#mostly made this because Idk how to edit videos lol
violentlyexplosive · 2 years
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Steve Harrington + Mitski
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
IDK how to tell you guys, but from what I'm seeing here, none of you know how to use TikTok.
I keep seeing people complain that all you see on that app is content made by antis or stolen or whatever, but I've been using TikTok for fandom content for a couple of months, and I've been having a great time.
Sure, we're mostly talking about fan edits, but they're fun and good quality, and the kids behind them are extremely creative and inventive (and skilled. Like, amazingly skilled. Remember those Evanescence vids we were all drooling over, back in the good ole days of early YouTube, thinking they were the coolest shit on Earth? Yeah, these kids eat those videos up for breakfast and don't leave a single crumb).
Yes, it's not a perfect place to be, the algorithm sometimes fucks up and you end up seeing content you're not interested in, but... it's kinda like Ao3's rule: if don't like it, don't interact with it; if like it, and interact with it (leave a like or a comment, save the video, etc, and the app will automatically suggest you more of that kind of stuff).
I've been going down a Twilight rabbit hole, for the past few days (it's autumn, it's Twilight season, don't @ me. You know you're booing me because I'm right), and at this point my homepage is nothing but people discussing the contents of the books, thirst traps for Bella's dad, and people making memes. It's fun.
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doodle-girl · 2 months
The Monsters of Eastridge: DOAI Playlist
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Description: At this point, might as well make a playlist for everything. Welcome to my own personal demon-filled hell, this is mostly based on lyrics, vibes, or both 🎃 (Edit: Due to recent fixations, this now also includes some sitcom au stuff.)
(Yeah this is made mostly for @spookmuth but also just anyone else who’s interested in my music taste/how my thoughts work. Will update the post whenever the playlist updates, have fun! Also footnotes will be in brackets because I like footnotes)
Edit: Now on spotify! Courtesy of @witheredallium <3
“Happy Face” by Jagwar Twin [I have had an animatic for this jangling around my brain for actual several months oh my god]
“Turn the Lights Off” by Tally Hall
“A1 - It’s just a burning memory” by The Caretaker [Yeah idk how well this actually fits since it’s based on a song from like. The 30s. But I think it’s obligatory for any analog horror ever lol]
"I Can't Decide" by The Scissor Sisters [This one I got inspo from havoc-bloom's playlist/clip of Pastra finding it. A few of these are, actually, lol] [Edit: I have now realized just how well this fits Clyde in the sitcom au and I am once again plagued by art ideas 👀]
"I'M Sane" by Axie [Me when I torture the innocent with horrid monsters and become one myself. but I'm a little silly about it teehee~ 😜]
"The Circus" by Toby Fox [This popped up on shuffle when I was drawing Clyde once and my brain refused to let go of the vibes™ ever since]
"Animal Cannibal (Possibly in Michigan)" by Buckshot Princess [I would've put the one by Karen Skladany but it's not on apple music 😔 sad. This cover's really nice tho]
"The Dismemberment Song" by Blue Kid [Same reasoning as "I'M Sane," nyehehe. Also this song really feels like it's ripped out of a musical number. If you told me it was I'd believe you.]
"The Mind Electric" by Miracle Musical
"Horror Show" by K-Modo [You ever just. Think about why Lankmann does the things he did? Like what's his game here?]
"Dance of Corpse (feat. Hatsune Miku)" by Kikuo [this might also spiral into an animatic lol. Anyway do me a solid and go look up the music video, turn on the official english subtitles and come back to me.]
"The Nowhere King" by The Centaurworld Cast
"Nothing Changes" by Jewelle Blackman, Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer, and Kay Trinidad [this musical makes me feel. so many things. And I just think the vibes/lyrics of "why try when you'll only end in misery" might fall into the category of vibes here idk idk]
"Murders" by Miracle Musical
"Kitchen Fork" by Jack Conte [I don't remember exactly why I put this here rn but I just know this is an Alex song. It's so beautifully haunting and passionate stg] [Edit: yeah definitely an Alex song]
"Meet Me in the Woods" by Lord Huron ['kay I know the vibes are probably off but look at the lyrics and tell me it shouldn't go here]
"A Crow's Trial" by Vane Lily
"You're F****d" by Ylvis [Yeah I put this one here as a joke song. Every single character in here is SO doomed by the narrative, I'm sorry Alex but it's true. teehee~]
"UNCANNY / ft. KAFU" by kian [I actually couldn't find this one on apple music but galactinqq was right about this being an Alex song and I'm putting it on the post]
"Raising the Dead!" by Jessica Law [Styx, you madlad, this is SUCH a Lankmann song oh my god]
“Hymn for a Scarecrow” by Tally Hall [“Simon isn’t even in the series yet, though” My guy it’s called Hymn for a Scarecrow and it’s Tally Hall what else do you want me to do. I love Simon so much I miss him already <3]
"Destroid 8 Annihilate" by Excision and Far Too Loud -- Destroid - The Invasion ["But Doodle, wha-" do not question my playlist decisions. Sometimes I listen to one of my other 30 (yes it's that many) silly little playlists and the vibes just come to me. I am right about everything and my brain is huge /lh]
“Break My Mind” by DAGames
“In the Mood” by Glenn Miller [this one was in Vol 1! So I found it and I’m putting it here <3]
“Pictures” by Kyle Allen Music [I mean technically the series is videos but whatever. This song fits sue me]
“Ruler of Everything” by Tally Hall [I saw the words “mechanical hands” on a DOAI fanart once and it jumpstarted an idea that refuses to leave me. Turns out it fits VERY well holy crap]
"I'll Be There for You (Theme from Friends)" by The Rembrandts [shoutout to froggydrawz's own sitcom AU playlist for more material for me eheheheh ✌️ I'll be putting a few of those here]
"I'm Still Standing" by Taron Egerton [sitcom exclusive because canon Alex is fucking dead /lh]
"Digital Silence" by Peter McPoland
"How Far We've Come" by Matchbox Twenty [another sitcom one nyehehehe. This AU has me by a chokehold unlike any other AU I've been into istg]
"Who is She (Reprise)" by Kimiko Glenn [I apologize for those who came here for a normie-ass DOAI playlist, I promise it started out that way but y'know that's fixations for ya. Anyways I added this one on a whim because it gave off veldigun!Alex AU vibes. Might fit with other stuff idk do with that what you will ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]
"Soft Bitch" by Rio Romeo [pretty sure it was spookmuth that made a sitcom AU art inspired by this song and I love it]
"Runaway" by AURORA [secret-spirit if you see this at all just know this was your doing (/pos). This is like, my favorite AURORA song and seeing you do an Alex art in the whiteboard to this song sparked a primal "holy shit" moment in me]
"Lose Control" by Teddy Swims [I was doodling in the DOAI whiteboard when my mamá started playing this in the other room and my brain immediately went "oh my god what if Clyde and Winfrey"]
"Soft Apocalypse" by Charming Disaster [Once again, everybody give it up for Styx's music taste, this is making my brainworms go mad with art ideas 👏👏👏 sitcom AU song, btw]
Side note, might hit a word limit here? So Imma have to continue this list in a reblog, just look through those for more if ya want✌️
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not-poignant · 7 months
I hope you have a lovely day with lots of snacks
Tl;dr the day was not lovely but there might be snacks
I actually didn't have many snacks today but I'm about to make up with it with a couple of churros and dark chocolate dipped strawberries.
Today I...woke up and showered and replied to comments on AO3 for a while, and then I spent about 4 hours formatting documents into PDFs of varying sizes for Patreon and Ream and uploading chapter commentaries into compilations. And then I did more formatting stuff behind the scenes while I stared at all the other behind the scenes stuff I need to do and thought 'writing is a hard job' quietly and intensely.
I ate lunch while I was working. I also made some memes about how overwhelmed I felt, and then made some for my readers too, lol.
And then I laid down for about 4 hours because I also have chronic illness (whee) and I am constantly in pain and varying degrees of fatigue and I literally must lie down every afternoon so I don't collapse in the evening (literally) - and I did a tiny bit of reading (webtoon: Shutline (which I immediately realised I'd read before and didn't fondly remember), webtoon: December (didn't mind this)) and then dozed restlessly because it was 40C/104F today. I also edited a Tiktok art video in Adobe Premier Rush, but I haven't put it up yet, and I should really do that.
Got up and made ham and cucumber sandwiches for dinner, and watched Girl with the Dogs on YouTube while I ate, and a Smosh video.
Then did some more work and helped a friend with her work stuff, and then I watered the garden for 1.5 hours because *points tiredly to the heatwave* and stared balefully at the dark sky (you can't water during the day - it's literally a heatwave but also it's illegal here to water during the day) with its few stars because they'd set up a severe weather warning due to extreme winds in our specific area and it was dead AF and oppressive out there and it was just hot instead.
I watched a few Tiktoks while I watered.
When I hung the hose up back on the holder thingo, I sang to my plants: 'I hope you make the best out of the water I just gave you, you little fucks' like a sweet lullaby, and a person who I didn't know was outside next door because it was like 9pm and pitch black laughed softly and sweetly, like they didn't expect it, and felt kind of fond. I didn't know I had any nice neighbours on that side of the house, so I mostly just thought 'WHOOPS SHIT' and then felt too embarrassed to say anything.
And then I came back inside and replied to some asks (hi!) and am hopefully going to eat churro's soon and it's 10pm and so I'm probably going to do some more work and then I'm going to go to bed while I feel stressed about the work I haven't done (currently Palmarosa is the heart beating beneath my floorboards). I will probably keep reading December. It's okayish.
I don't know if I'd call today lovely, because I'm burnt out and I want to put up the Christmas decorations but it's 10pm and idk if I should start that because it tends to make me severely ill to do it for a few days.
I'm a little sad, a lot lonely, a little melancholic, a little grumpy, and a little very excited about churros and chocolate dipped strawberries. I resent days that are 'work and sleep' sometimes, especially during November. That's my fault. That's on me. I'm a mean and shitty boss to myself.
Gotta do something about this burnout at some point, because December is the worst month for my PTSD, but I also need to keep getting paid, because medical bills and food and stuff. So like...finding the balance there is a constant work in progress.
There were some lovely moments today:
That little laugh from the neighbour in the dark
The first yellow peach of the season
Doing tricks with my cat (who is trained) for treats
Making silly little memes
Helping a friend with work stuff
Replying to some amazing comments
Watching cute dogs
Feeling pretty accomplished at putting up those compilations on Patreon/Ream even if I'm not done yet.
I hope you're having a lovely day too, anon, with many snacks.
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ashleyasha · 4 months
15 Questions + 15 Friends
Thanks for tagging me @knife-dad 💚
Are you named after anyone? Nope
When was the last time you cried? Um...a couple of days ago? I cry a lot, it's the depression smh
Do you have kids? Nope, unless you count my fur baby. My ferret Ellie 💚
What sports do you play/have you played? None...I'm not into sports really, but I'll have fun with basketball sometimes just shooting hoops
Do you use sarcasm? Not at all. Was that sarcastic? You decide.
What is the first thing you notice about people? Idk...just a general vibe I guess. I'm not good with people lol 
What's your eye color? Blue
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings definitely, I'm not a huge fan of scary movies there are very few I like
Any talents? Not really...I like to think I'm a good gamer? I'm not sure if that counts as a talent lol. Idk I'm pretty mediocre at everything tbh
Where were you born? West Virginia, USA
What are your hobbies? Gaming, reading, model building, playing d&d
Do you have any pets? My beloved ferret I mentioned above!
How tall are you? 5'10-ish
Favorite subject in school? Reading/English mostly, I actually enjoyed my math class in college a lot because I had a good teacher who made it all make sense, it was kinda fun
Dream job: Working at the Hobbiton set in NZ lol but more realistically, a librarian maybe. Working on video games or movies as a designer/editor but I don't have the skills for that. Editing movie trailers or designing movie posters. Idk I'm just rambling at this point about things I'd love to try but could never do lol
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legallybrunettedotcom · 9 months
hi!!! i am a big fan of your amvs and want to get into making my own! any advice on how to find the best clips once you have an idea for a video or just any advice you might have for someone starting out in general? all is appreciated and thank you so much!!
hiii!! thank you so much and i'm actually so honored someone would ask my advice on this. about clips, i mostly torrent movies. my go-to site is yts.mx. but you can always google "torrent sites" and you'll find lists with safe sites to use. if you don't know how to torrent you can always search up youtube tutorials or check on reddit. it's super simple though. if i can't find a good file i'll search up a movie on like fmovies or any of those free streaming sites. or like ok.ru has a bunch movies, a lot of them obscure. and i'll just screen record like specific scenes that seem interesting. and also you can always use youtube, sometimes i can't be bothered to look thru the entire movie or maybe i just need one scene, i look it up there, try to find good quality videos, you can always use stuff from trailers etc. like the sleaze vid i made was mostly trailers actually. you know you gotta be savvy lol. i download those thru yt1s.com, that's how i get the music too. as for the actual making, the way i go about it is i just make a list of potential movies, watch what i haven't seen and then just go thru each movie cutting and saving scenes that seem interesting, effective, striking etc. it's all up to your personal creativity and feeling, playing around, like when you were a kid given some paper and glue, the song choice and the kind of dynamic you want to create etc. i personally hate when someone says about an edit/amv oh it's offbeat which just tells me they're annoying and don't get anything. and ykw, as much as amateur video edits on the internet are made because it's just fun and silly, it is your little creation that you put time and effort in, and you can be serious about it as much as you like. you can make your horny fancams, or idk you wanted to create a specific world that exists in your head, but you have no budget to make an actual proper movie, or they can be short visual essays and commentaries, but you know, without the actual words. sorry for blabbering, but you know, it's all about playing around and trying to create a specific feeling and a little story. have fun! <3
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panelshowsource · 8 months
sorry i let some of the anons from this weekend pile up! there are a few more, mostly gif and content requests, that i'll post updates for this week!
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ADORBS i just wish it had her name!!
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that'd be amazing!! i think a lot of people would agree with you! nicola was someone i really wanted to see on tm and i was 1) vindicated when she was on at new year but 2) kinda devastated she was only on at new year hahaha that whole cast is just so lovable!
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yes he did here it is! i think it's always safe to assume greg will be at the scene of an embarrassing crime such as this, that enabler
fun fact about me i'm a huge tears for fears fan
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oh hello welcome!!! so back in da day, i was working at an office instead of in my home. my office had these amazing mac desktops, full adobe set up, the works. i used to fuck around during work hours or even stay a little late playing on the programmes, especially premiere pro. that's why there are a couple original edits on my youtube (just dumb stuff, nothing thesis-worthy lol) — even though my main goal is just to upload all of catsdown on there hehe. i have photoshop on my laptop here at home, which is how i make gifs, but no premiere, and even though it's still possible to make edited videos, like, on imovie or something, idk anything about that and probably won't be making any edits for the time being. sorry about that!! but i will def be on the lookout for more richard x ingrid and will make more gifs!
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there aren't actually that many moments because most of their "flirting" is just richard laughing the most and the longest at everything ingrid says (hehehehe) but i made this one for you anon!!
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omg you guys are killing me hahahaha sam does have a slight(er) pucker when he talks, like donald trump, but he also has that thing where he doesn't open his mouth much to talk, like he's doing all of his talking behind his teeth without utilising them much; and he does have the downturned eyes like hugh grant but stronger. anyways—
i'm not and was never dragging the way he looks, i just think it's fun to tease my followers who will talk about any silly man they love like he's the hottest alive — because he is, to them, in that moment!
to me he's a poor man's 2022 adèle haenel which is a pretty big compliment really
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awwwwww you guysssssss 🫂🥹
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jumblekinz · 8 months
i have a few webkinz confessions!!
i have 135 webkinz in total - most of them being plushies but very sadly i got rid of all of them when i cleaned out my closet and one of my biggest regrets is getting rid of them because i wanted to at least keep all the cats!! lots of them have very missed spelled named from when i was younger. like a dachshund named "sasige" instead of... sausage. or a yellow lab named "coffie" instead of coffee, etc etc. lol. webkinz was my biggest collection from 2007-2013!
i stole webkinz items from my ex-best friend after she said she was no longer interested in webkinz because she gave me her password and everything. she didn't really care though cuz she moved on anyways but really i felt i got what i needed which was a bunch of rare items.
i had a youtube, which was back in the day called kinztube because i was a ~webkinz youtuber~ from ages 10-12 as a hobby. my videos were VERY bad (i don't know how to describe them besides being very badly edited and having that good old random XD humor) but i had over 600 subscribers in the end which felt like a big deal for me. it was where i made all of my friends from those ages since the kids at school thought i was a freak(tm) i guess mostly because i had this hobby among other things. and it was my ex friend who spread my youtube account around at school so everyone would bully me.. so really wish i stole more than just her webkinz items actually! but she ended up apologizing in the end so?? idk.
and yeah that's about all i can think of right now!! yippie!!
slay I support you stealing those items tho
and no you were actually a trailblazer. webkinz youtuber needs to be a thing. I've actually thought about doing webkinz on twitch lol
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pendragonthegreat · 2 months
dj machale at creature feature weekend!
yesterday i went to gettysburg, pa to creature feature weekend to see dj machale! this was a horror convention so he was there for ayaotd, but he seemed happy to talk about his books with me! following under the cut is a very long summary of all that happened, enjoy reading (or just look at the pictures if you want)
i got two books from my collection signed: my german merchant of death, and my special edition raven rise. he told me a little about both of these books:
on german tmod, he first asked if i was german but i explained i'm just a collector of his books, and i love the cover art for this one... he told me that it's one of his favorites too! i'm really happy to hear that and to have it signed since it's the source of the icon i use most places, including here on tumblr.
he seemed really surprised to see the special edition raven rise, saying he hadn't seen one in a really long time. i had always wondered about this book, and he explained that it was a kind of promotional tool sent to bookstores and libraries before the ninth book came out. he also said that it's basically an ARC, which surprised me because i thought it was just a special dust jacket, and that the actual book was the same as any other raven rise. but i'll have to compare it with another copy to see. will update
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he said while signing raven rise, "i'll sign this the way i sign all pendragons" and of course wrote hobey ho... :]
(he also seemed to remember me from the zoom call i had with him back in may after i reminded him!)
after we talked about the books i brought, i mentioned that i watched flight 29 down at his recommendation and he seemed really excited to talk about that show! he told me about how the show was originally only made with 2 seasons, and it wasn't until after high school musical came out (and corbin bleu became more popular) that dj was asked to finish the story and they made the movie. i found this super interesting! then he told me about how he recently went to see corbin in new york, as he's currently starring in little shop of horrors off broadway. he even showed me a picture of them together yayy
after i got those autographs i waited around until his panel, which was mostly about ayaotd. a lot of it was even stuff i've heard before in interviews, but it was still a lot of fun for me! he also mentioned tower of terror. huge for me. and after the panel he played a really corny 90's music video from one of the vhs releases of ayaotd which was really fun to see :)
then was my photo op! this was super fast but i was really hoping to show him my sylo dog tags (i'm wearing them in the pic but not the right way around lol) and he was really shocked to see these too! at first he thought it was from f29d because apparently there were also dog tags made for that show.
then we talked about sylo and he seemed excited to talk about that too! he asked me how i liked the ending and we talked about the movie that never got made and it was soo fun but really fast and in fact the photographer had to cut us off to get to the next person. lol
here's our picture!
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this could have been the end but i kept thinking like... it's not against the rules to just get in line at the autograph table again... so i did that.
i was kind of worried he'd be sick of me atp but i think he was pleased to see me again? lol idk. still i tried to make this interaction short so other ppl could talk to him so i just showed him the picture we took earlier (he was really unhappy with the background so i promised i'd tell everyone he didn't pick it lolll) then i asked him if he's working on anything right now and he told me he's still working on getting the paper trail (his next book) out, and he's pitching a horror movie right now that may or may not get made. i got one of the ayaotd prints signed and then i told him i'd be looking forward to his future work and thanked him profusely for his time... and he thanked me for coming... and that was it. okay thanks for reading
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silverjojo08 · 1 year
On video games and writing and Fire Emblem Engage
Mainly just me musing about how I don't think the story is bad. Sorry for being annoying tbh. This is meant for my personal circle of mutuals, but maybe other people can get something out of it. Please be nice to me; I am not a professional reviewer and don't claim to be writing anything objective or anything lol. I'm also not really editing heavily for grammar or anything (if anything I try to keep a bit of order structurally but I love a comma splice idk lol).
This piece has gone through many versions in my head as I try to nail down exactly what puzzles me about the perception of the writing as being "bad".
Initially I think I was going to do a full plot breakdown and point out how logically every moment fits together and how foreshadowing + late reveals enhances certain previous moments. As I write this down, I don't think that I'll be doing that here. I almost considered a deep dive into the themes of motherhood and found family presented in the game. Not sure I'm going to do that either. At one point I also considered fully getting into common complaints (particularly some brought up from one of my folks who I deeply respect, Mr. Forte himself), but also I don't think I'll really do that.
So, what am I writing here? Maybe it's a mix of all of the above. Maybe it is none of the above. I don't really know. But I do want to talk about how this game just really vibes for me; and while I don't intend on necessarily changing anyone's mind, I want to at least provide some perspective on why I personally enjoy it so that others can understand my perspective at the very least.
Perhaps I will succeed in that. Perhaps I will fail. Let's find out together. (Again I'm doing like very minimal editing. Please excuse grammatical errors/typos. If anything is unclear, ask and I'll try to clarify. But I'm bad at tumblr so either tweet at me or send it through an ask please.)
Prologue: Who? What? Why?
To start, I'm in my early 30s. The video game that made me love video games was Super Mario RPG, and my earliest gaming memories include me watching my dad beat up the robot evil Santa at the end (also him playing some NBA game on SNES). FE games I have played start to finish: 8 (Ephraim), 11, 12, 13, 14 (all 3), 15, 16 (all routes), and 17. FE games I have played a bit of but didn't finish for various reasons (mainly I got distracted and forgor 💀): 1, 4, 5, 7, and 9. None of this actually matters that much, but maybe there's a generational and/or fandom divide of some sort and this provides useful context.
I am not a writer by trade nor hobby. Writing is actually one of my least favorite things to do (this is potentially related to OCD brain "just right" stuff), to the point where I chose my college major specifically based on which had the least amount of classes that I could actually complete without having to write essays. I am a math person. I do like consuming and dissecting written fiction though.
This piece is meant to be mostly explanatory. I want to give my perspective as best I can. I decided other writing styles would be too combative for what amounts to something we're consume for enjoyment. I just want to pass on some understanding of how I feel.
I think the best way to do this is generally avoid spoilers, but I will include a specifically marked section where I discuss all spoilery things that come to mind (anything that I intend to come back to in this spoiler section will be marked with a *). Any non-FE games mentioned will not be spoiled beyond kind of a general "a reveal happened in a way that bugged me" type of stuff, if even that is a concern here's a list of the games vaguely mentioned so you can crtl+f: Tales of Zestiria, AI The Somnium Files: Nirvana Initiative, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies. It all happens within two paragraphs, so you can just skip them if needed.
(Also I may accidentally use he/him pronouns for Alear because M Alear was the one I played with first, but I do generally think of FE avatars as the same being regardless of gender and try to use they/them when speaking to things both versions experience, which is like everything besides the hair colors being flipped and class options?)
Chapter I: What Is "Bad Writing" To Me?
Ok if you're reading this I assume you are at least in high school, and for that reason I'm not going to walk anyone through that level of analysis. In no way is this meant to be a lecture and I'm not trying to give any particularly deep literary analysis. That feels kind of like a pretentious thing to do in this situation.
So, bad writing? To me the biggest thing I consider bad writing is when an idea is not communicated well. This could be contradictory messaging, poor delivery, puzzling execution, etc. Obviously this can happen to various degrees of "bad", but I will not consider a story to have bad writing unless the writing breaks the experience in some way.
A broken experience is not the same to me as a negative one. To me a negative experience is just a matter of taste in the end and not a matter of "bad writing". Boring writing is not the same as bad writing even if it makes the experience painful. A broken experience has to be bad to the point where you just do not understand what they were attempting at all.
One game that comes to mind on this is Tales of Zestiria. I loved the characters in that game, and the main story itself is largely logical. But it was written so messily that there's a point where it becomes truly incoherent. To this day I have no idea what was going on with Dezel and Rose's personal histories despite a major climax of that game being built around the moment things get revealed for them. Again, it was overall a fun game, but it was definitely one I would claim had some bad writing.
Another situation that comes to mind that can be a spark for bad writing is when a reveal sours previous experiences. Misleading an audience can work really well in some ways. Ace Attorney 5 (Dual Destinies) has a reveal that has made me not want to replay it at all, but I don't believe the reveal is poorly done. Conversely, Somnium Files 2 (Nirvana Initiative) had one reveal that invalidates a significant part of the playing experience in a way that's hard to describe without going any further, but I think playing with audience expectations can only go so far until you make the audience feel like you've stolen part of the joy of the playing experience by severing an emotional connection.
I've been trying to describe this all in objective terms, but obviously it is very subjective. It's totally a "I know it when I see it" thing in the end. This section might be pointless. I don't know.
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(There were too many blocks of text so look at Alfred; he's so nice and funny and good. I will give him the pact ring every time I play as M Alear lol.)
Chapter II: What about Fire Emblem Engage?
I guess this is kind of my point. I don't understand how any of this is applicable to it. The plot is fairly simple especially to start. You go from point A to point B with plenty of easy to follow narrative. Characters behave in logical and understandable ways. There's nothing functionally "wrong" with the story.
I think there are some pacing issues with the last stretch of chapters in that things happen too quickly for the player to properly respond even though the concepts are cool*. There's a lot of infodumps in these last chapters too that feel a little misplaced*. I agree that the tea supports (and shared gimmicks in general among certain groups of characters) are a bit overwhelming to unlock in succession. The DLC sucks* and only small parts of it truly add to the main story's narrative. There's the usual Fire Emblem incest and pedophilia grossness trying to peek its head through*. It's not a perfect game by any means.
I think I need to break up overall story discussion and character usage discussion, so I'm going to do that right now. If you've read to this point you generally get my point maybe on why the writing works fine for me and can stop here if you don't want a full peek into the deepest and most illogical recesses of my mind?
If you're not stopping here, together we ride or something idk did the title for this song come from Smash? Whatever.
Chapter III: The Story
Alright so I lied when I said I wouldn't go into this fully dissecting the plot or other people's criticisms. I'll do that a little bit here.
The biggest moment of "controversy" I think that happens early on is the loss of Lumera. What I've seen is that many people feel it didn't land well with them due to the game having not built up the relationship all that well. And I intellectually get that perspective. If a story beat doesn't land well to you then I can't tell anyone they're wrong for feeling a particular way about things. But while I understand people may feel this way, I truly do not understand that viewpoint. That we don't know Lumera is kind of the point. Alear also doesn't know her well at that moment. You're supposed to feel like it came too suddenly and is weird for it. The full gravity of the moment is not clear until later on in the game, and I think it was executed very well because the entire game revolves around this specific concept of chosen motherhood and family.
But maybe I'm moving too quickly. Backing up a bit, another criticism of this early game situation is I've seen people say they don't "have reason to care" how Alear is feeling this early on. And like, I truly don't know how to help you with that. When I start a game I generally don't start at 0 waiting for the game to make me care about the main character. I am already on their side and hoping for the best for them? I went in mainly thinking Alear looked goofy but like a nice kid who deserved nice things and the game did build well on it for me.
I think there are some questions on the nature of the emblems and the rings that go somewhat unanswered. There's a lack of clarity on how the rings function, and how stealing the rings after winning a battle works. Given that we see them levitate at numerous times, I suspect that is mostly the answer. But I do understand if that's a point of contention for some since it's not directly clarified.
The emblems are similarly somewhat explained as kind of heroic essence put to form, which genuinely is enough of an answer to me. But I do understand some may find that lacking. There are also many issues with the writing of the emblems which I sympathize with especially as a comic book fan who hates it when my faves are misrepresented in other titles. That's a genuine flaw that could have been corrected by having people working on the script who cared more about accuracy.
The pacing absolutely becomes an issue in the later chapters of the game. The Zephia and Griss death scene is extremely touching and well-written, but to have a scene that long and that complex in that moment of the game is very awkward. It would have been better suited as a Memory Prism type of bonus scene like FE15 had (for several characters there were scenes that added context but did not exactly fit in the main story such as a flashback discussion with Emperor Rudolf). It is necessary to understand the characters, but there's not a truly comfortable place to put it that doesn't seem insane especially given the length. This deeply ties into how I feel about the DLC as well, which is that Good!Zephia/Zelestia gives crucial insight to the effects of positive nurturing and actively choosing to build bonds, which is perhaps the strongest and most important theme of the game. Every instance of chosen family in this game is framed and shown to be a truly critical event for the individuals, as are the instances of chosen neglect. The usage and execution of this theme to me was extremely powerful in execution and just worked without feeling too cringe or forced. It's good stuff. I love love love what they did here, and I say this as a person who has never wanted to be a mother of any sort.
To go on a bit more about this: Griss (and by extension Gregory, but focusing on Griss here for simplicity) and Alear are such strong reflections of one another. There's some obvious aspects like how Griss is visually edgy and Alear is visually bright, Griss is rude and confident while Alear is kind and doubtful, etc. But the strongest comparisons and contrasts between them involve their mothers, and I think it's just incredibly well done. Comparisons include both of them get their sense of fashion from their moms, get their unit classing from their moms, somewhat blindly follow the words of their moms, had terrible upbringings and cling to their moms as their first emotional support, etc. But the contrasts? Oh baby. Zephia adopts Griss because he's a standout while Lumera adopts Alear because they're a failure (by Sombron's measure, not literally). Griss spends years by Zephia's side learning from her while Alear has to mostly guess at what Lumera had planned for them. And perhaps most starkingly: Griss gets to die alongside Zephia while Alear and Lumera are always mourning one another. Griss is such an incredibly well done rival character. It's no wonder he's the one who gets the special cutscene where he reveals the truth to Alear. Forever my GOAT!
Sadly though it's time to switch gears and talk about the DLC: it truly sucks. I said it on twitter after beating it, but I really think that they messed up on anticipating what would be a compelling scenario for the players to play through while also coaxing themselves into a snafu regarding spoilers. There's some good stuff there, but it's almost directly undercut by necessitating that it can be played early in a playthrough before the player has gotten to the revelations about Alear's biological parentage.
The DLC does attempt to carry over the themes of the main game, but without being able to openly acknowledge that these are some of the last of Alear's siblings (even if not by blood exactly) it becomes hollow. The only real payoff on the theming is the Nel and Veyle support chain where even if they aren't sisters in the traditional sense, Veyle is desperate for that kinship as she is so young and has spent so much time alone. It's very touching and something that could have been touched on with Alear as well if only the writers weren't forced to write a detached arc to avoid spoilers.
Yes this is probably where I should get into the alt Alear being the "twin" of the main one. They needed to either go all in with that and have Alear confirmed as sort of a multiversal set of twins or back up off it and confirm that they're only narrative parallels because doing literally all of this and then having Nel have feelings for the other Alear is gross. They did so well avoiding weirdness with Veyle in the main game, and then completely blew it in regards to Nel. It makes no sense you can romantically S support her and invalidates all the themes about family presented to that point if characters who literally share a father and share similar traumas don't find healthy kinship with one another.
But beyond all that, we don't really get to see enough of Nel and "Nil" to be convinced by their dedication to one another especially in comparison to other familial relationships like between the recruitable royals, Four Hounds, and Four Winds. It feels like things are just happening to happen without feeling the gravity of terror that we are told Sombron caused them. Again, the obvious parallel to Alear being forced to fight Veyle purely due to their father's machinations isn't allowed to be explored due to the spoilers thing. Subtlety can be a structurally clever thing, but this doesn't even feel like the DLC writers were aware of that basic fact. This is the only aspect of the whole game that I feel truly misses the mark for me. It feels like a bland copycat of the main game written by someone who only skimmed a wiki article of the main story. I truly really believe they would have been better served making it a proper postgame arc because then maybe the emotional connections could have been fully explored.
I also almost feel as though they'd have been better served writing a story set in the past around red Alear. I understand that would have made it difficult to have playable units from the DLC in the main campaign, but I would have gladly missed out on them if that meant adding to the main universe instead of mostly meaning nothing in the end besides an edgy boy (and I genuinely like Rafal, he's funny) realizing he isn't as edgy as he thought he was.
Back to the main game though. Alear becoming Corrupted and begging their sister to not give up was extremely cool and dangerous and insane in a GOOD way (though again, the cutscenes were somewhat long but long for the sake of the main characters is different than long for side villains). Then you play the actual chapter and nothing truly significant is happening that makes the experience feel noteworthy. I think the design and gameplay are more of a problem with this than the specifics of the writing itself, but both of those generally work to the benefit of storytelling in this game so to have an obviously contradictory moment like that undercuts the drama of the scenario. It's a great idea done in kind of a "just ok" way. Would have been better off omitting that chapter entirely and just jumping to the emblem-izing of Alear immediately. Maybe the writers were just too ambitious with the idea of using the Corrupted for a good reason, and couldn't bear to cut it out? I don't dislike indulgent writing, but I dislike when I can tell the writers are just doing something because they thought it was cool and no one felt like being the one to say "ok this doesn't quite fit".
Another gameplay and storytelling problem is the final boss fight. Bringing back the other final bosses as evil emblems was brilliant, but to not bring them back as recognizable models, not give them their portraits, and not give them their voice lines (and correct me if I'm wrong, but they all have voice actors from their own games or Heroes) made it difficult to identify who was who without looking up their classes online. That really undercut most of the drama in them being used in that battle. I understand this may have all added costs to the game that they maybe didn't want to pay, but that lack of detail made a very cool inclusion feel kind of middling.
And the boss himself? Sombron is actually an interesting dude to me. But again, all his backstory and evil plans probably should have been dumped in a monologue separate from the final battle. I think this is yet another case, similar to the Zephia and Griss scene, that would have worked better as a memory prism than as just a character telling the audience directly in what sort of feels like an inappropriately detailed explanation. I appreciate that they did not force this into being another story centered around multiversal crossovers in a media landscape that is currently overwhelmed by such stories, especially if the "Zero Emblem" hook has no intention of being followed up on. Though arguably that's yet another thing the DLC needlessly complicated. Is there just an infinite number of Sombrons looking for an infinite number of Zero Emblems? Even more proof that the DLC should not have happened as it did.
Last thing worth addressing in detail is the pedophilia that has been sadly very prevalent in the series and arguably emboldened by the introduction of the S support system. Even if one wants to disregard the internal age data, characters like Anna, Jean, and Hortensia should not have been romanceable in any language. I thank the English localization team for scrubbing out most of this and making them as platonic as possible.
Ok I think that's basically everything about the plot I can think of right now to address directly. Solm royals could have gotten more, but whatever. I thought they were fine as the hyper-competent Batman-like country that's like 5 steps ahead of everyone. I don't have any other things to speak about on the main story events.
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(Your reward for reading all those paragraphs is a nice picture of my daughter Veyle, who is precious and good. I was so worried they would be weird about her and barefeet aside they thankfully were not.)
Chapter IV: The Other Characters
There's a couple of obvious social groups of characters who have largely overlapping gimmicks. Tea time enthusiasts (Celine, Louis, Jean), aesthetic obsessives (Goldmary, Rosado, Hortensia), gym rats (Alfred, Etie, Boucheron sort of). Firene has perhaps the biggest problem of having so many gimmicks done so close together. There is still a lot of depth in those supports still (notably in the A levels after many might have given up, such as Alfred-Etie, Alfred-Celine, Celine-Alear, etc). I don't really have a defense for this, but I do understand why especially early on it would cause people to write off the cast of the game. It didn't bother me much maybe because I benched everyone but Alfred and Louis right away (I needed to keep Clanne and Framme around, they're really funny lol).
But overall I didn't mind any of the characters for their gimmicks besides Seadall (his disordered eating being treated as a joke was just extremely offputting and it was really 50/50 on whether a support might focus on it) and Goldmary (she is just an asshole and to me it wasn't funny, not every joke will land for everyone I suppose).
The cast felt extremely likeable and well-rounded. I will sound like a broken record here, but again they really reminded me of what I enjoyed about the FE8 cast. Just pretty much all likeable and good characters.
Chapter V: Everything Else
Here's like everything else that comes to mind but I don't have enough in my brain to properly write sentences on them and I kind of want to be done with this lmao:
Yes, I think it's a little silly how some characters manage to get away without the game directly stating how. Alear and co are nice and not brutal so you can assume they allowed the escape, but it's still weird at times. Poorly choreographed.
I will never unironically use the term "ludonarrative" (no shade if you do, but it's not me). However the introduction of the Lucina ring bringing back hope to the crew while being a supportive ring for gameplay purposes and all is just really special stuff. It's good. Similarly, the ring you get at the end of chapter 17 is an amazing moment.
I'm not particularly bothered by the rings being former characters. I don't feel they were used poorly or anything. They're wise old heroes helping the new gen, and they serve that purpose well. Only Marth has a bit more to him than that due to his history with Alear, and I think it plays out well without being reliant on prior knowledge. Again very sorry to Eirika fans, I've seen the essays there on the inaccuracies and you're all valid.
The time travel is very clean and properly defined imo. Much more limited than in Three Houses in-universe which is good, however the best explanation for the rewinds will continue to be Mila's Turnwheel (in that there is no time travel, just some premonitions that allow the characters to evade danger).
I love Pandreo and Zelkov so much. Oh my god. They're so funny and just good men. Excellent dudes. Amber, Rosado, YUNAKA. The cast is just lovely. I love them.
Sommie is so cute for real. Just brilliant idea to include a nice pet for your home base. If anything, they should have given it more wigs for the main royals or some of the emblems. Also Sommie is totally the Zero Emblem.
Chapter VI: Conclusion
Let me get TMI here. I do understand that personally I experience and perceive emotions in an unusual way compared to most people. I've not been diagnosed with anything specific to that level of wiring (just OCD and anxiety), and as far as I feel it doesn't seem necessary. But it is what it is, and I am who I am. Maybe all of this is pointless to write and it truly is just a matter of taste and personal emotional expectations. I don't know. I just know I liked the game, and what worked on me really worked. Hope this was fun to read even if it doesn't give any particular insight.
I did not intend to compare any other FEs in this piece mainly because it's not about them. Legit sorry if I inadvertently cause some sort of discourse.
tl;dr It's Peak Fiction™
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azsazz · 3 months
cc3 anon
spoilers below cut
CC Anon! (I’m so sorry if you’re sick of me)
I said they can regrow limbs because Baxian ate Ruhn’s hand off in prison and Ruhn was fine once the Gorsian shackles didn’t stop his regenerative healing. Just like how the wings just grow back if you cut them which I thought was so stupid when Micah cut Hunt’s wings off in CC1. No one has any real handicaps in this series beyond their own ineptness.
Yeah I remember that happening and knew that Hunt could regrow his wings but I didn't realize or remember that apparently anyone can do it lol. oh yeah for sure i love how they had hidden powers too and everything just literally seems to happen out of convenience for them lol. no one is putting in any real work.
The antidote was too easy. The parasite bit was so stupid. I’m actually surprised there was barely any mention about synth after CC1. I figured maybe they’d try to manufacture it properly to give the humans abilities if they wanted to fight. I’m pretty sure they said it was being sold on the streets so maybe that comes back for book 4 idk!
LITERALLY IT TOOK LESS THAN 24 HOURS TO FIND THE CURE COME ON. why even have it as a plot line if its so easy to fix...smh like there's no element of surprise for ANYTHING anymore. not even the mc deaths because it happens in every damn book. the only reason she brought amren back to life i swear is because at that moment she was like oh i should interconnect these series.
The Viper Queen upset me so much because she can’t dress! Every jumpsuit worse than the last! WHY WAS SHE ONLY WEARING JUICY COUTURE SWEATSUITS AND HIGH HEELED SNEAKERS I DIED
YES five different bonus scenes for different editions?? I hope no one actually bought all the editions to read them :/ They’ve already posted them here 😭. And in their bonus scene, ONE MONTH after the war, Ruhn and Lidia get married 😶
I saw videos of people buying them and it made me a lil sick lol. like thats fucking over $100? That's insane to me. Literally Ruhn and Lidia did not fuck around they said we're moving in and getting hitched. wouldn't be surprised if she's pregnant in the next book lol.
I wonder if the fourth book would mostly be about rebuilding and any political conflict from after the war. I hope she wouldn’t try to introduce another supernatural villain to stretch out the series. Watching TOG become a 7 book series in real-time and whatever ACOTAR has become, I’m confident in her ability to extend a series whether it needs it or not.
I honestly can't see it being about rebuilding and politics unless it was another characters pov because bryce made it clear that she doesn't want to be in charge? which i find selfish that she became queen and immediately shut down all fae politics and then basically is like figure it out yourself i want nothing to do with it lol? like what? take some fucking responsibility for once girl. i was thinking it could be more tharion based because of the end. i'd actually like to see him an sathia get together i think they would be a good couple.
Like they literally shot Sabine’s face off and she was fine after a little bit of first light 😭😭
Actually so dumb...no one has the ability to die here i guess, even with the parasite. smh
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lonelypersonhere · 1 year
thought i should try an intro post? i guess?
i don’t really know how to do this and I’m already sorry for the ramblings that are about to ensue because I’m awkward and ramble and don’t know how to format this hehheh..
this was going to be my first post to get me out of my shell and force myself to actually post things, but i ended up posting and getting out there before i got the courage to post this sooo...
some basic info i guess
I’ve been going by lonely on here i guess? so call me (i say that like ppl be talking ab me lol) either that or or Micah cause i totally wish that was my name and want to go by that :/
my pronouns page :)
lmk if you want to be tagged on games and i will try to remember lol
use the first two tags of this post to see posts i made, and asks i answered/ ask requests :P
 i use she/they pronouns (I’m also leaning towards adding he, but i don’t really like hearing it online i don’t think?)
I’m nonbinary, demi, omniromantic, and aceflux.
i have anxiety, adhd, self diagnosed autism, and all the little things that come with those like misophonia, tinnitus, rsd, yk how it is.
My finch code is BSVLVJKTKN and my birbs name is Milo; if anyone wants to add me, you can lmk if you do but you don’t have to idk how to use it but my discord is also lonelypersonhere
my hobbies and interests
my favorite color is green, i like drawing, journaling, reading, gaming, swimming, and writing (getting more used to the idea of it bc i used to hate writing). I have lots of collections of things like squishmallows, all kinds of frog and turtle things, books, video games....
authors and books
this will be a lot (and mostly young books bc i hate change and love nostalgia)
i also haven't been reading as much the past few years, got that gifted kid syndrome burnout (heh 😅)
Rick Riordan, Erin Hunter (it’s the nostalgia, i can’t help it), Wendy Mass, John Green, Dean Koontz, all the dystopian books like Divergent, The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner (and the Thirteenth Reality also by James Dashner)
My favorite book is definitely The Song of Achilles with They Both Die at the End as a close second (apparently I like pain).
I’m don’t really know a name for what genre I most like but, fantasy, dystopia, and adventure pretty much sums it up I guess. I recently got into anime and now I can’t enjoy watching real people the same any more lol. Also if something I list has a book/movie counterpart that counts too, except for manga because I haven’t gotten into that yet(except for a few). I’m going to try to stick to my top three-ish favorites and not to list literally everything I’ve ever seen so here we go I guess (I say I guess a lot don’t I?)
Bridge to Terabithia (was my go to for favorite movie as a kid) and Ghibli movies; specifically with Howl’s Moving Castle and Princess Mononoke being my favorite movies 
tv shows
Sherlock, Anne with an E, and The Originals are probably my favorite (real people) shows and Hunter X Hunter, Attack on Titan, Fruits Basket, and Erased are my top anime shows (I haven’t seen that many but these are amazing).
Ok, I’m so sorry to anyone that actually read this heh. This post stayed in drafts jail and endured lots of editing before I got the courage to post it sooo if you’re seeing this that’s a victory for me lol. i think i will make a cleaned up version of this? and also add the tags i use for filtering yeah? Ok I’ll stop talking now bye.....
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mattyknees · 11 months
For the ask game, every multiple of 5.
bestie that's so many
5: what does your latest text from someone else say?
"This robot is trying so hard" in response to a youtube shorts link i sent
10: when is the last time you played the air guitar?
people actually do this??
15: do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind. always. i fucking hate getting my picture taken. froggie can attest to this after she made me get after i got BeReal
20: what is your greatest weakness; greatest strength?
damn we're going with the serious ones tonight aren't we? i like to think that, in face-to-face irl situations, i'm a good listener. i just fucking suck at responding. especially after my covid infection, i can't brain-to-mouth words anymore. the edit feature on imessage has helped this significantly since 99% of my interactions happen over that text platform but hooooooly shit i'm so bad at speaking
25: do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
i really like facetime but i fucking HATE looking at myself in the little window so i'll usually point it directly at my ceiling unless it's with One Specific Friend, mostly bc she's already seen me naked so her seeing me at Not My Best isn't a big deal and also like. idk i just fucking Hate My Face lol
30: stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? do the same with your left.
since i'm in bed and the only thing to my right is... the air. pumpkin is directly in FRONT of my right arm so i'll go with that. my phone is in front of my left arm.
35: to you, what is the meaning of life?
dude i don't even know. fuck around and find out. see more than twelve thousand trees. don't tell your friends they do too much yoga. own a cat. have at least one sex-induced medical emergency. confuse a seagull for an eagle when you're high as shit and get laughed at for it. drink a truly on the beach and watch the tide come in. eat so many cherries you shit yourself forty five minutes later and don't regret a single second of it. buy all of the notebooks you see in the bookstore and don't write in any of them. sleep outside when it's warm enough. take care of a houseplant. go far enough away from the city to actually SEE the stars. work with children. cry because of a dumb movie. breathe.
40: do you drive? if so, have you ever crashed?
yes: coming home from the seattle/tacoma metro area i got hit by someone going 90mph (145 kph) on the interstate. genuinely thought i was fish food that day.
45: what's the worst injury you've ever had?
probably the time i attempted rifle and caught it w/ my skull instead of my hands.
50: do you believe in magic?
55: love or lust?
insert "why not both" gif
60: is there anything pink within ten feet of you?
yes, a couple things. a couple of bowls, a bag of potting soil, my sharps containers, some animal shaped erasers, a solid 50% of my sex toys are pink for some reason.
65: top five favorite blogs on tumblr?
peach, froggie, lou, steph, and vati
70: are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?
i would choke me out without hesitation i do not understand how froggie tolerates me to be honest with you
75: what are the last four digits of your phone #
what are you a cop???
80: what size shoes do you wear
i don't know bc it's changed since i've started t and now none of my shoes fit
85: what's the last song you listened to?
i wanna get better by bleachers (title of my current wip comes from this song!)
90: you wake up to find that you're surrounded by mummies. they aren't doing anything, just standing around your bed. what do you do?
assume i'm dreaming and try to go back to bed
95: you just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. you have to depart right now. where are you going to go?
do i HAVE to??? i don't have a passport and i don't like airports :(
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empireofstarsandsmoke · 9 months
So big news, I finally have a job!!! It took me 3+ months after graduation to find a job. I haven't started yet but the paperwork is in the process so that's good.
Also, I finished Cyberpunk 2077 yesterday. I played on my PS5 and I played a female V. I did all the side quests that I could find and I beat it in about 90ish hours. I decided to play it once it was mostly fixed due to the bugs and crashes at launch. I also bought the piggyback guidebook, but I did not look through it until after I beat the game. I would rate the game 9/10. I would recommend it to people who want to experience it or even those who played it at launch and were discouraged by the bugs. I will queue up some last posts and then edit my Cyberpunk screenshots to post around the time of the Phantom Liberty DLC release.
Thank you to everyone for all the support!!! I will be playing Final Fantasy XVI next (I tried the demo and it was amazing!! 😁🎮) If you want to read more about my Cyberpunk play-through, it will be down below to avoid any spoiled for people who still haven't played or beaten the game.
If you want to talk about Cyberpunk or other video games feel free to reach out. :D
-Cyberpunk 2077 spoilers below-
So like I said I played female V with female voice acting. I thought my V was fire. She was a badass punk with a good heart with a nomad background. I romanced Judy. When I saw her in the game trailers it was love at first sight.
For the ending, I went with Panam, once a nomad always a nomad. I also chose to save V and let Johnny go with Alt. I did not think the ending was going to hit me this hard but man Night City really did leave a mark. I loved how the city was, the NPC's and the side stories were amazing. I cried at the end when I realized that my time in Night City was up. Yes I know I could play the game again but the first time is special. I really liked Johnny. In my playthrough, he and V were friends (in my head at least). I also liked Takemura as a character even though he is an Arasaka kiss ass lol. In the epilogue credits, he told V to go to hell because Hanako died. Also in the Panam ending I did not expect Saul to get his face caved in like that. F*ck Smasher. I killed him for Johnny because I promised him I would do it.
I really liked the Kerry side missions. They were my favorite from all the romance side missions. They were fun and deep. I also really liked Kerry's guitar song that he plays on the yacht. After the mission, I went to YouTube to find it. How Kerry talked about living. I also liked Brendan the SCSM. I wish there was an ending to Brendan's story where he would not get reset. I also liked the psycofan gig by El Padre. I liked how it involved Johnny and Kerry. I feel like it made Night City more alive, idk.
My favorite apartment was the first one in the Megabuilding. I liked how you could change the appearance of it, also Nibbles was there lol. My favorite vehicles were the black Rayfield Caliburn and Jackie's Bike. (Yes, I liked that they were fast lol).
If you chooms (;D) wanna talk about a specific mission/ or part of the world feel free to message me. Thank you for reading and for your support. <3
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amandabe11man · 2 years
I realized I actually haven’t watched all of rammstein’s music videos, so I decided to correct that last night. here’s a little tiny review of each I've seen so far! for funsies :]
“du riechst so gut ‘95″:  i’m glad i don’t have scopophobia, or I would never have been able to watch this glorious video. till’s dramatics? beautiful. the boys just standing around barely doing anything? amazing! makes it all the more cool when they all start synchronizing and singing the chorus at the same time while still remaining all stoic (I can imagine how many retakes they had to do, lol. I kept expecting one of them to burst out laughing during a moment of Intense Staring) also: nice dogie
“seemann”: first of all; did NOT expect there to be a video for this song, so that was cool. I liked the 90′s black and white/dramatic-vibe... not sure what that random woman’s purpose was tho? was till angsting about a lost love or smth while he made all the others drag the boat around for him? was that why they tied him to the boat later and made him a figurehead? who knows, but it was pretty good. olli and his bass = MVP
“rammstein”: it took me a while to figure out that the movie clips mixed into this video was from “lost highway”, but then I saw that creepy guy (you know the one) and I was like ‘oh’. anyway, I'm mostly a fan of cinematic music videos, and not really ones that have just been filmed from concerts. I prefer to see concerts IRL rather than filmed. still though, the concert footage fucked pretty hard! I haven’t seen “lost highway” either, so it all just made me wonder what made them pick that movie for the video? maybe it DOES make sense if you’ve watched it, idk. personally, I think it would’ve been cool if the interspersed clips had been footage from the air show crash at ramstein air base, or something related to it. simply because that’s what the band got their name from, and with how I feel the song’s lyrics generally describe different types of chaos and mayhem-- idk, I think that could’ve made for a more impactful video. then again, maybe using footage from actual disasters is a tiiiiiny bit too controversial, even for rammstein...
“stripped”: at first I was wondering whether one of the olympic athletes in the video were actually one of the band members, but nah, it was just clips from some old movie. HOWEVER, the editing, visuals and music just went so well together my mind was actually blown a little bit! I don’t favorite all videos I see, even if I like them, but I was like “I can’t NOT favorite this”, so I did! as someone who has enjoyed video-making and editing since 2007, everything about this video was pretty much like.... video-editing-inspo for me? it was simply very satisfying to watch
okay so that’s the beginning of my quest! to be continued...
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sydneyshipsstuff · 11 months
answering both of the recent tag games in one since im lazy (so scroll for the questions below the bingo)
tagged by @professional-benaddict (sorry for responding so late lol) and because i dont have too many mutuals, tagging anyone who sees it & wants to do it!
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I chose my baby Spider-Man/Peter Parkee, with a focus on the starker fandom!
1. How did you discover your fave?
spider-man movies -> video edits on insta/tiktok -> irondad fanfics on wattpad -> ao3 -> looking at starker in disgust -> becoming a part of the fandom
2. How long have you been a fan of your fave?
since homecoming! when it first came out but it took me a while to start interacting with the fandom
3. Do you write for your fave? (E.g. AU's, Drabbles, Fan Fics.)
sorta! i don't actively write, just kinda drabble sometimes and i mostly dont post that, plus helping others write, i do have drafts that have been in my docs for years though
4. Do you like what is canon about your fave?
i do but i feel bad for him! poor guy has nobody :((, but before endgame i was in love with canon.
5. Tell some of your headcanons of your fave.
•his spider abilities on top of the originals like purring, cant have peppermint, hibernates, etc
•his love of animals, always stopping on patrols to say hi to them or trying to keep the strays he finss
•being worthy of mjolnir and picking it up without knowing the significance
•that he worms his way into the hearts of everyone he meets
6. Do you draw for your fave? (E.g. Fan Art)
no i dont, but i love seeing others fan art obviously!
7. If your fave/s are portrayed by several actors, who are your fave portrayers?
basic, ik, but tommy.
8. Are you more into Books/ Comics/Films when it comes to your fave?
mostly the fanfics then anything, but the movies and comics are so entertaining.
9. Quote anything about what your fave has said.
this ones weird but when i went to new york i went out of my way to go to moma because of him mentioning it to tony
10. Quote your favourite line of your fave!
basic but the "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." because even though its sad/semi unhealthy to put that pressure on yourself, i relate to it in a way and uphold myself to helping whenever i can.
11. Ever made a edit for/of your fave?
i dont think so? maybe photos but that would have been a while ago
12. Songs you associate with your fave?
anything to do w new york really
13. If your fave was real, do you think they'd like you?
i think so, if we meant in a natural way lolol, i try to be social and i think id be able to joke with him
14. Amongst your fave/s who do you think are you? (E.g. You have 5 faves, amongst the 5 of them you think of yourself as fave no.3)
skipping because i only am answering for the one
15. Do you know your fave origin story?
yes i doo, radioactive spider bite, yada yada, parents dead, yada yada, uncle shot, rip, grew up in queens & stayed there
16. In 1 word describe your fave’s aesthetic.
17. Is/Are your fave/s famous on A03?
yes very much, but mostly for irondad
18. Ships that you like with your fave?
i do like irondad if thats even considered a ship, peter w tony, harley, steve, stephen, and bucky, either seperate or at the same time, and im open to other pairings too
19. Is/Are your fave/s well known?
yes very well
20. If your fave/s have a fandom, what do you think about the fandom?
i like them, idk if theyd like me now that ive gone to the dark side lol
21. Describe yourself using something your faves have said
oops kinda did this already for another question but, "I am Responsible. I…Oh crap. My backpack’s gone." I try to be responsible but i am very clumsy and forgetful lol, and i do a lot of stupid shit
22. If you would feed your fave/s something, what would it be?
as big of a meal as i could possibly make, very carby, probably pasta, get some meat on those bones and feed the super apetite
23. How do you see yourself in any of your fave/s?
i see the optimism/ akwardness in myseld as well, we are semi-close in age so i think that contributes to it
24. Ever taken a break from your fave/s?
sorta, it was very short and it was mostly in between going from irondad to starker as well as small breaks i took from everything lol
25. If your fave/s were to have a crossover, who and which character would they have a crossover with?
well they did have one with stephen and the other spidermen but i think it would be cool to see him really interacting w the women of marvel, aka kate, yelena or natasha (also rip), pepper, captain marvel, america chavez, etc.
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