#my friends are the most iconic butch/femme couple ever
glitterock · 6 months
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tweltchy · 4 months
Well, hello. I haven't been tagged in one of these things for literal years! Was tagged by @c-n-i-d-a-r-i-a-n to fill out a sort of "get to know me" meme. Thanks so much!! To keep this going, I'll tag some beloved mutuals.
@rye-satchel, @kaykayfranco, @lottafuckingshit
3 ships:
Not much of a shipper and the ones I do like are kinda strange, but I got a few that hold a place in my heart. It's not three, tho. Ye get two.
Rarity x Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
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The MLP Resurgence on this website is a gift from above. I get it now........... they are so cute and we stan gay horses. Iconic butch/femme couple....... I don't think I need to say more than that.
Sam Winchester x Castiel (Supernatural)
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Feel like i need to justify myself here.
Listen........... i know the show is dumb and stupid and it's over now, but I still think about it. Tbh, I shipped it out of spite at first, but then I kinda started to see potential in it, and now it's one of my OTPs. They are both queer in some way and i will die on that hill. Big sucker for the Friends to Lovers trope, and and and...... idk I just think they're sweet, especially given their growth together in the show. plus Sam doesn't abuse Cass like Dean does so that's a plus lolololololol
IDK. I just think if Cass confessed to Sam, Sam would have at least shown strong emotion. Probably would have tried to sacrifice everything to try and get him back.
first ship:
Zack Fair x Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
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Again, not really much of a shipper, but I remember the first ship that I reeeeeaaally got into was this one. They are just...so perfect for each other.... it's hard not to love them.
last song:
The most underrated as well as the darkest song the band ever made. I think about it constantly and adore it.
last film:
Ginger Snaps (2000)
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It's one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. I saw it was free to watch on YouTube and watched it twice in a row. It's so good and a unique take on werewolf stories. I recommend it if you have an interest in werewolves. It is free to watch in English on YouTube, but it's only available to watch in the USA for some reason. It's blocked everywhere else, INCLUDING Canada. ??? That's dumb as hell. Snag a VPN and watch it.
Regardless!! Good movie.
currently reading:
-Lots of TTRPG corebooks/rulebooks.
I love tabletop RPGs!!!!
-Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica.
Jules Dapper on YouTube sold me on this book, and it's one of my new favorites. Very dark and depressing, but also very compelling!
currently craving:
A BIG sandwich with every vegetable ever.
fav color:
All shades of purple!
relationship status:
Not single.
last google search:
"halifax glove guy"
The fact that this dude is actually real and not some weird urban legend fascinates me more than it should. Stay safe out there, guys.
current obsessions:
-Kingdom Hearts (my forever fandom and favorite game series ever)
-Final Fantasy series
-Animation and art
Thanks for tagging me!! :D
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themagicinwords · 4 years
1 - 30. Answer all the questions for me princess
keep calling me princess, and I’ll do anything for you 🥺🥺🥺
I’m gonna put these under a cut since there’s a LOT
1. what’s your gender?
cis female
2. what are your pronouns?
3. is your family accepting?
they are! my sister is queer too, so we support each other and our mom is just a good mom who loves us unconditionally
4. what do you wish you could tell your past self?
I want to tell 19 year old me to go to grief counseling, and to get into therapy.
5. what is your sexuality?
bisexual.. though I may be adding to that soon
6. favorite color?
teal and pink
7. sun gay or moon gay?
definitely moon gay! though I am a fan of sunlight as well
8. when did you find out your sexuality?
I think I figured it out when I was like 14 and a girl kissed me and my brain went “oh.. well that was REALLY nice!” and Kate Beckinsale in a leather catsuit happened and it was all over
9. how was your day?
it wasn’t too bad! my office is on one last week of half days, so I only had to work until 1. and I slept better last night, so other than having a migraine most of the day, I’m doing pretty good.
10. do you have any gay friends?
I do! most of them are on tumblr because I live in a pretty conservative/red state so there aren’t a lot of us around.
11. what’s your favorite hobby?
reading and cross stitch, which I am the bomb at
12. who’s the best gay icon in your opinion?
oh wow.. Freddie Mercury is a huge one. as a bisexual woman, I look up to Stephanie Beatriz a lot.
13. which pride flags do you like the most design/color wise?
obviously I’m partial to the bi flag, but I also love the ace and nonbinary flags. they’re beautiful.
14. are you openly out?
mostly! all the people closest to me know that I’m bi
15. are you comfortable with yourself?
some days yes, some days no. it all depends on where my anxiety is at. fortunately, I have way more good days than bad days.
16. bottom or top?
I am the bottomiest bottom to ever bottom
17. femme or butch?
definitely femme. I love pastels and makeup and getting my nails done and wearing pretty skirts and dresses.
18. do you bind?
I had one partner tie my hands with a neck tie once. but I am so obsessed with shibari and would really love to try it!
19. do you shave?
legs and underarms yes. down below, nooo too much work!
20. if you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be?
oh my god, I have to pick ONE!? ok um.. if Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig would take me as their third/sugar baby I would be all up in that
21. do you have a partner (s)?
yes! I’m married and I have a girlfriend
22. describe your partner (s)?
my hubby is super sweet and devoted, he’s so kind and loving. we’ve been together 10 years and he still looks at me with stars in his eyes.
my gf is a tiny little tattooed pixie with so much attitude. she’s sweet and fun, and makes me smile all the time. she shares my disney obsession, and always knows how to make me feel better when I’m sick or upset.
23. have you ever dated anyone of the same sex?
yep! a couple times.
24. anyone of another sex?
yeah, sadly I’ve dated more guys than girls
25. pastel gay or goth gay?
26. favorite dad in dream daddies?
I’ve never actually played it!
27. tell me a random fact about yourself?
I have 11 tattoos, and I’m getting ready to plan out my next piece now that the lockdown is lifting in my state
28. do you own any pride flags/merch?
oh god yeah. I have bi flag stuff EVERYWHERE.
29. have you ever been to a pride parade?
yep! I’ve been to the chicago parade like 6 times I think? at least 6. and we started going to indy last year because my anxiety has gotten too bad for a crowd as large as chicago.
30. any advice to someone who isn’t out or who is exploring themselves?
you don’t have to make any decisions or label yourself until you’re ready. or ever! sexuality is fluid and every changing. I’ve known I was bi for 16 years, and even I’m now realizing my identity is shifting. it’s ok to not have all the answers, or any answers! love yourself, and find someone you can trust to talk to. don’t go it alone.
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margridarnauds · 5 years
whatever numbers from that lgbt+ ask meme u haven't already been asked?
1. What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?
~Tentatively~ bi (Not into dating dudes, but can appreciate them aesthetically); she/her. 
3. Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?
I’ve not, thankfully. Having longish to medium length hair tends to mean that people ping me as a woman because for some reason we as a society decided to equate reproductive organs to dead skin cells. 
5. Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?I’ve talked before about how very laid back my mom was about it (Sometimes to extremes. Like...MOM. I KNOW YOU STILL LOVE ME, I APPRECIATE IT, BUT I DON’T NEED YOU REITERATING IT EVERY FIVE SECONDS. I KNO-) Still, it was genuinely good to have that weight off your shoulders. There’s always that moment of fear anyway, or where you’re worried that you’ll be told that you’ll change your mind. Coming out as an atheist was actually more stressful, tbh. 
6. If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?
I don’t think I’ve ever REALLY gotten any blowback, it’s kind of like an “Oh.” I KNOW my aunt thinks it’s a phase, I have no idea how she’d deal with me actually DATING someone, especially since she’s hanging with a very conservative crowd at church and she’s a chameleon. 
10. What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
For me, makeup is a personal choice, albeit one that IS often forced on women by either society or by their own businesses as a way of being “professional.” I hate how radfem culture has infected the discussion on it, to the point where normally STAUNCHLY anti-radfem bloggers unknowingly parrot the same talking points, I don’t consider it to be INHERENTLY evil and I DO think that some women can personally find empowerment with it. I’ve been BLOWN AWAY by the cosplay work people can do. But it IS fucked up that society EXPECTS women to spend hours each day on it. 
And, while I’m at it, while I don’t blame COMPANIES for naming their makeup things like “sex on the beach,” (astonishing, I know) because those are things VERY OBVIOUSLY AIMED AT ADULTS, I DO think that influencers are pure evil for convincing kids that they need them. (And also it’s not like the companies REALLY care about where they’re getting the money from, and the INFLUENCERS are getting money from somewhere, lest anyone think I’m giving capitalism a break here) And I blame parents for not being willing to discuss it with their kids, given that my mom was always very encouraging when it came to telling me that I didn’t need it when I was, like, 8. If you’re going to have kids, you need to be prepared to PARENT. And that includes discussing things with them, sometimes things that are uncomfortable, rather than simply giving them the $50 eyeshadow they’re asking for. And, to this day, I STILL don’t wear any, simply because I don’t feel like spending the time on it. I could probably magic myself some cheekbones if I really wanted to, but I don’t want to learn, not really, and I’m happy existing as I am. 
11. Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?
I’m not sure if I would describe it as DYSPHORIA, per see, but there can be this very odd, disjarring feeling when someone calls me a woman or uses she/her. It doesn’t really LAST per se, it’s very much a momentary thing, and, as I’ve said before, I favor it compared to the other pronoun/gender options, but it’s definitely not something I’m 100% happy with. 
15. Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?
I haven’t been! Simply because even though my mom’s been open about being willing to take me, it’s still....awkward when you need to rely on someone else. Hopefully, next year, things will be better. 
16. Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?
As far as people who are ACTUALLY LGBT+, I have a lot of personal respect for Janelle Monáe and Kristen Stewart. As far as icons and people who have been willing to speak out on behalf of LGBT+ rights while at least APPEARING to be straight (since I’m not going to pry one way or another), Taylor Swift, who has REPEATEDLY gone out there and embraced her LGBT+ fanbase. 
17. Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?
I haven’t been, a fact which I bitterly lament to anyone who’s willing to hear, which I’m sure is a VERY attractive trait. [/s]  
19. Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?
I haven’t, one of the advantages of not “pinging”/ not being in a relationship with anyone. Can’t face discrimination if you’re holding your own hand. 
21. Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?
Hm, outside of here, I don’t really FOLLOW that many LGBT+ bloggers. And here, just about all my mutuals are some brand of LGBT+. Obviously, there’s you. As far as people who tend to work a lot with gay content, particularly in a historical context, I highly recommend @marzipanandminutiae. For more general fandom-y stuff, my old friend @taylorswiftnuswnt, who has been really instrumental as far as helping me realize that I was something other than a Straight Girl™ (and who helps me keep up with the Gay Migration at any given point in time.)
22. Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?“Queer”‘s already mine and they’ll have to pry it out of my grubby hands. 
27. What do you think of gender roles in relationships?
Some people REALLY need/want them, some people don’t. Personally, I resent the EXPECTATION that we HAVE to have them. 
 Personally, I’m not interested in replicating a 50s marriage with a gay bent. I spent my entire childhood dreading being forced into that kind of gender role in a relationship and really dreading the idea of a relationship in GENERAL because of that; I’m not going to get into a carbon copy of that. 
If someone ELSE wants to do that, I’m not going to shit on them, because it’s THEIR decision. Go forth and be happy, though I do want BOTH partners to be aware that there are other options. (I saw so many people in my old hometown become essentially cookie cutter brides after they graduated from high school, all of them with kids, all smiling faces, all “stand by your man,” and yes, it does give me Stepford Wife vibes.)
I know that back in the day, Butch/Femme couples were shit on for “replicating heterosexuality,” and that was obviously wrong, so I’m not going to try to pretend like one way is the most progressive, but also for me? Nada. And I do kind of resent how Tumblr’s turned top/bottom discussions into “Let’s replicate the gender binary with gay ships.” Basically, people SHOULD have the ability to choose what makes them happy, but also? It is NOT some kind of default. 
28. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
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davestridirk · 6 years
all of the invasive asks, you guck.
1. what’s your gender?
Well, rn, it’s nonexistent. I identify as genderfluid though.
2. what are your pronouns?
Any and all pronouns are fine by me.
3. is your family accepting?
Some of them are accepting of some things, but I’m not really sure ho they’d feel about the genderfluidity thing, and I’m an anxiety filled fuck, so...
4. what do you wish you could tell your past self?
Dear younger me, you’re gonna get into some scrapes, and you’re gonna get bumps and bruises, and your heart broken along the way, but it will all work out.
5. what is your sexuality?
6. favorite color?
There are two answers to this. The not entirely big gay answer is purple. The big gay answer is red. You know why.
7. sun gay or moon gay?
Moon gay.
8. when did you find out your sexuality?
I think I’ve always sorta known, but wasn’t entirely sure? But I figured out for sure just a couple years ago.
9. how was your day?
Filled with a whole lot of love and my own stupidity so far, so good.
10. do you have any gay friends?
11. what’s your favorite hobby?
Being gay. Okay, and cosplaying.
12. who’s the best gay icon in your opinion?
I have no idea.
13. which pride flags do you like the most design/color wise?
The one with the black and brown lines on it. Too many people don’t include colored people in the community, but black trans women are the reason we even have the community.
14. are you openly out?
About being Pan yes, genderfluid, kinda?
15. are you comfortable with yourself?
Haha, yes and no, depends on the day.
16. bottom or top?
17. femme or butch?
Look me in the eyes and ask me that again. I am clearly femme.
18. do you bind?
19. do you shave?
Only for when I’m going to cosplay.
20. if you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be?
The 3 people I’m dating right now. Maybe adding in a couple others in the future, but for now, my dating plate is full.
21. do you have a partner (s)?
3! :)
22. describe your partner (s)?
Red: Amazing, just absolutely amazing, but they’re a busy person, so we haven’t been able to talk a lot lately. I love them so much. They have an amazing instagram account for their cosplays. @skullkink.
Reese: Also amazing. I love them so fucking much. Not nearly as busy as Red, and is just as beautiful. They also have an amazing tumblr blog. @thelordoflamps
Danny: The gayest gay to ever gay. I love them with all of my left lung. Amazingly cute, to a point it should be illegal, and has a great tumblr blog. @rotini-noodle
23. have you ever dated anyone of the same sex?
24. anyone of another sex?
25. pastel gay or goth gay?
Pastel Goth Gay
26. favorite dad in dream daddies?
Uh... Not sure, haven’t played it, only watched Markiplier play it.
27. tell me a random fact about yourself?
I’m 22.
28. do you own any pride flags/merch?
I own a gay flag, a pan flag, a gay cape, white thigh highs with a rainbow near the top, and a rainbow beanie.
29. have you ever been to a pride parade?
Not yet.
30. any advice to someone who isn’t out or who is exploring themselves?
My advice to those that aren’t out or that are exploring themselves is gonna be along the same lines as my little letter to myself up there. You’ll run into obstacles along the way, and you’ll have to figure out a way around or over them, but you can do it. I believe in you. Everything is going to be okay, and sometimes it’s better to take your time, because if you rush, you might find that what you’re doing isn’t really you. I wish you all the best of luck, and all the happiness you deserve. Which, too those who doubt it, and feel they don’t deserve any, is far more than you believe, and, if you keep pushing, and keep searching for it, you’ll eventually find it.
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cathartic-roses · 6 years
All of the above please
alright here we go1: did you ever think you were straight?No. As soon as I found out what gay was I went “maybe I like girls???”2: what’s your favorite element of gay culture?RAINBOWS. Seriously. The sheer pride of being lgbtq+3: are you femme, butch, or neither?Neither, but I also might be butch. For now, neither.4: do you prefer to date femmes or butches?Ummm all ladies are beautiful? Tf kinda question is this?5: what’s the worst part about being a lesbian?CONSTANTLY QUESTIONING6: what’s the best part of being a lesbian?Most of my OCs are sapphic in some way. Also, girls.7: how long were you questioning for?Still am, tbh. I don’t even like boys. 98% sure. Comp het is a bitch.8: what’s the most annoying thing straight people do?“You don’t look gay.” Bitch you want me to paint myself rainbow? You don’t look stupid, Carol, and yet here we are.9: what do you look for in a girl?That she likes me back. Seriously, though, she’s gotta be willing to put up with my shit. I have a lot of issues. I am emotional and unemotional at the same time. Also, she’s gotta be willing to try new things, whether it be shows I like, or new food, etc.10: of you had to marry someone you know right now, who would you choose?@stephanie-ann-belanger11: do you have a crush right now?@stephanie-ann-belanger12: do you fall in love easily?No. It took me a couple months, actually.13: is there anyone in your life right now you think you’ll date in the future?Not right now. Perhaps never again, because by then I might be married.14: is there anyone you want to be kissing right now?@stephanie-ann-belanger15: do you think you’ve met your future wife yet?Yep! @stephanie-ann-belanger16: top, bottom, or vers?that has yet to be completely decided. I say bottom leaning verse.17: is there anyone you wish you could fuck right now?@stephanie-ann-belanger18: rough or gentle?rough all the fucking way19: how many stereotypes do you fit into?Flannel, backpack purse, flannel, sports, suitsIdk if these are all actually stereotypes20: what version of the lesbian flag do you like most? (butch, lipstick, original, etc.)I don’t like the lipstick one. I never really did, tbh. I do like that new one floating around. The purpleish one. I forgot the blog name, but it’s on @felidaeng‘s icon21: do you have a good gaydar?Mine is pretty good.22: be honest, would you rather be straight?Fuck no.23: are you cis?Not really24: are you a sugar mommy or a sugar baby at heart?I’m a sugar baby. I like getting shit. Don’t judge.25: are you committed to someone at all right now emotionally?Yes. One platonically, one romantically.26: are you looking for a serious relationship currently?No.27: is there someone you’d like to be in a serious relationship in?Already am.28: do you want childrenYes29: is your family accepting of your sexuality?My dad and stepmom are. My mother has yet to know.30: how confident are you in your sexuality?I’M FUCKIN GAAAAYYYYYthat’s all I can tell you31: are you polyamorous or monogamous?uhi don’t know actuallyI could go either way, tbh. It’s a try-it-and-find-out thing for me. But I am currently in a monogamous relationship32: what’s advice do you have for your 12 year old self?Keep your mouth shut dammit33: have you ever been to a gay bar?No34: leather jackets or flannelFLANNELBUT ALSO LEATHER35: describe your dream girlfriend@stephanie-ann-belanger36: do you have any lesbian friends?a shit ton@ackforf say hi37: what elements of gay culture do you actively participate in?I want to go to Pride soooooo bad38: do you find straight people irritating?Listening to the straight girls in our flute section group chat complain about their boyfriends is the most irritating damn thing ever39: would you rather adopt a kid or have a biological kidBoth!!40: do you love yourself?Most of the time. I’m fuckin cute. You don’t agree? Fuck off.
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