#my consent so yeah dont wanna take the risk
weathernerdmando · 11 months
Your brain is not fully developed until you’re 25 and I can tell you with absolute certainty that despite thinking I was an adult at 19, I was not, and I am better at making decisions and weighing consequences now than I was at 18, 19, etc. 18 is only a legal threshold; you are still very much a child at 18. Have some compassion.
Hey anon, wanna know exactly what this argument allows for?
Taking away my rights. As a trans person. Which is actually happening. Which I mention in the post. The argument you're making is actively being used to oppress people.
Also, if you weren't an adult at 19 despite having the legal status in your opinion, your legal privileges should have been removed in your argument. Would you have wanted that? Because you *cannot* have those without the consequences.
Re: rights - "their brains are still developing so they can't consent to permeant changes to their body and hormone replacement bc what if they'll regret it?!!! Those poor trans people don't know what's best for them!!!" That's not just being said about kids. Its about adults too. It is in actual legislation being proposed to ban transitioning *after 18* regardless of that being legal adulthood.
Also, it's just the prefrontal cortex by 25. I looked it up. Irregardless, *if you or I at 19 made the choice to do what he did - AS AN ADULT* - I'd say it sucks but we would have been the only one to make that choice. At 19, I absolutely wouldn't have done that because it is incredibly risky as just a concept???? In the first place?? And he was not forced to do what he did, to the best of my knowledge.
Does it suck the way they probably died? Yeah. It sounds horrific. Which that sucks on a human level, but I don't blame anyone *but* them and the company that took them because they made the choice, they signed the waivers, they went down and it unfortunately didn't go well. Does there need to be regulation to prevent it from happening again? Yes.
But do I weep for the sheer amount of ignoring a fuckton of danger to do this, all taken by adults? *Which they are?*
Absolutely not.
Also, it's not even the fact he's down there. It's the way everyone is acting like he is a LITERAL, LEGAL child and responding like he has NO agency. Which. Is extremely fucked up and what's pissing me off.
At 19, I was working, going to college and generally doing adult things despite it really only being my first year of even having a semblance of normal *teenaged* independence because my mom was a controlling nightmare.
I was still very aware of the fact that I was an adult and that was both exciting and terrifying because of the possibilities and their consequences. I was not a child. And despite the fact I have been in my twenties for some time now, people still treat me like I'm a child - a literal child - when they hear autism. Which pisses me off. I despise it when people infantilize anyone but actual infants because it is fucking shitty all around.
And that is what is going on.
And also, you are not everyone. Neither am I. You don't get to decide what rights should be granted when bc you think you weren't an adult at 19. I dont either. But 19 is an adult and he had more chance than either of us most likely to have a better idea of the consequences because his parents *are* wealthy and he would have grown up with that sort of knowledge more likely than either of us. He has less of a chance to be ignorant than either of us, I'd wager.
And again, he's an adult who signed a waiver and wasn't forced onto the damn thing.
So does the whole thing sound tragic on a human level? Yes, I absolutely don't want to go that way, etc. But did he accept the risks and am I going to wail over it? No. I'm going to think it's exceedingly incredibly how much lack of care for the risks took place and hope they tear the company responsible apart.
Also, since I forgot it in the original post and it's important, he knowingly was taking an incredibly dangerous trip to a FUCKING GRAVESITE.
0 notes
shit-scfandom-did · 3 years
so i have a few questions
1)i cannot understand how you ship k*ramel. their relationship was FILLED with toxicity. from mon-el failing over and over again to listen to what kara had to say to him basically telling her to give up being kara danvers. convincing her that "being supergirl and having you is enough” was absolutely horrible. karamel had their moments but overall it was toxic. then in s3 mon el was married and the whole point of season 3 was allowing them to move on. accepting the toxicity from s2 and pushing past that romanticized time. mon el was a better person by 3b but he was still married. even if mon el and imra did break up in the finale there’s no future for karamel. even during 5x13 kara went to ask on advice about lena. and when winn came to visit from the future not a word about him. she’s moved on and it just wouldn’t make sense for kara to end up with him.
2) how can you hate lena so so so much?? it’s been said over and over again that all she’s ever wanted to do is good. though she’s designed to be this morally grey character. she has FLAWS but that’s what makes her so good. she’s a victim of abuse and you can see her struggle with that especially in seasons 4 and 5. in 5 she definitely goes down a questionable path but how can you expect her not too? after being emotionally abused by her brother, betrayed by her family, andrea (this did happen before kara), and then eve. finding out that kara and EVERYONE she loves has betrayed her as well. I mean how could you not go mad?? and even when she “went mad” she was trying to rid humanity of PAIN. something she later realized was a necessary part of life. her hurt blinded her from reality and lex’s manipulation pushed her down further. she’s been hurt and broken so many times and while that’s not an excuse for what she’s done you have no sympathy for her and that I find appalling. lena has realized what she’s done is wrong, that she’s made mistakes, what she did to kara, and she will have to live with that isn’t that punishment enough? she’s apologized and is trying to make up for everything she’s done by saving the world (again). your unnecessary hate towards her infuriates me. cant you take a step back and see the whole picture?
3) why DONT you ship supercorp or accept the queerbaiting? (watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C2w2GBXd_Pg) They are the core relationship of the show while the danvers sisters are the heart. they’ve gone through so so much together and practically dated in early season 2. they love each other it’s just oh so apparent. i like to believe one of the reasons lena reacted so strongly in s5 is because she was in love with kara and she couldn’t handle the person she was in love with lying to her. and kara flew around the world to get lena’s favorite food!! if that’s not romantic idk what is. I feel like you’ve developed such a clouded view of supercorp that you need to take a step back and understand what lena is the love of kara’s life.
wow what a long message. im not here to hate. im here to inform & undertand. i get it. karamel had their moments and even MY perception of them might be a little cloudy. im not going to hate you for liking them. hell I even shipped them for a little! my brother thinks 3b mon el and kara would’ve been perfect but he understands that supercorp is just where the show is leading and he wants them to be endgame. but what I will hate is your hate. what’s the point of all this? this thread, this account is going to do NOTHING. so why bother? I debated sending this and I hope I’m not too harsh at times but I really wanna see what you say. I hope you can open your eyes to lena and supercorp. maybe even become a supercorp shipper yourself!
- thanks and supercorp endgame 💙❤️
First of all, if you want to discuss ships in the future send this type of anons to facepalming-since-chernobyl, this blog is not for this, but for gathering receipts.
1.I just ship it, I don’t get why you have to understand it. It’s shipping. But if you insist:
No, it was not filled with toxicity. Count me when he failed to listen to her when they were in a relationship. Secondly, he is not a dog, he has his brain, he is his own person. People don’t always do what others asked them to do. It’s not slavery.
He has NEVER said to her to give up being Kara Danvers. How did he exactly convince her? How can you read the scene that he convinced her that being supergirl and having him is erasing Kara Danvers? In this scene he supports anything SHE WANTS to do. Also, Kara Danvers doesn’t equal Kara being a reporter in CatCo. On that moment she had her blog. She change people’s live with it like a real reporter. She took the risk and met consequences of her actions aka being fired by Snapper. Also, remind me who told her to create a blog? With your logic Lena was erasing Kara Danvers too.
Friendly reminder that he was forced to the marriage to keep peace. Also, friendly reminder Imra and the Legion out him in this situation without telling him about her plans. She and Brainiac put him there, knowing exactly how much he loved Kara and how much she meant to him. Imra knew that, that’s why she asked him to stay and solve his feelings. She said if he had come back, she would have known he had no doubts. But he wanted to stay, that’s why they broke up. He came back because once again he sacrificed himself for the greater good, like a real hero. Maybe watch the Argo eps because they clearly show that no, it was no about moving on.
It was not accepting about so called toxicity. First of all, she already forgave him that he lied. Secondly, all of she was screaming in that scene, when she was infected with M’rynn’s powers, happened before they got together and it was already approached in the musical ep. Aka, this scene had no point.
There is no future for karamel because you say so?
Kara went to asked him, because she truly believed and trusted him and his judgment. And yes, she asked about Lena and what did he said? That Kara deserved the same compassion she gives others, something Lena never gave her. And sorry, I know all scs scream the 100 ep was about sc, but it was about Kara fully realizing she is not responsible for Lena’s horrible choices. That’s it. And friendly reminder she called her a villain in the last scene. Also, the ep showed than no matter what, Lena always ends screwing something, because she has too big ego, always knows better, doesn’t stand criticism and doesn’t trust anyone.
It doesn’t make sense for you. Suit yourself.
2.Her fans made me hate her :) Thanks to them and how they excuse her every horrible action, how they treat her as a victim, while she abuse everyone etc. I started to watch her more carefully. And well, she is a horrible, white, privileged capitalist, who plays god, judge, jury, has mommy issues and acts like typical Luthor while crying she is not one, while still using Luthors money and resources.
Yeah, many people want to make good and end doing evil things. Common people pay for their sins, she has never. Since allowing hostile Daxamite army to invade the Earth (also, her portal affected the other aliens who destroyed the NC), producing a device that could recofnize aliens without their consent (and it was used by Children of Liberty,)producing and lying about Kryptonite, trying to make people superpowered without any supervision, killing Adam during illegal experiment, supporting openly alienphobic president and in a way Agent Liberty, killing Lex and then blaming Kara and finally manipulating Kara for months, lying, gaslighting, yelling, making her steal Lex journal, trying to lobotomize her and tortured with kryptonite, hurting every way possible, physically and mentally. Working with mass murderer, enslaving 3 people (kidnapping Eve, without her consent putting AI into her mind, basically RAPING her brain and making her a puppet in her own body; enslaving end experimenting on Malefic and Russel – threatening to kill him to steal Andrea’s necklace) – none of it are flaws. It was horrible abuse and violating every human right and the fact some people excuse it is disgusting.
First of all, being victim of abuse doesn’t give you the rights to HURT other people. The fact I have to explain pains me. Secondly, what abuse exactly? Lillian didn’t love her? Lex kidnapped her? Said he was going to kill her? You know what? Winn HAD HORRIBLE past and he didn’t turn into a murderer. Mon-El was abused by his mother and never tortured Kara with Kryptonite. J’onn killed a lot of white martians but last time I checked he doesn’t feel good about it. Also, never said the things he has done were GOOD. See a difference?
Yeah, and all of it, still doesn’t give her the rights to torture people. Also, friendly reminder she lied to Supergirl about Kryptonite in s3, much before the whole drama. Remember how she destroyed the life of a girl that stole boyfriend in middle school? It clearly shows she always had THAT in her. Plus, sorry not sorry, if she wanted different life, outside her family she could have easily done that. She was in Star City, with Jack, doing her researches, making her career. And she threw it all away, because she WANTED to be a Luthor.
Plus, sorry not sorry, if you feel betrayed and hurt because your friend didn’t tell you something she didn’t OWE you, you go to therapy, not trying to lobotomize entire planet.
Mate, she wanted to lobotomizer entire humanity, without ANYONE’S consent, because SHE, one single Lena, felt hurt. This is playing a GOD. Nothing explains it.
Planning a cold ass revenge for months is not being blinded by feelings.
Once again, even if could argue about how many times she was broken, most of that was a white privileged life she chose herself but whatever, it still doesn’t excuse her. All of she has done should meet consequences. Paying for shit you have done, accepting it, fully realizing what you have done is a part of redemption. Still in s5 she didn’t even apologize to Kara. Because she still didn’t understand what she has done and doesn’t feel sorry about it.
Feel appalled as much as you want, because I’m not going to feel sorry for a white, privileged woman who has never paid for her actions and is basically a living avatar of the worst Karen you can imagine.
She realized Lex was using her horrible experiments (remember? She experimented on puppies too) to his own agenda, that’s why she went to Kara. That’s not grasping a thing. Mhm, if you call that an apology then suit yourself. She is not saving the world, she is helping once again other people fixing the shit she created.
Feel infuriated as much as you want, because I don’t care? Especially when it comes from a person who tells others to take a step back while being totally narrow minded about Mon-El and karamel.
3.Because actors, prodcuers, writers call SC a female friendship. Mel did that in her last interview. See whatever you want but maybe stop forcing people to ship a horribly abusive ship.
Well… no. Kara is the heart and soul of the Supergirl. Alex is her most important relationship. Lena is an important friend, who doesn’t deserve it yet, but we all know Kara is the Paragon of Hope so of course she is going to forgive her.
I know you people think sc dated because they breathed in one room, but in s2 Kara dated, had sex, kissed, cuddled and enjoyed her time with Mon-El.
Yeah, they love each other as friends. It was said more than once.
That’s your delusion, you are free to do it.
Kara done that to Alex too, so you are saying she is romantically in love with her sister or something? If bringing people food is romantic and damn, most of the people I know loves me, god.
No, lena is not Kara’s love of her life.
Cool, you are not going to hate me because I ship karamel, I’m touched.
Sorry that you are going to be super disappointed in the end of the show I guess.
You will hate my hate – what’s the point of it?
Once again, because I don’t think you understand the point of this blog or read the description – it’s gathering receipts of assholes who cross tag and hate on the actors. Maybe go and search #gross hate or #cast hate on this blog so you can see how amazing your fandom is. Have fun.
I would rather eat my own shit than starting shipping the victim of abuse with her abuser.
Thanks and no :)
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muwur · 4 years
do u think u could write something fluffy for atsumu? :D (if not, bc he just showed up in the anime, futakuchi?) nd they/them pronouns pls :3 ty ty!!!
dating headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for atsumu and futakuchi
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.6k words
a/n: oml my first request fgrinffej thank u anon <3 been doing sum ~research~ and brainstorming snaccing and i hope this is okay ! >:) for u i shall do both ppl hehe. feel free to lmk if you would like me to redo or add anything, i wanna do my requests justice :*)
also i find myself gettin inspo at 4 am ofhfuohf i hope this is a bit fluffy, tho its a bit playful n snarky as well fnoggrefjf. also this took me so long bc i literaly got this whole other idea LMAOOOO but i find it more suitable as a separate piece so be on the lookout for that (nudge nudge itll feature atsumu ;) i got a bit carried away AAHA). here u goo
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✧ boi’s a tease
✧ on days he stays really late to practice so like?? most days LOL  you drop by a nearby eatery and pick up some fatty tuna (or something else, you like to change it up sometimes even if fatty tuna is his fave)  for him to munch on (gotta replenish your body!!)
✧ even though it’s for him, he’ll make you share the food with him as you both sit on a field nearby the gym
✧ likes to feed you but exaggerates it just to mess with you
✧ “say ahh, y/n” he coos with a smirk when he holds out some food from his chopsticks
✧ and just to mess with him back, you close your mouth around the piece, taking it from the chopsticks slowly and never breaking eye contact with him until after you chew and swallow
✧ “ah, that was delicious, honey” you smile cheekily
✧ rip atsumu, he malfuncc inside
✧ however
✧ fights you for the last piece of any food or snack you’re sharing
✧ “why even offer sharing if you’re just gonna hog it all”
✧ “you were just slower than me, that’s not my problem”
✧ in the end, he would definitely just let you have it. Only fights you when hes bored and wants to provoke you, which is often
✧ pretty affectionate in public. likes to ruffle your hair or place a head on your hand, no matter what height you are
✧ especially likes to do this when you’re annoyed at him, which kinda makes it not cute anymore and you just wanna punch him in the face
✧ as annoying as he could be tho you had to admit that your bickering could be quite fun he was definitely a caring partner
✧ is quick to take notice how youre feeling, liek:
✧  “hey, are you feeling okay?”
✧ “yeah im fine, why?”
✧ “you know you dont have to lie, right? you cant hide these things, anyways, i can just tell if something’s up. what’s wrong, babe?”
✧ pulls you aside to talk things out a little, then offers to spend some time together after practice  
✧ squeezes your hand as he walks you home, plants a soft kiss to your forehead before parting ways, and says goodnight
✧ he also notices any changes, no matter how small, in your appearances:
✧ *scrutinizing you* “what do you want, atsumu?”
✧ “did you do something different today? maybe like with your hair or uniform or something?”
✧ “o-oh, yeah, i did.”
✧ “hm. it really suits you, actually.”
✧ “oh, thanks. it’s such a small change, i didnt think anyone would notice--”
✧  “dont get too ahead of yourself, i didnt say it looked nice-- im kidding, im kidding!” he has to say in order to defend himself from your piercing glare
✧ lowkey highkey cant go long without seeing you
✧ so when he finally gets to spend some time with you, he’s even more touchy than usual
✧ you eye him suspiciously before saying, “you’re acting like you missed me or something”
✧  “yeah, i did miss you. something wrong with that?” he asks, burying his face in your neck as he hugs you from behind
✧ “yes, because its been two days”
✧ expect lots of kisses and hugs, though. mans is deprived and he gets what he wants (with consent, of course)
✧ makes sure everyone knows he’s there to stand up for you if necessary, which can be pretty intimidating
✧ loves it when you fall asleep on his shoulder. will take selfies with your sleeping face and show you later
✧  “you look cute even when you’re drooling all over my arm”
✧ doesn’t talk about how he sniffed or kissed your head when you were asleep. definitely doesn’t admit how he was whispering about how lucky he was to be in love with you asdfghjk
✧ was the first to admit he loved you
✧ it occurred after his team won a game to qualify for nationals. excitedly, you raced your way to meet him and tackled him in a hug. who cares if he was sweaty. “i knew you guys would win, and im so proud, atsumu.”
✧ he stumbled a bit and hugged back. he pulled away shortly to look you in the eye
✧  “y/n, i love you.”
✧ and all you could do was blush before he pulled you into a soft, yet passionate kiss
✧ surrounded by like. literally everyone lol
✧ osamu just fake gags in the background
✧ later that day:
✧  “sooooo do I get a reward for winning ? ;)”
✧  “dont push your luck”
✧ but you do spend the night just chilling at his place, watching a movie and cuddling, unwinding from a long day
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✧ you met each other in class, bonding over how bored and sleepy you both were
✧ one day he started passing you notes and you went with along it until this class’s purpose in y’alls lives was just for goofing off and totally not to see each other’s smiles or be a bit flirty
✧ loves to mess around with you, but also thinks highly of you
✧ shortly after you started dating and met the boy’s volleyball team, moniwa asks you to please keep futakuchi in line
✧  “babe, please, you’re driving your seniors crazy”
✧ but ever since he became captain, you could sense that futakuchi seemed more responsible
✧ but poor bby was also wayyyy more tired than usual
✧ you poked his back with your pencil whenever you found him dozing off in class, just in time before he risked getting caught by the teacher
✧ you also nagged him about getting more rest and maintaining his health, doing things to help him out until he gave in and made a better attempt at taking care of himself
✧ unless you have other activities going on, you’d usually come by the gym to watch practice and then walk home with futakuchi
✧ you always bring him and his team snacks. they all love you, especially koganegawa
✧ “how are you and y/n dating, they’re so much nicer than futaku--”
✧ cant even finish his sentence before the captain smacks his head and poor kogane chokes on his snacc
✧ but les be real you also go to admire your manz
✧ on the walk home one day:
✧  “you hit a really good spike today”
✧ sheepishly scratches the back of his head, “oh, thanks. kogane’s sets are improving, so it’s getting easier to hit the ball”
✧ secretly loves and craves your praise
✧ futakuchi’s pretty down for pda. you two can often be seen walking down the aisles, hand in hand
✧ will also give you lots of pecks, especially on your cheeks and lips
✧ he also insists on helping you carry your things
✧ wants you to rely on him
✧ saw you shivering once and took his jacket off, draping it around you like nbd
✧ lets just say he wishes he coulda thought of that sooner dhqnwxhgergk  youre not allowed to look this cute
✧ but now you literally keep half his closet in your house cuz he always tells you to return it whenever you want
✧ could go on dates anywhere and literally have such a good time. the night market? y’all will share foods and play games the whole time. the park? he could go for a nice, relaxing walk, or if it’s at night, he’d love to lie in the grass and admire the night sky with you (as long as you hold hands lol). at home? would totally binge some shows or movies with you, has sour gummies n a blanket ready to share hog
✧ can be a tease, but will protect you at all costs
✧ glares at anyone who looks at you with interest (boi gets jealous)
✧ had to pull you into his arms and give you a kiss to save you from getting hit on by someone from a rival school. “hey babe, i’ve been looking for you. let’s head back, everyone’s waiting.”
✧ you happily follow him, not noticing how futakuchi looks back at his now sworn-enemy and sticks his tongue out at them
✧ he will fIGHT anyone who hurts you, is very overprotective to say the least
✧ always makes sure he knows where you’re at, starts to worry a bit if you’ve gone mia
✧ got reallly worried one time when he called you like 5 times and you didnt pick up!
✧ 20 minutes later his phone rings and he picks it up immediately. “hello? y/n? are you okay?? you haven’t been answering me for a while.”
✧  “ahh, yes, im sorry about that, my phone died :P”
✧ thinks the best cuddles are the ones in which you both end up falling asleep. also likes to admire your sleeping face totes not a creeper
✧ also loveloveloves to snuggle you from behind and bury his face in your neck and loves to just smELL you
✧ you told him you loved him first
✧ you were having a rough day when you heard a knock on your door
✧ opening it, you found a futakuchi giving you a small smile and carrying a plastic bag full of goodies. “i, uh, didn’t want you to be alone, so i thought we could hang out for a bit? just us two, your favorite snacks, and whatever else you want to do”
✧ touched by his gesture, you pulled him in by his jacket’s collar and gave him a long kiss
✧ after separating, you looked into his eyes as you cupped his face gently. “thank you, kenji. i love you. this means a lot to me”
✧ ejiufnicenjfdhksujsk he nearly melted in place
✧ later tries playing the pocky game with you, but then y’all forget about the pocky after your first round and stick to the smooching
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Geralt x Injured reader part 1
Part 2
Pairing: Geralt x reader (self insert)
Warnings: swearing, injury, blood, I think that's all?
Summary: Reader is feeling jealous and wanders too far from camp.
Hey guys! This is like my first fanfiction ever. And I wrote it at like 3am when I couldn't sleep. It's probably trash but if you like it I do have ideas for more! Xoxo enjoy****
Geralt x injured reader part 1
Jealousy was not a pretty color on you. And you swore riot yourself it was no such thing. After all Geralt of Rivia was just a teacher/friend you were travelling with. You had some skill with a sword, he found you trying to take down a kikkemora all by yourself, and failing miserably. After you saw how skilled he was you begged him to take you with him, to train you. He said no of course, so you just kept tagging along without his consent. At some point though he finally decided that if you were gonna come along you might as well be of some use so you made a deal.
Over the months you grew stronger but still had much to learn. After all it takes years for anyone to become a great fighter. And luckily for you, Geralt had many many many years of experience to offer you.
You enjoyed the time you spent togther, the conversation, (although you did most of the talking..) and the training, he was one of the few people in your life you felt comfortable with. Someone you could always count on. And somewhere along your travels the line between student and teacher blurred for you into something else, although you did your best to deny it at first.
You had gone off and caught feelings for the man who had no interest in real committed relationships. You knew you had it bad when you found yourself overflowing with irritation when he spent his nights in the arms of some whore at a dirty brothel.
On those nights you drank until you passed out on roach. Pretty fucking pathetic y/n.
Then came along the witch, Yennefer..
You saw how they looked at eachother, a look you'd wish Geralt would give you even for a fleeting moment.
There were creatures that had been attacking the villagers at night, so the three of you, well four since Jaskier decided to tag along when he spotted us, were tracking these monsters into the forest. You didnt mind Jaskier at all, his songs a welcome distraction from the obvious growing bond between Geralt and Yennefer.
You felt horrible for the animosity you felt towards her. She did nothing wrong and you hated that if not for your jealousy, you probably would have been close friends.
If you were a better women you could get over your silly crush and focus on your training but...
Yeah you had some growing to do. After searching the forest for a few hours, and finding nothing, everyone was tired and decided to set up camp.
Once Geralt tied down roach, he turned to address the group, "Everyone is to stay in camp, these monsters are dangerous, so if you need to take a piss, I suggest you do it behind a tent, unless you wanna risk getting your head shot off" he said rather gruffly.
Jaskier made a sound of discomfort and scooted closer to the fire.
"Dont worry jaskier, I'll protect you" you giggled.
He turned to you in amusement, "Ah yes how does go the training y/n, last I saw you, you could barely lift your sword" he teased.
"I've gotten rather good, mind if I practice on you?" You teased.
"Thanks but I think I better go and get my beauty sleep, good night" he smiled and retreated into his tent.
You went to feed roach some apples when you noticed that Geralt and Yennefer had dissapeared.
Huh? Where did they go? At first you thought they were in trouble since you didnt hear either of them say goodnight but as you got closer to the middle of camp you heard voices coming from Yennefers tent.
You told yourself not to look but you couldn't help it. And the instant you did you felt your heart break. It was one thing to see him in the arms of a whore. You knew they meant nothing to him, but in the arms of someone he cares for? That hurt...
Roughly you turned away from the kissing couple and marched away. Away from camp, away from stupid feelings and dumb petty jealousy.
It was not yennefers fault she was beautiful and powerful and brilliant. And if you were jealous then you should become just as amazing as she is. Maybe then he would notice you...
You were snapped out of your reverie when a rustle in the bushes caught your attention.
Fuck I was not supposed to leave camp...
Thinking quickly, you unsheathed your sword and held it at the ready. Its sharp edge gleaming in the moonlight.
Eyes narrowing at the bush. A moment later you were relived when a rabbit hopped out.
Phew I thought It was--
You barely missed the creatures slimy claws as it swiped for your head. Jumping to the side you managed to get a good look at the beast. It was rather large and spider looking, with several disgusting sets of beady eyes and a long slithering tough that dripped of something purple. So geralt was right, the creature lurking here was a visser. (Completely made it up on the spot) They're claws are sharp and quick but it's the tongue you have to watch our for. One jab, although not fatal can leave a man in bed for days from pain. 2 jabs in the same place? then your a goner. And the visser is known to be smarter, he distracts with claws and jabs quickly before you can even blink.
You knew you should probably yell for your companions. There was a chance they could hear you. But that very second you thought of yennefer and how she would be able to take on a monster like this.
That made up your mind...this monster was going to be your kill... youd finish this off and prove that you had gotten stronger if it's the last thing you do.
Although that would kind of defeat the purpose...
"Urgh" you landed roughly on the ground, one of its claws managed to swipe at you.
"Ok no more misses nice gal" regainging your stance, the glint of the moon shone on your opponent. With a visser you had a few options. Option 1, go for the head which kills instantly but the risk of a jab is highest.
Option 2 is cut off all the legs quickly then send your sword through the head. But if it dodges... you're dead meat.
Option 3, try to get under the beast where its tongue cant reach you and strike upwards. With your small stature option 3 sounded the smartest. You just had to move fast enough where it wouldnt be able to see you for a split second.
Alright y/n dont let your training go to waste! This is your chance to prove yourself.
Running faster than you've ever ran before, you circled around the visser waiting for when the creature was even a second slow and could not see you. The right moment was.....
Now! You sprinted forward and slid under its legs.
"Scrawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaachh" the monster howled in pain as you slammed your sword directly up getting covered in visser guts in the process.
"Blegh how disgusting.." you swiped the guts off your face and stood in front of the slain beast.
For once in a long time you felt proud of yourself. You slayed a monster all by yourself, even Geralt said you hadn't been ready yet and often told you to stay back during fights. But he would have to eat up his words now hehe. You could just imagine everyone's faces when you would tell them.
You were too wrapped up in your glory to notice a second visser sneaking up behind you.
By the time you heard its screech, it was too late. Its slimy black tongue had struck your stomach leaving a sizzling pain behind it.
"FUCK" unsheathing your sword again, you tried to maneuver far enough out of its reach to thing of a plan. There was no way you could pull on option 3 again with the way your core burned. One more jab and it would be over. Damn it! why couldn't you just have your victory and be done with it!
One hand clutched at your injury while the other was positioned weakly in front of you. Your eyes blurred slights but you refused to let this shit swamp be your final resting place.
The burning subsided to an ache and you used that opportunity to make a mad dash into the thicket. You needed to think of a plan and quick, it would not take long for the visser to catch up with you, especially now that you had that stupid injury.
"Srawwwwwwwwwch" it sounded like it was right behind you. Fuck fuck fuck.
And then because mother nature decided to be a BITCH, you tripped on a large tree root and tumbled forward.
"Scraeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech" you flipped over quickly and shut your eyes as the visser was basically on top of you. 3 more seconds and you would be dead.
3, how pathetic y/n, after all these promises you made to yourself about becoming someone worth being proud of you fuck up the one chance you had.
2, maybe it's better this way, would anyone even miss you? Jaskier would, maybe he would even write a song about you..
1, I'm sorry I was an idiot...Geralt I'll watch over you...
"SWOOOOOOOOSH" the unmistakable sweet sound of metal slicing through flesh made your eyes shoot wide open.
"Geralt!" He stood out of breath hovering over the now beheaded visser. His sharp golden eyes moved from the beast, to you.
Without a word he reached over and pulled you up without a hint of gentleness. You hid your wince at the sudden movement. Not wanting to let anyone know that the visser had gotten the better of you.
"What happened" he bit out slowly. Fuck he was angry. "Why did you leave camp y/n when I explicitly told you not to" his feline eyes bore into yours and suddenly you felt too intimated and looked away.
Ah yes what excuse will I come up with now. Sorry Geralt I had to leave because I felt immense pressure and heartache seeing you and Yennefer over there locking lips and most passionately I might add.
When he noticed my hesitation he let out a growl, "Hmm, don't lie to me"
"I-I didnt mean to, really... I couldn't sleep so I was walking close to camp and I didnt even realize I had wandered so far until the other visser attacked." You looked him in the eyes knowing it would better your chances of him believing it.
He stared at you a few more seconds before letting out a sigh.
" You killed it" he said bluntly, and softer than before.
"I did.." you couldn't help the small smile that formed on your face. He sighed again, this time he had a small smirk on his face, "Well I guess you have learnt some things after all" he patted your shoulder but pulled away when Yennefer and Jaskier appeared.
"Y/n thank god your alive, are you alright?!" Jaskier grabbed your shoulders and scanned you for injuries. Luckily your stomach was covered by your armor, visser Jabs were known for hurting like hell at first, seeming to get better shortly after, then coming back tenfold. Right now you were at stage two, the calm before the storm..
Yennefer made a comment about how impressive you were to slay the visser and you hated yourself for still feeling ill towards her. She was a great person and you could not blame Geralt for liking her. It was just an unfortunate situation.
The walk back was quiet and the second you were in your tent again you dared to take a look at the wound. Gingerly you unbuckled your armor and lifted up your shirt.
You let out a small sigh of relief. It just looked like a large bruise. Nothing you couldn't pass off as a "I fell off roach" kinda injury.
As positive as you tried to be, you knew the worst was yet to come. But by god you were not about to let your victory be ruined by your companions knowing of this. Especially since Yennefer and Geralt could've slain the beast without a scratch.
Somehow you were lucky and slept the rest of the night in peace. It was early when jaskier came to wake you. Although you slept plenty, you felt just as exausted as you did after your late night encounter.
Before putting on your armor, you dared to look at the wound again. You regretted it the moment you did.
Fuck me... the bruise was much darker than before and covered a larger area. As for the pain, it felt only slightly more sore which was good for now. The last thing you wanted was for anyone to find out about it.
Quickly you threw togther the rest of your things and met the others. According to the village leader there was one more visser out there so we continued our search deeper into the forest. It was around noon when the pain intensified. It started as a constant dull ache but gradually became a burning sensation. It was becoming harder to hide it.
You made up some excuse to the group and sat on top of roach. You were sure if you had to walk anymore you would have fallen over. Luckily for awhile jaskier was more preoccupied with his latest ballad and geralt and yen were wrapped up in some serious conversation. You didnt realize how far you were lagging behind until jaskier turned to you.
"Y/n?" He walked over to you and pulled on roaches reigns making him go a little faster.
"Hm" was all you could manage.
"Are you alright? You're sweating so much"
Confused you ran a hand over your head. He was right, you were and didnt even feel it.
"Yo- sic- rest-" what? Why was Jaskier talking gibberish...and why is he so blurry?
You didnt even feel yourself pitching to the side, just the woosh of air through your ears.
"Y/N!? Y/N what's wrong?!?!" Jaskier barely managed to catch your half conscious form. "GERALT!" The witcher swung around sword at the ready but widened his eyes in shock at what he saw.
Y/n was on the floor, breathing heavily and being propped up by Jaskier.
Geralt and Yennefer quickly ran over. The witchers eyes narrowed in concern when he saw the state of her. She was sweating profusely and looked to be struggling with something. Yennefer raised a hand to her forehead but shook her head. "Its not a fever".
Geralt held her up, lightly smacking her face, he grew even more worried when she didnt react.
"Jaskier what happened"
"I don't know, I noticed she was falling behind so I went to check on her, then I noticed she looked sick, I was telling her we should stop and rest but then she just collapsed. She seemed really out of it too.
At that moment a grunt of pain escaped y/n's lips, and her eyes slowly opened.
You were confused as to why when you opened your eyes, gerald's golden ones were staring at yours with intense concern.
"Y/n can you hear me??" he questioned furrowing his brows.
"I-I ahhhgh" you screwed your eyes shut as the pain intensified. It felt like someone had set your stomach on fire.
This only confused geralt more, "you're hurt" he said as more of a statement.
"Where is the pain y/n," the gentle voice of yennefer surrounded you. Ugh why couldn't she just be a bitch, it would make things so much easier.
You tried speaking but a moan left your lips instead. Fuck this hurt worse than anything you had encountered before.
Geralt closed his eyes as if he had a sudden realization, "you got hit by the visser didnt you"
When you didnt speak but he saw the look in your eyes he knew it was true. "Fuck".
Quickly he began removing your armor and saw the injury peeking from under your shirt. He wasted no time lifting it up just until below your chest. You heard small gasps but were too out of it to know from who.
"Fuck y/n, why didn't you say anything??" Geralt scolded as he examined the wound.
Luckily you didnt have to answer, just focus on breathing heavily.
"Will she be alright?!" The frantic voice of jaskier floated through your ears.
"It would have been better if she told us from the beginning, with a visser attack you need to stay still as much as you can. However by the looks of it she only got hit once, which means she still has a chance."
"What can we do?" Was it yennefer or jaskier who said that?
Geralt pulled a sack from roach and rummaged through it till he pulled out a yellowish filled bottle.
Lifting y/n with one arm he pulled the cork with his teeth and gently placed it between her lips. "Drink y/n" without a second thought you downed the strange liquid coughing as it burned your throat like liquor.
"What is that?" Jaskier asked curiously.
" it's for the pain, it'll make her feel like shes dreaming." Geralt threw her armor onto roach and lifted her up carefully into his arms. "Let's go" he ordered and the troup was once again on their way. Geralt gave one look at the now sleeping y/n and sighed. What was she thinking?
When you opened your eyes the first thing you did was let out a girlish laugh.
Geralt was surprised for a moment since you had been silently resting in his arms for a long time. "Y/n?"
"Geralt! You've dyed your hair pink! How adorable!" You reached up and pulled at the cotton soft locks.
The witcher sighed, knowing this was the effect of the medicine. Jaskier and yennefer let out a small laugh at the scene of the two.
"Go back to sleep y/n, you need rest" he commanded softly.
"GERALT!" you suddenly exclaimed! "Oh no you cant be the white wolf anymore! Oh no oh no oh no WAIT I GOT IT! YOU CAN BE THE PINK PONY! QUICK JASKIER WRITE THIS DOWN!!"
"Ah yes the witcher, pink pony of the north, has a nice ring to it" jaskier couldn't contain his laughter.
Geralt decide it best to ignore her and keep walking forward.
"Geralt?" He chose to ignore her again. "Geralt....?"
"Geralt geralt geralt geralt geralt geralt"
"What?!" He bit out annoyed.
"Do you think I'm pretty? hehe" he was caught off guard and was not sure how to answer. It didnt help the other two were just giggling behind him.
"I um....yeah" he said awkwardly.
"So I dont look like a troll?" You asked earnestly.
"Pfft what?" Now geralt was the one who couldn't control his laughter.
"Don't laugh!" You suddenly pouted. "A long time ago one of my lovers said I looked like a troll when he broke up with me.."
Still amused geralt shifted you to meet his eyes, "No y/n, you do not look like a troll"
"Phew thank god, I dont know what I would have done..." you laid a hand against your head dramatically.
"Now will you please stop squirming and go back to sleep" geralt sighed out.
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm......alright I've decided to go to sleep since I need sleep and it's what I have decided" you saluted the air.
"Finally.." he grumbled.
With a smile you reached both arms around his neck and brought your soft lips to his unshaven cheek.
"Goodnight pinky, sweet creams" he was shocked for a moment then let out an exasperated laugh.
"Goodnight y/n...sweet creams"
To be continued in part 2!
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pfandghoul · 5 years
what the sokovia accords really are
a quick study bc what the fuck guys
(copied from the mcu wiki entry about the accords - all of it and not just parts of it)
here goes:
The currently known regulations established by the Sokovia Accords include:
Any enhanced individuals who agree to sign must register with the United Nations and provide biometric data such as fingerprints and DNA samples.
- Any who AGREE to sign. I dont think this is asking too much. If ur working for a government agency, if ur using force in any way during ur work, I think its fair to ask you to give them biometric data. And if its only so in case there is an investigation afterwards (which their always should be imo) its clear distinguishable who was where and did what.
- Also, what if someone suddenly decides "something happened, im changing sides, imma take revenge" (no matter if its a concious decision or brainwashing 👀)? Would probably be good to have some data and perhaps be able to track them. If its managable or not- hm. But theres no harm in giving that data if ur only goal is working towards a safer world.
Those with secret identities must reveal their legal names and true identities to the United Nations.
- Oh nooo, no unknown vigilantes that might make mistakes while fighting on their own and then cant be held accountable? No one is perfect, OF COURSE, but from a realistic pov I wouldnt feel safe with someone running around fighting whoever-
And I know we love the romantic comic fantasy of "everybody can be a hero", and I swear I love it as much as you! But imagine ur just a normal person while spiderman is swinging above ur head- or even imagine ur spiderman- and then one tiny thing wents wrong. The normal person is crushed, dead or paralysed- Spiderman is in shock because that was Not supposed to happen and he is so so sorry!- But what now?
- If enhanced people were to work under an organisation (that is ideally not as shady and riddled with Hydra as Shield was) then those incidents would be covered. Yes it would still be terrible but Spiderman would get mandatory therapy session to work through it and the normal person... well if theyre dead then i guess the organisation would at least pay for the funeral and compensate the family (like if they were the only one providing for partner and kids), additionally a conversation between both partys if possible.
-Basically: nothing can be swept under the rug. The enhanced people can be protected!!! PLUS they only have to reveal their identity to the UN and not the world.
Those with innate powers must submit to a power analysis, which will categorize their threat level and determine potential health risks.
- This would benefit the person with power too, you realize that, dont you?
You cant possibly know how much power you actually have. Is there gonna be another level-up for you? Are you Jean Grey? We wouldnt want to repeat that specific clusterfuck, right?
But if you submit to an analysis it can help find ways to train you, circle ur weaknesses, etc.
Yes the UN would know ur threat level- and that would be bad why? Are you planning to attack Them? If not then no problem. Instead they would know if they should send you in or not- depending... you dont need a level 5 when there is a cat in a tree. We want to avoid unnecessary damage, thank you. If ur a level 1 you also dont want to be on the front lines against an alien invasion for example- better help evacuate non-powered individuals and not die immediately.
- Also worth mentioning: this is all still part of the "if you agree to sign" paragraph
Those with innate powers must also wear tracking bracelets at all times.
- Yes I admit this one sucks. I could argue the pros but I dont really want to because this one is literally just a "we want to control you" rule and should be scratched.
------- (new paragraph in the accords)----
Any enhanced individuals who sign are prohibited from taking action in any country other than their own, unless they are first given clearance by either that country's government or by a United Nations subcommittee.
- I really want to think I dont have to say anything here but I feel I do.
No I do not want a guy wearing an american flag running around in my country if my government didnt explicitely allow it. Same for a giant tin man or a creepy spiderlady.
- If anything then this paragraph would help improve the communication between countries. Yes people fear that in emergencies this will all take too long but 1) thats not the Accords fault and 2) I think we already have situations like this irl and most times it does work.
Governments are forbidden from deploying enhanced individuals outside of their own national borders, unless those individuals are given clearance as described above. The same rule also applies to non-government organizations that operate on a global scale (including S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers).
- Same reasoning. I really really dont want Shield around with their shady everything.
- And always needing consent before weaking havoc in other countries? nice
--------(new paragraph)-----
Any enhanced individuals who do not sign will not be allowed to take part in any police, military, or espionage activities, or to otherwise participate in any national or international conflict, even in their own country.
- Basically if you dont sign up then you cant be a super-cop. Groundbreaking.
(This is very much explained in the first paragraph already.)
As a corollary, they will not be allowed to participate in any active missions undertaken by private or governmental law enforcement/military/intelligence organizations (such as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers).
- s a m e t h i n g
--------(new paragraph)-----
Any enhanced individuals who use their powers to break the law (including those who take part in extralegal vigilante activities), or are otherwise deemed to be a threat to the safety of the general public, may be detained indefinitely without trial.
If an enhanced individual violates the Accords, or obstructs the actions of those enforcing the Accords, they may likewise be arrested and detained indefinitely without trial.
- Cancel the without trial part and then Id say its just. This way it stinks and I feel Ross had his hands in this. No, I am not defending this one. Its Not Okay.
------(new paragraph)-------
The use of technology to bestow individuals with innate superhuman capabilities is strictly regulated, as is the use and distribution of highly advanced technology (such as Asgardian and Chitauri weaponry).
- You cant just experient and turn urself into the Hulk anymore??? Where is the fun in that?? //sarcasm//
- I dont need to go deeper into this, do I?
The creation of self-aware artificial intelligences is completely prohibited.
- Here comes a problem. For Tony mostly.
- I can think of a few reasons for this but I dont think many people are even capable of doing this. I think it would bd enough to file a request if you want to try and build an AI.
--------(new paragraph)----
The Avengers will no longer be a private organization and will operate under the supervision of the United Nations.
- See.. all of the above on why this is a good thing?
- The Avengers as a private organisation is actually a super scary thought. And if you arent at least a little freaked out about this (all from the point of looking at this as if it were real) then idk what to tell you.
---------(new paragraph)-------
For the purposes of the Accords, an "enhanced individual" is defined as any person, human or otherwise, with superhuman capabilities. This includes individuals whose powers are an innate function of their biology as well as individuals who utilize highly advanced technology to grant themselves superhuman capabilities. However, individuals with advanced prostheses do not seem to be considered "enhanced", even if their prostheses give them capabilities beyond those of ordinary humans. 
- Basically just explaining what they mean by "enhanced individual": people with powers. Doesnt matter if you are born with ur power or built urself a supersuit.
-If you got leg protheses that are super bouncy you arent considered an "enhanced individual" (to put it as simple as possible).
All members of the Avengers are subject to the same conditions as enhanced individuals, even if they are not enhanced themselves: Black Widow was required to sign so she could continue serving on the Avengers, and Hawkeye was incarcerated on the Raft after violating the Accords.
- I think this is fair because if you consider urself an Avenger and fight with them then you also should be held accountable.
- You wouldnt want a Someone to work in super-person capacity which both gives a great deal of responsibility and allows a high chance of fuck ups and destruction without them having any regulations, okay?
Which is ofc bullshit because the Accords were thick and 117 countries worked on them for idk how long. Do you understand what that takes? The compromises and politic battles thats been fought over this document?
And yes it is still not perfect.
But who in the seven Hells said that this was the final draft? Who??
"I dont wanna sign away my freedom of choice" F you! What about my freedom of choice of having some costumed weirdos run around my town blowing stuff up killing people?
"We cant save everyone" yEAH but maybe just mAyBe if you werent a dumb cunt then mayyybe with some teamwork with the countries respective secrurity personell (as every fucking country does have) then maybe Kyle, Maria and Dembe would still be alive?? Who knows.
So what I hear is "I dont wanna give up my freedom and continue to do as I see fit. Because I think I am a better judge than a UN committee and 117 governments that dont want me breaking into their countries on a semi-regular basis."
and thats why im generally pro-Accords :)
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p-st · 5 years
my "unkillable" quirk oc's hero name (villain? just for fun civillian name?) would absolutely be "Casualty"
a lil joke based on their casual view on death and well. death
dunno if theyd be a hero, villain, or civillian! theyre all pretty fun to explore. a vigilante would also be cool but i dont think theyd be a super morally upstanding one. definitely theyd kill a villain to restrain them bc "theyre totally fine! yeah, they're definitely dead, officer, but theyll walk it off in a few hours so it's no big!"
okay actually..thatd be a fun universe 🤔
hold on lemme just. type out loud here
Casualty: The Undying Hero! (or is it the other way around? idk how hero titles work) their wounds heal faster than most and if they “rejuvenate” you (crowdsourced name), one quick nap later you'll be good as new! (bc they also heal faster when out though not as fast as them) they will only "rejuvenate" people who have given their full consent or there is no other option (heros they work with sign contracts that give the okay and for what circumstances)(civillians give spoken consent and can request a full contract at their agency if theyre frequent fliers)
casualty decides case by case what the best course of action would be because, unfortunately, they do come across several suicidal heros and civillians alike that just want to know what its like to die. they have several connections with mental health professionals!
like eraserhead, casualty's quirk doesnt give way to much combat ability (pretty good for defense tho is still hesitant to kill someone. villain or not. some ppl can get addicted to the feeling) they compensate during fights with support tools! this isnt something ive thought about so idk what kind of fighting style theyd gear themselves towards but i think id like something pretty versatile.
also kinda looking for the secret to their death since yeah their own body can kill them but they dont really get sick and, while not immortal, they'll likely outlive everyone of their generation
Casualty: The Killer Villain! (do villains even have titles like this lol?) just THINK of the way torture would go! they can drive right up that edge and when they push a little harder and you come out the otherside unscathed you still arent safe bc youre under their whim! not a big bad with huge showy villainous actions but arguably much worse than those who make headlines.
more of an information broker! theyre the one u go to if u wanna make someone break. also takes "assassination" jobs (the PERFECT person to help you fake your death. deals identities like cards) not much in the way of morals and will give you a quick death fix but mostly to get you off their back (thinks ppl who wanna die are pretty disgusting and they revel entirely in their longlasting life. slow and steady, babey) has people contracted to kill others for them.
definitely looking for someone able to kill them. it's a big daring exciting joke to them! fellow villains will make attempts and theyll critique their effort later. also they make a very good partner for ppl trying to test out how much a new move would hurt (other villains come to these spars and time how long casualty stays down. theres a leader board for the longest time down bc it means their move was incredibly violent)
Casualty: A Name as Feared as it is Revered! (okay this one is just for fun) being able to kill but it not sticking is PERFECT for them in their mind. in this universe they couldnt think of another path being better for them (because of their black and white view of “heros save” and “villains kill” and that their quirk fits neither. not really)
theyve got a hit on them from everyone and it makes their days exciting! they compliment the more creative attempts and will drop by the place of person who killed them and leave a sticky note with a full review lol. as mentioned above, kills as a way to restrain! it's to the point where it's so common that whenever it's mentioned that they were involved w a crime a special crew comes to take care of it (you gotta be trained to compartmentalize seeing so many dead ppl that wake up kicking. it does smthn to ya)
theyll target everyone alike! heros, villains, civillians! it doesn't matter youre all ripe for the pickin! theyve got ins with a wide range of ppl and if they cant deal with them personally theyll follow what they see as the best course of action. some people deserve to be publically demolished by a hero, some deserve the horror of a villain, and some deserve the cold hand of civillian law. theyve got a little (major) god complex and believe they have the right to be the judge jury and executioner (in spirit lol) obviously this mindset isnt well received by the public (coughstainchough) but unfortunately they make good judgement calls and they usually dont get the final say in what happens to someone anyway (unless they kill the person and that person learns their lesson or whatever)
does however have a personal vendetta of reforming systems and being very against the pissing contest that are hero rankings. this occasionally makes their judgement calls biased.
the most consistent things would be:
connections. lots of them and the types of connections depend on what path theyre on. theyre good at talking
outside support in the form of weapons or people to "finish the job"
general belief that their choice is more than likely the right choice
loose morals. comes with the territory of a death based quirk
controversial in any universe (except maybe a bonus one where they claim their quirk is not being able to die and not also not being able to kill? that universe would be steeped in self hate and either a bitter death or a life dedicated to putting a mental health support system in place for people with "villainous" quirks)(actually their quirk would still be controversial bc thats the point lol)
permanent casual view on death. doesnt see the big deal
very hm. unconnected to living? sure theyre just excited to be here! but they have the most solid grasp on the inevitability of death while also not super getting that when someone dies they get to stay dead? theres also the tiniest bit of envy there
probably either never got the death talk or got it very late. no one knows how many kids were at risk while being friends with them while young bc they wouldnt put the effort into saving them from life threatening situations (bc casualty always got back up, why wouldnt anyone else)
(bonus story for above would be that once while they were a kid a friend fell off a tree and hit the ground in front of them and they just walked away to keep playing then they came back later and the friend was still there so they went to either their own parent or the kid's parents and told them "[name] is taking a long time to get back up, i wanna play again." queue the sad ending here im aiming for)
upbeat sometimes in a near manic way. genuinely happy really often and finds joy in the smallest things like a slug in the grass or a wildflower coming out of the sidewalk (life in all kinds of places in all kinds of ways!)(theyre big fans of mushrooms. in death theres life or life gives way to life or whatever. idk it's fake deep. i just think mushrooms are cool and wanna project)
anyway this is like. long as shit lol! is anyone even reading this? i love you if you are. i might try to take this character and bend it to fit some of my own worlds bc wow i think theyre cool BUT if any bnha fans ARE reading this please feel free to include them in fics or stuff if you want! link me if you do id literally fall in love (u can name them what u want, dress them how you want, give them whatever pronouns you want, etc.)(dont claim them ofc but using them is fine!)
(and if you want me to idk... flesh out a character for you? 😳 lol id be very open to that! i love worldbuilding!! you dont have to.. aha... unless..?😳😳)
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
give us that good npc content 👀
Anon I got this sometime in the afternoon, then spent hours looking at it, so overcome with emotion that I just...could not answer the ask until now.
After a long career of being only occasionally squirmy, I have discovered that apparently being invited to talk about by NPCs is what it takes to get me flustered. I hate it here /j
For the sake of anonymity, I’m referring to my characters by the names I originally gave them before settling on the final versions? My campaign is unique enough where people who know me would recognize my NPCs by name and....no.......<3
If I ever answer an ask like “who?” If you ask about an NPC I’m so sorry just aggressively gesture to this post ahsbfifhfbf
Also my campaign is pirate-themed!
Headcanons under the cut! This is...very long. Oops.
Capt. Oliver Blackwood
Human Warlock/Rogue multiclass! The only thing is that no one really knows about the Warlock part, and he pretends he doesn’t know about magic/tries to be subtle about it.
He’s my favorite 🥺
He’s incredibly touch starved. He’s got a pretty standard tragic past. His development is very much the ‘charismatic character hides their pain with jokes’ + ‘secretive character talks in circles around backstory bc trust issues’ tropes but then! He acquires a found family and learns to love again
But hello touch-starved 👀
One of my players kissed him on the cheek and he made the internet dial-up sound (plus she knows he’s ticklish now, everyone say thank you insight)
Ollie’s like a 8 in sensitivity y’know? A lil over average. Not really hypersensitive. So he claims. 
My god he giggles. He has this sort of orchestrated ‘I’m in public, this is what laughs are supposed to sound like’ laugh that he’s perfected over years of pretending, but he is. So giggly when he’s drunk, lets his guard down, or when he’s tickled (metaphorically and physically). He’s so so embarrassed about it because it doesn’t fit this collected, charismatic persona he’s made.
His captain’s hat has a feather in it and both his ex (they’re on good terms) and his bf (well if my players don’t date him, which they want to, but I set up that he ends up with a bf if they don’t get with him) both bully him by dragging it across his ears and neck.
His ribs, stomach, and hips are SO bad. He’s one of those people who folds over when you get a bad spot? His bf loves to sneak up behind him and ever-so-gently curl fingers into bad spots just to hear him wheeze out giggles.
Ollie’s useless when it comes to hiding laughter or not laughing. He scrunches his nose and puffs his cheeks and then the fight is lost.
He’s got a lot of scars and gentle tickles over them have him in BITS (bf’s fav activity, obviously)
He kicks!!! And squirms!!!!
As a ler he’s super mischievous and SPEEDY (he can walk without audible footsteps so. Ideal for shenanigans)
Doesn’t really know how to vocalize it but he loves the warmth and affection of being tossed around, wrestled down, and tickled by someone he loves.
It’s him! My boy! Ollie’s bf and all around himbo. 
Half-orc half-aasimar oath of the open sea paladin!
He’s built like a brick shithouse. I take no criticism. Beefy with a squishy tummy. 7 and a half feet tall. Rockin tits. Optimal bf construction.
Pure of heart dumb of ass! Not a single light on upstairs! The wii shop music is playing in his head at all times. 
Affectionately called Ro or Roro by everyone who knows him (I mean....Roman is not his Real Name anymore but he does have a cute nickname for his real name too)
He’s pretty ticklish, probs like a 7, but he’s so beefy that taking him down is very much a group/magic effort. Extremely sensitive to squeezes and gentle tickles (rough tickles don’t get to him and it gives him the chance to get the upper hand)
His stomach, biceps, thighs, and sides? He will die. He has super ticklish ears too! Ollie thinks it’s incredibly endearing :)
Ro has wings! They’re golden and downy and (partially) incorporeal? They pass through things like his clothes and doors and such but it’s possible to feel around the edges of them/rest your hands on them if you don’t think too intently about it
That being said, Ollie knows this and makes excellent use of this knowledge. It’s an incapacitating spot for Ro, he gets so desperate, and Ollie loves the way his laugh gets a little musical and reflects his heritage :)
Ro is thee ler to rule them all. Bear hugs? check. Throwing lees over his shoulder/carrying them under his arms with ease? Check. Chasing down a lee and tackling them? Mhm. He can do it all!
Super playful and casually teasy! He’s way wiser than most people expect and is...mildly intrigued by analyzing what makes his friends tick. Meaning he has the potential to be thee most ruthless teaser but he usually reins it in so he doesn’t make anyone uncomfy yknow?
Likes making his friends happy :)
Ro’s cousin! Half-orc half-aasimar path of wild magic barbarian!
Stronk like mountain and so delightfully earnest and awkward. Just a big lady who’s here for a good time.
7′4″ and forever bitter that Ro grew to be taller than her, but she lovingly bullies him to make up for it <3
Also like an 8 in ticklishness BUT only ticklish in very specific spots. She doesn’t react at all otherwise. The spots in question: her booty, backs of her thighs, palms of her hands, her spine/shoulderblades, and upper ribs. She’s never been able to resist there. 
She has such contagious laughter!! So open and free and she yelps a lot. 
Gets super blushy and curls up when she’s tickled like “nooooooooooo” she’s so CUTE
Other half of Ro’s tag team. They are insufferable together. CEOs of scooping up their friends and working together to destroy them, including pointing out spots that the other is missing, having normal conversations over a screeching lee and having the audacity to shush them, and teasing one another about who’s the better ler and making their lee decide (and there is no right answer <3)
Top ten women who deserve a kiss. All ten are Kiernan. 
Falls for a lot of tickle traps, including the classic “Don’t!” “Don’t what?” “Tickle me! NO WAIT--”
Fun fact pinching her bicep anywhere close to her shoulder will have her in shambles. Secret spot she doesn’t know about. Very good spot. 
Quinn Tissaia
WIFEYYYYYYYYYY 2: electric boogaloo
Half-elf Circle of the Moon Druid!
Mom friend. Responsible one that begs everyone not to set things on fire but she’s chuckling on the sidelines when the others get wrecked, casually pointing out spots and using shape water to be a bully.
She’s got some ~lore~ about her connection to water and the sea that I won’t get into, but she does have a lot of water spells, and I’m just saying...feathers made of snow...Quills used by watery hands...WATERY HANDS...
She’s like a 5! Definitely could be made to laugh and surrender but chances are she’s wrecking you before you can think about it
So rude. So MEAN. Makes little noises of interest at every funny sound and chases it, catalogues reactions for later, and various devious uses of magic while she’ll sit off to the side, filing her nails and listening to her lee cackle. Mean. Wife <3
Despite that, usually the first person to suggest that Ro or Kiernan should let their lee go. HYPOCRITE 
Her ears are deathly ticklish and it’s a secret she protects with her life. 
She wears a lot of loose, flowy clothing which makes it very enticing for anyone to attempt tickling her, but they only get in one side squeeze before she whirls on them and takes them down.
Puts on an outward appearance of being stern and responsible but she’s a baby sister. She used to be such a little fiend and she STILL IS, she just hides it behind boring things like diplomacy and civility. 
Can easily take on Ro and Kiernan and win. Wife <3
Thank you for indulging me, anon! I’m sending you a personalized forehead kiss. Mwah <3
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We're not kids anymore
Hi guys ^^ Come with a third chapter. Don't hesitate to leave me any comment or advice :)
Chapter three-when kids playing together, they actually trying to kill each other.
She was definitely stronger , damn it. The training in space with Umibouzu was useful. He was impressed but said nothing and smiled to her. She turned red, just a little, she was surprised by his reaction :
-You turned into a masochist mister tax robber ?
He chuckled.
-Maybe with you ? Don't know.
She felt even more surprised and embarrassed.
-Anyway I have to go back to Yorozuya, it's late. What people gonna say after seeing me with you all alone now ? I'm engaged now-Aru.
-You Always were so careless about people and their judgment. I hate change.
-Yeah because I was a kid and single, Don't make me beat your poor ass again.
-You didn't win kusogaki.
She grimaced at him :
-Well, we will have an another round so.
-I will make you scream and beg like a slave on my knees. We will have fun !
-What a miserable dream...
She glared at him before turning her back to go home.
She was walking slowly in the sunset. Kagura didn't feel comfortable when she was thinking about her future, about the wedding and about Hiroshi, her future husband. At the beginning, she didn't care really, she was ok to meet him. He is a nice guy so she wasn't worried. That was before she came back to earth.
She founds back all her relatives and suddenly she began to think twice about this wedding plan. People reactions made her unsure. When she announced the news to Gin and Shinpachi, they froze. Strangely, Gin didn't look really older, he looked like he was always in his twenties.
First, Gin looked mad at her :
-WHAT?!?! Don't kidding me you kusogaki! You can't be married before me!
-Before us! Said Shinpachi.
-Shut the hell up Cherry boy! Screamed Gin and Kagura.
-Whose the guy by the way, Kagura ? Asked Mégane.
-Oh papi found him, his name is Hiroshi Harata, he is cool.
-What the fuck?! Kagura Chan you are really ok with that? Dont wanna wait more? Are you really sure? Insisted Shinpachi.
Sakata Gintoki was silent. He looked carefully at her and finally said with a serious tone in his voice:
-I'm really surprise by your announce.
Kagura had a really weird feeling.
-Are you really mad on me Gin-chan? Wanna me to stay live here? I will not marry without your consent!
But Gin didn't really focus on what she said, he seemed lost in his thought.
-Kagura I will give you my consent if this is what you trully want.
-NANNY? Asked Shinpachi.
-But... Before you tell me your final decision, take your time! Don't need to run. Listen kid, you have to be sure and have no regrets in the future. You have to be sure he is the only guy made for you. It's a serious business here so don't screw up.
She felt nervous after his speech. Jesus why he had to be so serious about that?
She wanted to go out for a walk and went to Shimura's dojo met Otae. She was really happy to see her again, she told her about the wedding too and hope she will be happy for her, not like Gin and Shinpachi.
-Kagura-Chan! What a surprise! That's funny how wrong I was! She said happily.
-Ah? What are you talking about anego?
-At the time, I was pretty sure you had a crush on the young colleague of gorilla-san.
That was the craziest moment of her damn day. Her so pretty face twisted in an awful grimace of disgust and consternation.
-Anego! Are you loosing your mind? Are you sick? Want me call an ambulance for you?
Otae laughted at her reaction.
-Ah you know, you were surrounded by adults like Gin and Katsura. He was the only boy closed to you and you played together all the time. It was cute.
-It wasn't cute! Urgh! We ain't playing! We trying to kill each other! How is it cute? He is a cold sadist Anego.
-Yeah, yeah I get it! But still...he saved you and risked his own life. I appreciate him since that.
She had a sudden flash back. It was a really dark time for the Shinsengumi. Kondo was about to be executed. And so they were on this awful cliff. She was exhausted and angry, she was impatient and the ennemies were sneaky that's why she fell. She heard Shinpachi screamed her name in horror. Honnestly she was dumbfounded. She felt something warm and strong held her in the air. She looked up and let out a gasp. Toshi and Gin screamed their names. She never would have expected Sougo to act this way. Not with her. Only with the gorilla. She was scared as hell to die but she didn't want him to put himself in danger. It was troublesome.
She was afraid and didn't want to left his comforting hand. She could feel through his hand how strong he was. She knew perfectly she was too much weak to left his hand, she wanted survive so she screamed at him :
-Get off of me!
He was in trouble, she could see it. His body was shaking.
She screamed so loud but much to her surprise he kept holding her. She looked into his eyes and felt like they were all alone, just the two of them in the world. That was a strange and intimate feeling. His red eyes were dark and powerful. She was relieved, she trusted him. They were not going to die.
-Kagura-Chan are you listening to me?
-I asked you how you met your future husband?
-Papi found him.
Otae looked at her with worries in her eyes:
-So you didn't really choose him.
-I guess I didn't.
Nobody seemed happy about her announce. Sadist was the first person to receive the news. His reaction was, well, really strange. First of all he was sick and the next day for the very first time the sadist tried to give her some serious advices about marriage like Gin did. Why everybody turned so serious here? Are we still in Gintama?
She was irritated because she was afraid to make a big mistake. She just realized the deal was big.
At the middle of the night, she opened her eyes. She couldn't sleep. She had dark cicles around her eyes.
-I can't sleep-aru.
She stood up and went to Gintoki.
-I can't sleep-aru.
-Want me to help you find the eternal sleep Kagura-chan?
-Gin-chan, I'm serious I can't sleep-aru.
-Shut up! Please just shut up go back to your bed and close your damn eyes.
-It doesn't work.
-Oie you are not a kid anymore you know so act like a young adult and stop talking.
-But Gin-Chan I can't
-AAAAAH MOO what want me to do about that? Huh?! Go make a jogging or something lady, Gin-Chan is old, he need peace. Onegaï!
She sighted and walked out.
The moon was full and cold but the air was warm and sweet. She was in a red nightgown. She walked without knowing where she wanted to go. There was no one in the street, it was really calm. She felt the wind in her long hair. Her pale skin shined under the moon.
-China... What are you doing here? Looking for me?
She looked in front of her, it was the Shinsengumi compound and a really handsome policeman was greeting her with a teasing smile.
-I thought policemen as lazy as you slept all day and all night.
-And I thought gorgeous ladies like you didn't walk alone at night.
She couldn't believe her ears. She felt her heartbeat go crazy. She wasn't able to make any move. He looked proud of himself and chuckled.
-I'm kidding.
I want him dead dear god, I want him dead and I'm dead serious, she thought.
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Bloodlines - Part 6
A/N: Based off of the song “Heathens” by Twenty One Pilots, this will be a multichapter fic with either a lyric being a chapter title, or the headers to break down the thought process of the chapter. None of the lyrics are mine, and they are all in bold - Again, I do not claim to own them, all credit where credit is due.
I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters. Sadly.
Word Count: 2,751 (Not including lyrics.)
Warnings: None that I know of. Mild language?
Beautiful people who helped me when I came to them with this crazy idea and said to run with it: @wheresthekillswitch @obsessed-withthe-hales @aworldmadeforme @life-what-life-i-dont-have-one @xteenwolfwritingsx
Coming back to Beacon Hills was supposed to be uneventful. Yet somehow, you are now stuck in the middle of two worlds you didn’t even know existed yesterday. Now between both worlds, but not belonging to either, you try to forge your own way, finding out that some ties are stronger than bloodlines.
Series Masterlist
We don’t deal with outsiders very well
The stare off between you and your father lasted an uncomfortable amount of time, but you refused to shift your weight under his glare. In fact, you felt your spine go a little straighter at the challenge, wanting to smirk when he was the first to glance away, sharing a look with your mother who stood to the side, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, her features hard from what you could make out in your peripherals.
“You know, dad,” you drawled in a tone Peter would have been proud of, “the time frame for you to give me any type of answer other than an explanation has passed. The fact that you didn’t answer immediately means there is a story you’re not telling me, and until you tell me, I’m not moving.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Not one inch.”
Glancing between you and your mother, your father’s face crumbled. “My God, you are a mirror image of your mother right now, and it’s scaring me. Stop it!”
“Spill!” You said, not giving him a beat.
“Okay!” He nearly yelled, stopping to take a deep breath, crossing his arms himself before glancing down to them and rolling his eyes before he dropped them back to his sides emphatically. “Okay,” he said again, this time softer. Closing his eyes and hanging his head, he let out a heavy sigh. “Yes, to answer your question, I know exactly what we are.” Looking back up, he opened his eyes to meet yours, their bright red glow causing your jaw to slowly drop. “I’m a we-”
“Werewolf,” you finished for him, softly, the word feeling right coming off your tongue. It had a taste, a feeling, like taking a sip of cold water after being outside in the sun all day.
Your father snapped his mouth shut and nodded once quickly in confirmation, letting his eyes fade, a much less dramatic exit than his entrance.
Glancing to your mom, you raised your eyebrow skeptically. “Why didn’t you tell me you guys were werewolves?”
She smiled faintly, looking down to the ground as she rocked back on her heels once before looking up. “Because it wasn’t my secret to tell.”
A silence settled as you processed the information. Or, rather, tried to. “I don’t understand.”
“Your father is a werewolf, yes, but I am not.”
You stared at her a moment before whining. “Please don’t tell me you’re a Kanima!”
Your father’s “What the hell is a ‘Kanima’?” overlapped your mother’s “How the hell do you know what a ‘Kanima’ is?”
The silence was heavy. “You still haven’t answered my question,” you finally huffed out.
She smiled a bit broader, holding up a hand to silence your father, his face was still screwed up in confusion over the creature you had just mentioned. “I’m a hunter.”
Nothing made sense anymore. The world was upside down. Left was right, up was down, and a crooked line was straight. “What?”
Jumping slightly at motion in your peripherals, you turned your gaze back to your father who had flicked out his claws, nodding gently at his mumbled, ‘sorry’.
“Why don’t I just show you?” His eyes glowed red for a fraction of a second.
Letting out a disbelieving laugh, you stepped back just a fraction of an inch, holding out your hands as a shield. “Nooooo,” you elongated the word, laughing on the vowel slightly. “No, thanks. I’ve already had that done to me, and while it turned out okay in the end, I don’t really wanna relive that experience.”
“Who?!” Both of your parents yelled in unison.
You gulped. “Never mind, forget it.”
Your father shook his head in confusion, but moved on anyway. “We had Talia take your memories before we left because our secret could have gotten you and many others killed.”
“Why didn’t you do it?” Your question seemed to catch your father off guard before he smiled proudly at the realization that you understood how packs worked on some level.
His eyes glowed bright red yet again, but didn’t show any sign of fading. “Because I wasn’t an Alpha then.”
They say newcomers have a certain smell
“So, your dad did that…. claw thing,” Stiles mumbled, swiping his hand lamely in a gesture on the word as if no one else in the loft knew what the word meant.
Rolling your eyes, you nodded. “Yes, Stiles, he did the…. claw thing,” you imitated his gesture, earning you a huff from your friend, which only made you smirk.
Stiles stared at you blankly for a long moment. “And?”
You sighed. “Oh, my God, Stiles! And now I know why Derek wanted to throw a book at your face the other day!”
He looked to Derek who happened to be studying a thick book on the table by the windows with his back to the two of you on the couch. “You wanted to throw a book at me?!”
“Yes,” was Derek’s dry answer.
“What day was this?”
“It ended in ‘y’.”
“Oh,” Stiles paused, looking off into the distance deep in thought before nodding in consent. “That’s understandable.” You narrowed your eyebrows at him. “I forgive you.”
“Thank you, it means the world to me, not that I asked.”
You snickered at Derek’s dry tone as he simply turned a page in the book, Stiles mumbling incoherently as he slumped back into the couch beside you, his arm brushing yours as the cushions plotted to push him your way.
“So?” You looked down to where Stiles’ head was resting on your shoulder, and saw him looking up at you expectantly.
You sighed yet again, looking away from him and to no spot in particular across the room before speaking. “I learned about my family. They were a rival pack from here in Beacon Hills.” You glanced to your left and saw Derek looking over his shoulder subtly, his attention now on your conversation instead of the book. “Well, not ‘rival’ in the ‘Grrrr! Turf war!’ sense,” you smiled at Stiles’ snort of laughter, seeing Derek’s shoulders shake gently in a silent laugh. “More of just a, ‘Hey, we both are old families here and have two Alphas because of that, so we kinda have to draw a line in the sandbox and share toys’ sense.”
“Sounds pleasant,” Stiles joked, earning a short lived glare from you before it melted into a genuine chuckle.
“Anyway,” you said pointedly, closing your eyes and shaking your head free of the comment before turning back to your random spot in front of you. “My dad ended up meeting a new family of hunters that moved to town, made a pact with them to help one another should the need arise, along with the Hale’s, and one thing led to another, ending with a werewolf marrying a hunter, and thus cut off from both the werewolf world and hunter world.”
“Wait! They, like, shun you for that?” Stiles sounded outraged, sitting up straight on the couch next to you.
“Don’t you remember how Chris acted with Scott and Allison after they found out he was a werewolf?” Derek’s voice was soft, and turning your gaze to him, you saw he was looking down at the floor on his right, his profile backlit by the windows, making the downturn of his features more dramatic.
“Yeah,” Stiles answered quietly, studying the floor himself in thought, his features slowly melting to match Derek’s.
“That’s why.”
Nodding at Derek’s words, you looked back to Stiles who just ran a hand through his hair and slumped back into the couch yet again, looking off into space, deep in thought.
Patting him on the back softly and offering him a sad smile, you waited until he offered you one in return before rising to your feet and walking slowly to stand beside Derek, purposely putting your feet right in his line of sight where he still stared at the ground, making him flit his gaze up to yours with a small smile.
You returned the grin before leaning on your palms on the desk, looking down to the book he still had open. “When I said ‘line in the sandbox’, I was talking about you, you know.” You looked back up to him with a mischievous grin, seeing his own smirk growing on his face.
“Oh, really?” He scoffed, a laugh rumbling in his chest.
“Yeah! You never shared anything!” You put a finger on the book, trying to pull it your way slowly, slyly, but he scoffed again and placed his hand firmly on the opposing page, pulling it out of your reach quickly. “Hey!”
He stuck his tongue out at you playfully, and you mirrored the ridiculous gesture, making you both laugh. Glancing back to the book, the laughter died slowly and your features turned serious.
“They had your mom take our memories because knowing, well, much of anything about the situation put a person at risk. They did it to protect us. They did it because they wanted us to maybe be in each other’s lives again one day.” You looked back up at him to see him studying the book still firmly under his left hand.
“It sure didn’t seem that way with how your dad reacted the other day.”
You groaned, going from your palms down to your elbows, burying your face in your forearms and making your voice muffled. “Ugh! Don’t remind me. He was just being all Alpha wolfy and stuff.” Turning your face back to look at him again, you rested your cheek on your forearms.
“So a turf war?” He was smirking.
Narrowing your eyebrows at him, you mumbled, “Shut up!” before turning back into the comfort of your arms and muttering mean things as he just laughed at you. Once again turning and resting your cheek on your arms, you looked up at your friend as he took a deep sniff of the air, his brow furrowing before a smile also worked it’s way onto his features as he looked down at you. “What?”
“Something is different about you.” His voice was soft.
“Derek, it’s weird that you want to smell me.” You spoke blandly, turning to look out the windows in front of you, lifting up a little bit and resting your chin in your palm, elbow still bracketed to the table.
“Wait, what?!” Stiles announced his return to the conversation from across the room, his footsteps quickly and loudly approaching from the couch.
“You’re different. ……new.”
Stiles was suddenly between the two of you, pushing you apart, or rather trying but mostly just flailing and gesturing as he said, “Okay, new rule, and one I thought I would never have to instate, by the way, my friends do not smell each other. It’s just weird.” He leaned on his palms on the table like you had earlier with a heavy sigh, looking out the window, sandwiched between you and Derek. “I’m surrounded by weirdos.”
You have trust issues, not to mention
“Y/N! I told you I had it!” Derek was growling at you, his wounds healing as he walked towards you, arm gesturing behind him widely.
“I know, but-”
“But nothing!” He let out a louder growl. “You could have gotten hurt! That wasn’t the plan! We stick to the plan! We have it for a reason!”
“Look, I may be new, but I know that you guys’ first, sometimes second, even third plans don’t always work out!” You were yelling and gesturing your arms widely as well, getting toe to toe with Derek, your face going red in anger, his eyes flashing blue to show his.
“Hey, now!” Stiles interjected from somewhere behind you. “Planner over here. I find that rude.”
“Shut up!” Scott yelled, eyes glowing bright red for emphasis.
“Sorry,” Stiles said pointedly.
“Not you,” Scott huffed before pointing to you and Derek. “The two of you.”
“Oh, look, now you got us in trouble, Derek!”
“Me?! What the hell did I do?!”
“Enough!” Scott roared this time, making even the crickets in the vicinity go silent in fear.
Derek turned to Scott, his mouth in a hard line, and you couldn’t help but gulp in fear before turning to him with wide eyes.
“The two of you need to quit this bickering. It’s annoying, and it isn’t helping anyone.” He pointed at Derek. “You. Stick to your own part of the plan unless it’s absolutely necessary.” He turned the finger on you. “And you.” His eyes stayed red for a few moments before fading back to human. “Stick to the plan, period. You can’t heal like we do, and believe it or not, I take that into account when planning-”
“Uh, not to be that guy, but, me. I take that into account when planning. I do the planning. That’s my thing.” Scott turned his gaze on Stiles, his eyes glowing again briefly. “Okay, geeze, sorry, you help. Why do I get the glow stick eyes and she gets the puppy dog eyes? What did I ever do to you, Scott?”
You let the two of them bicker while you studied the cement under your feet.
You didn’t know where your allegiances lied.
Scott was the Alpha of the pack, but ever since you found out about your family, you felt torn.
Yes, they had lied to you, in a way, but it was to keep you and others safe. But at the same time, it made you wonder what else they were keeping from you.
Scott hadn’t lied to you, but he and the rest of the pack, Stiles included, treated you like you would break if the wind blew hard enough. You were tired of people walking on eggshells around you.
Then again, you were doing that to yourself. You didn’t quite know what to think about yourself. You just knew you had to trust yourself, it was instinct.
They say they can smell your intentions
Scott had decided to separate you and Derek for a while, sending him back to the Loft with Stiles. Both of them had left grumbling. Stiles said something about not repeating the vet clinic incident, earning him a warning growl from Derek before you couldn’t hear them anymore.
“That’s not going to end well,” you said to Scott, pointing over your shoulder at their retreating forms.
He looked past you and closed his eyes with a grimace as you heard indistinct shouting between them before the slams of the Jeep doors, then you still heard their bickering but it was muffled.
Looking you in the eyes, he smiled that kind smile of his. “We can only hope.”
The turning of the engine sounded behind you before it stopped altogether. The muffled voices sounded calmer, but they escalated for every failed attempt to start the Jeep, resulting in a startled yelp, which you could only assume was Stiles.
“You were saying?” You asked Scott through a wince.
He shook his head as he watched the Jeep.
The engine turned and sputtered once more before roaring to life, and the muffled cry of victory you heard over the growl of the vehicle made you jump.
Looking to Scott once again, you met his eyes and held his gaze for only seconds before you both burst out laughing.
Walking slowly to where Scott had parked his bike, you stared at the ground as you went, trying to find the right words for an apology.
“You like him.”
His statement caught you off guard, making you stop in your tracks, him doing the same only a foot or so in front of you, smirking at your raised eyebrows.
He looked in the direction the car had pulled out only minutes before.
“You heard me.” He looked at you pointedly before making it the rest of the way to his bike.
It took you a few seconds to snap out of it before you quickly followed after him, scowling. “You don’t know that.”
“You smell like it.” He said it so honestly, and like it was almost a sweet thing, chuckling at the face you pulled, shaking his head gently as he handed you the spare helmet.
“That’s gross.” You tried to keep your voice detached and even, but it came out on a small laugh as you took the helmet from him roughly, playfully.
“But is it wrong?”
You were glad the visor of your helmet was down to hide your scowl of consideration.
“Shut up and ride, Scotty Boy.”
Tags: @palaiasaurus64 @ohphillip @sammyrenae68 @abbytheninja @storytelling-reader @evyiione, @mayahart02, @impala-moose @justdreamstars @twilight-loveer @ajlly What’s this?
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niduss · 7 years
This is weird, but I just wanna ask how you started hrt? I have severe anxiety and I really need help. I'm trans and idk where to start on the whole "making an appointment" thing with a doctor, you dont have to answer! I was just wondering bc I live in TX and ik its different here rather than where you live but yeah. (I'm sorry I'm rambling) anyways you're great and I hope you have a great day man
The way I started HRT was waiting to turn 18, waiting for the end of my senior year of high school, and shaking with my cell phone in my hand, talking low so my parent’s wouldn’t hear me making an appointment with an endocrinologist. 
It’s possible to start hormones under the age of 18, but to do this, you need your parent’s approval. A lot of people don’t get that, though. At 18, you’re legally able to make the decision REGARDLESS. 
In NJ, we have “informed consent” which means anyone who is 18 years or older may start hormone replacement therapy without having to see a therapist for a year. This means you sit down with a doctor and they explain the changes and risks of taking hormones, and that’s pretty much it. I think you sign a paper.
When I moved to Texas, informed consent wasn’t a thing. I was still on hormones, ACTIVELY TAKING THEM, but no doctor could see me without a therapist’s letter. So I was basically completely fucked over until finding and making an appointment with this one therapist, a trans woman, who I spoke to for 50 minutes, and who wrote me a letter saying I had been seeing her for a year. She didn’t have to do that, but she did. She’s an unsung hero tbh. 
I would suggest finding and making an appointment at an LGBT CLINIC when you’re ready. Currently, I go to a low cost clinic, so I rarely ever have to pay for anything besides my hormones and syringes (I’ve had to pay $15 for blood work ONCE, whereas other places that would have been almost $100). Make sure you’re setting up your appointment well ahead of time. When I called a clinic in Dallas, the wait time for new patients was 8-9 months. Yikes.
I also want to stress, and you probably don’t want to hear this, but please only start hormones if you believe you’re in a safe enough place to. I wasn’t. I sure as fuck wasn’t, but I did anyway. I’ve been relentlessly screwed by taking hormones when my family wasn’t ready for me to. I, myself, was ready, but my family? Far from it. Unfortunately, it seems like the only way for them to ACTUALLY take me seriously was to watch me spiral.
The security of YOU as a person is well above anything else. If your parents are NOT supportive and you’re living with them, and it jeopardizes your safety, then it might not be time to transition. I’ve experienced this, I’ve lost A LOT because of this, and while it’s excruciating to wait, your well being comes first, always. 
I wish you the best, seriously. Please take care! 
30 notes · View notes
gmc insurance policy
"gmc insurance policy
gmc insurance policy
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""I wanna buy a 2008 car, how much would i pay for the insurance?
i am 30 years old and i just got my driver's license
Insurance costs a fortune?
Anyone know of an insurance company that can give really cheap quotes for teenagers. UK Based
How much is teen auto insurance?
i normally have bs and as and rarely cs for school. About how much would auto insurance be?
Will I get a car insurance rate hike?
In Pennsylvania, if you are given a traffic citation, and are told points will NOT be accessed on your driving record with DMV, will my car insurance stilll go up?""
Need advice on getting speeding ticket reduced?
I got a ticket for 50 mph in a 35 mph. The officer reduced the ticket from 55 mph to 50 mph and advised me to plead not guilty and show up in court. He said he would be there and ...show more
""If you do not have health insurance, what is the most affordable and safe way to get a knee replacement?""
If you do not have health insurance, what is the most affordable and safe way to get a knee replacement?""
Does car insurance need to match the titled owner of the vehicle?
I am borrowing a spare car from my mother for about six months. Do I need to go through the process of transferring the title to my name, or can I just put insurance on it under my own policy and be okay legally? BTW, I live in Texas.""
Uninsured driver with no license driving car with insurance hit my car.?
A teenager hit my car. He had no insurance, no license, but he was driving a relative's car that did have insurance. There is no question he is liable, everything seem to be going well. But now there insurance company is telling me they are disputing wheather or not the kid had permission to drive the car. What are the chances I'm gonna get screwed here? And what should I do?""
How do I go about getting affordable/any health insurance?
-22 -located in Philadelphia, PA -single -insurance is not offered at workplace -no parents -got denied for Medicaid Any answers are greatly appreciated!""
Why should my family's insurance go up if i get a car?
I'm 17 and am currently on my parents insurance plan, so there are 3 of us with only 2 cars. I'm listed on the truck, b/c it has more horsepower. I'm about to buy a '92 Prelude, and they said the insurance would go up about $122 for 6 months. This doesn't seem too bad, but if i'm now driving my own cheap car, why is that a greater risk than driving the truck with full coverage, not just liability? It seems like it should almost go down, because there's a lower chance that i will crash up one of the more expensive/higher hp cars. Is that just the way it works or is there a better option for me? My agent also said my own policy would make it even more expensive, which i could see, because we wouldn't get the multiple driver or car discount.""
Help with Health Insurance?
hi, im a 20 year old male and i have no health insurance. i have deviated septum and need it to be surgically fixed. was wondering if i could join an insurance plan just for that surgery. it is not a pre-existing condition, so could i get the surgery during the waiting period and if not, what are good insurance companies that have relatively low periods.""
I want a baby but don't have insurance?
My husband and I just got a new apartment and then got married courthouse style. We have both decided that we want a baby soon but right now we don't have insurance. Is there any cheap option that would cover the entire pregnancy?
Why does the political left compare obamacare to car insurance?
car insurance is to cover the other guy, people often have liability only which give no personal coverage whatsoever!!! ca""
Caught without car insurance.?
I was caught failing to stop completely at a red light right turn. The cop stopped me and asked for everything. I gave my driver's license, and my dad's insurance. the cop wrote me a ticket afterward and that's that. however, the thing is that i don't have insurance myself. is anything going to happen? note: this just happened 3 days ago and it apparently takes the count 2 months to enter the citation into the database""
Can I buy triple a auto insurance with a permit? California?
So due to curtain circumstances, I need to get my own auto insurance, the catch is that I only have a permit. what I wanted to know is if a major insurance company, like triple a, would cover me, if so would it cost more than a newly licensed person, and if not does anyone know a minor insurance company that would.""
Cheap and good car insurance in southern California ?
I'm currently paying $135 a month for state farm insurance. I am 20 Male, clean driving record, and no accidents. I drive a 97 Toyota 4 Runner. Is there any way I can pay leas for car insurance? Or switch to another car insurance?""
Insurance rates for 19 year old?
what would the insurace rates be for a 19 year old driving one of these cars. all cars would be sedan (4-door) models. 03-04 honda civic 97-01 subaru impreza RS 96-98 BMW 318 94+ acura integra 98-01 honda accord 00-03 nissan sentra
How much would my car insurance cost?
I'm trying to find about how much my car insurance would cost and none of the insurance website would give me a quote for some reason. I'm a 17 year old female who has a 2003 saab 9-5 (4 door) who's never been in an accident and who took drivers ed.
Which auto insurance co. in AZ. is the most affordable? why do they do credit checks?
Which auto insurance co. in AZ. is the most affordable? why do they do credit checks?
Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with?
Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with?
How much would insurance be for a '69 mustang for a 17 year old with a 3.6 gpa?
Yeah, I really want a mustang but my parents are killing me about the insurance. So i want to find out how much it really is so I can tell them if i can pay for it or not. I really want this car, I know alot about cars so i'm not an idiot , i know what i'm doing. I just need to know. Thanks alot.""
Do you think I am paying too much for auto insurance?
just got my insurace bill today, For 6 months it's $282 liability only, No tickets, no accidents, 31 years old. through nationwide now, i have my homeowners through safeco.""
""If my girlfriend crashes my car, does my insurance cover it?""
I am an insured driver and I believe my girlfriend is still insured on one of her parents cars, but we share my car currently and its not that I dont trust her, I don't trust other people. If an accident occurs while she is driving with my consent and she is a licensed driver (who is possibly insured on another vehicle) will my insurance cover? I have pretty good insurance as my car is finanaced and I was forced to get a few options I could have avoided if I bought an old junker. She has my car by herself for the day for the first time and I can't help but worry.""
Gap insurance on salvaged vehicle?
I recently bought a salvaged 2006 Honda Civic Ex for $10,800. The only damage that this car received was the airbag was blown during an accident. But it was replaced ever since. How will gap insurance work for this salvaged car?""
""How Can i keep my car, without paying insurance?""
I have a car that i DONT want to sell, but i will not be using very often, can i keep it WITHOUT paying insurance, because obviously it would be a waste of money to be paying insurance on a car that i do not drive.""
gmc insurance policy
gmc insurance policy
Car Insurance?
How do you determine how much insurance your should carry without over or under insuring yourself?
Cheapest second hand cars to insure for over 25 year olds uk?
ok so i'm 27 just passed my driving licence money is an issue I need to buy a cheap second hand car any know a website or know which is the cheapest type of cars I can get for cheapest insurance quotes please?
""Got into a small accident with my mothers car. She has insurance I dont, what will happen?""
I was driving my mother's car, was in a small accident. I rear ended a car in front of me at a stop sign. Completely my fault. There was no damage to both cars but the driver called an ambulance due to neck pain. A police report was made. What will happen next? She has full insurance for the car with Geico. Will the insurance rate go up? Will I have to pay any fines? Will I get into trouble for driving her car with no insurance? My mother wasnt feeling well I was using her car to run errands. Thanks!""
""I'm living in Japan, looking for private health insurance. Can anyone recommend a good *affordable company?""
I'm an expat, planning on spending most of my life here in Japan. The national health insurance is good but a bit expensive. So if anyone knows a good expat health insurance company that is somewhat comprehensive, please send the information my way. I only have to cover myself and I have my own business.""
Insurance companies that dont allow pit bulls?
Does anyone know what insurance companies defianatly will not insure you if you have pit bulls. I know some that will i just want to know which ones definately wont.
I am 16yrs old and i have a chance to get a Conquest tsi turbo how can i convince my parents?
It is a 1987 Chrysler Conquest tsi turbo. The insurance would be $53 with the student discount and good grades and what not. Without it it is $70 a month. I am trying to get a job to buy this car i realy want it any sugjestions. It costs $2500 and it only has 60,000 Miles""
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for California?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for California?
Good/Cheap Turbo'd car? No hondas?
What's a good and cheap car around 15,000 used with around 20,000-40,000 miles on it, I was thinking of a SRT-4 or a cobalt SS but I want more ideas too, I'm 18 and I dont want my insurance to completly blow up, I did drive a 1999 merc cougar and I was paying more for a sports car in insurance til I blew a head gasket on that POS, so I am wondering if a 4cyl turbo'd car would be cheaper or not too bad in insurance,? I live in Florida, thanks to whoever""
What are some sample average monthly health insurance payments for a 25-year-old male?
If that's not enough information, make any assumptions necessary.""
Changing car insurance co.?
Still confused. After getting considerably lower quotes from 3 major insurance co. ,for the same coverage. Why is it that my current-- Allstate-- was not able to lower their rates? We have been loyal customers for 10 or more years. No infractions for at least 5 years.Been advised that the lower rates are to lure you in. Then watch out! Dont want to make a change and then regret it later.""
What Insurance Company Insures Someone With Only A Permit?
I bought a car yesterday and I'm 18 with a permit and I can take the test but I have to learn and I have my own car to learn with now. But I need insurance to get tags. Now I need to know what company will insure me? I want the insurance in my name.
Auto accident??? insurance?
just wondering how much will my auto insurance go up if i file a claim?? there was no injuries and no damage to the other partys car. my car was estimated $4000 of damage to fix.. me and my mom pay $180 a month for 3 cars. 2 full coverage and 1 is only liability. good thing that i have full cov on the car i used.
Anyone know of a good insurance company in Texas for Home Owners Insurance?
I'm shopping for home owners insurance and I was wondering whats out there and is good and reliable.
Medicaid insurance plus insurance?
seeing as many places don't accept medicaid now (either that or it's declining) was it a good idea to sign up for PPO health insurance, including the medicaid i already have? its through my employment and its about $35 every paycheck. i did it because i feel like medicaid acceptance is declining. i live in the US, by the way.""
Insurance For a 1968 Ford Falcon?
Can anyone give me a serious quote of what the insurance would be for 16 year old driver on a 1968 Ford Falcon. Also what would be the quote for a 48 year old driver in Northeastern, Ohio.""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I got a ticket for speeding (66 mph in a 45 mph work zone). My ticket total is $438. I am trying to decide whether to get a laywer and fight it or just pay it off. Approximately how much with my auto insurance go up? Cost of lawyer? How many points will I get on my license? I am 22 years old living in North Carolina and have never had a ticket. Advice?
How much does health insurance cost per month?
I'm a freshman and I'm doing a project in my career planning class. I have to make a budget to see how much I need to make from my job. I need to know how much health insurance would cost per person. I want to be an architect or art director so idk if my employer would cover some of the cost or what? I'm kinda confused on this project cause I've never had to think about this stuff.
This country needs affordable health care...so why are hospitals so lavish and extravagantly fancy?
Here is a link to the hospital if you think I am exaggerating..... http://www.henryfordwestbloomfield.com/body_wbloomfield.cfm?id=52381 I don't have insurance, and neither does my husband because we can't afford $600 month premiums for insurance that doesn't even KICK IN until you pay $5000 out of pocket! But it is really hard to sit and listen to everyone complaining about the EXPLODING cost of hospitals these days with all the hospitals in my area that are constantly renovating and competing to be the most lavish or fancy or architecturally beautiful when what people really need are just some common sense medical care from good doctors who will take a few minutes to listen to them. For Example, I recently visited a friend who was in a local hospital in my area that has expanded to include the following...A boardwalk with HUNDREDS of exclusive shops (required a trolly inside it was so huge!), marble fountains and floors and glass elevators and railings, live TV shows in their own Greenhouses and celebrity kitchens, multiple conference centers complete with reflecting pools, grand pianos and atriums with full size trees indoors, a pediatric wing that was bult to look like a giant tree house, complete with Tree shaped doors, private rooms with twenty foot long leather couches that curve along the wall for visiting relatives, 72 inch plasma TV's in the room along with Xbox, and complete cable/internet access, Floor to ceiling bay windows for a panoramic view of the gardens and lakes on the property. Now my friend could NEVER have afforded to stay in a hotel this nice, and couldn't pay for health coverage either. Thank God she qualifies for to be insured thru a medicaid program that covers this...but who is paying for all this excessive stuff? The taxpayers in the United States. I can't help but think that she could get really good care at a reasonable cost at a less fancy hospital...but who is going to tell the hospital where it spends it's money if someone is willing to say its necessary to have an UBER fancy hospital in order to give our citizens modern up to date medical care ?""
Why do NEW drivers complain about how much it costs to insure there cars.?
Numbers DO NOT tell lies! my Sister works at a car insurance brokers and she told me The number of new drivers who are involved in accidents is UNREAL You CANT actually drive a car correctly when you have just passed your test (I know you think you can but you cant) So therefore you are a liability to other road users and therefore have to pay more to insure your car.
Would my insurance be high?
There is a 1973 Dodge Charger online I found that needs restoration for $1750. What would I do for insurance and would it be high since I'm only 17?
Why is my insurance quote so big ?
I am UK resident from 2009. I got my drivers license 6 months ago. It's from Latvia, which is in EU. Now when I search for car insurance, the cheapest one is 5,000 GBP. Should I change it to UK license, will it reduce the price ?""
Do i need insurance if im driving my dads car?
Hello. I was wondering if i need insurance if my dad is teaching me to drive while i got provisional license with the L plates on the front and back of the car? When i pass my test i will get my own car.
Do beneficiaries have to pay taxes on life insurance policies?
Do beneficiaries have to pay taxes on life insurance policies?
Can a daughter cover her mother in her company's health insurance?
A friend of mine is expecting her daughter to get a full-time job after graduation in summer of 2007. She is a 58-year old widow and doesnt have health insurance. She is planning to have her daughter claim her as a dependent in the coming tax year in order to cover her in her daughter companys health insurance once her daughter gets the job. I told her the above condition is impossible. Her daughter can claim her as a dependent, but not able to cover her in the group health insurance, such as company's health insurance. Would like to hear other comments and opinions.""
What company provides the CHEAPEST auto insurance?
I want the very cheapest auto insurance out there. The bare minimum so that if I were to be pulled over, I would be legal. The coverage is not important. Thanks!!""
gmc insurance policy
gmc insurance policy
How much do you spend on car insurance for your new 2006 Sonata ? I pay 116 a month am i being ripped off?
I have a 2006 Sonata by hyundia and i pay 116 a month
Do you need insurance to drive a motorcycle?
and at what cc is considered a motorcycle? do u need any kind of insurance? i know u need a license i live in gainesville fl where do i get class for one?
Does anyone know of an affordable individual health insurance plan in Texas?
Does anyone know of an affordable individual health insurance plan in Texas?
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old with cheap insurance?
Im nearly 17 and am looking for a car, of autotrader or something? Preferably cheap and cheap on insurance? Thanks""
Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance for young people?
im looking for the who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance for young people
Is there such thing as temporary car insurance?
My grandparents are coming from montreal and staying for a couple months. I was told by my grandfather that I could use the car they drove down in while they are staying with me. Seeing as I'm not apart of their insurance policy, is there any way to purchase temporary auto insurance? I doubt it exists, but I guess its almost like renting a car and buying temporary insurance. Im confused can someone help?""
Is life insurance for people over 70 available?
Is life insurance for people over 70 available?
How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?
How can I get cheaper car insurance at 17?
Have lots of car insurance questions ?
hello had a car accident i am not in fault my medical bill are almost $100K the other party insurance accept its fault in the accident and it appears that they have full coverage if the insurance i have is the basic that covers $25K in medical bills so the other insurance tells me that there limit is $25K-$50K how can it be possible that it only covers $25K same as mine if she has full coverage and i don't?? Next question. How can i make the insurance or the lady that hit me to show me the policy??? is there anyway i can force them?? i have an attorney working on the case and he said that the insurance did not let them see the policy but i want to know and see the policy so i know that neither the insurance or my attorney is lying. next question from the accident i was really damage after 6 months I am still going to therapy I have proof of all my bills and doctors reports from all my illnesses in which I have deafness caused from the accident I had a head injury and was hospitalized for 5 days the docs had said that it was really a serious accident including my attorney. How much is fair to fight for pain and suffering, medical bills, compensation for hearing loss including seance of smell and taste, everything I have paid like taxis, pills and more. don't want to take advantage from the accident but how much can I fight for?? thank you for answering but please only answer if you know. this is very important for me.""
I need help looking for cheap auto insurance HELP?
Ok I live on Connecticut and the cheapest insurance for me is 200$ and that's progressive. I'm 20 years old so I know insurance is going to be high for me regardless. But are there any other small insurance companies who offer the same service just cheaper???? I feel like my insurance is 200$ because of company name and I dont feel like spending so much because of that. PLEASE HELP!!! I'm buying a honda civic 95 dx auto 4dr
Responsible Insurance company won't pay up.?
Long story short. Not my fault. The guy backed into my car. It was parked to sell it. So no insurance policy on it. My BF and I were sitting in the car out of the rain writting out a new for sale sign. The car vibrated like crazy when we drove it to move it back to my place. The guys insurance company didn't even check the alignment or add it to the estimate. The other estimates don't even include the alignment. There could be more damage. I decided to get cash to another car. I have not signed anything yet or recived the check. My car is worth about 2K. It wouldn't be worth it to fix it. Insurance Company $1013.76 Auto Body Shop $1162.00 Ford Dealership $1284.90 Les Schwab Alignment $90.00 361.14 difference. I asked to raise their quote. The Insurance company said no. If I had go to an auto body repair shop of my choice with 1013.76 they would call and ask for them to kick down more money. I am going to notify the insurance company that in writting that I am taking them to small claims court. Any ideas on the letter that I submitt? My BF and I were injured. The medical people are refusing to bill the insurance company responsible. They wanted me to pay up front and get rembursed later or have some other insurance cover it. I didn't want to wait. I used my work health insurance. So they are getting the bill. Any way I can get the Car insurance company billed?
How can i get affordable insurance for my pregnant wife?
im not sure what my options are at this point. my wife is 4 months pregant and her temporary 45 day medical has expired and healthy families wont accept her. we've tried to apply for medical before but were denied due to my income. my income looks more than it is since i have to spend over $500 a month in gas with no compensation. we have very little wiggle room when it comes to income. is there something out there that may be able to help us. we also have two other children but i was able to get them healthy families
Car Insurance Question- My daughter ........?
My daughter allowed a non licenced driver to move my car and got into a big accident. Am I still covered. Is my daughter in trouble? This is a New Jersey car, situation etc.""
Car insurance question.?
OK, so I got my car insurance renewal to start on 16 May, and it went up from 40 a month to 60, for no gosh darned reason. Grrr. I know that the insurance has gone up a lot, and I think they blame the compensation claims for this, but up a THIRD! Jeeeeeez! Last year, it went up from 35 a month to 50 and I had a whinge down the phone at them, and they reduced it to 40 by changing the recovery a bit (I don't get help now unless I am more than a mile from home; but the chances are I would be when I broke down anyway, and even if I was half a mile away, I could walk back!) so I agreed to change that. So I rang them today and they said they can lower it a fiver because I am a 'loyal' customer, (so down to 55 a month.) Big deal! I am nearly 40, I passed my test 20 years ago, and I have been with them 10 years and NEVER made a claim, and yet they bump my premium by a third! I am like It's a LOT of dosh. Does this seem like a ludicrous leap to you? Has yours gone up a lot too? Does this sound like a high amount to pay? (55 to 60 a month.) Or reasonable for a 38 year old woman? It does include recovery in this quote, and the recovery is about 130. But 2 years ago, I was paying 35, and this year they are asking for 60 a month! I do like this insurance company and have my home insurance and pet insurance with them too, and don't want to leave, but a jump of a third!""
Is car insurance cheaper in upstate new york?
right now i live in brooklyn new york...is there a difference?
What does this dental insurance code mean?
The code is 42560 and it's by the insurance company equitable life insurance company of Canada . So what does this dental insurance code mean? How much will they cover for the gum graft? It's only one tooth that I need to have done for 600$. It's medical not cosmetic.
I need help understanding Health Insurance Deductibles?
Ok, so I'm going to get health insurance and I'm Having a challenge trying to understand the deductible situation. The Health Insurance I'm looking into is Blue Shield of California and they have many plans, and it seems that the prices get a bit higher when the deductible gets lower. What does the annual deductible mean? Is that the amount that I have to pay off first before my insurance can cover me?""
How much would I pay for car insurance?
I am a male, 24 years old (turn 25 in july), student.... what is the cheapest car insurance you think I can get?""
Hit and Run insurance help!!?
My car was hit 4/19 and now I want to get it fixed through my insurance. The damages from Honda are about $1200. I think I should file with my insurance since I can't afford it. Since I did get the quote with Honda will the insurance company or DMV know I got it on that day?? I do not know if they will honor it since it was a few weeks ago.. I have a $100 detuctible and that is way cheaper than the $1200 but do not know what to tell them when i file the claim.. I am with Mercury and live in California
Should Americans pay for those who are too irresponsible to buy health insurance?
If cons repeal the Affordable Care Act we'll go back to the old system where hospitals tack-on extra charges to patients with insurance in order to cover their ER losses. Under ...show more
Driving Lessons+ Insurance+Car?
when i turn 17 i get about 4,200 . now im wanting to spend that money on something improtant, to me thats a car, lessons and insurance. will i have enough to do this? say i pass etc how much will the insurance cost & the lessons""
Why is insurance on Motobikes Much lower for a 17 year old then insurance for a car of the same value?
I'm 16 and i'm looking how much it would cost me to get a car or a bike when i turn 17 next year so i can save up and get one of them i looked at insurance for both and ended up with a 3000 quote for a car worth 2000 and a 750 Quote for a bike worth 2300 they where both from the same insurer and all the details where the same I'm just ondering why is this the case and if it's actualy better for me to get a bike instead ofa car
""I need some sort of health coverage, help me find an affordable option?""
I work full time for my company, but part-time in one postition and part-time in another still makes me a part-time employee and ineligible for benefits. I make a little too much for medicaid, but not enough to buy a plan that covers me. I lost my last health insurance 2 years ago when I lost my old job while I was having surgeries on my hand to fix a bone defect. My problem is now that I'm having a lot of problems with my hand and will need another surgery to fix the problem. I can't afford to pay 30k for it and no doctor will do it because it's not an emergency eventhough I'm in pain. I know that I'll have to be insured for a year before it will cover a pre exhisting. The hospital turned me down for any type assistance, and even if it did I the doctors are all seperate so I'm still in a lot of debt plus physical therapy is expensive. What can I do?""
How much will i pay in car insurance for a used mid range priced vehicle?
i am a 20 year old single mother who lives with her parents and works full time.
""After one month, auto insurance gets cancelled?
I changed auto insurance after my other policy lapsed due to direct deposit mix up. I went with State Farm for both vehicles and paid about 20 dollars more per month for a better policy. I got a letter 2 weeks into coverage stating my policies are being cancelled due to not showing 30 days of coverage at the time of purchase. So I guess they can cover me for a month and ditch me? This don't sound right. I have zero tickets and zero wrecks and the same goes for my wife. My agent says the rate will go up from 138.00 per month to 245.00 per month! ! ! ! ! WTF?
gmc insurance policy
gmc insurance policy
Cheap car insurance for a young driver on a VW Golf?
Where would be able to find the cheapest insurance for my Golf 1.6. I'm 17 years old and I'm going to be a named driver on my dads name (him being the main). The cheapest I can find is 2000. If anyone could find me a good website to find an insurance quote cheaper than that; it would be fantastic! Thanks in anticipation
Insurance for a 17 yr old with Lamborghini(took drivers ed & have good grades)?
me and my sister got a lot of money when my grandpa passed away, he gave it to me and her mainly and then some to my mom and aunt and i wanna get a lamborghini with it but my mom will not change her mind saying that no one would ever insure me for that. moneys not really that much of a problem for it but would no one really insure me? i have enough to pay for it myself and i took drivers ed and have good grades in school how much will that knock off of it if so? thx""
Would you let your teenager daughter drive a classic car?
An old catalina convertible to be exact. She is very responsible, however, do you think it is too dangerous of a car? Also, how much would insurance be on a classic car with a student driver?""
Are online insurance quotes secure?
they want us to submit a lot of info inclusing social sercurity number, i am afraid they can misuse the information , are my fears legitimate""
What is a good estimate of the cost of insurance for a Mustang V6?
I am 16 and I have been looking at a manual transmission V6 Mustang for the past couple of years. I have looked around and I am aware of the typical prices that are being sold. I'm trying to focus on the 2007-2010 versions. The 2010 V6 Mustang is the version that has really caught my eye. I need to know how much I should expect to spend/save. Thank You.
""Can you take drivers ed after you get your license, and still get an insurance discount after the class?""
I have my driving test coming up, but have not taken the class or an ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) approved driving course, and was wondering if i had to take it before i got my license to get better insurance rates.""
Why does my dog make my homeowners policy go up !!!?
Ok ... a bit of a rant ... you people are the only ones who can relate ! Do i get a discount for the protection he provides me, my family, and the house ... noooooooooo .... but they want to raise my rate because he could bite someone someday ... {end rant}""
How much would my car insurance cost?
If i was to buy a 1.4 three door corsa SRI 05 plate.
Why Are We Not Reducing Health Care Costs?
The U.S. currently spends 50% more per capita on health care than the next western nation (Norway). On average we spend twice as much as France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Canada, and Switzerland. Our costs are increasing faster than these nations. According to the Congressional Budget Office the cost of Obamacare is an additionsl $1.76 trillion over ten years. For those who want to actually solve the universal health care problem, how about adopting one of the European plans noted above and cut our costs by 50%. Why the blind devotion to a bureauratic morass that will bankrupt the country? http://www.kff.org/insurance/snapshot/oecd042111.cfm""
If My Mom has insurance coverage can i still get insurance with her if i own my own car?
ok so my mom has car insurance on her car, but she was telling me she registers my car under her name that the insurance will cover me and the car. But if the car is under my name can i still get insurance with her??""
Moped insurance (Ireland)??
how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old in Dublin with a provisional licence on a yamaha aerox 50cc in ireland?
I have geico auto insurance .I moved to another state and got cheaper insurance.Do i need to provide geico wi?
new insurance company name and info or are they just supposed to cancel my policy .
I currently do not have any insurance but i do know that i do not meet the requirements for medicade. Will this mean less care for me and my baby durrning my preg? I can make payments but i can not afford to make the whole payment at the time of the visits it will have to be shedualed. any suggestions? I have explored options of medicade, In Nebraska where im at you can only have 3,000 worth of assets and i have a few savings bonds and more than one car, (all older nothing new) but they will still count for assets. I do know that one car and your house is exempt but i still wont qualify. Hmm what to do. Nothing I can do i guess.... But will this mean less visits to the dr? I want the best for my baby. thanks to any and all who answer.""
Mother has Mental Illness but no Insurance?
We are at the moment living in california but my mother has mental illness when we were back in The Netherlands she was given pills to take to supress that voice in her heads making her go crazy, but now we are here and we don't have any insurance yet is it possible that she gets insurance if she supports her illness?""
How does car insurance work for a teenager?
I recently got my license but still do not drive due to the fact that my parents will not pay for insurance. They say it is too expensive but they also said the only way to make it affordable would be by getting me a car, which I seriously do not understand!! I don't want my own car I just want to be able to legally drive one so why would buying me a car and then insuring the car plus myself make it soo much cheaper than just already having me under their insurance and what not??? I just don't get it because once your insured you are able to drive any of the cars in the household so why buy another car just for me?? My parents aren't making sense and do not want to explain it to me. But we own luxury cars so could that be why they won't add me to the insurance? They are getting me a random, affordable used car which I don't mind but I would rather just be insured car or no car. Oh and they let me drive around all our luxury cars when I had my permit so idk why they are doing this to me.""
""There have been caps of $250K for healthcare lawsuits in California for years, and insurance premiums didnt?
....go down one cent! If fact they are still among the highest in the country. How will this help reform healthcare according to conservatives? When in fact all it does is funnel more cash into their Wall Street supporters pockets?
Im 18 year old male looking for cheap car insurance in UK?
just got the car and license. 1.2 ford fiesta 2004 price is the only factor for me as i will make no claims for the first year in any situation. the best so far is aviva. i have been reccomended several insurers who have given me ridicolous qoutes.. tesco..aa..elephant..all the pass plus ones and i am asking yot to tell me whos suit me! thanks
Insurance Coverage and DWI?
Do auto-insurance companies pay for expenditures of repairs on a car in connection with a DWI?
How much does Auto insurance cost in Mass?
I am moving to Mass, and am curious if someone can give me an idea about how much it would cost to insure a 97 Acura CL 4 cylinder car. I am having a hard time finding quotes online. Round about numbers would help.""
How much does a 09' Honda Civic Coupe run on insurance?
I'm looking to buy A new car, & just curious about the insurance costs.""
Should I do something to this company insurance?
Some how Bank of America took my personal information and gave to this company insurance that covers medical thing. They have my personal Banking information. I canceled the insurance policy on August 15 and they took out 29.99 out of my bank and I now have 60.98 in my checking account. Should I do something about?
How much will i pay for health insurance?
im a 46 year old man
Expired insurance of another driver?
While I was slowing behind a stopping car, another vehicle hit me at the rear bumper. My bumper would probably have to be replaced. We have exchanged insurances and continued. Now that I check his insurance, it's expired. I have his driver license details as well. I will call his insurance company, but if it really turns out to be expired and he was uninsured - what are the options?""
How much do you pay for ur car insurance every month and how old are u?
I pay $83.09 every month and i am 20 years old. is that too much??, keep in mind that i never had any kind of accident or anything and i started driving when i was 15. I kinda starting to think its a waste of money if u think about it.""
How can I buy car insurance?
Sorry, my real question is as follows: My mom owns a car, and I want to drive the car and get it insured. I do not know if I can find an auto insurance agent and tell her or him that I want to insurance the car for myself alone, without paying insurance fees for my mom. I just want to insurance my mother's car and drive it by myself without paying any premium fees of insuring both mom and I. Any one has experience about that? Is it possible?""
gmc insurance policy
gmc insurance policy
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