#military standards
poojascmi · 9 months
Global Offshore Patrol Vessels Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Defense Expenditure
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The global Offshore Patrol Vessels Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 15.53 billion in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.1% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Overview: Offshore patrol vessels are naval ships primarily used for patrolling and policing coastal boundaries. These vessels play a crucial role in safeguarding a country's maritime environment, protecting its offshore assets, and ensuring the safety of its waters. Offshore patrol vessels offer several advantages such as enhanced surveillance capabilities, versatility in missions, and cost-effectiveness compared to larger naval vessels. The need for these vessels is driven by the increasing defense expenditure of countries, rising maritime threats, and the need for effective border control. Market Key Trends: One key trend in the offshore patrol vessels market is the integration of advanced technologies for enhanced surveillance and defense capabilities. This includes the adoption of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for aerial surveillance, advanced radar systems for target detection, and improved communication systems for real-time data sharing. For example, Damen Shipyards Group N.V. has introduced the Damen SWORD-17, an offshore patrol vessel equipped with advanced technology for increased situational awareness and operational efficiency. PEST Analysis: Political: The political environment plays a crucial role in the offshore patrol vessels market. Government policies and regulations related to maritime security, defense spending, and international collaborations impact the demand for these vessels. Economic: Economic factors such as GDP growth, disposable income, and trade activities influence the defense budget allocated for offshore patrol vessels. Economic stability and growth drive investments in naval capabilities. Social: Social factors such as increasing concerns over maritime terrorism, drug smuggling, illegal fishing, and piracy drive the demand for offshore patrol vessels. These vessels help in maintaining the safety and security of coastlines, protecting natural resources, and safeguarding international waters. Technological: Technological advancements in the field of maritime surveillance, communication systems, and propulsion technologies are driving the growth of the offshore patrol vessels market. The integration of advanced technology enhances the operational capabilities of these vessels. Key Takeaways: 1: The Global Offshore Patrol Vessels Market Size is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.1% over the forecast period, due to increasing defense expenditure. Countries are investing in modernizing their naval fleets and strengthening their maritime defense capabilities. 2: In terms of regional analysis, Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing and dominating region in the offshore patrol vessels market. This can be attributed to the rising maritime disputes, territorial conflicts, and the need for maritime security in countries such as China, India, and Japan. 3: Key players operating in the global offshore patrol vessels market are Austal Ltd., BAE Systems plc, Damen Shipyards Group N.V., Dearsan, Fincantieri S.p.A., Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co. KG, Fr. Lürssen Werft GmbH & Co.KG, Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited, Israel Shipyards Ltd., and Naval Group. These companies are focusing on product innovation, strategic collaborations, and mergers to strengthen their market presence. In conclusion, the global offshore patrol vessels market is poised for significant growth due to increasing defense expenditure and the need for maritime security. The integration of advanced technologies and regional dominance of the Asia Pacific region further contribute to market expansion. Key players in the market are constantly striving to stay competitive by investing in research and development initiatives.
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brw · 8 months
"but hamas is getting funded by extremist islamic hate groups!" do you think the U.S. government and military giving funding for israeli's war efforts against palestinians is a morally neutral and inherently righteous body that had no influence in the politics of southwest asia as a global colonial superpower. do you really think anything you can say about the people resisting oppression can't be said about the oppressors.
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dykedvonte · 3 months
Ulysses obsession with the Courier is a special type of sad to me cause the Courier’s part was so important but so unwitting. They had no idea what was in the package they delivered and neither did he. Neither had an idea of what it could’ve done and the Courier was only caring out their job (mind you the Courier could be killed via notes in the express contract if they don’t). To them it was just another regular delivery to the divide and one that they likely thought would help, just like all the ones before.
It’s so tragic for Ulysses to hold so much ire to the Courier when it really was the case of it could’ve been anyone. Anyone could have delivered that package but they did and so he focused the blame on them and it destroys what he is trying to instill in the courier on a fundamental level.
#like yeah the courier delivered the package but in the end that’s a job#any random courier could’ve delivered it especially since we know in the past the factions were farther apart and this travel was a smidge#safer but courier six got it and this Ulysses blamed them#like I don’t care much for Ulysses because I think lonesome road embodies don’t shoot the messenger at it core#and what people focus on doesn’t focus on the fact that in the bigger picture#everything went wrong because two factions were at war and at some point the codes would have been delivered#and the divide destroyed cause with how close it is to NCR territory it would of been found#like there is an inevitable and too many people treat Ulysses as if he knows more or is more aware of the idiosyncrasies of conflict#when he’s like fundamentally flawed just at the standard of being a legion apologist STILL and just how focused he is on one persons#involvement cause yeah choices matter even the small one but I think Veronica’s quest says it best with a line from the courier#you can’t control what they do#like the courier couldn’t and can’t control what they deliver and yet it’s got them in hot water multiple times#like do you think they enjoy being shot or knowing they are indirectly responsible for activating the annihilation of a community#to me it’s hypocrisy to be willing to end the world or one world to prove a point and whatever argument made that only military factions#suffer forget there are innocent civilians suffering that had no part and Ulysses is no better than the Courier#I don’t like devils advocate and a lot of the dlc just feels like that but idk I know people love it but the depth is just not there for mr#ulysses fnv#fallout#fallout new vegas#courier six#the courier#lonesome road#the courier has very little personality outside what we give them but some lines and delivery paint a picture#like uhhhh undertale deltarune rules ig
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For your consideration. This cape?
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Has to be the same one, right?
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I think he would have donated it for the occasion 😊
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turtle-ly · 1 year
No one understands how much i want adora to be weird. like c'mon she lived in an army run by an alien for the entirely of her childhood! with a cat person as her best friend!! and shes also an alien!!! you cant tell me adora hasnt tried to purr or groom catras hair at least twice (to her dismay). i want her to eat a rock and be a-ok. adora is a freak if not in canon then in spirit
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sharkgirldick · 7 months
I think the funniest thing about me is that I kinda don't care who I sleep with as long as they're interested. Like, I obviously wouldn't date a transphobe, but if one invited me over to blast her pussy while she said transphobic shit I'd do it.
Ethically questionable sex with my mortal enemies or whatever.
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spacerockwriting · 9 months
Galladrabbles: Chore
I've got two i just wrote and I'm torn between which one to post first, so I decided first on my Prison boys. So thanks to @galladrabbles and @lupeloto for this weeks prompt. My second post will be up later.
“I think we should lay down some ground rules,” Ian says, second day in prison.
“Ground rules? We’re in fuckin’ prison, our only rules should be don’t fuckin’ blab, an’ don’t get stabbed.”
“Like chores,” Ian says. “Take turns cleanin’ an’ shit.”
It was almost cute how Ian treated this like a fuckin’ summer camp. Like they were domestic bitches in a house or apartment. But cute didn’t work in prison.
“Clean what?” Mickey gestures around. “We’re in fucking prison. ‘Sides, I do enough cleaning on my fucking laundry shift.”
“ROTC says—“
Mickey scoffs. “Fuck them, we’re in prison.”
Now my chore is to get back to writing.
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c-53 · 1 month
Im anti AM babygirling btw. Its not blockable by me by any means but I am judging you and your understanding of the story.
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quinintheclouds · 2 years
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I love Diane
Guy: What about that girl who opened up a lemonade stand to help pay for her father’s cancer treatment? Diane: How is that a feel-good story? “Hey, America! We’re the only developed nation without subsidized healthcare, so this child joined the workforce in a desperate bid to keep her father alive!”
Guy: Whitewhale’s not evil. They’re just capitalists. Diane: What’s the difference?!
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 7 months
Can we some more of soap with a fatty please? I just need more of people thirsting over his ass
Why does my tumblr not notify me of these??? Anyway! Anything for a fellow people simping over soap and his ass lover!
Also I’ve been put onto other ships like Gaz x Soap and Price x Soap so be prepared for everyone thirsting over Soap.
Ps. I got mad side tracked with this and Soap’s ass ended being like a side feature sorry 😭
The idea I’ve got in my head is the 141 have an event to go to yeah? It’s a formal event so everyone’s dressing up nice. Everybody’s in fitted suits and looking all neat and trimmed and proper. Even Ghost has left the usual balaclava for a simple surgical mask.
But the real surprise here (more so than Price abandoning his hat for once and Ghost the mask) is that Soap’s suit is tailored to near perfection on him. Now don’t get them wrong they had all seen Soap in fitted clothes, the man seemed to own nothing besides jeans and tight shirts, but they’d never seen him in something tailored to bring out all of his assets.
It sits tight around his biceps and tapers in at the waist and the colour of the jacket brings out his eyes. But the real shock is the pants he has on. They can tell he’s not happy about them, constantly running his hands along his thighs and plucking at the tight material but that just seems to accentuate them even more.
They look painted on with the way they cling to his thighs and ass, shifting with every step he takes and threatening to rip if he moves too fast.
Soaps grumbling about them, something about how the brass wouldn’t let him walk around in his usual kilt cause it’d upset the older folk or something, ‘fucking let the old bags cark it for all I care, beats having to wear this shit’
But everyone else is silently thanking the brass for blessing their eyes with this rare sight.
Gaz looks a little pink in the face but he still approaches Soap with a smug little grin, blatantly checking his best friend out as he talks to him, “You gotta admit the pants make your ass look downright sinful McTavish.”
The Scot scoffs but nobody’s missing the flush it brings to his face, and suddenly it’s a competition to see who can make him blush more from the compliments they lay on him.
Price, in all his old man ways as the sergeants like to call it, simply comes right up next to Soap and slings an arm around his waist as they talk to a couple of soldiers from another platoon. Nothing really happens at first but then they’re shifting with the crowd and Price’s hand is slipping down and resting on the curve of his ass, fingers brushing gently and threatening to squeeze but not quite getting there.
When he leans in and speaks his voice is low, sounding like gravel and sending heat up Soap’s spine, “You look good lad.”
The words and light brushes of touch make him reden to an alarming degree if the worry in the soldier’s eyes is anything to go off of.
Ghost doesn’t really say much, he was never really a words person but also he can’t actually make his mouth move in the face of everything. So instead he just blatantly looks his sergeant over, holding eye contact when he catches Soap’s eye and relishing in the way his ears redden under his stare. And if he’s trying to hide the fact that he may or may not be drooling under the mask?? Well, he’s doing a damn fine job of it.
Alejandro is blatant about it because of course he is. He eventually manages to back Soap into a corner, leaning in close and relishing in the way the man stares back defiantly though there is a hint of a smile on his lips and the apples of his cheeks are starting to darken slightly.
“You look stunning mi amor.” It’s a blanket compliment but from the way Alejandro’s eyes dip, quick but with clear purpose, it’s easy to tell exactly what he’s talking about. Soap snorts at it but there’s no denying the way his smile turns shy and the redness in his face darkens even further.
Nobody’s entirely sure what Rudy had done. They had all watched him drag Soap out onto the dance floor, the two of them dancing with the other couples and exchanging quiet words and smiles.
After a bit Rudy had leant down, saying something or other that had the Scot tripping over his own feet, completely red in the face and trying to hide it away on the other man’s shoulder. Rudy had looked smug over it, shooting the rest of the guys a wink and little eye brow wiggle that they can’t help but find mildly adorable.
In the end it’s clear to see who won that little competition, but none of them really feel like they lost anything when they got to watch Soap blush up to his ears because of them. The tight pants and his amazing ass were a nice bonus as well.
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lumi-waxes-poetic · 7 months
Some Tolkien affirmations to help you along when the darkness seems too much and everything seems lost
"The world may be grim, but there's always hope. Even in the darkest of days, there may be one bright star to guide you."
"It is not despair, but only the handing on of a torch."
"The greatest good returns at last to those who share it freely."
"It is not by sorrow and by suffering that we grow. It is by the choice we make when faced with sorrow and suffering."
"The world is changed because I am in it."
—Bilbo Baggins
bonus round (Tolkien never actually wrote this — Peter Jackson did — but it's a good fucking line and Tolkien would have 100% agreed with it):
“Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
— Gandalf
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pollyna · 2 years
When it comes down to Maverick or anybody else, Tom bends his morality at his own will because some lines aren't meant to be crossed but he does cross them. Over and over again if necessary. He promised his fidelity to the Navy and the United States of America but he sweared it to Maverick too. And he gave the other man his heart in the process. So really, the first two never stood a chance against the pilot.
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fedoranon · 1 month
Rewatching Gundam Wing because it's my comfort War Is Bad™ and you know I've never paid enough attention to what a little fuckin psycho (affectionate) Relena is.
It's like episode 10 and this guy has threatened (tried? I've been watching over a few days, and also I'm not sure what he's doing counts lmao) to kill her over seeing his face but she's gone totally ride or die for his ass based PURELY on her own curiosity in episode 1, goaded him multiple times about how he still needs to kill her in order to snap him out of a suicidal funk, then FOLLOWED HIM to a different school presumably in a different country or different part of the country just to make small(?) talk(?)
She justifies this to her father's ghost (good sign) by saying that Heero's the comfort she needs by her side in order to get over daddy's death like??? Being sad because you're dad's dead and his last words to you were to tell you that you're adopted is apparently justification to stalk people often enough that their classmates (in, again, completely different area from where you hang) tell you when those people move, because they recognize you, the person who's always coming to their school just to talk to their random transfer student classmate.
LADY!!! At this point in the story, the least awful he's been to you was A) cover to get close to you to try to kill you (which you knew because he told you as much), B) ignoring you, and C) not letting you die (against his stated goals = mixed signals), which could as much be about him being uncomfortable killing an innocent civilian kid as about any affection toward you. (At this point in the narrative, I think that's a more likely read on Heero than attraction/affection. He'll get there, I remember the broad strokes of the plot, but at episode 10? I really don't think so.)
Yandere ass behavior honest to fuck. What a queen 👑
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zorishy · 7 months
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1o1percentmilk · 2 months
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im lazy
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No man is a leader until he is ratified in the minds and hearts of his men.
- Field Marshal Sir Bill Slim, 1st Viscount Slim (1891-1970)
I’m not the only one, as an army veteran, to have gotten goosebumps when the assembled soldiers of all the regiments of the British armed forces cheered their new king and commander-in-chief. I never felt more proud to have had the privilege to serve in the best army in the world.
The newly crowned King Charles III inspected thousands of military personnel who lined up in the lush gardens of Buckingham Palace as he returned from Westminster Abbey. King Charles and Queen Camilla stepped out onto the West Terrace steps to look upon the assembled four thousand men and women who hadn’t faced him throughout the coronation procession but had led the way. This was their opportunity to see their sovereign face to face. And it was glorious. The gusto of the ‘hip hip hurrays’ was incredible, more so because it was sincere.
Those who have served in the British armed services - and those relatives and friends who have someone they know who serves or has served - know how deep the bond is between the royal family and the regiments that make up the British army as well as of course the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. The royals have faithfully served as colonel-in-chiefs of many regiments and corps, and they have taken the responsibility seriously.
When he was the Prince of Wales, Charles was the colonel-in-chief of the Army Air Corps and he took particular interest in the welfare of the men and women of the regiments. He was very personable and appreciative of the service of every soldier and officer did, and in return he earned the loyalty and respect of every serving soldier I knew.
While King Charles III may be the head of the whole of the UK's Armed Forces, there is one company with which the sovereign has a special connection. The King's Company Grenadier Guards have a role at the centre of every coronation, but their relationship with His Majesty is far more personal than that - he is also their Company Commander.
One of the oldest bodies of troops in the Army, the King's Company was founded in 1656, even pre-dating the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660. Following King Charles II's defeat at the Battle of Worcester in 1651, he escaped to Holland with the help of loyalists, who hid him and helped him throughout his exile and with his plan to return to the throne. From these loyalists, the King created his most trusted personal troops, that would go on to become the Life Guards and the Grenadier Guards. King Charles II ordered that the command of the first company of the first regiment of Foot Guards would be reserved for him, and they would be known as The King's Own Company.
In 1656, the exiled King Charles II issued the first Colour bearing his cypher to The King's Own Company. Every monarch since has presented their company with their own Royal Standard. King Charles III presented a new Colour bearing his cypher interlaced and reversed with his crown to The King's Company.
In keeping with tradition, this new Royal Standard is of heavily gold embroidered and tasselled silk and it is much larger than the standard regimental Colours seen elsewhere on parade in the modern Army - the fabric alone is more than 6ft square.
The King's Company Colour, Royal Standard of the Regiment, has personal significance to both King Charles and Queen Camilla, as Her Majesty is the new Royal Colonel Grenadier Guards. A smaller version of the Royal Standard of the regiment is also commissioned and is proudly flown above the Captain's office desk in barracks or on the wall of the operations room if deployed abroad.  The smaller version is simply known as the Company Camp Colour and will be laid upon the coffin after the monarch's death and buried, as happened with the late Queen Elizabeth.
A lesser-known fact is that The King's Company does not have a sitting company commander, because the reigning monarch vested the executive authority for the daily administration of the company to a trusted and favoured subject, the appointment being designated the Captain Lieutenant – the title means quite literally to hold or 'tenant' the Captaincy, in lieu of the King. Shortened nowadays to simply 'The Captain' (who holds the rank of Major), this appointment has persisted for 367 years with 136 Captains over time leading the company on a Sovereign's behalf.
Due to this arrangement and to prevent any confusion, The King's Company second in command (who holds the rank of captain) is referred to as 'The Second Captain.' Within the wider regiment, all members of the company are collectively known as and nicknamed The Monarch's Mob.
The new sovereign assumed command of The Sovereign's Company on accession, meaning that on the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022, the company's name changed from The Queen's Company back to The King's Company. The connection of the sovereign to the company is a close one beyond the public ceremonial, as the Captain will update the sovereign regularly on the company’s activities and operational commitments. Every Christmas, the King will receive The Captain's Statement, a brief annual report, along with a leather-bound photo album containing photographs of The Company's year. The soldiers who serve under the Captain are among the fittest and most able Guardsmen in the regiment and must demonstrate the highest values and standards and aspire to excellence.
It was fitting that it was the King’s Company that led the three cheers to the newly coronated King.
Vivat Regina Camilla! Vivat Rex Carolus! Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!
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