#mystery pain
demigodofhoolemere · 1 month
Mystery pain question for my fellow chronic pain folks:
For as long as I can remember I’ve gotten irregular pains in my ankles. I don’t know how to describe this pain, other than that it’s not dissimilar to growing pains, and for years I kind of figured it was probably just part of that. At some point after becoming an adult and clearly not growing anymore, that was obviously not the case.
Nothing ever causes this pain; it will just come on out of nowhere with no obvious reason or trigger, usually just one ankle at a time, and there’s no predicting when it will happen because sometimes I’ll go weeks and weeks without an instance of it and other times it’ll come back fairly quickly after the last time, even successive days in a row. No doctors know what the heck this is and pain meds don’t really do anything to make it stop.
In the past few years it’s extended from only ever being in my ankles. It can now present itself in any of the four limbs, in any spot throughout them. Sometimes it’ll be in one of my knees or wrists and so on, and I’ve now fairly often had it be throughout the entirety of a given limb. At the moment of writing this I have this pain all through one of my legs. Sometime in the past year it was so excruciating throughout an entire arm that I was nearly completely disabled by it, it was agony to do anything with it and I was at the point of tears, which my various chronic pains/illnesses almost NEVER bring me to no matter how bad it can get, my pain threshold is very high. This particular mystery pain is not usually disabling, more just uncomfortable than anything but I can still function well enough during it, but it’s a bit concerning that it’s become enough of a problem that that can happen now. Sometimes it will also be in multiple limbs at once in various spots which is a little annoying; rarely was it ever in both ankles at once throughout growing up so there’s little precedent for it being on more than one side (or limb, now) at the same time, but that’s where we’re at now.
I wish I knew how to properly describe what the feeling of it even is, no description of either muscle or joint pain has ever sounded quite right and I’ve only ever been able to refer to it as simply “my ankle pain” regardless of where it now chooses to present itself. It’s just… this painful discomfort that sort of sits in the spot it’s at, not exactly pulsing or radiating but just… there.
I’m thinking this may be a weird fibromyalgia thing? I’ve never been officially diagnosed with that, but my mom has been for many years now and with the benefit of hindsight she and her aunt think that her mother must have had it based on things she would describe but wouldn’t have had a word for, and as time goes on I’ve developed more and more of my mom’s fibro symptoms. She doesn’t have this same particular problem but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what this is and it was simply the first symptom that hit me even as a child and now it’s gotten worse into young adulthood the way that some of my mom’s symptoms got worse with time.
Does anyone with fibromyalgia understand the kind of pain I’m trying to explain and can confirm that it’s likely fibro? Or anyone with some other lesser known thing that this could be? I don’t know what to make of it anymore.
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arynecho · 9 months
I'm so sick of lazy doctors not giving a fuck about me. They basically told me they'll only test for the one most obvious thing (rheumatoid arthritis), and if it's not that they won't test for anything else. But there are literally so many other things it could be, and just getting a few exercises without knowing the cause isn't gonna help me
I've had increasing pain since at least 2020 starting in my wrists and spreading to the rest of my joints. In 3 years it's gone from a nuisance to something that I can't ignore, and it's just getting worse. These people clearly don't give a damn about me or my health, and I feel like there isn't anyone on my side
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actuallysatan23 · 2 months
"The doctors haven't found anything yet?"
My good sir, the doctors haven't even started looking for anything yet. We haven't even made it to the point that the doctors believe me yet.
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yamimichi · 1 year
I spent the better part of the day and into the evening at the ER.
This time it wasn't about the vertigo.
A little over a month ago my left shoulder started hurting. I thought it was my arthritis moving to another area.
But the pain continued to progress. My arm would hurt when I moved it. It would snap and crackle and try to freeze in place.
Turns out it's my rotator cuff. I have no idea what happened.
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Maybe the pain is seeping in. Maybe, just maybe it's wormed into my brain. It's is hard to avoid existentialism. I mean it honestly when I huff this body feels like a trap.
-it hurts to be me-
Cham. The Cancer ♋️
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ky-landfill · 4 months
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heavenly-haunted · 1 month
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i was at work for 7 hours yesterday and the only thing on my mind was them
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i know that it's at partly just that i do not generally post when i ride, but fang duobing, bounciest boy on the screen at all times, posting incredibly dramatically, is very funny and charming to me. he really wakes up and is like 'fuck yeah, every day is leg day, work them thighs!'
like, sir. please. you're gonna die. how far are you riding. how can you possibly sustain that, you cannot, it is impossible. how will you walk when you get off that horse. your thighs will be of steel, by which i mean utterly incapable of moving.
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azurityarts · 8 months
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dewott brooke back at it again
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raylatdp-astridhttyd · 10 months
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Legend or korra
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Dragon prince
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Evolution of bloodbending
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arynecho · 11 months
Me: makes any hand gesture
My knuckles: ouchie, no, ow, don't do that, painy ouch
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poorslaindoll · 1 year
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So I heard we were redesigning the Scooby gang for funsies. And character design is my passion so… Have this college au!
I honestly think that Velma would be the only one who’s actually a criminal justice major or going to school for a similar field, but I also think she’d minor in like robotics or something. She’s got a full scholarship bc she’s like a super genius or something.
Daphne is a fashion design major but dabbles in a few other things when she isn’t doing mystery stuff with the gang. I’ve always seen her as a jack of all trades type who can pick up skills p easily tbh. She’s just girlboss like that. Also the fact that Shaggy wears socks and sandals drives her nuts.
Fred is a theater kid and if you think otherwise you’re wrong. Idk much about theater majors but I think he’d focus more on the technical side of things, but he’s still a pretty good actor.
Shaggy just seems like they’d be the type to be a culinary arts major bc y’know… food. He’s also on the college track team bc that also makes sense to me. And Scooby is their emotional support dog. Anxiety service dog??? (I’m not all that familiar with the terms and what is considered like a service animal or not so I’m so sorry if that’s not correct.) Also baggy clothes to hold all the snacks.
I imagine that the gang is still solving little mysteries while in school since chaotic stuff just gravitates to them via the power of being main characters, but I also think it would be fun to have like an overarching mystery as well. And I think it would include the gang noticing that despite the normal lifespan of a dog, Scooby doesn’t seem to be getting any older…
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
im just thinking about 2005 nu!who starting for a new audience (me) with mystery and sorrow and the idea of trying to rebuild yourself after a massive, horrific event, but also everything that came before that slowly being revealed to weigh you down as well (the companions who were left behind or who died, the way you were treated by your own people, the relationships that hurt you, the demons still in the closet, the constant running), and it ending on a narrative that healing really is possible for this character
and 2024 nu(nu)!who starting for a new audience with exuberance and curiosity and the joy of upcoming exploration after having allowed oneself that healing, and yes, being able to let go of that weight, but having so much affection and tenderness towards ones past selves and the effort it took to get to this place, and wherever this story goes, it doesn't start with grief or fear or trepidation, it starts with giddy excitement for what's about to happen
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seventh-fantasy · 6 months
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美人舞如莲花旋 a beauty dances like a spiralling lotus flower [x]
li xiangyi/li lianhua + sword dances | 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook EP 9/34/40
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glittergroovy · 2 months
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ivycrownedpanther · 5 months
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🍇💘 happy rural dionysia! 💘🍇
This is my altar for today! Theres a candle for Dionysus in the middle (back), bracelet I made for him on the left, fluorite hearts carving on the right, and a peen shaped cookie in the middle (front)
As for dionysia activities, today I’ve prayed to him and accidentally fell asleep, made sugar cookies (with vanilla frosting & sprinkles), read hymns, prayed again, and now I’m probably gonna play some video games and maybe later watch a movie :3
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