#my aim with this blog is after all to make ppl feel good and escape their lives
happyheidi · 1 year
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tbhstudying1 · 6 years
hi seo!! i kno this ain't a gaming blog and it's probably asked before, but do you have any tips for a complete beginner in ow? i played before but was kind of just thrown into it and randomly chose a character so i didn't kno what was going on. everything seems super overwhelming, so i don't kno what to kno before playing lmao :') thank you in advance!
issok!!!! i LOVE talking abt games and ppl don’t talk to me enough abt games!!!!!!! and now i get to talk abt jeff kaplan’s ballpit hella
this is gonna be LONG so i’m gonna put it under the cut! also, i’m so sorry to all the mobile users out there bc the cut may not work. these are my own opinions + other players might have different feedback? if so, feel free to reblog / reply with your own tidbits!! hope this helps, anon!! lmk if u ever wanna play overwatch w/ me!! u can join my discord and give me ur battle tag in our video games channel :)
OKAY so there are three classes: dps, tank, and support. dps focuses on damaging the enemy, tanks can put up shields / have greater health to allow their team to fight longer, and supports heal ppl on their team. jeff and the rest of the overwatch team ™ have kindly divided up all the heroes up into the categories that you see on the bottom of the screen during the “hero select” part before a match starts.
generally, you want to have at least one from each class on a team to make it a balanced team. unfortunately, you might not see that as often in arcade modes / quickplay, but it’s ok!! 
each hero has different mechanics and skills, so i highly suggest going in the practice range + vs ai to test out the different abilities and things like that. you have your weapon, 2 “special” abilities with cooldowns, and 1 ultimate ability that you can charge up. by practicing w/ the hero against other ppl, you can figure out what times are best to use each ability and stuff like that. 
now, it’s time for Seo’s Hot Take On (almost) All The Heroes:
(click the link, it filters thru the heroes by category for u)
oh,,, the dps,,,,,, players,,,,,,, as a support main, i can be tired ™ of dps players who overextend and then demand “i need healing” constantly,,,, but ur not gonna be one of those players!!! dw dw
essentially, you gotta be Good at Aiming to be a Good DPS (but that’s ok, there are some heroes that do not have a high skill cap)
soldier 76 is a good “beginner” hero to start off on bc 1. you play him during the tutorial and 2. he’s the most traditional fps character you can play in the game. he’s got sprint so you can get to places faster, a little biotic field to heal yourself with, and a nice rocket so you can blast someone in the face. the ultimate is also auto-aim so that’s even more helpful for beginner players.
junkrat is another dps that’s relatively easy to play for ppl bc his little bomb things go off and have an explosion radius damage. bastion, mei, and symmetra all have sorta self-heal-ish abilities / passives that might make them easier for you to pick up. symmetra and torbjorn have turrets that auto-aim, so they can be easier heroes to pick up too. just know that ur gonna get smacked later on in higher levels bc No One Likes Playing Against These Two DSJKSDKDSJKKJ
genji, hanzo, and widowmaker tend to be the most popular dps that i see ppl choose in games? idk why tho
my dps favs are soldier 76, mccree, and pharah
the unsung heroes of overwatch,,,,, no one bothers to play tank in quick play and it’s truly a tragedy bc u never realize how much u need a tank until u need a tank
your job as a tank is to 1. be that big distraction that the enemy team wants to go after, 2. make space for your team to work in, and 3. protect your team. this is why they have high health and shield abilities. 
there are 2 different types of tanks: main tanks and off-tanks. off-tanks are generally more mobile, have less health, their defense abilities are shorter, and have “more offensive” capabilities than main tanks (so kinda like a dps / tank hybrid?). they go zooming around more often to protect teammates that are farther away from the objective. main tanks are solid, thicc, rock-hard bastions of protection that get on the payload / control point and do their damn bestest to keep the objectives going + protect their teams with their blessed shields.
some ppl are picky on how to categorize them, but here’s my categorization: off-tanks: dva, zarya, wrecking ball, roadhog main tanks: orisa, reinhardt, winston (winston’s on thin ice tho)
i’d say dva is the most popular tank + it’s nice to pick up as a beginner bc she’s got good mobility, infinite ammo, and a “second life” with the mech and baby dva (you’ll see when u play her). in terms of main tank, i’ve heard ppl say that reinhardt is the easiest main tank to pick up ???? but i personally prefer orisa over him bc her shields are easier to deploy and you can kill things from afar. her reload time is very slow compared to other heroes.
my favorites are orisa and dva.
oh, my favorite class :”) i lov playing support SDKJSDKJSDJK
basically, these are your healers!! they keep your team in tip-top shape + make sure that no one dies. (ppl still die.)
mercy is the easiest support to play imo. your healing beam can lock onto a person + you have high mobility + i genuinely love mercy’s gun even tho i should be focusing on healing. mercy does get a bad rep for being “every e-girl’s main” and ppl might be rude to u if ur a mercy main ;; anyhow, the most important thing to focus on as mercy is your positioning. do not get urself into a position where you cannot easily get out and please don’t die ;;
lucio is another hero that has high mobility and requires positioning bc you have aoe heal but u need to make sure your team is within your radius. wall-riding is very fun too and booping ppl off cliffs is highly entertaining.
brigitte, moira, and zenyatta are supports, but it’s very easy to be a pseudo-dps with them if you’re interested in taking down ur enemies too. 
ana is probably the hardest hero bc she has little mobility and requires good aim to heal and to kill. on that note, zen and ana are the supports that require you to be good at aiming.
my favs are zen and mercy :”)
practice practice practice
it’s overwhelming at first but you’ll get to know all the abilities relatively well 
turn your sound up
each hero has their own unique “sound” whether that be footsteps or ultimate voice lines. the ult voice lines change depending on if they’re on your team or the enemy team + it can be very helpful to know them. 
footstep sounds from the enemy team tend to be louder, and the more dangerous the hero, the louder their footstep (ex: reaper, mccree). hearing footsteps has helped me escape from a flanking reaper out to kill me dsjsdjkksdj
watch overwatch esports
pro ovw esports are casted by ppl who explain how the players are moving and reacting + this can help you get a better understanding of the gameplay and abilities
overwatch league is finished, but you can go back and watch their videos + blizzard has been pretty good abt making sure that owl is appealing to newcomers. i’d recommend matches casted by uber and mr. x
don’t get discouraged by toxic ppl and be a positive person in-game!
toxic ppl suck,,,,, don’t be one of them,,,
play with friends!
ovw is a lot more fun when u play with friends and chat in vc while playing! also the joy of playing with friends can help u feel a lot more comfy with the game too
hope you have fun playing overwatch, anon!!
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tbhstudying · 6 years
hi seo!! i kno this ain't a gaming blog and it's probably asked before, but do you have any tips for a complete beginner in ow? i played before but was kind of just thrown into it and randomly chose a character so i didn't kno what was going on. everything seems super overwhelming, so i don't kno what to kno before playing lmao :') thank you in advance!
issok!!!! i LOVE talking abt games and ppl don’t talk to me enough abt games!!!!!!! and now i get to talk abt jeff kaplan’s ballpit hella
this is gonna be LONG so i’m gonna put it under the cut! also, i’m so sorry to all the mobile users out there bc the cut may not work. these are my own opinions + other players might have different feedback? if so, feel free to reblog / reply with your own tidbits!! hope this helps, anon!! lmk if u ever wanna play overwatch w/ me!! u can join my discord and give me ur battle tag in our video games channel :)
OKAY so there are three classes: dps, tank, and support. dps focuses on damaging the enemy, tanks can put up shields / have greater health to allow their team to fight longer, and supports heal ppl on their team. jeff and the rest of the overwatch team (tm) have kindly divided up all the heroes up into the categories that you see on the bottom of the screen during the “hero select” part before a match starts.
generally, you want to have at least one from each class on a team to make it a balanced team. unfortunately, you might not see that as often in arcade modes / quickplay, but it’s ok!! 
each hero has different mechanics and skills, so i highly suggest going in the practice range + vs ai to test out the different abilities and things like that. you have your weapon, 2 “special” abilities with cooldowns, and 1 ultimate ability that you can charge up. by practicing w/ the hero against other ppl, you can figure out what times are best to use each ability and stuff like that. 
now, it’s time for Seo’s Hot Take On (almost) All The Heroes:
(click the link, it filters thru the heroes by category for u)
oh,,, the dps,,,,,, players,,,,,,, as a support main, i can be tired (tm) of dps players who overextend and then demand “i need healing” constantly,,,, but ur not gonna be one of those players!!! dw dw
essentially, you gotta be Good at Aiming to be a Good DPS (but that’s ok, there are some heroes that do not have a high skill cap)
soldier 76 is a good “beginner” hero to start off on bc 1. you play him during the tutorial and 2. he’s the most traditional fps character you can play in the game. he’s got sprint so you can get to places faster, a little biotic field to heal yourself with, and a nice rocket so you can blast someone in the face. the ultimate is also auto-aim so that’s even more helpful for beginner players.
junkrat is another dps that’s relatively easy to play for ppl bc his little bomb things go off and have an explosion radius damage. bastion, mei, and symmetra all have sorta self-heal-ish abilities / passives that might make them easier for you to pick up. symmetra and torbjorn have turrets that auto-aim, so they can be easier heroes to pick up too. just know that ur gonna get smacked later on in higher levels bc No One Likes Playing Against These Two DSJKSDKDSJKKJ
genji, hanzo, and widowmaker tend to be the most popular dps that i see ppl choose in games? idk why tho
my dps favs are soldier 76, mccree, and pharah
the unsung heroes of overwatch,,,,, no one bothers to play tank in quick play and it’s truly a tragedy bc u never realize how much u need a tank until u need a tank
your job as a tank is to 1. be that big distraction that the enemy team wants to go after, 2. make space for your team to work in, and 3. protect your team. this is why they have high health and shield abilities. 
there are 2 different types of tanks: main tanks and off-tanks. off-tanks are generally more mobile, have less health, their defense abilities are shorter, and have “more offensive” capabilities than main tanks (so kinda like a dps / tank hybrid?). they go zooming around more often to protect teammates that are farther away from the objective. main tanks are solid, thicc, rock-hard bastions of protection that get on the payload / control point and do their damn bestest to keep the objectives going + protect their teams with their blessed shields.
some ppl are picky on how to categorize them, but here’s my categorization:off-tanks: dva, zarya, wrecking ball, roadhogmain tanks: orisa, reinhardt, winston (winston’s on thin ice tho)
i’d say dva is the most popular tank + it’s nice to pick up as a beginner bc she’s got good mobility, infinite ammo, and a “second life” with the mech and baby dva (you’ll see when u play her). in terms of main tank, i’ve heard ppl say that reinhardt is the easiest main tank to pick up ???? but i personally prefer orisa over him bc her shields are easier to deploy and you can kill things from afar. her reload time is very slow compared to other heroes.
my favorites are orisa and dva.
oh, my favorite class :”) i lov playing support SDKJSDKJSDJK
basically, these are your healers!! they keep your team in tip-top shape + make sure that no one dies. (ppl still die.)
mercy is the easiest support to play imo. your healing beam can lock onto a person + you have high mobility + i genuinely love mercy’s gun even tho i should be focusing on healing. mercy does get a bad rep for being “every e-girl’s main” and ppl might be rude to u if ur a mercy main ;; anyhow, the most important thing to focus on as mercy is your positioning. do not get urself into a position where you cannot easily get out and please don’t die ;;
lucio is another hero that has high mobility and requires positioning bc you have aoe heal but u need to make sure your team is within your radius. wall-riding is very fun too and booping ppl off cliffs is highly entertaining.
brigitte, moira, and zenyatta are supports, but it’s very easy to be a pseudo-dps with them if you’re interested in taking down ur enemies too. 
ana is probably the hardest hero bc she has little mobility and requires good aim to heal and to kill. on that note, zen and ana are the supports that require you to be good at aiming.
my favs are zen and mercy :”)
practice practice practice
it’s overwhelming at first but you’ll get to know all the abilities relatively well 
turn your sound up
each hero has their own unique “sound” whether that be footsteps or ultimate voice lines. the ult voice lines change depending on if they’re on your team or the enemy team + it can be very helpful to know them. 
footstep sounds from the enemy team tend to be louder, and the more dangerous the hero, the louder their footstep (ex: reaper, mccree). hearing footsteps has helped me escape from a flanking reaper out to kill me dsjsdjkksdj
watch overwatch esports
pro ovw esports are casted by ppl who explain how the players are moving and reacting + this can help you get a better understanding of the gameplay and abilities
overwatch league is finished, but you can go back and watch their videos + blizzard has been pretty good abt making sure that owl is appealing to newcomers. i’d recommend matches casted by uber and mr. x
don’t get discouraged by toxic ppl and be a positive person in-game!
toxic ppl suck,,,,, don’t be one of them,,,
play with friends!
ovw is a lot more fun when u play with friends and chat in vc while playing! also the joy of playing with friends can help u feel a lot more comfy with the game too
hope you have fun playing overwatch, anon!!
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