stayprettyandsmile · 1 year
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keep going at your own pace.
credit: mindfulofdreamss (IG)
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lunarlilt · 8 months
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🌀🌝💕 seek wonder, chase truth🌈🍃🍄
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boomwv · 27 days
Okay so, for those of you (and I know this is random but bear with me here) who, 2024 ain’t going/starting out so well, please remember that what ever your going through, it will not last forever, I know that’s easy to say and I know that it feels like the burden or pain is never gonna go away but that’s just not true. It’s gonna be okay, give yourself time, patience, understanding, and most importantly love! Take baby steps, The little things always make a big difference (like: praising yourself, practicing mindfulness, hanging out with friends, even just taking a shower or a bath (I swear it feels like anytime I feel bad and I take a shower I feel like 5x better) things like that can make a big difference in your mental health.) I know it’s hard right now but things will get better. Don’t be afraid to put your mental health first, and remember you don’t have to do this alone! Speaking to a close friend/family member (and even writing your troubles down) can also make you feel better to get some weight off of your chest and some support on your back.
Thank you for listening(reading), I really hope this helped and I’m so sorry if what I said doesn’t make any sense I’m not that good at explaining or wording things together but I really hope it did help! Thank you, stay safe. - *+BOOM+*
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suavemuthafcca · 1 year
To all of my sexy introverted empaths.... I nonchalantly see you...😉
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eris-dis-cord · 5 months
Began with a good breakfast, read an article on mindfulness.
Munched on a healthy greens while studying for my upcoming goal.
Studied for a full 4 hours.
Enjoyed a cold coco with currently my favourite Spy x Family.
P.S- Though mostly prefer hot cocoa the ambient temperature called for a cold one.
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laestoica · 11 months
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Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
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brother-hermes · 1 year
There is an alarming amount of Christians who simply write off meditation as something outside the faith. Naturally, I felt compelled to share insight into scripture and describe mindfulness practice in purely scriptural terms. If you’re interested in learning more feel free to watch this video and share it with your friends.
I’ve also included a link to a more in depth look at awareness here…
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twistedacumen · 10 months
Often in life, we get so caught up in the analysis, the dissection of every possible outcome, that we miss an opportunity altogether.
- The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness, Andy Puddicombe
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siamkram · 11 months
The Shambhala warrior mind-training
By Akuppa, 2005 with gratitude to Joanna Macy
Firmly establish your intention to live your life for the healing of the world. Be conscious of it, honour it, nurture it every day.
Be fully present in our time. Find the courage to breathe in the suffering of the world. Allow peace and healing to breathe out through you in return.
Do not meet power on its own terms. See through to its real nature - mind- and heart-made. Lead your response from that level.
Simplify. Clear away the dead wood in your life. Look for the heartwood and give it the first call on your time; the best of your energy.
Put down the leaden burden of saving the world alone. Join with others of like mind.Align yourself with the forces of resolution.
Hold in a single vision, in the same thought, the transformation of yourself and the transformation of the world. Live your life around that edge, always keeping it in sight.
As a bird flies on two wings, balance outer activity with inner sustenance.
Following your heart, realise your gifts. Cultivate them with diligence to offer knowledge and skill to the world.
Train in non-violence of body, speech and mind. With great patience with yourself, learn to make beautiful each action, word and thought.
In the crucible of meditation, bring forth day by day into your own heart the treasury of compassion, wisdom and courage for which the world longs.
Sit with hatred until you feel the fear beneath it. Sit with fear until you feel the compassion beneath that.
Do not set your heart on particular results. Enjoy positive action for its own sake and rest confident that it will bear fruit.
When you see violence, greed and narrow-mindedness in the fullness of its power, walk straight into the heart of it, remaining open to the sky and in touch with the earth.
Staying open, staying grounded, remember that you are the inheritor of the strengths of thousands of generations of life.
Staying open, staying grounded, recall that the thankful prayers of future generations are silently with you.
Staying open, staying grounded, be confident in the magic and power that arise when people come together in a great cause.
Staying open, staying grounded, know that the deep forces of Nature will emerge to the aid of those who defend the Earth.
Staying open, staying grounded, have faith that the higher forces of wisdom and compassion will manifest through our actions for the healing of the world.
When you see weapons of hate, disarm them with love. When you see armies of greed, meet them in the spirit of sharing. When you see fortresses of narrow-mindedness, breach them with truth. When you find yourself enshrouded in dark clouds of dread, dispel them with fearlessness. When forces of power seek to isolate us from each other, reach out with joy.
In it all and through it all, holding to your intention, let go into the music of life. Dance!
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eternal-now222 · 1 year
Your body is always grounded, it is always connected to the earth. It is pulled naturally by gravity and stays on the earth like a mountain. It is your mind that blows away in the breeze. It’s about bringing the mind back to the body; that is always there waiting. Show your body gratitude and appreciation for always being a mountain.
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balancedlivingblog · 1 year
7 Mindful Eating Habits to Practice Daily
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into the habit of mindlessly eating our meals.
Whether we're rushing to get to work, scrolling through social media, or watching TV, we often eat without paying attention to what we're putting in our bodies.
Mindful eating is a practice that helps us slow down and become more aware of our food choices, eating habits, and the sensations of eating.
In this article, we'll discuss 7 mindful eating habits that you can practice daily to improve your health and well-being.
1. Pay Attention to Your Hunger Cues
Before you start eating, take a moment to tune in to your body and assess your hunger level.
Are you really hungry, or are you eating out of boredom, stress, or habit?
Paying attention to your hunger cues can help you make better food choices and avoid overeating.
2. Use All Your Senses
When you're eating, take the time to engage all your senses.
Look at the colors and textures of your food, smell the aromas, and savor the flavors.
By using all your senses, you'll enjoy your food more and be more satisfied with your meal.
3. Slow Down and Chew Your Food
Eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly is another mindful eating habit that can benefit your health.
When you take the time to chew your food properly, you'll digest it more easily, absorb more nutrients, and feel fuller for longer.
4. Eliminate Distractions
Eating in front of the TV, computer, or phone can be a major distraction that leads to mindless eating.
When you eliminate distractions, you'll be more present with your food and enjoy it more fully.
Try eating at a table, without any screens or other distractions.
5. Listen to Your Body
Your body is a powerful tool that can guide you in making healthy food choices.
Pay attention to how your body feels after eating certain foods. Do you feel energized, or do you feel sluggish?
By listening to your body, you can make better food choices that nourish and energize you.
6. Practice Gratitude
Taking a moment to express gratitude for your food can be a powerful mindful eating habit.
When you appreciate your food, you'll be more aware of the effort and resources that went into producing it.
Gratitude can also help you savor your food more fully and avoid overeating.
7. Avoid Judgment
Finally, it's important to avoid judging yourself or your food choices.
Mindful eating is not about perfection or deprivation, but rather about cultivating a positive relationship with food.
When you approach eating with a non-judgmental attitude, you'll be more relaxed and enjoy your meals more fully.
Practicing mindful eating habits can help you improve your health, enjoy your food more fully, and cultivate a positive relationship with food.
By paying attention to your hunger cues, using all your senses, chewing your food thoroughly, eliminating distractions, listening to your body, practicing gratitude, and avoiding judgment, you can transform your eating habits and enhance your well-being.
What is mindful eating?
Mindful eating is a practice that involves paying attention to your food choices, eating habits, and the sensations of eating.
It involves using all your senses, slowing down, and being present with your food.
How can mindful eating benefit my health?
Mindful eating can benefit your health by improving your digestion, increasing your nutrient absorption, and helping you make better food choices.
It can also reduce overeating and promote a positive relationship with food.
How can I practice mindful eating in my daily life?
You can practice mindful eating in your daily life by paying attention to your hunger cues, using all your senses, slowing down, and chewing your food.
Start by taking a few deep breaths before eating and taking a moment to assess your hunger level.
Choose foods that nourish and energize you, and savor the flavors and textures. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly, and focus on the sensations of eating.
Eliminate distractions by eating at a table without any screens or other distractions. Listen to your body and stop eating when you're full.
Finally, express gratitude for your food and avoid judging yourself or your food choices.
Can mindful eating help me lose weight?
Mindful eating can help you lose weight by reducing overeating, improving your digestion and nutrient absorption, and promoting a positive relationship with food.
When you eat mindfully, you're more likely to make better food choices and avoid overeating, which can lead to weight loss over time.
How can I overcome cravings when practicing mindful eating?
When you experience cravings, you must tune in to your body and assess whether you're hungry or eating out of boredom, stress, or habit.
If you're truly hungry, choose foods that nourish and energize you, such as whole grains, lean proteins, and vegetables.
If you're not hungry, try engaging in a non-food activity, such as going for a walk, taking a bath, or practicing deep breathing.
Is it okay to indulge in treats when practicing mindful eating?
Yes, it's okay to indulge in treats when practicing mindful eating.
Mindful eating is not about perfection or deprivation but rather about cultivating a positive relationship with food.
When you approach eating with a non-judgmental attitude, you'll be more relaxed and enjoy your meals more fully.
However, it's essential to eat treats in moderation and balance them with nourishing foods.
How long does it take to see the benefits of mindful eating?
The benefits of mindful eating can vary from person to person, but you may start to notice improvements in your digestion, energy levels, and overall well-being within a few weeks of practicing mindful eating.
Over time, you may also notice improvements in your weight, mood, and relationship with food.
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drovvninq · 2 years
(waves to everyone who sees me on their dash)
gonna take a day to hone myself because god knows i need it
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beautiful-3nigma · 2 years
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chillyfeetsteak · 9 months
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yesokayiknow · 24 days
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ruegarding · 5 months
that scene in tlo where thalia tells percy he can't start feeling sorry for luke bc luke made his choices. and thalia reveals that the reason they couldn't make it to camp in time for all of them to make it to camp was bc luke kept picking fights. and annabeth never saw this as wrong bc luke was her hero. so thalia had to pick up the pieces. and percy thinking both that luke was put in a cruel position and that luke was putting others in a cruel position. and percy is the only character who understood both sides of luke bc annabeth sees only the best of him and thalia sees only the worst. and that's why percy is the prophecy kid and the one who gives luke the knife. bc annabeth had spent the entire series essentially giving luke the knife when he didn't deserve it. and thalia was never going to give luke the knife. but percy is the only one who can see exactly when luke deserves the knife.
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