masculine and feminine??? REALLY? Omg I've never met someone like that!😲 Could you believe I always felt the most womanly womon wombat? That's right, I once put on men's clothes (jeans and a big hoodie) and I got a rash 😭. It's great that you aren't limited by your identity and can do and feel whatever you want each day, non binary people are so cool 🥺. My poor woman brain can't handle the complexity...
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
I want to be girlboy. I want to be boygirl. I want to be Mrs. boy and Mr. girl. I want to be dude in a skirt and that bitch in big pants. I want to be, 'oh she's my husband' and 'oh, he's my wife.' I want to be a masc girl and a femme boy. I want to be both, at the same time. You know?
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worldvhs · 2 months
tell me y’all see the vision
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runin-reads · 1 year
Being trans makes you cooler than everyone else. Hope this helps
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gaycrouton · 9 months
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Everyone finishes The X-Files queerer than they started, it’s just a fact
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scenicphoenix · 7 months
Fully being my gender is impossible because I cannot shapeshift into cosmic/eldritch horrors
What if I want to be a ominous cloud of tv static today, what if tomorrow is a ominous cloud of eyes day, what if i want to look like some guy who looks uncannily familiar to everyone they meet, what if I want to be a cow boy
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serotoninswitch · 4 days
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First time offering a pic for tummy tuesday! Feel free to compliment or flirt, I'm an attention slut and I only bite if you want me to
They/he/she pronouns, multigender genderfluid
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justdavina · 1 month
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Anahi Altuzar: Amazing transgender lady from Mexico! She's really beautiful! She's a very special lady for sure!
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eternal-echoes · 6 months
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Effects of puberty blockers on males
Effects of puberty blockers on females
Cross-sex hormone use in males (female-typical levels of estrogen and testosterone) has a host of detrimental effects to the body.
Cross-sex hormone use in females (high testosterone) has a host of detrimental effects to the body.
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dreamlandcreations · 8 months
Imagine that your power is that you are able to mimic other powers...
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Imagine that your power is that you are able to mimic other powers and you accidentally copy Jordan's, resulting in changing your gender and being stuck like that...
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PLEASE PLEASE repost this as many times as you can. This is downright sickening and wrong.
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
Literally saw someone post something along the lines of “I wish I’d never given the option of ‘she’ as a pronoun because now people just use she and never they, and it hurts even worse than before I’d said anything at all.” And I feel that on a spiritual level. Like if someone gives two pronoun options please either alternate or clarify what they prefer. They’re not just giving the second option for kicks.
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