#mike wheeler get your shit together please
bylrlover · 2 years
so in season 5 are we gonna see how will is trying to distance himself from mike but mike on the other hand follows him anywhere like a puppy
will: *i need to clear my head and get away from him* um, i'm going to the store to buy something to drink
mike: great idea!!! i'm coming with you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
will: ...
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theyaregayyourhonor · 2 years
I actually can't get over the fact that Mike looked Jane dead in the eye and said: I say it
Just for her to pull out the letters (that she stacked in a shrine built for him) and start reading out loud:
From, Mike
From, Mike
From, Mike
For him to try and gaslight his way back to her making her feel the crazy one and that she just projects onto him because 'some mouth breathers' aka Jane feels like an outside forse trying to tear them apart
And someone still say milkshake is cute and they are meant to be
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palettehao · 2 years
We always talk about how Mike looks at Will but what about how Will looks at Mike
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shutuperce · 8 months
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your fall 2023 byler reading list 🍂🍂
BIG BYLER FIC REC DUMP cause i haven't been writing a lot but i HAVE been reading and y'all need to read these! hope u enjoy as much as i did <3
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got your spell on me, baby - @astrobei -Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 7,919
TW: none
'To be fair, Will’s costume is great, now that Mike knows what it is. And, okay, wait-
“Oh, this is so good. This is so good.” Max points at Mike, wheezing. “Because you’re dressed as-”
Will’s still looking straight up at the sky. The length of his neck is very, very flushed. Mike can feel his entire face going redder than Vader’s lightsaber. He clenches his hands into tiny little fists, and says, around a groan: “I’m not Han Solo, guys.”'
THE halloween byler fic. the party at college, bi lucas sinclair content, halloween party shenanigans.
these nerds, using star wars to flirt 🙄
background lumax & their amazing couples costume, el & will power sibling duo!!!
bowie references to heal the soul
all in all one of my favourite getting-together fics for this time of year :)
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what a match: i'm half-doomed and you're semi-sweet - @perexcri - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 28,150
TW: guns, blood, gore (just demodogs though no human gore)
'One month ago, if you had asked Will Byers what he’d do if Mike Wheeler threaded his fingers through his hair, looked him dead in the eyes, and started leaning in for a kiss, he wouldn’t have said this.
He wouldn’t have said he’d be staring right back into those yawning dark eyes, one hand on Mike’s waist, the other against his cheek. There wouldn’t have been any lightning in his veins or blood rushing in his ears.
He wouldn’t have said that Mike Wheeler would be tilting his head in the opposite direction, eyes widening just the slightest as if asking permission, his mouth slightly parted.
He wouldn’t have imagined it at all.'
SO SO GOOD. apocalypse post s4, background jancy and platonic stobin, interruption trope x10000 so it's SO SATISFYING at the end.
jonathan & mike solidarity <3
all in all amazingly well written mike and will being blushing messes. love them. fluff in the apocalypse.
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take my hand, wreck my plans - @parkitaco - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 6,297
TW: discussion of past trauma
'"I am not taken," he says out of habit, even though he kind of is. He and Will aren't together - he blushes at the thought - but they do spend an awful lot of time together, and Mike doesn't ever find himself wishing he was anywhere else. "Will and I are-"
"Ooh, I didn't even say anything about Will!" Max crows. "Oh, this is excellent."
Mike hides his face in his hands even though she can't see him. "Oh my God. Can you put Lucas back on, please?"
Max cackles in to the receiver, the sound fading as Lucas presumably wrenches the phone out of her grip. "We gotta go, Mike," he says, laughing a little. "Max has class and I'm driving her."
"Tell her she's the worst," Mike grumbles, fiddling with the phone cord.
"Say hi to Will for me!" Lucas sings, and hangs up before Mike can protest.
Mike groans and flops back on his mattress. It's going to be a long year.'
part of a series!! byler college au, friends-to-lovers, background party friendship, AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES. OH MY GOD, THEY WERE ROOMMATES??
taylor swift title... do u really need any other persuasion
the whole series is just AMAZING. mike & will getting a break, living together at college and figuring shit out <3
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i might be hoping about this - @astrobei - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 15,321
TW: none
'Will lets out a small squawk as Mike’s hand— his very cold, very freezing hand— finds its way around the blankets and under his sweater. “I’m sick, you weirdo,” he says, half-laughing into the side of Mike’s head, “I have a fever.” 
“I don’t care,” Mike mumbles, “you’re warm and I’m cold. This is nice.”
“You’re going to get sick,” Will tries, for the umpteenth time, but it’s pointless. Mike Wheeler is stubborn and hardheaded and he never does anything halfway— not even this.'
established byler at college!! so yeah i have a love of college byler and this is one of my top fics for sure. 2nd astrobi fic on this list because i love their writing <3
will gets sick, mike takes care of him. need i say more?
silly goofy guys living together & doing silly goofy domestic shit
this fic makes me SOFT.
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accidentally on purpose - @itsromeowrites - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 5,019
TW: none
'It starts out with a kiss. An accidental kiss. Because Mike is sleepy and Will is pretty, and who can really blame him? And then there's another one, just as accidental. But the third? Well, that may be a little more on purpose.'
literally smiling so hard at this fic. like hello. soft secret boyfriends and loads of party content, all the kids are okay <3
established byler, how the party finds out. all fluff all the time. jonathan attempts the Talk. mike has no idea what's going on. et cetera.
background lumax, lucas & dustin being lil shits together, and el using her powers to cheat at splashing games. all in all a good time!
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and if I get burned, at least we were electrified - anonymous - Stranger Things (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
Words: 14,958
TW: none
'“I’ll leave you be until lunch,” Max starts negotiating, nodding at him as if that’s a good deal. Which—considering it's Max, it is, but Mike doesn’t want to give in just yet. She sighs. “I won’t laugh about the sweater anymore. Or the weak disposition that gives you stupid allergies all the time.”
Mike’s frown deepens, but she wasn’t as mean as she could have been, so he’s gonna take it. He needs to get this out anyways, or he’s going to keep running in circles as if stuck in a hamster wheeler—an accurate representation of his brain when it comes to Will, really. He presses his lips together and tries to figure out a subtle, non-funny way to say it, but he comes up blank.
Fuck, whatever: “I almost kissed Will. Again.”
Max actually has to cover her mouth with her hand, disguising a worryingly loud snort with a cough. The teacher turns their way and stares, then goes back to explaining the exercise on the board. Mike scribbles it down while Max gets herself under control.
Screw his life.'
senior year, post-vecna. the party being friends but also little shits to each other.
madwheeler bandmates!!!
will steals mike's entire closet
they are Dumb Idiots who are mutually pining from afar
and other lovable tropes. takes place in november so good fall vibes :)
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Big Brown Eyes - Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: You’re a single mom and when you drop your son off at Dustin’s while you go to work, you meet his new friend Eddie. 
Note: So, this really just came about because I wanted cute interactions between both Eddie and Steve with a little boy. I might write more in this verse if people like this?
Warnings: single mom, reader x ex steve, stancy is together, mechanic!eddie, i think that’s it?
Words: 5.6k
[Part 2 | Big Brown Eyes masterlist]
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“Hello, you’ve reached the Hendersons. Sorry we missed your call-.”
“Shit,” you mutter. You sigh and rub a hand over your face. You purse your lips in thought and tilt your head from side to side before picking up the phone again. Thankfully, this time there’s a response.
“Max, hey! Do you know where the goonies are hanging out today? I’m trying to find Dustin,” you say.
“They’re all at his house. None of them would shut up about the campaign at school yesterday. Why? Everything okay?” Max asks.
“Yeah, fine. I just have to head to work and need someone to watch Ev. I know you have the evening shift at the diner tonight or I would’ve asked you.”
“Where’s Steve?” Max asks.
“Out of town for the day with the Wheelers. Holly had a dance recital somewhere near Indianapolis,” you tell her.
“Mike didn’t go,” she says with a snort. “He’s at Dustin’s with the rest of them.”
“What a loving brother,” you deadpan.
“One of the guys can watch Ev. I know for a fact Lucas has no plans tonight so don’t let him try to make any excuses.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you say. “Alright, I’ll try the house again. Thanks, Max.”
“No problem.”
With a sigh, you hang up and pick up the receiver again, your finger jamming into the familiar numbers for Dustin’s house.
It rings. And rings. And rings.
“Hey! Hello?” An out of breath Dustin gasps on the other line.
“You all good there?” you ask.
“Oh, hey. Yeah. I’m fine. Was that you who called before? Sorry, it was the final roll of the dice,” he explains, as if that makes it evident why he wouldn’t answer the phone. You can hear the others shouting in the background. You can’t tell if it’s in happiness that they won the campaign, or anger because they failed.
“Uh huh,” you say. “Listen, one of the girls at work called in sick and I said I’d come help out. Could you or one of the boys watch Everett for me, pretty please? It’ll just be for a few hours.”
“Sure, bring him on by. We all know I’m his favorite.”
You laugh, rolling your eyes fondly. There’s no way to deny it, Everett always lights up when he sees his Uncle Dusty Buns.
“Okay, we’ll be there in ten. Thanks, Dustin,” you say.
“Don’t thank me until you get him back in one piece. Bye.”
You chuckle to yourself as you hang up the phone. A squeak sounds behind you and you smirk to yourself at the familiar sound of Everett’s little sneakers hitting the linoleum tile of the kitchen floor. Slowly spinning around on your heel, you catch a pair of big brown eyes staring at you from around the corner. Out of the many things Everett had inherited from Steve, his eyes were what people noticed first. They were nearly identical to his father’s. His hair was also growing similarly, but Everett was still too young to tell if it would be quite as high as Steve’s.
“Is someone spying on me?” you ask.
“Nooooo,” you hear as his tiny head hides back around the corner. His giggling would be enough to give him away even if it weren’t for the scuffling of his feet against the floor.
“I think someone is. I think I was being watched,” you say. You creep around the corner and snatch him up in your arms. The muscles in your arms and back protest at how big and heavy he’s getting.
“By who?” Everett asks innocently. Those damn doe eyes look up at you under thick lashes. It was truly uncanny.
“You, mister!” You dig your fingers into his side, knowing his left is the most ticklish. He squeals and struggles in your grip, trying to break free.
“Mommy, no!” he calls between bouts of laughter.
“Everett, yes!” you answer before peppering kisses all over his face.
He pulls away from your kisses and the two of you look at each other, similar smiles reflecting each other. At least that’s something he got from you. He reaches up to move some hair that’s fallen into your face. It’s more of a smack than a gentle motion, but you know the intention was sweet.
“You’re silly,” he says fondly.
“Oh yeah? Well guess where silly mommy is taking you, Mr. Troublemaker?” you say.
“Toys?” he asks, tilting his head to the side. As if this kid wasn’t spoiled enough by his parents, aunts, uncles, and everyone else who knows him. His obsession with the toy store has stuck with him ever since Karen Wheeler took him there for his third birthday a few months back. You were thankful she watched him as often as she did, and that she spoiled him like her own grandchild, but this obsession was wearing on both your nerves and bank account.
“No,” you say. “Don’t you think you have enough toys? Never mind, don’t answer that, you. Nope, I’m taking you to Uncle Dusty Bun’s.”
Everett’s eyes lit up and he began to bounce in your arms. “Dusty! Dusty!”
More often than not, he called Dustin “Uncle Dusty Bun” in full, but he often reverted to “Dusty” when he was excited or angry. Dustin was never referred to by his actual name by you or Steve when Everett was born, both of you thinking it would be hilarious to give him the nickname instead. Dustin was less than thrilled at first, but the nickname didn’t seem so bad once you asked him to be Everett’s God father as well.
“Yep, come on.” You set Everett down so he can get his little backpack from his room. Whenever Everett went to somebody’s house he packed his favorite toy dinosaur, one of his coloring books, and a handful of crayons with him in his bag.
He runs off, most likely giving the family that lived in the apartment underneath yours a ceiling rattling boom, and you step into the bathroom. Working at the library meant that you didn’t have a uniform you needed to wear. As long as your clothes looked somewhat professional, your hair was neat, and your makeup wasn’t wild, you were good to go. You fix the hair that Everett had swatted and neaten up the rest of it.
Everett jumps into the doorway of the bathroom, blue backpack on and ready to go. “Let’s gooooo!”
“Can’t wait to get away from your mom, huh?” you tease him. You ruffle his dark hair as you pass him, grabbing your purse and keys from the kitchen counter. His loud footsteps echo behind you as you walk to the front door.
“Daddy home?” Everett asks as you’re locking the door behind you.
“Hmm?” you look to Everett who is gazing across the parking lot at the adjoining apartment building where Steve lives. “Oh, no, Daddy isn’t home right now. But he’ll be back by dinner time.”
“Will he make me take a bath?” Everett wrinkles his nose up in distaste as he slips his hand into yours.
“If he doesn’t, I will,” you tell him. You lead him down the stairs to the first floor, Everett jumping with two feet down each step. He hums a song to himself as you walk to the car. Though he hates sitting in it, Everett has become adept at securing his own car seat, which has saved you countless minutes over the past few weeks. “All buckled in?”
He nods to you in your rear-view mirror, and you pull out of the parking lot. It’s not a long ride to Dustin’s but Everett insists on the radio anyway. You weren’t sure when he developed such a love of music, but you’re pretty sure he recognizes more songs on the radio than you do. Love Shack comes on and Everett begins to wiggle in his seat, dancing along to the beat. You were glad the meaning of the song went over his head, and he just enjoys the silly sounds the song makes.
Everett knows the way to Dustin’s and gets more excited the closer you get to his house. He begins to look out the window, straining his neck as if that will help him see his favorite uncle sooner. As you pull up to the Henderson house, you notice a number of cars parked out front. So, the guys were still here.
“Looks like you’re seeing more than just Uncle Dusty Bun,” you tell him as you swing your car into the driveway. You would only be here five minutes; it doesn’t matter if you’re blocking anyone in.
“Who?” Everett asks.
“Let’s go see,” you say, pulling the key out of the ignition.
While your son has no issues getting into his car seat, he hasn’t gotten the hang of unbuckling it yet. He’s grateful when you free him from the confines, hopping out of the car with his little backpack, and running up to the front door. Even on his tiptoes he can’t quite reach the doorbell, so he settles on banging on the door with his little fists instead.
“Easy, Ev,” you say as you come up next to him. You go to press the doorbell but the front door swings open before you get the chance.
“Hey, I thought I heard the little monster out here!” Dustin grins and bends down, letting Everett run into his arms. “How you doing, kiddo?”
“Good!” Everett says as he wraps his arms around Dustin’s neck. “Got my dino.”
“Well, of course you do!” Dustin says. He lets go of the boy, who rushes past him into the living room. The loud hum of boys talking reaches you at the door and you nod your head inside.
“Whole crew here?” you ask.
“Yeah,” Dustin replies. “Oh, wait! Come here, you haven’t met everyone who’s here.”
Dustin closes the door behind you as you step inside. Your brow furrows in confusion as you slip your hands into your back pockets. The house smells like microwaved pizza and like one of the boys is wearing cheap cologne. It’s dark in the house, which makes you roll your eyes, because the boys always insist the room must be dark when playing DND.
“What do you mean? Not just Lucas, Mike, and Will?” you ask.
“We made a new friend,” Dustin says.
“A nerdy friend, I’m guessing,” you mumble under your breath as you follow Dustin into the living room. You can hear Everett babbling to someone, which doesn’t surprise you in the least. Besides you and Steve, his favorite people in the world are in this room.
“My sister!” Will cries as he throws his arm over your shoulders. You chuckle to yourself, forgetting when the joke that you were Will’s older sister even started. He’d always been like a little brother to you, so it came naturally enough. You turn your head to look at him and frown when you have to tilt your head up.
“Why are you still growing? You’re already taller than me,” you say.
“Have been for a few years now,” he says with a wink, and you playfully push him off you.
You expect to find Everett either clinging to Mike’s legs or being held in Lucas’s arms, but the two are arguing with each other on the opposite side of the room with no toddler in sight. Everett is never quiet, however, so you just have to turn yourself in the direction of his voice.
“M’not afraid of spiders!” he’s saying. “Spider-man is my favorite!”
Everett is leaning against a fluffy maroon couch cushion, his backpack at his feet, and his eyes focused on the boy sitting next to him. But he is not a boy. He’s a man, your age or maybe a year older. He’s grinning down at your son, the smile knocking the breath from you. You don’t think you’ve ever once swooned in your life, but that’s the best word you think of to describe the feeling. Dark curls fell just past his shoulders and his dark eyes – why did dark eyes haunt you everywhere? – crinkled in the corners as he listened to Everett.
“Yeah? I like spiders, too,” the man says. He adjusts his hand on his lap and the glinting of one of his rings catches Everett’s attention.
“S’pretty,” Everett says. He takes the man’s hand in his own little ones and inspects the different rings he’s wearing. You’re shocked. Everett is usually shy with new people. He’ll barely say hello to a stranger, let alone hold someone’s hand.
“Thank you,” he tells your son. He’s smiling so adoringly at Everett that it quickens your heartbeat even further.
“Eddie,” Dustin calls from behind you. The man picks his head up and looks at Dustin, before turning his gaze on you. He smiles again and you feel pinned in place.
“You must be this wonderful little boy’s mother,” he says. Everett lets go of his hand and walks over to you, hugging one of your legs. Eddie stands up from the couch and steps right in front of you, offering you his hand. “I’m Eddie.”
“Eddie,” Everett repeats down by your legs, causing Eddie to chuckle.
“Y/N,” you tell Eddie. You slip your hand in his and notice the roughness of callouses and the coolness of the rings as he shakes it.
“Eddie works down at the garage,” Dustin says, coming up alongside you. “He noticed the DND bumper sticker on my car when I brought it in the other day. Needless to say, we became fast friends. This was his first campaign with us.”
“You have far more patience than I do,” you tell Eddie. “When I try to play with them, they just yell at me.”
“Well, he actually knows what he’s doing,” Mike quips with a smirk as he walks by you.
“When’s that English paper due, Michael? You know, the one on Pride and Prejudice, which you haven’t even read? Didn’t you want me to help you with that?”
“I take it back!” Mike calls from the kitchen. “I love you!”
You smile to yourself and look back to Eddie, who’s smiling at you the same way he smiled at Everett. It should feel patronizing, to be smiled at the same way that a baby was, but it’s flattering. It’s an adoring smile which floods heat to your cheeks.
“I was going to ask how you put up with these guys, but I see you can handle them no problem,” Eddie says.
“Well, when you work at the library and they come there to study and beg you for help, you tend to have the upper hand,” you say with a shrug.
Eddie chuckles. He pats Dustin on the arm. “I’m heading out. Next Saturday, right?”
“Yeah! Look forward to you being the DM. Mike’s been doing it forever,” Dustin says.
“Heard that!” Mike calls.
Eddie crouches down to be on eyelevel with Everett. “It was nice to meet you, little dude. Can I get a high five?” Everett grins and slaps his hand against Eddie’s. It hardly could have hurt but Eddie shakes his hand out as if stung. “Wow! You’re a strong boy. You must eat all your vegetables.”
Everett looks up at you and grins, proud.
“That he does,” you say, petting along his hair. You crouch down as Eddie stands back up. “You’re going to be good for Uncle Dusty Bun, right?” Out of your peripheral vision you can see the smirk Eddie gives Dustin at the nickname.
“Mhmm,” Everett nods.
“Okay, good. I love you,” you press a kiss to his cheek and pull him into your arms.
He squeezes you back tightly and mumbles a “love you too” against your neck. You stand up and Everett takes Dustin’s hand, already dragging him back to the couch.
“Walk you out?” Eddie asks. He motions for you to head out first, so you do. You open the front door, and he steps out behind you. “He’s a cute kid.”
“Thanks,” you say. The two of you walk to the driveway together and Eddie leans against the van that your car is parked behind.
“But it makes sense, though,” Eddie says. “With a beautiful mom and all.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out from your chest and you look at the ground shyly. You feel the heat go all the way up to the tips of your ears. You’re about to respond by saying he looks more like his dad than he does you, but that might sound like you’re trying to interject Everett’s dad into the conversation as if the two of you are still together.
“Well, thanks,” you say again. You were never particularly good at flirting or being flirted with. Steve often used this to his advantage by flustering you on purpose and the look on Eddie’s face says he might be the kind of guy to do the same thing. “I guess I’m blocking you in. I should get going.”
“Do you often come by here on Saturdays?” Eddie asks as you start to turn away from him. You turn back and give him a smile.
“I’m not here for their DND days. Like I said, I get yelled at. But sometimes Dustin will watch him on Saturdays when I’ve got to head to work. Like today.”
“Libraries are open on the weekends?” Eddie asks.
“Saturday until three, Sunday closed,” you tell him with a shrug. “So, I only have to be there for a little while today.”
“You know, you don’t look like a librarian,” Eddie tells you with a smirk. He crosses his arms over his chest, and you can’t help but giggle.
“Well, I’m not a librarian. I just work there. But out of curiosity, what do librarians look like?” You know you need to leave for work, but you walk over and lean next to Eddie against the van.
He shrugs, his leather jacket creaking with the movement. “You know. Usually old. Hair pulled up in a tight bun on the top of their head. Glasses hanging from a chain around their neck. Old lady sweaters and a permanent scowl on their face.”
You laugh and rest your head back against the van. “You just described my boss pretty well, so you may have a point.” With a sigh, you push yourself off the van. You didn’t want to head to work before, but now you really wish you didn’t have to go. “Um,” you say. You didn’t intend to say anything, but your mouth opened anyway. A lightbulb goes off in your head and you look at Eddie. “Dustin said you work at the garage, right?”
“Sure do.” Eddie nods in confirmation. “The one on Blossom Trail off Highway Eight. Or is it eighteen? I’m new to Hawkins.”
“Oh yeah? Where from?” you ask.
“Over near Evansville. My uncle lives out here, so I thought I’d see what Hawkins is all about,” he says.
“And are you sorely disappointed so far?” you ask with a laugh, gesturing to the quiet, empty street around you.
“Definitely not.” He grins at you again and the butterflies feel as if they may actually bust out of you this time. Eddie watches you get flustered again and you lick over your lips, remembering your initial question for him.
“So, what days do you work this week? I need to bring my car in for an oil change. The light keeps flashing and one of these days the car’s just gonna stop on me altogether.”
“For an oil change?” Eddie raises his eyebrows at you, then shakes his head. “Sweetheart, don’t bring your car in for that. I can do that for free. Save your money.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” you say. Handouts were one thing you consistently tried to avoid since you’d found out you were pregnant. You hated feeling like people felt sorry for you when they didn’t need to. Was being a young mom hard? Yeah, but worth it.
“No, come on,” Eddie says. “They’ll charge you fees and taxes and for the labor when I’ve got the oil sitting right in my shed at home. Really, it’s just sitting there. It’ll go bad if it isn’t used.”
You had no idea if that was actually true or not, but Eddie was gambling that you didn’t have the knowledge to call his bluff one way or the other. Eddie’s pleading eyes are what push you over the edge. It seems impossible that here was another man with beautiful brown eyes who knew how to use them against you.
“Okay,” you finally cave. “Sure. I can bring it by your place.”
“Don’t be silly, I can swing by after work one day. You’re a mom, I’m not going to make you come to me and take time away from your kid.”
The thoughtfulness makes you smile. You motion for Eddie to follow you over to your car. He watches as you bend over into the car – his eyes taking their time – to grab your purse. After rifling through it, you pull out a pen.
“I don’t think I have any paper,” you say. Eddie grins and offers you his hand. You chuckle and take his hand in one of yours. There’s the slightest bit of grease stains under his short nails and his fingers are long, his palm large. You scribble your number onto his palm and stick the pen back in your purse. “I usually get home from work about six-thirty on weekdays and Ev goes to bed around eight.”
“I get home around seven, so that’s perfect timing. I’ll call you soon,” Eddie says.
“Yeah?” you ask, raising your eyebrows.
“Monday if you want,” he says. “Or tomorrow. Hell, I’d call you tonight.”
The bashful grin on your face only makes Eddie want to flirt with and tease you more. It’s addictive in a way he didn’t know possible.
“I’m not sure what my plans are for tomorrow, so Monday works.”
“Monday it is,” Eddie confirms. “Have fun at work.”
“Bye.” You give him a small wave before getting in your car.
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Steve had called you at work to say he was picking up Everett from Dustin’s and they’d be home for dinner. So, when you got home you had a precious hour that could have been spent relaxing, but one look around the apartment and you knew it needed to be used for cleaning. Action figures littered the living room carpet, colored pencils scattered about the coffee table, blocks with numbers and letters on them led down the hallway practically waiting for someone to step on them. It had been a while since you had last vacuumed so you figured you might as well get it over with.
It's in the middle of vacuuming Everett’s room that the front door opened and three people entered. Steve puts his finger to his lips to encourage Everett to be quiet as they creep down the hallway towards you. Nancy reaches out and smacks Steve on the back, telling him not to scare you. He shrugs and pretends that he can’t hear her over the vacuum as he follows Everett towards his room.
Normally, it was hard to sneak up on you. Steve had made it his mission to try and scare you way back before you even started dating. He, evidently, passed this trait along to his son as well. Even the vacuum wasn’t enough to keep you from hearing someone coming up behind you. But your mind was wandering as you pushed and pulled the appliance over the blue carpet. Was Eddie just a flirt in general? Or did he like you? Would he actually call on Monday? Was it a big deal if he didn’t? It was just an oil change, after all.
“Rawr!” Little hands grip your thigh, making you jump and let out a squeal. You cut the power to the vacuum and hear Everett giggling madly to himself and he holds your leg even tighter. “Scared you!” There’s laughter coming from the doorway as well and you turn to find Steve leaning against the doorframe, his arms casually across his chest, as if he had nothing to do with this sneak attack.
“What the f-,” you stutter, “fudge, Steve?”
“How did he get away with that when I never could?” Steve asks, referring to the successful scaring.
“Where’s your babysitter?” you snap back at him.
“I’m sorry,” Nancy says, popping in the doorway behind Steve. “I tried to stop him but I think Everett is more mature.”
You smile at Nancy as you scoop Everett up into your arms. “I don’t blame you one bit, Nancy. You’re the only one around here who doesn’t drive me crazy.”
“Hey!” Steve and Everett say at the same time.
“You,” you say, looking at Everett. “It’s dinner time. What would you like?”
“Daddy wants pizza,” he says.
All eyes turn to Steve as he shrugs innocently. “I have no idea how he knows that.”
“You’re paying.”
“Deal,” Steve agrees. You set Everett down to follow his father into the kitchen to call for pizza.
Nancy walks into the room and wraps her arm around your shoulders. “You know he’s never going to let it go that he finally scared you?”
“I know.” You sigh and rest your head against hers.
Nancy was always a friend in high school, but never a close one. After Steve and Nancy broke up and Nancy moved on with Jonathan, Steve eventually found you. Becoming friends to more was easy with Steve, but it came with a catch. It was easy to go on fun dates and spend hours talking with Steve. It was easy to drive the younger teens around Hawkins with him, becoming the “mom” to his “dad” in the group – little did you know that those official titles were soon to come. It was easy to trust Steve because you already had as a friend. It was easy to fall into bed with him because you had always found him attractive and kind. What was hard, though, for both of you, was to fall in love. Being together for almost a year, most people assumed you two were madly in love. You definitely loved each other, but both of you knew deep inside it wasn’t the kind of love you should feel for someone you’re in a relationship with.
It was hard, deciding that the two of you should go back to being friends. You were in agreement that it wasn’t fair to one another to stay in a relationship that wasn’t going anywhere. Two weeks after the breakup, in which you two still remained the best of friends, you discovered you were pregnant. Telling Steve was one of the most terrifying moments of your life, though you knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t let you do this alone. What you didn’t expect was how helpful Steve’s mom would be. Not only was she supportive of you and Steve deciding to raise the baby as friends, but she used her connections as the most well-known real estate agent in Hawkins to get you and Steve apartments in the same complex.
Nancy had been away at college while you were pregnant, hearing about the news from her brother who was stunned at there being someone who would be referring to him as “Uncle Mike.” When Nancy came home for summer break, she was elated to meet baby Everett. You were still pretty sure Nancy seeing how gentle and sweet Steve was with the newborn is what led them to getting back together – even battling long distance.
Steve was a little worried this might put tension between the two of you girls, but it was the opposite. Nancy became your closest friend, talking to you on the phone almost as much as she talked to Steve. She loved and cared about Everett but never tried to insert herself as a mother figure in his life. Everett loved playing with Nancy, especially when he saw how well she shot a water gun at his dad. Nancy was now home for the summer, having one more year to go at Emerson. Everett had been a little shy around her when she first came home, having not seen her since Spring Break, but he quickly warmed up and showed her every new toy he had gotten since she’d last seen him.
Everett was thrilled that Nancy was staying just in the next building with his dad. It meant they could go outside and play with his water guns anytime he wanted to. It was sweet to see Steve and Nancy with Everett, but it always left a melancholy taste in your mouth. It just reminded you that Nancy was the only person Steve had ever been in love with, and you had never been in love ever.
“You good?” Nancy asks you, rubbing her hand up and down your arm.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you say. She pulls back and gives you a quizzical look. “What?”
“What is that smile on your face?” she asks. You didn’t even realize you had been smiling and immediately wipe it off your face.
“What, I can’t smile?” But you could feel your cheeks turning pink.
“Not like that,” Nancy says. “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” you say, though it sounds unconvincing to both of you. Nancy watches as you unplug the vacuum and wind up the cord. You walk past her to put the vacuum back in the hall closet and she follows behind.
“Something happen at work?” she asks with a smirk. Nancy was never nosey, but she could tell something was going on and she knew she could get you to spill.
“Nothing out of the ordinary.” You turn to her and shrug, not quite meeting her eyes.
She smiles at you and reaches out to poke you in the ribs. “Oh, come on. You know you want to tell me.”
Glancing down the hallway to make sure the guys were still in the kitchen, you lean in towards Nancy and speak quietly. “Has Mike mentioned a new friend at their DND games?”
Nancy pulls back with a frown, that being far from what she thought would come out of your mouth. “Um, no. But to be fair, Mike doesn’t tell me a whole lot about his life. Why?”
You avoid her eyes as you lean back against the wall, head barely avoiding the framed pictures that hung there. “Well,” you start. “The guys have a new friend who plays DND with them.”
“Like a kid?” Nancy asks.
“Nope.” You shake your head, keeping your eyes on the kitchen doorway down the hall. “Like a guy. About our age.”
“Oh,” Nancy hums in understanding. “And you met him when you dropped by Dustin’s, didn’t you?”
“I did,” you confirm, still not looking at her. Nancy scoffs and grabs your arm, dragging you into your bedroom. She closes the door and rests her back against it.
“Spill,” she says.
You sit down on your bed and can’t help the smile that creeps on your face. “His name is Eddie. He’s going to come by this week and change the oil in my car.”
“Oh, is he now?” Nancy’s eyebrows raise and your face blooms red at the smirk on her face.
“Actual oil in my actual car!” You huff a laugh and rub your hands over your face. “He’s a mechanic. Dustin met him at the garage.”
“Is he cute?” Nancy moves from her spot against the door and sits down next to you on the bed. You bunch the yellow floral blanket in your fingers as you bite back an even bigger grin.
“Very,” you confirm. It feels nice to have a friend to talk about these things with. Yeah, there were girls in high school with you that you talked about boys with, but you were in a very different spot in your life than they were now. And Nancy was here and knew your life well. She’d become the best friend you’d ever had.
“When’s he coming by?”
“I gave him my number and he said he’d call Monday,” you say. You were about to tell her more about the conversation you’d had with Eddie but pounding started raining down on your bedroom door.
“What’s up, buttercup?” you call through the door.
“Lemme in!”
“Excuse me?” you ask.
A tiny huff. “Can I come in pleeeease?”
You stand and open the door to find a little boy with a big smile staring up at you.
“Yes, sir?”
“Pizza’s coming!”
“Good. Know what you can do while we wait for it?” you ask.
“What?” he asks.
“Tell your daddy he needs to give you a bath.”
“Huh?” Steve asks, coming up behind Everett. He’s holding an apple with a bite missing and you remember why your son is constantly asking for snacks before dinner. “What do I have to do?” he asks through a mouthful of apple.
“Bath,” Everett says with a sigh.
“What?” Steve says as he looks down at Everett. “Why’d you say that like it’s a bad thing?”
“Boring,” Everett says.
“Nothing’s boring with me, you know that,” Steve tells him. He leans down and throws Everett over his shoulder. The little boy giggles and kicks his legs as Steve carries him to the bathroom.
“Please keep my bathroom dry!” you shout down the hall.
“No promises!” Steve answers.
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chaosgremlinmunson · 7 months
STWG 11-13-2023
Prompt: Paladin
Steve sat in the corner of the room waiting on the kids to (please) finally finish the stupid nerd game they were playing, he was looking intently at a notebook in his lap as he doodled, a knight-like figure coming together in a cutesy cartoon figure. He heard his name and glanced up seeing Dustin leaning over the table eyebrows furrowed at Mike.
“What do you mean he'd be a barbarian, clearly he'd be a paladin or a knight?! C'mon man, seriously your issues with Steve are getting ridiculous!” Dustin was shouting at Mike, his fingers pointing in his face while both of them steadily were turning redder and redder.
“Dude, no, seriously he's so dumb he'd be a barbarian, or maybe a tank. He knows how to hit, not how to strategize! Clearly he wouldn't be able to be someone in a military tank or who followed a religion. I'm surprised he knows how to tie his shoes.” Make snarked back smacking Dustin's hand out of the way.
Eddie was watching the interaction, his brows furrowed and looked over to Steve who was slowly slouching down in his seat, his eyes downcast. He promptly clapped his hands to get their attention.
“Mini Wheeler, your thief Fenizio is in the dark alley near the guards, you are trying to steal the goblet of Ariella, it's enchanted to heal anyone who drinks from it and you know it's being taken to the palace for King Lionos. Roll for stealth.” Eddie has a wicked gleam in his eyes and Mike looks slightly startled. Still, he picks up the die and rolls grimacing as it lands on a four, “and that's a miss!” Eddie crows, “the guard turns just as you reach into the pouch at his side, he grips your arm and throws you to the ground, his foot stepping onto your chest pinning you in place.”
“Shit.” Mike hisses, “I want to pull my dagger and slice into his ankle.”
“Roll initiative.”
Mike rolls the die again and it lands on a 6.
“Another miss. The guard leans down further placing you in shackles and raises you to your feet marching you straight to the palace and into the dungeon. The adventurers you're with are fading slowly from the poisons and now you've been captured. In the time it takes for you to escape the next day you come to find the entire party dead, you yourself walking into a trap. The adventure ends, and so does the journey for justice.” Eddie says leaning back on his throne.
“What the fuck Eddie?!” Mike yells, “why did you kill all of us, that's bullshit!”
Eddie rolls his head to look over at Mike with a pitying smile on his face, “Let this be a lesson, that man” he points in Steve's direction who's looking at the table shocked, “is a goddamn hero. You forget I was there when he did for you all?! You forget what he's done for everyone here?! He's a good man, and a damn good friend to all of you. Stop treating him like dirt, and until he tells me each and every one of you has apologized for treating him as abysmally as I've witnessed today, all of our sessions are over. I'll take the time to come up with new campaigns, but I won't play with any of you until this is fixed, and no, Steve will not be taking any of you anywhere. Birdie and I are gonna have a talk, and we'll both make sure we keep him occupied, constantly. Now shoo, and take the time to think about what you all did. Oh, and before I forget, Steve isn't taking any of you home today either, get in the van.” He turns his attention to Steve then, “Stevie, I need you to drive home for me, birdie and I will be there shortly. These kids are going home and the three of us are going to hang out, talk and have fun. Can you do that for me?”
Steve nods numbly, and stands leaving the room before any of the kids can say anything, he gets to his car and drives home. At least he knows someone cares for him, he'd never seen Eddie as angry as he just was.
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abellmunsonmovie · 3 months
Tears and Pancakes
Wordcount: 988 words
Warning: Reader is depressed, Eddie comforts Reader, no mention of Reader's race/gender, use of Y/N, pet names (Sweets, Baby, Sweetheart)
Eddie hasn’t seen you in two weeks, normally you can’t go an hour without seeing each other. Eddie tried to call you several times every week, he thought he had done something, he finally decides to call Steve and Robin to see if they knew anything.
“Hey this is Family Video, I’m Steve how-”, “Steve” Eddie interrupts, “Oh hey man, whats up?”, “Have you seen Y/N, I haven’t seen them in weeks” Eddie says clearly panicked, “Uh, no um…I’m gonna ask Robin maybe she has”, Eddie can hear Steve and Robin talking through the phone, then Steve goes back to Eddie, “Listen man, neither of us have seen Y/N, but I’m sure they’re okay…Have you called Nance?”, Eddie rubs his face in frustration, “No, I-i’ll try her…thanks”. Eddie hangs up the phone and calls Nancy, “Wheeler-”, “Nancy?”, “Eddie? No it’s Mike,” Mike says in a confused tone, “I need to talk to Nancy…I think Y/N might be mad at me”, “Oh um… okay hold on” Mike still has that confused tone, “NANCY”, “WHAT”, Eddie rolls his eyes hearing them yelling at each other. “Hey Eddie?” Nancy says worriedly, “Nancy…have you seen Y/N”, “I haven’t seen them in 2 weeks”, Eddie scoffs “Do you know anyone else I can call, I called Steve and Robin, I called you…If they’re mad at me I wanna give them space”, Nancy tries to reassure Eddie, “Y/N’s not mad at you, they-…”, “They what?” Eddie asks, “Sometimes they go off the radar for a little bit…it happens every now and then and then they come back fine…”, Eddie's eyebrows pinch together, “And why?”, “They never say…maybe you should go over there”, Eddie nods “Thanks Nancy, bye” he hangs up the phone and hurriedly puts on his shoes.
He gets to your place and unlocks the door with a spare key, the TV is on, the kitchen is messy, dishes towering in the sink, he walks to your bedroom, and through a crack in the door, he can see you curled up under the blankets, crying. He opens the door slowly and crouches down to your level, “Baby” he says softly, your head shoots up and your face goes red in embarrassment, he shouldn’t be seeing you like this, no one should. You haven’t showered in days, “Shit…Eddie why- how did you even get in?”, “You left a spare at my place…now come on…tell me whats going on”, your lip trembles, “Please just go” you squeak out, Eddies heart breaks a little more and his eyes start to sting, “Baby…I can help”, you shake your head, “I’m not a fucking kid Eddie”, Eddie holds your hand “No, your love of my fucking life and you need help…Nancy told me you’ve done this before…whats going on baby?”, you start to cry agin and you wrap your arms around Eddie, pulling him towards you, Eddie pulls you close and shushes you, “I got you baby…it’s okay, you’re alright…”, you snap, “I’m so fucking tired if this shit!”, he rubs your back, “You’ll get through it baby…”, “Why can’t I just be okay?! What did I do to feel like this?!” you say pulling away and looking at Eddie, he shakes his head and holds your hands, “You didn’t do anything…you just…you are you okay? And I know, trust me, I know…how fucking tiring it is…but you are not alone in this…you have me, you’ll always have me”, he holds your face in his hands, wiping your tears off his cheeks, “I don’t wanna burden you” you say, Eddie looks in your eyes, “Y/N…you are the best fucking thing thats ever happened to me in my entire god damn life…you could never be a burden”, you feel your eyes tear up more, “I don’t know why I get like this…”, Eddie kisses your cheeks, “It’s okay…just let me help you feel better…”, you smile weakly and nod.
Eddie goes and starts a bubble bath and calls take out, once you get in the bath he knocks on the door, “Baby…can I come in?”, “Yeah”, he walks in, “Here let me wash your hair,” he says softly, you smile, “You sure?” you ask, he nods and kisses your head before starting to massage your hair with the shampoo, “Y’know, you can come to me when you get like this?”, you sigh and nod looking down, “I just don’t wanna bring people down with my shit…especially you…you make it all less shitty…” you smile weakly, Eddie kisses your lips gently, “Well you aren’t gonna bring my down, I’m your fucking boyfriend…I want to help”, you nod and he finishes cleaning you.
After you get out of the bath and get changed into a big t-shirt and shorts, you walk out to Eddie finishing the dishes, “Eddie, you didn’t have to do that” you say smiling, Eddie laughs softly “I wanted to”, you walk behind Eddie and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back, Eddie finishes the dishes and dries off his hands, he turns around and rubs your back while kissing your head, “How you feeling, sweets?”, you shrug, “Little better…”, he nods and kisses your head, “It’ll get better, baby…”, you hear a knock at the door, it’s the pizza guy.
After you both eat and decide to go to bed, he makes sure you brush your teeth and starts a load of laundry before you both get into bed. Eddie holds your hand while resting the two if your hands on his chest as he rubs your head, “I’m so proud of you…you did really so good today sweetheart” he whispers, you smile softly “Thank you Eddie…for everything”, he smiles and kisses your head, “Get some sleep, sweet baby…what you want me to make in the morning?”, you shake your head, “Eddie…you don’t have to make anything”, “Y/N…what do you want?”, you laugh “Fine…Pancakes”, he kisses your lips, “Pancakes it is”.
Hey guys, sorry I literally haven't wrote an Eddie blurb in like a week, I have been so busy, but I decided to write a blurb where Eddie comforts depressed reader, and as a person who has depression I know how it can be, i'm sure it's different for everyone, so I just wrote from my experience, I hope you guys enjoy. -Bella<3
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
When love and hate Collide
Summary; Eddie and yn can't stand each other and it drives the Hellfire boys crazy...
There's a thin line between love and hate... Right?
Warnings; illusion to smut, arguing, enemies to lovers.
If you enjoyed this story please consider giving it a reblog, comment, etc.
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I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
I might make a part two if anyone wants that 💞
Eddie stalked into Hellfire Club with a sour look on his face, an epic rant was coming and Dustin, Lucas, and Mike exchanged knowing looks at who could put Eddie in such a mood.
Gareth sighs and counts under his breath.
"Do you know what yn did this time" Eddie explodes and Gareth grins. It was like clockwork with Eddie and his favorite cheerleader.
"Not really but I'm sure you'll tell us," Jeff says rolling his eyes. Eddie either misses the sarcastic tone or ignores it completely.
He paces the floor, playing with the rings on his hand as he mutters to himself.
"Who does she think she is? Running around in that stupid little cheer skirt, all sweet smiles and shit. She's a viper!"
Dustin frowns.
"Dude what did she do?" Eddie turns to Dustin his big brown eyes wide.
"She said... words fail Eddie for a moment, she implied that I pick fights with her and not the other way around! She gets under my fucking skin! She's everywhere I look and it's driving me nuts. I can't stand her"
They heard the same argument from Eddie every day, sometimes twice. Heard the arguments in the halls, seen the tension and the way Eddie and yn were like magnets that drew them together.
They saw how anytime the other was distracted by something or someone else how annoyed they would get.
They noticed Eddie staring at her all the time and they noticed the way yn would flounce around in front of Eddie and get his attention.
The two of them drove each other crazy and were beginning to have the same effect on the Hellfire Club.
"Can we lock them in an empty room and they can just argue it all out?" Lucas suggests and Gareth whispers to Jeff so the younger members don't hear.
"Lock them in Eddie's trailer so they can fuck it out more like" Eddie glares at him.
"What was that?" Gareth shrugs.
"Nothing, can't we start with the campaign now man? Get your mind off yn?" to all their relief he agrees.
All Mike wanted to do was ask Eddie about the new campaign but the metalhead's attention was elsewhere.
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His burning gaze was directed to the cheerleading table and on yn and Eric one of the basketball team's star players.
Eric was gazing at her with a glazed look in his eyes, eyeing her up and down and looking like he was in some amazing dream.
"It's pathetic, Eddie snaps. Look at the asshole. He's practically eye fucking her. It's nauseating when I'm trying to eat"
"Well don't look," Mike tells him annoyed and Eddie huffs.
"How can I not Wheeler? It's so bad I can't tear my eyes away" thankfully his attention is eventually drawn away by one of his heavy metal magazines.
All is quiet.
Gareth has a shit-eating grin on his face and turns to Eddie.
"Dude, oh my God. She's kissing him" Eddie turns around so fast he almost hurts his neck and finds yn and Eric in the same position, not kissing and glares at Gareth.
"Not cool douchebag" he then begins to draw or write in his Hellfire notebook then tears out the page, scrunches it up, and throws it over to yn.
It lands on her lunch tray and she opens it and then turns to Eddie her attention firmly on him.
"Eddie Munson!" to Mike's bafflement Eddie is trying to hide his smile and is it just him or does yn look secretly relieved that Eddie threw that note?
Girls were weird, he adored Eddie but sometimes Mike couldn't understand the Dungeon Master either.
Did they actually like fighting? Did Eddie secretly just want all of her attention on him?
El was a superhero, super-powered and she was less complicated than these two.
Eddie was late for the team meeting. He was never late. On top of the worry about their DM, Dustin had overhead Chrissy ask Robin worriedly if she had seen yn anywhere.
With both of them missing alarm filled the Hellfire boys.
"You don't think they actually killed each other do you?" Lucas asks in horror and Jeff calms him down.
"No, Eddie would never hurt her, and vice versa, it's all words and annoying the hell out of each other, they'll show up"
Meanwhile in the woods...
They had been arguing again, she wasn't sure what over this time. Eddie said something sarcastic, she replied, and then they were fighting.
Now they were lost in the woods near the school, and due to the yelling at each other, neither of them noticed how far in the woods they were.
"This is all your fault," she tells Eddie who stops pacing and rolls his eyes.
"My fault! I was in the middle of a deal when you came marching up to me and accused me of stealing your precious boyfriend's letterman jacket"
"Eric is not my boyfriend" she replies and feels a headache coming on. He was impossible, he never listened.
"Whatever princess" the princess nickname made her fume and she stalks up to him.
"Why do I have to be stuck in the woods with you of all people? You are arrogant, rude, mean" he chimes in.
"Oh like you're a Saint? Remember Nicola Brown? She sat beside me and asked me if I would like to hang out and you got all angry because my attention wasn't on you for five minutes, you're bitchy, you're mean and dramatic"
"Says you? Eddie Munson who makes a scene every day in the cafeteria. God, I can't stand you"
Eddie smirks, he's so close to her now and her whole body feels like it's on fire.
"Feelings very mutual princess" the tension between them explodes and before she can even think about what she's doing she kisses him or maybe he kisses her?
Either way, fireworks go off in her head and Eddie is moaning softly he backs her up against a tree, her legs wrap around his waist and it feels so good that she doesn't want to stop.
Their clothes begin to litter the forest ground and she can't think of anything except Eddie being buried deep inside her and their moans that fill the air.
Eddie walks into the club meeting with a strange look on his face. It's a mix of being totally blissed out and freaked out.
"What the fuck happened to you man?" Jeff asks and he shakes his head.
"Woods, got lost"
"What and you got tangled up in a bush?" Gareth jokes and motions to the twigs and leaves in Eddie's hair.
"I got tangled up in something" he replies dazed and sits down leaving the boys at a loss to what the hell happened in the woods.
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strangeswift · 1 year
Will had assumed —reasonably so, he thought— that a year into the actual apocalypse, birthdays wouldn't be a very big deal. Maybe a passing acknowledgement, if that. Really, it felt a little selfish to expect anything at all. 
Like, People are dead, and your friend is still in a coma. She might not wake up. Congratulations on being alive, asshole. 
Though admittedly, for Will specifically, being alive was sort of an accomplishment in itself at this point, given everything. And Will was happy to be alive. Most of the time, at least. 
He just didn't expect anyone to throw a party about it. 
It wasn’t until Will groggily descended the Wheeler's stairs and spotted the notebook paper sign strung up in the kitchen, Happy Birthday Will, distinctly in Mike’s handwriting, that Will realized they were indeed doing the birthday thing. It still felt weird, but he couldn’t help the embarrassed smile that spread across his face as everyone in the kitchen sang Happy Birthday to him. Nor could he help the hammering in his chest when Mike made his way over to him and slung his arm across his shoulders midway through the song.
All in all, the day was fairly uneventful after that. They let him have the last can of SpaghettiOs for lunch while everyone else had watery vegetable soup, which was nice. 
He didn't have to go on the supply run they had planned for the day. Actually, he would rather have gone, especially since Mike went, but Mike was oddly insistent that Will stay behind, so he did. It wasn't until after Mike returned that Will found out why he had to stay behind. 
"Can you just trust me?” Mike asked.
“I do trust you,” Will said, “It’s just that letting the clumsiest person I know lead me down stairs blindfolded is a little nerve-racking.”
“I’m not gonna let you fall. Jesus,” Mike said, exasperated, as he slowly led Will down the basement stairs, “Just three more steps.”
Once they reached the bottom, Will asked, “Can I take this off now?” gesturing to the bandana that was tied over his eyes.
Mike answered by taking it off for him, and Will blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. Mike looked incredibly pleased with himself, and Will soon saw why.
On the coffee table, set out on a plate, were two perfectly square brownies with chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles on top. A lit candle was sticking out of one of them.
"Where did you get these?" Will asked in disbelief. None of them had tasted anything sweet in months. "I know damn well you didn’t get this shit at the grocery store. Or Melvald's."
Mike grinned sheepishly. "Don't worry about it."
Will frowned "You– Where did you go for this?"
“Doesn’t matter,” Mike said, “just blow out your candle!”
“Mike,” Will said, crossing his arms.
Mike sighed, "You're relentless, you know that?"
Will looked at him expectantly. 
"The gas station on the other side of town, but it’s not a big–"
"Mike!" Will scolded, "What the hell is wrong with you? You went all the way across town? That is so not safe!"
Mike shrugged. "I didn’t go alone. I had Nancy and her big ass gun to keep me company,” he said, “Besides, it was for a good cause?” he tried.
“You’re an idiot,” Will said, grinning in spite of himself.
Mike grabbed his hand, and Will tried to ignore the fluttering in his stomach as Mike led him to sit on the couch in front of the coffee table.
Once they were sitting, Mike dropped his hand, but he stayed close. He knocked their knees together. “Go on. Make a wish,” he said quietly.
Will shook his head, searching Mike’s eyes. “I don’t have one,” he said.
Mike cocked his head. “There’s nothing you want?” he asked, a teasing smirk on his face.
Oh. Well, Will could think of one thing.
“I mean, maybe,” Will said, averting his eyes, “It’s stupid, though.”
“If it’s what you want, it’s not stupid,” Mike said firmly.
“Well, it’s embarrassing,” Will amended, flicking his eyes back to Mike, who leaned in, ever so slightly.
“I’m sure it’s not,” Mike said, “But you don’t have to tell me, anyway. Actually, you can’t tell me. If you do then it won’t come true.”
Will huffed a laugh. “I wouldn’t tell you anyway.”
"Fine," Mike said, "blow out your candle, make your secret wish."
Will laughed and leaned forward, blowing carefully on the candle and watching the small flame flicker and fade into a wisp of smoke.
"Think it'll come true?" Mike asked.
"I don't– I mean, probably not," Will said, "I'm still not telling you, though."
“Really?” Mike asked, pouting. “Can I guess? I think if I guess it, the wish is still valid.”
“I think you’re just making up wish rules now,” Will teased.
“Maybe,” Mike conceded. “Can I guess anyway?” he asked, leaning even closer – and god, he had no idea what he was doing to Will, did he?
Will raised his eyebrows. “You have guesses?”
“I have one,” Mike said.
It was a bad idea, Will thought, to let Mike guess. A very bad idea.
“Please, share,” Will said.
"Okay..." Mike said nervously, "Yeah, okay." His cheeks went a little pink, and he flicked his gaze down to Will’s lips. Or– No, that was probably… Wishful thinking. 
“God, I hope I’m right about this,” Mike breathed, and he leaned in even closer, so close their noses were almost touching. Will watched with wide eyes as Mike brought shaky hands up to cup his jaw.
Mike let out a breath, and Will could feel it on his lips. 
Mike closed his eyes, pressed forward, and kissed him.
Kissing Mike was nothing like Will expected it to be. It was soft and slow, and Will wanted to melt into it. He wanted to stay in the moment forever. If Vecna did come for him, that was the happy thought he would run to. He wouldn't even need music, just the memory of Mike's lips against his – that would be enough. 
Mike pulled back, and Will resisted the urge to chase him.
"Did I guess right?" Mike asked breathlessly, letting his hands slide down to rest gently on the sides of Will's neck.
"What?" Will asked, dazed. 
"Your wish," Mike said.
"Oh," Will said. "Yeah. That was– Yeah."
Mike beamed. "Cool," he said.
"Cool," Will repeated, a smirk playing at his lips.
Mike leaned back. "Now eat your birthday cake," he instructed. 
Will picked up one of the brownies. "These are gas station brownies," he pointed out.
"Birthday cake," Mike insisted. 
Will took a bite. It was heavenly. 
"Oh my god," he groaned, "I've missed sugar."
Mike picked up the other brownie, taking a bite. "Oh. Wow, yeah. Holy shit," he said, taking another bite. 
"It's so good," Will said, laughing giddily. He popped the last bite in his mouth.
Mike smiled warmly. "Happy birthday, Will."
"Thanks," Will said, "but if you ever risk your life for brownies again–"
"Oh come on," Mike said, "Cut me some slack. I was romancing you."
Will's eyes went wide. "You– What?" he squeaked. 
Mike flushed. "I mean– Whatever."
Will burst out laughing, and Mike couldn't help but join him. Somehow, Will felt years worth of tension dissolving as he laughed so hard tears began to form.
After a couple of minutes, they settled into comfortable silence, grinning at each other. "I want to kiss you again," Mike announced.
"Well, if that’s what you want," Will said, leaning in.
And for a little while, nothing else mattered. Just Mike, who was warm and tasted like chocolate, who was romancing him with stolen brownies and kissing him like he needed it.
It was a good birthday. 
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love-kurdt · 5 months
Swooping, Sloping, Cursive Letters: 6
word count: 604
warning: homophobia
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December 15, 1987
Dear Will,
I walked into my house after spending the night at your place, and the first thing my dad asked me was, “You and Jane get back together yet?” And I explained to him, once a-motherfucking-gain, that no, Jane and I are not getting back together, and that we mutually agreed that we’re better off as friends. Then he remarked something along the lines of why I’m always at the Byers-Hopper house, if not to see my Sweetie Pie, and I had to keep my composure for long enough to tell him, “I was hanging out with Will, dad.” 
He laughed in a way that was so mean, Will. It was cruel, mocking, and slightly angry. I ran upstairs and had to look at your art until I felt better. But his laugh was still there, in my head. It’s like he knows about me, even when I haven’t explicitly told him. And he never gives up an opportunity to ridicule me, regardless of if I’m rumored to be, or actually , gay.
It got worse over dinner, when my mom asked me about how my time at your house was. She phrased it as “How did last night go at Will’s?” Not Jane’s. That made me so fucking happy for some reason. My mom is so kind without even trying to be. I genuinely have no idea why she and my dad are still married– they’re, like, polar opposites, and not in the good way where opposites attract. But I told her we had a nice time, and she smiled, and told me she was glad before going back to her sweet potato casserole. I’ll bring some the next time we hang out, I know you love it.
Anyway, back to my dad. He snorted, as if spending time with my best friend was the funniest fucking thing to ever happen in the history of the Wheeler family. I wracked my brain to try and figure out what was such a huge joke to him, but he continued on, saying, “I swear, kid, it’s like he’s your little boyfriend or something.” Then I snapped. You won’t be proud of me for this, because I yelled and stuff, but I hope you’ll at least see me as brave after I tell you this.
I turned to my dad with a wild look in my eyes (probably), and said some shit like, “Yeah, me and my boyfriend, Will Byers, had such a great time last night! We stared longingly into each others’ eyes for hours , then we cuddled, then we kissed, and then we got each other off ! It was so hot, Dad. Truly. I wish you could’ve seen –”
But then my dad roared at me to go to my room, which shut me up, thankfully . I don’t know what would have happened if I let my mouth keep running. I most likely would've outed myself. I didn’t, though, so I decided to get out of there before my dad changed his mind. I ran up the stairs and locked my door and now I’m sitting here at my desk, writing this letter that you’ll never read. I know what I said was a lot. I mean, it was pretty vulgar. Plus, it's never actually happened, and it never will happen. So I'm sorry about that.
Bottom line, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to come out to my parents. At least, not to my dad. He wouldn’t let me out of that conversation with my heart still beating.
Here’s to being in the closet for life, I guess.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
You want angst? I got some angst for you. Best friend!reader who has been in love with Eddie for years and he finally starts to date her. But then she finds out it’s only because he’s trying to get over Chrissy. I love youuuu 💚
- @corroded-hellfire xoxo
You: Eddie x Reader angst, please. Me: Chrissy x Reader fluff? You got it!
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Warnings: mentions of smut (18+ minors DNI), bisexual!Reader, bisexual!Chrissy, mention of male masturbation, allusion to dacryphilia, Eddie is an idiot and not in a cute way
WC: 2.3k
A/N: My first time writing Chrissy x Reader; please be kind!
If someone took a Hellfire Club meeting, subtracted the matching shirts, and added beer, it would equal Jeff’s graduation party. The guys just finished a D&D campaign and are now hanging out in the kitchen, arguing over who gets to choose the radio station. 
“Baby,” Eddie murmurs in your ear, one arm slung over your shoulder, “will you please tell Henderson that Duran Duran is not party music?” You giggle as he presses a sloppy kiss to your cheek. Back at the start of senior year–your first and only, his third and last–the two of you were just friends, but you’d always hoped for something more. So when he kissed you on Halloween, tasting like cigarettes and Reese's peanut butter cups, it was practically a dream come true.
Dustin rolls his eyes and flips him off. “Stop making your girlfriend do all your dirty work for you.” He leans over and turns the volume up even louder, shooting Eddie a smug look.
“Aww, but I love when she does dirty stuff,” Eddie taunts, and you smack the back of your hand against his chest. “Ow!”
“Don’t be gross,” you warn him, but when he brings his arm around your waist and pulls you in for another kiss, your irritation melts away. You can hear Mike Wheeler making retching noises, but you’re too wrapped up in Eddie to care.
You finally break away to excuse yourself to the restroom, both your lips and Eddie’s swollen from the day’s various makeout sessions. The whole summer stretches ahead of you, and you plan on spending as much of it with Eddie as possible before you leave for college. The two of you already have a plan: he’ll stay in Hawkins for a year to work at the plant with Wayne, save up money, and move to Indianapolis with you. You’ll live on campus until Eddie comes, and then you can get an apartment together.
You’re reapplying lip gloss when you hear your name come up in conversation, and your ears prick up.
“So, you and Y/N got it all figured out?” Gareth asks your boyfriend, who relays your future plans to his friend.
“Nice,” Jeff chimes in, clapping Eddie on the back. “We’re happy for you, dude.”
“Yeah, man,” says Lucas. “And we’re especially glad you’re finally over Chrissy.”
You can’t help the way your face falls slightly. It’s no secret that Eddie had harbored a crush on the head cheerleader for years, but you still feel a pathetic twinge of jealousy at the mention of her name. But he’s yours now, you remind yourself, trying to cheer up.
Jeff’s laugh interrupts your thoughts. “I told you; there’s no better way to get over Chrissy than to get Y/N under you.”
“Shut up, man!” Eddie hisses, but it’s too late. You’ve heard everything.
The guys are silent as the bathroom door slowly creaks open. Tears are falling from your eyes, sliding down the cheeks that Eddie had just kissed moments earlier. “I-I’m gonna go,” you choke out, grabbing your bag and dashing out of Jeff’s house as fast as your legs will carry you.
“Shit—sweetheart, wait!” Eddie calls out, running after you. You ignore him, but he catches up in just a few strides. “Baby, baby, please talk to me.”
“Why did you kiss me on Halloween?” you blurt out, swiping at your eyes. “Tell me!”
Eddie swallows the lump in his throat. “I was selling at a party, and I saw Chrissy leave with Carver,” he mumbles. “And the guys said that you had a crush on me and—and that I should just go for it, because I needed to move on from her…”
“And I wouldn’t say no,” you finish for him, a harsh laugh leaving your throat. “You could get your dick wet and I wouldn’t know any better, is that it?”
“No,” Eddie shakes his head, vehemently denying your accusation. “No, baby, I—”
“Don’t fucking call me that!” you seethe, clenching your fists. 
It’s Eddie’s turn to cry now, and a sliver of satisfaction worms its way into your pain. “It was never about sex,” he says softly. “Yeah, okay, I asked you out to get over her. But I genuinely love you, okay? God, I love you so fucking much.” He reaches for your hands, but you pull them away and turn back towards your car. 
“No, you don’t,” you mutter, just loud enough for him to hear. “Maybe you think you do, but when you love someone, you don’t fuck with their emotions like you did. Tell me, what would you have done if the kiss wasn’t good? Or you didn’t like being with me? Would you have kept on pretending? For how long?” 
Eddie’s silent, gnawing at his lower lip. “I-I don’t know,” he finally stammers out. 
Through misty eyes, you take one last look at him. “Did it work, Eddie? If Chrissy Cunningham showed up right now and professed her love for you, who would you choose?” His hesitation tells you everything you need to know. “That’s what I fucking thought.” You yank open the driver’s side door and slam it shut before speeding down the road. 
With the help of your friends and myriad flavors of Haagen-Daaz, you’d managed to get through your first Eddie-less summer in years. Even before you were dating, you’d been attached at the hip. Now, you've done your best to avoid him. 
College move-in day comes and goes, and you eagerly anticipate the first day of classes. The campus is huge, so when you finally find your English lit class in Kinney Hall, you plop into the first available seat. 
What you don’t realize is that you’ve chosen to sit right next to Chrissy fucking Cunningham. 
“Y/N, right?” she asks. Her strawberry blonde hair falls in gentle waves. “It’s so nice to see a familiar face around here. That whole ‘small fish, big pond’ saying is totally true.”
“Mhm,” you reply tersely. You have to mentally tell yourself that she’s not at fault here, and you attempt to smile. 
Chrissy picks up on your resistance. “Is everything okay?” Worry creases her forehead, and you realize she’s genuinely concerned. 
You sigh. “It’s a long story; wanna grab coffee after class?”
“I’d love that.” She reaches over and squeezes your hand, and you feel a spark jolt through your body. 
You relay the saga to Chrissy over steaming lattes in the dining hall. Her crystal blue eyes widen when she hears how Eddie used you to move on from his crush on her. 
“What a little weasel!” she shouts, slapping her hand over her mouth when other students glare at her. “Men are the absolute worst.” She takes a sip of her coffee. 
You raise your eyebrows. “I take it you and Jason…”
Chrissy scoffs. “Over and out. He dumped me the day before I left, saying he ‘didn’t wanna be tied down,’ which is basically code for ‘I wanna fuck a bunch of sorority girls.”
“Well, now you can fuck a bunch of frat guys,” you jokingly offer. 
“Yeah,” she muses, averting her gaze to the ground, “or…or sorority girls.”
“Cool,” you say slowly. “I didn’t know…I mean, I’m really glad you can be yourself.” Why are you getting so tongue-tied around her? Sure, she’s beautiful, and sweet, and funny, and understanding…
The first time you kiss Chrissy Cunningham is in her dorm room. You’re both sitting cross-legged on the bed, proofreading each other’s midterm essays. 
“You know,” she starts, “I was always jealous of you in high school.” She laughs at the bewildered expression on your face. “I’m serious! Don’t give me that look!”
“I’m sorry, but I refuse to believe that the Queen of Hawkins High was jealous of me.”
Chrissy giggles again, and the sound is music to your ears. “I felt like I had to try so hard to be a version of myself that other people liked, even if I didn’t. But you’ve always been so…authentic. And people loved that about you.” 
“Well, I wanted to look as cute as you did in a cheerleader uniform, so we’re even.” Your cheeks heat up at your admission, and you try to move on. “Plus, you were always so nice to everyone. Like, you could’ve been a total bitch to anyone who was different, but you weren’t. Which, by the way, made it nearly impossible to hate you after the whole Eddie fiasco.”
But Chrissy’s still caught up on what you’d said previously. “You thought I looked cute?” A blush creeps into her cheeks. 
“Uh-huh,” you murmur, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Still do.” Before you can chicken out, you press your lips to hers. She tastes like strawberries, and you can’t get over how soft she is. It’s like you were made to kiss each other. 
You’re both wanting for one another, but nothing’s rushed or too hungry. Chrissy makes her way onto your lap, straddling your waist as though she’s done it a thousand times before. It’s not until you hook your pointer finger through her belt loop and tug her a bit closer that she realizes what she’s done. 
“Shit, I-I’m sorry,” she stutters. “Got lost in the moment, I guess.”
You shake your head. “No, I liked it. A lot.” Your nerves ease when you feel hers do the same, and you both smile. 
Chrissy presses her forehead to yours. “You’re so beautiful, y’know that?” she murmurs. Not used to receiving compliments, you just start to kiss her again. You never want to stop. 
The two of you become inseparable, with all of your new friends declaring you campus’ cutest couple. You practically live in each other’s dorm room, snuggled up in tiny twin beds. 
It’s everything you’ve ever wanted and more. 
So it’s no surprise that you continue this when you return to Hawkins for the holidays. You’re in your kitchen, watching Chrissy pour a bag of chocolate chips into a bowl of raw cookie dough. 
“You’re a natural, babe,” you tease. “Have you considered dropping out of college and going to culinary school?”
She plays along, draping her arms over your shoulders and saying, “but I would miss my pretty girlfriend too much!” Her dramatic pout makes you smile, and you kiss it tenderly. 
The doorbell rings, and you offer to get it while Chrissy mixes in the chocolate. 
You swing open the door, expecting to see your mom carrying in the groceries. Instead, Eddie’s standing there. His face lights up when he looks at you, completely juxtaposing your scowl.
“What do you want?” You can’t hide the anger in your voice; quite frankly, you don’t want to.
Eddie shoves his hands in his pockets. “Can I come in?” he asks timidly.
“O-Okay,” he stammers, running his fingers through his hair. “I just, um, I saw that you’re home from school and…God, I miss you s’fucking much,” he admits. His whole body sags with the confession. “I want you back…need you back, if you’ll take me. Unless you’re with some big-shot college guy now,” he adds wryly.
You stifle a laugh. “Not quite.” 
Right on cue, Chrissy flounces over to the entryway. “Baby, do you want me to put the cookies in the ov–oh,” she stops in her tracks and narrows her eyes. “Can we help you?”
“He was just leaving,” you reassure her, starting to close the door.
“Wait–did she just call you…” Eddie's eyes dart back and forth between you and Chrissy, trying to process what’s happening.
Chrissy snakes her arms around your waist, hugging you from behind. “I called her baby,” she repeats, pressing a chaste kiss below your earlobe. “Just a term of endearment for my girlfriend.”
You place your hands over hers as she nuzzles closer into you. “I figured if someone was worth ruining our relationship over, I should see what all the fuss was about.”
You think that Eddie’s eyes are going to pop out of his head. “But…but…you and me,” he says to you before turning his attention to your partner, “and…and you and Carver…”
“Yeah,” you retort, “it’s called bisexuality, dumbass. We like men and women.”
“But we only have eyes for each other,” Chrissy informs him. 
“Plus,” you add snidely, “no one’s faking anything in this relationship.” Chrissy bites down into your shoulder to keep herself from cackling at your insult.
“You–you didn’t fake–with me?” Eddie sputters, barely able to choke out a coherent thought.
“Oh, Eddie, right there, you’re soooo good,” you dramatically moan, and neither you nor Chrissy can hold back your laughter as his jaw drops. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have cookies to bake.” With that, you slam the door in your ex’s bewildered face.
“Babe, that was so badass,” Chrissy says, and you preen at her praise. “You know that pervert is gonna go home and yank it thinking about us, though, right?”
You roll your eyes. “I wouldn’t expect anything less. Probably gonna cry while he cums, too, because he knows he can’t have either one of us now.”
Chrissy wrinkles her nose. “Now that’s a visual I didn’t need.” You swat at her playfully, and she continues. “Not like how you made me cry when I came the other night, though. That was something totally different.” Her grin is mischievous, and you know exactly where this is leading.
“Wanna see if I can do that again?” you ask, cupping her cheeks and kissing her gently.
“You read my mind, baby.”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
A Valentine’s Day to Remember Eddie’s POV Part 1
This technically part 2. It will help to read this first. There are three parts like with the first story and will be put up once a day. I will tag for future parts if you want to be tagged, let me know. Preferably in the comments (I might miss them if you hide them in the tags ;) )
And the last part WILL be spicy. I will put the +18 under the cut so you know when it starts.
The Corroded Coffin boys were getting tired of Eddie mooning over Steve fucking Harrington. They didn’t have a problem with the guy himself. He had been a little douche-y in high school but they were so beyond the realm of King Steve that they weren’t even on the fucking map.
The problem was how Eddie kept talking him up.
“Dude,” Brian sighed. “Just ask him out. You know he’s bi. You know he hasn’t dated in months. Just...something. Please, you’re killing us.”
Eddie growled. “It’s fine for you lot. You’ve all got girlfriends. You know, people you can actually take out in public and be all over without people throwing bricks at you.”
Jeff raised a single eyebrow at him.
Eddie deflated. “I know it’s hard for you and Kelsey, too. But of the two of us, I am more likely to get beaten to death for loving a boy then you are for dating a white girl.”
Jeff cocked his head to the side and then nodded. “Fair enough.”
“So go out of Hawkins for your date,” Gareth suggested. “Take him somewhere that even if people saw two dudes, they wouldn’t immediately clock you as couple.”
Eddie sighed. “This is King Steve with all the Harrington moves and shit. In what world would I be able to take him out on a date that he hasn’t been on a dozen times before.”
The other boys shared glances and grimaces. Eddie had a point.
Brian clapped Eddie’s shoulder. “You’ll come up with something. You always do.”
Eddie walked into Family Video to return a tape and chat with his two favorite employees.
They weren’t at the front so he wandered around trying to find them when he heard Steve whining to Robin: “I’m just going to work and then hide in my room until the fifteenth and hope to hell not too many couples come in looking for a romantic movie to ignore after fifteen minutes while they make out.”
Holy shit. This was perfect.
So Eddie did the smart thing and offered to take Steve out. Create the perfect date. Because from what it sounded like, everyone wanted the Harrington ExperienceTM but not actually Steve. And that was positively heartbreaking.
But now he had to plan. And one week to do it in. Eddie wasn’t worried, though. He had put together a four hour one-shot in thirty minutes. He just needed to do a little research first.
First stop: Nancy Wheeler
When Nancy came by after Hellfire Club to pick up Mike and Will Eddie pulled her aside for a moment.
“Hey, soo...” he hummed. “Not be all awkward or anything, but I’m taking Steve out for Valentine’s day and I kinda wondered...”
Nancy folded her arms and huffed. “You want to know what our dates were like?”
Eddie nodded shoving his hair in front of his face.
“Just normal date things,” she said. “Dinner and movies and stuff like that.”
Eddie frowned. “You didn’t do anything fun?”
“It was fun,” she insisted. He raised a questioning eyebrow. “It was! Though, I think a couple of previous girlfriends broke him of doing spontaneous stuff like picnics and bowling.”
“That’s really depressing, Wheeler,” Eddie said softly.
Nancy sighed. “Yeah, it kinda was. He liked that sort of thing, but I think the girls were expecting to be wined and dined because his parents were rich.”
“Noted,” he said. “Thanks.” He patted her on the shoulder and smiled.
She cocked her head to the side as he walked away. ‘You don’t want to know things like his favorite color or favorite dish or anything like that?”
Eddie turned around and grinned. “Where’s the fun in that?”
She threw her arms in the air in frustration as he just skipped away.
His first stop after talk with Nancy and finding out Steve’s favorite flower, was the florist.
The little bell chimed over head as he walked in.
A very harried looking woman at the counter looked up at him in dread. “If you want roses you’re shit out luck. There is no place in the surrounding area that has them. Please don’t ask.”
Eddie grinned. “Then you, fair lady are in luck. Because I’m not looking for roses.”
She eyed him skeptically. “Yeah? What are you looking for then?”
He pulled out the piece of paper Steve had given him. “All-strow-mary-ahs?”
Her face cleared of fatigue and she blinked. “Alstroemarias?”
Eddie beamed. “That’s the one. I’m looking for six pink and six red.”
“Come with me,” the florist said waving him to follow her to the back room. Eddie bounced up to her and let her lead him to the cooler that held all her remaining flowers. The biggest section held these small lilies of every color. Orange, purple, blue, white, pink, red, even some with multiple colors.
“Are you sure you just want pink and red?” she asked, waving her arm at her selection.
“All these are al-alstr-” he stammered.
“I just call them alstroes,” she said taking pity on him. “It’s easier.”
Eddie sighed in relief. “So all these are alstroes?”
She nodded. “Pretty flower.”
He could only agree. The red ones were bright and not dark the way roses tended to be and the pink ones were the color of the blush on Steve’s cheeks when Eddie told him it was a unique choice. He loved them.
Eddie hummed. “Yup, just the two colors, please.”
The florist smiled. “When do you want them delivered?”
He blinked. “Um...would it…I mean, I would like to pick them up myself, if that’s okay.”
She shrugged. “Sure. People just prefer to get them delivered because the store could be pretty hectic that day.”
Eddie sighed in relief. “No, no. I want to hand them to them directly.”
If she noticed the absence of any gendered pronoun she wisely said nothing. “You can also write a card to go with if you’d like. Or you can choose a standard greeting.”
Eddie pursed his lips together and licked them nervously. “I’d like to write it myself.”
She handed him the card and a pen. He carefully wrote out the note, blushing darker than flowers he was about to buy.
He handed her the card back, shoving hair into his face.
The florist looked at the card and smiled. “The language of flowers. So that’s why you wanted the specific colors.”
Eddie nodded. “I got a book out from the library. Wanted to make Valentine’s day extra special.”
She filled out the order form and using a paper clip added the card to the front of it.
“When would you like to pick up the flowers?” she asked.
She wrote it down. “All right that will be $3.95.”
Eddie pulled out his wallet and paid the amount. This was the hardest part. Spending the money to make Steve happy. Not that he thought he had to spend a lot on Steve. No, the problem was that Eddie wanted to. But he also knew he had to keep to a budget as to not completely blow this out of proportion.
Whenever Eddie needed to know something over the course of the week, he would just ask Steve. Because just because his favorite color was green two years ago didn’t mean that it was still his favorite color. Which coincidentally it wasn’t.
Steve had called it baby blue but it was more cerulean. It was a pretty color blue if Eddie was pressed. It certainly brought out the hazel in his brown eyes.
Which was not a thing Eddie noticed. No. Nope. Nope. Not at all.
He called the florist to update the order to new color of tissue paper to wrap the flowers in. The florist nearly sobbed in relief when he said he didn’t want pink, red, or white.
Eddie had agreed to take his sheep to the arcade because he was going to be busy on Saturday. He knew that realistically that most of them had dates anyway, and wouldn’t want play that day either, but it was still something he could do for them instead of DMing that week.
“Look, man,” Eddie was complaining to Dustin, “I have a budget for this shit, I can’t just go to the fanciest restaurant in town and drop $20 on dinner. Not to mention this late in the game, there is no way I’m even going to get a foot in the door let alone get a reservation.”
They were waiting in the Wheeler’s front room on Mike, who was taking forever.
Nancy’s eyes narrowed.
“I’m coming with you to drop the kids off,” she announced just as Mike walked out.
“What? Why?” Mike asked.
“Because I need to go to the store, and Eddie can take me,” she said in the tone that booked no argument.
Eddie shrugged. “There’s plenty of room, I don’t see why not.”
She smiled, wrinkling her nose and Eddie gulped.
Eddie picked up the rest of the gremlins and dropped them off at the arcade. He turned to Nancy and said, “So what’s this really about?”
She smiled sweetly. “I’m going to teach how to make Steve’s favorite dishes and then you can decide candlelit dinner at your place or a picnic. I don’t really care which.”
Eddie blinked and then eyed her suspiciously. “Why are you helping me?”
Nancy sighed. “The one Valentine’s day Steve and I had together, I spent looking into Barb Holland’s death.” She looked down at her hands. “She was my best friend and I hated not knowing what happened to her. Steve was supportive. Because of course he was. But I threatened him that if he bought me so much as flowers or chocolates, I was going to shoot him.”
Eddie winced. “And then the last two Valentine’s days were just shit for the guy...”
She nodded. “I don’t think Steve’s had a good Valentine’s day since elementary.”
Eddie chewed his lip. “All right let’s do this. What all do we need?”
Nancy’s smile was sweeter as she patted his cheek.
Part 2 Part 3
Tag List: @zerokrox-blog @bidisastersworld @swimmingbirdrunningrock @madamonsieur-silvrene @artiststarme @samcoxramblings @maya-custodios-dionach @bejeweledbaby @spreckle  @a-little-unsteddie @krazyperson @princess-josephina @wonderland-girl143-blog @plutoshelm @newtstabber@bookbinderbitch @darkwitchoferie 
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theyaregayyourhonor · 2 years
I want a bad byler kiss
Mike missing Will lips and ending up kissing his chin because he's nervous
The awkward moment when you don't know where to put your nose, so it gets mushed
Teeth, I want them to hit their teeth together
I want it to be unperfect and cute and awkward but instead making you cring away the boys reaction makes you go 'aaaw'
Like Will can't stop smiling after the chin-kiss so they can't properly kiss
They are laughing at the fact that their nose is in the way so hard
Mike apologizing with super speed, words tripping over each other because of the teeth thing and Will just chuckles
I waited for this moment so long, I imagined more ways to screw it up than you can count to. So don't worry, Mike. Just kiss me.
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wtfsteveharrington · 2 years
Can we have “I really want to kiss you right now.” “Then do it.” with Robin! Please!
robin my love ♡ thank you for requesting! set s4, vol1 the night after max writes her letters but before she wakes up to draw for timeline (: word count: 647 this made me sappy
You and Robin were left in charge of watching over the group from 2-6 in the morning. Max had managed to doze off, thankfully, and the two of you were trying to sit as quietly as possible. A true feat for you and Robin. 
The rest of the group was spread out on the couches and chairs while you two sat with your backs leaning against the desk in the other corner of the room. Your hands were twisted together as the two of you competed in a fierce thumb war. Robin has your thumb pressed firmly down against your fist and you throw your head back with annoyance as she wins again. 
Her voice is soft in your ear, hands still laced together. “Warned you I’m good with my fingers. It’s kinda my thing.” You’re giving a quiet gasp and reaching over with your hand that’s not still tangled with Robin’s to playfully smack her arm. “You did not just say that!” The two of you are trying to hold back laughter which makes the situation even more funny. Fine, maybe the late night and lack of sleep was playing a role too.
As you start to settle down you let your head rest on Robin’s shoulder, staring across the room at your sleeping friends. Letting yourself savor what could very well be one of the last “normal” moments you all get together. 
It’s that line of thought that has you giving Robin’s hand a small squeeze while you look up at her. “Can I be honest with you?” She’s looking down at you, faces already so close together. Your heart’s giving a nervous tug as you take in her features. “Yeah, always.” 
Inhaling one deep breath from your nose, your gaze falls on her lips. “I really want to kiss you right now.” Robin’s eyes go wide and you watch as her tongue licks across her bottom lip on instinct. A moment of silence as you both let what was said sink in before she finally responds with - “Then do it.” 
You’re leaning up, pressing a gentle kiss against the corner of her mouth as you test the waters. Robin’s giving you a soft gasp at the touch and her hand that’s not connected with yours is now resting on your cheek. You may have started the kiss but she’s happily taking the lead. There’s still a faint taste of cinnamon gum on her tongue the two of you tried chewing an hour ago to wake yourselves up with. 
The two of you sit like that, lazily kissing one another to pass the rest of your watch shift, until the sun’s starting to peak in through the basement windows. Robin giggles as you interrupt when a moan turns into a gasp against your will. 
Steve’s coming down the stairs at 5:57 a.m. with an arms full of snacks and drinks for the crew to wake up to. Stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of you fast asleep while leaning into Robin’s side. He catches her eye, cocking his head and giving such a proud, shit eating grin while motioning between the two of you. Robin’s biting down on her bottom lip, cheeks heating up and she gives a dopey smile back to him in response. 
He’s bringing a blanket over to the two of you, sitting it around both of your shoulders. Steve ruffles his fingers through her hair, walking away with this impressed chuckle because holy shit Robin finally kissed you. You stir a little as Robin adjust the two of you, eyes never fully opening but you feel her pull you in closer. Keeping you safe. It takes minutes before the two of you are passed out on the floor of Mike Wheeler’s basement with a little more hope that things might turn out alright than a few hours before. 
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cazperx-x · 2 years
Hello there!!! May I request a suuuper fluffy piece for Gareth? Maybe where you’ve been friends since you were little, and you both love each other but think the other doesn’t (so cliche I know but it makes my heart happy) and the hellfire boys are tired of it so they do their best to get y’all together and adorable-ness ensues? If possible, thank you so much!! 💕💕💕
Thanks so much for the request!
Gareth Emerson x Fem!reader
Summary is basically the request
1.3k words
"So close! Try again!" You giggled as Gareth missed for what had to be the 100th time. 
It was lunch, and Gareth had been trying to throw a tater-tot in your mouth the entire time. The rest of the table was audibly groaning, and Mike had a very readable look of disgust on his face. 
"Are you sure they're not dating and just very, very bad at hiding it?" Dustin whispered to Eddie. 
"Sadly, I'm sure. "
"Are we gonna do anything about it?" Lucas questioned. 
"Please do something, I don't think I can watch this for much longer without vomiting," Mike muttered.
"You're right. Freshmen, it's time to get the childhood best friends together once and for all." Eddie smirked. 
“God they’re such a cliché,” 
The boys spent the rest of the week trying to get you and Gareth together, like sticking notes in you or Gareth’s lockers (turns out you two already did that) and saying it was from the other or making comments whenever Gareth called you a pet name. 
“What's up buttercup?”
“Buttercup? Doesn’t that sound like something a boyfriend would call a girlfriend?”
“Shut up Lucas.”
It got to the point where Eddie even got your friends outside of Hellfire involved. 
“Look, Y/n, all I’m saying is I see the way he looks at you. And c’mon, he calls you stuff like “Honeysuckle” and “Lovebug” Isn’t it obvious?” 
“Since when have you been one to play matchmaker Alex?” 
“Whatever. Just saying.”
None of their tactics were working, so by the end of the week, the boys devised a much more straightforward plan.
You worked at the local arcade, right next to family video.
Just before your shift ended, a familiar boy ran in, out of breath. 
"Wheeler? Did you run all the way here?" You chuckled. 
"L/n! Uhh, yes actually. Last minute change. There's a hellfire campaign starting tonight that we need you to sub for because Lucas had a last-minute basketball thing. It starts at 8 pm." Mike practically wheezed, still out of breath. 
" ’Kay, I’ll be there. But you realize you could've just called right-?"
You walked up to the clubroom, only to see a giddy Eddie, Dustin, Mike, and Lucas waiting outside the room. 
"Hi! Are we supposed to go into the clubroom or..?" You questioned, feeling as though something was off.
"It's a common tradition that the Dungeon Master enters the room last." Dustin quickly explained. 
"Well, then why are you guys out here-?"
"Eddie gets lonely out here," Lucas said, patting Eddie on the shoulder. "So we wait with him."
"Yep," Eddie said through gritted teeth. 
"Lucas? Wait if you're here who am I subbing for?"
"Just get in the room." Mike practically screamed, before pushing you in. 
You stumbled into the room, which as far as you knew was not set up for a DnD game. There were light candles, dim lighting, rose petals sprinkled on the table and floor, and... Gareth. 
"Helloo?" You awkwardly asked more than said, which made Gareth jump. 
"Oh hey!" he waved before his eyes widened. "I-I see how this might look, and I promise I didn't set any of this up. Mike shoved me in here and locked the door. I mean we're just best friends! Nothing romantic." Gareth quickly explained, his voice uneasy.
“Oh yeah. O-of course.” 
Soon you heard the door click and realized you’d both been locked in. 
“ L/n, Gareth has something to tell you. Something verryyy important.” Eddie shouted, emphasizing the word very.
You quickly turned to Gareth, whose face was bright red. “I-I don’t know what Eddie’s talking about.” He stuttered out before practically running to the door and banging on it. 
"What the fuck are you doing Munson?" 
“Sorry Gareth, this doors not unlocking until you tell L/n what's been bugging youuu.” Eddie said in a sing-song tone. “Oh, and I'm sure L/n'll have something pleasant to say about it. Now I’m taking the freshmen for a drive, by the time we get back you better have told each other what you need to.”
Gareth groaned and fell against the door as you both heard footsteps walking away. There were a few minutes of comfortable silence as you walked around the clubroom and Gareth just sat by the door with his head in his hands. 
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, your heart was beating a mile a minute. You and Gareth had been best friends since you were both six when he was trying to skateboard and nearly crashed into you while you were biking. 
“Watch it, nerd!”
“Sorry, princess.”
“I’m not a princess, nerd.”
“Oh yeah? Then what are you and why are you riding a pretty pink bike?”
“I’m Y/n L/n. And this is a hand-me-down from my sister.”
“ I’m Gareth Emerson. I got this skateboard for Christmas.”
"Well you need to keep practicing buddy."
"I bet I'm better than you!"
"Let me see the skateboard, nerd."
You couldn't help but smile to yourself while thinking of the day you two met, and other childhood memories. When you skipped school to goof off at the arcade, all the sleepovers, or that one time you slipped down a muddy trench during an especially rainy spring and Gareth found you in the pouring rain and helped you home. You figured that was the day you fell in love. Your parents didn’t even notice you were gone.
You'd been zoned out for who knows how long, trapped in the clubroom for even longer.
“Helllooo? Princess?” Gareth’s voice was soft, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Augh, I told you to stop calling me that.” You rolled your eyes.
“Did you even hear what I said?”
“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“I asked why your smile is so pretty,” he said matter of factly like there was no doubt about it.
“W-what?” You stuttered, his sudden complement catching you off guard.
“Why is your smile so pretty?” Gareth tilted his head like a dog while giving you puppy dog eyes. God that man was the human embodiment of a golden retriever. 
The most you could do was shrug before burying your head in your hands, afraid you were blushing. 
“I’m sorry.” Gareth’s voice was barely a whisper, so quiet you were surprised you even heard it. 
You looked up to see Gareth shaking his head, looking away from you and off to the side.
“Sorry for what?”
You frowned and walked over to him, sitting down beside him. 
“Well, what’s everything?”
“All this.” He motioned to the room. “Promise?”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “Promise what?”
“You’ll still want to be my friend after this? After the shocking news I'm about to reveal?”
You giggled and nodded. “I’ll never not want to be your friend Gareth Emerson. Promise”
“Okay, good cause I’ve like… had the biggest crush on you since we were eight.” When the words were out of his mouth, Gareth brace himself as if he was expecting something catastrophic to happen, or you to slap him. 
Instead, you smiled and cupped his face in your hands. 
“Can I kiss you?”
Gareth nodded, his face turning a light shade of pink. 
You softly pressed your lips against his, and he moved you closer. 
Close. This was as close as you'd ever gotten. And as close as you wanted to be, yet still not enough. 
Gareth pulled away, a big goofy grin on his face. 
“Well, you have me beat Emerson.” You giggled. 
“I think I’ve had a crush on you since the trench incident which was when we were…” you trailed off, trying to remember the exact age. 
“Ten.” Gareth quickly finished the sentence for you.
“Yeah, yeah ten.”
“So that means I win by two years.” He smugly declared. 
You rolled your eyes with a grin and shook your head. 
“Can I sit in your lap?”
Gareth acted like he was thinking about it for a moment. “Sorry, lap privileges are reserved for my gorgeous girlfriend.” He teased. 
You pouted, crossing your arms. 
“I could be your girlfriend.”
“I’d love that.” 
“...Can I sit in your lap now?”
Gareth chuckled, before patting his lap and putting his arms out. “Come here honeysuckle.”
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bugnirvana · 2 years
🤔🤔mike wheeler with a male reader like cuddling really early in the morning and saying dumb shit to each other 🤭 does that make any sense LMAO THIS IS MY FIRST TIME REQUESTING SOMETHING TO ANYBODY MB IF I DID IT WRONG 🤭🤭🤭
🍏🌙”what are apples made of?”🌙🍎 [Mike Wheeler x Reader]
warning(s):fluffy shit, mike wheeler being stupid and tired, dumb as hell ‘i-just-woke-up’ thoughts, possibly out of character mike but whatever, also a lot of cursing. Ppl put warnings for that right?
terms used: he/him, boyfriend
ok I love this prompt so much. also congratulation!!!!you are the first ever fanfic request I’ve ever gotten. my future employers will see this blog and be like “hmm. yeah this is a good employee!”
anyway there is a SEVERE lack of mike wheeler with male readers, I hate it. give the little mushroomhead some love for the boys! I rlly hope you enjoy this! it was really fun to write.I didn’t really have any season specific Mike Wheeler in mind so it’s up to ur imagination (personally I see season 4 Mike, but hey that’s just me)! Enjoy. Sorry if it sucks, it’s incredibly short. I didn’t have many ideas for dumbass shit that would be accurate to the period 😭
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It was around 4 or so in the morning and you were staying over at your boyfriend, Mike Wheeler’s house. You had just told your mom that you were going to stay at his house for a sleepover with your friendgroup. You, however, had lied. Nobody else was there, it was just you and Mike, just existing in one another’s arms.
The both of you hadn’t slept at all, not because you were getting up to any teenage activities, but instead that you were just being total nerds together. Still getting no sleep nonetheless, but thank god it had been a Saturday night or else both of your asses would have been dead that morning. The most part, again, you had just been cuddling and being stupid nerds.
It had been a hot minute since Mike had last spoken to you, so you took a moment and attempted to get some shuteye. Mike decided that at that moment, he was going to bother you again from your attempt to sleep.
“Hey [N/N], what do you think apples are made of?”
Ex? Fucking? S’cuse? You?
“Michael Wheeler. You woke me up to ask me what apples were made of?” You whisper yelled.
“It’s a very important question!” he retorted. “Like, I know they’re made of matter and elements and stuff, but why don’t they make apple an element of its own?”
“I dunno, maybe because it’s not an element on its own,” you giggled.
“But like, it’s all naturally occurring right? So why not?” Michael thought aloud. “Like, it’s a compound of stuff and everything but…” he trailed off.
“Darling, dear, dearest.… I think you just answered your own question,” you said, playing with his hair. “Seriously, I think it’s time for the both of us to go to sleep.”
“But like..science and stuff. You know, that cool thing that we like. Yeah. Science..science rocks.” You could hear how tired he was in his voice, not even minding him yawning.
This boy. He was going to be the death of you. The very, very cute death of you.
“Mike….go to sleep. Please,” you begged. “Or, at the least, let ME sleep dude.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll let you sleep.” He said, sighing in defeat, finally relaxing and with you playing with his hair. “I’m lucky that you’re my boyfriend…even though we can’t really be public about it,” he confessed. “I love you, like, a lot.”
Your face lit ablaze, hiding your face by scooching up close to him and nuzzling into his neck. “I love you like a lot, too.”
You found him to be really warm, him finding you to be warm, too. It was genuinely very comfortable. The both of you stayed in each other’s arms for the rest of your stay, facing one another and just enjoying the company of one another before blissfully falling into the abyss of sleep.
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yeah I’m sorry if this sucks 😭 usually I’ll write longer stuff but I’m not very good with Mike wheeler characterization. I can and will rewrite this . I don’t have anyone proofreading this shit, so I’m sorry if anything doesn’t english very well. again. so fucking short but it’s just mike wheeler being all stupid and fluffy and shit. Yeah. Enjoy. I’m tired lol this really isn’t good grammatically
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