miraakle · 4 months
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Kathmandu, Nepal.
January 2024.
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argisthebulwark · 11 months
just gonna drop by and say i always look forward to you posting whether it be drabbles/fics or just about any skyrim things
keep up the excellent work and may you always have a nice day!
p.s. your writing made me realize how hot teldryn sero is and your miraak fics just makes me thirst over miraakles even more
thank you!! i'm glad you enjoy my writing i appreciate you very much <3<3
i am never going to stop the miraak propaganda tbh. he's hot and i'll never shut up about it. and welcome to the Teldryn thirst, there's some incredible artists like @venacoeurva @thana-topsy and @choilacanth that are all inspirational
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treason-and-plot · 4 years
I kinda got locked outta my account for like a month or two so i've gotta go on a bit of a ramble to catch up with everything!! I never thought i'd say this but I agree with Housekeeper. Roy needs to start taking consequences for his actions and he honestly reminded me of an ex, who'd act like he was clean as a whistle when he has a multitude of sins. Joel is biased honestly, but we all know that. Honestly their relationship is toxic, and I knew it from the start. Roy will apologize now (1)
(2/) And do it again later! Seen it time and time again. And that’s just not the kind of person housekeeper needs. She’s right, there’s a MAJOR power imbalance. Joel can say what Roy thinks and yadada but actions speak louder than words and I honestly think it’s because Roy always gets his cake in the end it’s why he constantly keeps doing the shitty things he does. Not to mention, he needs someone who can get on his level and put him in his place and force him to mature.
(3) Naomi.. is that her name? The evil one? Is probably a good example of this. Roy can’t step over someone who doesn’t need him financially. The next thing is the stuff with Saffy and Anita and Joel buuuuuttt~ I gotta go to work so i’ll spam you with my rambles when I get back! Hehe!
Thank you for taking the time to catch up and to send me such awesome asks! I’m sorry about your account. :( I hope you’re doing well and looking after yourself. I’m hoping to resume my story soon…getting asks like yours really helps to get my creative juices flowing again, so thank you. 
I see Roy as someone whose actions a lot of the time are impulsive rather than sinful…he doesn’t stop to think of consequences or to think things through. (Sure, he has shown that he can also be be very calculating and manipulative when it comes to getting what he wants, especially in his career, but in his everyday life as long as he is happy he is usually quite carefree and guileless). You’re right, he usually does come up smelling like roses, and that is definitely a factor in why he continues to act the way he does. I think he was genuinely shocked though by the repercussions of him getting those pills for Saffron, and how it may have impacted on Anita’s baby.  
The perceived power balance between he and Saoirse, and Saoirse’s issues surrounding it, are things that I’m looking forward to exploring. And I loved your comments about Naomi...yes, Roy definitely met his match there, lololol!! He was truly lucky to get out alive! ;=)
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i believe in miraakles
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arsuf · 6 years
miraakles replied to your post
I'm gonna cry for you if this is a lie. i know how hype your spirit is for this *fingers crossed*
If it turns out to be true... I cannot wait to cry when I see my son’s face in full HD
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kr-words · 6 years
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why does the way
often seems
long and gloomy
Agra | India
Ig : @miraakle_
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aspio · 7 years
You remind me of Mei from overwatch. You both just look so similar to me lol! (hope you don't find that offensive because mei's my favorite she's adorable so you're adorable too!)
OH NOT AT ALL i love mei too ;o; i’m very flattered thank you!
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my-name-is-khannn · 4 years
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@aur-sunao​ @syedrock​ @miraakle​ @a-doll-made-out-of-glass​ @yvnggyal​ @vera-bobryshevayc0​ @nattydaddi​ @raoufsworld​ @morris-less​ @dont-slow-your-role​ @keystothekuffs​ @heavenyethell​ @iamtheoncomingstorm​ @dazythegirl​ @weatetheocean-blog​ @shadbear​ @illuminthotties​ @heckyesmaydayparade-blog​ @anch0rs101​ @dean-winterster​ @stephthewolf​ @calzona-tobin-md​ @sage-aroonie​ @hourglash​ @my-little-wonder-land​ @whatistrulywithin​
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spacerist · 7 years
I had a dream I was dealing with demons with Kanye West... Idk how to feel about it.
Oh my god
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miraakle · 3 years
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Mehndi ceremony • Documenting
Indian weddings are such a journey. Long days of preparation, generally a week of ceremonies and events, plenty of colorful suits and dishes, and much more. 
On her journey to her marriage, one of the first ceremony for the bride is the mehndi rassam / henna ceremony.
As following the traditions, according to what our parents, grand-parents and ancestors used to do back in the motherland, we continue, here, the rassam. Being auspicious, just as a way to wish her prosperity and luck for her new life.
IG @miraakle_
[ Wedding photography l Brussels, april 2021 ]
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
Reply to Saffy and Liam
It's ironic that she insults him and can make *him* look like the bad guy... but the truth is. she's nothing but a home-wrecking little brat sorry. But it takes two in this situation. If she were oblivious to the fact he has a wife, i'd be more forgiving, but the fact that she *knows* he has a wife and doesn't care, it makes her *just* as bad as he is. 
It's ironic actually, she probably thinks this situation makes her *mature* but it really just shows how immature she actually is. No grown actually mature woman is gonna waste time on a man who's willing to mess around with the kids he's meant to teach and protect. That's always annoyed me about Saffy and Anita, they give themselves pats on the back at the wrong times. Same with Roy, actually.
What's worse is, she's probably lying to herself about her feelings for him... which is why she *insults* him. She's either trying to deflect or hide the fact she might be falling for someone she knows will never take it further with her. Ugh fucking Saffy. Just has bad as her mom, always getting into some bullshit!.... Uhh back to goofy mode this was a long ramble! hehe.
I thought such an epic reply deserved its own post! Of course Saffy is in her own way just as guilty as Liam, but it is not in her personality to accept any blame for anything, ever- and if their affair is discovered she will insist it is all his fault, and that he took advantage of her and his position as a teacher at the school. Liam is the one who ought to be terrified, but he is too consumed by his feelings to think rationally, or even think at all. He is weak and spineless and a fool, and all too often lets his emotions run away with him...in a lot of ways he is like the anti-Pablo!
I’m not sure that Saffron is lying to herself about her feelings for him, though- she has a grudging liking for him, and she likes the sex even more, but really, Liam is nothing much more than a means of trying to assert herself over Sybilla, of trying to pretend to be more sophisticated and mature than she really is. And of course you’re right, no mature-minded woman would ever get involved with someone so problematic, but Saffy is acting out of pettiness (which just goes to prove exactly how immature she really is!) She belittles Liam to try and make herself seem morally superior, but she really isn’t fooling anyone, and as you say just comes across as a brat. She also has deep-seated commitment issues, made even worse by what she regards as Sybilla’s betrayal of their friendship, so it makes sense for her to be with a married man, because of course married men by their very nature can never commit. 
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gaminginsanity · 6 years
miraakles replied to your post “hey guys i’m sorry that im not able to be here a lot lately, it’s...”
I know that feeling when I saw the elections for trump, it felt like m life was over.. only in your case it's 1000x dangerous.. stay safe.
that’s exactly how i’m feeling, like my life is over. But i am trying. I am trying to help one of my dearest friends, he was verbally attacked because he was holding hands with his boyfriend on the street, he’s scared, has been really depressed and doesn’t want to leave his house since. I go there every day to spend some time with him. I am trying with everything i got to stay strong, for my family and my friends. I am truly grateful that i have their support in such a hard moment like this. We will resist. I still have hope.
xcayde6 replied to your post “hey guys i’m sorry that im not able to be here a lot lately, it’s...”
thinking about you.´if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. take care. xo
thank you SO MUCH, love! this really means the world to me ♥
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miraakle · 3 years
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Capturing love.
Sikh wedding, Belgium 2021
IG @miraakle_
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okaywowcool · 8 years
About the giveaway, do I need a facebook? And if not, all I do is send them a link with the reblog on my blog? And that's all?
no, you don’t need a facebook. just reblog the link to your blog and then email that address with a link to the reblog! 
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
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This guy's like the anti-Josh
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I don't trust him. or this. or like this.. Ugh Saffy why. I called this but i'm not happy I called this. What's worse is, she thinks she's in control, but she's not.
I hope it’s not too spoilery to say that Saffy is going to get a HUGE shock...
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And meanwhile a student in the background dies. Good job, teacher patrol 😑😁
I was really annoyed she didn’t die tbh ;=)
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oh boy...
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SMDH. Teaching has certainly become a long hours gig, but without the monetary rewards. Please let Mr. McFarlane go, Saffy. The man is cynical and unhappy, exactly the type of sim you want to avoid when you are just as cynical and unhappy 😂
He is definitely unhappy, he feels undervalued and unappreciated both at home and at work, and his ego is also permanently bruised because his wife (an academic) gets more kudos and professional recognition than he does. So sleeping with Saffy is also tied up with him seeking revenge on his wife for being cleverer and more successful than he is.    
Pru, these recent updates flame 🔥 I’ve been anticipating an update AT WORK, and I don’t have the free time, but I makes the time😋 In other words, I’m breaking the rules for an update on this dysfunction. 🥂👍🏾
Well I write a lot of it at MY work lmbooooo so that seems fair!! Seriously thank you so much Char, that is a huge compliment and your comments and support and reblogs and likes always mean the world to me, because I know you do not deliver praise lightly.  
@sweetnovember77​ dysfunction abounds! saffron is caught up in so much, she's scaring me.
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@mochasims I’m scared for anyone who gets involved with Saffy. She is her mother’s daughter and is bound to get a mofo caught up. 😂
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I really hope Liam gets caught and in trouble with the law for this eventually. I know Saffy thinks she's such an adult, but if you're underage you can't consent. Period. (I don't care if people mature at different rates and whatever arguments there are- if it's between an adult and a child it's always unequal!)
Liam is not an admirable character, and his motivation for pursuing Saffron (at least at this stage) is quite despicable. However Saffron is 18, and their affair is consensual. Just clarifying that for any readers who may not be sure of Saffy’s age. What Liam is doing is not illegal, but he would definitely lose his job and probably his career as well if their affair was made public. (as well as his wife and his reputation!) And you make an excellent point about the inequality and the power imbalance inherent in their relationship, even though Liam isn’t technically one of Saffron’s teachers, he is still of course in a position of authority. 
She obviously thinks she's so mature and enjoys whatever superior feeling she gets out of it, but I hope she eventually sees how grossly manipulative it is of him as an adult in this situation. And her drug use... Idk, I just worry she's throwing away her life so young with all these bad choices. I hope she eventually wakes up before it's too late.
Saffy will soon be forced to confront some rude shocks, don’t worry! But I would also like to reassure my loyal and gentle readers that Saffron is no fool, and out of all my characters she is one whom I worry about the least. Liam provides a distraction from her hurt regarding losing her best friend, and she definitely is enjoying a sense of superiority, that’s true and very perceptive of you! She thinks she is very mature and sophisticated. But still, she is not naive enough to think that their relationship has any future...she is just enjoying it for what it is. 
She'll regret Liam, for sure. He's such an obvious scumbag, but Saff probably think she's mature enough to handle him. That guy would give grown women a headache. 😓
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theghostbeaters · 8 years
Scrolling through randomly at 12am and saw a nonny mention outlast and how they got through soma... soma was pretty but it was more story oriented with an ending that angered me, not because it was bad but because of just how intense it was(and the lies)... as for outlast... I never made it past the scientist guy when you're playing hide and seek with him... Yet I want outlast 2....
oh i feel the same way! soma makes u think about some deep questions/philosophies forsure and the ending was depressing as hell
i’ve seen numerous pts of outlast myself but as to playing the game me and my sister have been at it for almost a year off and on, something about actually doing it yourself is very stressful lmao
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