#mine are lame sorry :((
ofswordsandpens · 10 months
Riordan: And the grand lesson that Percy needed to learn over the course of hoo, the culmination of his character arc of this series, the moment where the fate of the world hangs in the balance because of a single decision he has to make... is realizing when he needs to take a step back :)
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hualian · 7 months
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Xie Lian breaking into Hua Cheng's manor and stealing his heart 💖🤭🦋 | Heaven Official’s Blessing S2 Ep5
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shima-draws · 4 months
Thinking about the reactions Ace and Sabo would have to finding out Luffy’s in love with Sanji;; Honestly Ace being the overprotective one is probably more in character but it would be so fucking funny if Ace just catches Luffy staring at Sanji for a little too long and decides he’s going to be his little brother’s ultimate wingman. He’s COMMITTED and he’s going to sneakily create SO many romantic moments for Luffy to take advantage of. But Sabo,, Sabo turns out to be the overprotective one LMAO he sees Sanji smile softly at Luffy one (1) time and he’s like oh HELL no, not MY little brother. Ace tries to set them up, Sabo tries to…SABOtage them ;)))))
Even more hilarious is if this is happening at the same time. Luffy is oblivious but Sanji’s inwardly questioning what the hell is going on bc every time he THINKS there’s a romantic situation blossoming between them, absolute disaster strikes right after. Meanwhile in the background Ace and Sabo are arguing (“Stop fucking everything up you’re ruining all my plans!!” “Luffy’s far too young to have a boyfriend, are you kidding me right now?” “He’s NINETEEN Sabo get over it!!” “Not until that cook wins my approval and right now it’s not looking good for him” “ARE YOU ACTUALLY SERIOUS. Sabs do you HEAR yourself rn”)
They are silly and I love them
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Zuko is so fucking annoying and he's sosososo rude, like a good 95% of the time. don't do him a disservice and take that away from him. gay people deserve to be rude.
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someofitwastrue · 1 month
mac’s banging the waitress is such a funny charmacden polycule ep
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gulducock · 2 years
I think Deep Space 9 will always be the best Star Trek show ever to be made solely because of far beyond the stars. No other st show ever or will ever have anything like that ever again. “Ben Sisko. That future. That space station. All those people. They exist.” I always get stuck on that line like they Exist. You can’t say that with the depth that they say it here about any of the other shows, they just don’t have that heart that’s exhibited here like you can Feel it and it’s Real. It’s just such a fucking genuinely masterfully crafted episode of television it is unbelievable the feelings here are just genuinely palpable in a way that can not be expressed
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scaredsofmyguitar · 2 years
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@lgbtqcreators bingo: free choice
The Haunting of Hill House: Open Casket 
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buwheal · 4 months
damn sorry about the lack of asks (<- lying /j) Im working on number 26 right now but i spent a lot my time earlier messing around with my dvd player instead. Oops. I will probably regret wasting my time like that.. BUT i have two key frames done and the third one sketched out... if im counting right theres three more (Same pose with minor tweaks, but still a unique frame nonetheless) before i get around to the minor animations and gluing it all together. I could probably do these faster if i didnt like doing gifs so much. Somebody stop me!!! anyways goodnight.
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papa-evershed · 2 years
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Rob James-Collier | The Attendant
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bashbabyy · 11 months
i’ll take a hit for every note this gets
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ghostcrows · 8 months
Btw headcanoning any character female in canon or not as a trans guy does not actually take shit away from anyone. Just a tangent but like we are not stealing representation away from women. You literally have the canon media already you are mad about an interpretation that has no tangible effect on anything. and you're mad at real people who have even less power and influence and presence in any content whatsoever...so...can you like be less gay about that. Thx
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aroaceeternatus · 4 months
what is the obsession with boring ass white bathrooms and kitchens. give me some color. some character.
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mark my words: lizzy mcalpine Will get her byler song flowers.
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woainiaini · 4 months
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Name: Mo Zhao (趙魔)
Ethnicity: Hakka Chinese
Species: Vampire
Birthday: 04.10.1756
Physical age: 34
Height: 163cm
Sexuality: Gay
backstory summary
now an urban city life lover and tattoo artist, Mo grew up as the oldest son of a fisher family in present-day shenzhen
had to help out and take responsibility from a young age, got married at 19 and had 3 children
at age 28 he got caught having sex with another man and subsequently fled his village to avoid punishment, ultimately got involved in anti qing dynasty rebellions in taiwan where his organisational skills caught the eye of the local coven which turned him some time later
worked for them for a while before getting bored and tired of being told what to do, started a rebellion within the coven & killed his masters, had to flee taiwan
went to live in japan for a while after getting bored of fighting (mainly in the opium wars, thought it was fun at first + made some bank) and started taking an interest in tattoo art
now settled down a bit compared to the wild life he led before, not loyal to anyone but more reliable as a potential ally; main residence back in shenzhen with second residence in bolivia
random trivia
most of his body is tattooed, always has his fangs out for The Aesthetic because when you work in the body mod community that's still regular human passing
loves to cook even though he doesn't have to eat anymore
very fun oriented, does whatever he wants whenever he wants; can be very charming but also loves being the center of attention and aggravating others on purpose
enjoys the urban luxury lifestyle, city view apartments, fast cars, high fashion, expensive alcohol, loud shows etc.
his best friend is guang and he's constantly hanging out at his house, much to hsin-yis dismay
liqin is his eldest daughter but neither of them know it (yet)
only learned to write and read while in japan so even though hakka is his native language he was literate in japanese first. also left handed
he is not very emotionally available and doesn't like talking about himself or his life on a deeper level
almost exclusive top, if he bottoms for someone it means he caught feelings and will start avoiding them very soon to not feel dependent on anybody 🤡
pinterest board
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sugo1stuck · 6 months
“when I was in highschool I was drinking and having sex unlike all of those other losers”
cool I was 14 and doing 14 year old things like playing pokemon and watching Pulp Fiction
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joyridingmp3 · 7 months
my boss: i am forcing you to work all day without a lunch break to complete tasks within an unreasonable amount of limited time
me: i am frustrated about this
my boss: sowwy... 🥺👉👈 we just weawwy needed it done.. pls forgive me uwu
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