#miroku x reader
ebonyslasher · 2 years
Feudal men with a Plus size s/o
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"I'll stuff your cute tummy up with my sperm and we'll have lots of pups!"
Hunts and brings back a lot of game for you, mostly as a courting measure. Koga wants to show that he has the strength and resources to take care of you
"Well, I can't say your crew isn't taking care of you...but I can do a much better job than the mutt"
Koga will roughly squeeze and rub your body when cuddling (or doing other activities)
Also will make different body parts jiggle just to watch
It's a requirement for him to sleep on you...you're too soft
Likes picking you up to feel your full weight in his buff arms
Koga would want you to wear your pelts in a suggestive manner around him. For obvious reasons~
Inuyasha thinks you are very attractive ~
If y'all are fighting or he's frustrated he will make backhanded comments about your weight. He is pretty....toxic sometimes. As we all know.
Cursing him out or giving him a death stare usually straightens him out.
Or threatening, "Well I guess I won't wear my skirts anymore then."
"Wait y/n, I ain't mean it like that....." and there goes his ears falling against his head.
He will childishly pick you up to show off his strength, calling you lightweight.
You roll your eyes at it but you do love being picked up by a strong man like him...mmmmhmmmm
Inuyasha is a bit of a tsun, so he'll pretend like he isn't interested in you
But, you have caught him staring many times...
...And his eyes always glaze over during your intimate moments
His hands always find themselves holding you after a close call
No matter what, he's the first one to shout your name when shit is going down lol
The first time he sees you, he starts praying.
"Kami, you have sent me the highest blessing for which I am undeserving."
Because Kamiiiiiiiiiiii, LAWD, whoever the hell else is up or down there... listen....
"Will a woman with such a perfect body as yours bear my children?"
Uhm, sir I just met you....
He's head over heels, ready to marry you if you say the word.
Miroku, the perv, won't be able to keep his hands off you.
When you two are alone, he gets pretty vulgar with his flirting
"Allow me to bury myself so deep within you, that you find your ultimate treasure."
Although he flirts with every woman he comes across, his eyes always shine for you
If you're sore or hurting, he will volunteer to massage you. And will actually keep it PG...with a little 13 on the side
You don't mind cause his massages are soooo thorough, you'll be floating in heaven the whole time
Makes the effort to be romantic with you. Only you. You're special to this pervy monk
He'll assume that you come from a rich family that can afford excess food.
Of course, he would look at things from a logical standpoint. But that's only to distract himself from ogling.
He's already planning outfits to order from his highly selected tailors.
By the time he's courting you, he already has the colors and accessories- down to the flowers he wants in your hair.
He's very playful and teasing with you when you're together. Sometimes it's annoying but it's never offensive.
"This one does not need to indulge in luxury to feel like a high demon. However, you are irresistible..."
Caressing you happens every night in bed
The Great Lord will allow you to lay on top of him...he likes the softness and the weight on top
Sesshoumaru blesses your body with hickeys and love bites. Your face gets hot whenever your friends point them out.
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Can I please request headcanons for InuYasha, Miroku, and Sango coming to the modern world and falling for a modern woman?
A/n: YES!! Oh thank you my friend, also this reminds of an Inuyasha game I used to play for the PS2 where this exact thing happens.
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🗡: Is used to being in the modern world….kinda. He still messes up a lot.
🗡: Is not used to wearing modern clothes, why does he have to wear modern clothes?
🗡: Met you through Kagome with you being one of her friends.
🗡: Was smitten with you from the start { though he’s not gonna admit that. }
🗡: Starts making excuses to slip into the modern world to see you.
🗡: You enjoy taking him to all kinds of parks, it’s cute seeing his reactions to the rollercoasters.
🗡: Is very clingy while you’re in the modern world,would often latch himself onto your arm, holding your waist. He likes it when he carries you on his back.
🗡:absolutely adores it when you cook for him, he’s puddy in your hands after you cook him a big meal.
🗡: Is excited to see all the different outfits you can wear. Loves the skirts and dress…easier to rip off. Though those hip hugging jeans also look good on you.
🗡:Likes that he can have sex in an actual bed, not happy that he can’t have sex in a public setting. He’d rather not he scolded by you again.
🗡: Little harder for him to adjust in the modern world due to him needed to wear a hat most of the time. Is more than happy to slip between both worlds for you since he loves you.
🗡: You’re more than happy to do the same, it’s gotten easier after you both had gotten married.
🗡: Would 100% spoil his children in the modern world.
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📿: Finds it all very interesting, of look at pretty woman. ‘Why are people holding up a strange device in front of me?’Are his first thoughts.
📿: Run’s into you by complete accident, the man is completely taken in by how beautiful you were. Not to mention your kindness.
📿: Does his best to explain the situation, it does not work. Thank god you happen to be an acquaintance of Kagome since she made it so much easier to explain everything.
📿: Is so much easier for him to adjust in the modern world. Modern clothes look so good on him, you nearly swoon when he steps out wearing a white top and black slacks.
📿:Other girls your age won’t leave him alone but he finds himself not caring. His eyes are set on you, he realizes his feelings for you much faster than Inuyasha would.
📿:Adores showing you off, he’s rather proud of himself that he managed to land someone like you.
📿:Fucking Loves it when you wear skirts and dress, easier access for him.
📿:Is more clingy, he likes having his hands on you. Will be the one to leave hickies all over your skin.
📿: Loves that semi-public sex, though don’t discount him in the bedroom. Total romantic.
📿:Would be the one to stay in the modern world, does not want to put you or his children at risk or in harms way.
📿: Would still visit his time period with you and the kids.
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🪃:It’s much easier for her to blend in, also faster for her to understand stand things.
🪃: She met you by beating some asshole’s ass that was harassing you.
🪃: You were the first to fall for the woman, confusing for you. Not confusing to Sango though it did take a moment for her to understand her feelings since she’s never felt this way before.
🪃:Teaches you how to fight and defend yourself, she wants to know you’re safe when she’s not around.
🪃: While hold your hand, she thinks it’s cute how you snuggle into her side.
🪃: Soft kisses, gentle love making, she’s really the perfect girlfriend.
🪃: Looks stunning in modern clothing, Sango can pull off any outfit you give her.
🪃:Loves dancing with, she’s never had that much fun until she met you.
🪃: Would live in the modern world and her time period. She just wants you to be happy.
🪃: You two would adopt,
🪃: 100% makes everyone jealous with how much your children brag about how awesome their two mama’s are.
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May I please request headcanons for InuYasha, Sango, and Miroku having a modern-day S/O who suffers from sickle cell disease?
Hello, my darling! This took me a while. I'm so very sorry. So! This was at the tippy top of my list! Of course, you can request this. I tried to research this to the best of my ability, so I hope I did these headcanons justice. I know there are multiple forms, so I'm going to try to write ones that could apply to any of the types. ♥ All my love! XoXo
Pairings: InuYasha x Reader, Sango x Reader, Miroku x Reader who suffers from sickle cell disease
Warnings: None, just some extra love for SCD readers, etc.
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To be honest, I feel he wouldn't understand at all what that means at first.
But he's willing to learn and listen to you. (Still doesn't understand it all...especially doctor jargon)
And you think he isn't listening to you at some point, and then he surprises you by remembering and saying something that you had told him.
His personality is quite brash, so I feel like he's one that seems very strong on the forefront, but secretly studies as much as he can to help you and make you more comfortable.
I definitely think he tries to keep you comfortable. Puts a blanket over you and pats it or rubs your arms and hands if you're cold, or takes it off. Secretly pays very close attention to your cues and body language. Makes sure you have lots of water and adequate rest.
And I feel like he'd go to every appointment with you, arms crossed and face a bit unreadable beneath his baseball cap.
You might catch him crying secretly at night sometimes, but it's only because he loves and cares about you so much, darling. (Bh-huh!? Inuyasha!? Nahhhh >.> You didn't hear that from me!)
And if you need more severe treatments such as blood transfusions, bone marrow, etc, I feel he definitely has them check if he's a match for you first.
He's so loyal. If you're hospitalized or just going to doctors a lot, no matter what it is, he's always by your side.
And be sure to let him know if you're tired or anything! I'm sure he will give you as many piggybacks and let you rest as much as you need while he also keeps careful watch and rests with you.
Overall, he's the best S/O and caretaker he can be to you. I think he might only argue with you if you argued with him over the prices of treatments. Because it's your life and that doesn't matter if you feel better. He'll find a way.
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She's such a sweetie. Even if you identify as a male or whatever you prefer, I feel she always brings you flowers and tries to make you smile in some way.
Works hard to also make sure you are comfortable and your needs are always taken care of.
Research to the end of the world to try to understand you and your condition better.
Like Inuyasha, she is always by your side, especially at appointments and checkups.
If you have to undergo any surgeries or transfusions, she makes sure she's the first person you see besides the doctors.
Is good about reminding you and keeping you on track with your schedule and appointments, medicines, but also dates! Also definitely tries to help you with preventatives to keep you healthy.
I feel her favorite thing is to go out with you to cafes on days you feel well enough to.
Tries to help doctors find you a match for transfusions or marrow if you need it.
She wants to be with you every step of the way. No matter how difficult or easy your path may be.
Sensitive but strong herself, I feel like the two of you can have heart-to-heart talks and rest in each other's arms when it's too stressful. She'll either listen or cry with you.
Just know she's always there and is always fighting beside you.
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This guy, ahahaha. But no. I feel he adds a bit to your stress since he's a womanizer sometimes...but just know, he's all yours and his heart will always be yours. He looks, but definitely WON'T touch.
I feel he's always trying to make you smile and laugh.
Definitely uses those flirty antics of his to try.
May convince you to have his child...ONLY IF YOU WANT TO.
If this happens, and it possibly causes your pain or anything to be more severe, I really think he feels guilty though.
Definitely seeks care for you and the baby always.
And if you decide not to, that's fine too!
He may seem a bit aloof sometimes, but he really is very serious about you.
I think his aloofness is caused by him being deep in thought about how he can better help and care for you quite honestly. Or if he can try to understand you better.
I feel he's the one to ask the doctors questions and try to help you figure things out better too.
He may miss one or two appointments every now and then, but he'll show up late...with some flowers and maybe your favorite snack in hand or stuffed animal too! (He took too long picking them out honestly.)
His favorite thing would be to cuddle with you at night and hold you. Especially if you're feeling cold or just not all that well.
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mytheoristavenue · 11 months
*sigh* fine, i guess I'll write the miroku smut then...🙄
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milaisreading · 1 year
can u do its our girlfriend (ryusei shidou version)?? 🙏🏽🙏🏽 w/ sub20 time? 👀
Author: Here it is! I hope u like this one and thank u for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
The U-20 team felt a pretty huge shift in the dynamic when 2 certain players joined the team. One of them being Shidou Ryusei and the other one being Itoshi Sae. Now, Oliver as the captain did try and was somewhat successful with getting along with Sae, meanwhile Shidou... well he is a great player but really hard to get along with. But one thing Oliver noticed was that there was a rift and tension between Sae and Shidou, who were by all accounts always the closest to each other. The issue started a month ago when Oliver, and later on the team would notice how much bossier Sae was with Shidou, and the boy was in return a lot snappier with him. It was really getting out of hand and Oliver was ready to rip his hair out. Japan's U-20 team had an image to uphold and the last thing Oliver needed was their manager yelling at him to get them in line.
"You dumbass antena man, focus on the goal!"
"Under eyelashes senior is now the boss around here, huh?"
"Can someone shut them up?" Sendou pointed, tired from all the yelling.
"Why are they even arguing?" Teru questioned.
"God knows." Hayate shrugged his shoulders, watching as Oliver and Niou walked over to the bickering duo and pulled them away from each other.
"Alright! Enough!" The team flinched at Oliver's yell, but kept quiet.
"What's the issue you two? You have been acting like you killed each other's families!" Oliver started as Niou sighed and continued after the captain.
"We are just worried. Not only is this giving an issue to us as a team, but also to you two as a duo on the field." The long-haired boy explained as Sae and Shidou sent each other a side glare. The rest of the team kept quiet and watched the two as the huffed and looked away from each other. Oliver was pretty much speechless, he expected this from Shidou... but never from Sae of all people.
"This must be quite serious, Sae would act more mature otherwise." Teppei whispered to his friends and Miroku told them to be quiet.
"Spit it out." Oliver demanded and it seemed like Shidou finally broke.
"Under eyelashes senior here is butthurt his crush likes me more."
"I am not! All I said was that (Y/n) picking you as her boyfriend will come to bite her." Sae said back, shocking the team even more now.
'Shidou...Shidou has a girlfriend?!'
"Did I just hear correctly?" Hayate questioned with wide eyes and looked at his friends. Miroku and Teru slowly nodded their heads as Teppei and Sendou kept quiet, but were equally wondering how truthful that statement was.
'No way... he got a girlfriend before me?' Sendou thought with a huff.
'Ehh? I can't imagine Shidou with anyone.'
"What?" Niou raised an eyebrow as he closed Oliver's open mouth.
"Shidou basically got a girlfriend, way above his league if I may add." Sae repeated.
"Shut the hell up!"
"You know I am right. She literally could have had anyone, why you?" Sae said as his anger raised again, causing Shidou to smirk.
"Turns out my personality is more appear to her."
"Wait... Shidou has a girlfriend?" Oliver blurted out, causing the two to look at him.
"Yeah, they have been going out for a month." Sae rolled his eyes.
"Something you will never experience, might I add." Shidou chimed in.
"You two...are joking with us? Right?" Sendou suddenly spoke up as they raised their eyebrows.
"You sure? Sae that was a good joke." Miroku let out a laugh as Hayate and Teppei held back their laughters too. Niou tried to calm them down while Oliver tried to stop Shidou from yelling.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" The blonde asked, taking offense at their reactions.
"It's just...you don't seem dateable..." Teppei answered, earning a nod from Hayate.
"You are too loud."
"And you say weird stuff at times."
"Sorry, but there is no way someone is dating you." The statements caused Shidou's anger to rise even more, but along with that also came the insecurities. He could handle Sae saying those things, since he is pretty jealous of his relationship, but hearing people who are pretty much strangers to him say those things... it really stung.
"I think you are capping."
"Yeah... Sae and Shidou stop joking around-"
"Wait Sendou... who is your girlfriend?" Oliver asked, trying to wrap his head around this whole concept. Shidou wanted to answer the question, he did. He wanted to show off his cute, beautiful and funny girlfriend to everyone. But one part of him wanted to keep that part quiet, private. Sae knowing about her was enough as it is, he didn't need them to know it too.
'Especially when they don't seem to believe it anyways.' Shidou said nothing as he walked off towards the locker room, sending a warning glare as Niou and Teppei tried to get the name out of him.
"Enough joking... let's just get changed. Our training session is over." Hayate said as he pointed at the clock.
"Sae, can you please tell us who the girlfriend is?" Teru wondered.
"Yeah, otherwise we will think this is a joke." Oliver added in but the redhead just shrugged his shoulders.
"Believe whatever you want. I am not saying anything out of my respect for her. When she feels like meeting you guys, you will know."
While everything was going on outside, Shidou was in the locker room enjoying how quiet it was. He somewhat cooled down from the fight and his mind kept wandering off to (Y/n).
'Ahh~ just her cute face could make any of my bad days good. She is so kind and sweet, the World really doesn't deserve her. I wonder what she is up to.' Shidou thought, growing a little agitated.
'I didn't see her at all in the past 3 weeks, stupid Blue Lock and Ego... keeping her away from me like that.' Shidou pouted. He really missed her and hoped to get the chance to see her before that match with her team.
'Seems like it's just wishful thinking.'
Teru yawned as he walked down the hallway from the bathroom. After such an eventful day he just wanted to get dressed and go home to sleep.
'Maybe a good dinner and some movies would be a good idea.'
"Excuse me, do you know if Shidou Ryusei is still here?" The boy jumped up at the sound of a unfamiliar feminine voice from behind him. Turning around, Teru was surprised to find none other than Blue Lock's manager, (L/n) (Y/n). The boy's face turned beet red and slowly nodded his head.
"Y-yeah... why do you need him?" Teru asked shyly as the girl grinned at his answer.
'She is even prettier than on TV!'
"I need to see him, can you please call him or bring me to him?" She asked and Teru quickly nodded his head, laughing nervously.
"Of course! Follow me, sorry if I am jumpy a little."
'She will think I am weird now...' Teru thought nervously, internally facepalming at his own behavior.
"It's fine, my team is the same right now. Probably excited for the match coming up?" (Y/n) asked in a reassuring manner as Teru slowly nodded his head.
'Her voice is so soft...'
"Shidou!" The group turned to look at Teru as he ran into the changing room.
"What?" The blonde asked in annoyance, still mad at the way they spoke to him earlier. Teru took a few deep breaths as he tried to calm the redness on his face down.
"The...the manager fo Blhe Lock wants to see you..." Teru panted out. The blonde's frown turned into a grin as he quickly packed his things.
"What?! (Y/n) is outside?" Teppei and Miroku asked with wide eyes as Oliver grinned at the news. Niou and Hayate kept quiet along with Sae. The older Itoshi became restless at the mention of (Y/n)'s name while the other 2 grew a lot more nervous.
"Later, losers." Shidou chuckled and ran out with his bag.
"Hold it- Why is she even here?" Niou wondered as Teru spoke up again.
"It turns out the girlfriend Sae and Shidou talked about was (Y/n)."
The room grew quiet as Sae quietly left the room, hoping to catch up to the duo before they left.
'Is dating...'
'(Y/n)...' Sendou, Hayate and Miroku thought as Oliver's eye twitched.
"What do you mean?! No way did that guy get to her first!" Oliver yelled as Niou nodded his head.
"She was probably blackmailed into dating him."
"True. (Y/n) seems so sweet and kind..." Teppei started.
"And beautiful, she puts all the idols I know to shame." Sendou sighed dreamily.
"I also heard she is so considerate. I heard she always makes snacks for her team." Hayate chimed in.
"Forget that! Did you see the way she holds herself when talking to the reporters?!" Oliver added in with a blush.
"Yeah...she has to be blackmailed." Miroku concluded as silence fell among the group.
They looked between each other and at the door as Niou cleared his throat.
"I need to go to the toilet."
"Hold it! Why did you take your bag-" Before Hayate could finish his sentence, Niou was already outside the locker room.
"Hey!" Oliver yelled, running after his teammate and the rest joining in.
"I hope you like it! It's like a good luck charm for the upcoming matches!" (Y/n) grinned as Shidou held the necklace she bought him a few days back. It was a simple, 4 leaf clover pendant on a gold chain, but it did make Shidou's heart race a little and his face turned red from the attention.
"Thanks, th-this means a lot. I didn't get anything for you." Shidou said, getting a little shy from the sudden gift and (Y/n) shook her head.
"I am happy and fulfilled as long as you are, Ryu."
'So adorable! And all mine!'Shidou thought as his cheeks started heating up and he coughed.
"Want to eat something? There is a good restaurant-"
"Are we eating somewhere?" Shidou felt like all the rage he previously felt came rushing back as Sae appeared put of nowhere, putting his arms around (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Sae-san?! Where did you come from?" The girl wondered, a little startled by his appearance. Shidou watched with a snarl as Sae turned his stone cold look to a much softer one as he glanced at (Y/n).
"Good to see you, (Y/n). You look just as pretty as the last time I saw you." The girl blushed a little at the comment as Shidou pulled her our of his grip and glared even harder at Sae.
"We, as in (Y/n) and I will go and eat now. You can go somewhere else." Shidou said as he started pushing (Y/n) in front of himself.
"Ryu, you don't have to push me.... but I feel a little bad..." (Y/n) admitted in embarrassment as the two stopped and looked back at Sae. Shidou raised his eyebrow, wondering what she actually meant.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Sae is your friend, maybe we could invite him along. He probably wants to eat with us too." (Y/n) smiled softly as Shidou felt his heart crack a little.
'She is so considerate! That Itoshi doesn't deserve this level of kindness! My cute, little girl.' Shidou thought as he poked her cheeks.
"Ryu~" She pouted as the boy chuckled.
"You are so adorable... Fine, we could invite Sae along." Shidou sighed, as he really couldn't say 'no' to (Y/n).
"Ahh~ Shidou? Is that your lovely girlfriend?" The blonde boy flinched as he heard Niou's voice and the two turned to look at the group. The blonde tightly grabbed onto (Y/n)'s hand as they observed the group. Shidou watched in horror and anger as he noted all their expressions as (Y/n) waved at them.
"Hello!" She exclaimed.
Niou, Hayate and Miroku had the most normal expression, just a small blush on their cheeks. Teppei hid behind a blushing Miroku as he sent (Y/n) a few glances here and there.
'So cute~ she is even more adorable in real life.' Teru, Oliver and Sendou where meanwhile blushing messes as they stared at (Y/n) and waved at her.
"It's so lovely to see you, (Y/n)-san. We weren't aware you and Shidou were dating." Niou spoke up as he walked closer to them.
"Yeah! Congratulations." Miroku added in as Teppei followed them.
"Can I get a picture with you?"
"Me?!" (Y/n) asked the boy in confusion as Sendou and Oliver chirped in.
"Yes, it would be lovely."
"You look even lovelier than a kpop or jpop idol."
"A-ah... Thank you, Sendou-san." The girl blushed a little as Teru and Hayate chimed in.
"Move a little, Shidou- Can I get a picture with you too?"
"Can you please be our manager? The old man is annoying." Hayate groaned, earning a hit on the head from Oliver.
Shidou watched in disbelief as his teammates tried to chat up his girlfriend, his jealousy close to reach its limit.
"Told you that (Y/n) is a real eye catcher." Sae snorted, equally annoyed at the scene.
"Shut it! I know...it's my (Y/n)... my girl we are talking about."
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nerdycafe · 11 months
Inuyasha's Adoptive Mother, (Y/N)?
𝙼𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ➢ 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜: 𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 ➢ 1 ◉ 𝟸
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚞𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚐.
─────────ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ─────────
❝-*- 𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 -*- *.☽ .* | Inuyasha x Half-Demon! Adoptive Mother Reader❞
❝-*-𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬-*- •°•⚠️•°• | None❞
❝-*-𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠-*- ஓ๑♡๑ஓ | Mature ❞
❝-*-𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦-*- ❀○❀ | Inuyasha ❞
❝-*-𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬-*- ʚ♡ɞ | Sango ♥︎ Miroku _ Inuyasha ♥︎ Kagome _ Inuyasha ♥︎ Kikyo _ Koga ♡ Kagome _ Kikyo ♡ Naraku❞
♥︎ Romantic
♡ One-sided
❝-*-𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬-*-•┈┈┈• Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Koga, Ginta, Hakkukau, Kikyo, Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken, Naraku, Kagura, Kanna, Hakudoshi, Kohaku, Izayoi, Toga, Iyame❞
❝𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 -*- ✎﹏﹏﹏ 𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐲𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨. 𝐇𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬.❞
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ᎬΝᎫϴᎽ ͲᎻᎬ ՏͲϴᎡᎽ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
You were relaxing in your home, your feet tucked under your legs as you drank a warm cup of tea, you were deep in thought as you stared on into the distance from within your cozy hut. A fire was going on in the pit with a small cauldron hovering above it, it had about an inch of water within it, the water inside coming to a nice boil. You sighed as you swallowed some of your tea.
The sunset was ever so beautiful as you lost yourself in a trance. You blinked, breaking your trance and you looked over at the cauldron, seeing the water boiling nicely. You hummed, pleased to see the water rolling and bubbling.
You placed your tea down on the circular wooden saucer gently, you then turned to your left and you picked up the saibashi chopsticks, you adjusted them properly in your hand before you picked up an undone dumpling, you gently placed it in the hot water, you had about 4 of them, ready to boil. Once they were all in you placed the lid over the cauldron, allowing them to steam and boil.
Your ears twitched and you looked out into the distance once more, you stared intensely as you could hear a group of footsteps and voices. They all sounded rather young, and they sounded relaxed yet tired. You stood up, dusting off your clothes as you made yourself presentable, but in the middle of your fixing, your eyes wide and your ears perked up, a very familiar yet not forgotten voice sounded out from the crowd that was approaching your home.
You looked out into the distance, your eyes gleaming in hope as you waited for the figures to curve up from the hill. You waited with clenched hands over your fast heart, as the group walked up the hill, you could make out a large animal, and two figures walking next to it along with a small child-like figure.
Your eyes widen and they shined with unshed tears as you made out the familiar red clothing and silver hair. You ran out from the hut, your eyes trained on the young man as you ran towards the group. The small child noticed you approaching and he alerted the others.
They all looked at you with curious stares, and your arms opened wide once you got closer. “INUYASHA!!” You cried out in joy as you wrapped your arms around his chest, your arms went under his and your fingers latched onto his red suikan. Your face pressed into his chest and shoulder, and your tears stained his top, but he didn’t seem to care as he wrapped his arms around you tightly in return.
You could feel how much he had grown, it felt almost like a dream how strong he felt, he was nothing but a young teen the last time you hugged him like this, he wanted to go out and venture off on his own, and you gave him a hug as a final goodbye, telling him that he can always come home for a hot meal and a warm and ready bed.
“Oh, Inuyasha, I missed you so much, there wasn’t a day that went by that I never thought about you. I’ve been so worried, but I know that you’re strong.” You said, your voice wavering as you tried not to sob. He held you tighter. “I know, but you ain’t got to worry…. I’m sorry…. I should’ve checked in on you.” He said, his voice was still the same, just with a bit more base and a natural growl to it. It almost made you want to cry, realizing how much of his life has gone by.
You shook your head, as you pulled back from him, your eyes shined full of motherly love as you stared up at him. “You’ve no need for an apology, you were trying to find your place in the world, so I understand why you left.” You said, your voice full of understanding. His yellow eyes bounced back and forth between yours, he may be grown, but he still held that same love and respect for you. It took you back to his younger days when he was just a child, his eyes haven’t changed. He was still your baby boy.
You blinked and you stared up at them with a baffling look, he blinked in confusion at your stare. “W-what?” He asked as he stared down at you. You stepped up on your tip-toes, your hands gently caressing his cheeks. He stared down at you with a dazed look, but he didn’t stop you. You suddenly pinched his cheeks and you pulled on them. “OW! OWW! STOP THAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” He shouted in pain as he gently yet firmly grabbed your wrists as he tried to pry your hands off. You pulled his cheeks apart in different directions before you let them go and you gave both of his cheeks a good smack.
He stepped back some as he rubbed his cheek with one of his hands as he gave you a half-hearted glare. “What the heck was that for?” He asked, his voice held irritation. You gave a pleased smile before you placed your hands on your hips before you nodded in satisfaction. “Mmhmm, there we go!! I missed those rosy cheeks of yours!!” You said, he blinked in confusion. “Rosy?” He asked.
You nodded. The small child you had seen before questioned aloud. “Inuyasha had rosy cheeks?” He asked, his little voice made your heart clench from how cute he sounded, you looked over at him, he was sitting in the young girl's arms, and he was nested in her arms as she cradled him. His bright green eyes made you nearly squeal at how cute he was. His big blue bow in his ginger hair was just too cute. His sharp ears and little fangs indicated that he was a demon child, but you already knew that from his scent. You smiled at him, nodding at his question.
“That’s right when he was younger, he had the cutest rosy cheeks!! They were always either pink or shy of red, I just couldn’t bare to see him without them any longer!!” You explained as you gushed at the memory. He growled from behind you as you retold the memories of his cheeks that he himself must’ve forgotten. The small boy stared up at you before he gave a smug smirk over at Inuyasha. “I never knew that Inuyasha had girly cheeks.” He said in a teasing voice.
Inuyasha glared over at him. “WHAT YOU SAY!?” He shouted as he stomped but made no advance towards him. The girl holding him stared at Inuyasha with an observatory stare. “You know, it is kind of cute.” She said, he stepped back at her comment. “W-WHAT!?” He called out, the woman on the large feline also gave him the same stare. “I agree with, Kagome, it surprisingly fits you.” She said, Inuyasha stared at her with a look of disbelief. The Monk behind her nodded his head in agreement. “It suits your human qualities.” He said.
Inuyasha grumbled as he turned away from the group, he pulled his sleeve down over his hand as he scrubbed at his cheeks, trying to get rid of the redness, unknowingly making it redder. You chuckled at his actions, as you rubbed his back soothingly. You continued rubbing his back as you looked back over at the group, finally taking them in. They all stared at your action with a questioning stare.
You eyed their clothing, they all seemed normal, aside from the girl holding the boy. She wore a small green cloth, and long white socks with large leather covering over her feet. She wore a long white sleeve piece of fitted clothing with a green pattern on it, and a red cloth tied around her neck.
Your nose twitched as you blinked. “You’re not from around here, are you?” You asked aloud, they all looked over at you, and the girl blinked before she gave you a slightly nervous smile. “Umm, yeah, you’re not wrong.” She said. You smiled at her, you could tell that she was young, your motherly instinct blooming to life. “No need to be nervous dear, I don’t bite.”
You gently said as you tried to calm her, it seemed to work, the warmth in your eyes matched your smile and she seemed to relax. You chuckled, your eyes closing as you looked back at Inuyasha who still had his back toward everyone. “Inuyasha, won’t you invite your friends inside? I was just about to make some steamed dumplings.” You suggested. His ears slightly twitched and he stood up straighter.
You gave a sly smile his way. “I was also about to make some sashimi, with some steamed dumplings and rice.” You said as you turned towards the hut. He turned towards you, his eyes slightly widen. “Sashimi?” He asked, you held in your giggle at his cuteness that he never seemed to lose. “Sashimi.” You confirmed. He stood there a little longer before he looked at his small group. “Well, you guys heard her, get inside.” He said. You shook your head at his rudeness, but he’s always been this way.
You walked on towards the hut, as you listened to the lot of them bicker amongst themselves…
The sun has fully vanished, and with her, she took her bright light, and in her stead, the moon and all her followers appeared. The straw curtain to your hut was drawn, closing the doorway to the hut, shielding your privacy from the world. The rice was being cooked over the flames in the cauldron, you made more steamed dumplings and sashimi.
You were steering the rice in the cauldron gently, so as to not make the rice mushy. Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippo were all sitting by the door of the hut, while You, Kagome, and Sango were all helping to prepare the meal. When they all first entered, they all introduced themselves to you. You were surprised that they have yet to ask whom you were to Inuyasha, but they could tell that you were very important.
Once the majority of the food was done, both Kagome and Sango sat down with you around the fire, as they quietly conversed with you, while you steered the rice. “So, if it isn’t rude of me to ask, who are you to Inuyasha?” Sango asked. Everyone looked over at you, curious eyes stared at you as they all waited patiently for you to answer. You’ve been waiting for this question, and you gently placed the wooden spoon down on the setting stone to keep the water from molding your tatami floors.
“I don’t mind at all, in fact, I’m shocked that Inuyasha hasn’t yet spoken of me.” You said, your voice even while a motherly warmth spread from you. Kagme stared at you for a moment, before she gasped as if she placed together a long-awaited thought together. You smiled at her as a knowing gleam came into your eyes. “My name is (Y/N), and I am Inuyasha’s adoptive mother.” You explained as you bowed in a proper greeting.
They all stared at you in shock before they all looked over at Inuyasha who had his eyes closed, his sword cradled in his arms, but his ears twitched to show that he was listening. They all looked back over at you. “YOU’RE HIS WHAT!?” They all shouted. You sat back up before you gave them all a small giggle.
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yu-huuuu · 1 year
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Miroku: Now I will proceed to do something that I called flirting with death
//proceeds to touch Sango's butt//
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toga-003 · 29 days
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wandererbf · 2 months
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Why would you two argue
(English is not my first language)
Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango and Miroku
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• I think there are many reasons to fight with Inuyasha when you are in a relationship with him.
• But I think the worst fight you guys ever had was when he forgot your 1 month anniversary because he had a (clearly false) clue of Kikyo.
• You spent the whole afternoon getting ready for this meeting and when you were ready, you went to the agreed location and waited, waited for much more time than you should have.
• In reality you were getting worried, what could have happened? Did he encounter any dangerous yocai? Did Naraku find him?
• 3 and a half hours had passed when you saw the white man approaching, looking very crestfallen and you worried even more, you run towards him.
• It was when a guilty look was thrown at you that you realized what happened.
• "I had to see if she was okay.."
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Kagome Higurashi
• Well, here you are from the current time, and you've been dating Kagome for a few months and nothing could be better... until then at least
• Kagome started disappearing for days, she wouldn't respond to your messages and even her family wouldn't allow you to go to her room to check on her
• That was when rumors suddenly started that she was missing because she found a delinquent boyfriend and she spent days at his house
• (not that these rumors were completely wrong since although they are not dating she lives in his era)
• It was at this point that you had enough when you finally saw her on the street but when you went to talk to her you saw that she was accompanied by a white-haired boy with very... curious(?) clothes.
• well.. unfortunately for you she saw you but you already had tears in your eyes and that was when she realized what happened.
• but at that point when she tried to get closer you just ran away.
• “Y/N wait, it's a misunderstanding!”
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• Well this time it will be much simpler, I think you already know the reason why you would keep arguing.
• He's always flirting with other girls..
• Well, you got irritated but never really cared unless he touched another girl.
• But there was one time when he crossed any limit, he flirted with the girl and even left with his arms linked with her! as if you didn't even exist!
• Later when he returned to the place where you were sleeping Miroku noticed that you weren't even looking at his face, soon realizing what a mistake he made..
• “Y/N please.. I’m sorry I was just trying to help her to make her husband jealous..” - well for the first time he was saying the truth, but you still could get mad at him don’t you?
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• I think you would almost never fight, and if you did it would be for a futile reason... well maybe not this time
• She had just seen Kohaku, which shook her a lot, making her become more reclusive.
• And like the good lover you were you thought 'well maybe I should check on her'.. but oh.. what a terriver idea darling..
• She was in a small tent in the village where they stopped for the night, you carefully open the door asking how she was.
• She seemed calm until she started crying when she wanted to start saying something but then in a single breath she asked you to get out of there and that she didn't want to look to your face anymore.
• As you knew she was fragile, you just agreed and left, but of course you didn't stop worrying and placed some comforters outside the tent.
• Early the next morning he felt someone lying down next to him in the tent he was in, that person was Sango, she had a sad look on her face and looked like someone who hadn't slept in a while.
• Maybe this comes from the fact that she got unused to sleeping other than by your side, you didn't sleep very well either, missing your girlfriend
• "I'm sorry darling, now please let's go to sleep.."
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ebonyslasher · 2 years
Feudal Men Reacts to a black!female reader with a deep voice
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Lord Sesshoumaru loves when you say his name
If you want to turn him a little feral, say "my lord" in a sexy tone
Views you as more mature
Doesn't mind you talking. Your voice is never grating to his ears
Would want you to read some official documents to him. And won't admit it's cause he likes your voice, he'll make up an excuse.
"This ones eyes have tired out"
"You're a demon....your eyes don't get tired. You barely sleep."
"This one has allowed their eyes to tire" what does that even mean...
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Kikyo had kind of a lower pitched voice so he wasn't put off
But yours was much smoother and made him shiver
Sometimes he would make you mad on purpose just to hear your voice boom at him
It turns him on a lil.....mean bastard
Low-key likes talking to you when you're sleepy. That way you can't see the blush on his face
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"I could listen to you for a lifetime y/n" Oh stop, he's always saying stuff that makes you hot...
Would tell everyone to shut up if you want to talk, that way he can hear you clearly
"Y/n's talkin, have some respect!"
Of course, his woman would have the best voice in existence
Your voice excites him. He misses hearing it whenever you split ways.
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He's obsessed. He'll even stay quiet to hear you speak. Which is a lot coming from someone who likes to hear himself talk.
"No wonder Kami gave you such a beautiful voice, damn."
If you're shy about talking dirty or flirting, you better get over that fast. Cause he'll make you~
He's glad he has such a cute woman with an amazing voice.
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"My what a lovely voice you have.." That was the most innocent compliment you've ever gotten from Miroku.
He'll ask if you can sing. If so, he'll probably ask for you to sing for him often
"Y/n my ears have been damaged by that squawking we heard earlier...might you offer your voice to make it better?"
It's very flattering how in love with your voice he is.
Even though he thinks you sound sultry, your voice makes him feel like he's at home- bundled up and relaxed.
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mcverse · 1 year
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Angst ∇ Fluff ♡ NSFW ✾ Dark Content ❦
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— nothing yet
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— nothing yet
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— nothing yet
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— nothing yet
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— nothing yet
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dabis-azure-songbird · 8 months
May I please request a songfic for Miroku for the song What’s Love Got To Do With It by Tina Turner?
Of course you can, my dear! I'm sorry this took me way too long. I'm not quite sure if I like how I wrote it, but if you like it and are happy with it, then that's all that matters to me! :) ♥ I wanted to write it differently and I also kind of get weird with songfics for some reason. ANNNDDD~ Kudos to you for picking one of the best songs ever and also my favorite Tina Turner song probably. I'm sorry if the shortness is also a problem. I know you waited forever on this. :/
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You must understand how the touch of your hand
Makes my pulse react
That it's only the thrill of boy meeting girl
Opposites attract
You were way out of his league. So much more than he knew he deserved. A good and selective girl with a wild and untameable boy. Yet, here you were entangled in his arms and sheets on occasion. Even when you knew he could easily harm your heart on your sleeve in his sometimes crude and vulgar ways. You did your best not to fall for him. A constant battle to keep your shield and your feelings hidden away. But that was just it... If you didn't have feelings for him, if you didn't have feelings for each other, why did you both have to hide them away?
It's physical, only logical
You must try to ignore that it means more than that ohh ohhh
What's love got to do, got to do with it?
What's love, but a secondhand emotion?
Who needs a heart, when a heart can be broken?
You were both friends, yet it thrilled you both to slip and dance between the shadows of his linen and retreat to his room with him as a lover sometimes. Almost as much as it hurt to see him speaking to another woman that wasn't you.
He caused you such confusion. Such frustration. Such pain. Such...bliss.
He hadn't realized he could feel so much shame when your eyes landed upon him as his hushed whispers met her ears. Neither of you knew what to call your feelings for each other, but they were there. And they were growing inevitably.
The two of you were two magnets dancing and rejecting each other carefully.
Your touches still set him on fire and made his breath catch in his throat. Almost as much as his made your heart rate surge. Even as you both used each other as comfort from others and the agony of the world.
"But whatever the reason, you do it for me..."
"What's "love" got to do with it?"
His dark eyes met yours in a gleam of moonlight. Is that really what you were going to call your feelings for him? Is that what this had become? A domino or secondhand effect of falling once the other noticed the glint in the other's eyes. Neither of you was sure who fell first, but one thing was certain, you both had caught it now.
And he knew it as soon as his hands nor eyes even wanted to travel to another woman.
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seraphim-writes · 1 year
For Inuyasha :
Sango x Photographer! Reader
Sorry for the wait, I’ve been caught up in a lot of Stuff including mental health! But I hope you enjoy!
Take a picture, it’ll last longer…
“Man this is beautiful! It would of made a great shot for my album.” You whined as you sat in a large flowery feild. Mountain’s sprawling across the far off landscape. It was beautiful. Sango who had accompanied you on today’s traveling, turned her head and gave you a puzzled look.
“Shot for your album ?” She questioned. Suddenly it clicked in your head the idea of cameras and photo albums was a foreign concept to her.
“Yeah, a shot meaning a photograph from a camera,” you explained trying to find the right words. “A camera is like… a little metal box that essentially captures an image perfectly and can be used to create something similar to a very accurate painting. A photo album is a book where you put those images.” She nodded.
“I see, that sounds lovely!” She smiled softly at you. You looked at her, examining her appearance. Her sleek dark brown, almost black hair. She was still in her demon slaying outfit. The fabric complimented her figure, but primarily her muscles. She was beautiful, you wished you could of taken a photo of her in this field of flowers. You bit your lip trying to think of how to voice your thoughts.
“I-I wish I would of brought my camera. You look rather lovely Sango, I mean it.” Her eyes briefly widened taken aback, her face flushed. A small smile gracing her lips as she chuckled.
“Thank you, Y/N.” She said, her voice softer than usual. You sighed sweetly.
“This world has so much beauty in it, but none as radiant as you.” You teased, the same smile playing at your lips. “But we don’t just take pictures of things we find beautiful on the outside, usually people take pictures of what means the most to them.” You looked her in the eyes, with a genuine expression of adoration on your face.
You wanted her to know, to know how much you cared for her. Not just for her looks, but for her strength, persistence among other things that inspired you. Your hands found a way to hers, carefully you placed one on-top of her slightly smaller and scarred ones.
“You mean so much to me Y/N.” And with that you both sat in comfortable silence, a warmth floating about. You both knew what one another meant, and that was enough.
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coffeebookslovegt · 1 year
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No agradezca, lo único que pedimos es una cena, hospedaje y bellas mujeres.
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uptoolateart · 2 years
A list of links to my Inuyasha tarot card drawings:
0: The Fool
1: The Magician
2: The High Priestess
3: The Empress
4: The Emperor
5: The Hierophant
6: The Lovers
7: The Chariot
8: Strength
9: The Hermit
10: The Wheel of Fortune
11: Justice
12: The Hanged Man
13: Death
14: Temperance
15: The Devil
16: The Tower
17: The Star
18: The Moon
19: The Sun
20: Judgment
21: The World
The Suit of Swords
The Suit of Arrows
The Suit of Threads
The Suit of Crystals
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milaisreading · 1 year
Author: impacted the literature more than Romeo and Juliette ever could😭 here u go and thank u for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3
"Come here (Y/n), your favorite person ever wants to carry you!" Oliver laughed as he picked the reluctant girl up. Niou and Sendo shook their heads at the way he was holding her and how uncomfortable she looked while being held.
"Oliver, I don't think you are doing it the proper way." Sendo added as Niou nodded along. The black haired boy looked at the two in confusion and then down at (Y/n), who looked like she was about to burst out crying.
"I don't get it, I watched children being held like this on movies. You must just be picky then, huh?" Oliver teased the girl as she looked up at him. It was silent for a moment and Niou sighed in relief, thinking that maybe this was (Y/n)'s way of acting out, but all that was chucked out of the window as Oliver put her in the same position and the girl burst out crying. Panicking Sendo ran over and grabbed the girl while Niou pulled on Oliver's ear.
"Ouch!" The player yelled as the long-haired boy glared at him.
"I told you she was uncomfortable!"
"But that was how babies were held in movies!"
"Yes, movies! Not real life!" Niou said as he looked over at Sendo, who was rocking the sobbing toddler back and forth.
"She calmed down?"
"A little."
Oliver watched in weird awe at how well Sendo handled it.
"How do you know to calm down kids?"
"I used to babysit from time to time." Sendo shrugged his shoulder as Teppei and Hayate ran into the room.
"What happened?!"
"We heard crying!"
"Is everyone alright?" Miroku and Teru poked their heads inside.
"Yeah, it's just that Oliver doesn't know how to hold kids." Niou explained as Hayate took the girl out of Sendo's arms.
"Hey!" The blonde protested, earning a shrug from the taller.
"You all had the chance to hold her, I didn't." Hayate argued and got no response, as the rest knew he was right with that part. Oliver sighed in defeat and sat on the floor as Niou let his ear go.
"You alright, captain?" Miroku asked as Teru ran to where Hayate was.
"No... (Y/n) is so comfortable with all of you and just cries when she is with me. Am I that bad with kids?!" Oliver wondered as Sendo, Niou and him paid attention to what he said. Hayate, Teppei and Teru were meanwhile busy entertaining the toddler, the laughter she let out from Teru's funny faces hurt Oliver even more.
"I see... maybe we can practice with you?" Miroku suggested.
"What do you mean?" Sendo raised an eyebrow.
"Easy, we can help Oliver meanwhile the others can play and take care of (Y/n)." Miroku said calmly as Niou looked over at the rest.
"I don't really think those three will mind that idea." Niou added, pointing at the group. Teppei was holding (Y/n) now on his shoulder while she was patting Hayate's head, meanwhile Teru was taking pictures of the scene.
"So, Oliver the first lesson you need to learn is how to approach a toddler!" Sendo exclaimed as Niou wrote down on the board something. Oliver nodded his head and told the blonde to continue.
"Alright, shoot!"
"The first mistake you make is the tone of your voice, well... more specifically the volume." Miroku said.
"Children, especially those of (Y/n)'s size can get easily scared, so you yelling might be more off-putting than you seem to think."
"Children need a level of calmness, especially when picked up. You saw how I did it the first time, right?" Oliver nodded at Niou's question, remembering how calm and collected he was when they saw her first.
"Just act like that. Let's practice then!" Sendo announced.
"Here comes the train~" Teru exclaimed as he fed (Y/n) her lunch. The girl happily opened her mouth and ate the food while Teppei wiped the excess food off of her face.
"Aww~ this is really adorable!" Teru said as Hayate nodded his head and put it on top of hers.
"How do you think Oliver is doing in those classes?" The white-haired boy asked as the other two chuckled a little.
"I don't know, but just the image of Oliver taking classes on baby care is funny." Teppei commented as (Y/n) looked up at him, wondering what was funny.
"Let's just hope be learns a thing or two." Teru said as Hayater removed his head from hers and started ruffling (Y/n)'s hair.
"Alright! After an hour and 45 minutes, you are finally a lot calmer, this is what we need!" Sendo said as Oliver flopped on the couch. Miroku smiled fondly at the captain and watched as Noui wrote down the 2nd lesson.
"Alright! Next lesson is feeding a toddler! Babies need to eat, and knowing how to properly feed them is very essential for you." Noui started as Oliver sighed.
'This is exhausting... and people have kids willingly?!'
"Come back here!" Teppei yelled as he chased (Y/n) around the empty field. After eating her lunch, the three players decided to let her play before it's her nap time.
"Make sure (Y/n) doesn't fall down." Hayate warned as he observed the duo closely.
"Shhh... I need to have this on video." Teru whispered with his phone out and following (Y/n) with it.
"Yoh are obsessed with taking pictures and videos." Hayate commented.
"Well yes, but it's of (Y/n) as a toddler, you don't see that everyday."
"...fair enough." Hayate nodded his head and took his own phone out.
"Alright! This one took us like...2 hours but you got the hang of it!" Niou sighed as Oliver rolled his eyes.
"You guys are really counting?"
"Yes, yes we are. Now off to the 3rd and most important lesson!"
They looked at Sendo as he wrote something down.
"And that lesson is holding and picking up a toddler, which you lack in the most. That's why we found some videos that show you those." Sendo said as Miroku opened his laptop.
"Shhh! Teru!" Teppei whisper/yelled at the boy as (Y/n) slept on top of Hayate.
"Sorry, I forgot." The boy apologized as they looked at the door.
"Ahh? How did the classes go?" Teru teased as Oliver sent him a glare while Sendo and Miroku snickered.
"Did (Y/n) eat?" Niou asked the other two, who nodded their heads.
"Yeah, she fell asleep like two hours ago too." Teru told them as Oliver walked past them and towards Hayate and (Y/n). The white-haired boy raised his eyebrow at the captain and nodded his head.
"Be quiet, she is still asleep. Anyways, how did your lessons go?"
"Pretty much ready to be (Y/n)'s new favorite." Oliver smirked as Hayate rolled his eyes.
"He did it... I am so proud." Sendo sobbed as Miroku patted his back and Niou rolled his eyes at the dramatic acting. Teru, Teppei and Hayate were staring at Oliver in disbelief as he held (Y/n), who seemed calm and content in his hold.
"Good job, you two. I never expected him to work this out." Teru chuckled as Hayate took a few pictures.
"It's kind of adorable to look at it." He said calmly as Sendo and Teppei nodded their heads.
"So, am I your new favorite?" Oliver asked excitedly as (Y/n) looked up at him for a moment.
"Boooo...." She said back and Oliver cooed at the sound.
"I'll take it as a yes!" The captain chuckled. Then suddenly the door opened and in walked Rin with Hiori following him.
"What did you two need?" Sendo asked as he walked over to the two. Hiori ignored him and walked straight to grab (Y/n), but was stopped by Hayate and Teppei.
"Hands off!" They warned as Hiori and Rin glared at them.
"We came to pick up (Y/n), your babysitting duty is over. Now hand her over to Hiori, Aiku." Rin said as he glared at the fellow captain.
"No." Oliver answered back, earning looks of disbelief from their rival team members.
"What do you mean with no? That's our manager, give her back."
"Calm down Rin, we just want to babysit her a little more." Noui added.
"Besides, she doesn't mind staying with us." Miroku said, pointing at the girl.
"Like a give a shit, hand her over." Rin demanded as he started an argument with the the team, meanwhile Hiori tried to bribe (Y/n) into coming with them.
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