#my heart grew three sizes
I’m just going to put this out there but Poker Face is the best new show I’ve seen in years. Genuinely, wildly original. Natasha Lyonne is playing a woman named Charlie who can tell when people are lying. She’s fleeing dangerous people, so she ends up (accidentally) solving crimes on the run. She can’t help herself. Everything is surprising. The writing is flawless. Half the joy is in Charlie’s cash-only odd jobs. 
All the famous people are there, too: Nick Nolte, Chloe Sevigny, Ellen Barkin, Adrian Brody, Tim Meadows, Benjamin Bratt, S. Epatha Merkerson, Judith Light, Simon Helberg, John Ratzenberger, Cherry Jones, etc. I’ve still got one episode left (I’m hoarding it like the last chocolate in the house). You could tell me the Pope and Meryl Streep both show up in the finale, I would believe you, and the episode would be AMAZING. 
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msredtail · 2 months
The Life players are such friendos that the first things they do in virtual reality are dance together and hug.
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lavenderjewels · 1 year
choso being there for yuuji right after shibuya, knowing the devastation he felt when nanami, nobara*, and all the others in the city died, is everything and more to me, especially after his small moment of relief when nobara showed him he was “not alone”
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himluv · 1 year
Wanna know how to make a DA fan's day?
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Get them some new comics! I treated myself, drove 40 minutes roundtrip out of my way, and snagged Dragon Age: The Missing issues #1 and #2! 100% worth it!
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aspenceart · 2 years
I love your art it reminds me of the intros of old Disney movies
Aw thank you, this made me melt a little 💜💜💜
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web-archives · 1 year
It’s raining today
It’s raining today and I’m sitting on my little blue couch by the window, bundled up in my little blue blanket with a cup of your favorite tea in my hands.
Listening to the rain, I wonder why it took me so long to realize how I feel, winter has always been my favorite season, memories of you bundled up to your ears. The biggest smile on your face as you grab my hand, and off we go!
Into this world, our own made up world that the grown ups in our lives would just smile at chuckling. Our world, our made up world with a big red slide and two swings, mud everywhere, (it had just rained) and your red cheeked face and big smile.
Years later, it’s raining today. I’m sitting on our little blue couch by the window, bundled up in our little blue blanket with cups of your favorite tea in my hands. Watching you walk in with the biggest smile.
- ash x
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cinnamontoads · 1 year
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had a twitter request for them with twin daughters and I couldn’t not like come on man
Also: bonus doodle of an older reigen because I love old men
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turnipoddity · 6 months
the way you draw the intimacy between Adam and Lawrence makes me sob omg 😭😭 They're so in love I'm zooming and crashing
AHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH this means a whole lot to me!! honestly everytime i draw them I’m like
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x-gon-give-it · 5 months
🍐 your fics are simply a m a z i n g and I wish I had more spideypool published so I had an excuse to chat with you / run into you online / be mutuals!
I do have more planned though, so... maybe it's possible in the future :)
༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ This is so sweet T.T
I'm crying tears in the club tonight.
You don't need to write Spideypool as an excuse for us to chat or do anything else! Being Spideypool fans is more than enough ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) That's fandom community, baby!
Although, I'll never say no to more fanfic.
Please accept this lil Spideypool pic as a token of my love <3
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Gregory loves his friends so much!!! He cares so much!!! He is so attentive and kind!!! I love a reserved character who cares deeply even though he’s had to detach in self-defense over the course of years and years!!! I love seeing him flourish and become more comfortable with himself and others and allow himself to openly have interests and feel joy and do his own thing!!! I am overwhelmed with love for him!!!
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snugasabugbear · 1 year
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Happy Pride Month!!! These dragons are gay!!! 🐲❤️🐲
Wonderful art by ElithosIllustra
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shoshiwrites · 4 months
It brings me an unspeakable amount of joy to hear the MotA actors talk about bootcamp and getting bossed around by Dale Dye.
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strayklds · 1 year
tbh (thinking bout han)
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chromajelly · 2 years
Every time people bring up the fact that one of the aspects of Will’s love for Mike is loving him for being just a nerdy dude, I need to sit down because my heart and knees instantly give out
Amidst all the supernatural chaos, the many a memories they have forged through their love of dnd, lotr, nintendo etc must be the most comforting thing for Will to anchor to, come onnnnn
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queer-spectre · 7 months
Thinking about Karlach and work song (hozier):
"I was burning up a fever, didn't care much, how long I lived"
ok ignoring the literal tie to the engine, she's so reckless with her life (understandably so) -- but Tav and the group in general giving her long-awaited friendship and companionship is so..... the change through the rest of the song just really hits.
"She never asked me once about the wrong I did"
Karlach did so much to survive in Avernus and especially a good aligned Tav (i esp love Karlach w a chaotic good tav but whatever) just understanding and not pushing it.
"Heaven and hell were words to me."
Especially in the context of her engine failing: crying rn ignore me.
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venomous-qwille · 9 months
Hello! Just wanted to say that I've been loving your Ghost in a Machine fic!
My partner has been reading it to me (i might have dyslexia so reading sometimes is more of a chore no matter how good it is). They say a lot of good things about the fic! And have been going on and on about it and wanted me to enjoy it too.
And by golly, I did! Your imagery is amazing! Your Y/N feels like a person with little habits and things they do, and all of the Daycare Attendants have such variant personalities!!! Also, how you write about the environment all the characters are in? Glorious! The setting seems so well thought out, and your attention to detail is immaculate!
I'm very excited for more and see more of everyone. I don't particularly have a favorite atm cause I like to fully get to know characters, but my partner has been greatly enjoying Misuta.
Best wishes into any of your endeavors, and i hope you have a great day/night!! Thank you so much for your wonderful writing!
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Thankyou so much for this, it was such a nice message to get ;_; I'm so glad you and your partner are enjoying the story so far! Honestly I was really worried that the amount of description/general writing chewiness would be a turn off to a lot of people, but it makes me so happy that you like it and that it helps with the visualisation so much! Ahh I'm so overwhelmed with positivity rn ^^
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