#movie: hunky dory
movie--posters · 2 years
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ultrasharpy12345stuff · 4 months
My Tutorial on How to Manifest Your Hunky-Dory Dream Life
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(Art by Sam Does Art)
This was a request from an anon. So I'm gonna make a tutorial on how to manifest your dream life my way.
1.) Choose what you want in your dream life. Get creative. Do you want to live in a fantasy world with dragons? Do you want to get accepted into a fantastic college? Do you just wanna chill with your best friends and smoke weed everyday? It's up to you, choose what you want. Make it fun!
Optional Step.) Write down what you want. Draw pictures about it, create vision boards about it on pinterest. You don't have to do this step if you don't want to it is completely optional.
2.) Decide whether or not this is what you want to manifest. If this is what you want to manifest continue onto step number three.
3.) It's done! Congratulations. Your order on the LOA/Non-dualism store is complete and is out for delivery! Creation is finished! It is finito! You have it! It is coming into your physical reality at the speed of light! Hell, you can even say it's coming into your physical reality (real life) instantaneously!
4.) Woah it literally manifested into your physical reality (real life)! You have it now and I'm not manifesting when I say that. Congratulations! 🥳
Q & A:
Q: Do I have to affirm?
A: Nope!
Q: Do I have to visualize?
A: Nope!
Q: Do I have to script?
A: Nope!
Q: What if I get doubts?
A: Doubts don't affect your manifestation. Do you want them to affect your manifestation?
Q: What if I complain about my manifestation? Does that slow it down or cancel it out?
A: No. Think about this- you can can complain about the apple in your hand. You can complain about how red it is, you can complain that it's in your hand, you can whine and wish you weren't holding it in your hand. But like, the apple is in your hand. Complaining doesn't stop the apple from being held in your hand.
It's the same way with manifesting. Complaining doesn't stop your manifestation from coming.
Like imagine if you went on Temu, bought some shorts, and then after you ordered them you started to complain about them not being in your house. It doesn't matter how much you complain about the shorts not being in your house, they are being processed and will be delivered soon. The only way you cancel your order is if you cancel it.
So the only way you cancel your manifestation is simply by choosing you don't want it anymore. Like by just choosing or deciding you don't want it anymore.
Q: How do you decide you don't want your manifestation anymore?
A: Just say or think, "I don't want my manifestation anymore."
Q: I'm confused?
A: What about? Leave me an ask.
Q: Why isn't my manifestation here yet?
A: Because it's coming, You have it in your mind. Now it's coming in real life (the physical reality A.K.A. the 3D). You're not doing anything wrong.
Q: I don't want it in my imagination, I want it in real life though?
A: Yes, and it is coming.
Q: Is there anything else I'm supposed to do other than know that it's done?
A: You don't have to know that it's done. It's coming regardless. All you have to do is choose if this is something you want and then it manifests. Literally think of it as online shopping.
Q: So since this is like online shopping can my LOA card get declined?
A: Haha! No of course not, it's all free!
Q: So what else do I do now that it's done?
A: I dunno, watch a movie, go outside, talk to your friends, play a videogame.
Q: What about living in the end? Do I have to live in the end?
A: No. Its done so why do you have to live in the end? And again if "it's done" is too hard for you to think just say that it's coming.
No, living in the end is just for fun. It's completely, totally unnecessary.
Q: Do I need to get into a state?
A: No. It's done. There's no reason for you to do anything manifestation related because it's done.
Q: Well I have to pay my bills. How do I live in the end while I'm broke?
A: Well that's unnecessary to be completely honest. But if you really want to do that just say you have it in your mind and it will come into the physical reality (the 3D, real life).
Q: Why is it taking so long?
A: I dunno. You're not doing anything wrong though. Just say you manifest instantly.
Q: How do I speed this up?
A: Just say you manifest instantly. Or you can say your 3D conforms instantly.
Q: Do my negative thoughts manifest?
A: No. Do you want your negative thoughts to manifest?
Q: I've overconsumed! What do I do?
A: I dunno I think you're fine. Just take a break I guess. Don't worry, I was confused, too.
Q: So it's this simple? Just decide I have it/it's coming?
A: Yep!
Q: How do I know you're not bullshitting me?
A: *this is gonna be a long one* Because it feels good. Look at all the answers I've given you and when you think about it, when you read it and when it makes sense to you you'll realize just how relieving it really is.
Think about your entire LOA/ND journey. Look how far you've come. And yet you're still being confused about LOA and you've know about this for weeks, months, hell even years. Yet everyone keeps saying, "It's so simple, it's so effortless, it's so easy." Yet you can't even manifest a penny and it definitely doesn't feel good, simple, effortless, or easy.
But now that you've read that it's done and it's coming and that's it doesn't that at least lighten the load? Even a teensie bit? Doesn't that make it feel a bit better? Doesn't this feel a little easier?
Think about this: I've just told you that you can whine, complain, rant, vent, sabotage your manifestations, I've just told you that you don't have to live in the end to get what you want. Frankly, right now I'm even telling you that complaining about it only makes it come even faster!
How does that make you feel? Doesn't that feel better? A little bit? You don't have to read Edward Art or listen Neville just to get your SP! Isn't that nice?
Listen, it was about two weeks ago that I came to this conclusion. You know how everyone always says, "You create your own rules?" It wasn't until I was reading this one success story on Zen-shu's blog (I think) that it really really REALLY clicked. You create your own rules. Read that again. You. Create. Your. Own. Rules. Read that again.
You DO NOT have to do anything to get what you want! How relieving is that? No more affirming, no more scripting, no more focusing on the illusion of the ego, no more states. It's done! Literally you don't have to do anything else!
And how do I know this works? Because right now I'm manifesting myself to be a hermaphrodite (I'm a boy) and I'm starting to look like a girl. My ass is fatter, my hips are wider, my eyes are more feminine, I've almost completely gotten boobs. It works!
Q: I want to give up.
A: I don't blame you.
Q: Will I still get it if I give up?
A: Yes of course. Again it's like ordering something online. Just because you say, "Oh I give up!" doesn't stop your order from being delivered to you. The only way you stop your order from being delivered is if you cancel it (as in going on the website and cancelling it). So the only way to stop your manifestation is to simply say you don't want it anymore.
There's a lot of manifestation stories where the person is like, "I give up!" and then they end up still getting what they want.
Q: So what about imagining? Do I have to imagine?
A: Nope! You only imagine if you want to. Personally I do it for fun and let me tell you it is incredibly fun.
Q: What does "imagination is a real as the 3D" mean?
A: Just what it says! What you have in your imagination is as real as real life. The only difference is that it's gonna take some time to manifest into real life (physical reality). But don't worry, it won't take long!
Also can I just say... when I realized my imagination is as real as real life imagining became more fun!
Q: Will that make me crazy?
A: No. It won't make you crazy unless you want it make you crazy. See, the best part about all this is because it's in your imagination you can enjoy it RIGHT NOW in your mind even though it is coming into your physical reality soon. So you can still know the difference while having what you want! Isn't that awesome??
And if you don't want to do that just say it's coming. You don't have to pretend. You don't have it physically right now. And that's OK. You will soon though.
Q: You sound crazy.
A: ;)
Q: What have you manifested?
A: Well aside from my body shape, I've manifested a mini freezer, my sister have a dream about me riding a dragon when I was listening to a dragon subliminal, my imaginary friend almost manifesting physically (and I mean to the point I could feel her physically put her hand on my face), my health, a woman teleporting when I was walking in Walmart, my mom winning the lottery (just like $4.00 lol), I can't remember what else.
Q: Do you have any tips for me?
A: When all else fails just say you're not doing anything wrong and you'll get what you want.
In closing I feel like the manifestation community makes too many rules. We need to be easier and let this whole thing be the easy process it was meant to be.
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gin-juice-tonic · 10 months
spider verse spoilers under here
im sure its been said plenty of times but if i was gwen and my dad pulled a gun on me i would never in my life be within a 5 mile radius of that man again
the fact that they did that and have things just... hunky dory between them by the end of the movie did not feel great to me
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goldenraeofsun · 2 years
Day 7: Fine Wine
“You aged like fine wine.”
Castiel chokes on his drink. He slowly turns on his barstool to see a stranger swaying slightly in place. A light sheen of grease – or cheap gel – reflects off his hair in the lights behind the bar, and twin lilac bags sag underneath each eye.
“Pardon?” Castiel says. He discreetly sniffs, but the man must have showered more recently than his appearance suggests. Either that, or he simply drank enough so the scent of alcohol masks the smell of body odor.
“You’re Cas – Castiel,” the man says as he braces himself on the bar and laboriously climbs on the stool next to Castiel. He adds, almost accusatory. “Dr. James Novak of Seattle Mercy Hospital.”
Castiel’s jaw drops.
He hasn’t gone by Dr. Novak in close to fifteen years. He was twenty-two when he got his first role on a longstanding medical soap opera (an impossible age for a doctor of his character’s reported caliber, but Castiel was assured this was normal at SMH).
When Dr. Novak was killed off for the sixth and final time, Castiel went on to play a few bit parts in CSI and Law & Order spin offs. He reached the pinnacle of his acting career a few years ago with his starring role in Hell Hazers II and a seven-line part in a Marvel movie. Afterwards, the acting jobs seemed to dry up, or maybe Castiel was tired of the constant sisyphean cycle of auditions chewed him up and spit him out a little worse than before.
Currently, he teaches high school drama in a local private school. While it doesn’t fill him creatively, he can’t say the same for his bank account. 
“I, yes, I was,” Castiel fumbles. He hasn’t gotten recognized since his Dr. Sexy, MD days, and, even then, it didn’t happen frequently.
The man beams, and the smile transforms his face. He looks almost handsome. “Knew it,” he says. “’M Dean.”
“You already know my name,” Castiel replies, unsure of how to proceed. He’d come to the bar for a quiet celebratory drink – he’d finally finished all his college recommendation letters in time for early decision deadlines. On the other hand, Dean wasn’t technically bothering him as Castiel didn’t have many plans to bother.
“Yeah,” Dean agrees with a long sigh. “Figures I’d run into you today.”
Castiel has no idea what that means.
Dean points a shaking finger in Castiel’s face. “You’re the reason I became a doctor.”
Castiel’s mouth falls open. After a beat, he forces out, “You’re not serious.”
“As a heart attack.” Dean chuckles, the sound grim and humorless.
“I – I’m sorry?” Castiel tries, feeling entirely off balance with the abrupt turn of their conversation.
“Don’t be,” Dean says bitterly. “Not your fault I killed a patient today.”
Castiel shoves his horror down. With a determinedly neutral expression, he says, “I’m sure it’s not your fault,” because he didn’t act in 147 episodes of a medical soap opera for nothing.
Dean shakes his head, tapping the bar to get the bartender’s attention. “A double of Jack for me, and one more of whatever my friend here is drinking.”
As the bartender moves back down the bar to prepare Dean’s order, Castiel frowns. “Are you sure you should be having another?”
Dean scowls. “’M not on call for another 48 hours.”
Castiel gives him a deliberate once-over. “I was referring to your current state of drunkenness.”
Dean waves his concern away. “’M fine.”
“You don’t seem fine.”
Dean exhales an explosive sigh. “You fuck up a aortic dissection repair on a twelve-year-old who just wanted to perform in her school dance recital next month, and tell me you’re all hunky dory after.”
He’s a surgeon. A pediatric cardiac surgeon.
Castiel inspired a pediatric surgeon?
He leans in, his heart twinging in sympathy for both Dean and his late patient. “I’m sure there were complications.”
Dean mutters, “High blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes.”
Castiel lays a hand on Dean’s arm. “I may not be a real doctor, but I spoke often enough with our medical experts to know those aren’t inconsequential conditions when it comes to your specialty.” 
Dean harrumphs and greedily grabs the drink the bartender sets down before the pair of them. He takes a long pull of his whiskey. “But enough about me. How come you quit acting?”
Castiel shrugs. “It’s a hard life,” he says vaguely, continuing as Dean makes a go on gesture with his free hand. “I was tired of not landing parts and struggling to make my rent each month. I gave it until I turned thirty, and, well, you can guess what happened next.”
Dean snorts into his glass. “At thirty, I wasn’t even done with my residency.” He casts Castiel a surprisingly shrewd look for how much he’s had to drink. “I think you gave up too early. You were doing good stuff.”
Castiel’s biggest sore spot throbs painfully. “Forgive me for tiring of living off PB&Js and inhabiting a technically illegal bedroom according to the housing code of Los Angeles.”
But Dean just huffs a dry laugh. “You haven’t suffered until you try to convince your way too smart younger brother that fluff marshmallow mix and macaroni is exotic and not a move of pure desperation.”
Castiel chokes on his next sip. “That sounds horrendous,” he says, his temper softening.
“Yeah, well, it was food, so,” Dean shrugs, “he ate it eventually. There weren’t that many options while snowed in at the Royale Motel in Scranton.” He tips back the rest of his drink. “We moved around a lot, growing up,” he says, spinning the empty glass between his fingers. “Sometimes the only things I could rely on were the daytime soaps.”
Castiel’s heart breaks. “I would have thought you would have become an actor, in that case.”
Dean laughs. “My old man said actors made shit money, so I picked something else.”
Castiel can’t help rolling his eyes, chuckling lightly under his breath. “Your father was right.”
“Guess so,” Dean says thoughtfully. “D’you miss it?”
Castiel nods. “Every day.”
Dean leans in and lays his hand over Castiel’s. He throws a significant glance at their empty glasses. “Whaddya say we get out of here?” he asks in a suggestive voice.
Castiel blinks. “I – I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
Dean pulls back at once, but not before Castiel catches the hurt on his face.
“You’re drunk,” Castiel says gently. “I wouldn’t want to take advantage.”
Dean grunts but gets to his feet without arguing. “’S fine,” he mutters. “Had to shoot my shot, right?”
“Of course,” Castiel says, not exactly sure what he’s agreeing to, but it’s evidently the right thing to say since Dean just nods and starts to walk away, reaching into his jacket. But, to Castiel’s alarm, he pulls out a set of car keys instead of his phone to call a taxi.
Castiel hurries after him. “Dean!” he calls.
Outside the bar, Dean turns around, a smirk playing across his lips. “Change your mind, big guy?”
“What? No,” Castiel says as Dean tenses. “But you can’t drive,” he says helplessly.
Dean scowls. “I’m not that drunk.”
“I’m pretty sure you are.”
Dean rolls his eyes so hard Castiel is surprised they don’t pop out of his skull. “Out of the two of us, only one has a real medical license.”
Castiel crosses his arms over chest. “If you won’t call a cab, come to my apartment. It’s just down the street.”
Dean step forward, and Castiel lets out a silent sigh of relief. “Your apartment?” he repeats. 
“So you can sober up,” Castiel says resolutely. 
Dean shoves his hands in his pockets. “Lead the way, Dr. Novak.”
* * *
Castiel wakes up with a crick in his neck and a shooting pain in his lower back. He never made it to bed after talking with Dean for hours on his sofa in his living room.
A muttered swear comes from behind him, and Castiel cranes his head around to see Dean, still wearing his clothes from last night, bent over Castiel’s finicky coffee machine.
“You have to flip the switch on the side,” he tells Dean as he gets to his feet.
“Mornin’,” Dean says with a grin. “Thanks for letting me stay over.”
“Thanks for not throwing up on my couch and trying to make me coffee.” Castiel slides around Dean to open the cabinet with his mugs. He pulls out his favorite sky blue cup.
“C’mon, I wasn’t that bad.”
After some rooting around, Castiel finds the novelty Dr. Sexy, MD mug he received in a gift basket on his last day of filming. 
Dean laughs out loud as he takes it from Castiel. “It’s even got his cowboy boots!” he exclaims as he inspects it from every angle. 
Castiel nods, turning so Dean can’t see his smile. “You’re welcome to take it,” he says. “I have far more mugs than I need for one person.”
“Aw man, don’t tell me that,” Dean groans, “or else I’ll actually do it.”
“Take it,” Castiel says firmly as he pours coffee into Dean’s new mug. 
Dean cradles to his chest, breathing in deeply. He inhales half of it in one go, to Castiel’s concern. “Christ, that’s the stuff.” He meets Castiel’s astounded gaze with a little grin. He polishes off his cup in the same time it takes Castiel to add enough sugar and cream to his satisfaction. “Coffee is practically a pro sport for surgeons; you have no idea. But I’ll get out of your hair after this,” Dean says, an apologetic note to his words, “but do you mind if I leave my number before I head out?”
Castiel gapes at him before he realizes Dean doesn’t see his answer as so obvious it goes without saying. “Yes, of course,” he says in a rush, half a beat too late. 
Dean grins. “Awesome. You were always on my celebrity hall pass list.” At Castiel’s furrowed look of confusion, Dean’s smile broadens. “You know, that list of longshots that’ll never happen so you might as well give your girlfriend the OK to sleep with Idris Elba or Hugh Jackman or Chris Hemsworth.”
Castiel watched enough Marvel movies to prepare for his own role to know what all those actors look like. “I’m nothing like those men,” he splutters.
“Well, yeah, everyone has a weird one – my last boyfriend would’ve fucked Scar from the Lion King if given half the chance.”
“A flattering comparison,” Castiel deadpans as Dean chuckles.
Once Dean washes out his mug (he insists on it), grabs his jacket, and inputs his phone number in Castiel’s cell, there’s no reason for him to linger. 
Castiel awkwardly trades goodbyes on his threshold before he shuts the door behind Dean. 
He thinks about calling for the rest of the day. Dean is his first thought on Saturday morning too, but he concludes it’s too soon.
He debates reaching out on Sunday, but 48 hours have passed since their first meeting, so Dean’s probably in surgery. It’s clearly a bad time to make contact. 
By Monday, Castiel talks himself out of it altogether. Dean is a pediatric surgeon at one of the most prestigious hospital systems in the county (Castiel looked him up on the off chance Dean wasn’t being truthful, but his degrees are published on the hospital website for all to see.)
Dean saves lives every day. 
Castiel is a washed up actor who peaked a decade ago. The closest he got to saving a life was convincing Siobhan that getting bangs a week before school picture day would not be in her best interest.
But Castiel won’t let his strange run in with Dean mean nothing. In a fit of productivity one weekend, exactly one month after Dean stayed the night at his apartment, he stops by the local theater and marks down the day of their next auditions.
In January, he tries out for a small play written by a local playwright, and wins a part. Not the lead, but a good, meaty character part. 
He mostly forgets about Dean in between classes and his own rehearsals – until the director hands out their complimentary tickets. None of Castiel’s family live in the area, and his friend, Meg, is out of town that week. 
As Castiel wracks his brains for someone to invite, he can’t help but keep coming back to Dean. 
He chickens out of actually calling Dean and instead sends him a picture of the tickets with the date prominently displayed and a short text, “If you’d like to come.”
Dean texts back four hours later.
Dean Winchester 5:22 Sorry surgery just ended Of course I wouldn’t miss *the* Castiel DeAngelos’s big comeback!
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gentrychild · 10 months
Hi hello Gentry! This is the parentheses apology ramble anon here to delve a little deeper into a thing you pointed out
You mentioned there was probably something else going on that caused the universal collapse, and 100% I agree on that. And am gonna make what is probably a deep cut to an old animated show that likely has nothing to do with it to sorta. Explain thoughts.
So, obviously the footage we get of everything falling apart isn't exactly clear (something that I hope we get to better) but the way things were happening didn't really seem quite like the normal glitching we'd see from dimensions crossing. Though it did remind me of something I'd seen a good while ago. (Probably not intentional and I'm just red stringing it but, digression)
See, there's a decently old show called Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes. It was on DisneyXD, really enjoyed it. And there was one story arc that centered around Kang the Conqueror. It started out in the future with everything all hunky dory and all that but then things started to go wrong. These huge distortions started appearing, consuming everything, people buildings you name it. Someone even gets caught in a distortion and then yanked out and is left unstable because of it. And we learn later that this is a butterfly effect from something that happened in the past.
And now, again, this is just out of left field grasping at strings stuff, but the distortion that took over the universe that Miguel jumped into looked a lot like what was shown in the show. And it's making me wonder if perhaps what happened was a *time* break, entirely unrelated to our guy being there. Which would again, tie into the idea of correlation and causation being conflated. Grief turning into self-loathing, and then projected as misplaced rage. (Which. Grief does funky things to you boy howdy)
Of course everyone who's from a different dimension didn't get affected by it because realistically they're anchored to an entirely different time stream (which is why the spideys were fine).
Anyway these are sort of half finished thoughts and theories, but what I really want to see is if that universe still exists physically and what shape it's in if so. So many questions and plot threads to play with
Sorry I took so long to answer, I didn't have the brain power.
I completely agree with you on the fact that it makes far more sense for a whole dimension collapsing because someone messed with the past, erasing people and a whole civillieation from the timeline, than because Miguel took the place of someone else. Especially as technically speaking, Miles took the place of Spiderman and nothing happened.
It's especially likely as the first movie showed that people brought by the collider don't appear at the same time, with Gwen appearing two weeks before the explosion.
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lovedetlost · 7 months
if you’re comfortable, tell us about your sex dream!
honestly it was more like a movie with a sex scene in it upon reflection??
it was the first avenger era steve, he’d just been hunky doryed, was insecure in his new body and still very much yes sir no sir three bags full sir. i was an agent? assigned to him maybe, but we became way more than that.
we saved the world from a remote control killer whale, which we discovered while being very flirty at the beach?? he’d gone there to burn off steam and do laps but then i helped him burn off steam in a very different way and because he was all hunky he could keep us afloat in the ocean and let me ride him to kingdom come.
but then he failed to stop the greater plot, the person controlling the remote control killer whale, so steve felt super bad and gave himself as a sacrifice and joined the losing side out of guilt of failing his country??? and i joined him because wherever you go i go obvs.
but then he realised that he still had the faith of the people, even the local shopkeeper whose son had died as a result of steve’s mistake? and we had some great sex on that desolated shopkeepers counter (steve’s failure had made life very dystopian, and all that was left in the shopkeepers store was the noodles the shopkeeper would give steve when he was a young boy, and captain america posters).
anyways steve wanted to go and immediately save the world but i got all whiny and begging so he fucked me every way till sunday first. like full dom who owns you call me captain or daddy nothing else but also when i called him steven grant rogers he came inside me hehehehehe.
that’s kinda when i woke up.
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My Top 10 Favorite Cartoons!
Number 10 Octonauts
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What attracted me to this show when I was ten was the lessons on animals since most shows for little kids are about shapes, numbers, letter, and other boring stuff. But not the Octonauts! They talk about two of my favorite things: science and animals. And sea creatures no less. When was the last time you’ve seen a show meant for young children that educated them on the ocean and everything in it? Maybe that one show on PBS with the Cat in the Hat? But I like Octonauts better. Just look at those designs. Absolutely adorable!
It’s simple, it’s cute, and it’s surprisingly interesting sometimes.
I used to be super embarrassed for watching a show meant for toddlers since I’m in my twenties, but then I found out that their are grown adults that enjoy wholesome shows too, like Paw Patrol and PJ Masks! It was a nice relief to know that I wasn’t the only one.
Number 9 Wander over Yonder
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This has got to be the sweetest show to every be put on Television. Most main characters have to be strong and cool and have an internal struggle to be impressing, but Wander doesn’t. He’s the cinnamon roll of all cinnamon rolls!
All he does is travel the universe with his bestie Sylvia (in a bubble!) and goes sightseeing. And if he happens to help people along the way, even better!
What gets me about this show is that Wonder’s optimistic and naivety doesn’t always lead to everything being hunky dory. Sometimes being nice gets him in trouble or makes even the simplest tasks harder than necessary. Heck, if Sylvia wasn’t there to have his back, his kindness would be a lot easier to take advantage of.
And I love that because it’s true that sometime being nice doesn’t feel as accomplishing as is should and can even backfire on us. But even though Wander’s experienced betrayal and hardships in his life, he still has enough hope in his heart to keep helping people.
Number 8 LEGO Ninjago
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I remember when this show came out all those years ago. Back when TV’s were these big, chunky machines and you had to prop them up on tables instead of mounting them on walls.
This show is full of so much creativity and lore. From the elemental powers, to Ninjago City’s history, to the characters, and even the ideas that were dropped, it’s no wonder why the show’s still going. It’s great watching Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane make friends, battle enemies, learn life lessons, discover secrets about themselves, and go on the craziest adventures.
I ended up being too busy because of middle school after season 3 ended and missed out of the rest of it up until Sea Bound was announced. Thanks to the birthday specials LEGO did for Ninjago’s anniversary, I learned that the show was still running and on Netflix. So me and my sister binge watched the series from the start and we fell right back in love with it.
Number 7 Transformers Animated
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Out of all the Transformers series, this one is my personal favorite. Yes the other shows are pretty good too, but this one is different from all the other shows, comics, games, and movies. And I like different!
Optimus Prime has been depicted as a lot of things. A war hero that keeps his men’s spirits up with good humor and cheesy quips (G1). A powerful warrior who has become jaded after a millennia of war (Bay). A stoic leader and friend who won’t give up hope for a better future (Prime). But TFA Optimus isn’t any of that. If anything, he’s a little bit of everything but still his own thing.
And Optimus’s not the only one who’s different. Prowl is a nature loving ninja, Ratchet is a grouchy war veteran who cares about his team, Bulkhead is full of knowledge and creativity, and Bumblebee is the kid of the group with a lot to learn. The Decepticons are just as entertaining too with their own unique abilities and personalities.
All in all, there isn’t any other version of Transformers like this one and I wish more long time franchises would try something new from time to time.
Number 6 LEGO Monkie Kid
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Based on one of the four classic Chinese literatures, Monkie Kid is a wonderful adaptation of a four hundred year old book that’s had a crap ton of movies, shows, and even an upcoming video game inspired by it.
I’m very picky about shows and movies based on history, mythology, or folklore. I like it when it’s accurate, but understand when things have to be changed around. It’s why I’m not the biggest Disney’s Hercules fan since they got the mythology completely and utterly wrong.
But Monkie Kid is freaking amazing. The amination is so colorful and lively and exhilarating! MK, the Monkey King, and all of their friends are so much fun to watch and I love all of them. The story is wild and mystical, which is fitting since Chinese folklore makes little to no sense but is still entertaining as heck. Don’t believe me? Read the original Journey to the West novels and just try to make logical sense out of it. Like why the dragon stays a horse for 95% of the book when he can be a huge fire breathing dragon!
I used to bug my little sister to watch this show with me all the time. And her being the little sh*t that she is always said “no” just because she has this weird habit of turning me down. But I was finally able to tie her down and force her to watch the first season! And guess what? She liked it! All this talk about NoT bEiNg InTeReStEd and now she’s getting ready to go cosplay as MK for a convention!
Number 5 Gargoyles
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This has got to be Disney’s coolest show of all time. Disney usually sticks with cutey family friendly stuff like Duck Tales and Goof Troop, but they decided to take a risk and try to gain an older audience with Gargoyles. And they succeeded!
The show’s based on some of Shakespeare's books and has a good mix of fantasy and sci-fi. Especially when it takes places in 90′s New York. It also teaches a lot of mature life lessons like the importance of taking responsibility for your actions, the dangers of being stubborn and in denial, prejudice, gun safety, death, and so much more.
The characters are all lovable tropes of the 90′s, including the smart one (Lexington), the big eater (Broadway), the guy who wants to look cool but is actually a dork (Brooklyn), the dog (Bronx), the wise mentor (Hutson), the badass leader (goliath), and the girl of the group (Elisa). But their personalities and arcs are expanded on after the first few episodes. And the people they met also get a chance to shine in their own way and I appreciate that.
I’d recommend this to anyone who’s into Shakespeare or anyone who needs something to push their interest towards those kinds of stories.
Number 4 Arcane
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I’m not a gamer, so I have little to no information on League of Legends. I don’t know the characters, the landscapes, the items, the history, or the lore of this world. But you don’t need to be a LoL fan to watch Arcane.
The animation? Gorgeous. The music? Amazing. The action? Thrilling! The characters? Complex. The voice acting? Impressive. And the story in general? Captivating.
I like how this show demonstrates how everyone’s actions have consequences and that there’s more to people than meets the eyes. Humans (and whatever other creatures exist in this world) are complex being and the choices we make don’t just affect our own life, but the lives of others too. Seeing the domino effect of everyone’s actions is as entertaining as it is nerve wracking since no one knows what the end results will be until it’s too late.
Another thing I love about this show is that it’s a Netflix original so it’s translated in Spanish. I was able to watch Arcane with my parents and they loved it. It was so much fun watching their reactions to the action, the conflict, and the sisters’ relationship because the two of them are very vocal and expressive. When the season one finale ended with that jaw dropper of a cliffhanger, they were both waiting for me to put on the next episode. They were devastated when I told them that that was it and had to wait for season two.
Number 3 Final Space
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Like most animated series nowadays, Final Space is a mix of goofy, angsty, and lore heavy. But then, as the series progresses, the angst is doubled, if not tripled, and the side characters are given a chance to be fleshed out.
Everyone in the show has a story to tell. Gary, Mooncake, Avocato, Little Cato, Quinn, HUE, and everyone else have a past that ends with them being brought together to help each other reach their goals. Each with their own strength, weaknesses, and arcs to go through that make us love or hate them.
The first season is easily a fun space adventure with a few mysterious for us to look forward to and heart felt moments that have us sobbing. Then season two ups the stakes with the universe needing saving and more trauma for the characters to endure. And then there’s season three, which hits us in the feels in every episode and leaves us with an ending like no other.
If you're going to watch this show, then I’d advise you to prepare yourself emotionally.
Number 2 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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If you haven’t guessed one of my guilty pleasures from my favorite Transformers shows, I like it when the usual formula is shaken up a bit.
The TMNT franchise has had dozens of shows, movies, comics, and video games dedicated to these guys. All of them about four mutant turtles in their teens being raised as ninjas by their rat father and using their skills to fight all kinds of evil lurking in New York City.
But Rise turns the sci-fi into fantasy and use that to give us something brand new. Not just rebooted, but reimagined! Each turtle is a different species, they have their own unique powers, they have different personalities from their previous incarnations, and the adventures they go on feel a lot more fun and sometimes grander than before.
And it’s not just the TMNT part that I love. The animation is jaw dropping. The voice acting is very fitting. The humor leaves me laughing every time. The action scenes are so fast and creative. The characters are likable and memorable. And the brotherly relationship of Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey are put front and center for us to gush over.
I know some people have a thing about changes, but if you give this show a chance, I swear you’ll love it.
Number 1 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart
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I have never related to a fictional character before, much less three, yet here they are in the form of a grumpy cat with big dreams, a cybernetic badger with a big imagination, and a chaotic bat with a big heart.
And if you’ve watched even one episode of the show and know what I mean when I say that I relate to them, then yes, you should be very concern for my mental health.
This show is truly a treasure. It has everything I love in a cartoon and more. It has fluff, angst, mystery, comedy, friendship, bromance, humor, hurt/comfort, sci-fi, fantasy, anthro animals, and the classic found family trope all rolled into one! What else is there to say other than this show is nothing less than amazing. The characters are charming, the world is interesting, the adventures are entertaining, the visual humor is hilarious, and the main trio have their own tragic backstories that make them easy to sympathize with.
Funny story: me and my little sister were watching it together and she started laughing her butt off when Badgerclops was complaining to Mao Mao and Adorabat about having too many chores. I was glad she was enjoying herself until it got to the part where Badgerclops was says something along the lines of “It’s always Badgerclops, fix the arocycle. Badgerclops, go get groceries. It’s overwhelming dude!” Then my b*tch of a sister turns to me with a sh*t eating grin and goes “Rose, do the dishes. Rose, clean the bathroom,” and laughed in my face!
It’s not my fault I live with a bunch of gluttons who can’t put their dirty dishes in the kitchen or wipe the bathroom sink after they splash water everywhere!
Wait a minute, why do a lot of of my favorite shows end in tragedy?! And I don’t mean the final episode or whatever, I mean the program as a whole! Final Space was canceled after giving us a depressing season three finale, Gargoyles had a terrible season three because Disney switched their writers with people who knew nothing about the show and had to wing it, Transformers Animated was cancelled when a season four was planned, ROTTMNT was “put on hold” for years until the movie came out with hopes of bringing it back, Wander over Yonder was going to have a season three with an ever bigger baddy but was shot down, and Mao Mao was promised a season two until a certain company that will burn in hell took that away from us!
Hopefully Ninjago, Arcane, Octonauts, and Monkie Kid aren’t hit with the same bad luck.
Just how many more amazing shows were screwed over and why are they always the ones I love?!
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mrsaito58 · 3 days
Seth, speaking about Chester Brown in an interview:
Chester is a very sure person— he’s sure he’s right, and we’re all wrong, and we just will not admit we’re wrong. My opinion is that Chester really does believe that if we would all just stop overreacting and listen carefully to him that we would all be convinced that there is no such thing as romantic love and that society is built on a fallacy of some sort, and that everything is an exchange of goods—a Libertarian kind of idea, I suppose—and that, you know, we need to restructure how we get along with each other and then everything would be hunky dory. Except that it’s completely unworkable, and that no human being—society is never going to head where he’s going, but he’s the one lone man in the universe who knows all the answers, and I always think that that’s a pretty good sign that you’re wrong. [emphasis added]
What is it about so many of us that, we can't just believe what we believe, we have to make everyone else wrong? If Chester feels there's no such thing as love, that may well be true for him and his life as he experiences it. But he doesn't get to decide that for everyone else.
Or all those people who hate a book, or a song or a movie, and so no one else is allowed to like it? Too many of us have not learned that a lot of truths in life -- not all, but a lot -- are individual truths rather than universal. We are not all the same.
(Or so it seems to me, anyway.)
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best-bowie-bracket · 8 months
Welcome! Here’s how it’s gonna work:
First, we’ll go through each David Bowie studio album from his 1967 debut all the way up to Blackstar (including the Tin Machine albums) and determine which is the best song on each album. Then, we’ll take each of those songs and pit them against each other until we find the ultimate Number One Song. Then we’ll also find the ultimate Number One Song from all his songs on movie soundtracks and otherwise non-album songs and pit all of those against each other until we find the REAL ultimate Number One Song. It’ll be a lot of fun. It’ll also take forever.
Polls start on Friday, September 22nd, and will each last for a week!
All past, present, and future brackets will be shown under the cut!
David Bowie (1967)
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Winner: When I Live My Dream
David Bowie (1969) (aka Space Oddity)
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Winner: Space Oddity
The Man Who Sold The World
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Winner: The Man Who Sold The World
Hunky Dory
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Winner: Life On Mars
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
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Winner: Starman
Aladdin Sane
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Winner: Time
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Winner: Sorrow
Present: Diamond Dogs
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Up Next: Young Americans
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tangledbea · 1 year
Eugene and Cassandra’s relationship disappoints me with how it turns out in the long run. I really liked their dynamic by the end of season 2. Felt cathartic to see their rivalry transform into what inevitably would become a strong friendship. Kinda like Will Ferral and Mark Walberg in the Daddy’s Home movies. Poor comparison. but Cass’ betrayal consequently prevents any further development in their relationship. is dumb and suck. Thoughts?
Thought 1: I have never seen the Daddy's Home movies (nor do I have any desire to), so I'll have to take your word for it.
Thought 2: The moment I was on board with Cassandra and Eugene's friendship was in "The Quest For Varian," when he called her cold blooded, and she literally chuckled about it and said she'd walked right into it. That was the moment I knew they were genuinely friends, and that their dynamic was entirely sibling-like. And then, in that same episode, he literally came to her defense when the (at the time, unknown) Black Guard attacked her. By the end of Season 1, he had a very, "No one gets to insult her but me," kind of attitude, which is a pretty common trope for sibling dynamics.
Unfortunately, their relationship didn't get much further development in S2, because that was when the plot began to shift to being about Cassandra's relationship with Rapunzel, at the exclusion of anyone else. Other than the two times she spoke up about Eugene's love for Rapunzel, and the one time she called Lance her friend (which he was surprised to hear), we don't really get her insight into whether or not she actually likes any of the other characters on the trip. She complains about them a lot, and we knows she doesn't trust Adira, but forward, positive progress with the others basically doesn't happen. And the only relationship growth we get between them from Eugene's point of view in S2 was when he told Rapunzel he thinks of her as a sister. But that was the first time he'd said it, and in the same breath, he was doubting her loyalty because of Demanitus' fortune.
I genuinely feel like it was out of character for Eugene to forgive Cassandra, just because Rapunzel did. Not only did he have a hard life where he never knew who he could trust, but he is extremely protective of those he cares about, and Rapunzel makes the top of that list, circled, with stars around her name and arrows pointing to it. And Cassandra not only attempted to kill her multiple times, she also outright attacked literally everyone else he cares about, including himself, and made his own dad attack him as well. I don't think he'd forgive her so easily, if at all, ever.
Also, even though you didn't bring it up, I want to point out that when he says, "You were like a sister to--" and she cuts him off, I know for the longest time we thought he was saying, "You were like a sister to me," but he actually says, "You were like a sister to her." So even in S3, he'd dropped any pretense of their relationship being hunky-dory until the very end when he's just fine with everything that went down because Rapunzel is.
(And for the record, I feel it was out of character for Rapunzel to forgive her so easily, too. #NotMyRapunzel)
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alpacahat67 · 8 months
The Evolution of Major Tom - An Essay
In the 1960's, the world was fascinated with space travel. The Space Race was in full swing and in 1968 2001: A Space Odyssey was released. English singer-songwriter David Bowie happened to go see this film a few times, albeit while very stoned according to him, as the film fascinated him. During this time, Bowie had been trying to kick off his music career for a while. Previously he had jumped between band to band and even began using the now famous moniker of David Bowie in 1966 when he found out that the lead singer of the Monkees already went by Davy Jones. But he was failing in both his solo and group music careers. Thus, he began to feel alienated.
And both of these factors resulted in Bowie turning to songwriting.
Six months after seeing 2001: A Space Odyssey, Bowie wrote "Space Oddity". Inspired by the movie and Bowie's own sense of alienation, "Space Oddity" tells the story of Major Tom, an astronaut who is sent to outer space and tragically loses contact with Ground Control, becoming lost in the cosmos. "Space Oddity" was released quickly on July 11th, 1969 in order to capitalize off of the Apollo 11 space landing (although it was banned in the US due to the "bleak" nature of the lyrics), and it worked! For a brief time, Bowie had a hit single. "Space Oddity" had a significant role in kickstarting his career as a musician, although the fame didn't last. Well, not until another space-exploring character came into the picture at least.
After Space Oddity, Bowie released his second album of the name "David Bowie", although quickly renamed to "Space Oddity (David Bowie)" in order to reduce confusion among British audiences as his debut album by the name of, again, "David Bowie" was only released in Britain. After this, Major Tom became history as the first character of David Bowie and "Space Oddity" as Bowie's first push into fame.
As he did, Bowie played around with different music genres and released two more albums, "The Man Who Sold the World" and "Hunky Dory", before finally striking gold with "The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars" in 1972. Inspired by the words of his then-wife Angie Bowie to embrace his weirdness, Bowie cut his long blonde hair into a red mullet and donned the appearance of an asexual gender-bending rockstar alien messiah named Ziggy Stardust. He quickly grew famous for his quirky music style and unique fashion sense. Bowiemania, or Ziggymania, is often used to describe the dedication of his fans at the time, some of which reportedly ripped seats from their fixtures when Bowie and his backing band The Spiders From Mars announced that Ziggy Stardust would be killed and that they would potentially never tour again.
Throughout the 70's and Bowie's increasing fame throughout touring, whether touring as Ziggy or the Soul Man, Bowie began experimenting with drugs, primarily cocaine, which soon turned into an addiction. This became public knowledge in 1975 when the documentary Cracked Actor released, showing his mental state and struggle with cocaine addiction during this period. His substance abuse only worsened into the late 70's with the releases of his albums "Young Americans" and "Station to Station." Although the use of cocaine was once considered normal during this time amongst musicians, his use of cocaine seriously impacted his health and costed him a lot of public criticism. His "Thin White Duke" era that co-occurred with "Station to Station" is considered the height of his substance abuse, during this time he experienced serious delusions as a result of his drug use and said many problematic things that he denounced later in life.
In 1977, Bowie and fellow musician Iggy Pop moved to Berlin in order to kick their respective drug addictions. Bowie successfully kicked coke, although cocaine was replaced with alcohol and he'd been a smoker seemingly most of his career if not life. During this time he made three albums known as "the Berlin Trilogy", "Low, "Heroes", and "Lodger."
Into the 1980's, Bowie was mostly clean from drugs, it would be a few years before he fully embraced sobriety. He released "Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)" in 1980, and this is where we circle back to Major Tom. In the song "Ashes to Ashes" from the aforementioned album, Major Tom is rewritten as a "junkie" "strung out in Heaven's high." This song in general seems to be Bowie looking back at his dependency on cocaine and providing a cautionary tale against the use of drugs, considering the nursery rhyme-like sound of the song. Major Tom is sort of used for Bowie to share his own story here, and the addition to Major Tom's story can be interpreted generally in two ways: that Major Tom has since grown addicted to drugs and increasingly lonely while lost in space, or that Major Tom's space journey might have been a delusion as a result of drug usage if you read between the lines enough. The lyrics of "Ashes to Ashes" directly contrast the lyrics of "Space Oddity." "Space Oddity" frames Major Tom as a heroic figure, that his being lost in space in peaceful in a way. "Ashes to Ashes" frames Major Tom as an addict, lost and alone both mentally and physically, and the solitude is suffocating ("the shrieking of nothing is killing").
It would take another decade, 15 years in fact, for Major Tom to make a return in the sixth track of "Outside", "Hallo Spaceboy." Major Tom is never directly mentioned in the song itself. However, the remix with the Pet Shop Boys takes lyrics directly from "Space Oddity", although jumbled. The lyrics for the tracks on "Outside" were words that Bowie ran through a computer program and Bowie did what he wanted with the product, but "Hallo Spaceboy" does seem to piece together somewhat of a continuation to the story of Major Tom. The distorted nature of the lyrics provides a sense of confusion or some sort of anger, like Major Tom is growing tired of being lost in outer space. The line "this chaos is killing me" seems to drive in that point and feels like it furthers the sentiment of "Ashes to Ashes", that Major Tom is exhausted of being isolated. Lyrics from both the original and remix further this, like "your silhouette is so stationary" are reminiscent of Major Tom as well. It's truly amazing how lyrics mostly composed by a computer and rearranged as Bowie deemed fit can continue this story.
Major Tom appeared briefly in some music videos throughout the rest of Bowie's career up until his death in 2016 two days after the release of his final album Blackstar. In a way, Major Tom died with David Bowie. Again, Major Tom is never directly mentioned in this album, only ever vaguely referenced. But in the music video, an alien woman placed a jewel-encrusted skull into the helmet of an astronaut suit, confirming the death of Major Tom.
From the beginning to the end of David Bowie's career, Major Tom has followed and been repeatedly reinvented just as Bowie reinvented himself. Thus, it seems only fitting to show his ultimate death after decades of floating aimlessly in his tin can. It's an apt way for Bowie to "sign off" in a way, killing the character that influenced and kickstarted so much of David Bowie's music career.
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movie--posters · 2 years
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callsign-blue · 11 months
Spoilers ahead (?)
-fun fact I haven’t even seen the movie yet, but this is what I can take away from a lot of clips and everything
-towards the end, it became a little ranty so bear with me
I’m gonna play a little bit of a devils advocate, because Miguel truly had a little bit of a beef with miles, but that is solely because spot made Miles who he was and Miles made spot who he was.
Miguel just wanted other universes not to collapse like his alternate universe did when he disrupts some thing. Like he saw his daughter in his arms, pixelate/disintegrate in his hands, because he disrupted a Canon event. He didn’t want any other Spider-Man/Women’s to go through the same thing he did, or do what he did, so yes, he wasn’t all hunky-dory all the time he had to be serious, because those are serious things that could happen.
Mile even though he did think something positive could happen if he did  disrupt the canon, he truly is a teenager so he has that “what if” mindset that a lot of adults do have but they think of more realistic outcomes. And this instant Miles and Peter, from Earth 199999, are a lot alike. Peter from that earth did think he could help them, but he realistically realize that the outcome isn’t what he would want so he’s living with it but Miles wants everything to be hunky-dory. He’s not thinking like there’s going to be consequences.
I understand Miles wants to be that helpful neighborhood Spider-Man and try to save everyone and go above and beyond. I get it he wants to the odds, and I get both perspectives. Sometimes you gotta let the chips fall where they may.
I get it he (Miles) wants to see his dad alive and Peter wants to see his Aunt May too but in doing so you have to lose one thing to get another thing.
I don’t like to say he was betrayed, but it was more blindsided to the fact that the two people who are supposed to be in his corner good night tell him the full truth. It’s sucks, but having them try and save your world while saying there can only be one possible outcome and that is to losing your dad. It has to hurt and you would feel betrayed.
Scales cannot be tipped in favor. Something has to balance it out. Peter, he was able to send the other two peters back into their universe is with their own enemies who are now cured. But while I’m doing so, everybody on his earth, forgot who he was.
I love Miles he’s such a great character but my problem with that is if someone continually is told that if they do some thing it will throw literally the universe out of balance and can destroy your world. Why would you actively try and go against everything on a “ what if”. Because Miguel did that, and that universe that he “what ifed” literally collapse, and he lost all sort of happiness that he had. So also if other Spider-Man/Woman/Person can also back up Miguel’s and other claims, why would you consciously go against that?
It’s kind of like a kid saying, “but why” sometimes there’s nothing else to say it’s just the way it is. No if, thens, or buts. 
I also understand that not being heard, or be given the options hurts too. Like Miles must be feeling so many different feelings about being blindsided by his friends but also about the fact that he can’t see his dad or isn’t given the option to do that because again, we don’t know if that would actually disrupt the canon.
When Gwen said “we are supposed to be the good guys” you can just tell it just shakes all of them to the core.
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razzle-zazzle · 2 months
Have chef eat creek in front of gristle (and branch) so he can see what "true" happiness looks like or have creek try and bargain with chef for her to let him go and in return he'll "help" the others stay positive so they don't turn gray and inedible
Ignoring that first part, what I currently have for the movie is thus:
Things happen as in canon, but with no bunker, Peppy leads the Trolls away from their former village after Chef's attack. Poppy leaves for Bergentown regardless, and some Trolls leave a trail of sorts so she can find everyone once she's saved her friends (it's unspoken but pretty much every Troll is certain that Poppy will obviously manage to save her friends! She's Poppy!!!).
Poppy makes it to Bergentown, meets Cloud Guy before entering the tunnels, and it's all hunky dory as she makes her way to the castle. In said castle, Chef has arrived and is already working her manipulation muscles. And surely, with Trolls in her deck, she's got this game in the bag!
Except. Well. Branch. I still need to work out all the little intervening details, but Branch is pretty obviously going to be an opposing force to the lady that ate his grandmother. So Gristle finds himself with two different people trying to catch his ear and direct his path, and has to figure out who to listen to.
Poppy makes it into the castle, but her timing is slightly off; her Hug Timer goes off before she gets anywhere near the cage Chef is keeping the Snack Pack in, so that cage ends up being taken by Bridget without Poppy ever seeing. As a result, she takes to exploring the castle in greater depth, running into Branch in the process.
While Branch and Poppy are having their little philosophical argument, Bridget is interacting with the Trolls she's suddenly found herself in charge of. It's hard not to, when they look so much like the Prince, and one thing leads to another as she semi-intentionally recruits the Snack Pack to help her out, which ends with Lady Glittersparkles. There's no Poppy here, so whether Bridget intentionally sets out looking for a date with the King or whether she's helping the Trolls with something else and happens upon King Gristle is undecided. I'm leaning towards the latter, though.
So Poppy's poking around the castle while Bridget and Gristle are going on their first date. I still need to figure out a lot of the intervening details, but the current plan is that she and Branch reconvene with the Snack Pack at just the right time and place for Chef to spring her trap. She singles Branch out and "disposes" of him, though indirectly—throwing him down a garbage chute or similar after trapping him in a jar or the like.
The lack of the bunker works in Chef's favor, it turns out, because she's able to find the trail that the Trolls left for Poppy. She and her sous chefs return to Bergentown with full fannypacks, and Poppy blames herself for everything. If only she hadn't thrown such a loud party, if only she had been faster in getting to Bergentown, if only she had found her friends sooner, if only her people didn't leave a trail for her sake (not her fault but she blames herself for it anyway), if if if. She goes gray, and the rest of the Trolls in the pot follow.
Meanwhile, Branch manages to narrowly escape the mortal peril Chef cast him to, through a bit of help from Bridget, who happened to be in the right place at the right time. Or he escapes on his own and crosses paths with Bridget after?? I'm leaning towards the former, though. But, because of Branch and Bridget crossing paths, Bridget doesn't make it in time to be the scullery maid entrusted with bringing the pot into the banquet hall; Chef assigns one of her sous chefs to do it instead. Or another scullery maid.
So Chef undoes the latches on the pot, ready to seize her victory and truly reestablish her political power in Bergentown...
Except all the Trolls within are gray. Inedible. The people are ready to riot, Chef is trying to find some way to salvage the situation, and King Gristle assumes responsibility as King. Chef moves to capitalize on this, to shift the blame off of herself—
Enter Bridget, Branch in hand. Branch goes off on Chef for the attempted regicide, and adds in the fact that she's untrustworthy by pointing out that she used to often flaunt the rules concerning when Trolls could be eaten—his grandmother wasn't eaten on Trollstice, after all. Chef retorts by bringing attention to the fact that Branch is a Troll, trying to discredit him herself.
I still need to work out how, exactly, Poppy gets involved in the scene, but the goal is as such: Branch sings for the first time since Rosiepuff's death, and a three-way harmony of sorts between him, Gristle, and Poppy ensues. Current top contender for the song in question is "Soap" by The Oh Hellos. Color returns to the Trolls, to Branch, and then the Snack Pack reveals that Bridget was Lady Glittersparkles and the rest of the finale plays out pretty much how it did in canon.
Well, there is one difference. Poppy's speech about happiness is more focused on pointing out the pride and fulfillment that Bergens can find in the things that they love, and though it boils down to a similar "you don't need to eat a Troll to be happy" it's just a tiny bit more nuanced than how the movie presented it; happiness comes in many forms and the happiness that comes from eating a Troll may be intense, but it's empty nonetheless.
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toxicanonymity · 11 months
Maybe since everything is hunky dory in the brothel again (and referencing the video w Mickey Avalon song you reblogged the other day) NW can try to be more friendly with Lincoln and teach him how to Jane Fonda 😛
I agree btw NW is sooo Mickey Avalon music coded it's all I've been listening to today lol
ref: javi edit w/ song by @dark-scape
night walks
Yes!! Mickey is a legend and a menace - like, the man has an enormous pelvis tattoo that says THANK YOU. I wanna make a night walks playlist I can share, but it would be time consuming to comb through lyrics for triggers and stuff with such depraved, irreverent artists 😳 #toxicproblems.
MORE brothel lore... (FAQ)
There's a brothel montage in my head of NW lifting weights, set to Fuck Me I'm Famous by Dirt Nasty & Andre Legacy. High on cocaine, you know my name, grab my gold chain, (fuck me I'm famous).
NW is notorious and kind of a celeb among most of the guys even though they live together. He's so chill and nice, and it only enhances his BDE.
Slasher is rifling through his closet which is mostly blue jumpsuits, like "idk what to wear."
Speakeasy shrugs, "they didn't tell ya? where ya goin'?"
"Just night walks side of the basement." He starts changing into PJs. In disbelief, "He invited me, man."
Speakeasy has second hand embarrassment and ribs him for being starstruck but he totally gets it.
Night walks gets asked in an interview what it's like when they fangirl over him. He just says, "shit, I'll fuck their fans AND their girls." The guys aren't even mad. Most of them eat it up bc it's NW being NW.
Provocative but not explicit pic below the cut (mickey's tat)
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In their music You could likely encounter (among other stuff) language obviously, drugs, addiction, sex work, explicit sexual content, references to bad things having happened like abuse or overdose, seediness, body commentary, derogatory or just depraved remarks (often about themselves but also others). Dirt Nasty (simon rex) is another one, you might know him from scary movie 3 or his song 1980 (fun fact, he also used to do solo male porn 🥵).
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maybeillkeepit · 4 months
when people say "oh i'm so weird i'm a loser idk who i am of what i'm doing with my life" all it hear is you should be listening to Quicksand by David Bowie. and the entirety of Hunky Dory. and the man's entire life work honestly. even the movies yeah. but for sure listen to Quicksand and then maybe you'll feel better
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