#no one can argue with me on this- I'm not the conspiracy theorist here- YOU are
beretheiv · 2 years
will never understand people who think believing aliens exist is a far fetched fantasy, they're always talking about logic like do you even KNOW how vast the universe is? when in reality, believing aliens exist is the more logical belief because of probability what
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animentality · 11 months
Can I also point out the irony of terfs insisting I don't "understand" them?
Why would I try? They literally call me a pedophile if I disagree with them and insist I should kill myself and that I'm a misogynist.
The irony of terfs insisting that no one will have an honest dialogue with them...as they accuse everyone but themselves of being pedophiles.
You can't have a fucking dialogue with people who are absolutely insane. It's like trying to talk sense to a Trumper or a Qanon conspiracy theorist.
What's the old adage, that you can't win a fight with a moron because he'll drag you to his level and beat you with experience?
No terf on this website or any other website has ever wanted to actually discuss gender and sex, and was open to debate that could change their mind.
I won't give you a chance because you aren't giving me a chance either. You and I aren't going to change each other's minds, so why should I even engage with you?
I also understand you just fine. You think biology is destiny and you can't accept that gender is a human construct that has changed every single day that human beings have been alive.
You side with white supremacists and patriarchal conservative men whenever you can.
So you'll never convince me to hate trans women. Or trans men. You'll never convince me that nonbinary people don't exist.
You don't deserve my time or my attention.
So go cry about it in your circles and go live the rest of your life in perpetual fear, anger, and loneliness.
I won't argue with neo Nazis who think that non white people are inferior to them, and I won't argue with patriarchal men who think women are inferior to them.
I won't argue with terfs who think trans women are all pedophiles.
Especially not here.
This is where I come to mess around.
You've really got nothing good in your life if all you do here is harass trans people. Like go get a hobby, dude. Any hobby.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
Yk, something about my Eddie fell first essay, I never really went like "oh this is something that could be proven right by canon" mostly because when I wrote that I was still dealing with buddie being a distant possibility not something that's so close I can taste, but then Ryan was let out of interview jail. Then I went full conspiracy theorist. (Please note everything from here on out is a conspiracy theory that will most likely never be confirmed or denied so I'll live in it forever) I had made the post about how I think Ryan is playing Eddie as in love with Buck, the question was whether he was being told to do that or he was just playing it up as much as they allowed him to because we know Ryan supports the ship, and then Ryan said the "this goes beyond friendship and I love you to the core" thing.
He said he talked to someone about what it meant for Eddie to do that, because he didn't understand it at first, and then that's the conclusion he reached. But the thing is, that line "I love you to the core" specifically means so much in the context of the season, to say I love you to Buck like that in season 4 is so MONUMENTAL, that I wanna believe one of the writers straight up told him "yo this is a love confession" and explained it to him like that, and he has been playing Eddie with that line in mind ever since, and that's why he had that locked and loaded for the interview. Because, like, I, in my most normal day, am out here arguing they casted Ryan with a plan, even more considering the way Eddie was written for Ryan, they could very much have told him "look, play with the chemistry you and Oliver have, if the audience likes with might amp it up, if we're lucky we might go there someday" because you have moments in season 2, but season 2 is still very low stakes, but then when I think about the the season 3 of it all, the there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you, the lawsuit, and well of it all and the way they put Ryan in pr jail after Eddie begins, an episode that would retroactively be HUGE for buddie but it's pretty big for them anyway, I'm like 🤔 because we all saw Ryan talking about buddie this past month, the guy CANT SHUT UP, and if he was told something during season 3 or 4 along the line of "play it up, we are gonna fight to make this happen", putting him in pr jail would make sense, because they can't risk him saying something if they're not sure they can deliver, because how fast they dealt with Buck being bi while in a new network makes me convinced someone on fox was blocking it and nothing will convince me otherwise. But now they can, so they let Ryan run free. Because you can make a VERY strong argument that Eddie is aware of something during season 5 and 6, season 6 most of all, but you can very much make season 5 queer coded and have Eddie be like "oh I can't ignore how I feel about him anymore", because Ryan also said something about Eddie's breakdown and how that's what allowed Eddie to let Buck "know who Eddie truly is" which is interesting with the way Eddie is constructed, because if Buck is inside the last wall Eddie had up, what's actually stopping Eddie to see he's in love with Buck by the end of the season? Which would make season 6 as a pining season for Eddie make sense. Down to the way the cemetery seems to be pulling these very specific reactions from Eddie that are the same reactions we saw him have in breakups and flights with Shannon. But also things like Eddie's reaction to the lightning being something we never saw from Eddie before AND the way Oliver talked about a scene of Eddie losing his composure during in another life, not during in a flash that we didn't get to see most likely because they completely rearranged 6b because they thought they were gonna get cancelled, so they wouldn't be able to deliver what they had in mind. But now they have nothing but time, season 8 is already confirmed, and by the looks of it abc was like "go for it" with buddie in a way that fox never was, so they finally got to tell Ryan "we're doing it, go crazy" and now we are here. They could prove me right today. About Eddie not about Ryan knowing and some secret plan being in place forever. I don't think it's gonna happen. I seriously don't think it's gonna happen. I'd be more surprised to be proved right than wrong here. But the conspiracy theory is a possibility that felt very real for a second there during promo season lol
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
🇵🇸 🇵🇷🐢🏝️ i got tired of complaining constantly on my main blog (@thewingedwolf is me!) about how sansa and rhaenyra did nothing wrong and also i needed a way to organize my theories and stuff. yes i have read all the books. yes i have (unfortunately) seen the whole show. yes i have seen all of hotd as well. so here we go. my stances are this, so you have an idea what to expect:
i am a catelyn, sansa, brienne, elia, and rhaenyra stan FIRST and a person SECOND
i would die Gaemon Palehair, Lady Essie, and Sylvenna Sand, those are my canon OCs, and that’s why they’re my header.
Sansa and Bran are my favorites! I am a Sansa will be Queen in the North truther and a Bran will be the King in Harrenhal conspiracy theorist, It Is Heavily Foreshadowed In The Text and I stand on that!!
I'm well aware Rhaenyra has plenty of faults, I am simply saying that the greens (as in, the characters) do not like her because of her gender, and not for stuff she does that’s actually wrong, also, idc that she did all of that i simply think she’s neat.
Helaena really IS the one who did nothing wrong tho.
i am a Dark Daenerys believer. no, i don’t hate her - in fact, i really love her, although i do hate her show counterpart - I just think her arc is heading towards a dark path and being a villain protagonist is the more interesting route for her character.
House Martell will rise or I will piss in old man germ’s cornflakes.
I Will talk about the racism Dorne faces in the text and outside of it and neither your favorite house nor my favorite house is exempt from this. If you have a problem with that, keep it to yourself bc i do not care 🙏🏽
i multiship!! just bc i ship it doesn’t mean i think it’s gonna happen in the series, i just like the dynamic!!
i am in fact the annoying book jonsa truther they warned you about. i will Stay bitter about this. argue with the wall.
with that said, i also like theonsa, throbb, daemyra, laenyra, rhaewin, nedcat, braime, briensa, and a million other ones. faves listed here. several of them are dead dove-esque; what can i say, that's just george's style.
you decide whether it’s romantic or platonic when it’s an incest one, my opinion changes by the hour & im gonna fight grrm for making me think this much about incest.
i don’t like jonerys!!!!!! i'm sansan & sanrion ambivalent and i simply do not care about littlefucker like that. i would say i’ve thought positively about basically every other ship.
i’m in the middle of a reread, as of this moment (april 2024) i’ve kinda stalled on the beginning of a dance with dragons but i Have started a rewatch of the tv series as a form of torture.
i first read this series when i was 16 in like 2012-2013. i love to bitch about the takes i’ve seen. i sometimes reblog really old ass graphics bc they deserve new life even tho the creators are long since deactivated. i sometimes make graphics that look like they’re from 2014 bc we should bring that style back dammit i hate the typography movement going on rn.
big on tagging triggers so lmk (i’ll tag for all characters & major triggers but i’m fine with adding a specific one if asked and don't worry about it being a "weird" trigger - if sean bean's face or knives or wolves or whatever trigger you, i'm happy to tag for that!).
i have a tag page that is more organized than the slapdash nonsense on this post, feel free to check it out here.
i may sound angry but i promise i am genuinely just here for a laugh. i just have resting bitch voice and no feel for tone and use the word fuck too much. it’s fine and unserious.
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acti-veg · 2 years
Is it just me or are there a lot of vegan terfs ? As a trans vegan person I'm so tired of seeing them in the notes of the decent vegan blogs. And it's not just on tumblr, I've seen it on other social media platforms and IRL. Why. (side note: I've seen it in France too, not just the English-speaking world)
No there definitely are a lot of them. I am really not sure why this is, I have a theory but I’ve really nothing to base it on other than my own observations over the years. I think the mere fact that someone has gone vegan means they are open to ‘alternative narratives’, and those narratives can either be very positive ones or very negative. I’d be willing to bet we also see higher rates of anti-vaxxers than the general population as well, for the same reason.
Veganism obviously has absolutely nothing to do with either of these movements, but it may be that they both appeal to the same sort of appearance of questioning of an established narrative. The issue with terfs specifically is that they only appear to be rejecting an established narrative because they frequent spaces like this one that tend to be generally trans inclusive. Here, they feel like outsiders fighting for a niche cause, but outside of places like tumblr trans exclusion is still very much the norm and terfism is socially conservative in every way.
Most terfs have more in common with flag waving right wingers and fundamentalists than they do your average leftist. This is why it feels so completely bizarre to see terfs who are socially regressive in predominantly progressive spaces like vegan communities, it’s so much more noticeable because it is so far from what we generally hold to be true and important.
I think the terf movement represents a real corruption of the very valuable drive to question established narratives, in the same way that conspiracy theorist and anti-vax groups do. It takes that valuable natural scepticism and just turns it against people who are already excluded from established moral frameworks and legal protections. Trans people are precisely the kind of people who really should be benefiting from scepticism of dominant narratives, because the dominant narrative very much already excludes them.
As a community all we can really do is exclude these people from engagement with our cause as much as possible. Don’t argue with them, don’t give their harmful views the time of day and don’t give them a platform to air them, even if it’s to challenge or debunk them. If we want to be inclusive of our trans friends we cannot do the same for the people trying to exclude them. Block these accounts whenever you see them and move on.
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Anyway there are relatively few things that'll make me throw your book in the trash faster than you leaning into the 'Aztecs were violent savages who piled up mountains of corpses from their wars and sacrificial victims and the Inca were peace loving hippies who never did anything wrong'.
I mean, don't get me wrong. The Aztec empire was violent and expansionist, as all empires are. It's literally the whole point of having an empire, taking everything you possibly can for yourself at the expense of everyone else. The main reason why Cortes et al were able to take over was because they knew they could take advantage of the malcontent among the Aztecs' subject states, so they went 'hey we're new around here but those guys sure do seem like they suck and make your lives a lot harder than they have to be. Man, that's soooo unfair, isn't it? How about you team up with us so we can all take them down together?' Conquistadors did that a lot.
And the Aztecs did perform human sacrifice, yeah, duh they did, you'd have to be a nutjob conspiracy theorist or something to seriously argue that they didn't, but the thing is human sacrifice has been performed just about everywhere in the world at some point or another. Not that that justifies it, but it's very inchresting how they're the ones who always come up when that gets mentioned, and it's because the conquistadors massively exaggerated it in the historical record in order to make themselves look better for conquering them.
People look at how the Inca generally avoided violently taking over other civilizations and they think 'wow, they didn't want to fight, they were so diplomatic and ~peaceful~, they just gave everyone everything they needed and they were all happy' but the thing is that if nothing else worked, if push came to shove, they weren't above bloodying their hands to get what they wanted. There was often an understood implication of 'we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way' when the Inca were bringing new peoples into the fold. It wasn't a friendly suggestion. They would get your stuff one way or another. They actively kept a large army that they could easily grow or replenish since every man of what was considered the appropriate age could be conscripted at any point.
They also conveniently forget to mention that the last Inca king, Atahualpa, fought a whole civil war with one of his brothers over who would be king, and it's often thought that that was part of why it was relatively easy for Pizarro et al to come in and take over, Atahualpa had inadvertently done a lot of the work for them.
Basically this all comes down to 'I think it's stupid and unhelpful to broadly label entire civilizations and cultures as being inherently peaceful or violent and I'm tired of inadvertently coming across books that do that specifically with the Aztecs and Incas, Jesus, at least get a bit more creative if you're gonna try and make me look at this'.
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morlock-holmes · 1 year
I have a feeling you're still imagining "not rare" as in "up to 20-30% maybe" and not as in "99%, status quo in everyday arguments at all levels of discourse in every arena about every subject". Today, finding people anywhere who can argue _believably for more than ten seconds_ or even _at all, hypothetically, while hedging, without throwing a tantrum_ in support of their opponents' position is hard, let alone those doing it _well_.
I want to very strongly reject this kind of cynicism, and also kind of clarify for myself what I was talking about.
Because, first, I wasn't trying to create a comprehensive portrait of the entire conspiracy theorist mindset, but to identify what seems to me to be one aspect of what seems to me to be a certain mindset at work in the world.
My model here is based on models attempting to describe high control groups so I am absolutely not saying that the kind of thinking I was trying to describe there is all it takes to be a conspiracy theorist or that everyone who exhibits it exhibits it to the same extent.
If you look at the checklist at that link, it would be easy to pull one bullet point out and claim that lots of very benign groups do it. Not all groups that, say, control the hairstyle and clothing of their members are therefore high control groups comparable to Scientology; but that doesn't mean that control of your visual presentation isn't related to what makes a high control group.
I'm trying to talk out what I'm observing in the world, and in the process I'm probably reinventing the wheel; but if I knew who else talked about this kind of thing I'd just cite them.
What I was talking about was not just the process of attributing hidden motivations to your opponents, and it certainly wasn't just failing to understand what your opponents believe.
Rather, it's a kind of process, and I think by arguing with people I've clarified how it works.
First premise: your world-view is considered so self-evident that it is impossible for any person to doubt it. (I almost said "rational person" but that's not correct; the mindset I'm trying to identify explicitly rejects the idea of irrational behavior at odds with the obvious world-view).
Second premise: you believe that people act in accordance with their knowledge of this obvious world-view. Irrational behavior, or behavior based on alternative world-views are simply impossible given how obvious your world-view is.
Conclusion: Because your world-view and thinking are so obvious, the results of all actions are obvious as well. Therefore, any action which frightens or harms you must have been deliberately intended to harm or frighten you.
That "deliberately" is extremely important. This is a conflation of intention with result.
It is not merely the belief that your opponents have secret intentions that they won't disclose, nor is it the belief that, by doing things that have negative consequences your opponents demonstrate a reckless disregard for important consequences.
Rather, it is a process that replaces the question, "Why did you hurt me?" with the question of "Why did you want to hurt me?" because it is a world-view that cannot distinguish between those two.
This is related to conspiracy thought because if this conflation is strong enough it practically requires the creation of conspiracies.
Because in real life people do have differing world-views and do behave irrationally.
So, for example, in the link above Rod Dreher thinks that the actions of that Satanist group allow actual malevolent supernatural beings to increase their power on earth to harm godly humans.
The Satanic church claims that they just want to increase religious freedom and lobby for access to abortion.
The explanation given by the Satanists must be dismissed out of hand; that they are working to increase Satan's power is sufficient to demonstrate that they believe in Satan and want him to increase in earthly power.
So now Dreher has two questions that desperately need to be answered: Why do the Satanists want Satan's power to increase, and why do they feel the need to hide their real goals?
Nothing the Satanic church can say will possibly be sufficient to answer this, so Dreher is required to speculate and invent hidden motivations in order to be able to explain their actions while still attributing his world-view to them (Why it is so psychologically important to attribute his own world-view to them is its own whole thing I'm sure).
This process, this conflation of results with intentions, is to me one of the red flags that indicates you may be dealing with a crazy conspiracy theory rather than a real one, but it is certainly not sufficient to prove that's what you're dealing with.
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rudjedet · 2 years
Corn. Did the Egyptians have it? They seem to have had it. But people claim it only came from America.
No. The ancient Egyptians didn't have maize. I don't know what makes you think they "seem to have had it", but whatever it is, it's fooling you. Egypt did not have the right climate to grow maize. Maize is very susceptible to both drought and water logging; it needs a steady soil with enough rain fall to be able to grow. Ancient Egypt could not offer what maize needs, even if ancient Egyptians had known of the crop.
If we're going to be pedantic, which we all know I love to be, we can argue the Egyptians did have corn, i.e. in its broader definition of grain/cereal crop. Here, you can find the etymology of the word corn here. It was only very recently that the term "corn", in US English, narrowed to mean only maize. In countries that aren't the US, "corn" as a term is still used to refer to the main cereal crop of a region, whether that's barley, emmer, maize, or yet another one. Still. No maize.
As an aside, using the phrase "people claim it only came from America" is very particular to conspiracy theories (to be specific, the one where the Egyptians allegedly sailed to America). The phrase you want to use is "experts generally agree that maize was first domesticated by indigenous peoples in Mexico roughly 10,000 years ago, and spread to other territories millennia later, not actually leaving the continent until the 15th century A.D." Now I'm not accusing you of being a conspiracy theorist/anti-intellectualist, but it stood out enough to me that I'm not leaving it without commenting on it, so that other people who might come across this ask get wise to it.
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
What Is A Character?
This is not writing advice. This is a highly truncated version of a manifesto. I am correct. I have solved the mystery of a hundred Tumblr fights, thousand comic book forum threads lasting for three hundred pages. I'm just right.          
A while back somebody mentioned that I had a pretty unique take on Tim Drake, a comic book character with a thousand characterizations. I ended up talking a little bit about ‘how to write a comic book character’, and how amorphous the definition of a character really is. Or, really, how ill-defined the ontology of a 'characterization' is. After rereading a lot of Batman comics in preparation for The Batman movie, and this deeply unfortunate Moon Knight thing, I’d like to revisit it. I am speaking predominantly in terms of comic books, since they’re definitely the easiest example for this, but you could apply this whole bag to a lot of different situations (Star Wars is almost as bad as comics) and maybe characterization as a whole. Nobody asked for this, but this is my blog and opinions were made to be heard (this is 90% of my problem). I swear I will try to make this as short as possible while still arguing my point, but my point will need to be argued.
The central question is this: what is a true, real character? The conclusion I eventually reach in this essay is will sound like bullshit but you will understand that I am correct. Rest under the cut.
The absolute inherent nature of any media that lasts for a stupid long time, has a stupid amount of different creators and creative teams, and passes between different owners and mediums like hot potatoes, is that it will be contradictory. Even without the insane continuity issues of Star Wars, comic book writer Michael will outright retcon Henry’s backstory for Wonder Girl because Michael fucking hates Henry. James fucked Henry’s wife so Henry will write in a character that James created and then murder them gruesomely. Geoff Johns is there. All of this means that everybody, from the execs to the creators to the fan content creators to the fanbase, ultimately do have decide who Batman/Obi-Wan/Sherlock Holmes ‘really is’. This is important – it decides the future of a character.
 It’s not the origin story of the character. It’s not decided by who created the character (Otherwise everybody here would love Miles Morales for who Bendis wrote him as, instead of himself in ITSV – and they really don’t). I think the answer to this question is determined by consensus from every group I just listed. It’s what people, basically, agree on. Which means that a character’s true character is the character that everybody thinks they are.
Point One: The Power of the Disney
The first way this can be determined is, basically, by their most popular incarnation. I say Hawkeye and you think of Fraction/Aja Hawkeye. I say Tony Stark and you think MCU. I say Sherlock Holmes and you think of the book Holmes if you’re embittered by the BBC version and you live spitefully and you think the BBC version if you aren’t. I say Vic Sage as the Question and you think of the JLU version, which comes from the Denny O’Neil 1980s version, which has nothing to do with the character’s origins as a shitty objectivist mouthpiece. The Question, as a character, just is not a Randian, even if he was created that way. He’s a quirky conspiracy theorist. That’s who he is, because that’s the guy who pops into your head. You’d argue with me if I said he was a Randist. The people reading this who actually know the Question is are probably shocked by the Randist thing.
This can apply by transitive property too – I say Teen Titans and you think of the baller 2005 cartoon, right? That was based off the Wolfman/Perez 1980s TT. I wouldn’t call 2005 TT the ‘real’ TT, I’d call Wolfman/Perez the real TT – because it created the 2005 one, and was also hugely influential in creating a soapy teen drama comic book scene. It’s marked by influence. Nobody gave a shit about Thor before MCU Thor, so he’s Thor now – how influential was 1970s Journey into Mystery?
So the first idea is that the ‘real character’ of a comic character can change through runs or mass media becoming very prominent and making that characterization the most prominent in people’s minds. The second idea is that this change can happen more gradually through a cultural or reception-based shift.
Point Two: Drift Compatibility
Harley Quinn has changed a lot as a character from Batman: The Animated Series. She had a few interesting quirks, but she was really 100% a bad guy. I can put maybe the genesis of her more modern understanding in the Injustice comic, which presented basically a more interesting and intelligent and well-rounded feminist Harley. The fan reception was positive, the creators wrote that kind of Harley more and more, the fanbase reacted positively, the fanbase reacted negatively to Suicide Squad until she was rewritten into the BOP version, and through fan reception and gradual shift we get the #feminist we have today.
You can also say very much the same about Deadpool. I grew up on the 90s Deadpool and Deadpool & Cable, and the drift into the modern guy has actually been pretty insane for reasons too long to list here (he tortured Blind Al?). Reception to the Deadpool you’re thinking of was just better, and the Deadpool movie basically cemented that idea of Deadpool in popular consciousness.
Sometimes this change happens very suddenly, like with Fraction/Aja's Hawkeye, but sometimes it is a result of trial and error decided by fan reception and the zeitgeist of the times and the comic book tone. 90s Deadpool does not fit in '20s comics. BTAS Harley Quinn would receive some boos for being defined by her abusive boyfriend. These things change with culture, comic book fads & zeitgeists, and fans liking a character so much in one way that the creators wire them more and more that way.
So that’s the second idea: that the drift can happen within books through fan reception, and is eventually reflected in mass media and cements the personality until we cycle back into the first idea.
Point Three: The Inmates Run The Asylum
The third idea is a really logical extension of this: that the fandom and fanon version of the characters can grow to eclipse any characterization from 1) or 2), and that when this fan interpretation of a character becomes so rampant it becomes the new ‘consensus’ of the character. Batman can defeat anyone with enough prep time. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are unproblematic girlbosses. Spider-Gwen became so popular and such a big character solely through her pretty dope design that got super popular and went viral on the internet. If you cut out the middle man of the mass media and canon comics, then you have the fandom creations.
This drift is making its way into the mainstream. I won't talk here about fandomization of media, but the fanon characterizations and tropes are starting to enter Point #2 territory: that is, creators are realizing that the fandom plots and tropes are what people want, and they're creeping into the mainstream. The Webtoon Wayne Family Adventures is the greatest example of this, anywhere. That Webtoon is a million fanfics brought to life, and it's helping cement those fanfic dynamics and characterizations into 'the real Batfam' - to the point where the traditional comics Batfam is being dismissed as 'not real'.
Memes are intensely powerful, here! Every comic fan from around ten years ago knew the Squirrel Girl can defeat everybody meme. Now she has a comic and she’s pretty famous, through sheer memery. Sometimes a ‘true character’ can be derived solely from their meme status, if there is truly nothing better or nothing else to the character. Sometimes meme status can give them a book, which fleshes them out and makes a real character out of it. Virality is a huge force, and when a character goes viral then businesses jump on it and recreate what people liked about it as quickly as possible - and, sometimes, as influentially as possible.
Part Five: If You Agreed With My Other Points You Have To Admit That I Am Correct
 So, logically. When you ask the question ‘what’s Moon Knight’s real characterization before the MCU show, which is pretty clearly a huge deviation from the comics and his comic self?’...and if you are a Moon Knight fan I'm very sorry about this...you're valid, alla youse are valid...
You see that nobody really gives a shit about Moon Knight. He has never had an influential run. Barely anybody had heard of him before the show. Nobody can list a single thing about the guy. Nobody’s read a single Moon Knight comic. The only panel from Moon Knight that I’m willing to bet the vast majority of this website has seen, that everybody thinks is real, that is 100% of what they know about Moon Knight, is this joke meme panel. That is Photoshopped. (If you didn’t know it’s Photoshopped, now you do – the other joke Moon Knight Panels you’ve seen are also photoshopped). This is not a real image from the comics. However, taking into account everything else I've said...
Tumblr media
This meme Photoshop one panel image of Moon Knight is the definitive, true, actual comics Moon Knight goodbye everybody I’m right and nobody can change my mind.
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x12 - Crash Into Me
WELCOME TO CRASHCON — As the town prepares for CrashCon, Liz (Jeanine Mason) and Max (Nathan Dean) attempt to piece together who may be behind a potentially deadly plan targeting the festival.  Elsewhere, Maria (Heather Hemmens) and Isobel (Lily Cowles) take drastic measure to learn more about the night Mimi (guest star Sherri Saum) disappeared, while Michael (Michael Vlamis) is forced to do someone else’s bidding.
Max is secretly practicing with his powers.  Was Max's "light cardio" actually just him trying to strengthen his powers?
Max has a land line. Hee. Which Liz doesn't mind answering for him.
Liz is looking for a pen on his desk when she finds the empty vials of the antidote.  Max plays them off as being leftover from when he had amnesia.
Liz mentions that the phone call was Max's bank calling to verify a deposit for him. 
Max is choosing not to worry about Michael because he and Isobel can feel that he's not badly injured or in serious danger.
Liz called Dirk:
"He said before she left she was getting nonstop calls from a 575 number. The Sunset Mesa facility where Mimi DeLuca lives."
"Wait, Mimi was calling your mom before the abductions?...Mimi was always obsessed with alien movies. Maybe fiction and reality are blurring. Your mom is working with Flint Manes who spent years making an alien-killing weapon while at Caulfield. What if your mom found out Rosa was killed by an alien? She'd want revenge."
Note: Max and I apparently think alike, because this was my assumption going into the episode as well. For the sake of detailing and not making this confusing plotline any more confusing...Max and I were both wrong. 
Also, I love that they mentioned cell service issues during Crash Con.  That is extremely realistic and makes a ton of sense, speaking from experience at like, concerts and baseball playoff games and such.
Maria gets Liz's voicemail and immediately confronts Mimi.
"I just got a message from Liz. Mom...when you disappeared, it was Helena Ortecho that took you...You didn't have butyricol in your system when they found you. You know Liz's mom. You'd remember if you spent a month with her.  Mom, are you covering for Helena?"
"Everything is going to be fine."
"I'm not fine. Alex and Michael are missing."
"Helena is a lot of things, but she won't hurt your friends. I'm sure… (Isobel walks in) You're the blonde. The one that Rosa was afraid of."
"Hi Mimi...I'm your cool Aunt Isobel.  Hopefully we can get to know each other under better circumstances sometime. Sure about this DeLuca?"
"Desperate times call for desperate alien invasions."
Isobel's first trip into Mimi's mindscape:
"Show me what happened the night you disappeared, Mimi."
Mimi turns to see headlights approaching. It's the hunting van. Helena is driving it. After they greet each other they talk in the van.
"I saw her. I saw her in a vision.
"I didn't believe you. I had to see it with my own eyes."
"You saw her.  You saw Rosa."
Flashback to Liz and Rosa arguing over Rosa's necklace in 2x01.  Just as a note, Isobel is in Mimi's head, not Helena's, so she shouldn't really be able to see this flashback since Mimi wasn't there when Helena saw Rosa.
"This is a good thing, Helena. Your daughter is alive. She needs you."
"When Jim Valenti was dying, I came home to say goodbye. He kept saying Rosa could live again, that she was preserved."
"But you didn't believe him. No one ever believes us."
"If Rosa is alive, it means Jim was telling the truth. Which means everything else he said could be true, like aliens are real and Jesse Manes has a weapon that can kill them. It means I have to go to war, Mimi. First, you need some shoes."
Then Mimi somehow kicks Isobel out of her memories, which gives Isobel a nosebleed. But Mimi doesn't seem to know what happened.  It's almost like she has a kind of subconscious protection on her own mind, somehow.
Note: the hunting van must not be Flint's, because Helena is driving it when she first considers teaming up with Flint, I assume based on the above.  Maybe she was the suspicious figure in Flint's house when Max and Kyle were hiding in the closet? And what about the car that Rosa blew up? Did she have access to multiple vehicles? Am I overthinking this?? Haha.
Kyle's tip to Max:
"I found this at Flint's, but it's from a florist my dad used when he was in the doghouse with my mom. I finally guessed the password today. Rosa's birthday. The only thing on it is a note my dad wrote to Helena. It's a lot of romantic crap followed by details for a storage unit he had up near Haystack Mountain."
Haystack Mountain is an off-road vehicle recreation area about 30 miles northeast of Roswell.
Michael working on the "bomb". Charlie is working on the toxin nearby and Helena is keeping an eye on both of them.
"This entire process would be more efficient if I could attach the release chamber to the other side."
"Ay, mijo. Now is not the time to get creative. Time is running out. Follow the blueprints exactly."
"You don't look like an obedient soldier. Who'd she take to force you to do her bidding?"
"A friend. It's complicated. Why are you helping her? Jenna's free."
"Flint Manes has a sniper rifle on the roof pointed at her bedroom window. If I step out of line and something happens…"
"You'll never forgive yourself."
"I'll never forgive myself anyway. Helena has me formulating a pathogen that I invented when I was 17.  It's a poison that dismantles specific DNA. If targeted your death is quick and ugly. A bleeding from every orifice kind of deal… I thought that I was saving people. Okay, imagine a weapon that you could drop into a populated city and the only people targeted would be al-Qaeda leaders and their direct descendants. Okay? In the right hands my weapon could prevent innocent civilian casualties and save our troops."
"I'm guessing these are not the right hands? Why am I building the bomb when the inventor is under Helena's thumb?"
"I do chemicals, not mechanics. And technically it's not a bomb. It's a catalytic toxin atomizer that was developed in a top secret operation involving weapons specialists from both the Army and the Air Force."
"Project Shepherd. One more question for you, Charlie. Whose DNA is that poison you're making gonna target?"
"Judging from conversations I've heard between Helena and Flint, it's alien DNA. Like, literal aliens."
This is actually the part of this story that's crystal clear to me. We've been getting tidbits on this dating back to 1x12, when Flint told Alex about his "smart bomb".  Jesse told Jenna in 2x04 about Charlie's toxin that could pinpoint specific DNA, and even used a similar metaphor in explaining it as Charlie did in this episode. The part that doesn't make sense to me is, why did FLINT need Michael to build it, if he developed the blueprints?
Liz and Rosa in the lab discussing Max taking the antidote.
"He's only supposed to take a drop when he has amnesia. It's not vitamin C. In high doses it could cause surges of adrenaline that could be dangerous."
"No offense, but you sound like a mom. Like a real mom, the kind who actually give a duck. Oh I just figured out what autocorrect is. It's hilarious."
"Speaking of moms, ours hasn't reached out to any of your old dealers and she hasn't shown up at any of the churches in town, so you got any other ideas?"
"It's CrashCon. We usually find her wearing the loudest t-shirts and flirting with the richest nerds."
"Yeah, but Flint and Jesse Manes hate aliens. I mean it's literally their only hobby. If she's with them, I'm betting she's lost her affection for the simple charms of UFO novelty kitch."
"Wait, if you were going to get revenge on aliens, CrashCon is the perfect place. There's all kinds of conspiracy theorists and press. You know how mom loves attention."
"You think something's gonna happen tonight?" 
"Papi is there by himself setting up. I think he should come home."
Note: my phone autocorrected duck to fuck. So I guess that tells you something about me. 😳
Also I just realized that for once ROSA and not Liz is the one who put the pieces together! Good for her. I wonder if that's purposeful since she's the daughter who is more like their mom? Like, she understands Helena's motivations better than Liz or something.
Steph and her father are going to CrashCon together. Kyle helps her with her makeup. Super sweet, but rather pointless since the scenes of Steph at CrashCon were cut. Mostly just including this here as a reminder that she's there in case it comes up in the finale.
Max and Cam, who got her job back!
"Thanks for the assist. I'm guessing that guard wouldn't let me through with bolt cutters unless I had an officer of the law present."
"Oh well, don't be jealous, Evans. Valenti has me on desk duty. So this little adventure is my lunch break."
"Valenti did the right thing, giving you your job back."
"Yeah well, you know, apparently some local bartender gave her reason to doubt the events the night of the gala were my fault. So I owe you."
"I've lost track of who owes who what at this point."
They break into the storage unit. It's empty except for an empty shelving unit, a locked chest, and a puddle of purple alien goo.
"What is that?"
"It looks like embryonic fluid. There must have been a pod in here."
Note: no, Max! Pod Goo evaporates upon contact with Earth's atmosphere/air. So it's not pod goo.
There isn't a super clear shot of inside the chest, but Max pulls out a love letter from Helena to Jim Valenti. I can transcribe it if you want me to. It's pretty easy to read and frankly, there's nothing important there. My heart is forever yours...it feels good to actually love and be loved in return...blah blah cheesy platitudes.
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But seriously. Just send me an ask if you need me to transcribe it.  But I'm gonna skip for now.
Isobel is chugging acetone straight from the bottle in the middle of the Pony.
Isobel's second trip into Mimi's mindscape:
"Mimi. I know you think you're doing the right thing, but Helena is holding people hostage. We have to understand her motive."
"You all think I'm losing my mind. But I just...slip out of my time and into a different one every once in a while. Sometimes Maria's. Or Mama's. Other women in our future or past. I saw you when you were a baby. The sky was red."
"What can you tell me about your time with Helena? She had you for a month."
"We were in a motel. We watched movies. We laughed and gossiped. She wanted to trigger my visions...gather information."
"What information? What did you tell her? What did you see?"
"What's important is Helena will take care of our girls. I'm not afraid. That's enough."
Mimi kicks her out again.
"I tried.  She's fading."
"She's tired. It's harder when she's tired. Come on, Mom. I'm gonna take you back to Sunset Mesa."
"Maria, you just have to look for the signs in the water. You have to believe. Go on, you'd better hurry."
"Hurry where?"
"CrashCon closing night! You don't want to miss the fireworks. You always loved the fireworks."
Max and Cam going through the chest of letters back at Max's house:
"Okay, all these notes are from Helena to Jim Valenti. This is from the week Rosa died. I mean even 20 years after their affair she's still writing and he's still saving her letters."
"Pining after an Ortecho for years and years. It's so weird. Who does that. This is a receipt. It's a money transfer he made around the same time. He paid Daniel Fuller a thousand bucks."
"Fuller was the county coroner. Okay we still don't know how Noah got Rosa's body into the pod, right? But Jim had Project Shepherd connections to the morgue. So maybe if Noah knew about Jim and knew that he'd be grieving Rosa, he could have told him where to find the pod, right, and maybe he didn't even take the pod back until after Jim died."
"I mean, this is all a bunch of conjecture."
"Jim pulled me aside at high school graduation, he said I was the kind of guy the sheriff's department could use. Look, I mean maybe… I mean, he never let on, but maybe he knew I was an alien, right? Maybe he knew more than that."
"Okay, Evans? Breathe. You're looking a little clammy. What's going on?"
"No. See, something's going on, and you're gonna tell me or I'm out, I swear to God."
"Okay you can't tell anyone."
"You know I won't."
"Okay, I've been taking this antidote that Liz made. No...she doesn't know. But its rebuilding some of my memories from before the 1947 crash, right? I was just a little kid, but I had a destiny. I had responsibilities."
"Right, you're the savior."
"Yes! Well, maybe. But I was starting to remember these symbols from our old language, right? I remember what they mean, but it's like the meaning is just out of reach. And I'm out of the antidote. And you know, Liz is getting suspicious. So…"
"I didn't say anything."
"Really? Can you tell that to your face? I am not using my friendship with your girlfriend to steal alien steroids for you. Okay? Our partnership has limits."
Michael and Helena:
"It's done. So now what? You inject my spine with your mind-eraser?"
"We only used the butyricol on Jenna Cameron because there was still work to be done. And Flint was afraid she'd ruin it for us. You told Flint Charlie was creating a toxin that would kill aliens. But if you wanted aliens dead, you'd be testing it on me right now. 'Cause that's what I would do if I was a criminal mastermind."
"I needed Flint for the schematics and the muscle. Our agendas didn't need to align perfectly."
"You don't have to do this. If you kill anyone tonight, Liz and Rosa will never look at you the same."
"That ship has sailed. Besides, I'm not killing anyone. If disaster never strikes, justice won't be served. Do you want to see Alex or not?"
Liz tries to get Arturo to go back to the Crashdown.  She tells him that the kitchen is backed up because it's so busy.  The interesting part of this exchange from a character perspective though:
"Papi, please. I have a bad vibe, all right? A gut feeling I can't shake."
Diego walks up.
"Who are you? Elizabeth Ortecho doesn't do feelings. She believes in facts and evidence."
"No, I do feelings now.  I've evolved."
Alex is chained up in the house.  There's a takeout box and coffee cup next to him. He's humming a song under his breath. Michael walks in and they talk.
"Guerin, you were right. They used me to get to you. My dad hit me over the head and then he swiped the piece of the console. And then Flint showed up with a gun to my head."
"Did anyone hurt you?"
"Nothing I can't handle. Helena's been weirdly motherly. She's bringing me clothes and meals."
"Your leg."
"Yeah they took the prosthetic. I tried to bludgeon my brother with it. Come on, use your powers. Get me out of this."
"Helena dosed me with something. I'm basically human until it wears off."
"Okay then find something that'll break the cuff or my wrist. I don't care."
"Alex, tonight at CrashCon, your dad plans to release a toxin that kills anyone with alien DNA...Helena made Charlie and I build an identical device, but one that targets a different DNA. She somehow got her hands on your dad's cells. She knows your dad killed Kyle's dad. She wants revenge.  But she wants him to take himself out. When he pulls the trigger on us tonight your dad's gonna die because of a device I built."
"No, that is not on you, okay? Now let me out of here."
"I can't. The atomizer will kill anyone in your dad's direct line. You are safer here."
"Are you serious?"
"And I gotta go. I'm gonna come back for you."
While Michael explains to Alex, we get a flashback to Helena in her totally fake blonde wig at the hospital in 2x02.
Helena disguises herself as Jesse's maid using her totally fake blonde wig and switches out the bombs while Jesse is in the shower.
The @ladiesofrnm have their first scene all together! (With Max...and eventually Michael…) reading through Helena's letters together. Michael makes quite an entrance. Afterwards:
"You're such an idiot! You don't comply with a kidnapper's ransom demands. Without telling me."
"Alex was in trouble. He had to go."
"Mikey, where are Alex and Charley?"
"They're safe. Your mom doesn't want to hurt them."
"Look I don't get it. Does she want to kill aliens?"
"No. She's avenging her murdered lover."
Back to the house where Helena talks to Charlie:
"This atomizer contains the poison that kills anyone with alien DNA. I need you to destroy it."
"Does Flint know that you have it?"
"Flint. Jesse really broke that boy. Some people were never meant to be parents. You can go when you're done.  The door's unlocked. Flint's rifle shoots blanks."
"What's to stop me from leaving now?"
"The knowledge that that deadly device only exists because of you. You decide. I'm off to CrashCon. I hear there will be quite a show."
Note, when Helena says Flint's name she says a word in Spanish that I can't make out and isn't in the closed captions.
Max and Liz's conversation about racism and privilege:
"I want to help. Your mom's not the villain here. All right? She's going about this all wrong, yes. But Manes is already a murderer. I mean, if he'd succeeded today…"
"I know...I could have lost almost everyone I care about in a moment. I remember every day what it was like to lose you and Rosa. I don't think I could survive that again. She could've built a decoy bomb that wouldn't have hurt anyone."
"He'd just get angry and do it again."
"Yeah, but he's not the only one that this would hurt. I mean, the headlines if she gets caught? Illegal Mexican Immigrant Slaughters Decorated American Vet via Bioweapon. People will line up to lay bricks at the border wall. But hey, maybe the president will talk about my family at his rallies. That's gonna be fun."
"That's not gonna happen. This will get covered up like every other strange death in this town."
"In case you haven't noticed those cover-ups don't tend to protect the Mexicans. Even when…"
"Even when Rosa died. You can say it, Liz. It's okay. It's fair. Rosa got blamed. White people didn't. Okay? I get it."
"I know you're on my side, but you don't get this. And that's not your fault, that's just the reality of our experiences. If I mess up. If I so much as roll through a stop sign, it reflects badly on any Mexican who came before me. And it hurts any Mexican who comes after me. I used to think that nothing would ever change that, but lately I think...maybe if something extraordinary happened it could."
"Extraordinary? Like what you're doing in your lab?"
"I've discovered something that could be the key to curing people who have no hope otherwise. I can't walk away."
"So you're gonna turn my family's stem cells into the hottest commodity?"
"No, I won't. I...we'll find a way to synthesize it or replicate it."
"Is this about the people you're trying to save or about becoming the poster girl for immigrants everywhere? You want the president to talk about your family because of you. Because you saved the world."
"If those in power see what happens when people are given opportunity…"
"You want the glory."
"I want recognition. I want to be the example I never had. And people who want glory, they're just in it for selfish reasons. People like Jesse Manes want the glory. He wants to be a big American hero. He wants the parades, he wants the medals. If he sets off his alien atomizer at CrashCon, a handful of twenty-something's will die of some mysterious ailment and it's barely gonna make the news. That's not what he wants. We're missing part of his plan."
"First, something violent. Large-scale that'll draw media attention. And then, once all eyes are in Roswell…"
"He'll blame the violence on the aliens. He only gets his parade if he makes people afraid and then he destroys the thing that they fear. If he makes people think that you're terrorists before he kills you."
Graham Green's reveal at CrashCon.  Graham is announced and takes the stage as Max, Liz, and Rosa arrive to find Michael, Isobel, and Maria nearby.
"Hey, you guys shouldn't be here."
"I was held hostage, Max. I deserve to ride the Sizzler until I barf cotton candy, and maybe watch a bad man die."
"You guys, we think that…"
Graham Green starts his presentation.
"Hello loyal fans and devoted supporters! You patience is about to be rewarded. Today I am thrilled, nay, honored to show you the result of years or painstaking work. The moment we've all been waiting for. Irrefutable extraterrestrial proof! A bona fide alien artifact!"
Graham pulls the curtain and reveals what appears to be something similar to Michael's console, only it is complete and intact.
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Flint brings Alex food and they discuss Flint's motives:
"If you're doing this to impress dad, it is never gonna work."
"I'm not trying to impress dad. His shutdown of Project Shepherd was an inform decision, but he's trained me my entire life to take it on.
Flint goes to leave but Alex stops him.
"Do you remember when mom used to drive us to the res, and you would sit at the loom with Granddad? Weaving stories. When was the last time you made something, Flint? Anything that wasn't built to destroy?" 
"Around the time that mom decided that to leave dad, she had to leave us."
"She didn't know what he would do to us."
"He didn't do anything to us. Me and Clay are fine. He'll, even Gregory is coming to see dad today."
"...You are wrong. We are all dad's victims. Sure, he beat me up, but what he put the rest of you through was abuse too. He made you watch while he kicked my ass… He scared you into thinking that there was only one type of man that you could become."
Alex manages to knock Flint out, steal the key to his handcuffs, and free himself.
"You're so pathetic. You don't know me at all. This has nothing to do with dad and everything to do with our history. Aliens are a foreign threat. They're invaders."
Back to CrashCon, where the gang discuss the alien object:
"Alex's piece must have been the last one that Manes needed to finish building it. Where's he been keeping the rest of this?"
Sanders appears out of nowhere.
"Kid, I seen that thing before. Your mother built that back in the old barn. I don't know what it is, but it is definitely explosive. I always wondered what'd happened to the pieces."
"Maybe Harlan or Tripp Manes gathered them up. Rebuilt it."
"Yeah but if Manes is gonna use that to blow up CrashCon, it's gonna make Graham Green look like the bad guy. No one's gonna think an alien planted it."
"Unless they follow the money. I got an alert from my bank this morning. A $10,000 deposit had cleared."
"You think Manes set it up so that the investigation would lead to you?"
"If I become the world's first alien terrorist and he takes me out, the world cheers."
"Guys, you need to do whatever you can to get as many people out of here as possible, okay? Get help."
"Hey, where are you going?"
"Michael and I have studied this material before. It's part tech, but it's also part organic. And if it's part organic, that means it can be killed. I gotta get back to my lab."
Diego sees Max toss Liz his keys.
Max and Michael sneak backstage and convince Graham Green to let them have a moment with the alien ship thingie. Max takes photos of it with his phone.
"Do you think we can destroy it?"
"No. The pieces want to be together and now that it's complete if we break the bonds with brute force we risk a violent reaction."
Max hears voices whispering and reaches out to touch the alien tech. The alien symbol forms under his hand and he pressed it.  There's a surge from the tech and it almost appears like Max is absorbing something from it. The voices get a little louder. When he breaks the connection it almost seems like it takes effort and he seems stunned.
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"What the hell just happened to you?"
"Nothing. I think this is a remote. I think this controls a ship."
"It's a what?"
Gif by @maxortecho
Note, the way Max laughs when he says nothing is oddly similar to how he responded to Cam when she called him out on his weird behavior from the antidote. Like he's hiding something or brushing off the worry or something. 
Sanders interrupts before Max can respond. Points out that the top of the stage is varnished which is highly flammable. 
"Wait, if this is fresh varnish, this whole platform is set up like a tinderbox."
"There's gonna be fireworks tonight."
"One spark'll light a fire. I mean, this whole thing, the whole platform will go up."
"If this giant remote goes kaboom aliens will be framed as terrorists. You have to get out of here."
"What? No. I'm not going anywhere."
"Max you are all sorts of worked up right now. What happens when you're worked up?"
"Sparks fly. Right, okay. Yeah. I'll go."
Before Max leaves he spots something on one of the display boards that makes him pause. He grabs it before leaving.
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Charlie is working on her chemicals in the makeshift lab when Flint sneaks up on her and puts a gun to her head, demanding that she gives him the atomizer.
Maria and Rosa hurry through CrashCon discussing each other's alien biology and Mimi's vision. They spot Gregory Manes and decide to try to get him to leave since the Manes bomb would kill him. He has 12 kids with them so they suggest that he take them to the Crashdown for free milkshakes. He recognizes Rosa, but they tell him she's Rosa's cousin. 
Liz works in the lab while blasting Alanis Morissettte - great call back to last year when she told Michael that Alanis helped her channel Rosa's creativity. She says to herself:
"Destroy the organic cell membrane. Disable the nanotech." 
She mixes some chemicals which react and explode her flask and start a fire. Really don't know if that's supposed to represent success or not. 
Flint and Helena talk at CrashCon. She is surprised to see him.  He tells her that he cleaned up the mess at the house. 
We flash back to the house which is on fire.  Charlie is chained up and trapped.
Liz hurries from the lab and doesn't realize that Diego followed her there.  He sneaks his way into the building while Liz rushes for the car.
Speaking of cars...they're in the middle of nowhere. Where's Diego's car? I had the same thought last week when Max and Kyle were searching Flint's house and they almost got caught. Whoever pulled up in the hunting van should have seen their car!
Maria and Rosa are helping get the kids loaded onto a bus when Rosa points out Pisces to Maria. Call back to 1x03 when Maria tells Liz that she and Rosa used to compete to see which one of them could spot the constellation first. It gives Maria an epiphany. Pisces is "the water sign" which was one of Mimi's clues from her vision.  Maria goes to follow the sign. She runs into Max who tries to get her to safety. They spot Flint Manes carrying the atomizer. Max tells Maria to get out of there and hurries after Flint. He tries to sneak up on Flint, but Flint is able to disarm him and beat him up. Flint sets the atomizer to go off in two minutes and then throws it like a Hail Mary into the crowd. Max chases after Flint while Maria goes after the atomizer. She pushes through the crowd and spots another clue from Mimi's vision - a poster of aliens asking "Do you believe?" The atomizer is sitting below it. Maria grabs the atomizer and takes off running with it. Cam spots Maria and follows. 
Flint beats Max up again and then pulls a gun and threatens to shoot Max. Max disarms him and is holding the gun to Flint now. He laughs and asks Max if he's really going to shoot a soldier. Tells him that he already pulled the trigger to kill Max by setting off the atomizer. Max tosses the gun aside, and uses his powers instead to kill Flint,
Michael and Isobel are trying to keep the stage from catching fire, but then the fireworks start going off into the wind (which blows the embers towards the fair). The hay bales easily catch on fire. Isobel used her powers to hold back the flames.  She can feel that something is wrong with Max and send Michael to find him. 
Instead Michael finds Jesse and Alex. Their exchange: 
"You know, I actually started to believe that you had changed."
"You never could tell friend from foe. I actually counted on it."
"Hey I know exactly who you are. You were gonna let all of these people die and you were gonna let the aliens take the blame."
"It's high time they got blamed for something, I think. I'm gonna drag them from the shadows."
"Yeah and then what? You're gonna use the atomizer to kill them all? Then you become some hero by destroying the enemy that you created?"
"American children are gonna read about the events of tonight in their history books... And don't worry about collateral damage, son. That's just an unfortunate aspect of war. You know that better than anyone, Alex."
"You're gonna become your own collateral damage if that thing goes off. Helena Ortecho switched the devices. That's not gonna kill aliens.  That is set to destroy your DNA. If it goes off, you are going to die in a puddle of your own blood."
"What are you doing? Are you bluffing to protect the aliens?"
"What I'm doing is I'm trying to protect our family. Dad, if that goes off it kills all of your direct descendants. Flint and Greg are somewhere in here. And I don't care how much I disgust you, I am still your son!"
Greg runs up looking for help responding to the fire. He spots the atomizer and immediately recognizes it as a weapon. Alex tries to get him to leave. Michael runs up and Jesse pulls his gun on him. Greg steps between Michael and the gun to protect Michael for Alex.
Maria throws the atomizer off into the desert and immediately begins bleeding. Thankfully Cam is there to try to help.
Max kills Flint which in turn gives him another heart attack. Liz arrives as he's collapsing and starts CPR. Rosa runs up and tries to get Liz to let her step in to help Max so that Liz can stop the alien device from exploding… And cliffhanger.
1.  Valley Queen "Chasing The Muse"
2.  The HawtThorns "Give Me A Sign"
3.  Everclear "Everything To Everyone"
4.  Alanis Morissette "All I Really Want"
5.  Gary Numan "I Am Dust"
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gehayi · 5 years
Where is there a good amount of sources for all the things Trump made go downhill? I'm arguing with my parents who are supporters of him and they're kinda threatening me now?
Here is a list of 546 things he has done that are despicable. All sourced and linked. Only goes up to October 2018, though.
Trump’s Worst Greatest Hits of 2018
Among other things:
1) Trump said he's considering ending birthright citizenship in the U.S.  by executive order. No, he doesn’t know that the Constitution guarantees birthright citizenship, and he doesn’t care. (Reuters) 
2) The Trump administration will terminate the 20-day cap for detaining migrant children and allow the government to indefinitely detain migrant families who cross the border illegally. (ABC News / Washington Post / Wall Street Journal / NBC News / New York Times)
3) Trump accused Jewish Democrats of "show[ing] either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty," repeating an anti-Semitic trope that Jews have a "dual loyalty" and are more devoted to Israel than they are to their own countries. Trump's comments came in response to a question about Rep. Ilhan Omar's suggestion that the U.S. should reconsider how much foreign aid it pays to Israel. Trump also tweet-quoted a conservative radio host and known conspiracy theorist, who praised Trump as "the greatest President for Jews," that Israelis "love him like he is the second coming of God," and that Trump is "the King of Israel." (NBC News / New York Times / Associated Press / Washington Post / The Guardian)
4) The federal budget deficit is growing faster than expected and the Congressional Budget Office forecasts the deficit will expand by about $800 billion more than previously expected over 10 years. The U.S. was already expected to hit about $1 trillion in annual deficits next year, but the shortfall will expand by $1.9 trillion in new spending over the next decade because of a budget deal to avoid the spending cliff and an emergency spending package for the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. It would be the first time the deficit exceeded the $1 trillion mark since 2012, when the economy was recovering from the financial crisis. By 2029, the national debt will reach its highest level as a share of the economy since the end of World War II. (Bloomberg / Wall Street Journal / Washington Post / New York Times)
5) Trump cancelled his trip to Denmark because the Danish prime minister would not sell him Greenland and had "no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland." Trump accused Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen of making "nasty" comments and that "she blew me off" and made "not a nice statement" about his interest in purchasing Greenland. Frederiksen called Trump's idea of selling Greenland "absurd." (NPR / BBC / New York Times / New York Times / NBC News / NBC News /Washington Post / Washington Post)
6) Trump falsely claimed that he has the authority to make decisions about which TV networks can host the presidential debates during the general election. While complaining that Democrats had barred Fox News from hosting or televising the 2020 Democratic primary debates, Trump warned that he could do the same to Fox News in the general election if the polls about his reelection chances coming out of the network don't change for the better. "My worst polls have always been from Fox," Trump said. "And I think Fox is making a big mistake, because, you know, I'm the one that calls the shots on that — on the really big debates." (Politico)
The man is dangerous and deranged and needs to be ousted for the good of the country and the world.
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