#my own fault
kr-yoongi · 4 months
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Missed him so much today my heart was physically aching, what’s up with that btw??
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akibunni · 1 year
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So i love limbus company
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thewolf-x · 4 months
Isn’t it wild how you can end up heartbroken over a situationship when you knew all the red flags from the beginning?? Like how fckn dumb am I
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sweetkisschaos · 3 months
I'm so tired of being sad and miserable and tired.
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littlelamblostinlimbo · 9 months
its the way you can sacrifice so much for a person and theyll still treat you as less than dirt. until they need something from you
the worst part is ill fall for it every time
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sleepy-achilles · 9 months
If you've ever watched crank.
That's how I feel right now.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 5 months
The Brothers as Deities
ASSOCIATED WITH: Passages of life
7th - Dusk - Youth or children
Everyone have once been young. Dusk is a protector of children, curiosity and innocence who bring creativity and joy. He watches over the young and makes sure they are never alone nor suffering. His blessing is not limited to children however, he can also be a protective force and bringer of joy for those awaiting a child, wishing for one or seek to protect one.
6th - Auro’usk - Growth or maturity
Just as all are young, all grow up. Auro’usk is a source of direction and aid in self discovery. He brings confidence to the ones who feel insecure and lost about what life brings them but also has a support for those seeking love. His blessing is courage, aiding to find one’s independence and discovering personal strengths.
5th - Tagadus - Death
Eventually all meet an end, though sometimes it is too soon. Tagadus is in no form a protector, but a guiding force to always live to the fullest and take away any fears or anxieties about unexpected ends. His blessing is fearlessness so one may live unhindered, but overusing his blessing might lead to a loss of reason and thus, a too soon end.
4th - Zo’ogai - Conflict
All encounter conflicts, be it deciding between two things one love to putting lives on the line. Zo’ogai’s blessing bring clarity to reasoning and strength to believe that whatever the conflict, one can make it through. He doesn’t prevent the worst possible outcome however, but only aids in one’s mental strength to strive until the best end is met.
3rd - Childé - Peace or belief
Some wish for a simple life. Childé represents traditions and tranquility for those who are content with the life they currently have or wish to gain. He also stand for devotion and praying for his blessing along with any other of the seven deities may strengthen their blessings in order to maintain the peace one seek to have in their life.
2nd - Khu - Change or knowledge
On the contrary, some welcome change. Khu is the most harsh deity of the seven, preaching that change isn’t always an easy path. He inspire motivation to learn and improve through creative ways. Praying for his blessing along any of the other seven deities may give opposite effect to what their blessing include, but in turn grant one greater knowledge, experience and wisdom.
1st - Dubus - Past
From day one, all have a past. Dubus is remembrance and a representation of all that once was, be it happy or sad. His blessing is maintaining one’s precious memory or rid terrible ones. He is also the most unforgiving deity of the seven as overusing his blessing may result in a loss of looking back to all that was good or reliving all that was bad through nightmares.
7th - Dusk - Forget-me-not or small/budding flowers
6th - Auro’usk - Oak or beech trees
5th - Tagadus - Berry or fruit plants
4th - Zo’ogai - Snowdrop or early spring flowers
3rd - Childé - Ivy or leafy evergreen plants
2nd - Khu - Redwood or pine evergreen trees
1st - Dubus - Chrysanthemums or autumn flowers
7th - Dusk - Quartz of various kind
6th - Auro’usk - Common gemstones: moonstone, amethyst, opal, etc
5th - Tagadus - Geodes, unopened or halves
4th - Zo’ogai - Metals: iron, steel, gold, etc
3rd - Childé - Diamonds
2nd - Khu - Precious crystals: emerald, sapphire, ruby, etc
1st - Dubus - Fossiled stone or amber
7th - Dusk - Any young or baby animals
6th - Auro’usk - Butterflies and metamorphing insects
5th - Tagadus - Dogs and canines
4th - Zo’ogai - Koi fish and dragons
3rd - Childé - Moose and deer animals
2nd - Khu - Squids and octopuses
1st - Dubus - Migratory birds
7th - Dusk - Pastel shades
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6th - Auro’usk - Green shades
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5th - Tagadus - Yellow and bright shades
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4th - Zo’ogai - White
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3rd - Childé - Blue
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2nd - Khu - Black
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1st - Dubus - Red
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7th - Dusk - Fruits and berries
6th - Auro’usk - Vegetables and herbs
5th - Tagadus - Candies and sweet food
4th - Zo’ogai - Spicy hot food
3rd - Childé - Traditional dishes of the devote
2nd - Khu - Dishes of the sea, crustaceans 
1st - Dubus - Bittersweet food, like dark chocolate
7th - Dusk - Lavender and flowers
6th - Auro’usk - Sandalwood
5th - Tagadus - Fresh rain
4th - Zo’ogai - Fire smoke
3rd - Childé - Food cooking
2nd - Khu - Artificial scents
1st - Dubus - Salty breeze
7th - Dusk - Offering toys or a moments silent prayer at any location.
6th - Auro’usk - Offering a spoken prayer at any location.
5th - Tagadus - Carrying a talisman or totem related to him when seeking blessing.
4th - Zo’ogai - Carrying tokens and breaking them upon seeking blessing.
3rd - Childé - Offering money or other thing the devoted worked for and regular prayers by an altar.
2nd - Khu - Carrying a talisman and tokens to be broken upon seeking blessing.
1st - Dubus - Offering a precious item from the devoted. The higher sentimental value, the stronger potency of his blessing.
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vox-magica · 2 months
When you don’t do what was promised to the spirits and they hide your keys. And you find find them finally in the coat pocket, that you literally put inside out a few times, just in time, so you don’t come late for work!
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you-need-not-apply · 7 months
Me: I wonder why my dash is a mess
My dash: it’s because every time you obsessed about something you followed every blog you could find and then never unfollowed them leading to this niche little part of hell I like to call “your dash board” and btw you have 99+ new posts
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I am struggling today 😫
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gorgynei · 1 year
ohhhhh i just spoiled myself by googling why some people were spelling "magit" as "morgott" :( damn it
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s0urte3th · 7 months
rsd be hittin hard
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stitchywitchymermaid · 8 months
God damnit. I know better.
When will I learn to never depend on anyone?
Always a let down even though I should expect it by now.
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strwbi-laces · 9 months
Who invented 9 am shifts 😭😭 i hope they’re sucking toes rn
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astrabear · 11 months
Me a few hours ago: I will forgo seeing The Eight Mountains even though this is the last evening it's playing, because we need to look at rental houses and our future happiness and wellbeing is more important than seeing a movie I've already seen just so I can have the experience of seeing it in a theater.
Me right now, after having spent entirely too much time in rush hour traffic going back and forth across town in order to see one house that is way too small and one house that might be ok: Fuck. Goddamn. Shit. Fuck. I hate everything. Why did I do that.
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lesellieknope · 1 year
and he plays for the ARSENAL
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