#ninjago the omega
nyaskitten · 2 years
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SIGH take this boredom screencap redraw of the Omega lmao
You can rb if you want, idrc, not in the mood to care tbh
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Yo um
What weapons would an Oni use?
I mean, the Omega uses a staff, and in the sets he uses black katanas.
But what about other Oni?
Asking for an OC :)
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i-m-art-ix · 26 days
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If you're friends with me, you have to listen to me talking about nothing but this
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zerothesonic · 7 months
They’re found family, your honor
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rayden-thefirst · 4 days
got my list of my favorite charecters from most of the stuff I like (there's a bunch I didn't manage to fit onto here)
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if you don't fuck with at least one the franchises these charecters are from then GET THE FUCK OU-just kidding you can stay no matter what you like even if you don't like anyone from here :)
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 2 months
A bit more of a silly question but do you have any ideas or hc for the fsm's name? He definitely wasn't always called the fsm, especially since that is a title and not a name but I'm def curious if you have any name ideas that you would give him
I've battered the idea around, but a) I genuinely feel like I can't come up with a name that would suit him perfectly and b) while naming him would definitely humanize him more, it would also take away from some of that larger-than-life status he has that makes him so uniquely fascinating to begin with!
But, who knows, maybe DR will give him a name, since he still seems to be haunting the narrative even now *-*
. . .
Lloyd: Soooooo......did Grandpa ever actually have a name, or–
Mystake: Well of course he did! He went by the name of — *LOUD CAR HONK* —truly a wonderful name, but, everyone called him The First Spinjitzu Master.
Lloyd: e-e
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thegrimcroissant · 9 months
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Something cursed I made a while ago skdjjsjdjdj
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goldleaf-blog · 4 months
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Drawing some Ninjago Villains
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thecatundertheladder · 2 months
FSM during march of the oni, how they feelin'?
Eeeeeee I'm so glad you asked because the thoughts I have had about this.
First of all some (potentially unnecessary) background info.
1. So Mystake is one of The Oni Warlords. This is canon. What isn’t canon is which one. While I haven’t fully decided on which one she’s going to be I’m leaning towards Venge because of a whole backstory and character arc that I haven’t written yet. But it’s not overly important right now.
2. Mystake and the Fsm have a parent-child relationship in this au. Mystake is also one of the people he learnt to fight properly from.
3. In this au the Oni Warlords are gods. But unlike Fsm, who simply can't die, they can be killed. However their deaths aren't permanent, and they always find a way to return, whether its by healing their own bodies, or by simply constructing new ones. Though depending on who kills them it might take longer to come back.
4. Because Mystake is a Warlord herself, it the other two they took around a thousand [the time may change] or so years for them to come back after she killed them. As a result, there was enough time between the Warlords leaving to chase the Fsm across The Sixteen Realms, and all three returning to the First Realm, that The Omega had time to rise to power. However, they were no where near as as powerful or beloved as the three Warlords were, so it didn't take long for them to be overthrown again, and The Warlords restored to power. The Warlords, along with the Fsm, ended the war between the Dragon and the Oni.
But The Omega had already gained a following of Oni who either did not want the war to end, or were outraged at The Omega being overthrown. So they bided their time, waiting for the perfect moment to get revenge on The warlords beloved half-breed. This revenge, of course, involved invading Ninjago. The reason there is such a large gap in-between the ending of the war [while I haven't got an exact timeline yet, I'm thinking it ended a few thousand years before Garmadon was born] is because they were waiting for a) the Fsm to be out of Ninjago and/or distracted (the Overlord's return fits this category nicely) and b) for a natural pathway to open between the First Realm and Ninjago (like the one in the Wailing Alps.)
5. Garmadon never died, and Mystake never died either (not that is would have been permanent if she had).
6. Wu and Garmadon lost their powers when Garmadon got banished to the underworld (this is also what caused the rapid aging). Since the Overlord's second defeat, they've slowly been coming back. But during March of the Oni they are on the same power level as a regular elemental master, otherwise the probably could've have taken out The Omega's army themselves.
So as of March of the Oni, the ninja are all fully aware of both Fsm being alive, and Mystake being an Oni Warlord. However, when the Oni attack, both of them are taking a vacation in another realm, so Ninjago City is still covered in darkness.
At this point Wu and Garmadon have switched to their true forms but with their powers being weakened, it only helps a bit. They are also trying desperately to contact either their father or Mystake through either prayer or magic. However, they don't succeed until they've already been barricaded in the monastery.
When the Fsm hears his children screaming in his head for help, he is understandably worried, it's not often that their kids are in true peril after all. When they finally manage to get the story out of their kids, they are furious in a way they haven't been in thousands of years. They quickly explain the situation to Mystake, who is (almost) as livid as Fsm, before teleporting them them to the monastery.
(They cause a lot of commotion once they get to the monastery. The civilians who had sheltered had not expected two massive beings to randomly appear in there midst. Especially since one looks similar to the beings they just escaped, and the other resembles the children of God. So it's up to the ninja to calm them down. Unfortunately telling them that the First Spinjitzu Master himself has arrived has the opposite effect, but at least they're less scared now.)
Upon arrival Fsm is momentarily thrown off by the civilians in the monastery, but they have spent their entire life being noticed and stared at, so the awe and fear that the civilians express doesn't bother him.
Fsm quickly transforms their clothes into proper armour (think crystalized style) and launches themself over the monastery walls and into the battle (Mystake doesn't follow him, she knows better than to get in the way of her child when he is on a warpath). Fsm proceeds to absolutely thrash The Omega and their army; burning them, freezing them, and throwing them off of the mountain. He makes the Oni regret ever conceiving this idea. The Fsm pays special attention to The Omega, and rips out their heart with their bare claws, because how dare The Omega think that they can just take his home, his family from him. They will pay for this in the life and blood, and no being in the sixteen realms can help them now. He will wipe them from the face of Ninjago.
And for the first time, The omega truly realises that just because the First Spinjitzu Master put an end to the war, it does not mean that they are a pacifist. It does not mean that they cannot rage with all the fury and savageness of a full-blooded Oni. They are balance incarnate, this does not make them good, and it's The Omegas fault for assuming that they were.
And so the Oni are banished and destroyed by the god of the land they sought to conquer. When the fighting stops, Garmadon creaks open the monastery gates to look outside. Fsm is covered in the Oni's blood, looking (and feeling) like one wrong move from someone is going to send them into a fit of madness. But they relax a bit at the sight of their eldest child safe. After making sure Garmadon is all right, the Fsm stalks back to monastery to find the rest of his family. And also to change out of their armour and clean up because there is blood in the seams and on his face and it's gross.
Once he enters the monastery he herds Garmadon, Wu, Lloyd, and even Mystake into the monastery, and they are wise enough not to argue with him. The First Spinjitzu Master is understandably agitated, and Mystake, Garmadon, and Wu know him, and their general Oni instincts well enough, to understand that they will barely be let out of his sight for the next few days (Lloyd, at this point, hasn't really experienced the full might of an Oni's possessiveness, but he will just have to get use to it).
Eventually the rest of the ninja sort out the civilians, and set them up in a nearby village while Ninjago City is still covered in darkness (the monastery has enough room for all of them, but the ninja aren't willing to find out what the First Spinjitzu Master will do to any "intruders"). At some point, Mystake sends for the other two warlords, who clear Ninjago City of the dark fog.
So yeah, Fsm is absolutely enraged that The Omega is attacking their home, and ends up reverting to the base instincts of 'defend your territory', 'defend your pack', and 'destroy anyone who harms them'. After he calms down he ends up a bit embarrassed about how he handled it, but before he can dwell on it too much he collapses from exhaustion.
But what a way to re-introduce themself to the wider population of Ninjago.
And in case you’re wondering where Morro is in all this, he's busy vibing with Nyad, who has all her memories because this au is incredibly self-indulgent.
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xynczachrome · 1 year
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Stained Glass Series: Omega's March
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penofwildfire · 16 days
I. It's not actually canon that Firstbourne is FSM's mother. That's not an established fact. I feel like I'm going insane wtf.
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 28 days
I need to make Omega a human form for reasons (the reasons being he had to disguise himself as a human to find FSM because he's the one that can shapeshift, also Firstbourne forced him to do so, it was a humiliating experience for him btw)
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i-m-art-ix · 20 days
[A moment after the birth/creation/appearance of the FSM]
Firstbourne: *Breaking into Oni territory* OMEGA!!!!
Omega: Firstbourne what are you doing here, this is violating all the rules!
Firstbourne: Fuck it, look what I'm got. *shows him a little FSM*
Omega: What is that thing?
Firstbourne: This is our baby!
Omega: Oh oka-
Omega: ...
Omega: Wait, WHAT THE FU-
@thecatundertheladder You asked, here you go, maybe I'll make a continuation of this or something
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izzydaninja · 2 months
Yep, that redraw contest lasted a few rounds, then we did a few more, today. So.. I've got a list of redraw shots, now. XD
IDEA - Sonic jumping into two feet of water. (Yesterday):
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(oh gosh, this still makes me cringe.. LOLOL!! [I was wheezing so hard trying to do this one.])
2. IDEA - Sonic before taking his leap of faith into the water. (Yesterday):
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(Amy is me when I was trying to do that first one. Lol! And Sonic is me when I finished that first one. LOL)
3. IDEA - Sonic protecting his chilidogs. (Today):
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(This one was fun. :3 Though, I did have trouble trying to emphasis that it was chilidogs he was holding. [They're in a bag])
4. IDEA - You know what to do. (Today):
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(Yes. Yes, I did. HA!)
5. IDEA - HMMMMMM!!! (Today):
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(Was going to add Amy as Mikey but ran out of energy. Lol)
[So, that was fun! XD AND CRINGY!]
*DO NOT STEAL!* Thank you!
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quoteomega · 2 months
Ninjago -
~ Hole
Jay: *gazing down a hole* Cole?
Jay: COLE?
Jay: *deep breath* COLE!!!
Cole: *from behind Jay* What?
Jay: *startled* Wha!? Where'd you come from?
Cole: ... My bedroom? It's 3 in the morning Jay, where do you think I was?
Jay: Wait, so you don't sleep in a hole?
Cole: What? Why would I sleep in a hole?
Jay: Cause you're the earth ninja, you sleep in the ground!
Cole: Jay, do you really think- ugh, you know what, I can't do this right now.
Jay: But, you haven't answered my question!
Cole: Good night Jay!
Jay: But... but... Ugh, fine.
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