#my haircare products
misslinala · 9 months
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seulgikisser · 1 month
just got a bad grade in hair care 😞😞
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commsroom · 3 months
Heyy have you ever seen @drezzdon on Instagram? All I think about when I see their stuff is Hera getting back to earth and (accidentally or on purpose) truly Being Released into the internet and subsequently into every computer ever and instead of becoming like a God she's all powerful and omniscient but constantly bombarded by unholy amounts of information which drives her into some kind of Eldritch madness constantly witnessing everything while still trying to hold onto herself and process all of her grief idk if I'm making sense. Opposite of fix it fic btw I'm making everything worse.
oh, cool! i've seen some of those videos around, and i like them, so i'm glad you told me the source. it kind of reminds me of this comic about the perception of angels + seeing everything at once. i think too much information = lack of clarity works well in the context of wolf 359's treatment of 'the big picture' as an antagonistic and dehumanizing force, and i also think it's a good visual metaphor for overstimulation. we're aware that hera is always everywhere at once, but also that she's more some places at any given time than others, and i think the way the show presents that is very interesting, i.e. that the only time we actually meaningfully experience her being in multiple places at once is when she's having a breakdown.
anyway. i think being on the internet will be really bad for hera, but like, in the way that being very online and isolated is bad for anyone, amplified by how quickly she can interact with it and the fact she literally cannot log off and touch grass. but i want her to. it's going to be hard, and it'll probably get worse before it gets better, but i want good and comfortable things for her. hera narrowing + clarifying her perspective, being able to be truly (physically) present in her own life, especially as a rejection of her 'intended' purpose, is very dear to me.
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baddingtonbitch · 10 months
yolanda hadid's medicine pantry is pretty much what i expected but it does kinda give me the same chill i got when i saw the amount of skincare products in the bathroom brittany murphy died in. hollywood gothic in the absolute worst way
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chilledagridolce27 · 2 months
Once again, I'm at that time of the month where I have no money so all I do is spend time thinking about all the things I wanna buy :/
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thenightdayblogger · 6 months
okay idk if you wanted actual prompting but 12 (pushing a strand of hair behind their ear) for theoren/elenah. plus possible acenue for ashari customs about haircare 👀
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could not get haircare in here but i have Thoughts as i always do. Thank you for the ask em!
It’s such a little thing. Theoren, light-drowsed, the afternoon sun as delicate as gossamer across his slender shoulders, plucking the strings of the zathari with a quiet but intense concentration. Elenah’s skill with stringed instruments could at best be called pained—even formidable Madina had eventually surrendered to the inevitability—but she could appreciate a good song. Or a good player, maybe. When his brow furrowed in concentration, little divots of shadow pool at the outer corners of his eyes.
A slippage of gold from gold, a strand of hair feathering across his cheek, a flash of discomfort across his face quickly smoothed out. Elenah moves without thinking to smooth it back into place. The notes falter minutely but do not break from their pattern, and he does not look up, continuing to play. It is only when her thumb accidentally brushes the edge of his cheekbone that his breath startles across the delicate skin of her wrist and his eyes meet hers. That’s probably fine. As badly as she wants to immediately retreat, contrariness draws her forward like a fish on a line—he’s playing music, some small part of her says with indignant righteousness. She was just being a good friend, preventing him from having to stop playing. On the momentum of her own conviction she tucks the strand behind the ear, delicate shell of it studded with gold and pearls, a look like he had risen draped in sea-silks from the palace of the deep gods. In doing so, more contact is inevitable—and when her fingers scrape at his hairline the notes stutter in their meter, discordant against the river-gliding melody. That feels less fine. She snatches her hand back like she is the one at risk of burning here, clenching and unclenching her fist as she works fruitlessly for words to excuse whatever in the trials of the damned she had just done that for. His playing had returned to its easy, original meter, but he is looking at her now, instead of the strings, a familiar glint in his eyes that says if she does not say something he will. “Didn’t mean to distract you.” She says stiffly, because Theoren, for all of his unearthly grace, could be cursedly obstinate, and Elenah thinks he’s probably not going to let her get away with pretending that didn’t happen. “Ah.” Theoren says, looking down briefly as if surprised he’s still playing, then up again. He is trying very hard to hide his smile, and not doing a very successful job. “You didn’t. Thank you.” “You’re welcome.” Elenah says inanely, because he was giving her an out even if it was probably the worst he’d ever lied and says “You should do the akarah variation.” Because the only thing worse than having done all this would be to sit in silence afterward, and maybe because his eyes always brightened as his hands danced across the strings, thrilling in its complexity. If he has drawn her intention out of her, he is kind enough to let it go with a smile—turning back to begin the new piece Elenah sits back and listens.
Thank you for the ask, em, which I definitely answered promptly <3
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fukashiin · 9 months
winou darling, how have you been?? i miss seeing you around!! <3
HANNAH <333 its so refreshing to see you in my inbox every time eeeeeeee ive been super busy as of late :(( i have curricular programmes to assist in + having to make my own special gifts for like 10 people????????? so its going to be super time consuming JAHDJSJFKA
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lichennthropy · 1 year
Your hair is fantastic, I just started growing my hair out since I came out and have no idea how long hair works. Do you use anything other than shampoo and conditioner. Do you use any special brushes or..?
Thank you! I wish you lots of luck and happiness in your hair journey 🖤
So, what works for my hair might not work for yours, because different textures of hair have different needs. I have very dry hair, with a more oily scalp, and my hair is curly. I would recommend looking up hair texture charts online and finding what looks the most like your own hair, and seeing what people recommend for that texture. I think my hair is around a 2c or 3a, but a little straighter in some sections due to color/heat damage. Your hair texture might change while it grows out, or be difficult to identify while it’s still short! That’s perfectly normal.
In general, when growing hair long, the most important thing to remember is that you’re trying to preserve it. You’re trying to avoid damage and breakage. If your hair is constantly having to play catch up with the bits that are snapping off, it’s not going to grow as quickly or as long as you might like.
The main things I recommend are:
• Avoid shampoo and conditioners with sulfates in them, or 2-in-1 combination shampoos. This stuff is harsh on hair, and can contribute to split ends.
• Trim your ends! This might seem a bit counterintuitive at first, but this keeps away split ends. A clean, fresh cut isn’t going to slowly work it’s way up the hair stand and cause as much breakage as a split end will. You don’t need to trim very often, or take very much. 1/2 to 1 inch once every 1-3 months is fine when you’re first growing your hair out. I only trim my hair a few times a year.
• Avoid friction. Excessive friction can cause split ends; so I’d suggest letting your hair air dry rather than rubbing it dry with a towel (microfiber towels made especially for drying hair also exist, but I don’t use them cause’ my autistic ass would rather be bald than touch microfiber). If you can invest in a satin pillowcase, I recommend getting one! It’s gentler on hair than cotton. Satin bonnets also work as a nighttime protective barrier if you’d prefer. I’d also recommend brushing your hair while you’re in the shower, rather than when it’s dry. I find that the conditioner makes it really easy to detangle it then. Try to get your hands on a wide tooth comb, those are a life saver for gently detangling longer hair.
Other misc. products I use for my hair:
• After I shower, I apply a humectant to my hair with “scrunching” motions while it’s still sopping wet. The one I use is honey based. This helps my hair retain moisture, since my hair is usually really dry. After the humectant is well dispersed, I spread a small amount of oil meant for hair over the strands, focusing on the ends. This seals the humectant to the hair, softens it, and helps moisturize it. It also smells great. Sometimes I add other things, but this is the absolute bare bones, and is usually all my chronic fatigued ass can manage. Sometimes I don’t even bother lol. Do note that you might have to play around with different products and/or proportions, as product can weigh down your hair and make it feel gunky & greasy if you’re adding too much for your hair texture. Here are the products I use: x and x
• Sometimes when my hair is feeling very dry or frizzy between showers, I will smooth a very small amount of dry oil through it. Dry oils are things like argan and castor oil. When applying oils, it is best to only apply them to the ends of your hair, about midway down. I use my hands or a boar bristle brush. The ends of your hair are going to be the driest parts, since the scalp produces it’s own natural oils, and adding more will just make it feel heavy and greasy. This helps prevent breakage and split ends, moisturizes, and some people claim it even promotes hair growth. (If you apply hair oils to your scalp and let them sit for 15-30 mins before a shower, then shampoo and condition like normal, it will make your scalp feel soo clean and your hair will get really soft. I’ve already written you a whole essay by accident, so I definitely recommend researching scalp oiling further if it sounds interesting to you!).
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electricalsheep · 2 years
coming to terms with the fact that my whole life has been a lie and that I have wavy hair, not straight hair
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misslinala · 1 year
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niklenakle · 2 years
Insane news for malleus twisted wonderland enjoyers tht old man's hair is THINNING
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nightseeye · 3 months
Twist outs r so nice but unfortunately mean i need to twist hair Back In (<- unpracticed in self hairstyling and not very interested in doing so) so i never wear them. But. Super nice
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plasticsurgeon9 · 1 year
عملية رفع وشد الثدي
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pathologicalreid · 2 months
hair care
spencer reid x gn!reader, fluff
w/c: 481
this is based on a tiktok i saw where someone's bf bought the stuff they use in the shower and i thought! spencer would do that!
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“Where are you going?” Spencer asked you groggily from where he had been sleeping in his bed. He was blinking at you while he waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of his bedroom.
You were hobbling around his room, trying to pull socks on over your feet. In all honesty, they were probably Spencer’s socks, but you hadn’t wanted to turn the light on. “I have to go home before work,” you told him, keeping your voice low, “I need to wash my hair.”
In the darkness, you saw your boyfriend narrow his eyes at you, “I bought your hair stuff for you.”
Stilling your movements, you dropped your half-socked foot to the ground, “You bought my hair stuff?” It had caused problems since you started spending the night at Spencer’s, you tended to be very particular about your hair products, and you didn’t like to stray from your routine.
“I wanted you to be able to wash your hair here,” Spencer offered, wiping a hand down his face.
Suspicious, you went into the ensuite and opened the shower door. Your sleuthing uncovered the fact that he had in fact purchased all of your haircare supplies – even the things you used once you got out of the shower. “Babe,” you said, still minding your volume, “some of this stuff is expensive.”
You heard him shuffling around on the sheets, but you couldn’t totally see him in the dark, “I know - when I told Morgan he told me I was whipped.”
Rolling your eyes, you sat down on the ledge of the bed. Derek didn’t have any hair to wash, so in your mind, his opinion on the subject didn’t matter. “You have to let me pay you back,” you insisted. Really, some of the products were getting out of hand expensive.
Spencer reached out and pulled you further onto the bed, “I don’t have to let you do anything,” he chided softly. “Besides, now you don’t have to leave at four in the morning to go wash your hair across town.” As usual, his reasoning was sound. You lived on the other side of D.C., and even further from Quantico, making it no surprise that the two of you had been ending up at his place at an increasing frequency.
“But you don’t get anything out of it,” you said, pouting slightly, despite the fact that he couldn’t see your expression in the dark.
Dragging you back down to the bed with him, Spencer corrected you, “Now you don’t have to wake me up when you get up at four in the morning to go wash your hair on the other side of town.”
You sighed, “I always try to be really quiet,” you insisted. You would never purposefully wake him up at four in the morning.
He hummed sleepily, “and yet, you’re really bad at it.”
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financeprincess · 3 months
I spent, at a minimum, at least $500-$1,000 a month exclusively on my self improvement. Here is most of what I spend on, in no particular order:
Education (classes, books, courses, certifications, college tuition, seminars, etc.)
Private lessons for languages, musical instruments, sports, etc.
Personal hobbies and passion projects
Crest whitening strips (great when in a pinch), Invisalign, professional whitening, preventative dental care, prescription whitening products from my dentist
Investments such as index funds, REITs, ETFs, CDs, individual stocks, commodities, appreciative luxury items, precious metals & gems, etc.
Organic food, vitamins, supplements, high quality healthcare, therapy, massages, prescriptions (Rx skincare, etc.)
New glasses & contacts (getting some bayonetta glasses from Burberry soon, very excited)
Sports, gym membership + sauna, hot yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, tennis, skiing, dance, etc.
Personal care such as bath/shower products, body care, haircare, skincare, makeup, brightening eye drops, perfume, etc.
Travel, events, concerts, festivals, etc.
Shopping (clothes, accessories, home goods, etc.)
Eating out at restaurants and going to coffee shops
Beauty treatments such as manicures, pedicures, waxes, brow tint & threading, salon blowouts, hair cuts & colors, facials, lash lift & tints, vitamin IVs, etc.
Regular visits to my dermatologist, dentist, psychiatrist, eye doctor, primary care physician, gynecologist, and any other specialists
Semi-regular appointments with a personal trainer, holistic nutritionist, and dietitian
I don't do all of these every single month, but most of these are recurring throughout the year and budgeted accordingly. Eventually I might add in more intense cosmetic work like medspa services, Botox, etc. If you can find a workplace with a great benefits package such as high quality healthcare, an HSA/FSA, health & wellness reimbursements for the gym, disability & life insurance, etc. I would highly recommend it and max out all the benefits you can.
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