#negan's savior
naughty-negan · 5 months
Well shit...
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riotlain · 2 years
TWD Physical Affection Hcs
Bc im bored in class again🫶🫶
Hugging, PDA, kissing, and some cuddling hcs
Rick Grimes
Hugs tightly
When its a long hug he tend to rock back and forth
Kisses your head in hugs when he leaves to go out on a run or something
Hugs from behind when youre doin something
Rubs circles on your waist with his thumb when yall cuddling
Aight with PDA like he aint gonna overdo it but he'll definitely hug you in public
Cuddling is usually him on his back and you having your head on his chest
Radiates warmth. Like constantly
Non sexual neck kisses kinda guy
Daryl Dixon
Was really really awkward at first with hugs
Youre his first real relationship so like???
When he gets around to it tho he fuckin CLINGS
Like its a bit tight but not too tight yknow
Hugs you when he leaves for a run or hunts and hugs tightly when hes back
Daryl prefers to not do pda tho
The most huggin he'll do in public is like awkward side hugs yknow??
Daryl likes to face you when yall cuddling but usually you end up with either him as the big spoon or your face in his chest
Soft kisses. Mwah mwah
Forehead kisses like alot alot
Carl Grimes
Also radiates warmth
His hugs are pretty loose unless hes been away for a while
He rests his head on your shoulder alot
Also has the habit of rocking while hugging for a while
Carl doesnt show affection in public that much
He holds your hand and gives you quick kisses
Loves kissing you like hes down for any kind of kiss
Forehead kisses, hand kisses, cheek kisses
Bro is literally an attention whore /j
Kisses you after fights
Cuddling starts with you in his chest or him in yours. But he moves around in his sleep quite a bit
Usually ending with him on top of you
Glenn Rhee
Lovely hugs chefs kiss
Strokes your hair when yall hug
I feel like his hands are like very warm but the rest of him changes constantly
Kisses you every morning and every night
Likes to be little spoon but you didnt hear that from me
Usually puts his face in your chest when yall cuddling
Aight with PDA but gets if you aint
Usually holds hands with you
Another non sexual neck kisses guy
Paul (Jesus) Rovia
Aint against pda.
Aka he usually holds your hand or hand an arm around you waist
He moves alot in his sleep so cuddling will start with yall spooning or facing each other
Then in the morning you guys are spread out on the bed
Enjoys any kind of kiss
When hes gone for long (or nearly fucking dies) on a run he gives mighty tight hugs
Swings you around in hugs when hes particularly happy
Negan Smith
Tight hugs tight hugs tight hugs
Kisses roughly usually
Its just how he is hes a rough man
Will be alot softer though if its been a long day
Hes a big spoon sorry
Rocks you in tight hugs
Will also swing you around
Kisses you anywhere and in anyway
Doesnt matter
Neck kisses neck kisses
Rubs circles on your waist when cuddlin
Another rough kisser
Likes to kiss you randomly to surprise you
Always has his hands on you in public
He puts his hand in your back pocket or around your waist
Non sexual (and probably sexual) neck kisses
Kisses your hand as a joke
Warm. Like a furnace
He likes to lay on top of you
Always feelin you up when yall cuddling like man💀💀
Owen (Wolf)
Doesnt care where
Hugs real tightly (possessive mf)
Cuddles are usually him being a big spoon
Hugs from behind alot
Either hardly any pda or hes all over you
Depends on his mood
Warm hands like immensely warm
Likes to hold your hand but would never admit it
Kisses are actually pretty gentle
Unless yall are making out then🧍‍♂️
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 7 months
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You hadn't noticed him coming in, so Negan cleared his throat so he wouldn't startle you. You looked up, a soft frown still on your face; the pantry shelves were far too bare. You noticed that he had his ball cap in his hands, spinning it endlessly. Anxious? Was Negan anxious?
"Aaron sent me to grab some more screws for the repair work," he said matter-of-factly. "Said you had another jar stashed away somewhere."
You set down what you'd been working on, the plans for food plots when the weather began to warm, and started across the garage toward a tall cabinet at the back. "There should be some in here," you said over your shoulder. Negan wandered over and stood at the table beside you. It wasn't long before he was fiddling with this and that—"Hey!" you snapped, taking a jar from his hands. "Rule number one: don't touch anything. Rule number two: Don't touch anything. Want to hazard a guess at rule number three?"
Negan only chuckled and straightened up.
You turned back to the cabinet, but you could feel his eyes on you. "What?" you asked, moving some items around to peer behind them.
"Nothing," came his deep voice. "I'm just—" he broke off and cleared his throat.
You found the screws and grabbed them, turning back to Negan. "You're just what?" you prompted him, holding out the container.
"I probably shouldn't say," he replied, flashing a crooked smile.
You cocked an eyebrow at him.
He laughed a little nervously. "I just was... enjoying the view. Please don't hit me. I'm only a man," he laughed.
You sighed and crossed your arms. "Did Aaron even really send you over here for those?"
Negan laughed. "He did, but that's not a bad idea... I'll be sure to use that next time I want to... enjoy the view."
He turned and left promptly, leaving you staring after him, puzzled.
Prompt: "Rule number two: Don't touch anything. Want to hazard a guess at rule number three?"
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Request: can you do one where Daryl comforts reader after she has a nightmare? Thank you!
Tw: nightmare, description of panic attack, blood, gore, usual walking dead stuff. If sensitive to any of these please read with cautious or skip past this one! Thanks loves!!
Havnet been able to watch TOWL either that’s depressing asf but oh well. Sorry for the delay my heads been all over the place (:
This is awfully written and isn’t entirely “plotted” correctly so excuse the crappiness. This was written over like three months so… sorry for the delay
The loud whistle abruptly wrapped around the sky, sending chills down your spine as you froze in place but it was as if you had lived this exact nightmare before. But it was worse… a lot worse… the sound of the whistling continued all around you as you walked further into the darkness all alone your eyes scanning around frantically before your eyes fell upon the familiar body of Glenn. Slumped. Head completely squished. Like a watermelon… your stomach churned in disgust a shaky breath leaving your lips, your eyes then turning to see Abraham the exact same way but it didn’t stop— your eyes followed the row of your people. Your family. Carl, Rick, michonne, Daryl, Aaron, Rosita, Jesus, maggie… every single one of them limp on the ground slumped and weak. Brains splattered everywhere. Your hand trembled to cover your mouth before you spun around looking for the saviours the whistling growing louder but no one seemed to be around you. Whatsoever. The headlights of vans were a blurred picture. Your breathing grew heavier tears forming in your eyes as you turned around again to face your people their bodies rotting, turning into the dead… glenn reaching out for you, Daryl crawling on his chest ricks cold blue eyes boring into yours, muttering some kind of sentence over and over again. “All your fault” tears threatened to fall as you stumbled back panting heavily before a hand tightly gripped onto your wrist, your head snapping to the side as your eyes met with Negans your jaw dropping as a ear piercing screech left your mouth as darkness slowly surrounded you.
A voice yelled and your body jolted awake, your eyes filled with terror as your eyes found those familiar blue ones. Daryl. Alive, well, okay… you panted staring at him terrified he was stood a slight distance away from you his eyes searching yours concerned, you were still in your bed Daryl’s concern clear before he sat down on the edge of the bed making it dip down slightly “bad dream?” Was all he asked and all you could do was nod the terror visible. Your skin was coated in a layer of sweat that wouldn’t go away Daryl carefully getting closer to you as he soon reached his hand out without much of a warning and grabbed onto your hand his touch hesitant and unsure at first but as he got more comfortable he tightened his grip giving your hand a squeeze. “I’m here.” He spoke gruffly voice still worried as he kept his eyes on you. “You died..” you whispered Daryl blinking confused for a second, but didn’t say anything allowing you to continue what you wanted to say however his confusion wasn’t of what you said— no— more so of the fact that you were afraid to lose him. That on its own shocked him beyond belief and broke his heart all at once.
He hadn’t ever had anyone who was scared of him leaving before, it saddened him almost, the feeling of not being needed or wanted had been etched into his soul ever since he was a young boy. But seeing it come from you it unlocked a certain feeling within him a soft feeling that he didn’t entirely understand. “It’s okay. I’m right here.” He assured gently. “You and the others all died…. One… by one.. negan hit you over the Hed with Lucille and killed you all… I was the only survivor.. you— you all blamed me for something I didn’t do… i- I couldn’t stop it! I- I couldn’t stop you from dying.. I— I wanted to I needed to but I couldn’t reach you—“ your breathing grew my quick as you practically began hyperventilating. That scared Daryl on its own but he quickly got to work, grabbing onto your shoulder gently and making you look at him
“Breathe.” He muttered out softly your chest continuing to heave up and down over and over again daryl murmuring little nothings to you to try and sooth you until eventually you were curled up in his arms, his grip on you tight and secure, comforting, his hand trailing up and down your back. “I thought I lost you.”
He only shook his head “never. You’ll never lose me… can’t get rid of me that easily.”he kept a hold of you continuing to help you breathe and calm down until eventually you were more relaxed. He just held you as you remained in silence. “I love you. And I don’t want to lose you ever.” You murmured to him, Daryl’s heart aching slightly and he held you closer to him, not sure how to respond to that, before he pressed a small kiss to the top of your head “you won’t lose me.” He reassured, before bringing you down to lay with him, soothing you beside him, as he helped calm you down until you were settled in his arms.
“Oh and y/n..” he trailed off,
He smiled softly “I love you too.”
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officertired · 20 days
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little-reader · 1 year
“The Son of A Monster.” Ch.4
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Warnings; Death, blood, Slow-burn Sexual tension, Gay awakening (For both), Cursing, Negan is Readers dad, Enemies to lovers story. Fighting. Zombie apocalypse
You didn’t see Carl, Rick, Michonne, or Rosita for the rest of the day. Not that you minded, you needed to rest anyway. 
“Do you need anything?” You called from the shower. “Like from my dad or hilltop?”
Iris looked up from her book as you came in with just a towel. “Uh… Not that I know of. I’m sure I can just ask around, I don’t exactly know what I’m doing.” She huffed, looking back at the book. 
“Did you run out of anything? Food, meds… books?” You asked, She only shook her head...It was six p.m. and barely dark.
 You hugged her and rolled over. “I have to head to Hilltop tomorrow, Not to pick anything big up, but just talk to people, by myself of course,” you said. “Plus, I know Simon isn’t going to go easy on them, so I’ll just help them a bit, Simon can do the rest,”
You decided to stay there tonight. You cooked Iris breakfast in the morning while she stayed asleep. You left it on the nightstand and got dressed. 
You walked out into the sun and left to the gate, walking out, grabbed your bike, and left. You got there later than you would have liked, but by that point you didn’t care, all you need was to look around and get vitamins.
The doors to Gregory’s office opened. “Paul, Negan’s son is here to check out the place, he wants to talk to you.” 
“Fuck.” Paul said, looking at mostly Maggie, Sasha, and Daryl. “The three of you find a good place to hide, preferably alone and separate.” He said, ushering them out.
“Why Is he here?” Rick asked.
“He comes for the saviors, A dude named Simon helps him,” Gregory answered. “Your gonna get me killed.” He paused. “And my people of course.”
You waited outside, looking at the walls and the people around you. All of them working or walking around. The kids play small games with each other. The breeze was small, but it felt good. The doors opened to the museum… house? And Paul came out with a smile.
“Hey, come inside.” He said, holding the door open. You kept a stern look as you entered, thanking him. “So, I thought we had another week or two.” He said, turning to you. 
“Oh, that's not exactly why I’m here.” You said, with a small smile. You held out your hand. “Y/n Smith, I didn’t introduce myself last time.” You said. He shook your hand. 
“Paul.” He said that’s when Gregory came out. 
“Ah! The boss's kid,” He said, rapping his arm around you. “What can I help you with? Food? People? Or a drink?” He asked. You glared at the man. He was licking your shoes every chance he got. He was like a who wanted treats.
“No, You said, moving his arm off you and backing away. “I was here to talk to Paul, and look around.” You stated, tilting your head.
“Oh, you see, Paul isn’t the leader-” He laughed, staring at your glare. “And, you know I have more important things to do anyway, so Paul can show you everywhere… every room.” He said, looking over to Paul. He left, going into the room, that now doesn’t have that weird painting.
“Does he always bullshit?” You asked, Paul only nodded and walked you into the dining room, and to a small table. “I just need something small.” You said. Walking outside. 
“I was just wondering if your doctor had vitamins?” You asked. He looked at you a little weirdly. “My wife’s pregnant, I just wanted to talk to him, or see if you knew.” Paul looked surprised. 
“Okay, yeah we have some.” He said, ushering you to follow him. “You look a little young to have a wife.” He said as you walked. 
You chuckled. “Yeah, that’s what I told my dad. He didn’t take it too well. But I and Iris aren’t,” You waved your hands around a bit, and Paul nodded with a small smile. “She's not exactly my type either.” You said as you entered the trailer. 
You were given the bottle of vitamins and told when she should take them, and how much she should eat a day. You listened closely, nodded, and left. The place was quiet, small, and overall a great place to run.
“I would stay longer, But I have to go. It was nice you meet you.” You said, Holding your hand out. Paul shook it then Gregory.
“Uh, you too,” Gregory said, a slight shudder.
You started to leave before stopping. “Oh, and I almost forgot..” You paused, walking over to him and tilting your head, before smiling. “I wanna meet the people who came here earlier.”
Paul looked up from the ground and Gregory's eyes went wide. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” He exclaimed. You only laughed. 
“Yeah… I think you do.” You said, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it, “At first, I thought maybe your people regularly go out of the walls you have built. But, as I continued to look around, I realized you have almost an enclosed community. Paul is certainly the only one who goes out, and Gregory… well you're just a pussy. So! Who’s tracks were outside?” 
Paul walked down the hall with the group, Maggie, Sasha, and Daryl was still hidden. “Gregory-” Rick started as the door opened. He paused as he came more into the room and the door closed. 
You sat in Gregory’s chair, with a glass of liquor in your hand and not a single bit of happiness in your features. You sighed and waved to the chairs. Rick sat down and the others stood. 
“Before I start scolding you like a pregnant teen, I need you to understand something.” You said, passing him a drink and leaning forward. “1. I am absolutely scared of you and your girlfriend or whatever you guys are, your son too.” You said, keeping eye contact with him. He gave a confused look. “But I’m more afraid of my father. And If he finds out I’m here talking to you guys and not at Alexandria, he’ll break my shit up.” You stated. “So this, this never happened.”
“I-” Rick paused and nodded. ‘We were just making deals, okay?” He said.
“Deals are fine, but I’m supposed to be watching you all.” You said, tilting your head. “Mostly your son.” You said. “Next time you go out, and Carls with you, I’m going.” You started and stood. You had a lot of time to think when you realized they were hiding here, and you weren’t stupid. 
You decided not to say anything and left, waving them off.
When you returned, Iris was outside and sitting in a chair on the porch. You shook the bottle as you reached her spot. “Got you these.” You said. She smiled and grabbed them. “Also, everything you need to know. I asked Everything.” You said, handing her the sheet of paper. 
She smiled at you and thanked you. ‘It’s late, let's get to bed.”
–Carls POV–
The group went to the kingdom after the whole ordeal with you and Gregory. Although Carl didn’t do any talking, he sat and watched. He knew that the “King” Was contemplating whether or not he should have his people conspire with them and Hilltop.
Carl looked out the window and into the town. It was almost night and the sun was starting to set. Ezekiel had invited them to say the night so they wouldn’t be engulfed in the night by the time they got back. Y/n was gonna be pissed, he was supposed to watch him but had to wait another day.
Carl sighed as he heard the group talking through the wall.  He took off his hat and boots, along with his flannel, and hung them up. There was something Carl couldn’t scratch off of him. The look in your eye when you caught them.
And no, not the pissed-off look you gave. But something deeper. Your face showed clear signs that you were angry but your eyes gave… impressed? Or expected, like he knew you all were going to do something to fight for yourself. 
Carl sighed and rolled into bed, staring at the wall as he drifted into thought. 
Carls's eyes opened slowly. He was in a field, one so bright he had to cover his eyes, and with birds flying above him. He sat up, feeling the top of his head, there was no hat, just his hair, which was short than how he had it now. He blinked, then turned. “Papa!” A small voice called. Carl looked over to see... You holding a child and spinning him around. You both were laughing and screaming. You looked slightly older, taller, and broader.  
Carl was pushed slightly as small arms wrapped around him in a hug. “Daddy! Home.” The smaller child whined. The kid climbed into his lap as he watched the wind blow the overgrown leaves. 
“Hey.” A deep voice appeared beside him as you walked over, the other child in your arms. You bent down and grabbed his chin, kissing him.
Carl opened his eyes. The window let the light pour onto his face. He breathed in and out before sitting up and touching his lips before wiping them and standing up.
 A knock came on the door. “Get ready, Carl. We're about to leave.” Michonne called through the door. Carl sighed and grabbed his things, putting his shoes and flannel on and grabbing his hat from the table. He left out into the hall and greeted the others. 
“We got to get home soon,” Rick said as they headed out to the gate.
You looked at the time. It was now noon and they still weren’t back. You sighed and left to the kitchen, going through the pantry, looking for food to eat. You settled on ravioli. When you would make it, You could smell it from a mile away. Your mother taught you how to make it homemade. 
You took out the supplies, but that's when they showed up, you looked out the window to see the gates open and then trucks roll in. You sighed and started to put everything up, hoping your dad didn’t show up. 
You walked to the house your wife stayed in and where they kept the food. You knocked on the  garage door as you walked closer to Simon. You already told the people not to go into Iris’s room. 
“Hey, Y/n!” Simion said, looking over at you with a smile. “Just visiting.” He said with a wink.
“Hey, Simon.” You said back, looking at the others. “It’s not stock-up day, why are you doing here?” You asked. 
“Oh, you haven’t heard?” Simon asked, you looked around, noticing how empty the shelves were.“Daryl got out, the same day Carl busted your ass.” Ignoring the last comment, you sharply looked at Rick, making eye contact. Rosita looked at you and Rick. 
“Hm, that's funny.” You said, looking back at Simon and smiling. “Well, I’ve got a little cooking to do.” You said. “I’ll be going, tell dad I said Hi,”  You turned around and 
“Ah ah, not so fast,” he said, holding out a radio. “Your daddy wants to know how his little girl is doing,” He said in a mocking tone. You rolled your eyes, giving a quick “Shut the fuck up” Before leaving upstairs.
You sighed and rubbed your eyes before pressing the button to voice. “Dad, you there?” You asked, sitting on the counter in the kitchen. There was a slight pause before someone started speaking. 
“This is D, who is this?” The other line cut off. 
“Y/n, dumbass. Why the fuck would I say, Dad?” You replied. It took about thirty seconds before you got a reply back.
“Y/n. Finally, what took so long?” Your dad asked. “I told you, I need you to check in with me every few days.”
“It hasn’t been a few days.” You said. “That's not the point. Everything running smoothly. Is this about Daryl?” You questioned, your eyes looking around the room.
You kept conversating back and forth. Giving him a few details about everything and how you were doing before Simon came to get his radio back. “Bye kid… and Do not disappoint me,” Negan said before you handed the radio back. 
“You heard the man,” Simon Said as you lead him out. As the trucks pulled out, and the gates shut, you turned to Rick. 
“I don’t give a fuck what you do, but you better fucking find out who did that shit.” You said, turning to leave. You stopped and walked over to Carl, grabbing his arm, and dragging him with you. “And I have TO WATCH HIM YOU KNOW!” You yelled at them. “It’s MY JOB!”
Carl pulled back by the time you reached Aaron's house. “What the hell,” Carl muttered and you turned to him.
“Yeah, keep what the hell-ing me.” You started to walk again, ushering him to follow. “I told you guys, I have to watch you. If my dad, shit, even if Simon finds out, I’m fucked.” You said, walking up the stairs of the grimes house.
“What’s he gonna do, take your baseball bat and throw it off a cliff.” He said, sarcastically. 
“You should be a comedian.” You blankly stated as you entered the kitchen. You both were quiet while you got the things out of the pantry and laid everything out. 
“What are you making?” Carl asked, looking over from the counter. You looked over with a hum. “Ravioli.” You said simply. “With cheese inside.”
“Why is your family so obsessed with a noodle of some kind?” He asked, sitting back in his chair. You sighed and continued to ignore him as you started to make the dough. You're glad that your dad gave you eggs and oil before leaving, plus a jar of pesto sauce. “If you're just gonna cook for the next hour, I’m gonna go.”
You turned and pushed him back in his seat, softly, before turning back. “Two hours actually, depending on how annoying your gonna be.” You said as you started whisking the dough. Carl only huffed and shuffled. “And you're not leaving, that's what you get for leaving for almost two days. My job to know where you are.” You mumbled the last part. You paused in thought, before turning around and wiping your hands. “You can help me. Wash your hands.”
“What-” You cut him off, “Wash your hands, your helping.” You said, taking his hat off as you walked by and threw it in the hallway. Carl rolled his eyes and grabbed the soap. 
You grabbed a bowl and pan, and oil before turning on the stove. “Okay, what now?” Carl asked, coming beside you. You grabbed an apron and threw it on him. 
“You're gonna finish assembling the dough, I’m doing the sauce.” You said,  pouring the olive oil into the pan. “Start by whisking it in the middle as I did before.” 
Carl started to do circles as you added crushed garlic and pesto sauce into the pan. Then you grabbed the bowl and placed it next to Carl. “That's for the cheese, but we’ll have to do that later.” You said, mixing the pesto and garlic. 
Carl looked at you. “How do you know how to make all of this? You don’t even have a cookbook.” He asked, looking at you sideways as he started again.
You tapped your head. “I remember how to make it. I used to make it all the time, even after this shit happened I… I made it for my mom when she was sick.” You said. You stared at the pan and sat the wooden spoon down. You then started to pour the heavy cream in. 
“Did she get bit?” He asked after a few quiet seconds. You shook your head and just continued to stir until you let it sit and pushed back. You looked over at Carl and then at the dough, it was barely done. 
“Jesus.“ You mumbled and came behind him, reaching over him and moving his hands for him. “Like that, not the petty ass way you were just doing it.” He scoffed and you could feel the eye roll. You kept behind him, with your hands right beside his and you pointing out a few mistakes. You reached over to the pan on the stove and turned it off, moving the pan to another burner.
“And then curve it to the middle?” Carl asked, turning to look at you. His head almost collided when turning to look up at you. You looked into his eyes with a slight smirk. You nodded, taking your hands off of him and moving to the sauce, moving it back to the hot burner and adding cheese to it. 
“After you finish with the dough, wrap it up and put it in the fridge. Then, we can make the cheese that goes inside it.” You said, stirring the sauce around. He nodded and started rolling the dough, making it into a sphere and looking through the cabinets for plastic wrap. He wrapped the dough in the plastic and put it in the fridge as you set a timer for an hour and left the sauce in a container to sit.
“I should have made that sauce later.” You started to clean up. Carl swept the small mess of flour on the floor while you re-sanitized the counters. It was silent the whole time, which made you anxious. You threw away the trash and placed the cloth down, sighing and turning around, watching him sweep slowly.
Carl dumped the flour out of the dustpan and into the trash before laying the broom in the closet. Carl turned around with a raised eyebrow, “What?”
“What ya’ wanna do for the next forty minutes.”
You had a timer in your pocket as you climbed the walls and started walking into the forest. Carl was walking a fair distance behind you as you took the lead. “Where are we going?” He called from his spot as he looked around. 
You turned, walking backward. “I’m not telling you, come on.” You said, turning back and walking on. You stopped and waited for Carl to hurry up. When he finally reached you, you pulled your hands up above your head. “Welcome! To my hangout zone, we're gonna drop a few things off and come back after the food is done. It takes a while to get down here.” You said, going inside. It was logged cabin, it was still unfinished but it worked. It is two stories, has three bedrooms and two bath, and is completely solar-powered but has no water. “I found this place before we met your people, and I like to come here and hang out or get away from everyone.” You said, turning the lights on. “There's room for anything you could want in the world we have now. A garden, a life.” You sighed. “Except water, But I’m sure I can find out how to do that.” 
“Damn,” Carl said, looking around and sitting on the couch. “This is nice and quiet.” He said, watching as you dig through your bag and set a few things down. 
“Yeah, I’ve also slept here before. I covered all the windows so no one can see the light.” You stated, pointing to the windows. You looked at your timer, you had just enough time to get back. “Okay, let’s get our asses back home.” You said. “We can come back soon.”
You both walked outside as you turned off the light and closed the door. You walked behind him, again, at a distance. You also knew he probably didn’t like you much. “You don’t have to walk so far Carl, you or I could get jumped any minute.” You said as he looked back at you with that stupid stare. “Hey, I’m just saying.” You said, putting your hands up in the air and looking off to the side. 
You stayed like that for a while, well not that long but it felt like an eternity. You huffed and jogged beside him. You bumped his shoulder. “Don’t be an ass.” You said, looking at your feet as you walked. “I get your father hates mine, and my dad killed your friends, but you get that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, right?” You asked. “Plus, I’m only like a year older than you, and we’ve got similar heights, I’m just taller.” You said. 
Carl hummed and bumped your shoulder harder. “Sure.” He said, looking you in the eye as your smile widened. 
“Well that's final, we are now officially friends!” You said, doing jazz hands.
“I didn’t say that,” Carl said with an eyebrow raised.
“Too bad.” You replied with a smirk. “You signed a contract with the devil ever since you pointed that gun at my men, which was a badass move.”
Chapter 5
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lesbianbatlucille · 1 year
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twdnonsense · 1 year
I love how Negan’s so convinced he can turn Carl into a savior just because Carl’s a little crazy. Like, yes, he IS crazy, but he also has an undying loyalty towards his family. He would murder you for even suggesting that he betray them.
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threi · 2 years
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saviors when they have to go to alexandria for the sixth time a week to people who are shaking with rage at the sight of them like a chihuahua because their fucking boss wants to check if rick is ticklish and doesn't want to do it alone
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georgialeeches · 1 month
Most of my nice clothes are black, sometimes I try them on and imagine what I’d wear if I was a Sanctuary sister wife (gotta make the fits 2010 influenced too lmao)
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I imagine I’d actually enjoy being married but only having to see my husband 10% of the day while he runs a dictatorship leaving me to mimic the life of Marie Antoinette.
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naughty-negan · 21 days
Guess who's back and sexy AF? 😍😍😍
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sav1ored · 21 days
//. Been busy !! My kid graduates from first grade next week so I gotta plan ahead cause I always have to plan ahead foe her shoes and to wear and hair lmao! Every moment for these kids are big moments. 💓 BUT I'm still around I've been rewatching and catching up on THE BOYS. Butcher, starlight and homelander & soldier boy are gonna be added on the MM Blog when I'm officially done on my watching journey. I am slowly getting to drafts 🥰 so catch yall on the flip side 😘
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reader pronouns: she/her, reader is Rick’s sister warning: language (it’s Negan so duh), threats of violence, fear and anxiety, angsssstttt
“Dwight, bring Daryl over here,” Negan said, still smiling broadly. “I want to make sure he can hear all of this.” 
Dwight shoved Daryl hard in the back and he nearly tripped from it. He managed somehow to keep his feet under him and he walked forward until he was standing beside Negan.
Negan paced a line in front of all of you, but his eyes didn’t leave your face. You’d been singled out, and you felt nausea rolling in your stomach as you glanced across Negan’s tall, lean frame and looked at the state Daryl was in. The bat swung in a wide arc at Negan’s side and then perched up on his shoulder again as he stopped in front of you. 
“I can’t believe you all having been holding out on me,” Negan said. “I thought I made it perfectly fuckin’ clear that that shit would not be tolerated.”
Rick stepped forward, sweat dripping down his face from terror of what was about to happen. “We haven’t been holding—”
“Rick, shut the fuck up and get back where you fuckin’ were,” Negan growled, pointing a gloved finger at him. Your brother wilted, giving you a desperate and terrified look, and stepped back. 
“Now, where was I?” Negan paused. The scowl on his face melted back into that cocky smile and he stopped right in front of you. “Imagine how fuckin’ surprised I was to find out that Rick the Prick had a sister. Ya’ll must have forgotten to mention that one, hmm? And not just a sister,” he paused and clicked his tongue, looking you up and down, “but damn! I can see who got all the good looks in the family,” he finished, shooting another mocking smile at Rick.
Rick was shaking from anger and anxiety, his jaw clenched and his teeth ground together. He knew. Rick didn’t know how he’d found out, but Negan knew. 
Negan went on. “And imagine my shock when I find out that little Miss Grimes happens to have a special beau, my Daryl! Fuck me sideways, that shit is just too good to be true.” Negan looked back at you and pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth for a moment. “That must make you Alexandrian royalty or some shit. Right, doll? Brother’s the boss. Love interest is the biggest badass in the settlement. Want me to bow and show proper respect for your station?”
You didn’t know what made you do it. You were absolutely terrified. But your simmering hatred for the man, fueled by the state Daryl seemed to be in and Negan’s public grandstanding, got the best of you. “Rather you sucked my—”
“Whoa!” Negan, to your surprise, only laughed and grinned more widely at you. “Watch it, men! We’re in the presence of a proper lady.” His eyes raked over your face and there was something in them that dropped your stomach to the ground. “Dwight, let Daryl go.” For a split second, your heart leapt, but when it came to the Saviors, nothing was ever that good. “And get Miss Grimes here settled in my truck for the ride to her new home. We’re doin’ a goods exchange today everybody, and I gotta say, I think I’m getting the better end of this fucking deal.”
“No! No! Y/N! Keep me! Just leave her the fuck alone! Don’t fucking touch her! No!” Daryl was screaming as the blood drained from your face and time seemed to slow. He was trying to fight to you but several men seized him by the arms and dragged him around Negan, who stood watching him like he was really fucking enjoying his anguish.
“No, please,” Rick stepped forward again, his face desperate, but Negan’s smile vanished and he pointed his bat straight at him. 
“Rick, if you take another goddamn step forward I swear to my sweet Lucille I will bash somebody else’s brains in right here.” 
You looked over your shoulder as Dwight grabbed your elbow firmly. Your eyes were wide and glassy as you looked at your brother and Daryl, who finally seemed to have given up and gone nearly limp, almost crumpled onto the asphalt. You wondered if this would be the last time you’d ever see them. Prompt: “Want me to bow and show proper respect for your station?” / “Rather you sucked my—” / “Whoa! Watch it, men! We’re in the presence of a proper lady.” A/N: As soon as I saw this prompt, I knew it had to be Negan. Also, not me wanting to write this as an entire fic... 
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mymanreedus · 6 months
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"Friends who have not only changed me but changed the hearts and minds of so many others. I am beyond certain my fate will not discourage them from keeping that going, from helping others to find the courage to do what's right. I was not always a good man. Some time ago I fell in with a posse who thrived on doing some downright unseemly acts on the reg. And I looked the other way. I placed value on order and safety above all other things. But I soon realized that, while I wasn't the one swinging the bat, I nevertheless had blood on my hands. I knew what was happening. My inaction made me culpable and I hated myself for that. So I did something. In my own little way I changed the world. And I learned that one person can do that. And sometimes all it takes is one person to do that. Thank you. That is all."
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years
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“We are the walking dead”
Thank you, The Walking Dead. There were ups and downs, but it sure was a hell of a show…
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