#nikki bella imagines
katherinegraceeee · 11 months
History. Part 2.
summary: you’re a wrestler being interviewed for different companies and it just so happens that dean is watching…and luckily for him..he already knows you all too well.
tw: arguing/yelling, cussing, smut (MAYBE DONT QUOTE ME ON THAT), mentions of blood/violence/gore? idk
a/n: okay so like ik i said this would be a 2-3 part thing but i love me a slow burn🤭 sooooo it’s def gonna be longer hehe. i also didn’t proofread this shit
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you had gotten more interviews but none really stood out to you. you were on the fence about taking the WWE’s offer because a certain someone works under their name. the more you thought about it, the more you realized that he shouldn’t dictate your happiness and your success. you ended up taking their offer and began the process of getting you in the ring. you were actually supposed to begin in NXT but pretty much skipped that and went straight to smack down. you got to picking your gear, your song, your name, you know..wrestler things. your song fit you perfectly and your gear looked amazing. you went with the same name you had in CZW because you were proud of where you started.
a/n: so of course you can choose your song but mine personally would be one of these:
Product of My Own Design- Artio
SWINE- Demi Lavato
Standing In The Sun- SMKC
Beautiful Dangerous- Slash ft. Fergie
you were preparing for your first match. first time in the ring. first time on the big screen. your nerves were shot and you’ve never been more nervous. you were up against Nikki Bella. she had Cena ringside with her and you had Mcyntire. you didn’t necessarily like Drew but like…fuck it. your song begins to play and your name is announced, you come running out and you’re shocked about the cheers your getting. Drew isn’t far behind you while you stare Nikki down. she’s talking shit and so are you of course. you hop in the ring and come face to face with the Bella twin. you’re given a mic and you begin to talk, “So!! how fun is this guys? *the crowd roars in response* a little birdie told me that uh bitchy bella got a mouth on her! yeahhhh talking so much shit on the noobie right? well guess what sweetheart, where i came from, that shit does. not. slide.” you go to continue talking when she interrupts you, “where you came from? where? the goonies?” you laugh at the sad excuse for an insult. “as i was saying, where i came from, shit talking got you in whole lotta trouble. i’ve had mirrors broken over my back, body slammed on light sticks, pocket knifes through my thigh, more than you could EVER imagine.” before you could continue, without you knowing, drew unexpectedly kicks your legs out from under you and holds your arms behind you while Nikki throws punch after punch to your gut. Cena enters the ring and helps her out by giving her a boost to slam into you. before he could throw her, The Shields entrance begins to play and you see the three walk out. You’ve always known the hate Dean had for Cena AND Drew so this…this was gonna be fun.
Roman begins to take care of Cena as Seth and Dean get Drew away from you. That’s when you and Nikki begin to go at it, y’all are both strong fighters but Nikki is quick and agile so she takes to the sky and pulls a frog splash on you. funny part is though, you roll away just in time and she slams down into the floor of the ring. you stand over her enjoying the pained look on her face when Cena kicks you in the back causing you to fall. Dean catches sight of it and hops in the ring, pulling a dirty deeds on Cena. the fight goes on for at least another 10 minutes and you have Nikki pinned. 1! 2! and- of course she kicks out. but that doesn’t last long. everyone’s look at you, even Dean, he has that look. the look he’d give you way back when. the look of “cmon. you got it. it’s in your hands. take it” and so you do. you get her to the top rope, pick her up, and bodyslam her to the mat. you just lay on her, pinning her down. and the count starts again, 1! 2! and 3! you won. you did it. YOU WON. times slows and it seems that you forgot about the heated argument with dean all those years as he opens his arms and you run straight to them. the other guys surround you guys and y’all are jumping up and down like a bunch of kids. then…reality sets in on what you’re doing..dean apparently felt it too and you both quickly separate. you finish celebrating not looking at him. you slide out of the ring and run backstage into your dressing room.
as you close the door behind you, you try to fathom what just happened…while you were happy about winning your first match, you couldn’t help but wonder what happened with Dean. you just ran into his arms like nothing happened…like you used to and it’s freaking you out. those feelings you had for him were still there, they never went away. you can’t lie to yourself and say that you don’t miss him. his hugs, his laugh, his voice, just him overall. but he hurt you, bad. you shouldn’t love him anymore. but they way he helped you. they way he looked at you tonight, has you remembering Jon. your jon.
it’s been a little less then a week since your moment with dean and you’re still feeling off. you’re avoiding him. he’s avoiding you. poor seth and roman are still in the dark about you two and lord knows they aren’t gonna ask. they both keep checking up on dean and had even asked if you were okay. you see dean less and less as time goes on and you can’t tell if you’re happy about it or if it’s pissing you off. there’s a part of you that wants to go and talk to him, rekindle the flame that was put out so many years ago. but there’s also a part of you that wants nothing more to go give him hell. you never forgot what he said to you and how he acted towards you. it hurt. you can’t lie to yourself and say it didn’t or that it doesn’t hurt now. but at the end of the day, you miss him and you don’t know that he misses you too.
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south-of-heaven · 7 months
Honeymoon in Mexico with Nikki Bella pls? Tysm! <3
Forever together || Nikki Bella x Reader
Summary: You and Nikki spend your honeymoon in Mexico.
A/N: Mexico feels like such a perfect destination with Nikki for some reason.
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The sun was setting over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the beach. You and Nikki stood hand in hand on the soft, powdery sands of Mexico, a picturesque backdrop for your honeymoon. The gentle, rhythmic lapping of the waves was the only sound, providing a soothing serenade as the two of you basked in the paradise around you.
Nikki wrapped her arms around you, her lips curving into a radiant smile. "Isn't this just perfect, babe?"
You nodded, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on her lips. "Mhm, I couldn't imagine a better place to be right now."
The two of you had been looking forward to this vacation for a long time. It was a well-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of your busy lives, and Mexico had turned out to be the perfect destination.
Nikki had planned this trip with care, knowing that the serene beaches and vibrant culture would create memories to last a lifetime. The days were filled with adventures - exploring local markets, trying new foods, and embarking on thrilling excursions. But now, as the sun dipped below the sea, it was time to relax and cherish your time together.
Nikki pulled you closer, her head resting on your shoulder as you both watched the stars start to twinkle in the darkening sky. "I love you, and I'm so grateful to be sharing this with you."
You smiled, your heart swelling with love. "I love you too, Nikki. This is the perfect start to our forever together."
As the evening continued, you and Nikki strolled hand in hand along the beach, leaving footprints in the sand and enjoying the tranquility of your private paradise. This honeymoon was everything you'd ever hoped for, and you couldn't wait to see what other adventures the future had in store for the two of you.
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localcapricosimp · 1 year
Shining Nikki Characters Music Type Headcanons
Hi, I’m ready to get burned at the stake.
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This is all true BECAUSE I SAID SO. I’m not gonna have everybody on this because I’m TiReD and I have ScHoOl WoRk.
Nikki - Pop (she probably likes Bella Poarch and Charlie Puth), listens to classical music just a little bit
Loen - Look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn’t blast The Weeknd at max volume when he’s alone. He also probably is really into Rihanna’s songs (as he should)...and also probably is a huge fan of Dolly Parton and Carrie Underwood (I’m sorry)
Momo - Probably grooves to the Pokemon and Yokai Watch soundtracks.
Aeon - It’s already been confirmed he’s into rock music. Guys let’s introduce him to Twenty One Pilots and Imagine Dragons. He’d also probably be reaaalllyy into Dreamcatcher (k-pop group that has a more rock style)
Marina - Taylor Swift stan.
Helz - Looks like he’s concentrated on a podcast, is actually blasting Opera music through his headphones.
Charmonroe - Strikes me as a musical soundtrack fan (I mean I am too)
Ai - Pop and hip-hop
Lilith - Britney Spears stan.
Ashley - R&B, listens to classical from time to time.
Joy - Doom theme.
Lolory - Classical and Opera fanatic.
Vivian - Jazz and R&B, also occasionally listens to rock music.
Qin Yi - Rock (y’all have seen the reflection iykyk) and also a musical soundtrack stan (I don’t blame him)
Yexiao - ...I’ll have to come back to this one (GUYS HELP ME OUT HERE)
Mercury - Classical music.
Vulture - If Mercury likes it, he likes it. If Mercury doesn’t like it, he doesn’t like it.
Zoey - Probably really into jazz and also listens to rock as well.
And now for the most important because I know my fellows simps are clutching their pearls until they see his name (believe me, I would be, too):
Caprico👑- Okay hear me out he’s a k-pop stan (Dreamcatcher, Mamamoo, Aespa, Sunmi, Hyolyn, ATEEZ, Stray Kids, Jessi, BiBi, Taeyeon, Chung Ha and Red Velvet are his main groups/soloists), don’t fight me when I say he listens to Melanie Martinez. He should after V2C12 (IYKYK. WHY DOES VOID FIT HIM SO WELL!?). He’s also probably reaallllyyy into Gorillaz (but is bitter because of the NFTs. Caprico says “no” to NFTs, guys. Be like Caprico and take a stand against NFTs.). I also wouldn’t be surprised if he’s jamming out to Blackbear, Gayle, Dua Lipa, Demi Lovato, XYLO, AViVA, Lady Gaga or Nicky Youre. He’d also probably really like Lizzo, Lil Nas X and Michael Jackson (and maybe Megan Thee Stallion). I don’t make the rules. Caprico just has immaculate taste in music.
Now please lock me in Caprico’s roomba closet where I belong please and thank you.
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aritamargarita · 5 months
Maybe put Y/n in a feud with Nikki Bella? I feel like her and Y/n could clash but not with Brie for some reason. And on Twiiter i love the idea of her having a feud/flirting with a AEW wrestler possibly. Or just have her having a ridiculous feud with the MIz
SHE TOTALLY WOULD CLASH WITH NIKKI………nikki is definitely the sister that’s out there and i feel like she’d be ok with brie but it’s always “your SISTER….” now if brie ends up helping nikki that’s a diff story, they’re both enemies
IT WOULD BE SO SILLY…. i have way too many aew candidates to flirt with her🤭 i still need to get around watching it smh
and the miz feud… just imagining it is so funny so i think it may have to happen lmao
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crispyturtlepainter · 2 years
Nikki Bella reveals details about her wedding
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Nikki Bella reveals details about her wedding: After having his last legal participation in Royal Rumble this year. Now the former female superstar and Hall of Fame member.  Nikki Bella comments on how her wedding went revealing unpublished details. We tell you all the details in PLANET WRESTLING your website of WWE news.
Nikki Bella reveals how the organization of her wedding was
So Nikki Bella reveals details about her wedding: Former female superstar Nikki Bella was one of the most popular during the height of her career. Beside her sister Brie forming the Bella Twins are now two celebrities taking care of podcasts and reality shows, leaving the ring aside and dedicating to the life of mothers, Regarding Nikki, she is now talking about how was her wedding with Artem Chigvintsev. Nikki was able to fulfill her dream of getting married and being a mother, granting a interview for Gabriella Rello Duffy from Brides portal, Nikki Bella commented how were the logistics and details of her wedding revealing that she hardly had time to choose her dress, this was what the twin Bella said on the web portal about marriages. "This is your time to shine and be a star, sometimes I feel like some people are afraid to express themselves in fashion so they hold back in real life, when it comes to your wedding, it's time not to be scared, to what brides will realize when they start looking for the dress, is that what you wear, is about you as a woman. It has nothing to do with the person you are going to marry or the people who will be present, it has a lot to do with what you have imagined and how you feel, I bought those dresses for myself because I liked them. Something I always wanted to incorporate into my wedding outfits was elegance, my 'Nana' has a wall of family wedding photos in her house, and she would always go and look at my great-grandmothers' wedding dresses. There was something so iconic and timeless about her dresses. I always knew that, on my wedding day, I wanted to wear something that would leave my granddaughters looking at pictures of me, thinking they would want to wear it too at any age." Nikki Bella reveals details about her wedding: Currently I can let's not see Nikki or Brie in action in the ring again other than on special occasions, her life is now to be a mother and dedicate herself to Realities but they always remember her legacy in WWE. Thank you for sharing your time and enjoying this passion with PLANET WRESTLING. The best wrestling and wrestling information in Spanish, interviews, videos, coverage and live monitoring. Do not forget that you can directly access all WWE news and of next PPV WWE CROWN JEWEL next November 5. For More Information Visit These Articles: - Bobby Lashley reaches a new milestone as WWE Champion  - Preview AEW Dynamite October 12, 2022 - Results BJW BIG B STYLE 2022 - Results CMLL Arena Tuesday Mexico October 11 - NEW CHAMPIONSHIP IN NJPW Planeta Wrestling - Roman Reigns questions Jey Uso on WWE RAW - First words of Seth Rollins after winning the US Championship  - Jon Moxley’s status in GCW Read the full article
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skyfall8600 · 2 years
Children of Dawn Pt. 20 (A Twilight Saga Fanfiction)
Note: I originally created this story back in 2020 with the first lockdowns from COVID-19. I had posted it on Wattpad under a different name, SaturnFire2000. However, I kept being drawn back to this story. It might be a while before new chapters are added, but I thought it would be worth re-posting the story on here given my new-found family of followers.
Summary: Years after the final battle, the Cullen family face new challenges. Edward and Bella take on new roles in life; Renesmee struggles to understand her goals and purpose in a world where no one is like her. The Volturi kept a large secret that could destroy them all.
Warning: Sexual references, violence, blood, supernatural. Recommended 13+.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Chapter 20: Renesmee
Cold, wet and shaking. That’s the only thing I could recall as I woke up. Every muscle was spasming, my body felt like it was on fire but cold at its touch.
Sweat coated my skin all over, making the thick muggy air around me even more sickly to breathe as it entered my lungs. Tears were streaming down my face and blurred anything in my sight.  
I tried to scream for help, praying to any God out there to help me. My throat was dry and burning, the only sensation that could compare would be a newborn vampire’s first awakening and hunger. 
I began to move my arms slowly, lifting them up from my sides. I felt a resistance, something restraining me down and plunged deep into my skin. Needles? I thought. Impossible, nothing could penetrate my skin, yet here I was with a sharp pain rising through my arm and tender aches in my muscles. 
I thought about my family and the only life I have ever known. I imagined Esme trying to calm me down, having me take deep breaths in and out. I mimicked the imagery, pushing through the burning sensations to regulate my senses. After a few minutes, the slowly gained control over my tears, my eyes flaming and puffy. 
The room I was in was dark, the sound of water droplets leaking from the edge of the walls splattered to the ground in small buddles.
The smell of death echoed around me, the type of death of decay long after any sign of life. The walls were made of old stones, mould and vines streaming up from the cracks and openings. No one was with me at the moment, tight metal steal clasped my ankles in place and restricted my neck movement. 
 Never before in my life had I had so many bruises and wounds scattered along my body. I didn’t even know it was possible for me to get them. With no idea of where I was or how long I have been here for, fear washed over me. 
Was my family safe?
Is anyone coming for me? 
What do they plan to do to me?
I was too afraid to make any sounds, what happens if it made them come for me? And by them I didn’t mean my family. I knew it was the Volturi, it had to be. 
I took this time I was alone to try and assess the damage inflicted on me. Asides from the bruises and open wounds, there were multiple needles and tubes plunged into my arms and chest. I was wearing the bare minimum amount of clothing, the thin fabric clung to me. Dirt was smudged all along my legs and arms. 
 Why did I run off alone?  I cried to myself. I wished that I never left the house. I anger I felt before about Jacob keeping the imprinting from me seemed like such a minor issue compared to what I was going through now. 
Jacob will find me.
A/n: If you like any of my work, please reblog. I promise it goes a long way in helping your favorite fanfic writers share their stories. I know that this chapter was really short but this was during 2020 when I was in a really bad state of mind so I apologize and hopefully I can get back into writing for this series sometime soon.
Thanks - Nikki (August 28th 2022)
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scudevils · 4 months
OMG okay i’ve unlocked a new WWE friend, so i desperately need to know your opinions;
cm punk vs john cena
nikki bella vs brie bella
were you a miz stan???
a wrestler you miss (mines is 100% AJ lee)
i actually haven’t had anyone to talk to abt wwe in so long i feel like a kid again 😭😭
deep down, im always a john girl (soft spot for his us open challenge im sorry), but there’s something about punk…
i lowkey HATED the bella twins feud, like hated, but i’m always a nikki girl (imagine the dilemma with also being a john fan-)
also, if you weren’t a miz stan i’d genuinely question your existence because he WAS the moment, he made me the cunt i am
i miss sm its not even funny but two i wish i grew up with is definitely trish stratus and lita, like they’re the OG’s (i also miss dolph ziggler if im being honest he was so funny)
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mohrwilkins2 · 2 years
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vest59wrenn · 2 years
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Asclepius is revered as a god of medication, and its consultant image is hovering on the snake’s cane. Thus, individuals all the time imagine that the snake symbolizes rebirth, sexuality and therapeutic, but in addition represents the vitality released by the depths of the land. Replica BVLGARI Bags newest SEPRENTI leather-based and equipment collection to stars, dots, geometric shapes, nest nails and colourful colours. And invited the brand new spokesperson Bella Hadid interpretation for the 2017 autumn and winter to deliver infinity, within the teacher Terry Richardson lens show BVLGARI style charm. Currently, US golfers have five orders, 2 or 2 seats in three years. Its ultimate vacation spot has come to the United States. Understand extra details about timers and use standard conventional basic drinks within the body. At present, every neighborhood is ideal, each part is. wikipedia handbags Time is suitable for 29MS stainless steel wall graphs. Current drivers are quality fake watches often known as “Super 3” used in intermediary and movement. The atmosphere on the stage is very sizzling, a extremely popular motorcycle. Brothers and brothers high quality replica watches can do it initially of the 20th century. There is also an hour of information design and storage primarily based on the clock maintenance brochure. ABM Equipment & Supply Is proud to have partnered with Interlube a Timken Brand Company. Interlube supplies auto lube systems to the chassis and tools industries. Please review these services and products offered from ABM Equipment. Snake pattern section, is a green single-chain section of the most well-liked. Italian actress Carolina Crescentini, “Snow White” Lily Collins, “Vampire” Ian’s twilight spouse Nikki Reed, and Hollywood famous hot lady Jessica Alba, all bowed down in this mysterious “green” under. With slightly black night costume, luxurious fur, daily bike jacket, jeans, Serpenti endlessly can be excellent Hold live. When in Rome, he established his firm and soon thereafter opened his second retailer in Via Sistina. bvlgari bag Although BVLGARI watch manufacturing solely commenced in 1980 with the institution of Bulgari Haute Horlogerie SA in Neuchatel. Armed with the know-how and an timeless ardour for design and the pursuit of nothing however excellence, BVLGARI brings forth numerous watch collections which might be truly unique and iconic. Bvlgari watches has over 500 staff and develops its own Swiss watch movements and parts which embrace some excessive complication calibers. Bulgari also acquired two watch firms that are Daniel Roth and Gerald Genta . I have been desirous to introduce this replica watch to you guys for a long time, it's the most elegant diver’s watch I assume, and the manufacturing unit just published a number of pieces, so it is obtainable again. I love diver’s watches very a lot, especially these manufacturers that are filled with army history, so Panerai is such a brand and I have carried out plenty of reviews on it. Yes, compared with different diver’s watches, Bvlgari Aluminium appears too “delicate” and doesn't have that rugged feeling like Panerai Submersible. But for some reasons, I like this watch, I really feel it is more comfy to wear than others. First, the fabric used on this watch is revolutionary. The new artificial glass will produce many frontal issues, similar to feminine top quality pretend watches design, wrinkles, elements and gold coatings. Obviously, it additionally includes product lessons for improvement trafficking. For ladies, not only a clock, but additionally decorative cuff. Thaksat, Thaksam, Intelligent, Intelligence, Frequency, Frequency, Frequency, Frequency, Frequency, Is As if you can not get off work.
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crispyturtlepainter · 2 years
Nikki Bella reveals details about her wedding
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Nikki Bella reveals details about her wedding: After having his last legal participation in Royal Rumble this year. Now the former female superstar and Hall of Fame member.  Nikki Bella comments on how her wedding went revealing unpublished details. We tell you all the details in PLANET WRESTLING your website of WWE news.
Nikki Bella reveals how the organization of her wedding was
So Nikki Bella reveals details about her wedding: Former female superstar Nikki Bella was one of the most popular during the height of her career. Beside her sister Brie forming the Bella Twins are now two celebrities taking care of podcasts and reality shows, leaving the ring aside and dedicating to the life of mothers, Regarding Nikki, she is now talking about how was her wedding with Artem Chigvintsev. Nikki was able to fulfill her dream of getting married and being a mother, granting a interview for Gabriella Rello Duffy from Brides portal, Nikki Bella commented how were the logistics and details of her wedding revealing that she hardly had time to choose her dress, this was what the twin Bella said on the web portal about marriages. "This is your time to shine and be a star, sometimes I feel like some people are afraid to express themselves in fashion so they hold back in real life, when it comes to your wedding, it's time not to be scared, to what brides will realize when they start looking for the dress, is that what you wear, is about you as a woman. It has nothing to do with the person you are going to marry or the people who will be present, it has a lot to do with what you have imagined and how you feel, I bought those dresses for myself because I liked them. Something I always wanted to incorporate into my wedding outfits was elegance, my 'Nana' has a wall of family wedding photos in her house, and she would always go and look at my great-grandmothers' wedding dresses. There was something so iconic and timeless about her dresses. I always knew that, on my wedding day, I wanted to wear something that would leave my granddaughters looking at pictures of me, thinking they would want to wear it too at any age." Nikki Bella reveals details about her wedding: Currently I can let's not see Nikki or Brie in action in the ring again other than on special occasions, her life is now to be a mother and dedicate herself to Realities but they always remember her legacy in WWE. Thank you for sharing your time and enjoying this passion with PLANET WRESTLING. The best wrestling and wrestling information in Spanish, interviews, videos, coverage and live monitoring. Do not forget that you can directly access all WWE news and of next PPV WWE CROWN JEWEL next November 5. For More Information Visit These Articles: - Bobby Lashley reaches a new milestone as WWE Champion  - Preview AEW Dynamite October 12, 2022 - Results BJW BIG B STYLE 2022 - Results CMLL Arena Tuesday Mexico October 11 - NEW CHAMPIONSHIP IN NJPW Planeta Wrestling - Roman Reigns questions Jey Uso on WWE RAW - First words of Seth Rollins after winning the US Championship  - Jon Moxley’s status in GCW Read the full article
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
New Legacy (Bella Twins Imagine)
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Your hands were sweaty and you were shaking. Simply put, you were nervous. Today was the day that you were having brunch with your sisters, Nikki and Brie. WWE Hall of Famers, the Bella Twins. Last night, Brandi Rhodes made an announcement on AEW that they were welcoming the youngest member of the family. You’d been allowed to use the Bella surname, so your announcement had made pretty big waves. 
“Y/n!” Nikki said as she ran over towards you. She pulled you into a hug and Brie was right behind her. 
“You got bigger kid,” Brie said and you shrugged. 
“I think I stopped being a kid when I turned 18,” you told her. 
“It doesn’t how old you are, you’re our kid sister,” Nikki told you. “Our famous wrestler kid sister.” 
“You, uh, saw?” You rubbed the back of your neck and Nikki moved your hand away. There was no anger or disappointment in their eyes, so you knew this brunch was a safe space. 
“Of course we saw. We’re so proud of you. It would have been easy to go to Vince and use your last name to get a top spot at WWE, but instead, you went to AEW and you’re gonna make a new legacy for the Bella name,” Brie told you. “If you ever need a little help training, we’re here for you and I know Daniel is too.” 
“Thank you,” you said and they both let you relax enough to eat. 
“Now, you tell us where your shows are gonna be and we’ll try to make it out to them. Seriously, I don’t mind a plane ride here and there,” Nikki told you. Brie nodded in agreement and you told them where your first couple of shows were going to be. They both had to do some press for WWE and your shows were in Florida, so they’d be able to make them. 
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Baron Corbin X Nikki Bella Playlist.
1. Like A champion - Selena Gomez
2. Problem - Natalia Kills 
3. Gangsta - Kehlani 
4. Take Me To Church - Hozier 
5. Back To You - Selena Gomez 
6 Don’t Leave - MO , Snakeships
7. Monster - Skillet
8. Love Bites (So Do I ) - Halestorm
9. Never Be The Same - Camila Cabella 
10. Bon Appetit - Katy Perry ( Cuz’ they’re both are a snacc) 
11. Bad Intentions - Niykee Heaton 
12. Him & I - G-Eazy , Halsey 
13. S&M - Rihanna 
14. Heaven - Julia Michaels 
15.  Tell Me You Love Me - Demi Lovato 
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edwardsshinyvolvo · 2 years
"why are you dressed like that?" "like what?"
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wwewomenperferences · 3 years
You Meet her Family
Nikki: Nikki always talked about you to her family. They got tired of not meeting you, so they invited you to family dinner. Once the day came, you were so nervous. Nikki had to make you sit down and take a breath. Once you were there, they instantly loved you. Not to mention the kids loved you.
Brie: She had decided that it was time for you to meet her family. When the day came, you were not nervous as you thought you'd be. Instead, you were confident that they would love you. it turns out you were right. They loved you and thought you were perfect for Brie.
Bayley: You met her family by accident you and Bayley were out to dinner one night. Her family walks in and notices that Bayley is there. They walked up to you guys and Bayley introduced you to her family. They ended up eating dinner with you guys that night and they loved you.
Charlotte: Since you had grown up together, you already knew her family, and they loved you. They knew you were the right one for her.
Lita: She invited you to dinner but failed to mention that it was a family dinner. So you had no time to be nervous about meeting her family, but there was nothing to worry about, they loved you and approved of your relationship.
Trish: Trish only really cared about what her kids thought about you. You weren't nervous about meeting them, you were excited. You played with them and they loved you.
Becky: You met her family when they came to one of the live shows. You had no idea they were coming, she had no idea, you guys were both surprised. But nonetheless they loved you.
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