#my time at Portia spoilers
tapping-away · 1 year
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Unexpectedly up close and personal (when you’re small and filled with fury)
Trying a different way of shading and also trying to get myself to make backgrounds. Starting simple here.
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i just noticed something regarding Pen. A jacuzzi is listed as a liked gift for him however you only get the recipe for that during the "duvos attacks" mission. Where he is already revealed to be a bad guy. Why would an item that you can only get after the reveal be coded as a liked gift for him? Maybe it is just an oversight but wouldn't it have been easier for pathea to not have him react to it at all if he was going to permanently leave the game?
(Knives Out + MTAP spoilers ahead)
I don't think it's an oversight just because the Jacuzzi is also listed as a liked gift for both Matilda and Yan. Unless the devs added it in as some kind of joke (god, i hope not) chances are it means we'll be able to interact with them in town at some point. Whether that means they'll be getting redemption arcs or are going to stay in town is up in the air atm.
Okay so I kind of went a bit off topic so I'm putting a readmore right here. I'm mainly talking about what I've heard with regards to future redemption arcs for certain characters and how one of the devs compared handling Pen's story in relation to Aadit's that's a little confusing. I've been wanting to talk about Aadit for a while and bring some of what's been said on Discord here to tumblr because I feel a lot of stuff gets lost on Discord, and if you're not familiar with it it can be a bit daunting. Anyway, back to where I left off....
Like, I've heard in passing Matilda will be getting one, but idk if that's speculation or if a dev has stated that somewhere. I personally recall a dev mentioning that Yan would recognize his mistakes and come to turning over a new leaf, but I don't have a source for this atm so don't take my word on it. The most I've seen any of them said about Pen has been this:
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The wording here is kind of confusing because Zede is comparing Pen's story to Aadit's, which has notoriously been left open-ended and on a cliffhanger, and has been something people have complained about in various corners of the internet (including the Pathea Discord server). So this isn't exactly comforting to hear about how Pen's story is going to end.
But I think what Zede was trying to say is that they have a plan to conclude Aadit's story in a satisfactory manner, and that the player will be satisfied with how they conclude it (and similarly for Pen). Because the alternative implies they don't know about the criticism about Aadit's story in Portia, which is unlikely just based on this interaction:
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This needs to be pointed out because if this is what Zede meant by that, it implies that they already have plans to take Aadit's story somewhere.
I've been wondering for a while now if Aadit will get a cameo at some point in the series because they specifically answered a question about him on their Kickstarter FAQ stating that they're still interested in working on his story:
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Also Zede has repeatedly chimed in on the Discord about Aadit:
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It also bears mentioning that Zede posted all of these comments in Sandrock-related channels. So I'm kinda inclined to think Aadit will make an appearance in Sandrock, but I'm not entirely sold on it just because of the timeline.
Sandrock takes place a bit before the events in MTAP. The timelines between the games match up when Albert and Mint visit Sandrock to help with the plans for the tunnel between Sandrock and Portia. And Aadit leaves Portia after the tunnel is complete. So it's entirely possible that when he leaves, he makes a stop in Sandrock.
The problem I have with this is that he leaves pretty late in the game. I don't quite remember exactly when because I played Portia several months ago and can't quite remember at what point he really left. So I'm not sure if the timelines meet well enough for it to logistically make sense for Aadit to make a guest appearance in Sandrock.
That said, it's entirely possible that he could end up making an appearance in Project ME considering the launch trailer shows us glimpses of Logan and Avery.
Anyway, I'm hoping that's what Zede meant regarding the comparison between Aadit's story and Pen's. So far I haven't really been able to find anything to really put anyone's mind at rest regarding how Pen's story will be handled further down, and Zede's comment is the only thing I've come across that indicates the devs are taking player feedback into consideration and have some sort of gameplan.
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flannelepicurean · 9 months
Xu & Me, Baby: Part 1
Okay. So…They’s gonna be spoilers ahead. And just. Buckle up. 😂
My Time at Portia is one of my new fave “little tasks in little towns” genre games. Like Stardew Valley and stuff, right? You move to a little town, you do a bunch of little tasks, you makes you some money, you meets some nice folks, you builds a life. Good times. And I’ve been having A BLAST playing it. It’s super cute. Looks a bit like an N64 Zelda game got a bit of an update and went a bit more cuddly. Love the gameplay. #NOPED the hell on out the first time I did a mission that had any real combat, though. 😂😂😂 But eventually learned that the combat system is VERY forgiving, and now I’m a certified BEAST. It’s not even fucking funny.
There’s a romance system, of course. And I ignored that for a good long while, because I had shit to do. My li’l guy was busy chopping trees and breaking rocks and building bookshelves and running a business and shit, and he already had his hands full fending off the thirsty-ass farm girl across the road who was I swear to GOD, for the THIRD FUCKING TIME, like, “Oh nooooo, my pesky chickens got out of the pen agaaaiiin, won’t some strapping Builder come help me round up these three baby chicks who are just bouncing innocently a mere ten feet away??? I’m just…sooooo tired, or…something…So out of breath, behold my heaving bosom…Farming, amirite??? Hahahaha…”
I FUCKING SEE YOUR GAMES, EMILY. But yeah, I’ll help you round up your fucking chickens, because I’m cool like that. Now here I go, casually jogging off to slay a dungeon because I still haven’t figured out there’s a button that makes me dash, and that probably has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that you want me to come plow your fields, sweetie.
There’s a romance system, of course. And I ignored that for a good long while, because I had shit to do. My li’l guy was busy chopping trees and breaking rocks and building bookshelves and running a business and shit, and he already had his hands full fending off the thirsty-ass farm girl across the road who was I swear to GOD, for the THIRD FUCKING TIME, like, “Oh nooooo, my pesky chickens got out of the pen agaaaiiin, won’t some strapping Builder come help me round up these three baby chicks who are just bouncing innocently a mere ten feet away??? I’m just…sooooo tired, or…something…So out of breath, behold my heaving bosom…Farming, amirite??? Hahahaha…”
I FUCKING SEE YOUR GAMES, EMILY. But yeah, I’ll help you round up your fucking chickens, because I’m cool like that. Now here I go, casually jogging off to slay a dungeon because I still haven’t figured out there’s a button that makes me dash, and that probably has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that you want me to come plow your fields, sweetie.
Normally, I settle down with a nice emo boy or something. I have married SO MANY SEBASTIANS. There’s not really a Sebastian in Portia. There are some interesting folks, and I absolutely LOVE that there are some older candidates, and like SIX bachelors who are straight up fat guys who wear bucket hats and like…socks with sandals (they are six of a seven-brother set, and they’re pretty cool; most of them wear glasses, and a few of them have disabilities or sensory things and stuff, and I love seeing things like that in games). Not everybody is a twink or whatever. It’s just neat. There’s a cute doctor guy, and I was like, “Aw, he’s cute. I’d maybe be into him. He’s no Sebastian, though. SIGH.” And went about my business.
I thought about some of the ladies, even! Started contemplating a HETERO MARRIAGE, for the FIRST TIME EVER, in a little-tasks-little-towns game! (Wasn’t about to marry thirsty farm girl, though.) There’s a super-cool gal in the game who’s a member of the town’s Civil Corps, and comes and kicks ass on some of the dungeon missions with you, and I was like, “Damn, I respect her so much, and she’d be a hell of a partner, but I feel like we’d be better friends?” And there’s a GORGEOUS Black girl who’s a SCIENCE LADY, and has a…VOICE. Like…DAMN. Why does everything turn to garnet-red velvet and white chocolate fondue when she says, “Hi,” just LITERALLY, a casual greeting? Maybe it’s just me. But goddamn. She’s got the lady equivalent of a Barry White voice, and she just blesses homeboy with it when she talks about Data Discs. So that was off the table, and I didn’t want to take her away from her work, and I didn’t think she’d put up with his triflin’ ass anyway.
And then there’s Sonia.
Sonia is the waitress. Sonia is a Valley Girl. Sonia is into fashun, and it’s spelled fashun in her head when she talks about it. Sonia loves gossip, and makeup, and accessories. Sonia is a stereotype, except for the fact that she’s not, like…blonde. She’s fucking cute, but at first I found her kind of grating. But then I was like, “No. You know what? You’re living your best life. You’ve got it together. You’ve got a job that you are working and workin’, and you’re best friends with the flamboyantly gay guy who runs the front desk at the Commerce Guild, and y’all are gonna get what you want. You are right. Shoes, Sonia. Oh my god, shoes, girl. You’re right.” And then I was like, “…I’m gonna marry Sonia. Boom bam.”
‘Cause I could see her poppin’ her hip and sashaying around my house like, “Heeeyyy Sweetieeee!” except it would be spelled Sweaty in her head. And we would have the most ADORABLE babies, and they would be the best-dressed and weirdest-dressed babies in all of Portia and she would be like, “HEY EVERYBODY, LOOK WHAT I MADE!” when we introduced our baby to people. And my li’l guy would be like, “Well, hon, I helped a little,” and she’d be like, “Oh my gahhhh, you like…brought some supplies!” but she would laugh, too.
So I brought her a little giftie every now and again. I’d bring her a necklace and be like, “Yeah. Bitches love necklaces.” She loves necklaces. And I’d bring her a Small Satchel and be like, “Yeah. Bitches love handbags.” She loves Small Satchels. I’d bring her straight-up raw gemstones and be like, “Yeah. Bitches love sparkles.” She fuckin’ loves Topazes. She’d light up like, “Getting this on my birthday makes me feel like the richest girl in the world!” and I’d be like, “Ya goddamn right, baby. Get spoiled. You ‘bout to get u a man who don’t run to a dungeon.” We were gonna be the greatest. I knew we were gonna own that town and rule the world. Fucking look at us.
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Boy howdy was I wrong.
Because. I started getting into some actual task and mission content. Doing some serious dungeon diving, building up the property, trying some areas of the game I hadn’t dug into. And next thing I know, in comes Dr. Xu. This fucking goober:
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Look at this cutie. Just look at him. And he’s an absolute nerd. Real adult-Gohan of a li’l guy, but without all the superpowers. Just a goof. If you went to the Silly Goose Convention, everyone there would know him. He’d be the keynote speaker, and drop all his little notecards, and be like, “Uhh…er…guess I’m gonna have to wing it…” and get startled when everyone laughed, and then be like, “Oh! Hah...wing it…Ha, I get it now!”
DOCTOR. FUCKING. XU. Of whom, you may recall, I had earlier thought, “Oh he’s cute, but he’s no Sebastian.” Weeellllllllll, he popped up with some of his trademark, "Oh dear, oh goodness, oh—NOTHING! NEVER MIND," nonsense one day, and then his “Hell-o-o-oooooooooo, NURSE!” nurse sidekick, Phyllis, was like, “Haha, here’s the first step in a 10-step silly-goose chase storyline mission, enjoy the next week and a half!” and I was like, “Uhh, don’t you mean wild-goose chase?” and she was like, “Great! See ya later!”
So I spent the next damn near 11% of my fucking YEAR going to one townsperson after another, doing random-ass shit to gather and disperse MacGuffins, and then Sergeant Silly Goose was like, “Awesome! Cool, cool, cool. Now, just meet me across the bridge tomorrow night.” So, off I go, casually jogging across the bridge to get
by a
And I was LIVID. Seriously. Like, “OH MY GOD. REALLY? REALLY?! Ugh. You absolute menace. You adorable little try-hard. FINE. FINE!!! Guess I'll go rearrange my freakin' house, now, and maybe finally get around to decorating, because we’re OBVIOUSLY gonna GET MARRIED, you FUCKING LUNATIC!!! I can’t fucking believe you, literally unbelievable…”
Target audience nuked from orbit.
He is no Sebastian. He’s a shoujo manga hero who has breached containment.
He may have the upper hand now, but he better watch the fuck out. Somebody is leaving that clinic pregnant, and it’s not gonna be me.
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Anyway I gave the big asshole a hug because I couldn't not do it, he might have been a jerk but he's OUR jerk and rival and I'm a sucker for sad back stories and I won't apologize if you thought I was something else because I'm not.
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Look at him. He's literally traumatized
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folatefangirl · 11 months
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I have been BAMBOOZLED
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iheartbookbran · 19 days
Also ngl I kinda love the concept of Debling courting Penelope and Colin getting jealous because of it, not because I ship it (he’s barely a character) or because I’m part of the crowd that wants to see Colin ~suffer (though I’m not opposed to seeing him dramatically yearn), but because the reason Penelope specifically is going after this vegan man is so fascinating to me. Like, she obviously doesn’t love him. But she will marry him to protect LW… she’ll marry him to please Portia, that’s so funny.
Girl’s so desperate to escape her awful family life while at the same time keeping her secret, but she also wants her mother’s approval. And she’s so caught up in that toxic mindset that she completely misses the guy she’s been in love with since childhood making heart eyes at her from across the ballroom.
Pen only has her parents’ terrible marriage as a frame of reference, so she probably thinks it’s a bonus if her future husband is much older than her because that could make her a young widow. He’ll leave the country for the majority of the year to fuck off to Antarctica? Oh to be left alone by your own life partner!!!
Meanwhile Portia is enthusiastically nodding behind Penelope like yes, perhaps he’ll die at sea, and neither of them think there’s anything wrong with this outlook in life.
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thursdaysbagman · 16 days
okay so I've rewatched bridgerton s3 with my sisters and it definitely improved on second watch. the mondriches are still very boring and the benedict storyline is just meh but I liked colin so much more second time round. going in knowing for sure that the slightly cringe "womaniser" colin scenes were intentionally a bit awkward because it's colin just trying to be something he knows he's not completely transformed them for me! did they do him dirty with his hair and excessive ruffles -yes! but second time round I could deal. i love the chemistry between him and penelope and think luke newton does act colin's realisation of his feelings for penelope really well especially as until the carriage confession it's nearly all unspoken. possibly unpopular opinion but I really like the featherington side plots they always make me laugh but especially this series. I do still think there's something slightly off with the way this series is paced and filmed particularly the big group scenes but the central story is strong!
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sandrockers · 1 year
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Sam is looking GOOD
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bearlytolerant · 4 months
Fandom: My Time at Sandrock
Rating: M
Pairing: Fang x F!builder
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Chapter 1: a visit
Summer, 104
Sage stepped off the bus from Portia as a cloud of dust floated up into the air and she reeled back breathing it in, eyes watering and nose tickling. She sneezed into her sleeve and reopened her burning eyes to be greeted by Logan. Taller than her by at least half a foot, and eyes as blue as the oasis, Sage understood why her twin sister was immediately magnetized to the man the day she saw him. On a wanted poster no less. It still made Sage chuckle to this day.
Logan stole her suitcase right out of her hand and beamed at her.
“Where’s Violet?” She asked.
“I’ll give you one guess.”
“You need to make her take days off.”
“You think I can make her do anything? She’s as stubborn as a boxing jack. Worse actually.”
Sage sighed. “Yes. She is.”
“She says you ain’t much different.”
“Perhaps. But have you considered there is a reason she gets that first place trophy every year?”
“She told me once, that you let her win.”
“I’m here to tell you she’s lying.”
Logan chuckled at that while curling his hand around his belt buckle. “Well, come on, maybe once she sees you, she’ll realize her commissions can wait.”
“I do admire your optimism,” Sage said as she trailed after Logan.
It was just a short stretch to walk from the bus stop to Violet’s workshop. But it was enough for Sage to realize she’s over dressed, roasting under her long sleeved shirt with a matching belted harness and cape. Her trousers were loose at least, and laced boots knee high to keep all the sand out. But every piece of her outfit was too much black for a desert sun. She mumbled an almost inaudible incantation to keep herself cool while lagging behind Logan’s long-legged stride, hoping he hadn’t noticed. Though, the man probably knew their family secret. Still, better to be safe.
“Does my sister have to run to keep up with you?” Sage commented when they arrived at the gate.
She steadied herself on the fence to catch her breath and wished she would’ve kept up her training with Arlo the past year.
Logan laughed. “I have to run to keep up with her!”
He held the gate open and Sage peeled herself off the fence to follow him into the yard. Somehow she believed that what Logan said was true. Violet was always flitting about like a bee, buzzing along to her next task. Veering to the right, past the stables, Sage spotted her sister slouched over, painting steady strokes of blue onto some flower boxes. Her white shirt sleeves were rolled up to her muscled shoulders, sweat shining in rivulets that trailed down her tanned triceps. Sage was similar in build, though she’d been kissed more delicately by Portia’s summer sun, her freckles less prominent.
“Hey Darlin’, look who’s here,” Logan said.
Violet glanced up from her work, her dark blue locks pulled back into a thick braid while a few strands framed her face, her grin spreading wide as the bright sunlight glinted off her nose ring. The brightness almost obscured the freckles that dusted her nose and apples of her cheeks. She set the box aside, wiping her hands on her red and white striped work apron and threw her arms around Sage. She wrapped her sister up in a long, overdue hug and squeezed. When they finally parted, a string of half dried paint clung to her shirt and Violet swept it away with a chuckle.
“You want to take a tour of the town?” Violet asked. I need the paint to dry on those boxes so might as well give you the lay of the land.” She plucked her leather work gloves off and pocketed them in the front of her apron.
“You act like I’ve never been here before.”
“A weekend at the Blue Moon Saloon and the church, mostly cluttering up your schedule with wedding duties is hardly what I’d call getting a feel for Sandrock. Besides, Mi-an, Wei and I have spruced up so much more since you were here last month.”
“Very well, show me your pride and joy,” Sage said with a smile and Violet clapped enthusiastically.
Violet practically vibrated with joy. “You’re gonna love our little town, Sage. Can’t wait to show you around. Maybe I can even convince you to move here, yet.”
The valley stretched as far as her eyes could see but Sage’s drifted up to the sky. Inside the tram cart, she imagined herself flying and free. The way the fluffy clouds swirled on the horizon, soaking up the sun's rays and glowing in orange, with ruffles of purple, made her wish she had wings. She was ready to float on air after a day of endless introductions and small talk.
“It’s gorgeous up here.” She dangled her arms over the side of the cart and watched a bird flit across the sky and disappear behind a distant peak.
“It is,” Violet replied from beside her with a little sigh.
“Can’t believe you built this.”
“Me neither. I didn’t do it alone though,” she continued. “The Sandrockers are just always working together to pull through for me. They’re good people. Real good.”
“They are. The way you talk about this place, plus the views and the warmth of the people—makes me want to leave my old life behind and live here.”
“So why don’t you?”
“Because—well, Vi.” There was only one reason really but she didn’t know how to say it. “I just can’t.”
“You can. You’ve told me time and time again how you’ve never wanted to be a builder. So, why don’t you stop holdin’ yourself back and start working toward your future? Logan and I would be more than willing to get you settled in here.”
“You would?” Sage cocked her head sideways at her sister.
“Of course.” She grinned while throwing her arm around Sage’s shoulder. “Plus you know me, I always want you around. It would be so nice to have you here in Sandrock. You could come with me to Saturday night story time with Owen and Sunday fireside meetin’s that always end up with a little party back at my place and—”
Violet launched into a speech of activities to participate in together as Sage turned back to the view. The sun sunk halfway below the horizon, brushing the sky with hues of pink and orange that had her believing her sister's words. She could move to Sandrock. Minus all those activities she was planning.
There was nothing holding her back. Well, nothing except her misplaced hope that he might return.
Sage pulled fresh rolls from the oven and slid the tray on top of the stove. The savory scent of caramelized onion and garlic she added to the dough before it baked filled her nose and her stomach rumbled.
“That smells heavenly,” Violet told her in a sing-song voice and then the doorbell rang.
“Did you invite someone over for dinner?” Sage asked.
“I sure did. But it’s a surprise so you’ll just have to wait and see.”
“This better not be a blind date. You know I’m not ready. I didn’t come here for that.”
Violet booped her nose and chuckled. “Not a date. I promise. He’s a friend and I just think you’d get along. He’s quiet. More than you, even. But he’s real kind.” She hurried towards the door but stopped in the frame and glanced back over her shoulder. “But it wouldn’t hurt to put the feelers out.”
Sage inhaled deeply to keep from shouting at her sister and turned back to the rolls. Violet disappeared and Sage reminded herself that her sister’s intentions came from a good place. Sweet even. Another deep breath and she noted that the tops were perfectly browned and ready to serve and smiled to herself with pride. She dug around in the cupboards for a basket to put them in and spotted one high up on the refrigerator and climbed the counter, stretching herself across the small gap. The tops of her fingers curled around the basket. She teetered but regained her balance, snatching the basket and clenching it against her chest, she crouched down and then jumped to the floor.
She busied herself with setting the table and then stirred the stewed mushrooms on the stovetop. Adding just a hint of extra cilantro, she left them to simmer a tad more while tossing the alfalfa salad with a few extra fresh veggies and a light vinaigrette. She set the salad bowl on the table with tongs and returned to the stovetop just as her sister ushered in the most beautiful man with blue eyes and long silken black hair she’s ever laid eyes on. He was nearly as tall as Logan but much more slight, dressed in a simple white button up and slightly tattered trousers, she gathered before averting her gaze. It’s rude to stare, she reminded herself.
“Sage, I want you to meet Doctor Fang,” Violet said.
The name sounded so familiar but she couldn’t quite place where she’d heard it before. She raised her hand in a small greeting. An awkward wave. “Hi,” she said.
Doctor Fang’s expression was unreadable as his eyes fell on her. A raven suddenly swooped in from behind him and landed on his shoulder. It whistled then said, “Pretty bird! Who’s this?”
“It’s—the builder’s sister,” Doctor Fang said in the softest, most comforting voice Sage had ever heard. She wanted to wrap herself up in it like a cozy blanket and fall asleep under the stars.
Picking her jaw up off the floor, Sage blinked. “That’s right. I’m Vi’s sister, Sage” she said to the bird.
“This is—X,” said Doctor Fang.
“Well it is a pleasure to meet you, X.” She offered a small smile. “And you, Doctor Fang.”
“Now that we’ve got all the introductions out of the way,” Violet clapped excitedly, “let’s have a seat, dig in and eat!”
Sage slid into the chair next to her sister and filled her plate with salad and then buttered her roll liberally, delighting in the way the softness just melted in her mouth as she took a bite. Meanwhile Violet told a story about her most recent adventure. Something about trying to collect cactus flowers for Doctor Fang when a boxing jack (which Sage had heard about plenty of times but fortunately had never come across) knocked her on her ass. Thankfully Logan had been at his outpost and spotted her in time to assist. Violet and Logan took turns telling the story of his heroic save and Sage listened while filling her stomach with the delicious foods on the table. By the end of their storytelling, Sage was done eating and collected her dirty dish from the table. She didn’t learn a thing about Doctor Fang because he barely said a word. Not like he could really get a word in edgewise anyway.
Eventually Logan and Violet dropped their plates in the sink and she was surprised when the Doctor joined her, drying the dishes she'd set in the drying rack.
“The rolls—did you make them?” He asked as he pulled open the cupboard, stacking the plates he'd dried.
“Yes,” she replied.
“They were very—good.”
“Thank you,” she said as she worked at cleaning the pot next.
She bit down on her lip while she scrubbed, channeling all her focus into cleaning. She almost forgot that Doctor Fang was with her and that she’d left him in silence for a decent length of time. But she only had one dish left.
Sage wiped the last dish clean and handed it to Doctor Fang. The walls shook and there was a low groan that
filtered through the floorboards as she briefly grazed his long fingers in the dish exchange. Flushing red, she muttered an apology. But Fang acted like it was nothing.
“I must—return home,” he said as another moan, much louder and longer than before, washed over them.
Sage refused to be left in the house with her sister and Logan, so at the risk of sounding desperate she asked, “can I please walk you home?” She cringed.
“Yes,” he stated simply, unaffected by the sounds going on around them. Or at least appearing not to be anyway.
Sage wished she had half his decorum.
“Thank you,” she breathed, following after him as he made his way toward the door.
The cool air washed over her as she sighed with relief, easily keeping pace with the Doctor as he led the way to his home in the night.
“You live in the clinic?” She asked once he stopped just outside the door, one hand pushing on it, letting the light spill out, grazing the top curve of her black boots.
“Yes,” he said simply. One foot was in the doorway, the other with her.
She wasn’t sure if he was waiting for her to go or for her to come in. Each minute passed made her second guessing worse.
“Come in!” Squawked X. “Don’t be shy! Shy!”
“X! Be quiet,” Doctor Fang said softly.
Sage took that as a sign.
“Wanna go back?” X squawked again.
Sage stared at the two of them a bit baffled. “Not particularly. I need to find something else to do while—” she hesitated. There was no need for an explanation. He was a stranger. They owed nothing to each other. “I hope you two have a good night,” she said instead and turned around.
“Thank you.” Fang’s words were a whisper of a hand on her shoulder but as she glanced back, the door clicked shut as the clinic bathed her in its warm red lighting.
Sage knew she couldn’t go back to her sisters just yet and she didn’t want to go to the Saloon. There was just too much noise and brightness there and she was far too exhausted from the day. She wandered over to the bench, situated between the clinic and the Golden Goose, and took a page out of her good friend Mint’s book. Curling up with one arm under her head as a pillow, she closed her eyes and let sleep take her.
But it wasn’t long before she dreamt of the Rogue Knight again. He had pinned her to the ground, his sword at her chest and his laughter echoed as his mask melted away. The kind brown eyes of a betrothed betrayer mocked her. She thrashed and glanced away, not wanting to see the face behind the mask. Pain rippled through her nerves as the edge of his blade tore through her clothes and nicked her skin. Then he plunged it deep. A sharp intake of breath and she threw her eyes open, jolting upright. Five years gone and she hated the hold he had on her even after all this time.
X was pecking at her shirt and she didn’t mean to swat at him. “Wanna go back!” He was shouting over and over as she came to, blinking. It was still night.
She sat up and X landed on the shoulder of Doctor Fang. “Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah. I just—I had a nightmare. I’m sorry.”
Doctor Fang stared at her, tilting his head quizzically then turned away. He gestured for her to follow. “Come with me.”
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sandara-and-coco · 1 year
Okay, your artstyle is GORGEOUS! <3 Also, I'd love to see you draw some mtap characters, like Aadit.
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Oh my thank you so much , I’m trying my best ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
I have to admit I never really played mtap that much, I dunno why but I never got the motivation to actually finish it…However i’m so glad you asked for Aadit because I must say he is the most interresting character of them all for me ! (pls mind the spoiler I wanted to try drawing his armor so bad xd)
So here a quick Aadit sketch for you ♡
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yesiplaygamez · 2 months
I wish if you dated Mint in mtap he, would say, something in mtas, heck. even if it's just. I know a builder like you back in Portia. or something like that...
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I fuckin knew it. I fuckin knew it. I’m so god damn mad at myself.
Still playing but spoilers for the new Sandrock update plus major spoilers for Portia.
So a couple months ago I started suspecting a number of things about Pen. Notably that while I was looking at his wiki and had another wiki open on mobile I noticed this striking similarity:
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At first I had the thought that maybe Pen was the Rogue Knight. The time between Portia and Sandrock tho roughly take place around the same time. So I scrapped that idea. Still, it was so similar that it rattled around in my mind for a few days.
What I concluded tho that Pen was definitely a knight. This being based on some of the things he said and some of the things Django had to say about knights.
When I brought it up on Discord to some ppl (sans the concept art being similar bc I wasn’t entirely convinced that meant anything) I was told that the game was definitely building up to Matilda. I forget what was actually said about my theory about Pen but I think the general consensus was that he was too stupid to be a knight and that he was probably lying.
I’m in the middle of playing the new update. We used the key to get into storage and investigate things. Towards the end of the investigation fuckin Miguel and Pen walk in and there’s some back and forth where it’s clear they’re working for the empire and Miguel specifically refers to him as a knight.
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depresseddepot · 2 months
Can someone, without spoilers, explain the connection between Portia and Sandrock (the games)? Specifically, do I need to play Portia before I play Sandrock or can I enjoy Portia AFTER Sandrock?
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snaids · 1 year
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Andy: Hey can I have one of those toys you got there?
Haru: They're *bombs* made by me in my *bomb factory*
Logan: I mean if you really want one, here
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trash-can-sam · 1 year
now I may be cornplating here but. One interesting thing I noticed about MTAS and MTAP is the difference in how the research is structured in terms of the roles the characters have in the system.
in the My Time Universe (MTU for short ig) its notable that the seperation between research and archeology is a lot less clear, with archeology informing researchers on how to view the machines theyre studying and what exactly to look for, and research informing archeology about the purpose of what they find. They are very much close together, as being a researcher is less about discovering new solutions and more about discovering how old solutions worked and how to reappropiate them in a world where they’ve backslid in knowlege. Archeology is still very much about the stories and history of locations where research is still very much about the science, but the line dividing what those two things mean is a lot more blurry.
Now, you can see this seperation a bit in MTAP, with Petra being more archeology focused and Merlin being more research focused, but both are still interested in the other fields, both of them wanting to discover both the how of the science and the why of the archeology. Merlin and Petra work closely together, overall united in their goal of discovery for the sake of discovery.
However, MTAS takes this more cooperative approach and splits it, into Qi and Grace, showing you both sides seperately through two people who do not get along, using their fields to say something about how they think as well, and I think thats an interesting change. It sort of shows you both parts seperately, but brings attention to how they are still closely intertwined.
Qi has no real interest in people or individuals, and doesnt really care about how stuff got there. He does still speculate, like when you find the equitorial mount and hes like “there was probably an observatory here” and he still has a lot of knowlege of old world stuff, obviously. But his focus is very much on the innerworkings of the technology, how he can use it and how he can improve it (and how he can make silly things that cater to his specific interests,) hes also not really interested in it for discovery itself most of the time and will just straight up avoid things he has no interest in (Rosy) despite the fact they would probably further knowlege.
Grace, although she also is interested in how the tech works and knows a lot (both because of her actual job and interest in archeology), is more interested in the personal side. I dont know if she was actually writing a research paper on the Breach or if that was a hoax, but I feel like regardless of if shes an actual archeology student on the side or not, she did take a class on it and it is an interest of hers, because I cant think of any other reason she would want the thing’s she asked you to get. Grace is more interested in what objects say about people than how they work. She also has a goal other than discovery itself, she wants to use this knowlege to help her discover how people themselves tick. 
This makes them sort of at odds with eachother, and although their actual fields dont really come up, its more of a symbollic type of battle. Is efficency more important or is the human experience? Do we focus more on the human component, truly understanding and engaging with the past, or do we focus on the best way to optimize and improve past technologies? And really, its a false dichotomy. Both exist, and they exist together and inform eachother, as shown with Merlin and Petra. 
I just find it interesting the approach they both take, MTAS taking the system shown in MTAP and elaborating on it with stronger personalities both interested for more selfish reasons. I dont really know if I worded this correctly but I tried I hope you see my vision.
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