#military education
mockerycrow · 7 months
Hey, I have heard your from Military family. So can I ask what Captain Mactavish has around his neck is?
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I have no idea what it is and why he wears it. So I thought maybe you know because you're from Military family. I want to describe Captain Soap's outfit in my fanfic.
And that's it, I wish you a nice day.
hi!!! he has a throat mic around his neck :-) that’s why you also see him have a black strip around his neck in the new games as well! if you want the more official name, it’s called the laryngophone 🖤
In this gif below, Soap is wearing just a regular radio with wired earbuds. military radios are much larger than regular chest radios like you usually see with police officers, but that doesn’t mean the military doesn’t use them!
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in this gif below, he is wearing a pair of tactical headphones. basically the same as above, attached to a radio but a much better microphone.
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Graves is another great example of a character who uses a throat mic, or laryngophone!
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spanishroyals · 8 months
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October 7th, 2023: Princess Leonor's Oath of Allegiance to the Flag
The new cadets at the General Academy of Zaragoza will take the Oath to the Flag on Saturday, the 7th of October.
The Oath to the Flag is the most significant event in military life, when the cadets kiss the flag and pledge to defend Spain, even at the expense of their own life.
Princess Leonor will take the Oath with the 411 new cadets, unlike her father, for whom a special ceremony was held at the same General Military Academy of Zaragoza in 1985. Wearing the gala uniform, the General Director of the Academy will ask them the following, to which the new cadets will answer in unision "Yes, we do swear it":
“¡Caballeros y Damas Alféreces Cadetes, Cadetes y Alumnos! ¿Juráis por Dios o prometéis por vuestra conciencia y honor cumplir fielmente vuestras obligaciones militares, guardar y hacer guardar la Constitución como norma fundamental del Estado, obedecer y respetar al Rey y a vuestros jefes, no abandonarlos nunca y, si preciso fuera, entregar vuestra vida en defensa de España?”
(“Gentlemen and Ladies Ensigns Cadets, Cadets and Students! Do you swear by God or do you promise by your conscience and honor to faithfully fulfill your military obligations, to keep and ensure that the Constitution is kept as a fundamental norm of the State, to obey and respect the King and your leaders, to never abandon them and, if necessary, to give your life in defense of Spain?”)
The King and Queen will preside over the Oath of Allegiance and Princess Leonor will be the first cadet to kiss the flag. His Majesty and the director of the Academy will deliver a speech. Each cadet can invite up to six guests and it is not known yet if any other member of the Princess family will attend the ceremony (It has been confirmed that her sister will remain at school in Wales and won't be able to attend)
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defensenow · 8 days
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politijohn · 2 years
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 7 months
The irony of saying #landback and “we live on stolen land” while condemning Israel’s existence is so strange.
You want land to go back to the natives - no matter how long ago the land was taken - unless it belongs to Jews. Then they can go F off.
And because you don’t have a reasonable defense for this weird combo of beliefs, you just deny the indigeneity of Jews altogether. This is something that can be proven with simple google searches and logic. Our ancient artifacts and structures are in the land, and our “origin stories” are largely about the land and us residing in it. Yet, you refuse to believe we are indigenous.
Even more funny is that you then argue Arabs are the real indigenous people to this land. Arabs are colonizers in the Middle East and North Africa. Arabic is a colonial language. They originated in the Arabian peninsula, and took over MENA countries. They had nationalist policies that largely eradicated the people and/or cultures already present in those lands. A lot of the people present were Jews, who were killed or driven out by pogroms.
Educate yourself for crying out loud.
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reality-detective · 4 months
God bless our military 🙏
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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losersimonriley · 4 months
I know some of us like to pepper Gaelic endearments into our ghostsoap from time to time and I thought hey! Maybe I should finally share my little headcanon as to how Soap even came about knowing the language in the first place:
I like to think that his granny (who raised him and his siblings) was from the Inner Hebrides and grew up using it. She moved to the lowlands after marrying, became a Gaelic-medium teacher. Thus, Soap attended the school she taught at and had a Gaelic-medium education throughout primary. (Gme students are taught completely in Gaelic from p1-p3 with English being incorporated later.) While not continuing it in secondary, he still had a fluent adult at home keeping the language fresh in his mind. That’s. The bare bones of it anyway.
Anyway I wanted to share this because I’ve seen the occasional person say it’s ridiculous to suddenly see him speaking Gaelic in fics (which is a very fair point of course. few people are immersed in it, it remains a threatened language) but the thought of someone who wanted to include it in their work who then might not because of this is disheartening. Should they do the proper research beforehand, it is plausible when given the right ingredients.
It’s a language that should be celebrated, not discouraged, especially given the history. Having a character know it just really depends on the different factors you throw into their backstory. Even if the author doesn’t explain it, it should then be up to the reader to assume he’s not just pulling the language out of thin air. Idk, if call of duty fanfic of all things can expose people to Gàidhlig and garner interest in some to learn a bit of the language, I just. That is a good thing
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mockerycrow · 6 months
Hey Crow!
I have another question, but then for different CoD reader insert. So, I want to write that reboot Soap wear his uniform (the uniform that he wears t-shirt, modular medical vest, etc) for shy! reader for.... roleplay and do it in their home. But then I thought "is Soap allowed to wear his uniform in his free time?" I don't know if he's also allowed to keep his gear, weapons and stuff in his and reader's home. So that's why I ask you.
Btw, thanks for answering my previous ask about the throat mic. 😊
ofc, i’m always happy to answer!!! reminder i’m answering from an american POV, so it might be different for other countries.
Service members are not allowed to keep their gear and service weapons in their home, but you do take your uniform home. HOWEVER, you can buy airsoft replicas of gear or just overall fake gear in general. i own a some multicams (greenland/frogs uniform) and i’m (at the moment) a civilian. i also own a replica vest.
my advice is to offhand mention he bought replicas for the roleplay, OR! after all, it’s fanfiction so you can quite literally just ignore reality and have him take his stuff home anyway LMAO
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spanishroyals · 10 months
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August 17, 2023. General Academy of the Army of Zaragoza.
The Princess of Asturias arrives to the Military Academy to begin her Military training.
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defensenow · 16 days
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tradicatho · 2 months
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Proud to be a navy cadet
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lwh-writing · 9 months
Okay, so my college classes started again today and I ended the day with the first lecture of my military history class. Now, I don't usually like military history because it very much is the Dude Bro type of history that I don't jive with. However, I am taking this class because:
Even if it is Dude Bro History, I love history in all forms and want to learn more about it
I'm an engineering student with too many fucking calculus, physics, and electronic classes and my mind needs to think about something other than STEM before it breaks
I fucking LOVE my professor. I had him last semester for a European history class and he was the best. He was very much against what he calls "asshole history." Aka, the type of history that focuses on one, usually white, Christian man who "shaped the course of history" until it shuffled onto the next one. He never mentioned Henry VII or Shakespeare except in passing, but he was the first person to teach me about Alessandra Strozzi, Baruch Spinoza, and Olaudah Equiano. So once I saw he was teaching another class this semester, I was like "Okay, but only because it's you, Awesome Professor."
Anyway, today was the first lecture of Military History taught by Awesome Professor. As should have probably been expected, the class makeup was 80% Dude Bros who need to cover their liberal studies credit. We get in, go over the syllabus, do an icebreaker, and Awesome Professor pulls up a PowerPoint slide with the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Gettysburg side by side.
Awesome Professor: "Can anyone tell me the connection between these two battles?"
Some answers are offered. One Dude Bro goes on a soliloquy about war tactics and drools over the 500 Spartans. Awesome Professor corrects him and says that there were way more Greek factions there than Sparta. More answers are offered. A different Dude Bro does a different soliloquy about Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Army. Awesome Professor shoots back about Meade having the superior defensive position. More answers come in. I offer that both the Greeks and the Union soldiers were vastly outnumbered. A few more answers.
Awesome Professor: "Those were all wonderful answers, but unfortunately, you're all wrong. The major connection between these two battles is.... they're the only battles we will ever discuss in this class."
This wonderful, wonderful man then goes on to say that we will NOT be getting into war tactics. We will NOT learn about weaponry. We will NOT be reading quotes from famous generals. We will instead be learning about the cultural impact of war, all sides of every conflict, how militaries and wars affect technology that isn't weapons (preserved foods, medical innovations, etc.), how to recognize war-time, pre-war, and post-war propaganda, and female and nonbinary individuals' experiences during war.
The hundreds of Dude Bros start gaping like fish and sputter about "How can you teach WAR if you don't talk about WAR?". I'm holding back cackles as they slowly realize that they will not be getting spoon-fed the classic Dude Broe history. I genuinely cannot wait to go to my next lecture and count how many people drop the class.
In conclusion: definitely give college history classes a try, even if they aren't your usual first pick. Especially if you know the professor is amazing and knows how to teach about the scope of history rather than shuffling from one asshole to the next.
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reality-detective · 2 months
About the surge of illegal immigrants in El Paso:
The TX National Guard & Dept. of Public Safety quickly regained control & are redoubling the razor wire barriers.
DPS is instructed to arrest every illegal immigrant involved for criminal trespass & destruction of property. 🤔
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wings-of-flying · 7 days
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wow, it's almost like they're trying to appeal to older voters by promising to get these irresponsible young people in line and basing their policies on nostalgia rather than what would be actually useful
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