#mmmmmm i really need to rewatch this
art--harridan · 2 years
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[Image description: A digital painting based on Portrait of a Lady on Fire. It depicts Marianne and Héloïse touching their foreheads together in an extreme close-up shot. Both of their eyes are closed and they're smiling. Marianne cups Héloïse's face in her hands. Fire bursts out underneath them, and it has a traditionally painted texture. The palette is very warm except for the bright sky blue background. The piece has a slightly fuzzy texture.]
Inktober Day 5: Flame
Film: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
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watchingspnagain · 1 year
Rewatching Lazarus Rising
Welcome to “CAAAAAS!: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s4e1: Lazarus Rising.
  “Dean pulls a Buffy and has to dig his way out of his own grave, gets splashed with holy water by Bobby, and mistaken for Sam’s boyfriend by Ruby. And that’s all great and all, but…CAS!!! CAAAASSSSS!!! ahem Um, also Castiel makes his first appearance on the show, claiming responsibility for Dean’s Easter parade.”
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 bounce bounce bounce
omg pause
i have no sound
 omg compy, look here
okay fixed.
41:20 left
 okay i’m there
copper boom
 copper boom
jeez. okay, cas, come soothe my furrowed brow
omg the eye stuff
and his chokey breathing
 they buried him with his lighter
crawls in coffin with him, absolutely not making the situation worse
can't go to the underworld without your lighter
 he and Buffy could TALK about STUFF
the haaaaaaaaaands
 and give dirty looks to Willow and Cas from across the room
they have an EXCEPTIONAL dental plan in hell
 Dean will not AT ALL be bitter about Buffy spending her time in heaven/nirvana
not even a little
I love that the sign says keep the cooler door closed and he leaves it open
don't turn on only the hot water, you dope
give him some slack, he’s readjusting,
 ah, only the essentials then, eh? Dean?
he needs reading material
 yes because he just reads the articles
 yes, Dean, run from one set of windows to the other
yeah, he's a little disoriented, the muffin
i suppose so
he is NOT amused
 poor Dean
omg their faces
 aw, this is adorable. the first time Dean has come back from the dead and Bobby isn’t experienced at it yet
"you're about the closest thing I have to a father"
 simpler times
I love that he winces a little before he makes the cut
the palm of your LEFT hand, Dean, come on
lololololol the holy water
 or, like the other side of the arm
 oh Dean, your pants are on fire
Dean is sus
“dammit Sammy"
 “this force, this presence” that’s your boyfriend, DeanDean
you'll recognize him soon, hon
 “what don’t I know about that kid"
ooooof Dean calling out someone else about their drinking
 yeah, read the room, Dean, he lost his SON
"heya, Sammy"
 Ruby looks pretty good in those undies
she DOES
 “I look fantastic” HAHAHAHA
SUPER stoked we're finally to Ruby 2.0
 it’d be great if she could take over for Laurel, too [Ed. On Arrow.]
 “are you two, like, together?” “what?” this doesn’t fit.
well, they're pretending she's not Ruby, right?
if she’s Ruby and Sammy knows she’s Ruby, then that doesn’t work
yes but Sam’s reaction just doesn’t seem right
 i just don’t like the writing there
yeah, it should be more like "ooooh riiiight I'll play along"
bc it's not like they thought he was gonna show up
it was a nugget of the lord, dean!
I really like that shirt of Sammy's
yeah, this would have been a huge shock and they wouldn’t have had the presence of mind to pretend that smoothly
 too soon, Sammy
like let the man have a burger first
 Is this the first time we get Dean looking in a mirror like this?
oooo MAYBE
 (his eyes are SO GREEN)
although.... I think I already have a mirror tag going, so maybe not?
 omg the LOOK he gives Sammy
it almost makes up for him saying "I almost forgot" about Baby. HE DID NOT
(I would SO get him into things like Tori Amos through sheer stubborn determination)
 well, it has been forty years, though
(sit down, Dean, it's time for some Ani DiFranco)
she is gorgeous
 and saucy
she IS
the look Bobby gives her
too bad Cas gets jealous and burns her eyes out
he knows she groped him under the table
of course he does
 Dean, you shouldn’t assume it was a him
"she's gonna eat you alive"
RIGHT? Jesse was definitely a girl
 “he didn’t touch me there” not yet, at least
he would never. not without taking him to dinner first
he DID SAY, Pamela
 and she DID ask. several times.
"castiel or whatever"
 oh Dean
his perky nipples lolololol
 self objectification as defense
 I smell Fault of John here
 “the smarter brother’s back in town” HAHAHA
I love that Dean is obsessed with Cas in relation to Sam before he even knows who he is
tsk Sammy, sneaking off in Baby
lookit him sleepy
��YES little muffin
that scene always gets me
poor Dean all on the floor with the glass falling on him
"we could choose life"
oooof Sammy
 (I think the title of this one should just be CAAAAAASSSSS)
(YEP. I was thinking that too)
oh Sammy
Bobby swinging his legs!
Dean fiddling with the knife
he enters the room and SPARKS FLY
aw, stab at first sight
 that’s what Dean’s thinking
he comes in and starts flipping through their books I LOVE HIM
"you have no faith" aaaaaaaaaah
"buddy, next time lower the volume"
try whispering in his ear, Cas
 Cas, do NOT tell Dean he isn’t special
he already has issues in that area
he does
“good things do happen, Dean” “Not in my experience"
 aaaaand that’s the relationship
"you don't think you deserve to be saved"
"we have work for you"
 [after the episode ended:]
 bounces and sings “CAS IS HERE CAS IS HERE”
like, I'm supposed to believe that entrance WASN'T tailor made for everyone AND DEAN to fall in love with Cas?
joins in singing CAS CAS CAS like a baseline
 I remember the first time through the show I was hot for DeanDean until this episode, and then it was like, Oh. OH. HOLD UP. I THINK I HAVE ANGEL FEVER.
 my love for Sammy was slow to emerge, but it’s no less true for that
nothing could ever diminish my love for Dean. I made him scooch on the couch a little so there was room for one more
 see, that’s why you deserve him more than I do. I’ll just sit over here on Sammy’s lap while secretly oogling the members of the couch
in a sliiiiightly more serious take, I think Dean and Cas are almost a unit for me at this point? like, you can't fully understand either of them without the other, so
 agreed. (although for me, in my mind, it’s a trio)
(that works too)
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sleepyowlwrites · 8 months
The Dungeons & Dragons (2000) Project pt.2
there is where I tell you a bunch of out of context reactions from rewatching this movie.
Profion is a little in love with that scepter I think
what does "power of the immortals" mean? there are no immortals mentioned ever again!
you couldn't even afford real fake blood, really?
ah yes, the mages, aka the 1%ers, very subtle
"young people think with the heart" are you sure you're trying to defend her right now?
I'm gonna get dizzy from these pan up a building transitions
oh old guy does have a name. but I'm not gonna call him that
I wanna see the deleted scenes. oh wait I own the dvd. maybe "the scroll of which nobody spoke" is in there
"you gonna catch me?" stop it please
exposition! is it even helpful tho
man if this scroll can't be decoded, how will our heroes know what to do?
Snails how did you ever steal anything before if this is how you act
oh the banter. oh it's bad. mmmmmm.
pretty sure that's not how you snap somebody's neck but okay
why did you run into that trash heap
it's daytime! where'd they get those cloaks
ugh the plant ears thing
oh yeah, this is a great start for enemies to lovers except for the part where like. there should be chemistry and stuff
"yeah but I'm the protagonist so I'll be taking over the plot now"
I know it's just a thing that dwarves and elves don't like each other but. why like this
"bar fight!"
"oh yeah, she got us into a host of trouble! we're still gonna help her tho 'cause she's pretty"
foreshadowing but not really it's just bad
questing time! next stop, a new city!
oh we're there. okay.
what exactly tips Riddley off that purple dude is how to get to the thieves guild, huh?
but also it works
but also it doesn't
but also it does and it's discount indiana jones time
yeah. nobody else was smart enough to BREAK THE MECHANISM WITH A SWORD
Riddley you've gotta stop trusting random people my guy
guild fight!
oh no, Damodar got Marina! how. he's so slow about everything
it's 'cause she's useless unless Riddley is filling that spot
oh no, got captured by an elf lady! no it's fine, we're gonna go rescue Marina
eep eep eep torture? scene eep eep eep
okay I hate Snails 'cause he makes trouble and weird noises and is generally annoying but Damodar is worse
daytime! let's go get our helpless female companion
"they gots to do it by themselves because destiny or something" okay sure
Snails why
Damodar do you even know what thieves do
if I cared about Snails I'd be sad but I don't so I'm not
Riddley is stupid!
man, fairy dust can just do anything in this world
empress stop talking. I know we're going for the american dream but you suck at public speaking
where even are we. elf forest? why is Tom Baker here? did he also need to renovate his castle?
"don't finish your quest it'll throw the universe out of whack and cause destruction"
"sorry about snails but not all mages are bad"
"yeah well okay I guess we can kiss"
that sword looks very plastic
oh right, Riddley has to go alone. protagonist.
"hey don't finish your quest it comes with dire consequences"
oh no Damodar has Marina again!
Riddley. Riddley no.
through the portal!
these dragons are. something.
hammy Jeremy Irons, we love to see it
Riddley come on, stab him!
or don't
mm power
or not
yeah yeah just change a classed society to a classless one with one sentence, great job
i cannot believe they gave us sequel bait
if snails is alive I'm gonna become an evil mage
join me next time when I go through this movie in great detail!
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
Hi beauty ❤️ 3, 4, 7, 20, 23, 28 and 30: do you love "The Simpsons" ?
Hello, kitkat!
a specific color that gives you the ick?
To be honest, I don't think I have one. I really love color. I mean, I will admit that I'm not a fan of most greens unless it's really blueish or pastel. The darker/muddier it is the lesser I like it...olive green is probably my last choice of paint color. Yellowish/greenish browns maybe? Camel? Remember Pedro's crochet sweater top? That's probably a color I could say makes my face involuntarily frown. So maybe it's not always a color that puts me off, but an ill-fitting combo. Like camel and cherry red. 🤮
mythical creature you think/believe is real?
Depends on what you define as "real." Do you mean corporally walking around this Earth and can be shot and hung on a wall real? Because then the answer is none.
But there's a chance that reality is always being made and remade. Maybe it's parallel universes. Maybe it's the Big Bang over and over. Maybe we're all living in a computer simulation. Nothing is really real or permanent or proven. And yet, our brains can make the most wonderful things true. In that case, all.
What do I believe? I don't even know. I am a true agnostic in the purest sense. My spirituality is Shrodenger's Box shaped. Nothing is real. Everything is real. Possibilities are endless and I love them all.
You know, I have never done drugs and there's a THC gummy in my kitchen pantry that I've been saving for the right time. If this is me stone cold sober, I bet I'm hilarious when I'm high. And I bet acid would allow me to see through walls.
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
Whenever I go to the zoo, I will admit that I'm okay if I miss the aquarium because I'm not a water girl. But. Once I step inside, I'm like WELL OF COURSE I WANNA SEE ALL THESE WATER FRIENDS. My favorites there are the sea dragons. I could watch them all damn day.
favorite disney princess movie?
Tangled. I will not be taking questions.
do you wear jewelry?
Yes. I feel naked without earrings and rings. If it's not overkill, I'll also add a necklace, bracelets, and/or enamel pins. Sometimes I'll add them BECAUSE it's overkill.
I love jewelry, but I hate getting it as a gift because it's also the one thing I'm very very picky about. And I have certain metal allergies. So if someone buys me jewelry, there's a good chance they either bought me something I can't wear....or, if I can, then they spent too much money on me.
Fortunately, I really love beaded/stringed bracelets! (Best bet!)
last meal on earth?
Gods, I hope it's tacos.
do you love "The Simpsons"?
Love? No. Casually like? Sure. I've seen a handful and found them amusing. I liked it a lot when I was younger, but I kinda lost track at like season 7 or so. It boggles my mind when someone quotes an episode and is like, "do you remember that one?" And I'm like....whaaaaat. You know there's over 700 episodes, right? Mando is my favorite show and only has 24-ish episodes and I need to go rewatch that to remember everything. You expect me to remember "that one episode" of a show that's been running for a literal legal lifetime? And when I tell them I don't watch The Simpsons, they look at me in shock, like I don't drink water or breathe air.
If an episode is on in a waiting room, I will find that preferable to many other waiting room channels. I appreciate that the characters have remained recognizable for decades and you don't have to know all the episodes to enjoy the fact that Homer is going to reliably fuck up or that Marge is gonna mmmmmm at him or that Lisa is disappointed in the ignorance around her but still has lessons of her own to learn. Maggie's gonna suck on that pacifier forever (or until she grows up and becomes a raging punk, right?)
I like them. But there's too much of it for me to love. I have a Star War to obsess over....
weirdly specific and unrelated asks
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annikasevenshots · 2 years
Star Trek Picard: S2E1 Rewatch Reaction (spoilers!)
Only thing in my head is Star Trek: Retirement Home. let's go senior citizens!
Laris you are everything. You are girlboss. You are. The world. ♥️
Laris is just so soft. I love her.
Romance slightly more palatable this time round just wish they didn't have picard fall in love with a lookalike first
Raffi's little nod at "look up" SHE IS SO PRETTY
Seven with a wrench so true
Seven's eye roll?????????? I LOVE HER
actually dead
Seven's "No" at Emmet?? She is baby
"Developmentally appropriate relationship skills" and yet she's still the perfect match for Raffi <3 feral cat x golden retriever energy
Oh soji you are everything <3
oh agnes (fond headshake)
hahahaha drunk agnes waltzing into the bridge
Elnor baby!! Elnor's music!!!!!
Raffi being protective of Elnor now that I know the context? Lowkey soulcrushing. God raffi you're killing me with how human you are
Raffi's little wink AGAIN YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE
seven is so punk rock and so baby about it at the same time i love her. baby punk. baby smiley cheerful baby
"My ship" "correction: MY ship" THEY 🥺♥️
Lieutenant Sing's hair! Pretty!!!
Listen i know the show is called star trek picard but "help us, picard" is laying it on a little thick with the main character energy
Kind of zoned out during Picard and Guinan's scene but LOL everyone telling Picard to go to therapy. lowkey laying it thick innit. Raffi's lowkey right though this season really has been Picard ripping through the fabric of time and space to heal his inner hurt. ever heard of a psych eval y'all?
Laris ❤️‍🩹
God i forgot how smiley Seven was in the first episode. fenris seven was HAPPY SEND. TWEET.
Fenris Seven was HAPPY FENRIS SEVEN WAS HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY. FENRIS. SEVEN. a whole BABY.
Seven's voice getting deeper when talking about the borg? and how people distrust her still? oh seven 🥺❤️‍🩹
i just. seven of fricking NINE
jeri ryan's acting ages like fine wine 🤌🤌🤌
Seven and Rios 🤝 on being careful? i actually love them both so much they can do no wrong
Seven and Rios are such an underrated duo i love. them 🥺
HAHAHA Seven taking her baby phaser from her belt. having seen her lug a CHONK MACHINE GUN this is so funnyyyyyy
Ngl though this Borg Queen's costume is BASED. hell this season's costumes are AMAZING. i LOVE the embossed wiring on the fabric. love love love. shiny shiny love shiny
AYYYYYYYY CONFED!VERSE!!!!!! love me some evil twin worlds mmmmmm
Picard SHOUTING for Laris?? Hehehehe
costumes are based. they're leng. they're peng. whatever the kids are calling it these days
In conclusion I watched this instead of Rings of Power. Seven of Nine you are my actual sunshine. Spinoff when???
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chessieshire · 3 years
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Processing my thoughts here.
I've been rewatching Cas and Dean scenes and moments where I know they talk about each other to analyze their reactions. Why? Because I wanted to assess for myself how I think Dean feels about Cas. I like to think I have pretty good intuition or so I've been told throughout my life. Track record of it is pretty good with the results.
When you grow up walking on eggshells having to assess people's behavior and emotions in order to protect yourself and others it becomes a necessary survival skill.
So what do I think so far? Ok so Dean is definitely bi so let's get that out of the way.
I personally think Dean has been subconsciously attracted to Cas and has felt love for him as a best friend or brother up until season 12 when I believe Dean actually fell in deep love with Cas.
I believe the moment Dean fell in love with Cas was when Cas killed Billy to save the 3 of them and then says he doesn't care if he loses his own life as a consequence.
I think before that moment Dean really did feel dead inside from being locked up in solitude for almost 2 months. Then when Cas made that huge risk to his own life to save theirs I believe it brought Dean's emotions back to life. Like a cosmic jumpstart.
Obviously Dean's an emotionally suppressed dum dum (I am too it takes one to know one) that he wasn't aware of falling in love with Cas he was just reacting to his frustrations, confusions, and concern for Cas and the "cosmic consequences". Hence the marital bickering in the next episode.
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I believe that Dean started to realize he was in love with Cas when he almost died by the poisonous/venomous lance. When Cas said he loves him looking at Dean and loves them all. Dean started to realize he loved him romantically as he almost lost him again but probably still didn't "get" what kind of love Cas meant towards him.
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Then Dean's dealing with too much confusion about it. He was so upset with Cas leaving and not responding to his messages it triggered his abandonment issues while Mary was also "needing space" at the same time that made those triggers worse. He had told Cas previously that he's his and Sam's best friend and brother (probably to observe his reaction to that to get a hint of how Cas felt) but he's obtuse so he probably felt like Cas loved him like a bro.
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Not to mention season 7 when Dean is telling Kevin that he doesn't believe angels have the equipment to care and when they try they breakdown.
So I can see how it never occurred to him about Cas being in love with him and why he'd continue to suppress his own emotions and try distracting them with countless women. Despite cutting down on the sexual conquests in the last few seasons because they probably didn't work much anymore as a distraction and he got a piece of the void filled with merely Cas's friendship.
Edited to add: (oh shit how could I forget to point out?! So the last time Dean canonically had sex was season 12 episode 18 while Cas was missing and Dean was extremely upset with him. Dean was trying to distract his feelings about Cas and it no longer worked in my opinion. He looked more distracted than usual and when he told Sam how his night was he had to say awesome 3 times like he was trying to convince himself. Hence the last time he sleeps with a woman. From this point on Dean doesn't have anymore one night stands. ...carry on...)
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Without a doubt Dean was unsure if angels in general could actually fall in love and felt like it was less painful to not pursue a romantic relationship due to the job and how either one of them could die for any reason.
If Cas had been human and there were no more monsters and demons and supernatural shit to hurt and kill people I'm confident that they would've been hooking up. It would've ruled out the complicated job risks and made clear that Cas is capable of feeling romantic love for somebody.
The times that Dean was actually angry at Cas and not "pretend angry but actually worried" were because he was offended that Cas didn't trust him and that Cas took off without an explanation or response. It just added to Dean's fears of Cas being incapable of feeling true love for him because he's an angel.
When Dean prayed to Cas in season 15 I think he was going to finally confess he loved him. But time was of the essence. As it always is and then they never get a moment after that to really talk to each other until Cas confessed his love.
Edit: Can I check this one off?! Because it really does sound like Dean says, "I...(breathy pause) I-love...(huff pause) you-don't know why I get so angry." *thinks* Yeahhhh it counts dammit! ✅
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The episode after Dean's confession is Garth showing him being with someone is possible with their complicated backgrounds and jobs and he dances with a lamp and blows it a kiss. Whether or not the lamp really is a stand in for Cas it definitely is a representation of something or someone Dean truly wants.
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He yearns for sharing love with someone.
Edit: Can I sorta check this one off? Ehhhh...maybe??? The guy that plays Garth (sorry I don't want to misspell the actor's name) stated that there was hidden subtext for romantic love with Dean and another character. He didn't say the subtext was "lamp" though since he thought this scene was meant to be fun...but...I think maybe it still could be if he was unaware of it. Since I'm hearing the dance choreographer says there's deeper meaning.
In season 11 Dean asked Jesse and his husband Cesar about what was it like settling down with a hunter. He was thinking about it! He wanted to know not only for Sam but for himself as well! He asked a GAY COUPLE which clues me in on maybe because they made him think of him and Cas. Maybe subconsciously anyway.
Dean never gets the opportunity to express how he truly feels other than anger, forgiveness, and brotherly love towards people and that's some toxic masculinity bullshit!
When Cas left to the Empty Dean was completely breaking down not just because he lost Cas but because he felt he lost his only chance at a happy life with a significant other who understands him.
And then the next episodes made no fucking sense. Read a bit like "oh well now I'm relieved I didn't have to confess my deep love for a dude and can move on! Mmmmmm...pie!"
(my phone autocorrected to "mmmmmm... Pierre" and I was like 👀 even my phone's like Dean is bi and looking for a french dude to take his mind off Cas lolll)
So to summarize...Dean Winchester loves Castiel and the last 2 episodes is some outrageous bullshit and I'll never get over it unless by some miracle Jensen obtains the rights to the show and fixes it!
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letters-from-eros · 3 years
Can I get some big brother chuuya hc with a little brother (or you can do gender neutral! Which ever you prefer!) that's also in the port mafia
A/N: I was rewatching AOT and realized Jean had Chuuya's VA today so yeah Chu-Chu content. This might be really really bad I'm an only child 😙
Pairings: Chuuya Nakahara x Sibling!Reader (GN)
Form: HC
Warnings: Probably shit writing, I haven't done anything in WEEKS
Beta-Readers: Wifey @bokuno-volleybabes
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Mmmmmm Big brother Chuuya. Interesting.
Overall, he's a really good brother to you, I don't think you could really ask for much better tbh.
Yeah you two do bicker a lot, especially if you managed to be taller than the poor lil alcoholic, but it isn't constant unless you're the one provoking him
God the amount of SHIT Chuuya gives you if you're shorter OR taller than him god bless your SOUL, believe when I say 90% of your arguments come from the concept of height.
I definitely think hating Dazai is something that runs in the family, if it doesn't good luck having to hear all about Chuuya's hatred towards the suicidal bastard.
But!! If you do hate Dazai as much as your brother does, y'all would tag-team and roast his ass so bad he'd think he finally died and went to the fiery depths of hell. If he knew this was gonna be his punishment, he would've rethought his suicidal tendencies 💀
But anyway!! You working with him at the P.M, lets get to that.
Chuuya holds a ridiculous amount of loyalty to the mafia, and his work ethic definitely reflects said loyalty.
So he will get on you if you're not doing you're best, or just generally slacking off and neglecting the reports/paperwork that goes with working in the mafia. But like... He'll get on you super heavy while picking up like a third of your paperwork to do himself since he doesn't wanna see his little sibling stressed.
It.. Cancels out. He's an ass but you'll never forget about the fact he loves you lots.
Chuuya sticks his neck out for you a lot and isn't ashamed to let everyone know that yes he has a bias for his little sibling, the fuck are you gonna do about it?
But doesn't pull too many strings for you, y'know? The Mafia is a highly difficult job to have, and he can't have you going soft and lazy. (And this is all under the assumption you're not an executive)
But if you ARE an executive oh my god
You two would be working in the same office (either your own or Chuuya's, most likely the latter's) complaining about how much paperwork comes along with your position, probably while drinking wine too. Gossiping n shit 😭
Also, executive or not, EVERYONE knows to fear the Nakahara siblings.
Always reminds you when he's about to go out on a field mission. If you both aren't at the same place its via text, if you two are he's stopping by and ruffling your hair while telling you he's about to head out on a field assignment. It calms him down a lot plus it helps clear his head. He definitely expects you to do the same when you head out on missions, he needs to be in the know about that stuff and will get pretty upset if you don't.
God forbid you get hurt on the job. His reaction depends on how hurt you are.
If its just a few scrapes and bandages, he'll just chew you out about getting hurt and makes you give him a rundown about everything that happened on the mission, he's giving you his undivided attention.
If you're hurt sorta bad and put out of commission he's a muddy mixture of emotions he's not good at portraying.
He's scared because what if you got hurt worst than how much you already are, if the injuries were preventable he's upset with you for being so careless, plus he's angry with who ever caused you this pain.
Now... If you're in critical condition, Chuuya's literally seeing red. No one related to him is gonna be weak by any means, so its heavy stuff if you got hurt this bad.
His first instinct would be to get back at who ever hurt you if they're even still alive. But after Chuuya's after them, they're as good as dead. Afterwards, he's not leaving your side, he doesn't care if you're in a coma or what. He is not leaving you under any cicrumstances, this goes for when you're recovering too.
You two probably rarely get assigned as partners for missions, despite your relation.
I feel like Chuuya prefers going solo on missions ever since Dazai left the mafia, but if you seek him out to go on missions with you, he isn't all that against it. Always tells you "He's only doing this once" every mission because he's probably trying to build a reputation around him going solo but tbh he's coming with you whenever you ask 🙄
Its hard for him to say no to you a lot of the time, and honestly if you both start partnering on missions more than you're going solo Mori's gonna end up making you two official partners like he was with Dazai.. Chuuya's gonna be hella pissy about it, though.
Late nights researching about Arahabaki are.. Oddly personal. Its quiet and dark. The only things not making it a complete void is the illuminated screens of laptops the sound of clicks and scrolls. Maybe the occasional scribble of notes. But although little to no words are being said, its still an important time that just feels really vulnerable and personal, which is something thats usually difficult for Chuuya to display
He drags you to go shopping with him 💀 Chuuya lives by the rule "drip or drown" and gravity man REFUSES to drown
Dw you definitely dripped out too LMAO. If anything catches your eye he'll buy it for you knowing full well you can afford it yourself. Its useless to talk him out of it.
Shopping is probably how you both get your quality time outside of work, so even though Chuuya will semi-aggressively drag you out with him, its still a slightly pleasurable time 😭
Please don't get to arguing inside a peaceful designer store over whether or not some piece of apparel looks good or not, its gonna be hard not to but please...
People are looking at you two.
You're gonna get thrown out..
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karamfilmare · 4 years
Why I Dislike Fanon Oikawa
Ok, soooooooo
I have only been in the Haikyuu fandom since...late July, after the manga ended. I’m a bit of a late bloomer. Anyways...
Ever since Oikawa crosses my screen, I was ENAMORED with him. Like, what a beautiful boy!! And his dub voice just does things to me. And his attitude is spectacular. How could anyone hate him? And as the show went on, I love him even more. He was a pretty boy with a lot of baggage, and who doesn’t love that?
I never understood the hate about him, because come on, I’m pretty sure most of us have been worse than him, and honestly, people need to grow up, but THAT’S FOR ANOTHER TIME.
So, after watching Haikyuu, I did the typical fan things: rewatched the show, rewatched the show, made other people watch and love the show, got others into the Yagami Yato because of the show, although for me it was the other way around oops.
I managed to reach Haikyuu Tok, which was fantastic! The edits, the funny skits, the fanart, everything was MWAH CHEF’S KISS.
And at first I thought a few of the Oikawa jokes were funny -- the flat ass (which now he’s thicc so shut up about that lol, fucking Tendou’s ass caves in, I don’t want to hear it), the “Iwa-chan” obsession (which I mean, yeah, but hold this thought).
Then I got slightly annoyed by other things that were attached to Oikawa. And then my friends kind of hopped on to these, because they don’t like Oikawa, even though I have tried oh so hard to convince them that he’s not that bad of a person, like his personality and words are OBVIOUSLY -- no, no, that’s for another time. @oikawa-obvs​ also has a great analysis on why you should grow up and not hate Oikawa so there.
No, what really bothered me is what the fandom did to Oikawa. Fanon Oikawa started to bug me, for several reasons. And I will list and explain some of the things that bug me that people seem to take seriously about fanon Oikawa and apply it to canon Oikawa.
1. Oikawa the Crybaby
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So like, the fandom makes Oikawa out to be a big whiny crybaby who can’t do anything without Iwaizumi. I’ll be addressing the first half here, because I want to save my Iwaizumi topic for a little later. 
So, we see Oikawa cry several times in the show, and we see him have his most heartbreaking cry in the 3rd movie, one that makes me cry everytime.
But I don’t see why this makes him a crybaby. Like, other characters have cried, yet we don’t think of them as crybabies. 
His emotions were too much for him, as it can be for a lot of us. I wish people would realize that him expressing his emotions in a physical way is not a bad thing. 
And this leads to my next point...
2. Oikawa’s Weak (kind of hard to explain, keep reading)
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I don’t mean physically weak (I mean his fucking serves are so hot--I MEAN HARD *cough*).
This is also kind of hard to explain. People pick on his character for his personality.
When we first meet Oikawa, his personality is loud, smug, a bit childish, etc. (Honestly, I kind of liked that, for some reason it was super interesting to me)
But I just want to draw your attention to the fact that a weak person would not:
- be able to lead a team so cohesively as he does
- be a strong presence on the team 
- take responsibility for the team
- stay true to his goals
- be able to be loyal to his friends
I could go on. 
3. Oikawa is clingy (to Iwaizumi)
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 Iwaizumi and Oikawa are really close best friends, and have been since elementary school. Naturally, the two are pretty much in sync and know each other really well.
However, Oikawa is not solely dependent on Iwaizumi. I have seen posts where people would joke and say “Oh, Oikawa would have gone to Shiratorizawa if Iwaizumi went.” One of my friends sent me a meme like that and said “SO TRUE” and I was like “MMMMMM BUT NO YOU’RE WRONG.”
I don’t know if it is just me and my absolute need to be independent being projected onto my favorite characters, but Oikawa is not tied to Iwaizumi. Oikawa is definitely loyal, and so is Iwaizumi. They do see each other as partners, but even they realize that their paths are not meant to be joined forever. 
I am really close with my best friend/s, and they mean the world to me. We joke and talk and we have each others’ backs, even when separated doing our own thing. We will be pretend clingy, but that’s just what friends do.
I guess this is a subset to the Oikawa is weak, but I feel like this needed its own explanation and analysis (sorry, it kind of sucks so far).
4. Oikawa is a playboy
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Ok, so my main source for Oikawa’s character is the anime. I haven’t gotten far in the manga to know more.
But honestly, from my multiple viewings of the anime, Oikawa is very kind and considerate to his fangirls, but he doesn’t seem flirty.
Oikawa had a girlfriend (who somehow broke up with him because of volleyball. I sympathize and don’t at the same time, but that’s for a different topic?).
I know that there is a story where he kind of tries to flirt with some girls when he gets his glasses, but he kind of goofed on that. And yes, he knows he’s good looking, but he hasn’t really used his good looks to take advantage of people, especially his fangirls. 
I also find it hard to believe that Oikawa, who has a much older sister, would dare to toy with women’s hearts without getting his shit rocked by said older sister. Also, I feel like Oikawa cares about setting a good example to his nephew Takeru, and being a playboy isn’t what Oikawa would want to project on his nephew.
I think Oikawa gets judged to be a playboy because he is attractive (which how can anyone not find him attractive. Furudate made a powerful character when even the Oikawa haters find him attractive.)
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I just want people to recognize that canon Oikawa is actually a deeply loyal, nuanced character, and he’s not what fanon Oikawa appears to be. He is one of, if not, the most hard-working individuals. He is driven, ambitious, independent, focused, and extremely insightful. 
He was a kid who loved volleyball, then became absolutely in love with the sport when he sees his idol, Jose Blanco, and decided that he wanted to be the best setter. That comes with an immense pressure from within, which can cause a lot of stress on a young individual. He practiced and perfected the craft, doing what he can to measure up to the talented and the genius players of his age. He just happened to be given “The Curse of the Ordinary.”
It’s amazing that he has managed to become one of the best players that is feared and revered by peers. He is special, not due to his talent, but due to his perseverance and dedication. 
And I don’t think people should lose that in the fanon. I get it as a joke, but some people seem to confused the fanon with the canon.
Thanks for reading this crappy analysis, I’m so sorry I subjected you all to this. I really love and appreciate you all. <3
Credit to @volleygifs​ for the gifs
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missjackil · 3 years
I have heard you say that season 12 is [one of ] your favourite seasons. Can you say what about it makes it a favourite? And also, don't you think it was OOC for Sam to want to work with the BMOL after they tortured him? What do you think? Happy Easter!🐰
Hey Nonnie! Some good questions here! Ill start with what I like about S12. 
Season 12 is a happy place for me because not only are Sam and Dean on the same page (which had only happened in s11 finally) but the dynamic between Dean and Cas has been turned waaay down. No more of Dean being sad or depressed while Cas is missing, I mean the very reason why Hellers think Red Meat is about Destiel is that Dean is so depressed that Cas is missing in the beginning, that Sam had to talk him into a hunt! Yeah, no more of that bs. Dean doesn’t seem to give 2 shits that Cas is missing this season.
Another reason is how they managed Mary’s return. Im not saying they wrote her very well, but I love that they didn't take an easy route, by either making her the sweet loving mother that they both imagine or to make her a bad guy, they instead took a very realistic route.  This is gonna get long, and I will also include the answer to the question about Sam under the cut
They took a route with Mary that was accurate to how a mother confronted with her adult children that she hasn't seen/known since they were babies and the reaction of siblings to her. Dean is so eager to have his mom that he remembers back in his life, Sam is eager just to get to know her. And Mary is so overwhelmed by her sons, it’s no wonder she needs space from them. If people would rewatch this whole thing with her in s12, and put the bells and whistles away, just watch the reactions and the change in dynamics, I think they’d appreciate that arc more.
I loved the brolove this season too. We got so many good brother moments and domestic Winchesters, it was delicious! I loved coming home from a hunt not just with their gear but grocery bags, Sam saying “you broke into our house?” and the casual way Sam sits with his arm behind Dean in the car in “The Memory Remains”, learning Sam has a tiny bladder hehe, the carving the initials in the table 🥰  Sam’s panic over Dean losing his memory, the bromance was beautiful!
The guys looked AMAZING! My LORD maybe peak Winchester hotness!! Priestchesters mmmmm prison jumpsuits mmmmmm and Chuck forgive me but Sam was HOT AF while being tortured!! And do I even have to mention the hotness of the wall hammering scene in Who We Are (4th all time fave episode)
We learned that Sam has serious leadership skills in The Raid and Who We Are, we learned that Dean learned how to forgive. It was as if the boys channeled each other. 
S12 had some serious flaws,  and stuff I didn't like but so many more things I love that eclipses the bad stuff for me.
Do I think Sam was OOC for wanting to work with the Britts? Nope, and I kid you not, when Sam was chained to the chair and Toni was telling him about the Britt ways I said, out loud, “Oh boy... Sam is interested”. 
See, one thing Ive learned about Sam and Dean in all this time, is they don’t really care what happens to them, as long as they can do good in the world. Sam has been repeatedly tortured in the 15 seasons and has always bounced right back. I know its much to the dismay of many fans that he isn't a shaking, drooling bed wetting mess, and Im not saying it all had no effect on him, but like we saw in s11 that he will willingly risk his life and limb to save everyone. We saw this straight up in s5, but maybe we thought he lost his edge in s8, but no, he’s still willing to be a martyr, or take a beating to make the world better. So no, to me it wasn't OOC at all. 
Thank you so much for the asks!! You have a very happy Easter!!
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geometricalien · 3 years
revisiting Free! episode 1
it’s been around 6 years since i first watched Free! It has been a hallmark of me getting into sports animes- which i haven’t left ever since- and fandoms. Free was so vibrant with hilarious cracks, Octopimp’s dub, the fantastic fanart and fanfiction, and of course the shipping wars. this show holds a special place in my mind, it is drenched in nostalgia and i thought it would be fun to rewatch it! without further to do- lets get into it
THE WATER ANIMATION!?! BEAUTIFUL can’t believe i forgot that
and there’s shark week- oh right I forgot that he would snap his goggles like that, its such a cute little character bit
light hearted music that has me smiling and bobbing along
god i love a good transition, the close up of Haru’s face and besides simply being 10 years older its the excitement and passion hidden behind sullen drawn down eyes and his hair once dancing in the water is left limp and wet metaphorically showing that his passion and love for swimming is gone. there is no more magic
i- Haru you are so depressed oh my god  i completely forgot that that depressing shit was how we started fdjasklfj
ROCK OP HELL YEAH - wait Rin was crying??? as a sidenote the metaphor of character’s surrounded in water and their passion/skill in swimming is beautiful
Makoto proves to be the boy next door that everyone should fall in love with 
“I told you to lay off the -chan” + grabbing his hand to stand up mmmmmm i love a good parallel  
i get one bullet point for fanservice each post  ahahaha animators why did you draw Haru like that i don’t think i ever wanted to lick abs more in my goddamn life
its so cute that Makoto knew what Haru was thinking it really shows how close they are and the way they both reacted makes me think that this type of interaction happens often enough to be a funny bit in their friendship/relationship- or not? “He needs to get a clue.” things to be thunk about lie there
Nagisa has been on screen for 3 minutes and i firmly remember why i love him so much
oh god the promise of a pool can really sway Haru fdsklajf i thought that was just a 50% off thing fjdksal
wooooowww the rinharu is strong in this one
OKAY YEP HARU HAD A CRUSH ON RIN CANON FUCK YALL for context i never had a particular leaning in any of free’s ships- except for reigisa i love them so so so much
huh Rin was the leader of their friend group
GUESS WHOS COMING TO TOWN??? ITS EDGY BOYYY! AND THAT MUSIC! god i’m not going to survive coming out of this show without shipping rinharu aren’t i fjdkaslfj
they really are two comets racing each other pulled in by the other’s magnetism and potential
i’m also not going to make it out of this show without gaining another red head anime boy to simp and adore and kin
they both were wearing swimsuits the whole day??? god they are such rivals who mirror each other and those are some of my favorite ships aka aokaga and kagehina
also i’m haru, at least once a week i take a bath and try to trick myself into thinking i’m in a pool fjdsaklj
“bitch get in the pool!”
Makoto lookin finnneeeee talk about dripping with good looks bum dum tiss
“I’ve forgotten what it was that I saw.”  --- Rin’s indignation oh my god... that’s... that’s oh my god. that was a gift Haru okay? and you have the balls to say you forgot. like? if Hinata said that to Kageyama about his sets or about the view from the summit or something. or if Kagami said that to Aomine?? fists would be flying
episode 1 is done and yes i do officially ship Haru and Rin fjaklfj 
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much-brighter-ink · 4 years
Hmm you're into BSC so how about Claudia Kishi? For the characters thing? (I had to look up her last name)
Ooh I love Claudia!! ok here we go:
Why I like them
She’s so sweet and fun and creative? Really resourceful, really chill, and she’s honest, too
Why I don’t
Going to be honest, I need to rewatch to find her negative qualities (I would die for her okay)
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Any scenes with her and Mimi! and I don’t quite remember individual episodes, need to rewatch
Favorite season/movie
Not applicable yet
Favorite line
Again, don’t remember too well
Favorite outfit
ALL OF THEM (see here) 
I don’t remember if she has a love interest, and I don’t ship her with any of the other BSC members I don’t think? 
Claudia and Stacey! Claudia and Kristy! Claudia and Mary Anne! Claudia and Dawn! Just... all the Claudia content 
Environmental activist Claudia please- 
Unpopular opinion
She’s underrated 
A wish
I know this could fall into the HCs category but it’d be really cool to address the fact that Claudia definitely could have ADHD (inattentive) and/or other disorders like dyslexia/dysgraphia/dyscalculia (I will write an essay on how she displays so many traits that definitely apply to the first and span most of this list if I have to? and how talking about that in the show would be really good) because the show’s already brought up a ton of under-discussed topics, and it’d be both affirming for ND kids watching but also just... they’ve talked about how she’s struggled in school and is still absolutely super smart, that’s a good chance to talk about how neurodevelopmental disorders are valid and common and underrepresented and not a bad thing
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
mmmmmm any arc where she abruptly uses her individuality but thankfully I doubt that’ll happen 
5 words to best describe them
Cool, fun, creative, independent, loyal 
My nickname for them
ty for the ask! 
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bambismom · 4 years
Tag Game: Get To Know The Mun
Answer the questions below and tag 11 people you want to know better. @4gottenname tagged me! I see you all the time in my notes and we are mutuals but I dont know you and I'd like to! Thank you for tagging me <3
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise?
Bambi and Jay are both great!
2. When is your birthday?
July 2nd! I'm a cancer and I'm proud if it!
3. Where do you live? (You dont have to give the city, you can give the state if your USA or the country if you are overseas)
Bright and sunny San Jose, CA
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Picking acrylic off my fingers from painting all day, seriously and honestly considering becoming a person who pushes around a cart of ice cream as a side job, and being very excited for my best friends birthday tomorrow!
5. Four Fandoms that have your peak interest right now?
Four is a lot! I'm not really in any active fandoms with a name right now, just kind of things I'm enjoying on my own time during the lockdown. I'm rewatching a lot of old cartoons that meant a lot to me as a kid. Like Ren and Stimpy, Chalkzone, Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, and Spongebob. XD.
Oh! I guess I'm p invested in animal crossing right now! Pls go follow my sideblog @loveallvillagers ! It's a villager positivity blog because I'm tired of seeing ppl hating on their villagers! It will update twice a week with new villagers. And other positive AC posts will get reblogged there occasionally :3 thank you for considering
6. How has this pandemic been treating you?
Other than my company and bank screwing me over with some drama about my paycheck that I'm still trying to resolve, it's actually going pretty well! I've been getting a lot of art done. And now that most of my friends are done with their classes it's not so lonely anymore because I've been on voice chat in discord like constantly
7. A song you can't stop listening to right now?
Sugar Neighbors by Dane Terry! Ooooh my god please go listen its beautiful, so is all his other music. We love queer artists in this house <3
8. Reccomend a movie
If you like musicals and love yourself, Chicago is *very good*
If you dont like musicals and love yourself, Birds of Prey slaps
If you like musicals but hate yourself, Cats (2019) sucks ass and is extremely fun to watch but it hurts the whole time you're watching it
If you hate both musicals and yourself, my son @bigoloofers has made me watch Flushed Away more times than I could have wished for
9. How old are you?
21 baybeee (20 not 21 but that's what I tell my liquor store ;3c )
10. School, University, Occupation, Other?
I'm too dumb for higher education but I'm currently designing and building frames for artwork for a living!
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
The hotter the better! I cant stand cold weather and I would be in a pool for my whole life if I could
12. Name one fact about you that others may find unusual.
Uuuhhhhhhh..... even though I really need glasses, I can spot a black cat half a mile away in the middle of the night from a moving car. It's like spidey sense but not useful at all. @akibunni can attest to this.
13. Are you shy?
14. Do you have preferred pronouns?
They/She please my loves <3
15. Biggest pet peeve?
When people are mean to their animal crossing villagers. Fuck that. Also when people try to help me when I didnt ask to be helped or even when they asked and I said no. I like to do things for myself.
16. What is your fave 'dere' type?
Mmmmmm, not to sound basic but the gore and horror aspect of yandere is 😍😍😍 but I dont like to glorify it so I just kinda keep it to myself
17. Rate your life 1-10, 1 being really crappy and 10 being best it could ever be.
Ooo. Uhm.. 8! I think I have a right to say I was dealt a really shitty hand. But despite all that, I'm doing better for myself than I ever hoped I could be when I was at my lowest. I'm happy, I'm mostly healthy, I like my job, and I have wonderful friends! The only thing I want is my own apartment with a guest bedroom and a craft room 😍
18. What is your main blog?
This one right here!
19. List your side blogs and what they are used for.
Oh boy I have like 15 active sideblogs I'll just do a few!
@geowebcare is where I put fun transparent images and old web graphics, mostly for me to use on another site but I think it's worth a follow if thats your style
@loveallvillagers of course, which I explained earlier in this wall of text
@bambismomcooks is where I dump a bunch of recipes that look yummy
@accurate-jackson-facts is..... kind of dead as fuck but I keep meaning to go back to updating it regularly. It's a blog where I make up completely true facts about Andrew Jackson because he was a total wad.
20. Is there anything you think people need to know before becoming friends with you?
I don't bite! I really dont bite! My PMs are always open and you dont even need a reason to talk to me! I'll basically respond at any hour of the day too XD I dont sleep
I am tagging: @bigoloofers @kazgv @akibunni @narcolepticpansy @itissadbutitsmy-life @thequietestlilbucket @tenta--prince @alyxthearrogantambassador @theoreticalstrawberries (that's right I see you all the damn time and I love you) @kasane-ruby (you too) and @cyber-mudcrab love ya Miles
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scribbles97 · 5 years
Scribbs rewatches TAG season 3- Chaos Part 1
Under the cut for length and spoilers
Straight in with rescues
Oh look another space mine model
The Chaos who?
Ahhh the guys that were with the Hood
John has a big frown at the moment
What is that thing?
Oh it talks
It’s doing Scott’s job for him
Jealous that it’s using your line Scott?
I don’t think Scott quite believes his eyes
Awww it is a lost puppy
That he slowed down for it
Caseys smile says something
Ahh so there was meant to be a big unveiling
Aww nice that they want to help
Worried Gordon?
It would be nice for the GDF to be a bit more useful
Ahh yes Kayo is entirely a secret weapon
Heyyy Rigby
Oh i think these two are gonna clash
Ahh proud father are you Hoody?
‘I don’t want you here’ Rude
Kayo is much more than a rescue service
Oooo IR don’t rescue kittens from trees
Is that it Rigby?
OO what blanks Kayo?
Oh hello Penny
Rigby you’re out ladied
Clever way to introduce Havoc and Fuse and get the viewers up to speed on their stuff
What’s the Hood after now?
Uh oh Avelanche
Gordon, Alan stop fighting
Gordon how can a robot look at you funny
Gordon it’s a robot it does not have emotions and it can’t wink
HUh another nod to the 04 film with the grasping arms there?
Uh oh, gordon detatch fuses present and run with it
Praising the robot now are you Gordon?
Why doesn’t havocks line electrocute her?
Rigby i’d listen to Kayos poing
Hehe random waving
You tell him Kayo
Nice one Kayo how’d you manage that?
Oh really you need to apologise rigby?
‘Call me kayo’ mmmmmm
I agree with Scott robots can’t replace the human touch
Uh ohh what’s havoc up to?
Yeah not sure i trust those robots at all
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
The Vanquishers
Oh we’re jumping straight into a Sontaran battle.
Oof not the memories. ”It must be a shift in time rather than space.” Awwwww Dan you really are catching on. Oh good. Karvanista’s ship is a good place to land actually. KAAAAATTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Yesss Kate has the TARDIS. Thank god. THANK. GOD. I’m so glad it’s with her. Literally could not be safer with anyone else on Earth besides Martha. AWWWWWWWWW THIRTEEN AND YAZ HUGGED. SHE HUGGED HER. Mmmmmm that sucks. This is not good. OOOH that was quite an opening. We just got to the opening theme.
Also I know we still have a couple of specials left, but I’m going to miss this opening sequence when RTD takes over. My fave opening though will always be the fan-commissioned clock themed one that Twelve had.
I forgot to pay attention while the Sontaran was talking. I’ve always slightly tuned out the Sontarans when they rant. Heyyyy Strax’s actor. Hi. Always good to see you. ”She’s insane.” ...I mean... Bel isn’t incorrect. Are the doors messing with her or are they going to be helping her? Ok. Yeah open it, open the fob watch, I’m curious. YAY HOWL’S FLOATING CASTLE. FINALLY.
This is a lot to cover in one episode. It makes me mores scared that this is an Empire Strikes Back sort of situation where the bad guys win in the end to leave room for the story to go on.
OH NOOOOOOOO. Come on. I wanted to go into the floating castle. You teased me all season with that AMAZING image and now Swarm’s destroying it. Come on. “She is amazing” Awwwwww Dan. Quick, someone write fanfics of Yaz and Dan (and the Professor) being BFFS and traveling in the 1900s. I need it. If they’re already written out there, give me links now thanks. “I endeavored to build a city under the Earth to protect as many of us as possible.” Aww. Good job. You took initiative. Do they mean Claire? Because I really have no clue what happened to her. I missed the first few minutes of last episode and forgot to rewatch it before this came on. The TARDIS is not gonna look good when we open it, will it... ok we didn’t go in yet. I’m sure the TARDIS is so sad. Sontar-ha! “I always wanted a little shop on the corner like this” Yes Doctor, we’re aware of you and your little shops. Ok, look, Sontaran dude, as someone who is allergic to chocolate, I can tell you it is not all that. It is not worth betraying your race of people. You can live without it happily. But also, thanks! “The planet is under alien occupation?” ”Angels?” dear god imagine if the Angels got involved at this point “Were you my... companion?” *GASP* AWWW.  “There was a time I’d do anything for you. But you left me.” Awww. Hey guys, we got another one to add to the “Left Behind By The Doctor” support group.  Well, Azure, no one knows for sure that their faith is true. They just have faith and belief that it is. You’ll never get confirmation that it was truly true. I missed half of what Azure said honestly. The last of the Lupari?!?!?!? What do you mean LAST?!/!?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! Noooooo poor Karvanista.
Ok, BBC America, I do NOT appreciate you playing a preview for the New Years Special when the finale isn’t even done airing. Put that AFTER the episode finishes. Or at the very least the last commercial break. Come on.
Yeah I was wondering where Bel was. Finally back to Vinder and Di. “But I’m not insignificant.” “Obviously” So sweet. This is sweet. Also, I’m glad that Vinder has some training with Passenger systems, since that means it’s possible to get out. “Oooh! Am I right? ‘Cause you look really cross.” I WAS WONDERING IF WE’D GET 2 DOCTORS AT ONCE. I WAS WONDERING. YES. ”I’ve got such a crush on her.” This is why the Doctor and Master get along. “Childtech?-ARE YOU HAVE A-!” Glad the Doctor’s excited even in the middle of a disaster. Oh no Claire’s too good at being psychic. One of these Doctors definitely got more leadership than the other. I wonder if the personality split evenly. There goes Victorian dude. Nice barely knowing ya. “You are too unstable. Refreshment?” Aww love the Ood. For some reason, I just got a thought that Ruth!Doctor might show up... hmmm... or maybe the Master. Di, you were just inside of an alien being that is also a jail, but you’re staring at Karvanista? He’s the LEAST weird thing of this whole series. Awww Vinder didn’t even know! Awwwwwww. Yeah that’s a really good plan from the Sontarans. This is like Suzie in Torchwood all over again. I can’t even be that mad. I forgot that Vinder knew the Grand Serpent... wait... that feels like years ago, not episodes ago. Was that the episode that kept cutting out for me? I don’t think I had time to rewatch it. Jericho no! Why did you even do that? Did you just drop the ring?
Unrelated, but this Angry Birds Geico commercial is their funniest one since Animal in the attic. Where do they even get the rights to all this?
Honestly, if I had to put the Cybermen and the Daleks and the Sontarans against each other, I would not expect Sontarans to come out on top. Professor Jericho no. Oh he deserved better. And poor Yaz, she travelled with him for 4 years. DIANE! YES! Time itself. In the... flesh(?)... Wow. Well there goes the siblings. I’m gonna miss Azure’s coat. Seriously, I will make it. Next time I have time, I’m going into the garment district and looking for trimming that is Azure worthy. AH SO THAT’S WHY THE COAT WAS INVERTED IN BEHIND THE SCENES PICTURES. “and their Master” THE CAPTIONS CAPITALIZED IT. YES. YES. GIVE ME BACK MY BABY THE MASTER. Yeah literally I COMPLETELY forgot the Grand Serpent was even related to Vinder at all. Literally when he showed up last episode I thought we never saw him before. “A family and their dog” “I wish I never rescued you.” Anyway, that’s adorable. DOES THAT MEAN KATE SHOWS UP FOR A SPECIAL TOO? God I hope so. Also this better mean that UNIT comes back for good. UNIT has their issues, but an Earth without UNIT is worse than UNIT. Yesssssssss.YESSSSSSS. DAN WORKS THERE NOW I HOPE. Just give him a good job already ok?  “Get yourself settled in properly.” Cute. ...Imagine if they kiss... Oh Dan. You’re so lucky you’re lovable.
Ok honestly, I wrote that kiss line because for a second, for one fleeting second at the beginning of that conversation, I thought it might be about to happen. And I wanted the thought documented. But then our sweet Dan interrupted.
Honestly, I’m not one those fans that thinks Thasmin is going to happen. But then again, I thought for years Destiel shippers were slightly delusional to think that Supernatural would ever go as far as to make that canon, and then November 5th happened (I say “delusional” with love for the shippers, I too wanted to see Destiel happen, but I just never allowed myself to even humor the thought that the show would do it because I never expected them to actually want to do it). I’d definitely expect Doctor Who to have the Doctor in a same gender relationship before Supernatural did, but Doctor Who makes lots of jokes about the Doctor having past relationships with people of the same gender as their current regeneration and we never SEE it. We get a Jack/Nine goodbye kiss, we get Eleven kissing Rory and immediately regretting it, we got Eleven saying he built a robot boyfriend once, and we got Jack kissing Graham because he assumed the Doctor was still a man. There are probably other moments that aren’t coming to mind, but 3/4 of the moments I mentioned were played for jokes. The Nine/Jack kiss was ambiguous in that viewers could interpret it as Jack initiating a romantic moment, but also you could see it as platonic since he kissed Rose too (or of course you can see both of his kisses as romantic), but Jack also thought he was dying so any interpretation leads to Jack thinking nothing will come of the kiss anyway. 
But when Doctor Who posted a picture of Jodie Whittaker and Alex Kingston captioned “The Doctor and her wife” they later changed the caption. So I’ve just never let myself humor the thought that they’d go as far as to actually make Thasmin canon. I mean, they barely made Doctor/Rose canon and even all the “boyfriend” references between Clara and the Doctor (both Twelve and Eleven) never made them canon either, so the show has trouble making even het ships for the Doctor become canon. The only canon ship the Doctor gets to have is with their wife River, and the show couldn’t even make River/Thirteen canon in a Tweet.
But that scene with Yaz at the end... I did feel a little bit of hope for a second. Especially since they hugged earlier in the episode. Then it was gone. So... I guess we’ll see. I’m still gonna sit back and assume it’s not going to happen and be pleasantly surprised if it does, and unfazed if it doesn’t since I expect nothing.
Anyway, onto the season itself! That was so fun. It was so crazy. I feel like I’d need to rewatch it to truly get everything. But miraculously, they tied all the loose ends up! I really didn’t think it was possible. They had to split the Doctor literally into 3 to make it happen, but they made it happen! Time saving the day at the end could be argued as a Deus Ex Machina, but whatever. Time is Time.
KARVANISTA BEING A FORMER COMPANION THOUGH?!? That’s my biggest revelation. I literally gasped out loud. Doctor, you gotta stop leaving your companions behind. It’s not good for them. Seriously, someone invite him to the support group.
Also, I WILL make a coat inspired by Azure’s jacket. I just need to buy a blazer. And the trim. And then handsew it all. Seriously, that coat is one of my favorite Doctor Who costume pieces in years. Honestly, the costuming this season was GREAT. There were some real standout designs like Azure’s coat and the dresses worn by the Mouri. And I already mentioned earlier that I loved Vinder’s hair design and the care that was put into it.
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ruvi-muffin · 6 years
tagged by @lvtvr Thank Char u3u
it’s 00:52 on a work day so pardon my hfohwfowhefohwf everything. (this is why you’re not supposed to fandom on week days if you have bad impulse control like me).
How did you discover the show?
no but for real. i was into gravity falls still back in 2016. i started seeing robot lions around everywhere but i didn’t think much of it. then when Elentori started drawing the bois I was like.... the heck???? and i binge watched it around christmas time because i had nothing better to do.
when sherlock season 4 failed me and with little to no gravity falls content voltron just kinda happened and i mean it’s great so why not
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
mmmm  L O V E
but like really, i went in blind low key curious why so many people shipped klance out of all things and i was like... heck.. now i’m roped in too. 
honestly tho the show is great for what it is and i liked it for what it was but like GRANTED the pilot was pretty awesome even this far into the game so i’m not surprised it got such a huge following so quickly.
Do you have a favorite episode?
uuuurgh i TRIED to answer this but i really can’t decide. also i haven’t really watched season 3-5 enough to know the episodes by heart and when i look them up i hardly remember. honetsly whenever i rewatch voltron i usually just watch season one for some reason. it’s just more fun and chill and has more of an episodic structure with a very straight forward plot and the pacing was just all around slightly better back then.
THAT SAID i can’t in good concience say that any one episode from season one is my favourite because of all the stuff that’s happened lately.
i did really really enjoy “kral zera” though. that one is a gem.
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav Paladin, why?)
i mean.. idk blue just seems like a good fit for an all-in-one type player style. i have a tendency to switch roles as needed in a game or in a friend group. not to say that i’m more flexible than others, but i just enjoy filling in blanks where there needs filling without sticking out. blue isn’t the fastest but she’s not slow. she has rad ice powers and like these zonar things. blue could probably pull off most missions wether more stealth oriented or combat oriented and i LOVE THAT. the flexibility of it all is just really appealing to me.
and then part of me is like BUT DUDE RED
my friends all know i’m a bit of a pyromaniac who likes to go fast soooooooo
not saying no to that
litterally any vehicle that lets me go fast is a GOOD
Do you have a favorite Villain?
Lotor’s not a villan............................................... but you kno *shrugs*
litterally every villain in this show is a piece of flaming garbage in this dumpster fire
i used to like sendak a lot more but my feelings are kinda mixed now
he did get a cooler arm though
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (Recurring and/or minor)
oh the galra are just SO FACINATING LIKE how diverse they are and how wide spread and how different they all look
my voltron persona is a galra soooo......
don’t @ me
Favorite side / other character(s)- Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
I’m really fond of Matt. like he’s just a GOOD BROTHER. I also really really like Nyma and the generals, particularly Zethrid.
How/Why did you join the fandom?
why does one do anything
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
MMMMMM if i had a favourite this wouldn’t be dificult but seeing as it is.... idk man....
probably that Allura is the only one on the team except Coran to have had a relatively successful love life?? i’m actually really fond of that head canon. like Allura is just CHILL around guys like she’s used to it. meanwhile every guy ever is like hfoiewhfowgohfoiehfofhoeihfoeifqeifoifhoheof princess may i ohdoqhfoqhefoqhf beautiful foqehfoehfiqefo pretty lady ohfoqhfoqeihfoqhof
she holds power man
i know i hav elots more but for some reason i’m planking. i only remember this because i’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.
when was thelast time we saw a woman who wasn’t either 100% prude or 100% sex crazy like... Allura is just chill man. good rep.
What do you think is the best part of the show?
oh man... just... honestly everything but the pacing is amazing?? like i have a hard time thinking of things except the pacing issues that i’d like to fix if i could. unfortunately the pacing is kind of a big thing to not have pinned down.
but like.. the animation is stunning.. the characters are likeable.. the story is intriguing... and it’s just BAFFLING how they’ve done what they did with it i’m just really happy it exists u kno? it’s a good show.
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
oh my gosh... SO MANY
but like.. primarily some proper emotional content. judging by the show’s track record so far though i don’t have much hope for more than a couple seconds of genuine emotion. i watch adventire time and steven universe for that.
K E I T H  A N D  L O T O R
just... have their character arcs resolved PLEASE i’m DYINGGGG
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
oh yeah definitely
i mean even if i wind up leaving the fandom i’ll still watch the show. i like it and i have mad respect for the people working on it.
Tag your friends or someone you want to get to know better
i’m just gonna not. i’m not online a lot so... meh
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nebulawriter · 6 years
MCU Countdown Captain America: The First Avenger
It’s actually impressive that with a run of 3 movies like Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, and Thor that the first Iron Man managed to hold up the MCU practically single handedly until CA:TFA came along.
Anyway this was a fantastic movie that’s gotta be near my top for the MCU. Honestly, the Captain America movies in general have been the most successful run as a single hero franchise.
Main Character: I think even the movies later on have come to get a little held up in Captain America the Legend, an idea, THE idea to live up to.and he’s an excellent candidate for a hero, don’t get me wrong. But it is so vital to always remember the scrappy kid from Brooklyn, the one who was good, the one who believed in doing the right thing (well maybe not all the time if he could get away with it. “not the right file” really steve) Who wanted to fight, not to kill an enemy, but to stand up to bullies. A true hero.
Side Characters: PEGGGYYYYYYYYYYYY WHERE IS YOUR THIRD SEASON PEGGY WHERE IS IT *ahem* sorry. No but seriously as ‘love interest’ characters go, Peggy Carter blows them out of the water. Not a single canonical romance in the MCU so far has lived up to Peggy and Steve (closest so far is T’Challa and Nakia), and thats because they are both whole people, who see and respect each other as whole people. Besides, Steve being awkward around her is the most precious thing. 
Bucky is also jarring to see since I’m so used to Winter Soldier these days. He’s so young, so innocent....(hug). Dr. Erskin said a line that I never thought of before now, but now I want to figure out how to make gifs to make a gifset. Steve asks him where he’s from, and while he later elaborates to say Germany, the first thing he says is “Queens.” It makes me wonder if Steve thought back to that moment, when years in the future, he asks a kid the same question, and the boy in the spidersuit says “Queens”
Sorry I’m getting so caught on these side characters but I LOVE THEM! Howard Stark is wonderful to see as a proto-Tony, Colonel Phillips was great (but I almost always love Tommy Lee Jones) and Red Skull....Red Skull might not be in my TOP tier of marvel villains (thats probably Loki, Hela, Vulture, and Killmonger) but he is RIGHT there behind them. He is what the perfect villain should be: A foil against the hero. Literally he’s an anti-Captain America. Also a nazi, which, in case you had any question as to where this blog leaned, is evil. unquestionably.
Other Characters: The Howling Commandos deserve their own show. I only realized watching this that Zola’s introduction was a foreshadowing for his tv-ification. Also at some point I need to do a “list of people you forgot were in the MCU” because Filch, Clara Oswald and Margaery Tyrell are all in this.
Plot: Even watching this now I never....totally understand Red Skull’s whole...plan. Like. He wants to bomb cities around the world. because. um. ? he wants to be a god? He wants to...destroy...Eh I don’t care OOOOH TESSERACT. Cause yeah this is the first movie to show an infinity stone. Also it was said to have been left behind by Odin? GOD FUCKING DAMMIT ODIN THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS.
Story: I mean I talked about this with main character I think, but I love the way the Symbol of America comes together, and what, in fact Cap really symbolizes. Because it really is the best qualities of America, rising above all the many (many dear god) faults, and it makes me feel goddamn patriotic. which has been an unfamiliar feeling as of late.
Writing/Editing: GOD I LOVE THE WRITING IN THIS MOVIE. Lines I enjoyed, although there were a helluva lot more: "People forget that the first country the nazis invaded was their own""Go get him! I can swim!"Cap approximately ~Imma get them all~ “You won’t be alone”—reflective of later, he comes in and fights alone, but its a ruse to distract from the rest of his team. "Lets go find two more"
Cinnamontography: MMMMMM I love it. There are some amazing iconic scenes in this. THE BRIIIIIIDGE Cap and Red Skull across the sides of the bridge it just...it kills me. The action scenes may have bored me a little on this rewatch but whatevs, fight scenes are hard to grab me
Design: Peggy Carter is stunning, everyone else is...fine. The biggest design thing is Red Skull and he’s scary lookin’ alright. I’m not much of a historical buff but I assume the period costumes were great.
Other: I put this on my main blog when I’m actually writing this, but here it is again: so Red Skulls weapons make the same noise as Iron Man’s repulsors, indicating that the arc reactor has some tie to the tesseract and that is never brought up even though Iron Man 2 would have set that up PERFECTLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING IRON MAN 2!!!
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