#mobility device users
thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
Hey abled people
Don't offer to assist someone just to be polite
You don't get to offer to push me and then turn around and complain when I accept, or push me for like a minute and then give up while complaining.
I get if you didn't realize how heavy it is or that you might not be strong enough, just say that and apologize. And then STOP PUSHING ME. Don't continue while bitching and making me feel bad.
If you bitch at me it's only going to make me feel worse and everyone around us is going to be mad at ME for "taking advantage of you"
Usually I will only ask for help when I am at my limit, or when I'm around a group of friends I trust, so they can switch off if they get tired. When I need to get up a hill and no one is there to help I just get out and push. Until I get a power assist I still will need help from time to time.
Also in most cases, a stranger won't want or need your help unless they are in immediate need and usually then we will ask. It's very uncomfortable to have a stranger touch your chair.
You don't need to ask every wheelchair user if they need help. I think in some countries it's considered polite to ask but please..just stop if you can't back it up and actually help!!!
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heart-buzz · 6 months
something i think a lot of able-bodied people (or really, ANYONE who doesn't use an electric mobility device) fail to realize is that while having a power chair can certainly open up your ability to go places, many places are not power chair/scooter friendly. even curbs aren't power chair friendly, (frankly im ignoring the width of sidewalks for this post... 😒) the first time i left my home with my chair, i had an emotional breakdown upon coming home, because my own driveway isn't power chair friendly. the curb has a two inch rise, which simply can't be rolled over. we'd already had to buy an expensive ramp to get OUT of the house, and i had to get out of my chair (ow) so that my fiance could lift the chair over the curb. if he wasn't there with me, i would've been out of luck. not only would i have had to leave my $5000 chair outside on the street, i would've had to walk myself back inside, which is one of the main contributions of my back pain. btw, insurance doesn't cover anything towards non-permanent chair ramps. as a disabled person, you are expected to cover those expenses yourself, and they are not cheap.
i also realized that not every road has an ADA-compliant curb to roll onto. do you know what that means? that means i have to drive my chair in the street, with actual cars. do you know the top speed of my chair? it's 5.1 miles per hour. im not sure if it's illegal to pass someone in a mobility scooter, but no one wanted to drive around me when this happened so i held up the traffic on a somewhat busy road. it was embarrassing and somewhat frightening.
i guess all im saying is, please think about power chair and scooter users when you think about wheelchair accessibility. please consider what our heavier, battery-operated chairs can and can't do when it comes to curbs and ramps.
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tobytalksaac · 4 months
Reminder that AAC device/mobility aid does not ruin your outfit!
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clownrecess · 1 year
Something I want everyone to know is: if it helps you, then use it.
"I dont want to take recourses away from full-time AAC/wheelchair/cane/other disability aid users!!" You arent. You arent! These aids exist to help those people, yeah, but they exist to help you, too.
If it helps you get through the day, why shouldn't you use it?
There isnt a list of requirements of who should use these aids. There is only one box, does it help you? Yes? Then use it!!!!!
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wizario11 · 1 year
TW: ableism
For all my non disabled people (and disabled people too)
If you think calling out that wheelchair user for moving their legs, calling out the person who uses a aac device for talking, the blind person for look at you when you talk, the mentally ill person for “not seeming mentally Ill”, etc
Guess what…
You just did some ableist behavior
There is no one way to act disabled, mentally Ill, chronically ill, neurodivergent, etc.
Disabilities fluctuate
Not everyone has the same symptoms
Fake claiming is not protecting "real disabled people"
It's harming us.
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spooniestrong · 1 year
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📷: functionallyjess
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seventyone-71 · 7 months
I bought a cane the other week - which is the first time I've owned one - I never realized how much I was suffering without one, turns out I was spending so many spoons just moving around and I had no idea. I have so much more energy now it's crazy. Best 30 dollars I've spent in my life.
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ackee · 3 months
mid 2010s custom tumblr theme lovers -> neocities haver pipeline..
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skitskatstudios · 8 months
Saiki wheelchair except it doesn’t have handles because [Nobody push me. Keep your filthy hands off my wheelchair.]
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wheelingwithgrace · 26 days
The difference between how I'm treated when using my cane and when I'm using my crutches is insane. I've noticed that when I use a cane, people are less helpful, and they stare a little longer. When I use crutches, I get more pity and assistance. "Aww, did you hurt yourself?"
I guess my main point is that most people don't like to acknowledge mobility aids when they are seemingly being used for a more long-term condition (i.e. canes are more frowned upon as they are seen as actually mobility aid and something old people use) vs. crutches where they expect you to be better in a few days to weeks and good to go.
And it all boils down to ableism.
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Went out Saturday for date night with my beloved~ I decided to be snail themed to match my new @mayakern skirt!
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disabilityhealth · 2 years
PSA: when out in public, do not talk to a disabled stranger about their disability.
I don’t care if you’re curious. Die curious.
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flamingo--ing · 3 months
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trading post :3
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deathbypufferfish · 1 year
I do not want to see my disabilities in the sims 4 lmao. How tf is EA going to make an invisible disability without it being some watered down, bullshit moodlet.
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clownrecess · 1 year
(Tw!! Talk of food, forgetting to eat.)
I want to talk about me and my support needs.
My hygiene isn't very good, I brush my teeth once per day on weekdays and usually zero times on weekends. I shower usually once per week, I try to do more but often can't. I need to be reminded to shower that minimum of one day, or I literally just won't for even longer.
I forget to go the bathroom, so I often won't go for an entire day. I sometimes have to set reminders on my phone to go to the bathroom.
I have very little internal sensation, which is related to the bathroom thing, but it also makes me forget to eat and drink until I can barely move from how much pain I am in.
I am semi-speaking, and use AAC.
I need visual schedules, primarily for showers or I will forget to do like half the steps.
I use ear defenders, and stim toys.
I need nightlights or I'll have extreme anxiety.
My joints pop out of place a lot.
I need lots of reminders, and I HATE getting reminded but I need them or I'll forget to do anything.
I am in special ed.
I wrote this post for a reason. I didn't write it for attention, or to overshare. I wrote it to let you know that you aren't alone, and that you are not "gross" for having certain support needs. You are fantastic, no matter your support needs.
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wizario11 · 1 year
A question for all of my disabled people
Do any of y'all name your mobility aids, braces, hearing aids, oxygen tanks, aac device, etc?
If so what are the names and how you came up with it?
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