#no need to put them under a microscope
fablesaesops · 2 months
i am BEGGING for someone to compile like a list of thoschei content so it's easier to get the Lore TM without having to wade through thousands of hours of content with minimal organization. what I wouldn't give for just a list era by era of what episodes to watch and where to find them
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
the way that forever could've had a chance with phil if he wasnt so stuck up with brunim..and the fact that today forever mentioned stuff that he loved about phil, not brunim but phil himself... and even then phil just kept reminding him that he wont correspond to him cuz forever only likes him cuz he looks like brunim
and yeah! he's right! its shitty that someone you care about only seems to be interested in you by your looks, i dont blame phil for holding that against him. but it feels like phil keeps reminding himself that he cant correspond forever's feelings cuz he knows they're not genuine
and the thing is, some of them are genuine, if you move forever's weird relationship out of the day (and its not me being delusional rn,, probably a little) he does have actual feelings for phil himself, hell we've seen him multiple times actually praise phil, or going out his way to admire phil for his little quirks or protectiveness
but then the brunim thing always comes back, its always a lingering thing in their relationsip that stops phil from getting too close to forever, he needs to build that wall cuz he knows he wont get genuine love out of that relationship. and while for some it might be true, there was sojme genuine love from forever slipping out, but phil will always dismiss it cuz he built up that wall already
and he kept repeating it when forever was in that chair, not only to make sure forever understood but also to keep reminding himself that he cant let that happen
anyway philever is dead when i say this dead im holding on this duo on a lifeline
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cherry-soda-molars · 6 months
Tag yourself! Im the one on the right eating stale gingerbread :D
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
so what exactly is that original story of yours about? your writing is really good, so I wanna see what you had in mind
American Western style cowboys-and-bandits RPG! The story follows a young sheriff—daughter of the doting mayor of a newly settled town—and the group of masked bandits wreaking havoc via time-space manipulation
I only have the bandits' leader's design settled (which is an older oc design i repurposed for the story) so everyone else is extremely loose, but I'd like to make it all very colorful and cartoon-y by making the character designs styled after sweets/sugar/candy. that should give me a fair bit of artistic liberty, as well as some fun worldbuilding ideas
mostly i just love time travel stories and games that ask you to mess around with their own files, and i think those two aspects would work insanely well together. it's gonna be a headache to figure out how to do it, from a technical/programming perspective, but it would be uhhh very cool and I'd love to be the one to do that. smiles.
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chlorophyll-tints · 1 month
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hate these freaks
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mettywiththenotes · 3 months
Bakugou and Tomura both telling Izuku to stay back... the parallels just keep coming
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yeahimcal · 1 year
More Cyberflower/Flowerbyte!!!!!! They make me so crazy I love them I made a playlist and everything
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Anyways sorry for being crazy about them I have so many thoughts and nowhere to put them
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gi-nathlam-hi · 1 year
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silvergifting sketch i guess 
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Not to WDR Sherlock Holmes on main but I do think it's incredibly cute that multiple times upon people pointing out the Watson in the room that Holmes goes "don't worry, you're basically talking to one person :)"
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neuxue · 10 months
the 无限流 / Unlimited Flow genre really is the epitome of ‘I am putting these guys in Situations’ huh
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sebek-zigbolt · 1 year
Do you ever think how Sebek is 16. And how Malleus and Lilia have said that 16 is the age of a newborn (fae). But Sebek looks like hes (more than, honestly) 16 in human years. So it's not hard to asume that he inherited the human lifespan, which makes his disdain of humans and his dad more explainable, and mostly about hating his own weaknesses. So Silver AND Sebek have to suffer :) Lilia and Malleus will outlive them. Sebek's mom and even grandpa will outlive them. And what impact they had on the lives of the people they love most, amounts timewise to the same as a dog to a human if not less.
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ok so tmagp is cool and all, but y'know what, they should have just made tma 2 The Michael Archives instead, in which all your favorite Michaels from hit podcast tma are put into a box together and we watch how they get along with eachother
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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Good day, it’s been a while, I am thinking about Tang Sanzang
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melonkittii · 1 year
montrose pretty
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yj-98 · 8 months
watching house md for the first time since i was single-digits old to reexamine whatever the fuck house and wilson have going on
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