#morgause....idk if she ever did know
fluffypotatey · 1 year
Someone PLEASE explain how every freaking Druid and their familiar can recognise Merlin as Emrys, but not one, not two, but T H R E E High Priestesses of the Old Religion are like, "and who's this chucklefuck?"
short answer: hubris
long answer:
okay, imagine you're this badass powerful mage who's been given the title of Priestess of Avalon. you're hot shit and you know you're hot shit. you're the equivalent of magic royalty, so for the concept of Emrys (big, powerful, wizard said to hold ancient magic or is magic itself) to be this scrawny, lowly servant of Camelot would not cross their minds.
how come they never sense his magic???? idk anon that part escapes me
maybe they just went "oh what great power! can't be coming from this guy"
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Arthur in Sins of the father...
Fyi, prepare for grammatical errors because beta reading just isnt my thing..by that i mean im lazy but yknow
I have to say, this is probably one of my favourite episodes ever. Not only is it actually well written, its focused on Arthur and how much he misses his mother and Bradley did an incredible job in this episode. 
I like how Arthur centric it is. Most episodes do end up revolving around Merlin (well no shit sherlock the show is called merlin) but having this episode focus on Arthurs struggles is a nice change and gives us a better view into his character as well as gives us a glimpse of what Arthur would be like without his fathers brainwashing.
What this episode highlights more than anything is how much Arthur wants to meet his mother. All his life he has been told to obey his father and not trust sorcerers and then the moment a sorceress mentions that she knew his mother Arthur goes against both of those things just to meet her. It doesnt matter what lengths he has to go to, he still does everything he can for that one conversation and i think that shows just how much he wants that maternal figure in his life, even if its for a few seconds. In all honesty, i would say he’s pretty desperate by this point. His father never mentions his mother or anything about her so so he cant even paint a picture of her in his brain which just makes him want to meet her more. In those moments when hes going after Morgause, we kind of see a different side of him, because for once in his life he has a chance to learn something about his mother. And you just cant blame him for being so desperate at this point. We dont see much of this, but Arthur grew up without that love every other child experiences, not even from his own father. Someone in his position cant spare time for feelings, and that key ideology that his father drilled into his head remained there from childhood onwards. Having this one chance to know something about the person his mother was, isnt something he could let himself miss.
Another thing he is bound to be feeling is guilt. The first instance is being the cause of his mothers death. Before he found out about the magic thing, it wouldve been so easy to jump to the conclusion that his birth caused is mothers death as she died in childbirth (or as he was told). But after he was told that he was born of magic, i think that while part of him blamed his father for not reading the fine print on the contract (i dont know who came up with that joke, it for sure wasnt me), he still blamed himself because the creation of his life is what took his mothers life away. Not only that, but at the end of the episode when Merlin told him that the illusion was fake, its clear enough that he feels guilty for almost killing his damn father, trusting a sorceress in the first place and also disobeying  his father. 
And back onto the whole thing about Arthur being desperate, he trusted a random woman (and i repeat, a sorceress) about knowing his mother. Not only that but he fully believed the illusion. Idk this just makes me so sad because he had that little spark of hope, not only about meeting his mother but also believing that not all sorcerers are evil. He didnt question these things, he went straight into them, which to me just again shows how desperate and hopeful he was at that point. 
Obviously all of that was completely crushed when he attempted to murder his father and then merlin told him that it was all a lie butttt lets backtrack a little. 
What i love about this episode more than anything is that is shows us that Arthur isnt completely brainwashed (using that word again because synonyms requre effort) by his father, he doesnt hang on every word that is told to him by Uther and all it takes to convince him that his father is wrong is one illusion.Him fighting with Uther and, even for that short period of time, believing that magic isnt evil, gives us an insight into the person he is. Hes not a bad person. He may be naive and ignorant because of the way he was brought up but  if he was educated properly as a child then he wouldnt agree with his father so much. The question everyone always asks is what would happen if merlin hadnt stepped in? i think its fair to say that Arthur wouldnt hate magic so much and maybe the whole golden age of albion would actually happen, but arthur would be miserable. i think thats the main thing that pushed merlin to lie again, because by that point in the series its obvious that he doesnt fight for magic, he fights for arthur. Like yeah arthur saying that magic is evil at the end of the episode does clerly crush merlin but i dont think he would be able to live with Arthur being so miserable and guilt ridden over killing his father. Either way, this is about arthur and not merlin (though ill probably write a paragraph on that sooner or later) so let me pose you the final question (that i will also answer because im here to spread my unwanted opinions).
Is this entire episode pointless for arthurs character development  or not. 
when i first asked myself this question, the obvious answer was yes, because arthur went full circle. from hating sorcery to still hating it in the end. But what i later considered is that even if he went full circle, there was a journey he had to endure. If anything, he hates sorcery even more now simply because he first hand witnessed a sorceress “lie” to him for her own gain and to try to destroy the kingdom. All those things his father taught him about sorcery are essentially happening, and the fact that he was lied to about a sensitive subject like his mother, would just make the situation worse for him.
The thing about arthur and sorcery, is that he is never actually able to find his own stance on it. People manipulate him back and forth, whether thats Uther, agravane, morgana, morgause, random magical enemies of camelot who think starting war and conflict will make arthur hate sorcery less, everyone manipulates him and drags him into different directions. He never makes that opinion himself. Idrk, this isnt even relevant but im on a roll of pointing out sad things so whoohooo
So what is my point? If this hadn't happened, maybe Arthur would have an easier time making his own judgement and stance on magic, but of course its bbc merlin and we cant have happy endings.
Welp hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster of emotions, have a lovely evening ..or day?
Either way. As always. I blame uther
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kandi-pendragon · 3 years
Im rewatching Merlin and Ive had a few Thoughts™
First of all, the inconsistency when it comes to Merlin’s magic?? In the first episode, Gaius is all about telling Merlin how he’s never seen a magic user who doesn’t need to say spells, that it’s impossible to be born with magic, that this demonstrates how powerful he is, and then that just. Isn’t true anymore? In the later seasons it talks about how Uther drowned kids who were born with magic during the Great Purge. Morgause does magic without saying a word, even with something as seemingly complicated as implanting a destination in a horses mind. Morgana has apparently been showing signs of being a seer since she was super young, and the Druids frequently take in children who were born with magic. Merlin’s supposed to be the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the Earth but aside from the bitchy basement lizard rambling about prophecies and turning him into a glorified war machine... he doesn’t seem all that special. 
Also new Headcanon material: Have you ever noticed how Nimueh’s eyes literally never turn gold? Not when she’s bringing back Arthur’s dead uncle, not when she’s summoning a rainstorm or fireball, not even when she’s bringing the Afanc to life. What if only natural born magic users eyes turn gold? (This is kind of disproven when Gaius’s eyes turn gold, since as far as we know he only studied magic he wasn’t born with it but shhhh I’m turning BBC’s shit writing into a plausible headcanon so ignore that bit) Nimueh could have been born with a talent for magic, but maybe she wasn’t born with magic. Her working twice as hard as others to make it to high priestess and court sorceress, studying magic endlessly, being seen as uptight by other magic users but she’s only stressed from pushing herself so hard. Her becoming addicted to the feeling of preforming spells, her having to constantly improve her memory capacity, her being self conscious of her blue eyes whenever she preforms magic. Idk I just think It makes for an interesting thing to think about. This would also explain characters like Edwin (”A Remedy to Cure all Ills” guy) because it’s only said that his parents were practicing dark magic, and now he was. His eyes never turn gold either. 
They should have followed up with Arthur and the druids. Its so clear in ep 8 that he has a soft spot for them, and then the leader guy (I forget his name) said they’re indebted to him for returning Mordred, and then the druids are legit NEVER mentioned again in season 1. And Arthur forgot Mordred was a druid in the first place when they meet again in season 5, or at least its never addressed properly. I think it would have been so much cooler if we got to see a continuation of Arthur with the druids, and then maybe we wouldn't have had to wait until season 4 for an explanation as to why he seems to care for the druids so much, even after being poisoned against them as a child. Plus, if we actually explored helping the druids (Like forming a peace treaty and officially legalizing them once he’s king instead of just settling for “you wont be hunted like animals anymore. Have a nice life!”) Maybe some of the druids Kara wouldn’t have hated him/Camelot so much, and the whole problem of Mordred could be solved. “I have no quarrel with the druids” bitch then legalize them??? On the topic of Arthur’s Soft Spot for Druids™ that shit he pulled in The Coming of Arthur? Holding that little druid kid at sword-point instead of just asking for the Cup of Life like a decent human? So freaking ooc and I will be mad about it forever.
Our least favorite boy Killy telling Merlin to let Mordred die? Shit. Absolute shit. Merlin was trapped between a rock and a hard place, you wanna know why? What would have happened if Merlin had stayed in his room and ignored Mordred? Mordred would have died, yes, but Arthur would have been caught. Uther would lose trust in both his son and Morgana and probably rule even worse after that, since his lack of trust lead to fear and his fear lead to violence. If he learned that he couldnt trust either of his kids.... I would hate to see how he would react. Also, Arthur would have lost complete faith in Merlin too. He was relying on him. If Merlin never showed, how do you think Arthur would react? Do you think he’d ever trust Merlin the same again? and don’t even get me started on Morgana’s reaction. What did Killy think killing Mordred would accomplish? Because I have a feeling it would do more harm than good. Killing Mordred was never the answer. The answer was to not turn Merlin into a singleminded, morally backwards bodyguard and actually steer Arthur in the right direction, instead of letting him fuck around on his own and resetting his character every season, only to kill him off right when things started going good. 
Theres more, but I’m too lazy to write it atm. I’m only like 8 episodes in right now but I am not loving it :D I never realized how problematic the show was until I became a part of the fandom lmfao.
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 3 years
I really don’t wanna be annoying so feel free to ignore this but like what are your favourite interpretations/characterizations of various Arthurian characters (you don’t have to do all obviously idk sorry if this is irritating or if it’s been asked before)
Not annoying at all, this is like MY FAVORITE QUESTION EVER
I love tv shows and movies about King Arthur and I always try to watch them all, while I am a bit more picky with books, probably because of the investment I have to give them (in time). So I am just writing a list of characters I love and my favorite interpretations of them in movies/tv and books!
I will start with movies and tvs and post the books soon!
Arthur: I am extra basic, so just know that Arthur is my favorite character. I think Kaamelott was probably my favorite depiction of Arthur, especially the last two seasons gave him such a depth of character. For movies, the Camelot musical really captured what I most like about him: his desire to turn Camelot into a fair kingdom more than anything else.
Guinevere: I am not a Merlin BBC fan but Guinevere in Melin BBC was my favorite part of the show, she starts from point A and has such an amazing character development, definitely different from any other show I’ve seen. I also enjoyed Guinevere in the Camelot musical because of how petty Guinevere can be! Arthur et les enfants de la table ronde has also an amazing Guinevere, who definitely comes off as the protagonist more than Arthur.
Lancelot: I used to hate Lancelot, then I watched Camelot (the musical) and I fell in love with him, so I cannot help but recommend it for a good Lancelot interpretation. I still like to hate Lancelot sometimes, so I enjoy him in Kaamelott too!
Mordred: I am so picky regarding Mordred, but in the meantime I can enjoy some good evil and manipulative tv/movie Mordred until I get my sympathetic version (one day??). Sword of Lancelot has one of my favorite Mordred ever, all manipulative and fun and with a hawk too! The same can be said (with even more manipulation) in The Legend of King Arthur. For more emotional impact, definitely The Mists of Avalon. Btw, for now the only nice extra redeemed Mordred can be found in Merlin and Arthur the Lion King.
Morgana: I have a lot of feelings about Morgana and my opinions on how she should be written. In particularly I love the idea of her as a grey character more than a villain, and for this reason it’s a bit harder to find good movie/tv representations for her. Still, the tv show The Legend of King Arthur did an amazing job, they managed to give her a sympathetic point of view and a villain role as well. Cursed (Netflix) also had an amazing Morgana and finally the first queer Morgana!  Arthur et les enfants de la table ronde has also an interesting Morgana who has to debate her own role a bit, between possible villain or Arthur’s ally. A more grey role in the Russian Connecticut Yankee, which can be enjoyed even without understanding the dialogue. For a more completely evil Morgana, I am SO SORRY but I found the 2017 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table’s Morgana so fun. 
Morgause: I can only say Excalibur Kid, where she was a fun type of villain but also quite competent as well. I suppose Merlin BBC too, but it’s more because there is no other Morgause around.
Gawain: Camelot Starz had my favorite arthurian tv Gawain, but mostly because of the potential and the way the character always seemed out of place. For a more adorable Gawain: Kaamelott. In general, Prince Valiant media also had a well written Gawain.
Bedivere: Sadly, not a lot of interpretations have Bedivere. I suppose he was my favorite part of Excalibur Rising because of his relationship with Kay.
Kay: Camelot Starz! Please, I would have watched six seasons of that only for him.
Merlin: Alright, so I am not a fan of Merlin, but I regarding interpretations of Merlin where he is a positive character I love The Boy Merlin (but Merlin is still a kid there), Sword in the Stone and Excalibur 1981 (I suppose he is more of a grey character there). Merlin and the Sword might have not a great plot and characters, but it had a nice interesting interpretation of the Merlin and Vivian story.
BOOKS soon!
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sourdough-morbread · 3 years
Morgana 👀
ok so i know you left this ask ages ago and this is like so fucking long i am so sorry.
but i just... i have a lot of thoughts on morgana. *hides pages of notes made for two big morgana-centric WIPs*
First impression: this is what went through my mind in my first watch through
s1: i fell for morgana really quickly. i was like. YES she has MAGIC and she tells off uther and arthur. 
s2: i still liked her but i getting concerned about the direction the writers were pulling her character in season 2. i was quite disappointed in the way her turn to evil was written. like she was good then barely on screen and very damsel-in-distressy for some reason. and then she became evil!morgana with zero explanation and zero reluctance. didnt really make sense to me.
s3: i enjoyed her as a villain in, but at that point she was a completely different character in my eyes. not in the old character new instalment but in a entirely different person was put inside her. 
s4: she was so boring and one dimetional. just. meh. she barely felt like a threat.. 
s5: i wasnt even paying attention to her.  she has become the random conflict generator the writers rather than a character. so i just didnt care. also i skipped a few eps in my first go so. like dark tower bc i didnt want to see gwen hurt. so i missed out on the emotional impact of that.
Impression now: after rewatching i can see her character arc a lot better. i still think her arc wasnt well done. but thats because the execution was lacking, rather than the trajectory of her character not making sense. because it actually makes a lot of sense.
like in season 1, she is basically immune. she is caught aiding mordred and yet she can get away with uther yelling at her and have it all be forgotten with an apology. meanwhile tom is executed for being seen with a sorcerer. when she wants to kill uther, i dont think she thinks she will be caught. nobody would ever dare accuse morgana and arthur would never suspect it. 
then she discovers she has magic herself and all of that immunity is gone. and without that safety net she becomes willing to endanger so many people, including the allies of magic in camelot. you know, people she would be screaming at the defence of previously.  
her in 1x10 is a small glimpse of what she could have been. a force for good. someone willing to actually fight against what uther and rulers like him were doing. and i would have loved to see that. 
but thats not what the writers chose. instead she regains her footing in hatred and blaming everyone for the fear she felt of death and disgust she felt of herself once she became one of those she defended but saw as beneath her none the less. 
and i will never not be salty about how they skipped over her turning evil and how flat she became. like. let me have a deeply evil terrifying witch damn it! 
i think what makes her terrifying is that she doesnt want power. not really. she wants revenge. she wants to take everything arthur cares about. she wants the throne because arthur doesn't get to have it. she wants camelot to kill its people. she doesnt care about power beyond how much pain she can cause with it. and thats so terrifying. enemy with no goal but to cause you pain. and knows all your weaknesses and can fool the people you have wronged to think she is fighting for their salvation. how do you even fight that? 
idk i just think it was underutilised. again she was just a conflict generator the writers used until the final battle. even then mordred was more significant than morgana. 
Favorite moment: just her in the entirety of beginning of the end. if i had to pick one moment it would be her goading arthur to look behind the curtain. its just so good.
Idea for a story: again... the WIPs. but one i havent written yet.
i had one au where arthur found out about her magic on accident and like. it kicked off a whole plot of her learning magic, and arthur finally facing how terrible uther is and getting his shit together. its not a very detailed idea. morgause would probably use this opportunity to manipulate arhtur. agravain would proably be not evil, tho still a spineless slimy noble. idk.
Unpopular opinion: this is not going to be a surprise to people who know me, but i dislike pretty much all of the discussion ive seen about 2x03. 
fandom seems to be stuck on this dichotomy of either merlin should have told her about his magic and by not doing so he betrayed her— he did not. merlin tried to help her at the risk of his own life. go watch 2x03 again. or merlin reacted perfectly— also he did not. even while helping her, he still refused to acknowledge her magic.
in a situation where something invisible about you can get you killed, subtle word choices matter. merlins words, him continuing to say he wouldn't know if it was magic, even though they both knew it was and that the other also knew, means something. it means i will keep your secret but i cannot help you. this is by no means a moral failing of merlin. he made this choice out of fear for his own life, and i think it is unreasonable to expect him to react perfectly.
morgana in turn had no reason to go to merlin again about her magic. he has made it clear he doest want to be involved, which he has no responsibility to. and why would merlin be able to help her? he, as far as she knows, has no personal experience with magic except his sorcerer friend. 
besides, druids were the safest place for a her to be. it was the safest place for any warlock to be, including merlin.  her knowing or not knowing about merlin has nothing to do with it. like. everything that happens in camelot between merlin and morgana in season 2 is perfectly understandable. they didnt wrong each other. 
what merlin and morgana actually did wrong is getting all those druids killed because they didnt think the plan through. like all of those people in that camp died. aglain, the person helping morgana, died right in front of her and mordred. the druids were the only ones wronged in that situation. which i have never seen pointed out. 
Favorite relationship: her and mordred
listen there is only a singular instance of morgana genuinely hesitating to hurt somebody after her turn and that person is mordred.
Favorite headcanon: oracle!morgana. this is like a whole big headcanon thats basically the origin story of how draognlords came to be. something happened and oracles stole dragons wills and their births to give to mortals as punishment. and then a group of these people came to albion and became the Seers and the dragonlords. who have like different traditions to the druid seers and the priestesses who use methods adapted from scry methods.
thats why she can speak with aithusa even though aithusa cant speak. 
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panharmonium · 4 years
Top 5 Merlin side/minor characters?
LOL THIS QUESTION IS UNFAIR I LOVE ALL OF THEM.  LIKE - sometimes I see criticism of Merlin’s “filler” episodes and I never ever understand that, like - those are…some of the best episodes of the show???  They?  Are some of the best stories???  Those are what gives this show so much of its charm?????  Idk, to each their own, but I aDORE those episodes and all the characters in them.
For the purposes of this question, I’m going to define side/minor Merlin characters as anybody who isn’t Uther, Gaius, Kilgharrah, the Core 4, or any of the knights.  If I were working on different definitions, I would definitely put Mordred on the following list of faves, because I LOVE him, but I think for these purposes he counts as a major character.
1) Not that this needs to be said, but…my absolute favorite is WILL!  Everybody who’s been on my blog at least once in the past year knows that Will is my number one most beloved side character.  I post about him incessantly, and if you want to understand why I love him so much, my tag for him is ‘no kings no masters.’
(The rest of these are not ranked in any particular order, because I love all the other minor characters the same.)
2) ELENA!  I adored her.  I loved how she just…in that opening scene, she’s just chowing down on an apple and checking her teeth in the mirror and farting in her room and I’m like “YES!  THAT IS A NORMAL HUMAN GIRL!  WE ALL DO THAT SHIT OK WE ARE JUST REGULAR PEOPLE’ it was like that feeling of what girls don’t get to be because somebody is always watching, but when we are home alone we stay in our pajamas and don’t look nice and just EXIST.  i just loved her.  And her dad was great, too; I liked him a lot.  And Grunhilda is in this episode, too - just a perfect, goofy side character.  Just delightful.
3) CATRINA OMG.  The troll arc is the funniest gotdam thing I’ve ever seen and the actress playing Catrina just went for it.  She just threw everything she had into that fucking role and it kills me every time.  
4) Mary the barkeep from Gwaine’s episode.  Lol I fuckin loved her.  Anybody who deflates Arthur’s ego in the process of praising Merlin is automatically my favorite person.
5) Annis.  That actress had a real presence, too, and I loved her character.  I was so happy she reappeared in S5, however briefly.  
Others because this is an unfair question and 5 is too small of a number.
GEOFFREY OMG.  How could I not mention geoffrey.  I was SO upset not to catch a glimpse of him in Season 5.
Mithian was frickin great.  I loved Finna and Alator.  I loved Freya and Gilli and Daegal.  I thought Myror the assassin was a badass, and I loved the fake knight from that same episode (Sir William) - he was so chill and like…just having a grand old time getting mixed up in all this silliness XD  I thought the Witchfinder was a GREAT villain, and his actor was fantastic.  I loved all the druids we met, including Kara.  I loved all the villains-of-the-week.  I loved the Fisher King and the Cailleach.  I loved Hunith and Balinor.  I loved Tom :’(  I liked Morgause a LOT in her first episode (though I feel like her development/motivations fell off later, personally).  I thought Nimueh was fascinating.  I even had a soft spot for Vivian - like, she was fucking rude to Gwen, okay, and that is a big no-no for me, but I loved how she legit did not give a shit for Arthur and slammed the door on him, and I LOVED how when her dad discovers her and Arthur together and he’s being all shouty and aggressive she’s not bothered at all and just makes a face like, “Father…” like she’s seen it all before and she thinks he’s being a little dumb and overdramatic lol.  
Honestly, the answer to this question is that there isn’t actually a side character on this show that I DIDN’T like.  Even the “bad” guys were entertaining and interesting to me.  I just…Merlin is a show that is almost entirely delightful to me, and I’m really happy that I had that kind of experience with it.
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coinofstone · 4 years
I should probably address the fact that in my previous post I made mention of this episode as tho it were the season finale.
2x12 The Fires of Idirsholas
This shepherd comes thru with a story about seeing smoke at this cursed citadel and goes 'you must know the legend, sire' and Gaius ever so helpfully spells it out😂 but like fr fr Uther gives him supper and a bed for the night so you already know he believes him😂
I do enjoy that this 300b year old story is something Gaius has memorized and doesn't need to look through his books for.
Whyyy did Morgana become so cold to Gwen basically overnight. It's so stupid.
Ok ok Morgana hates Uther and wants to help overthrow him, cool. She's been through this before but *this time* she really means it! 🙄 also is it even possible for her to meet someone and not get manipulated by them?
Gaius starting to bend down to pick up the vial he's dropped, but righting himself before he's got down far enough and saying "I'll pick it up later" is probably the only occasion in the entire series when I've found him to be personally relatable. Tl;dr I'm old and broken
Honestly, Merlin causing the ceiling collapse and saving Arthur from the knights of medhir should've been his big magic reveal. But more importantly, Arthur being so goddamn protective of Merlin. Merlin get out of here, Merlin your clothes are torn let me see your arm. 😍 I also loved Bradley's facial expression when his sword got stuck in the zombie knight 😂
The 'Uther's too heavy to carry' gag was funny but honestly I don't really think this episode needed the levity at that juncture. I felt the same way about the 'or not' then they all turn around and see the Knights of Medhir assembled behind them. I know they are aiming for levity but it honestly felt cheap, and while the Uther gag worked it came very close to falling flat.
"I don't need to listen to you, Merlin, you always say the same thing. 'Help me!!'"
Tumblr media
How could the dragon POSSIBLY KNOW that a) Morgana is the source of the spell and b) she's chosen to 'turn against her own'
Idk man, Morgana knows that Morgause is there with the knights, she knows that she saw Morgause in the woods yesterday and talked about overthrowing Uther then walking up in her bed with no idea how she got there, a few hours before everyone in Camelot started getting sick and falling asleep - everyone except her - AND she just watched as the knight who could've quite easily killed her spared her - and yet she hasn't fucking worked out what's happening? Really?
God help me. "Morgana did not choose to use her gift for good" as if she was ever given a choice, as if you made any effort to guide her, as if Morgause told her how she planned to use her, as if she knew what would happen?
Merlin setting the fuckin dragon loose knowing good and damned well EXACTLY what it's going to do and just being like, "welp, I gave my word so I don't have a choice!"
Jeremy Colin and Katie on commentary
Katie throws a hint about the 'understones' of that first scene with Morgause in the woods, and Colin and Jeremy both go dead silent so she laughs and says they're smirking, Colin says something about it not being suitable for DVD commentary and Katie laughs and goes 'nothing I say ever is' and I really respect her for that.
Katie's visceral reaction to seeing Arthur patch up Merlin's arm, "aww"
Katie half a second later: oh I'm gonna heyyy in trouble if I do stuff that like aren't I?
Jeremy: think of things that are *interesting*
Katie: I think there are those who'd find that very interesting
They make jokes about Tony being carried and the suggestion that they disguise him by dressing him as a woman and they brought up him in Rocky Horror
Katie is #1 Morgana defender and I love it. Hearing her argue Morgana's case and just straight up "and actually, it's your fault that I'm evil" is a beautiful thing.
Colin bruised his coccyx pretty badly doing this episode. Katie said she and Bradley got hurt doing this episode as well.
Katie absolutely railing at the "poor Merlin" reaction to Merlin KILLING Morgana. Love it.
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scottishstoner · 3 years
Me realising all the issues in Merlin could’ve been resolved if they just spoke to each other and were open and honest like. Merlin could’ve cast a truth spell or something to make it easier (long lasting one, on everyone in the castle or in a certain room? would’ve had its bad moments but idk it’s an idea) way at the beginning of all the stuff with Morgana, Morgause’s influence. (I have an idea on how that should’ve happened but this isn’t a fic lol). I always thought Merlin should’ve told her, s1 Morgana was so afraid of herself but if she knew she wasn’t alone I think that’d of made a huge difference to everything. Morgana still would’ve despised Uther though, and maybe she might still go after him on her own, (but maybe not, with Merlin in her ear) because she was sweet in s1 yes but could handle herself very well and would fight to the death for something she believed in. Merlin and Morgana would’ve came up with the truth spell plan together and cast it together to try to resolve this. (I’m here for Merlin being like “lmao you know what we should do?”) I just always thought it was dumb he never spoke to Morgana about everything because Merlin is smart and he just listens to IDIOTS who say shit like “you cannot tell anybody!” even when Morgana opened up to him about magic, hinting at her powers subtly. Uther. He’s the idiot who wouldn’t listen and that’s why I said truth spell because...if Uther had been under a truth spell he would be forced not to lie for the first time in his fucking life and everyone would’ve been like 👁 👄 👁 you used magic sire? And it would’ve all kicked off in the castle, eventually leading to the ban on magic being lifted because Uther gets spoke to by everyone, and they can’t lie to him so they’re all like “sire, you’re a murderer” “you killed someone for gathering supplies they paid for from a stall” “you drowned so many to stop your tears” “you scare me” “using fear against your own people is not ruling” “no sire, I’ve never liked you” “you were born into privellage you have no idea what it is really like” - people just being brutally honest in battle strategies and stuff too like “quite barbaric sir” “they mean us no harm why would you do this?” “Is your ego so threatened you’d kill more innocent people?” - I imagine hearing all that would strike even Uther over time, Morgana especially since he loved her so much, the fact she has magic, she’s still good,, doesn’t turn evil...he would see this himself. would probably lead to his mental break we saw in s4 but instead of being like that because of Morgana he’s like that because he knows he’s been absolutely shitty (understatement) to everyone because of his own guilt and he can’t bare it. I know I’m giving uther too much credit here arent I ? Lmfao. But I do believe he might’ve been capable of change if EVERYONE around him just told him THE TRUTH. Merlin would’ve told everyone about his magic close to when Morgana opened up about hers, and soon after because of Merlin and Morgana, magic was legal again, meanwhile Arthur is like “quite frankly Merlin I’m offended you told Morgana first” - of course this leads to Morgause, but we never quite know Morgauses plan, at first she is of no real evil influence, just quite erratic and hates Uther, they could’ve easily made Morgause the villain, with Morgana feeling torn as it is her sister, then she finds out Arthur and Uther are also her family and she feels betrayed, maybe briefly goes over to Morgauses side but seeing how far she will go to kill Uther, Morgause has no claim to the throne so her goal is straight up revenge because Uther killed so many she knew, she plans to blow the whole of Camelot or something dramatic like that, Morgana stops her...
The way I’m accidentally writing a fanfic here✨ dunno what happened lmao but I wanna write this now 🧐 even though there’s 10,000 fix it fics already lol and I actually only started this to point out what I think they could’ve done instead of what they did lol.
Sidenote: Merlin we see at the end of the show, does he ever think about going back in time to the very start and doing it all again but differently? Because...that’d be amazing. You’re probably thinking Merlin doesn’t have that power but it’s just a thought because that would be amazing lol
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thegeminisage · 5 years
i’m gonna liveblog my rewatch of 2.08 because i can
it’s stupid long so here’s the cut
just to give you an idea of how fast this switch flipped for me at the start of this episode when uther is like “u will find no one who embodies nobleness better than my son arthur” i went “PFFFFFT” & had a good chortle
i have a lot to say about this duel challenge sequence. 1. why are strangers always coming in and tossing their glove on the floor. everyone in that room is armed. just take them out! 2. arthur picks up the glove first this time, unlike 1.03. guess he can learn after all 3. he does it BEFORE SEEING HER FACE god classic he’s so fucking stupid
everyone getting their panties in a twist over having to fight a WOMAN when in reality she goes on to kick his ass is like...both tiresome & hilarious
i used to really be on the fence about the Vibe between merlin & arthur because while they seemed quite happy to die for one another from the get-go most of the time arthur is just being MEAN and merlin isn’t as mean back and it’s like :/ ok i don’t get what everyone else is so heart-eyes over. but in 2.08 they do a lot of confiding in one another and just general talking about plot-stuff where arthur’s insults are...not absent, but kept to a minimum, and idk it’s nice! it’s nice. less like arthur is a massive bully and more like they’re Companions. i’m not hopeful about it lasting bc this show doesn’t know the meaning of the words “consist continuity” but it was reeeeeaally good here
arthur’s face when he lost to a G I R L and uther just walked out with no comment. even back when i still hated him i was like “ouch”
that being said it was a welcome change of pace to see merlin giving ARTHUR shit for once. finally
upon morgause and morgana’s first meeting when morgause says “i hope you will remember me fondly” i went “WOW THAT’S GAY” because i didn’t KNOW and cathy told me later she had to put her head in her hands for five whole minutes. don’t shoot me i’m just the messenger they’re the ones who wrote it that way
my favorite thing about morgause is that i couldn’t immediately figure her out. i’m in the habit of throwing out guesses about future plot points for fun, because i’m a writer and that’s how i deconstruct things, and since this show was kind of meant to be kid-friendly i’m usually right. but as far as morgause went...i didn’t have a clue. i had NO IDEA this whole ep would be like this
i’ve said this before (not on this blog tho) but arthur is like...really eager to die. i keep joking that he has a death wish but upon further reflection i don’t think he’s actively seeking to end his life as much as he would be relieved to die for something noble like honor or whatever because then he would have...done it right, if that makes any sense, and wouldn’t have to worry about screwing it up anymore. he doesn’t want to die but he craves a good death. to prove to his dad and himself that he’s made of the right stuff?? i’m not being very clear. this concept requires more thought
it’s REALLY a lot for me that uther would rather throw arthur in his own chambers than have him find out about ygraine. yyyyikes
merlin sneaking in that rope was so cute. he finally got the group’s communal braincell for a few minutes
on the other hand after the troll episodes i am SO tired of dung being played for laughs. i really suffered
also man i’m so glad morgana finally got some sleep it’s what she deserves
this Dead Parent talk really mcmurdered me. both merlin and arthur lost a parent when they were very young & they now cannot remember said parent and we HAVE THAT IN COMMON so every single word they said was like an arrow straight to my heart!!!!!!! like as good as the ending to this episode was (and OH it was good OHHHHH it was GOOD) i think this right here is what truly softened me up towards arthur. this is relatability, this is emotional vulnerability, this is a genuine human connection made between EQUALS and frankly it’s exactly what i’ve been wanting from these guys for a season and a half. their willingness to die for each other is good stuff to be sure but it’s EMPTY without some meat to back it up & we’re finally getting what we deserve
“i’d do anything for even the vaguest memory” like they didn’t have to go that hard & read me for filth like that but they did. they did. arthur. babe. my guy.
almost every time someone comes in to speak with uther he’s eating and he has like an entire mini-banquet in front of him even though he’s all by himself. like, an entire plate of grapes, a whole-ass chicken, an intact loaf of bread, a bowl FILLED with whole uncut apples...wtf??
“what would YOU know about magic, merlin?” “nothing ;)” i did have a good chortle truly
i’ve already made my points about arthur and a good death but MAN he was hasty to put his head on that chopping block for no good fucking reason at all. holy shit. him casually doing that swing-thing he does with his sword to the axe ahead of time really adds a lot to this entire thing and also aged me ten years
when arthur was like “what if my father’s attitude towards magic is wrong” and “surely not everyone who practices magic can be evil” i gasped so fucking loud. so fucking loud
and the worst part is you can practically feel merlin’s heartbeat pick up. just LOOK at his “wtf am i hearing is this for real could my dreams actually come true” face. but at the same time, he’s got to be the one with a healthy suspicion here because arthur is in over his head. so he STILL can’t trust it. and then naturally it goes to hell so quickly that the chance for merlin to confide in arthur is lost. i can’t believe this took 4 irl years and five seasons. watching this live must have been like TORTURE. i’m practically bingeing it and i’m still suffering deeply
it’s very odd to me that arthur specifically said his mother died before he opened his eyes but the first thing ygraine says to him is that she remembers him staring up at her. to me that’s an obvious clue that she’s a fake, and the cutaway during that line to merlin’s face tells me he had the same suspicion (and that he’s kind of horrified by it)
i know for a fact that ygraine’s telling of these events is slightly altered from the truth too...there’s no way that uther would have been so overcome with grief that he went on to commit genocide if he knew beforehand that his wife would die and was willing to sacrifice her
on the other hand, there’s also a cutaway to morgause’s face during this speech in which she looks surprised or confused at what ygraine says, which doesn’t add up if she was pulling these strings, so...What Is The Truth
not to be like this but merlin bearing witness to this whole series of events is like...there’s some things that once you go through them with somebody things between you change and there’s a new intimacy there...i don’t expect much from a show that likes to return to the status quo but in my heart it’s how i feel
OH BOY HERE WE GO. arthur arrives in camelot and pulls his sword out as soon as he leaves his horse leaving a visibly spooked merlin behind him this is the STUFF
“arthur was born of magic” is really a hell of a line because even though i already knew this backstory i hadn’t stopped to consider it like that...no, magic is not a crucial part of arthur’s identity and how he views himself the way it is for merlin and morgana, but it’s still a part of his history and what made him who he is, that made him alive and different from other people. his hatred and fear of it becomes so much more tragic in that light. i think also there was such a clear line drown before between people who are magic and people who are not and for me, mentally, arthur kind of...swapped sides, or is at least straddling the border
merlin’s absolute FURY at uther’s hypocrisy is like...........fucking. another thing i wanted to see for a season and a half. imo there’s not nearly enough meat to the fact that merlin is magic and ultimately serves uther who is trying to decimate him and his kind - has actually SAVED UTHER'S LIFE on MULTIPLE occasions. this is the first time this show actually went “hey uther is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people and that’s really not at all ok” and i am SO into it. like, no, he’s not misguided. he’s not “just grieving.” he’s a murderer. he’s responsible for genocide.
the final 9 minutes of this episode feature arthur pendragon being absolutely FURIOUS. he’s LIVID. he’s PISSED. and i love it more than anything else this show has done so far
i genuinely, truly believed he didn’t have this in him. never in my WILDEST DREAMS could i have imagined arthur doing this. i had written it off as the stuff of fanfics. but holy shit my man snapped
reasons i did not see this coming at all even a little: 1. i figured there was no way arthur would get over his anti-magic thing until near the end (i know it must come back later, but STILL) 2. i did not believe for one second he could ever seriously stand up to his father for more than a few minutes at a time 3. most of what’s making arthur so goddamn pissed is that he thinks his dad killed his mom on purpose but he’s also showing a fair amount of horror at the fact that uther hunted down and killed everyone even remotely associated with sorcery like animals. do you know what that is? does anybody else understand the enormity of this? HE IS SHOWING EMPATHY. i DID NOT believe he was capable of it.
i do feel a way about how uther started this scene from a place of cool confidence - he was handing out orders, “leave us and no one comes in,” manipulating the situation, “she was lying to you, magic users are trying to destroy us,” and finally trying to close the door on the topic and reassert control, “i am your kind and your father and you will SHOW ME SOME RESPECT” - and arthur was not only having none of it (the way his eyes narrowed as uther’s casual “she was lying”...oh boy) he TURNED THE TABLES and had uther ON THE DEFENSIVE. the number of times we’ve seen uther shut other people down and get his way because he’s king and everyone is afraid of him and this time uther was the one who afraid LITERALLY for his life. HOW’S THAT TASTE BITCH god it was SO satisfying. like, there’s one shot where arthur is walking slowly towards him after all his verbal tactics have failed to de-escalate the situation and he’s in the backround with his eyes so fucking wide and he looks TERRIFIED. i LOVE IT
“you are my son. you would not strike an unarmed man.” “i no longer consider myself your son” AND HE STRIKES HIM
when i say that i LITERALLY screamed i am not at all exaggerating or using hyperbole. cathy asked twice if i needed to pause & collect myself. i could not have paused if my life depended on it
i’m really on the fence about merlin stopping arthur. on the one hand, arthur has suffered enough and doesn’t need to suffer more by having to carry the guilt or dadmurder. under the other, uther is a monster and needs to die, and the entire world would be better off without him
like...arthur’s face when he says “you have caused so much suffering and pain”...he really finally got it. for one beautiful brilliant moment he understood
i am NOT on the fence about merlin lying to arthur. that was the wrong way to do it. arthur 6000% deserves to know the truth and that’s only gonna come back and bite them later i’m sure (unless it never comes back at all in which case i’ll be pissed)
i’m not sure that arthur would have backed off if they had told the truth and said “uther didn’t realize your mom was gonna die so really that part wasn’t his fault”...he was really mad! but he might’ve. lying was not the way to go. i’m so angry at literally everyone in that scene for allowing arthur to walk away believing he was wrong. he was so full of conviction and he was about to do a really good thing - not good for him personally, but good for the world - and everyone he trusts lied to his face in order to maintain the status quo and not have to deal with anything ugly. i HATE it. i’m team arthur now. i’m in the arthur defense squad. all those dumb liars aren’t good enough to be his friends!!!!!!
like, even his dad’s words were sooo carefully chosen to avoid lying but also avoid telling the whole truth. even in that moment when arthur was laying it all bare and they could have made some sort of progress as character and as people. we had to go BACK TO THE STATUS QUO
Once Again Arthurs Heart Is Hardened To Magic i hate it thanks
honestly look uther telling arthur that he’s a trusted ally in the fight against magic should make him feel a lot more distressed than what we got. i mean i’m sure he’s glad his cover is safe but he should realize that if uther approves he’s doing something wrong
furthermore, uther hasn’t changed a bit. he says he came to thank merlin and that merlin is a loyal servant and trusted ally, but then threatens his life before he leaves. honestly we should have just let arthur stab him
i do appreciate them making a point of mentioning that merlin was tempted to let uther die and that it would have been better for him if uther HAD died and he only did what he did to protect arthur but like...there were ways to do that that didn’t involve lying i think. this is an optimistic show most of the time. it wouldn’t have messed with my suspension of disbelief if arthur had dropped the sword knowing the real whole truth! but no, The Status Quo
i don’t know if i will still love arthur so much in the coming episodes.................we’ll see. i’m kind of nervous because i don’t know how they’re ever going to top this. i think we peaked right here and it’ll never be this good for me again
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emrys-the-wild · 2 years
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#idk when you think about it in terms of real people rather than just a tv show then it starts to feel like merlin just repressed everything
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Headcannon that Merlin’s excuse was poetry because his mother enjoys writing poetry and she used to read him her poems to help him fall asleep when he was a child. 
98 notes • Posted 2021-05-02 18:30:59 GMT
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Just your daily reminder that Merlin’s neckerchief ties in the front, apparently.
241 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 03:20:00 GMT
Okay but for someone like Merlin, who genuinely cannot afford to be his true self around his friends, who may never feel as though he can truly connect with people and have them understand him and see him, to hear Arthur say that he (Arthur) “can’t afford the luxury of having friends” (paraphrasing) must have been so aggravating like oml. Like!! Yes Arthur you can absolutely have friends and a wife and faithful knights who would do anything for you and an entire kingdom of loyal subjects!! You know who can’t? You know who doesn’t even get to keep one person who really knows him for longer than like a year?? Merlin!! 
376 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 04:01:29 GMT
Okay but Merlin and Morgana are actually creepily similar. Like yes, they both have magic, and they both have a strong longing for freedom, we know this. But like, I mean just in how they talk about their experiences. 
How Merlin answered, “He grew up,” to Gaius’, “What happened to the young boy who walked into my chambers just a few years ago?” 
How Morgana answered, “I grew up,” to Arthur’s, “What happened to you, Morgana? As a child you were so kind, compassionate.” 
How both Morgana and Merlin lost their more kind natures due to Uther/Arthur and their (unintentional or not) cruelty. 
How Merlin, had he less faith in Arthur, could’ve easily slipped into cruelty just as Morgana had. I mean, Morgana was much like Merlin in the earlier seasons. Compassionate (as Arthur points out), kind, just; and she still somehow managed to turn into a villain. With an extra push, Merlin could’ve easily been the same thing. 
It’s just sort of odd to think about. We look at their disparity, how Morgana was considered “the darkness to Merlin’s light, the hatred to his love.” How they were viewed sort of as polar opposites, at least in their beliefs and in what they wanted for magic. Truly, though, they both wanted the same thing. They wanted freedom for magic users, it’s just that Morgana had Morgause and Merlin had Arthur. 
Their destinies depended almost entirely upon who they had as an example of freedom. 
482 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 01:31:47 GMT
Man you know what just breaks my heart? 
After meeting Merlin, Arthur grew into a better person. He grew more confident in his abilities as a king, he grew kinder and more understanding, he opened himself up to love and support. 
After meeting Arthur, Merlin’s life went downhill. Yes, he grew to understand his magic better, but everything else just fell apart. He lost his innocence, he lost so many close companions, either because they died (Balinor, Freya, Lancelot), moved up in the world (Gwen), or simply because Merlin ended up cutting them slowly out of his life by focusing solely on Arthur (Gwaine). Not only did he grow even more lonely, despaired, and hopeless, but he lost so much of that previous chivalry and trust. In season 5, we only ever saw glimmers of a younger Merlin when he was around Arthur, otherwise he was mostly distrustful, agitated, and single-minded. 
Idk, Merlin just really lost so many people and even ended up losing himself in the end, and then he lost Arthur. That was pretty much all that Merlin lived for. I just can’t imagine that pain. 
537 notes • Posted 2021-01-09 03:16:55 GMT
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soccerzig17 · 7 years
I'm wondering if maybe they shot scenes with Morgana and her dragon being captured and that whole storyline, but didn't have room for it? From what I gathered from what the evil king revealed/implied, he captured the dragon and when she tried to rescue it, he captured her, too, and they were held in that well for two years. But yeah, to show more of that story, and how they escaped, would have been great, but even the little they did show/relate was, I guess, meant to humanize evil Morgana...
The rest of everything is under the cut since this is so long :)
... to show she hadn't completely turned evil. But I don't think it was enough, she wouldn't have on her own become so evil she would have wanted to kill innocent people (exactly why she was angry at Uther, before she knew she was magical), espec. women and children. ... So, my theory... remember the scene where she first goes to meet Morgause in the forest, and Morgause puts a spell on her -- with that blue light -- that makes her fall asleep, which causes everyone in Camelot to fall asleep...... it's been a while since I watched the series, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that before Morgana went to visit Morgause she was still hesitant, but then after the spell had been placed on her, she was totally committed to her sister and her cause. (Unless she was still hesitant after that, and it was only Merlin trying to kill her that turned her?) So I thought that the spell not only made everyone sleep, it also turned her evil. I held on to that for the rest of the show...... it was the only way I could stomach the 180 they pulled with her. So I thought at the end as she was dying, the spell would finally be broken and she would die good, she would know what had been done to her, and that Merlin would realize, too. Then he could have told Arthur before he died, and everyone at home, too. It would have explained her turn to the dark side as well as vindicated her character. ... Similarly I was upset that Merlin didn't tell Arthur that the Lancelot who had "come...... back" wasn't really him, and also about the spell that had been placed on Gwen, so he would know she had never been untrue to him. And for Merlin to have told Gwen at home as well, bc you know she never fully let go of her guilt for that. ... Last night's SG episode, with "shades of Morgana" Lena, really made me worry even more that they are going to go ahead with the non-sensical, let's-turn-Lena-evil storyline. It would make absolutely no sense, but the writers have already pulled...... so much OOC bs. If they do want Lena and SG to become adversaries, then they should at least go the believable, grey route, with Lena perhaps being conflicted about aliens, or even blaming SG for something and viewing her as the enemy, but at least do it in nuanced way. There's a lot of real-world stuff they could explore if they wanted to, and the caricatured villain type is so old and so boring. I feel like the writing has been very inconsistent though, so I'm quite nervous.
I hadn’t thought about them shooting the scenes but not having room for them, that could be a possibility, but I’ve been watching a lot of interviews and stuff from then and no one really talks about it so idk, but that definitely could be possible. Or like they had plans to but then didn’t. 
As for your theory I totally think that is possible! Like the sleeping spell also included a little bit of mind control/alteration for Morgana. Cuz like it was obvious that she was on her sisters side from the beginning because of how Uther treated those with magic, but I feel like she would have not turned absolutely nuts like she did. I also agree about the plot holes of Merlin not telling the truth about Lancelot and the spell Gwen was under. That really frustrated me because Merlin is so good hearted, and he has revealed that magic was used in cases before, so why not do it those times? Idk. Do you know if the writers of the show ever changed? That could explain how some of the plot holes happened. I know that in some interviews they talk about how the cast and crew was mostly the same all 5 seasons, but if they brought in new/different writers at any point that could explain some of it. 
As for the supergirl stuff, I feel like the writers/producers are seeing how much they fucked up with Man-hell (notice his lack of appearance in trailers/promos towards the end of this season) and they probably see all the stuff about how bad of an idea/how much fans would so not like it if they would make Lena bad so hopefully they listen. The ratings for the show are highest in episodes with Lena and lowest in eps without her so that shows that the fans want her around at the very least. I’m hoping Katie is at Comic Con and people ask all sorts of questions about wanting her to stay good because the dynamic of having totally opposite views from her family is really interesting and can create some amazing plots. I also hope that people who go to Cons are salty (but still respectful) to the writers/producers about what a shit show this season was. 
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myheartisbro-ken · 7 years
Hello! I'm sorry I didn't send you a message earlier. I had a research lab I had to attend as part of my course grade. 😅 Anyway, what you witnessed must have been tough, even if abuse is not directly your trigger. It seemed to further reinforce your dislike for Karamel, but also upset u (which totally makes sense), so I'm sorry. Supergirl shouldn't normalize (or romanticize) abuse and make it seem like an epic romance. 2.17 sucked. If I can make poached eggs, I'm a changed person? (Pt1) 💙
(pt 2/3) I guess I should have been used Kara’s sudden 180 degree changes in opinion when it comes to Mon, but was still floored when she gave J'onn a lecture about how she needs him. 😑 (Also, wtf Mon is now family, J'onn? Why?). Ugh. There was a lot wrong with that episode. Also, yes! You worded exactly how I feel about that ship. I wish we could have seen Katie as a vampire though…*sighs*. Oh, I don’t agree with what Dracula did (like not at all). I just wanted to see more Vamp! Lucy. 🙂🌷 (¾ uh, I changed it. Now there will be 4 parts) I also attended private school. It wasn’t very preppy, but there were fissures among us because the teachers catered to some. I digress. We could double team Merlin and he’d probably lose 🎉. Also, we somehow ended him before that one unfortunate event (😿) occured , so Morgana is fine/happy and we are her champions. Haha. 😅🗡⚔I seriously think she would have been a better ruler overall. You got my riddle! 💙 Congratulations. Usually, you’d– (4/4) be granted passage somewhere or given a reward. Here’s a 🌷. I’ll come up with something when I’ve the time, but I won’t forget. Let’s see: Did you feel thay the introduction of Jason and Co. and Camp Jupiter cheapened the Percy Jackson series? Would you have preferred they continued with the Greek mythology aspect and those kids? 🙂 Also, what would be your weapon as a demigod? What would the metal be composed of? No judgement, I’m not a Percy Jackson purist so anything is fair game. 💙
Oh, but it’s not just poached eggs, it’s bacon and coffee and laundry. Truly a changed man who never raised his voice or tried to murder a man for liking his crush. Husband material. The scene where she cries to J’onn that they have to save him because it’s unfair and her fault and it’ll destroy his life and he was only in that situation because of her, this girl I watched yesterday had an almost verbatim reaction to her bf being sent away, down to ‘he was only trying to protect me’ and that was the moment I related to sg, and I was like ‘holy shit, this is horrifying’. Everything in that episode was wrong. Even the Romeo and Juliet exaggerated references (ugh), like, Kara might even be Juliet, but he is not Romeo, he is Paris.
What kind of lab, by the way? And it’s fine, I was singing Camp Rock and High School Musical songs to my dog… she got scared.  😁
We’ve been robbed of a Dracula season two. We deserved to see Lucy being a vampire. I would have sold my soul to see that. Can you imagine? Her going around, seducing people, being hot, biting people mid-makeout… it’s everything I’ve ever wanted. Like, I’ve never understood why straight girls were so into vampires until I considered girls being vampires, and it shifted my entire worldview *gay sigh*. 😊
My private school wasn’t like those things you see in movies and stuff (you could say it wasn’t preppy at all), it was just like a regular school, only very very rich kids and entitled fuckboys. The stuff of nightmares, there was even a few boys who harassed the young female teachers. Though I had no problems with teachers in middle school, it was a Montessori school, so it was the best fit for someone with ADHD, and there were a lot of disabled kids being treated the same as every other student, and that was great, I know a lot of schools in the same area that weren’t like that, including the school I went to high school, where the entitled fuckboy palooza happened.
Here’s the plan: we team up and end Merlin before he even goes to Camelot, everything is solved, go in on his place and save everything, she doesn’t need physical protection, she can handle herself, but she does need love and support, that’s where we come in. 😎😇 She would have been a better ruler than Uther, but after she was wronged by so many and somewhat manipulated by Morgause, she went on a downward spiral. If it was before ‘the unfortunate event’, yeah, she’d be a great queen.
I feel like I’m cheating because I already knew the riddle… but it is kind of the most famous riddle, so maybe it’s okay? and like, usually if I got the riddle wrong I’d be strangled and devoured, so I think the 🌷 and not dying are good enough prizes. Not that I’ll deny anything, I’ll accept rewards in form of pizza and/or cookies
I like Jason and Co, and I liked Camp Jupiter. I don’t think it cheapened the story, I really liked the plot, granted a bunch of teenagers running around and fighting giant deadly monsters and shit might not be the best situation, but overall, as far as I read, I liked it. I think we got enough of the Greeks, and the Romans deserved their chance as well, but I would have liked better if we got a purely Roman story at first, like Jason’s story like we got Percy’s, a book or two about his life at camp Jupiter, preferably parallel to Percy’s, and then the crossover. But that would be a lot to write and I agree with the decision to introduce them when they were introduced. I would like more short stories about the lives of people on both camps, that would be nice.
I have a thing for swords, I really like swords. But I also love archery (not that I’m any good at it) so I think I’d have both, I’d definitely want training in these two. A magical quiver with endless arrows would be awesome, also like maybe a bracelet that turned into a bow and idk I can’t think of anything original to be turned into a sword, but something I could keep in my pocket.The metal(s) would be, for both the sword and the arrows, half Celestial Bronze and half Silver (maybe a side dagger laced with lead or a few lead-laced arrows so I can fix some mistakes around the DEO). 😉 
What would your weapon be? You could use it to help me fight Merlin 😜
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coinofstone · 4 years
3x01 The Tears of Uther Pendragon pt 1
(Since there's commentary for this episode, I will not be combining 3x01 and 3x02 into a single post.)
The double fisted callback shots are interesting. First, Arthur & co walking into a deserted camp only to be ambushed, complete with whizzing crossbow bolts (have you learned NOTHING) which is essentially the same exact scene as in 2x11 The Witch's Quickening when they come upon Alvarr's camp. It's a neat nod to the audience, who already know that Morgana wasn't exactly captured, she was (from Morgause's perspective anyway) rescued after Merlin tried to kill her. So calling back to that ambush sequence is a nice way to signal to the audience that Morgana is once again knowingly and willfully colluding with Uther's enemies in a plot to destroy him, despite all the dialogue giving the impression that she needs rescuing. That Morgana had in fact aided in setting the trap for Arthur & co is both further pushed by and contrasted with the second callback, when she emerges from the woods looking like a hot mess. This references 2x04 Lancelot and Guinevere when Morgana had in fact been actually captured, but she managed to escape and find Arthur who'd been out looking for her. The difference of course being that Morgana is full of shit this time, but repeating that moment is a clever way of demonstrating Morgana's intent to trick everyone into believing she's the same damsel in distress she'd once been, while we, the audience, know she isn't.
Uther's unquestioning acceptance of Morgana's return is irksome. I know it's been over a year but has he just forgotten that she helped Alvarr escape? It was made perfectly clear that he knew and that they were at odds with one another, yet it's like none of that ever happened. He's just thrilled to have her back and has no memory of any of those events.
Drunk!emo!Uther is amusing as hell. Also a little odd that they're worried about explaining Uther's behavior at the well as tho they didn't have the perfectly viable excuse of him having been drunk off his ass and emotional about Morgana's return.
Morgana being a dick to Gwen even as she tries to convince everyone else that she's back to her old self is just as confounding as Uther's lack of suspicion.
I love Tom Ellis. Everyone loves him for Lucifer, and you can definitely see some early shades of Lucifer in Cenred, but he will forever be Gary to me. Idk why Lucifans aren't all over Miranda, I mean just look at what you're all missing:
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What's not to love?
I can understand Morgana leaving the sentry alive by accident, but why in God's name would she leave her dagger after stabbing him?
You'd think the king would have better security while he's ill, and servants competent enough to notice motor oil dripping onto the floor under his bed.
I cannot adequately express how much I LOVE Morgana's calling out Merlin after he's followed her to her meeting with Morgause. "Did you really think I was that stupid, Merlin?" YES HE DID, BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE INEXPLICABLY SEEMS TO BE. Merlin is clumsy as fuck and yet somehow he's the stealthiest dude in Camelot. I looooove Morgana calling that shit out 😂
I know she's evil and stuff but Morgause is so cool.
Merlin rockin the wackest shibari of all time. It's a little hard to see but they've got it wrapping his legs as they're bent too. That can't have been very comfortable to film in.
Roasted scorpion, offical delicacy of Camelot.
I know it's stupid to question the summoning of a talking dragon via a magical language but honestly I can't help myself wondering whether Kilgharrah hears Merlin or if it's like, dragon-radio where wherever that language is spoken by a Dragonlord, every dragon can hear it? Cuz either way I still have questions.
Commentary by Bradley and Katie.
They've made comments about the weather during the first scene and then promptly forgotten they're supposed to be doing commentary 😂 apparently it's they were brought in to do this very early in the morning during the last week of filming, which probably explains why they're so quiet.
Cracking jokes on shirtless Arthur, and how Gawain puts him to shame later on, then going on about how he's got the best hair in Camelot.
I love that Katie asks how Bradley did the blindfolded swordfight then doesn't let him answer😂 I would've liked to know how exactly they coordinated that
So for S3 they built additional corridor stages in Wales to reduce the amount of time they spend shooting in France. Katie's disappointed by that, but Bradley was happy it meant he got to go home to watch more of the world cup, except that England did horribly that year - Katie is surprised to learn the world cup happened that year 😂
I normally love Katie on these things but I think because Bradley's not entirely awake his storytelling is a bit slower or more drawn out, and Katie keeps cutting him off so he keeps like, dropping stories halfway told. This annoys me for two reasons: I'm a woman whose friend group is mostly men, who do this to me irl ALL THE TIME and it's INCREDIBLY annoying, so I'm over-relating to Bradley in this moment. And also, because I really would've liked to hear the rest of these stories! What did Tom Ellis do at the read through! Why does it make no sense that Sir Leon is alive? I counted bodies of least two knights that didn't get burned. HOW DID THEY DO THE BLINDFOLDED SWORD FIGHT. Let the man speak
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Bradley makes fun of Colin for being overly excited by how great the music was during the episode screening they did.
They've talked more about Bradley having a stretch than they did about the entire episode.
He's got a really irritating laugh, not in general but like just this one particular sort of shrieking bark that irks me.
You can tell they were DONE with the commentary because they wrapped it up before the credits actually started 😂
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coinofstone · 4 years
3x05 The Crystal Cave
Disclosure: I fell asleep watching this episode last night, and then spent the entire day trying to watch it but getting interrupted and distracted. My orginal notes were lost/ deleted by tumblr, so this is a full do-over. If I sound cranky, that's why.
I love everything about this intro sequence. The slow-mo shots cutaway in time with the heartbeat, the ambient sound removed so all you hear is that heartbeat and the breathing, the swing around to the oncoming horde chasing after Arthur and Merlin, the increase in the heartbeats speed till full audio fills in as the shot's sped back up to real time and the music kicks in full of suspense and adrenaline as Arthur and Merlin absolutely book it through the same 15 feet of forest over and over 😂
No but it really is a lovely shot. I also love that they just never even bother with an explanation for why they're being chased, where they were, what they were doing, why they were there alone and without horses. Like.... ok then.
Bradley and Colin both in this shot with their mouths hanging open but there's clearly a swarm of gnats like right next to his Bradley's face and I just
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As for the crystal cave itself - you telling me Morgause didn't know about it? Like I understand Alvarr but Morgause?? Kind of makes the crystal of neahtid seem a lot less important than it was made out to be.
Ppl hate Arthur for being mean to Merlin but Merlin seems to give as good as he gets to me. Not *just* in retaliation, either, but like even this scene he's just being rude because he's moody over the cave - Arthur doesn't even actually deserve it here. Not that I'm saying Merlin isn't justified, he 1000% is. I just really don't see anything abusive in their dynamic.
This entire episode is just Merlin entering rooms
They made Arthur a new crown and he still looks like a child playing dress up in it
The shot of Arthur holding Gwen while she sobbed was the most awkward thing ever. Gwen didn't seem to know what to do with her hands and Arthur looked like he's got no idea how to hug a person. Idk if it was deliberately awkward to signify the awkwardness of THEIR situation, or if it was just a shot they didn't get a better take of.
"Merlin: Have You Learned Nothing?!" Sundays on BBC One*
*I have no idea what day or channel this series aired on, I just think that line from Kilgharrah nicely fits as a tagline for the series.
FTR I think Merlin commanding the dragon to give him the power to heal Morgana after he's explicitly refused to do so IS a gross abuse of his power.
Morgana hears Uther say he's her father but she doesn't hear Merlin speaking that enchantment to save her 👌
I still don't understand why Merlin is so desperate to keep Uther alive. I think the party line is, "don't let Uther get killed by a sorcerer because Arthur will hate magic so much he'll be as bad as Uther was" but frankly I just think that's dumb, tbh.
On I'm falling asleep shook I'm gonna call it. More tomorrow.
3am EDIT:
I actually did fall asleep just before the end of this episode (again) but the music jolted me awake enough to be worried about losing this draft (again) so I added an incoherent sign off and posted, because that's just who I am, as a person. Now that I'm wide awake at 3am I'm just going to polish off this post properly, because I never got to the main point of it: the plot device.
I do appreciate that Merlin is self aware enough to realize he shouldn't be given messages of the future. A big part of this show is old magic beings telling Merlin prophesies about himself, things that amount to him being told the future and then working to either prevent or encourage it. The future-telling crystals are really just a neat plot device to get Merlin into position to prevent a thing from happening. In this case, he's trying to prevent Morgana from killing Uther. Aside from that though, the story here is really about the choices Merlin makes in order to prevent the future from happening, and how they actually contribute to the future happening rather than preventing it, as though it were inevitable. This really ties in to the Mordred story, and Morgana's, and honestly just overall Merlin and Arthur's.
It's a really big, sort of heady theme, the way that future knowledge shapes Merlin's choices and the effect on those choices could have on his character when they're at odds with who he is as a person. The way Merlin is manipulated by prophecy is a really big thing within the series, and the events of this episode both foreshadow events to come, and reinforces the defiance of prophesy that we've already seen from Merlin. It's much more important thematically than in terms of the specific events of the episode.
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panharmonium · 5 years
merlin question for the merlin people here - 
[usual disclaimer - i’ve still not started Season 5, so if this is something you can address without any reference to that final season, go ahead and have at it in the comments/my inbox, but if it IS addressed in S5, feel free to pass this up and i’ll get there soon :D ]
do we know anything about how uther was able to make the great purge successful?
this is part of a bigger question about what magic users can actually do, and may end up being answered by “no that’s all just a big plot hole,” which is fine, but i figured i’d ask people who may actually have been watching the show when they were airing interviews and conventions and stuff
so, for example, the first episode when uther executes that dude.  the dude’s mom is there watching, and she’s clearly a relatively powerful sorceress.  she’s able to disappear into thin air after her confrontation with uther, essentially teleporting herself somewhere else.  so.  why wasn’t she able to stop her son from being executed?
more generally, i mean - how was uther ever able to hold sorcerers in cells?  or cut their heads off or burn them at the stake or whatever?  how was uther ever able to do anything to them at all?  like.  for all that merlin is afraid of his secret coming out, the fear is less about coming to physical harm and more about emotional pain/rejection, at least by later seasons, when he’s more skilled.  no one could possibly hold him in the dungeons, or catch him if he chose to run away.
i wondered if it was just skewed audience perceptions, because we spend all our time with merlin and other heavy-hitters, and maybe most sorcerers can only do little things, but if that’s the case i guess we’ve just seen a pretty nonrepresentative group of magic users, because they’ve all had fairly impressive powers.
and then i wondered, since uther is such a massive hypocrite anyway, if he tricked or bribed other magic users into helping him (before killing them too)
but i don’t know the real answer
it’s kind of like the same question that comics struggle with, about what a superhero’s limits are - the narrative tension is about sorcerers being hunted down and exterminated, but you can’t really maintain that tension if sorcerers are so powerful that they’re not in any danger.  and it clearly isn’t the case that sorcerers aren’t in danger; like, obviously a lot of sorcerers did bite it at uther’s hands - so i’m searching for the explanation for that, if it exists.
***AND ALSO - this is just to satisfy my own curiosity, but is there any insider knowledge about how far beyond uther’s kingdom this “magic is bad” mindset permeates???  merlin’s not from camelot at all - he’s from cenred’s kingdom - but his mom was still pretty dang concerned about people finding out about him.  but cenred himself doesn’t have any reservations about hooking up with morgause (possibly in more than one way idk WHAt that vibe between them even was XD XD XD).  has the extent of anti-magic sentiment ever been discussed?
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