#mysteryspider moodboard
mysteryweb · 4 years
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🎃 Especial de Halloween Spiderio & GyllenHolland 2020 - Día 1 🎃
🦇 Temas elegidos: Embrujado.
🦇 Ship: Quentin Beck/ Peter Parker.
🦇 Advertencias: Mucho out of character (porque es un AU). No editado.
El grupo de estudiantes estaba reunido en torno a una fogata que se apagaría en cualquier momento. La noche había llegado con niebla y una considerable baja de temperatura, pero eso no impedía que siguieran al aire libre un rato más.
—¿Eres una gallina, Parker?
Cacareos llegaron a sus oídos a modo de burlas, y eso fue lo que colmó su paciencia.
—¡De acuerdo, iré!
Cuando aceptó la apuesta de Quentin no había tenido en mente perderla. Por eso él fue el encargado de poner la prenda, por eso él eligió pasar una hora dentro de la casa abandonada en medio del bosque. El grupo de amigos de Quentin siempre la pasaba ahí, y tardaban no más de cinco minutos en llegar hasta sus puertas desde el lugar en el que estaban.
—Yo iré contigo —le dijo—. No confío en que estés ahí por más de diez minutos.
Peter lo miró con desconfianza, pero debía decir que tenía razón. De alguna manera haría todo lo posible por escapar de ahí. Esa era la desventaja de que Quentin lo conociera de pequeño. Ambos llegaron en medio de la niebla a la casa abandonada.
—¿Quieres abrir la puerta?
Quentin pudo sentir que Peter estaba agarrando la parte inferior de su buzo, y sonrió de lado. Quizás no estaba en sus planes hablarle con voz temblorosa pero también estaba haciendo eso. La puerta se abrió haciendo un ruido que hizo que hasta Quentin sintiera escalofríos recorriéndole la espina dorsal. Su mirada se posó unos segundos sobre Peter que se asomaba por un costado para espiar dentro de la casa. Entraron al largo y estrecho pasillo. En medio había una bicicleta que Quentin hizo a un lado con el pie.
—¿Te doy la mano o estás bien?
—Estoy perfectamente bien.
Peter mencionó cada palabra con énfasis. Quentin agarró su mano y la metió dentro de su bolsillo.
—Camina al lado mío.
Lo único que oían era el sonido de sus pasos y el viento que hacía raspar las ramas de los árboles sobre el piso superior.
—No soy una gallina —murmuró Peter de la nada.
—No dije que lo fueras. Pero también sé el terror que te dan estas cosas. Te hace recordar cosas feas, ¿no? —su amigo lo miró, pero no dijo nada al respecto—. Quedémonos un rato. Hay una salida en la parte de atrás. Podremos regresar cuando se haya cumplido la hora.
El plan de Quentin siempre había sido en realidad: quedarse un rato recorriendo la casa, escapar, y después volver al punto de encuentro. Estaban caminando por el segundo piso cuando a Peter le pareció oír algo a sus espaldas.
—¿Oíste eso?
Quentin notó qué la mano que sostenía sudaba.
—¿Qué cosa?
—Suena como un piano...
—Hay uno en alguna de estas habitaciones...
—Pero, no hay nadie más en la casa, ¿o sí?
—Si estas tratando de preguntar si les dije a alguno de los chicos que vinieran a jugarte una mala pasada, me ofende que pienses eso de mí.
—Entonces, ¿quién está tocando?
—Mejor vayamos yendo —dijo Quentin mientras le sonreía con una calma que no sentía. Sin darse cuenta, su mano había apretado la de Peter con fuerza. Sin haberse quedado mucho tiempo, salieron de la casa y tomaron el camino que los llevaría sin ser vistos a su casa. Cuando las luces del pueblo estaban lo suficientemente cerca como para sentirse a salvo, Quentin terminó con el silencio que se había formado entre ambos—. Hay una leyenda sobre esa casa. Se dice que su dueño perdió a la persona que amaba por una enfermedad y él perdió la razón. Cada día tocaba el piano a la misma hora, hasta que en una ocasión usó ese mismo piano para llegar al techo y colgar una soga que terminó con su vida.
—¿A qué hora fue eso?
Quentin detuvo sus pasos y soltó la mano de Peter para ver su reloj de muñeca. Soltó una risa y una gota de sudor bajó por su rostro. Se giró para que su acompañante pudiera ver lo que marcaba el reloj digital.
—¿Qué hora tienes tú?
Iba a hacer sólo moodboards, pero me pasa eso de querer escribir cuando veo un moodboard, así que, acá está 🤭
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paper-star-fight · 4 years
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Bodyguard AU
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liebestraum-no-3 · 3 years
I was bored so I made this..
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akuamarina · 4 years
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Pirates au [Starker]
When Quentin is the captain, Peter his little boy and Tony the Quentin’s Friend who fall in love deeply with Peter.
And Peter love him back.
I’m writting the story dsfsafgsad
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multifangirl69 · 4 years
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Moodboards for the Spiderio Mini Bang 2020 For “Causality” by unsettled Plus an edit
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satansterio · 4 years
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Like the stars
(Peter's pov)
"Wait ... stop!" it was almost a scream, no matter how hard we tried not to make noise.
It had been hard to convince Wade and Matt to leave the room that the four of us shared in the camp dormitory, especially since it was late and some teachers were supposed to be on the lookout, but nothing that a pack of cigarettes wouldn't leave them outside for half an hour .
"Stop? Why, doll? ”
I groaned biting the big guy's right shoulder, while that intense sensation took over my body, it was wonderful, I couldn't deny it. The pain was gone and even then those accurate movements were agonizing, I felt like I needed to scream, like I wasn't going to endure and explode at any moment.
“It's very intense, baby” my body would shake, damn how good it was!
The graduate - yes, Quentin would go to college next year, while I would still be here for two more - continued to lunge hard while squeezing my already red thighs, pulling out a loud groan from my throat.
"Beck!" he went deeper and deeper, and that feeling of agony intensified as the older man hit that sensitive spot inside me.
I scratched his back while he bit my chin.
“Ah! I can’t!" Beck went slowly, hard, fast, left completely and came back hard, making me roll my eyes. "Beck ... it's too much for me"
"Relax, Peter" he slowed his movements, while brushing his hair back from my sweaty forehead "you're just feeling a wonderful orgasm coming, okay?"
"It is so intense ... Here" I touched my lower abdomen, where that sensation was formed. “And here” I pointed to my sore and swollen penis, expelling pre-cum. Damn, it was so nasty and agonizing!
"But it's good, right?"
My body trembled when I felt his right hand squeeze my hard cock and start masturbating it at the same time that he returned with the right movements in that particular little place. Quentin did that perfectly, it was too hot, he was too hot, and that feeling drove me crazy while making me scream.
"Yes, it is mm!" I choked "Beck!"
“Stay on your stomach and bite the pillow, will you? Or the monitors will end up listening ”
I nodded and Quentin came out of me making my entrance blink sensitive. I turned my back on the big guy, he held tight to my waist after leaving a warm kiss on my back, and he penetrated me hard again. I had to bite and sink my face into the pillow when I felt him punch my prostate, now having more freedom to move.
"Fuck, Peter ... You don't know how good it is to see your ass swallow my dick like that"
I quickly blushed, the pleasure was so great that I pressed the sheet against my fingers, trying to discount all that agony. His name came out repeatedly between my lips and was muffled by the pillow. A tingle took over my body, starting at the lower abdomen until it became impossible to control, and when Quentin touched my member, I was unable to hold on. All that pleasure, that tingling, that agony exploded in the form of poorly contained jets and screams spilled over the mattress. Beck was still moving, now separating my buttcheeks for more access.
And with a fucked-up grip on my waist, I could feel its hot liquid spilling out, filling me up and making me feel complete for the first time in my life. It was wonderful; the torpor of orgasm, together with my man's hoarse moan close to my ear, took me to paradise, and when he retired and lay down beside me, kissing me willingly, I could only think about how much I loved him and how I would feel miss him when he went to college in New York.
hey guys that's me loey. I felt the urge to write it in first person dunno why. I hope it's not out of the blue since I'm still learning english but I really tried so... That's it. How you guys doing with this pandemic shit? I'm missing sunlight and my sorority to be honest.
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afternooncrepe · 5 years
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Spiderio - Visting France AU
AU where Peter is visiting Paris with May for a month and he is trying to teach himself the language while he’s there. Lucky for him he runs into someone who is more then willing to help him study.
“Are you sure about this Mr. Beck? I really don’t want to bother you.”
The man in question gave Peter a look and a tilt of an eyebrow.
“Monsieur Beck.” Peter quickly corrected rubbing the back of this neck nervously. Quentin chuckled and flashed Peter a smile.
“Don’t worry so much Peter, I’m free for awhile until my next meeting,” Quentin looked down to the small table they were sharing that was covered in various notes and flashcards that Peter had brought to the cafe to study with. Peter couldn’t help the jolt of embarrassment that overcame him, maybe this was too much.
“Besides I couldn’t just sit and watch while you try and teach yourself, most likely incorrectly.”
Peter gave a huff and mumbled under his breath “I’m not that bad.” He quickly turned back to Quentin “Besides I think I’m doing pretty good, I can already understand some basic conversational French.” The look Quentin gave him was doubtful and Peter starred him down, feeling indignant.
“Is that so?” Quentin drawled while letting his arms rest against the table and leaning closer towards Peter.
“Y-Yeah totally, I mean I don’t know if I could carry a full conversation or anything, but I’ve only been here a week and,” Peter trailed off, Quentin was so very attractive and his eyes were so blue. Where should he be looking, shit did Quentin say something, he should agree.
“Yeah, s-sure.” Smooth Parker.
If anything Quentin grin got bigger and he leaned even closer towards Peter, it was hard to focus.
“So if you can’t translate what I’ll say next you owe me one favor, you ready?” Oh is that what he agreed to? Surely it can’t be that bad. Peter glanced up at Quentin, he had a devilish smirk on his face that had no right being as attractive as it was. Peter gulped and nodded throwing a quick look at his notes hoping something would help him. Quentin clicked his tongue and let out a gentle laugh. But then he started to speak.
Peter tried to pay attention but as soon as Quentin started talking he was lost. Quentin’s voice was so low and calming. The way French just rolled off his tongue was intoxicating to Peter, he could listen to Quentin talk all day never understand a word and be perfectly fine with that. That being said Peter desperately wanted to know what Quentin said, it had sounded to beautiful.

“I’m sorry but, um, could you repeat that?” Peter felt awkward asking but Quentin gave him a warm smile and repeated himself.
“Dès l'instant où je t'ai vu, j'ai été captivé. Et maintenant que je te connais, je ne veux pas te laisser partir.”
“Yeah, there is no way I could understand that!” Peter exclaimed to the man across from him. “What was that a line from a novel, it was so long!”
“So does this mean you’ll do that favor for me?”
“I mean sure, it can’t be that bad? Do I get to know what you said though?” Peter asked.
“Maybe I’ll tell you, if our date goes over well tonight.”
There was a solid moment of silence before Peter could gather his thoughts enough in order to form and spit out the only thing that was running through his mind.
“What?“ —— So this is my first time writing a little ficlet or making a moodboard, I just love how people can get really creative with them so I thought I would try with a little idea that has been in my head for awhile. Maybe I’ll write a proper oneshot who knows, maybe if people ask for it.
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laecrimas · 5 years
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"don't make me hurt you"
Quentin & Peter moodboard
Don't repost
Like if you save
merci beaucoup!
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angryzilla · 5 years
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★ Spiderio / PeterBeck moodboard for my Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind AU ★
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mysteryweb · 4 years
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Spiderio & GyllenHolland Weeks 2020.
Trope: It's Not You, It's My Enemies.
“We- What!?”
Peter wasn't looking up at his boyfriend. He couldn't. How could he if he was breaking up with him? It hurt like hell even when Peter was the one who decided it.
“We should take a break”, Peter muttered.
“Yes, Peter. You keep saying that. What I don't understand is why. We're doing okay, what's wrong at all of the sudden?”
The younger clenched his fists. He couldn't tell Quentin the truth. He couldn't say to him that he was Spider-Man.
“Meeting you was one of the best things that happen to me.”
“Then, why breaking up, Peter? I need an explanation.”
Peter took a look at the watery blue eyes of Quentin and he just couldn't stand it. With a sob, he shook his head, took his backpack and left the apartment. Once he was out, he took his phone on his hands. He was required for a new mission with the Avengers.
Quentin sat down on the couch and looked at the ceiling. He shut his eyes with pain. But a part of him knew that Peter's decision was the right one to do.
How could a man like him, one with his hands red because of the blood of the people he had killed had the chance to love someone else? Peter was a blessing in his life, and because of the dark side of Quentin, that relationship would be over soon or later.
After all, he was a villain. After all, he was Mysterio.
Trope: No eres tú, son mis enemigos.
—Nosotros- ¿Qué?
Peter no estaba mirando a su novio. No podía. ¿Cómo podría si estaba rompiendo con él? Le dolió como el infierno incluso cuando Peter fue quien lo había decidido.
—Deberíamos tomarnos un descanso —murmuró Peter.
—Sí, Peter. Sigues diciendo eso. Lo que no entiendo es por qué. Estamos bien, ¿qué pasa de repente?
El menor apretó los puños. No podía decirle a Quentin la verdad. No podía decirle que era Spider-Man.
—Conocerte fue una de las mejores cosas que pudo haberme sucedido.
—Entonces, ¿por qué romper, Peter? Necesito una explicación.
Peter echó un vistazo a los ojos azules y llorosos de Quentin y no pudo soportarlo. Con un sollozo, sacudió la cabeza, tomó su mochila y salió del departamento. Una vez fuera, agarró su teléfono. Estaba siendo requerido para una nueva misión con los Vengadores.
Quentin se sentó en el sofá y miró al techo. Cerró los ojos con dolor. Pero una parte de él sabía que la decisión de Peter era la correcta.
¿Cómo podría un hombre como él, uno con las manos rojas por la sangre de las personas que había matado, tener la oportunidad de amar a alguien? Peter fue una bendición en su vida, y debido al lado oscuro de Quentin, esa relación tarde o temprano terminaría.
Después de todo, él era un villano. Después de todo, él era Mysterio.
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paper-star-fight · 4 years
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mysteryweb · 4 years
Oh man I love your moodboards, I'm so bad at them. One for Hanahaki disease (the thing with unrequited love makes you start coughing up flowers until you die), with Peter getting it for Quentin?
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I can’t breathe without you.
Notes: Quentin is a bad boy in this story :/
Peter is an art student who happens to fall in love with the charismatic model he has in charge, Quentin. At first time, Quentin seems a good guy, but looks are deceiving and the truth is that he doesn't care about Peter.
"Do you really think I could interested in a guy like you? Give me a break, Parker."
Quentin left Peter alone in the classroom, everyone was returned home already. Peter was there more than two hours, gasping and begging for air, surrounded of a pool of the more beautiful flowers anyone could ever see.
Peter had fell in love with Quentin, but the model has no interest in this boy feelings.
Thank you, darling :) I really appreciate your words 🥰
I’m bad writing hanahaki xD and as you can tell, yes, I love the worst scenario possible <3
i’ve two more requested, i received, but i have to work on them, please, be patient and thank you for the requests :3
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mysteryweb · 4 years
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A moodboard I forgot to share about the fanfiction written by @spiderscubaboy, Molecular love 🥰
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mysteryweb · 4 years
Oh an another - sex pollen? Either one of them getting hit with it? Pretty please?
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I'm sorry for the late reply, darling. Here's your moodboard ;)
Quentin and Peter were split for this last mission. It would be easy, taking down a couple that was messing around with witchcraft.
What they didn't realize until it was too late, it was the fact that Peter had been hit by a some smoke before he took down one of the witches.
He started to think that Quentin was hot -not that Peter didn't think about it before. He felt aroused by his voice and the way he cracked a cocky smile.
“Don't you realize it?”, Quentin asked him, but Peter was too focused watching the way Quentin's lips moved when he talked. “You were hit by some sex pollen or something like that.”
“Would you help me to get rid of this? I would screw things up if they notice about it. You know how important this mission was to me.”
Maybe Quentin had been hit by this pollen too. He just couldn't say no to this boy.
“It's okay, Peter”, he had said in a whisper, touching Peter's hair softly, making him moan. “I'll take care of you...”
I'm taking moodboard requests now ;)
I promise I won't take so long to do it 😔
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mysteryweb · 4 years
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Spiderio & GyllenHolland Weeks 2020.
Trope: May-December Romance.
Warning of age gap of 20 years or so. Peter is legal tho.
“Hold that thought”, the older man had said the first time he saw him at the office. Peter was the child of one of his best friends. He was quite young when Quentin hold him in his arms and who could even think that they would fall in love almost twenty years after that? “I'm sorry. What you were saying? I had to take this call.” He had said to the younger boy who seemed to be doze off looking at Quentin. “Peter?”
“Would you mind drink a coffee with me?”
At first, Quentin was took by surprise but then he smiled.
“Of course not. You have time right now?”
Peter squirmed in the bed. He was trying to get up and go to the bathroom but he had one leg stuck in the sheets and the hug that Quentin gave to him, didn't let him to escape.
“Let me go”, Peter asked with sleepy voice.
“You were the one who wanted to come to my place”, retorted the older man kissing Peter's neck. Peter sighed and turned to his side to see Quentin's face, who when he felt Peter's hands and lips over his skin was falling asleep. The younger smiled and took his place next to his lover. He didn't like how that sound. He hoped, one day, to have the courage enough to introduce Quentin as his partner.
Trope: Romance de Mayo-Diciembre.
Advertencia de diferencia de edad de 20 años, más o menos. Aunque Peter es legal.
—Mantén ese pensamiento —le había dicho el mayor, la primera vez que lo vio en la oficina. Estaba atendiendo una llamada importante, pero no quería que él recién llegado se fuera. Lo conocía desde que era un bebé. Incluso varias veces lo había hecho dormir entre sus brazos, mientras con su padre hablaban de trabajo. ¿Quién habría pensado que volverían a encontrarse casi veinte años después?—. Lo siento. Tenía que responder esto —se excusó Quentin. Se sonrió al darse cuenta de la manera en que el muchacho lo observaba—. ¿Peter?
—¿Le molestaría tomar un café conmigo?
Quentin fue tomado por sorpresa, pero luego le sonrió.
—Por supuesto. ¿Tienes tiempo ahora?
Peter se revolvió entre las sábanas. Estaba tratando de levantarse para ir al baño, pero tenía una pierna enredada, y el abrazo que Quentin le dio, le impidió escapar.
—Suéltame —le pidió con voz somnolienta.
—Tú quisiste venir a casa —lo atacó el mayor dándole un beso en el cuello. Peter suspiró y trató de girarse para quedar frente a Quentin, quien mientras sentía las caricias y besos de Peter sobre su rostro, fue quedándose dormido. El menor se sonrió y se acurrucó al lado de su amante. No le gustaba cómo sonaba. Esperaba algún día tener el coraje suficiente de presentarlo como su pareja.
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mysteryweb · 4 years
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Peter es un nene mimado que va de vacaciones a una playa paradisíaca. Allí conoce a Quentin, un hombre que lo ha perdido todo y se refugia en el surf.
Ese deporte será lo que acerque a dos personas completamente diferentes que terminarán reuniéndose gracias al amor que surgirá entre ellos.
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