#michael is just a boy. michael with his mask on is an entity of evil. it's the curse...
michaelmyaers · 2 years
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𝙷𝙰𝙻𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝙴𝙽   𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃         :         ¹͟⁹͟⁶͟³͟          ...      ...      THE   BIRTH   OF   𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐘   𝐌𝐀𝐍.
do   not   reblog.
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Pls take this random assortment of dsmp “hcs” (which is actually just me rambling out my ass but we love to see it//)
- Sam just like gets really fuccn energetic in a thunderstorm... like just hyperactive but also like v strong..... also immune to electrocution :)
- He’s also like all creepers are, shit terrified of cats which is v funny considering he’s sorta friends with ant
- Even funnier if u want to take the ‘canon’ fact of ant being a whole ass 20 feet tall
- Speaking of ant and this absolutely isn’t a hc but I just find it very funny that people draw humanoid versions of all of the non human characters EXCEPT for ant who I have only ever seen drawn as a cat ghgh
- Bads skin colour is deadass vantablack like if he holds his hand in front of his face it just seemingly vanishes and you can’t pick out where his hand ends and face begins
- I want him to look terrifying.... like absolutely massive a complete unit of a man, sharp ass teeth, sharp spikes and horns, sharp claws, white glowing eyes........... but he’s just like “owo” at all times ghgh
- Skeppy has chronic pain from the diamonds growing inside his body and out of his skin... sometimes he ramps up how cheerful he is to try and hide how much pain he’s in that day
- Ranboo’s body is longer on his enderman side and so he physically can’t stand up straight unless his shorter leg is on a slope
- He’s half silverfish... mainly cause I think that’s funny like hehe both those and endermen are linked to the end/stronghold and can break blocks
- This does also mean he joins bad and skeppy in the ‘help I am v spiky’ club tho
- Also also like absolutely none of his clothes fit cause his limbs are so disproportionately long so rip his ankles in the tundra I guess
- Shortza supremacy
- Sapnap... blaze boy..... I want him to steam when he angy...... v warm to the touch and all of the dteam lay on top of him when it’s cold lmao
- George is like some weird ass mushroom man.... like he looks completely human for the most part but he’s not he just never tells anyone cause he has the mentality of ‘well no one ever asked?’ Or ‘it didn’t seem important’
- When he’s in danger the surrounding plants try to help him (like lmao there’s a war goin on? Nah just take a nap and miss out so you won’t get hurt :) )
- Imagine how much funnier the lmanberg saga would be if schlatt just looked like his profile icon rather than his mc skin.... just cute tiny sheep man in a sweater... I think it’d be like that one gif of the teddy bear slamming its head onto the table to acquire angy eyebrows
- Dreams has symmetrical white patches down the front of skin... kinda like vitiligo but not? Like deadass pure white
- I also kinda just imagine him having creepy solid black eyes ghgh (haha it’s cause he’s possessed)
- He’s immortal and kinda just snapped tbh like half the reason his actions are so manipulative, selfish and drastic are both because he’s so desperate to have control over things in his life and because low-key he kinda hopes that people will find a way to kill him off or get rid of the thing possessing him (I just want a happy ending :( make him not evil pls my poor heart can’t take a non happy for everyone ending//)
- Puffy is fluffy :) I will not elaborate further
- Revived people have creepy blacked out maybe kinda glowing eyes.... paler skin.... scars and phantom pains from their injuries....
- Phil just deadass found Wilbur hiding inside a fridge and took him home with him... wil just assumed the fridge was his mom and Phil found it too funny to correct him
- Tubbo is a moobloom hybrid and all the bees love him ok 💛
- I think it would be funny if dream just deadass can’t see shit through his mask rap considering all the feats he has done
- Phil is v old and ‘wise’ but is also fairly detached from reality as a result cause he can’t really remember what earlier parts of his life were like to understand how other people act
- I also think it’d be hilarious if he ironically had like 0 life skills... cooking? He’s shit at it. Sleep schedule? Never heard of it. Taxes? Isn’t that a state?
- The floors in the tundra trios homes are constantly being ruined by techno having hooves and Phil and maybe ranboo having claws... like u no how u can like dent and scrape a wooden floor with heels? Kinda like that
- Speaking of those three I also think it’d be very funny if they all collectively became useless or started fighting in the presence of a gold block cause like 👀 ‘oo gold/hehe shiny/hold block’ mentality
- Quackity can shapeshift.... but he’s like a ditto and always has the :] face.... mmm also maybe keeps any scars he has
- His ability to control this decreases the more he dies
- So like u could he talking to him and just suddenly he looks like someone else or like a weird mishmash of people and just hasn’t noticed lmao totally not freaky at all
- Literally non of the tundra trio are equipped for the weather like u have someone from the hot af nether, bird man who’d realistically be prone to hypothermia and someone who’s allergic to water like lmao why do yall live here what is wrong with you
- I want niki to just be very exasperated by this fact
- I want her to bake goods for her friends... tailored to their tastes.... cheer up food :)
- Also i forget when she changed her skin but I think it’d be very funny if she dyed her hair pink as an intimidation factor to tommy cause she knows he dislikes techno
- Puffy ily but I do not trust you with Tommy after the disaster that was bbh and skeppys relationship counselling
- The concept of the totems being foolish’s children is very funny to me like just the implication that he just leaves his kids in random chests for people to steal and that when they witness someone die they just explode with revive energy or something like w h a t
- Ghostbur either isn’t actually Wilbur and is just some entity pretending to be him hence the ‘poor memory’ OR him and limbo Wilbur are two halves of one entity
- I just find it v sus that he’s the only ghost that’s ever shown up... and regularly at that
- mmm tubbo hard of hearing.... relies on reading lips the best he can when to help clarify what people are saying but he can hear people well enough if they raise their voice quite loud
- cursed hc but what if ash and Zachary were somehow michael decendants and they like porkums cause he’s either originally a family friend or he just reminds them of stuff
- Ok half of these aren’t even hcs anymore and is just me rambling but who let Karl be in charge of the time travel he has such strong himbo energy
- That being said villain Karl when 👀//
- Why is tubbo like one of the smartest most accomplished people on the sever... he’s like 17..... like my man has been president, developed a new form of fast travel, has a family, developed a nuclear weapons program by himself, launched a man into space, developed a whole town and more .... like who let him have this much power he can barely read//
- I think it’d be funny if techno was just really bad at strategy games..... like ok technically he’s not bad at them but like he just spends 4 days analysing every last minute detail every round to optimise his chances of winning//
- I feel like people don’t give Jack enough credit for the fact he cheated death using nothing but spite
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dweetwise · 4 years
What are your hcs about Evan/Michael in a romantic way? :3
[can’t say i’ve thought about this pairing before, but i can muster up a few!]
slight nsfw, mention of torture, nothing graphic!
Evan x Michael headcanons
Ok so. You want romance? Hate to break it to you, but these guys don’t do romance
Evan is the leader of the group. He’s the first killer. Not many dare to question his authority. At least not as openly as Michael
Michael doesn’t take orders. He barely obeys the entity, he’s not going to listen to this man with an inferior mask
Michael likes murder and being feared. That’s it, those are his interests. He’s tried to kill all the other killers at least once and now most of them fear him--for good reason
Not Evan. He’s cold-hearted and fearless... for a mere human. Michael isn’t human, he’s evil incarnate. Michael will eventually win, he just needs to find the right button to push
Evan doesn’t back down from a challenge. His pride is on the line
For a long time, they have an unspoken rivalry. Michael watches Evan. Evan waits for his move
The moment comes when Evan is in his workshop. Michael silently appears behind him and crowds him against the wall, hoping to catch Evan off guard when he’s isolated from the others, and use his size to intimidate him
Evan is startled. But. This looming hunk above him also does something else to him, something he hasn’t felt in a long, long time
Michael sees the cracks in Evan’s facade. The man still isn’t scared, but he’s... submissive? Some of Michael’s previous victims have tried a similar act, but it’s different with Evan because the man is the closest thing to his equal he’s ever met. Michael is intrigued
Evan’s been with men before, back in his time. It was always quick and dirty and forbidden and not to be mentioned ever again. Good thing Michael doesn’t talk
So they fuck. They’re big beefy murder bois and it’s not gentle or romantic
It becomes a regular thing. It scratches an itch neither of them knew they had. Michael gets to have his control. Evan gets to blow off steam
Michael tops. Always. He’s never had an interest in sex until now and has no experience, so he fucks like he does everything else: with pure instinct
Evan’s not complaining, he likes it rough. Sometimes he wishes Michael would remove the mask so he could see his face or bite down on Evan’s shoulder. He knows better than to ask and he definitely knows he’ll never get a kiss but he’s not fine with it
The entity takes Evan in to be tortured for something unrelated. Michael mercilessly kills every survivor by his hand for ten trials straight. For the first time Evan appears back from the entity’s clutches without any new scars
Evan stops killing Laurie. He tells Michael all about how, once again, she barely managed to get away. He feels the bloodlust radiate from Michael and knows his lover enjoys killing her when she’s ripe with hope
The other killers notice something shift in Evan’s and Michael’s dynamic and assume Evan finally managed to put Michael in his place. Together the two are a force to be reckoned with and any and all new killers will meet Michael’s blade if they dare to question Evan
[i started this as a joke but it got pretty dark?? if you wanted something more fluffy feel free to request again!]
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katehuntington · 5 years
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Title: All I Want - part one Fandom: Supernatural (season 14) Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Michael Pairing: Dean x Reader Serie summary: Sam and Dean come across an object that could be the solution to Michael. The Pearl of Baozhu grants the beholder’s deepest desire. Once Dean focuses on his wish, the archangel remains caged in his mind however. Instead his former girlfriend Y/N shows up, who was killed in 2010 in Detroit, by no other than Lucifer himself. Episode summary: Dean relives the day that he lost his brother to the Devil, and his girlfriend to Death. Warnings part one: NSFW, 18+ only. Spoilers season 14 episode 13. Angst, fluff if you squint. Flashbacks, anxiety, major character death, description of blood and injury, grieving over lost loved one, swearing, manipulation. Word Count: 3855 words Author’s note: Part one of a multi part miniseries, based on the 300th episode “Lebanon” and 5.22 “Swan Song”. Beta’d by the lovely @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish and @thinkwritexpress-official, thank you so much for your feedback!
All I Want Masterlist
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May 10th, 2010 Detroit, Michigan
     “Sorry if it’s a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot. It’s actually quite the opposite.”      A silhouette figure by the window watches the Detroit’s night sky, streetlights from outside exposing blisters and broken skin on his face. He breathes against the glass, the fog on the pane freezing within seconds, after which he wets his finger and draws a pitchfork in the frozen condensation. Y/N watches him, trying to supress the tremor that shakes her body as she holds her breath. Never has she come face-to-face with him, and she wishes she never had. Being in the same room with him chills her bones like the frost on the window, the entity of pure evil weighing down on every person and demon in the room.            Lucifer.
     Never in her entire life has she felt this intimidated. When she dares to glance aside at Dean, she notices the muscles in his jaw flexing and the fright in his eyes. The oldest of the Winchester brothers always has some sassy remark ready, never missing a beat when talking back to whatever creature he faces, but now he doesn’t trust his voice to say a word. It isn’t the first time the hunter stands before the Devil, but that doesn’t mean his presence is something Dean is getting acclimated to. The scent of fear dwells in the air of the abandoned apartment building, masking the smell of mold and decay.      On his turn, Dean looks over at his little brother, who swallows thickly and lets out a shaky breath, his scared yet determined eyes locked on the image before him. Fuck, Dean realizes, if I’m scared shitless, than how must Sammy feel? He’s the one who’s about to jump into the pit with the Devil on his back, facing an eternity in Hell.
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      “Help me understand something, guys...” the Devil turns around and clasps his hands together. Then his eyes land on the only female in the company of hunters. “- and girl. I don’t judge.”      He slowly approaches and with each step closer, she feels her heart rate pick up. Dean holds his ground, watching Lucifer like a hawk as he circles around Y/N. The hunter fights the urge to defend his girl and come between them, but he’s aware that a stunt like that will only draw more focus to her.      “Stomping through my front door is… a tad suicidal. Don’t you think?”      He narrows his eyes at the oldest Winchester, sliding the back of his hand from Y/N’s shoulder down her arm, goosebumps trailing after his touch under the fabric of her clothes. Dean accesses every bit of his self control to keep himself from pulling Y/N behind him and taking a swing at the bastard. Frustration builds, causing his fists to clench in rage and his face to tense, a short twitch of his upper lip only noticeable for a second, but long enough for the Devil to see.
     “We’re not here to fight you,” Sam states, drawing his attention.      It works, because although Lucifer smiles at Dean satisfied, he moves back to the center of the room. The faint light from outside doesn’t reach the Devil’s eyes, painting dark shadows on his burned face. His eye sockets seem deeper, his cheeks hollow. The archangel shifts his attention to Sam, his true vessel.      “No? Then why are you --”      “- I want to say ‘yes’.”      You could hear a pin drop in the neglected apartment building. Y/N observes the stare down between Sam and the Angel of Light. Dean casts his eyes down, still unable to fully accept what his brother is about to do, while Lucifer stares at Sam intently.      “Excuse me?”      Sam takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and focuses on the two demons who man-handled them inside earlier and are now waiting by the door. It does’t takes the hunter much strength to banish the dark entities from their hosts, and with a flash of fiery light the now empty bodies fall to the floor.      Intrigued, the Devil observes the Boy with the demon blood before him.      “Chock-full of Ovaltine, are we?”      “You heard me; Yes,” Sam says, worked up by the drugs rushing through his veins.
     Lucifer narrows his eyes, reading him. “You’re serious.”      Sam glances aside at Y/N and then at his brother, who gives him a reassuring nod, encouraging him to continue. Without words Dean tells him that it’s okay, but he can’t stop the fear and anxiety from showing too. If they execute this plan, Sam’s fate will be sealed, and it will be dark, horrific torment beyond imagination. Sammy won’t just be in Hell, chained to the rack for decades of torture like Dean was. No, Sam will be in the Cage, the Devil his cellmate, his torturer, and it will remain that way forever.      “Look,” Sam says, his voice strong. “Judgement Day’s a runaway train. We get that now. We just want off.”      He’s got Lucifer’s full attention. “Meaning?”      The younger Winchester brother takes a breath and makes the offer.      “The deal of the century. I give you a free ride, but when it’s all over, I live, they live, you bring our parents back--”      “- Okay, can we please drop the telenovela?”      The Devil rubs his chin, his stretched finger against his lips, the hand motion telling Sam to stop talking. All of a sudden, Lucifer seems unimpressed, slightly insulted even.      “I know you have the rings, Sam.”
     Shit. Y/N exchanges a look with Dean, tension tying up in her core. What she witnesses scares her to death, because when her boyfriend looks back, the slight nervous twitch at the corner of his mouth and the gleam in his eyes gives away just how screwed they truly are. How the hell can he know?      “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sam claims, trying to keep his composure.      Lucifer sighs, becoming bored. They really need to watch their step now.      “The Horsemen’s rings? The magic keys to my cage? Ring a bell?”      The Devil steps closer, coming between the Winchester brothers. He faces the younger sibling, who flexes his jaw anxiously, knowing he’s been made. As the archangel moves past them, Dean closes his eyes. Keep it together, Dean.
     “C’mon, fellas. I never lied to you. You could at least pay me the same respect.”      Y/N watches Lucifer over her shoulder, her breaths now coming out quivering. They just lied to Satan. They just lied to fucking Satan! She cannot even begin to imagine the consequences, the backfire. Their only plan to save the world from going to hell is now out on the table. All hope is lost, and she knows she could be moments away from being flung across the room or killed with the snap of his fingers. Mentally she prepares herself, but Dean steps between her and the Devil, even though he’s aware that his act of courage will not stop the definition of evil. Lucifer won’t touch a hair on his brother, he’s sure of that. Sam is his one true vessel, after all. But why would Lucifer want to keep them alive? Dean’s hand ghosts to push his girlfriend back and behind him, the small touch letting her know he’s right there and he will do anything to protect her. Lucifer notices and smiles fondly.      “It’s okay. I’m not mad,” he says, too calm. “You two are a thing, aren’t you? I can tell. My father was always so fascinated by the ability of humans to love another like that. Not fueled by a family bond or companionship, but this unexplained pull and attraction to someone who could be a complete stranger. It’s what makes your species unique. He was proud of his creation...”      Lucifer pauses as he observes Dean, and then Sam. The corner of his mouth curls up and suddenly Lucifer’s eyes flick back directly at you, his expression cold and sinister.       “Honestly, I’m not that impressed.”
     With a simple flick of his wrist he sends Y/N across the room towards the outer wall of the apartment. She experiences the strange sensation of being lifted off the ground, light as a feather, but then she picks up momentum and collides with tough brick, her head bouncing off the solid surface. Her world fades to black and she slumps to the ground.      “Y/N!”      Dean shoots into action immediately, but his feet stay glued to the old floorboards the second Lucifer points a warning finger at him.      “Uh-uh,” he patronizes. “Stay.”      Worried and wide-eyed, both Winchesters stare at Y/N, motionless and covered in flakes of wall paint and plaster that came off the wall on impact. Horrified, Dean tries to detect any sign of her coming to, her long lashes fluttering, a groan, anything, but it remains eerily quiet and his guts twist in concern.
     “So, where were we?” Lucifer picks up the conversation again, scratching his chin as he strolls to the end of the room and turns towards Sam. “Oh, right. A wrestling match inside your noggin… I like the idea. Just you and me. One round, no tricks…”      He says those last two words warningly and watches his perfect vessel swallow apprehensively before the archangel continues.      “You win, you jump in the hole. I win… well, then I win.”      The content smirk on the lips of the Devil’s scarred face and the careless shrug says it all. The way he lays it out so simply, confident of an easy victory, amused by the attempt of a fight that these simple beings are putting up.      “What do you say, Sam?” he taunts, “A fiddle of gold against your soul says I’m better than you.”      Lucifer sings the last word, sending shivers down Sam’s back. Once again the odds dawn on the younger Winchester, the fact that they are just three little ants, about to get crushed under Lucifer’s boot. He has the power, he has the upper hand, but it’s not like they have a door number two to choose from. There is no plan B. Sam bites down on his own frustration as his breathing picks up, eyes not leaving the Devil.      “So he knows. Doesn’t change anything.”      Dean rips his gaze away from the image of his girlfriend on the floor and glances aside at his brother in distress. “Sam…”      “We don’t have another choice,” his brother states, determined.      “No.”      Desperation lays thick on Dean’s tongue, his voice pitching slightly higher than usual. Sam doesn’t look at his big brother, though. He can’t, because seeing the fear of losing him might just be enough to change his mind. Instead he eyes Lucifer, challenging and dead serious. He takes a breath, adjusts his footing while the Devil opposite of them waits in anticipation of the word that he’s been longing to hear for millennia.      “Yes.”
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    Lucifer smiles, then turns his face to the ceiling and closes his eyes. A light starts to erupt from his chest, intensifying in brightness as a high frequency rings in Dean’s ears louder and louder. He can’t see, he can’t hear, so he shuts his eyes and covers his head with his hands. When sound dies down, he lowers his arm, his face leaving the crook of his elbow as he looks around. Lucifer’s vessel lays on the floor, and so does Sam. His first instinct is to check on him, but he knows he has little time to open the cage. Think, Dean. Stick to the plan.      With trembling fingers he takes the Horsemen’s rings from his pocket. Then he glances as the bare wall opposite of him and tosses the rings at it, where they stick to the wood.      Dean holds out his hand, remembering the spell that he drilled into his brain. “Beh voh tah mo en, tah beh geh sah, bah bah loh en.”
     For a second it’s quiet, but then the thin interior wall cracks. The surface breaks open, a black hole sucking in debris and gaining strength, growing larger. It doesn’t take long before a equation of a hurricane rips apart the room, tearing at him and the furniture. The Cave of the Wicked has opened, and he’s staring right down its mouth.      “Dean?”      Sam comes to, trying to crawl up to his feet.      “Sammy!”, Dean calls out.      Now the older Winchester brother does rush to his aid, grabbing Sam’s arm and supporting him as he tries to get up.      “Dean…” Sam groans pained. “I can feel him... Oh, God!”      Very much aware how narrow their window is, Dean pulls his sibling to his feet, forcing him to focus on the raging hole in the wall.      “You’ve gotta go now! Come on!”, he shouts over the loud sound of wind. “Go on, Sammy. Now!”
     Dean watches him, taking him in one last time. He watches the big guy Sam grew up to be, but sees the little boy who he gave his own breakfast to when there was nothing left, not caring about being hungry himself. The little boy he stood up for when kids at school bullied him. The little boy he taught the ropes to when it came to hunting, when he had trouble with his homework, and later on needed advice on how to talk to girls. The little boy Dean always swore to protect, and now Dean has to let him go. They share one last glance and then Sam strides towards his doom. Proud yet heartsore, Dean stands back. But then Sam’s stance changes. He lingers in front of the entrance, his respiration calming as he straightens his shoulders. As he turns around, a smirk that isn’t his spreads across his face.
     No. Dean’s face falls. No, no no.
     “I was just messing with you,” Lucifer smiles, content with himself. “Sammy’s long gone.”      Every ounce of hope that Dean still possessed seeps away with the shuddering breath that slips from his lips. Their last attempt, the world’s only chance, wastes away before him.      The Devil who wears his little brother’s face turns around and holds out his hand at the roaring hole in the wall. “Kah he reh tah, beh voh tah mo en.”      The entrance narrows until it closes completely, restoring the room that was torn to shreds seconds ago. Slowly the archangel walks up to the wall and takes the four Horsemen rings from the surface, examining the key to his prison. With the only way to lock him up in the cage his own hands, Lucifer looks up at Dean. His brows knitted together on his forehead, almost sympathetic when he beholds the broken Righteous Man before him.      “I told you. This would always happen in Detroit.”
     Then with a flick of a switch, Lucifer disappears, along with his brother. Eyes filled with tears of desperation frantically look around as Dean turns in the center of the room. With elevated breath he brings his hands to his head, running his fingers through his hair as panic takes over. The mission failed. He failed. Their last attempt to save the world has lead to nothing, nothing but loss. His brother is gone. It’s over now. 
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     He lowers his arms as he tries to make out his surroundings through the haze that blurs his vision, but then he catches a glimpse of the collapsed huntress at the other side of the room.      “Y/N,” he whispers, then rushes towards her. “Y/N!”      Worried sick, he kneels down then carefully turns her over on her back and into his lap.      “Wake up, hon. I’m here.” He sweeps her hair from her face, searching her for injuries. “I’m right here. It’s okay. You’re okay.”     Anxiously, he gently shakes her shoulder, panic tangling and constricting in his abdomen. Something’s wrong, maybe even worse than it already seems. She’s breathing, right? She’s gotta be breathing. Blood sticks to his fingertips when he cups her face, coming from an injury on the back of her head, staining her hair and clotting strands together. Fuck, she hit the wall hard.
     “Y/N/N, open your eyes. Please, just open your eyes, okay? You’re my girl, you’ll be fine. You bump your head all the time, never stops you from mocking me for being an overprotective ass,” he smiles through the blur of moist that’s starting to fill his eyes, searching for any sign of a response on her face. “Y/N?”      He places his fingers on the pulsepoint in her neck and adjusts the position when he can’t detect a rhythm. He’s about to move again, when he notices fresh blood pooling on her lips, gathering in the corner of her mouth. A drop draws a trail of crimson, gravity taking it down her cheek. First from her mouth, then from her nose.      “No…” Dean shakes his head. “No, no, no, no, no...”
     Dean pulls the lifeless body of the woman he’s in love with into his chest, wrapping his arms around her and letting her hanging head rest against him. A part of his brain seems to understand exactly what’s happening, but although he’s aware, he can’t accept what he knows to be reality. He lays his hand flat on her chest, shaking her softly, begging it to rise. Maybe he’ll feel a beat, a soft drum against his palm. Maybe she’s not gone just yet. But when he presses his lips against her forehead and leaves a kiss there, feeling the coldness of her skin, Dean breaks. Breathing becomes impossible as a sob wracks him, tears falling down from his eyes.      “No... God, please…”      Footsteps echo through the empty apartment building, but Dean doesn’t hear them. He holds his girlfriend close to him, whispering soft words and prayers into her hair, but none of the messages will be received. A shuddering ‘I love you’ will not even wake her. Fuck, why didn’t he tell her that he loved her?        The footsteps grow louder and he half expects Castiel and Bobby to be standing behind him, watching breathlessly and in shock how the beat and battered hunter cradles Y/N, softly rocking her back and forth as he cries.
     “It is peculiar. That of all your memories, this one hurts the most.”      Dean looks up, shocked, and turns towards the figure in the doorway, stunned to see the man that looks exactly like himself. All but the clothes, because this guy is dressed formal, wearing a classic overcoat and a British flat-cap.      “Michael,” Dean realizes.      The archangel smiles, only one corner of his mouth turning up, the rest of his expression unchanged. He lifts his clean-shaven face and looks down at the man whose suit he’s wearing, clearly content to be a witness of  the torment in his prison guard’s eyes.      “I am not a fan of my brother, as you know…” He steps into the room slowly, folding his hands behind his back. The way the archangel carries himself is assertive, shoulders squared, every move calculated. “But the way he played this game, is… impressive.”
     Dean follows Michael in shock as he walks past, having a hard time grasping what of this is real and what is not. Is he dreaming? Reliving a memory that somehow morphed into the present, maybe? When he returns to look down at Y/N, she has vanished into thin air, only a few drops of blood on the wooden floorboards an indication that she was here. What the hell?       “What do you want?” Dean snaps at the angel as he gets up.      Michael chuckles low, finding it amusing that he asked several people, prophets, and creatures the same question.      “I want everything. But for starters, I would like to get out of this prison that is your mournful, regretting, and... desolated mind.”      “Well, too bad, douchebag. No way you’re getting out of that cool cell,” Dean counters.      The hunter straightens himself, flexing his hand into a fist, ready for combat if it comes to that. His opponent isn’t impressed.
     “The door is giving. You know you will lose.” He casts a long glance down the streets of Detroit before confronting the hunter. “Even if you decide to lay down in that Ma’lak Box.”      Dean frowns, unable to mask the unpleasant surprise. How the hell does Michael know about the box? He swallows down the nerves, breathes in and collects himself. You are in control here, Dean. Not him.      “You listen to me, you son of a bitch. I will not lose and I will not break. That door might give, but when it does, you’ll be on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean stuck in that box for all eternity and there’s nothing you’ll be able to do about it. You won’t ever harm a soul again,” the hunter reminds him.      “Oh, I will harm one more. You will be down there stuck in that box, with me, for all eternity…” Michael shifts his gaze and intensely stares at his doppelganger. “Are you aware that I can keep you alive down there? No food, no water... only hunger and thirst. Every day, for the rest of time, I will punish you for putting me there. You think Sam had it bad, in the Cage, with my brother? Think again.”
     Michael moves towards Dean, the soles of his expensive shoes sounding through the empty rooms and hallways in the eerie silence. He only halts when they are toe to toe and continues to speak slowly.      “Each misstep. All the cases that went wrong. Each drop of blood on your hands. John, Bobby Singer, Ellen and Jo Harvelle, the prophet Kevin, Charlie, Y/N… They are dead because of you. And I will make sure that you will relive each and every moment, on repeat. Every time you disappointed your brother, your father, the angel… Your family. Even mankind. Everytime you put souls on the rack in Hell or killed under the Mark of Cain.”      Dean’s mask falters, chills running up and down his spine. He tries to seem unimpressed, not wanting to give Michael the satisfaction of the fright that is beginning to surface, but he can’t stop himself from swallowing down the guilt, his jaw tensing when reminded of all the wrong he did. And all this time, the archangel never breaks eye contact.      “This memory has to be my favorite,” he says, smiling sadistically. “The day that you lost your brother to the Devil. The day that your one true love got killed on your watch, right before your eyes… I will replay it. Over, and over, and over, and over…”
     Michael isn’t physically taller, but he looks down on Dean either way. Without touching the hunter he tears him down until there’s nothing left, everything about him so intimidating that Dean has to fight the urge to step back and create distance. What hurts the most? Michael is right.      The angel smiles, satisfied when the mighty hunter averts his gaze. He leans over, moving his mouth to Dean’s ear and whispers a message.      “Who’s in control now?”
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did or have comments, don’t hesitate to leave them here! Feedback is very much appreciated!
Read part two here
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ziracona · 5 years
😮 Oh man, with the insight on Frank, it has me so curious. What's going on in the heads of everyone in the Legion lately? I'm especially curious about Joey, after the quality time spent with the survivors (well, in the back seat with Susie driving) during "She's Like the Wind". Or, if you're tired of the Legion, what about Michael in "The Tower"?
I’m totally happy to do the Legion (and I actually wrote up a bunch of stuff on them before deciding p best to wait), but there’s a lot of Legion stuff in the chapter I’m posting in the next couple days with some sort of big status-quo changes, so I feel like I should wait until after that to give Legion updates, or it could be kind of a waste, so I’ll do Michael.
Oh boy Mikey. Let me see. Buckle up, because this is a long one. So, let me start by saying in this fic, the way I write him is based on the canon portrayal in the first film (and some influence from the others—especially 2 and H20), but with my honest best attempt at an accurate psychological take on his situation. Horror’s a great genre, but it does a really shitty job about using mental illness as some kind of blanket excuse for being evil. John Carpenter literally came up with Michael after seeing some 12 year old schizophrenic kid in a mental institution when he was on a field trip that he thought had really dead, evil looking eyes, like he didn’t have a soul. Which is a pretty fucked up way to treat mental illness. And, since there’s no reason I should accept ‘He’s got psychosis and the devil’s eyes and has nothing in him but evil” as an accurate take on an actual human being, I’m not. I’m taking what is canon, and interpreting it (to the best of my ability) like a normal psychologist or person who isn’t Dr. Sam Loomis would. Usually I wouldn’t give as much on a character psych take (because I really, really like seeing how people interpret things), but it’s kind of specifically important for Michael and me doing my best to write him responsibly that while he’s a lot of things, and a lot of them bad, he’s not a mindless wall of walking evil.
Canonically, Michael’s had psychosis since he was at least five, and heard voices that told him to do bad things, like hurt people. He told his parents, in an attempt to get help, and was ignored. When he was six, he did what the voices told him to in an attempt to get them to stop, and killed his sister (without looking at what he was doing while he did it as much as he could [canon]), and then went downstairs to wait for his parents to get home (probably in the hopes that they could fix it, because he was six years old, and when you’re six, your parents can fix everything). Instead of anything getting better, he got sent to court, sentenced (to be tried for murder as an adult in fifteen years when he turned 21, which is absolute bullshit because by no stretch of human logic can a 6 year old child have committed a crime as an adult), and then left in an asylum for the next fifteen years of his life. His psychosis worsened, and he gained other symptoms, such as mutism and catatonia. His mom only visited a few times, with his little sister, and then she vanished off the face of the planet from his point of view. Completely abandoned by his family and everyone he knew, the only human contact he had from ages 6-21 was Doctor Sam Loomis, his psychiatrist, who had decided within a couple of months, that Michael was the human personification of evil, faking his mental illness like the evil genius six year old he was, and a demon in human form hellbent on murder. Now, the human brain doesn’t stop developing until the mid 20s, and it sure as hell isn’t done when you’re six. Kids that age don’t even really have a fully developed understanding of mortality and only a basic grasp on ethics. Emotional empathy doesn’t start really forming well until age seven, and abstract reasoning isn’t until preteen years. When you’re six, you’re not old enough to be evil. You just aren’t. But, if you grow up from age 6-21 with only one constant in your life, isolated in a tiny white room, hearing over and over from said only constant, an adult and the source of authority in your life, that you are evil, and soulless, and you are a killer waiting to kill again, you are dying to get out and commit murder, and they’re onto you, how exactly can you expect a human being to turn out?Especially when they’re already dealing with violent psychosis. You’ve basically convinced a mentally ill child that they are the bad voices in their head, not the person, and their goal in life is to commit lots of murder.
Michael’s personal goal, as much as he has one left, has pretty much solidly always been to do what the voices want so they’ll stop and he can be at peace. What they want is for him to kill his family, meaning his sister, Laurie. Kill Laurie, be at peace. That being the case, ending up in the Entity’s realm is about as shitty for him as it is for her, because no matter how many goddamn times he kills her, he can never, ever kill her for real, so he will never be able to stop the voices. He’s about as tired of being here as she is, which is saying a lot. But it’s been forty years of shit for him too.
I think Michael forgot he was a person a long time ago, because nobody’s treated him like one since he was baby. Since he was six. If you treat someone like a monster their whole life, that’s what they’re almost certainly going to become. In the Entity’s realm, it hasn’t really been any different. I don’t think he thinks about things very complexly, because he’s sort of too tired to, and he doesn’t have a real reason. He never learned a lot of normal human behaviors, including any attempt at even the most basic social contact. It’s like that really depressing scene in Lilo & Stitch when Jumba’s commenting on what it must be like to have nothing, even memories, to visit at night. He has memories, but they’re basically all the same—white room, fifteen years of Dr. Loomis. None of that’s a real human experience. Dr. Loomis didn’t even think he was a human—called him “It” instead of “Him.”
With Laurie suddenly acknowledging he’s her brother, it’s weird to him. Canonically, every time someone in a film reminds Michael he’s related to them, it’s like he gets smacked in the face (it’s actually kind of hilarious. He even takes his mask off for his niece in 5 when she calls him “Uncle”). A family member doing this always metaphorically suckerpunches him with the reminder that he has a name and an existence outside of killing people and there are human beings who know who he is and are related to him and have a lasting concept of him as a person. It’s not like he ever forgot they were siblings, but he didn’t remember to think about it. He spends all his time being the Shape, because Michael hasn’t really existed since he was six years old (not in a Dissociative Identity Disorder way, just, it’s an aspect of who he is that no one has been willing to acknowledge since he was a baby. He puts on the mask and kills because that’s what he’s supposed to be. It doesn’t really matter if he wants to, or if he likes it, or even if he still doesn’t have a completely developed concept of mortality, because he’s known for years now that it’s just what he does. It’s what he is). I don’t think he really knows how to think or feel (which he’s not used to doing period) about his sister or about that and being spoken to. He was definitely relieved at the prospect of having a way out of this, and since then it’s been kind of agonizing that she reneged on him and won’t commit joint suicide, but she’s also just been…weird. Been different. She talks to him like a person, which no one has ever done, and he does remember her from when they were little. I think it’s very confusing. He really doesn’t have the normal human skillset to be able to emotionally understand this. Which doesn’t mean he’s some emotionless zombie, just, he didn’t learn how to properly interpret or respond to things. He doesn’t have a normal human emotional or social skillset, because he never got to develop one. He didn’t get the chance. He hasn’t had a positive physical interaction, a hug, a handhold, a pat on the shoulder, since he was six--he hasn’t had any kind of social contact outside of the hostile psychological hatred and threats from Dr. Loomis period. There’s just not a normal set of human understand-the-world mental structures developed in him at all. Instead he’s got like…just all this shit—this really fucked up way of understanding the world built from fifteen years in isolation with just Dr. Loomis that’s completely separate from a normal human experience or mental scape, and the mental set of tools he would use to try to understand his sister is like, the dusty old normal human set that stopped growing when he was six years old that he kind of forgot about.
Michael’s also never done anything he wasn’t supposed to in the Entity’s realm, and I don’t think this has been explicitly stated in the fic, but he’s been punished now, for trying to break the rules with Laurie these past few trials. I don’t think he knew how to handle that or feel about it or think about it either, because it was a new experience for him. It’s very hard to hurt him at all, and it’s never happened with the Entity before this.
During The Tower, Michael wanted what he’s wanted since it was on the table (a way out by killing her), and when she said she couldn’t do it yet, genuinely misinterpreted that as her meaning she had to help the others finish the trial first. I don’t think he entirely understood why she kept running away from him, but he’s used to that kind of behavior, so it wasn’t that strange. What was extremely weird to him was getting jumped by two kids (when usually survivors wouldn’t touch him with a fifty-foot pole if it was up to them), who proceeded to tell him be was being a really crappy brother and should be nicer. It was. Surreal. I think when Laurie showed up and told him she hadn’t meant ‘in twelve minutes’ when she said later, he didn’t just attack her because he was mad she didn’t want to do suicide yet, I think it also kind of hurt his feelings that she made fun of him when he genuinely was trying to understand and thought she meant something else. Since what he wanted was off the table, he was upset (which was especially volatile becaus he doesn’t often experience hugely strong emotions) and on instinct just did what has been programmed to come naturally instead and went fucking lethal on them all, but got a surprising amount of resistance.
When she came back to fight him alone, I don’t think he completely understood everything she said, but he got a lot of it, and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like losing the chance to get out of the realm for good with her, but I think he also didn’t really like being basically told that he was dead to her from here on out. I don’t think he’d exactly think of it that way, or put it into words—I don’t think he’d had long enough or the emotional growth enough to appreciate her caring about him, or to want it, but at the same time, he’d had someone treat him like a person for the first time in fifty some years, and I think it was probably briefly nice to be called by his own name and talked to like a person—I think it would be hard for that not to mean a little bit, even if you didn’t understand way. And then he had it reaffirmed by her before their fight that what Dr. Loomis had always said was true, and he’d fucked up so bad with her that he wasn’t ‘Michael’ anymore to her either, and even if he wouldn’t really think of it like that, I think subconsciously, that kind of had to hurt. 
At the end of their fight, when he was out on the floor, and Laurie didn’t kill him, while he was genuinely unconscious for some of that, he was awake for some of it too—the bulk of it, actually. Michael in film canon routinely not only has genuine resets where he passes out and heals and gets back up, but plays dead as well, to protect himself. So, he did hear a decent chunk of what Laurie said to him. She kind of poured her heart out, and some of it was pretty complicated stuff, and a lot of it was stuff he doesn’t really have the emotional complexity developed to understand right now, but he understood some of it. I don’t think he expected things to end like they did (and not just him getting his ass kicked by her). She basically flipped on him, and said she was wrong, and even like this he was still her brother, and because she remembers how he was when he was six she can’t make herself not love him, even if she knows she shouldn’t, and that she wasn’t going to kill him like that, even if it meant he was going to come after her again and kill her. I don’t think he gets why she would say those things, but it did make him want to know, and I think he’s aware that it should mean something to him, regardless of if it does or not on an emotional level, and it is at least something that interests him. Probably his most intact human emotion is curiosity (and it’s no wonder—he’s basically never seen anything, or been anywhere, or done anything—he’s barely gotten a chance to live, period. Any social interaction where someone isn’t running from him screaming or threatening him and telling him he’s a monster is uncharted territory). What that would mean for him going forward as far as Laurie is concerned is very complicated, though. Laurie interests him and there are things he wants to understand, but he’s just got so little ability to function like a normal human being. So much of him is so awfully mangled and maladapted, and the rest has been stagnating since he was 6 and he’s so very, completely, depressingly isolated. He’s a serial killer, but he’s really also kind of a tragic character. It’s fucked up what happened to him, and most of it isn’t really his fault. It didn’t have to be like that.
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thetygre · 6 years
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30 Day Monster Challenge 2 - Day #16: Favorite Evil Weapon/Object
1.       Stormbringer (Elric of Melnibone)
The Black Blade. Daughter of Arioch. The Stealer of Souls. One of the single most legendary swords in all of fantasy, present in every universe in at least one form or another. A demon of chaos bound by the Lords of Law into the shape of a weapon. Whoever wields it can drain the souls from whoever they stab and sustain themselves with it, but is driven by a terrible hunger. The Black Blade has a will of its own, and it howls for blood as it is swung. In short, the definitive evil weapon.
What makes Stormbringer stand out from its later imitators, and even previous legendary evil weapons, is how it affects its primary wield, Elric of Melnibone. As an albino, Elric is sickly, and usually uses medicine and dark magic to stay alive. But abroad in the Young Kingdoms, Elric has to rely on Stormbringer to survive. Even as Elric connects with people outside his home kingdom, they are bound to die whenever he needs to stay alive, no matter how much Elric tries to fight it. Stormbringer is essentially a manifestation of Elric’s burden as the Champion of Balance, but also his greater isolation that distances him from being able to make connections. Elric makes it clear that Stormbringer isn’t some kind of ultimate weapon, it’s a crutch, a drug that ultimately consumes its user. And in the end, that’s what happens to Elric; when the entire universe is consumed by chaos, Stormbringer finally turns on Elric before disappearing into the apocalypse.
2.       Soul Edge/Soul Calibur (Soulcalibur)
So this is honestly cheating, but I just can’t pick between the two swords. Soul Edge is the clear Stormbringer descendent and looks rad as hell to boot. Even more that Stormbringer, Soul Edge looks like a living, breathing monster. It can even shapeshift into weapons that aren’t sword, and it had an entire life cycle in Soulcalibur 2. But Soul Edge never really stopped being the ‘bad’ sword. It’s counterpart, Soul Calibur, on the other hand, started off as the ‘good’ sword. But as the series went on, Soul Calibur began to change. In Soulcalibur 4 it was hinted that Soul Calibur might have a mind of its own as well, and it might not have the purest intentions. By Soulcalibur 5, the plot hook came to fruition; Soul Calibur is just as dangerous as Soul Edge and wants to trap the world in a perfect unchanging state. The swords have become the embodiments of Law and Chaos; the Michael Moorcock reference comes full circle. All we need now is a game where Soul Calibur is out of control and the only thing that can stop it is Soul Edge.
3.       The Terror Mask (Splatterhouse)
The Terror Mask has sass, the Terror Mask has a personality. Half these evil artifacts are just kind of generically malevolent; they won’t yell at you in Jim Cummings’ voice and call you a pussy when you notice one of your arms is missing. There’s a surprising amount of lore invested in the Terror Mask. An entity from the space between spaces, it fled the cosmic horror gods until they bound it in a bone mask. Now it’s out to settle the score, and whoever is wearing it just happens to be along for the ride. Granted, the wearer of the mask turns into a hulking slasher ogre that is almost impossible to kill. The Splatterhouse games are a gateway into the video game id, replete with monsters, ultra-violence, and a hero so buff he puts the ‘masculine’ in ‘toxic masculinity’. The Terror Mask, like in the game, is just a way to get to that special kind of hell.
4.       The Necronomicon Ex Mortis (Evil Dead)
The Necronomicon Ex Mortis is probably the most famous evil book in the world, probably more so than Lovecraft’s original Necronomicon. (Frankly, I could do an entire list on favorite evil books, but we’ll get there when we get there.) The Ex Mortis really doesn’t have a lot to do with Lovecraft besides the name, other than that they are both old, sanity-rending, and bodies of literature. But, being honest, the Ex Mortis is just the more fun of the two. The Ex Mortis is the party-boy of evil books to the original Necronomicon’s Ivy League scholar. It’s such an embodiment of Sam Raimi horror; gory, campy, with a bit of slapstick thrown in, and its mere presence causes weirdness to happen. The Necronomicon Ex Mortis contains knowledge of things man was not meant to know, and it knows it. It’s mischievous, and it’d almost be lovable if it wasn’t also full of immensely powerful black magic.
5.       The One Ring (Lord of the Rings)
I’ve always been interested by the concept that the One Ring can think for itself. The One Ring is, ultimately, an incredibly loyal evil artifact, and is only interested in new yielders insofar as they can deliver it back to Sauron. The Ring really is an apt counterpart for the hobbits; a little thing, defenseless, almost useless at first glance, but capable of changing the world. The Ring also has a pedigree, of course. It shares more than few traits with the Ring of Nibelung from the Wagnerian cycle of operas of the same name. The Nibelung Ring, like the One Ring, can grant the wearer power over the world, but only if they renounce love. In time, the covetousness of men and gods for the ring destroys the world and brings about Ragnarok. The One Ring is a reflection of the Ring of Nibelung, but also vastly different in many respects. It brings about the end of the gods and immortals, but only because they were staying to try and destroy it. The end of the Ring and of Sauron grants the world the ability to move into the next age, the age of mankind, which reflects not only Tolkien’s notions about divinity and its place in human existence, but I think also his faith that people can rise to their best in the changing times.
6.       Rubilax (Wakfu)
Rubilax is the only evil weapon here to have a character arc. Granted, that’s because he’s actually a demon bound to a sword, but whatever. Rubilax starts out as your typical evil sword, trying to possess the (idiot) paladin bound to guard him. Not to make it a contest, but he gets pretty far, to the point that said paladin has to release Rubilax and fight him in a bare-knuckle fist fight into submission. After that, things get kind of complicated. People die, souls are displaced, there’s a colosseum death match, and Rubilax has to make some calls about his moral character, so to speak. In the end, Rubilax decides to side with the good guys, and even gets along with the paladin’s kids. So he’s less of an evil weapon and more of just a demonic one, but he’s definitely the most nuanced character here.
7.       The Event Horizon (Event Horizon)
The Even Horizon is pushing the definition of ‘evil object’. It’s really more of an evil place, which might also be worth a look sometime, but for now a ship counts as an object. There’s plenty of sci-fi stories that try to do the cursed spaceship deal, but I feel like Event Horizon is the only one that really captures the gothic horror aspect. I think we tend to forget that architecture, aside from its practical usage, is also meant to convey ideas and thoughts as much as any other form of artistry, and was one of the more important forms of public communication before the spread of reading. The architecture of the Event Horizon is the words to a spell, the three-dimensional incantation that opens the gates of Hell. It was a morbid, dark temple to man’s ignorance even before it went into other dimensions. Once it returns, it hungers for more; a cursed ship bound to always return to its home port on the other side. Something about the Event Horizon reminds me of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner; the way the ship is warped and changed by sailing through strange waters, and how the survivors are bound to relive the curse over and over again. That’s why the Event Horizon is my favorite ghost ship in science fiction.
8.       The Marker (Dead Space)
The Marker draws directly from Event Horizon, and they both share the concept of wordlessly communicating a kind of madness to the people who view them. The Marker, though, takes it to a new extreme, in that it has a literal insanity aura that causes hallucinations, paranoia, and aggressiveness. An interesting way that the Marker is more ‘alive’ than other evil objects is that it is self-propagating; part of the madness it transmits is the formula necessary for its replications. But what I find most fascinating is how the Marker can transmit information that changes DNA, altering people on the cellular level to turn them into Necromorphs. That kind of power, to change biology through information, is nothing short of magic in most other settings.
9.       The Berserker Armor (Berserk)
You can’t fight demons if you ain’t cute. The Berserker Armor was forged by dwarves for the explicit purpose of fighting demons and monsters. It draws on the rage and negative energy inside a person to give them incredible strength and agility, but at the price of slowly draining their senses. The Skull Knight originally made it for himself, but even he was scared off by the armor’s power. Now Guts has it, and he has a lot of rage to give. I think the most fascinating thing about the armor is how it changes and molds itself to how Guts’ uses it. It didn’t start off with a giant wolf helmet; that’s just Guts’ personal totem representing his inner darkness. But when the armor drew on that, it changed shape, and when Guts holds himself back, it stays restrained. Still, the armor takes a lower spot because it itself isn’t evil, it just draws on a person’s internal negativity; it’s all up to the wearer on how much they use it.
10.   The Gonne (Discworld)
Discworld is full of anachronistic magical devices, and they’re all usually cause for some kind of concern. The Gonne was at the center of a fairly elaborate murder plot involving the Assassin’s Guild and the Night Watch, but was finally put a stop to. Like any good evil weapon, it whispers promises of power to whoever happens to be holding it at the time, and is also a little trigger-happy. But the Gonne and its metaphor for firearms gets kind of overshadowed by everything happening around it, and it even gets acknowledged as a powerful and worthy weapon in its own way by the end.
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atomicwrongs · 6 years
WAIT rate this boy of mine: Michael Myers since I had a weird dream about him last night and his newest movie is out
Again, I rue the fact that I haven’t seen the Halloween films (although I have seen a few Kill Counts on them so I can speak with a little authority, and I have a resident Michael Myers Fucker Expert ( @fagjackal ) as a mutual so I have a good source for information)
In the original films he’s supposed to be this... inhuman entity of pure evil, as if he was never a child, never human at all, just the embodiment of evil, but apparently the remakes throws that out of the window, which is nice. He’s a traumatised boy, he’s a scared man, somebody help him
You might have to do some work to get past his cold exterior but I’m sure there’s a warm heart in there. Also don’t remove his mask without asking first, that makes him jumpy. Respect his boundaries
Disregard canon and he is good bf. Death of the author, fallacy of intention, your playground now, Michael Myers is valid bf
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curtolson · 4 years
Liberty University needs full leadership change, not just Jerry Falwell Jr.
About the author: Curt W. Olson is a 1991 graduate of Liberty University, with a degree in communications that launched me into journalism. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at LU and the friendships I developed there remain people with whom I have close contact. I do not live in Lynchburg, VA and have no “inside information.” As a journalist, I have been a reporter and served as Religion Editor, copy editor, Editorial Page Editor, and investigative reporter. I spent about 20 years in journalism. More recently, I have been teaching English at a Christian school in Upstate New York. I am married and have two children.
An Open Letter to the Liberty University family by Curt W. Olson of the LU Class of 1991,
Everyone in the Liberty University family should desire a humble leader in Jerry Falwell Jr. after a certain period of time for his “indefinite leave of absence” that was announced August 7. If he continues being the President and Chancellor, he needs our prayers and Galatians 6:1-5 provides the biblical footprint for restoring someone.
Why wasn't restoring Falwell Jr. identified in the news releases from LU? It’s a glaring omission. The AP reported needing “time with family,” not having someone who will work with him to restore him to being a humble leader and past the issues that  have surfaced over the past decade. The short statements from the Trustees on August 7 leave far more questions than answers and that is unfortunate. That’s a common chorus with this cast. A lack of clarity and transparency will do that.
It is a separate issue whether Jerry Falwell Jr. could emerge as a different leader and those on campus he has made enemies of would suddenly call him “a new man.” Has Falwell Jr. done way too much damage? This is the question that looms over LU as the new academic year begins. 
For many in the LU family, this question has already been asked and answered: There’s too much water that has gone under the proverbial bridge. After all, we now have signs of failure. David French reported in a column on Aug. 9 something is beginning to impact LU’s freshmen applications and transfer students. If you can’t see the obvious correlation, you don’t want to to see it.
Poor judgment
Two events occurred the past three months that created problems. In June, Falwell Jr. said he would wear a face mask only if it looked like the “blackface” that caused problems for Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam. Falwell Jr.’s  effort to mock the governor drove a couple football players to transfer from LU and got him in hot water with African-American LU alumni. What did Falwell Jr. think was going to happen? Then on August 3, an Instagram photo emerged, which was deleted, of Jerry Jr. pictured with a female who was not his wife and his pants were unzipped. The “costume party” was a parody of the Trailer Park Boys. Falwell Jr. explained the beverage in his hand was not alcohol. That did not help Falwell  when he was on a Lynchburg radio show later in the week explaining what happened and sounding as if he was drunk during the interview. This led to the “indefinite leave of absence.” The deleted Instagram photo and the “blackface” face mask displayed a shocking level of poor judgment for a man leading any Christian ministry, let alone the largest Christian university in the world.
Pleasant image
As an alum from the Class of 1991, I understand the emotions we have for our alma mater. “Liberty is training Young Champions for Christ” and “if it is Christian it should be better” are two of the common statements we heard from LU’s founder, Jerry Falwell.  We have this pleasant image of our time there, our friendships we developed, our spiritual growth, and we want a Christian college faithful to biblical teaching and a top-level NCAA sports program. The idea of controversy, chaos, confusion, and lack of certainty is not what we envision for LU.
Harsh reality
It is time, however, to face some harsh facts. Jerry Falwell Jr.’s current leadership is toxic,  with a culture of fear and intimidation that has been felt by multiple faculty members, staff, and students. That just begins the list of grievances that have arisen dating back to around 2012. Aside from the bad judgment from the June and August incidents, we also have the following issues that could serve as the catalyst for Jerry Falwell Jr.’s dismissal as President and Chancellor. 
They include:
Self-dealing on some real estate transactions;
Self-dealing on some of the construction projects to benefit friends;
Harming the reputation of Liberty University through real estate ventures and other incidents;
Displaying a lack of justice and mercy with many faculty and editors of The Liberty Champion; 
Having a faculty member who had a muddied position on homosexuality; and 
Neglecting his role in setting the spiritual direction of the campus. 
While these would be the key indictments to compel LU Trustees to terminate Falwell Jr., in addition to the outrageous poor judgment that harms the reputation of Liberty University, these may not be a complete list of the issues. These are the known issues through prominent reporting by various entities.
‘Fake news’
I want to address the reporting by POLITICO’s Brandon Ambrosino, Reuters, a column by Will Young in the Washington Post, and others because we live at a time of the common refrain of “fake news.” It puts folks in the position of screaming “fake news,” that while perhaps the information is true, people refuse to accept anything regarded as “bad” to their tribe. Every sentence of reporting by the sources above that resembles the truth opens up a series of brand new questions for Jerry Falwell Jr., and in some cases, the LU Board of Trustees. Perhaps both of those scenarios are long overdue, and the LU family should be demanding answers to those new questions.
Additionally, Ambrosino has admitted to being a homosexual and was one at LU. His sex life has no bearing on his ability to report truth. Anyone who uses that as an excuse to distrust the information he reports has a “see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil” mindset when there’s a five-alarm fire unfolding at Liberty University. 
There are many good things happening at LU, but they are happening in spite of Jerry Jr., not because of him. 
Real estate deals 
Reuters reported in August 2019 on a real estate transaction with a gym owner in Lynchburg, VA
It reported: “In 2016, Falwell signed a real estate deal transferring the sports facility, complete with tennis courts and a fitness center owned by Liberty, to Crosswhite. Under the terms, Crosswhite wasn’t required to put any of his own money down toward the purchase price, a confidential sales contract obtained by Reuters shows.
“Liberty committed nearly $650,000 up front to lease back tennis courts from Crosswhite at the site for nine years. The school also offered Crosswhite financing, at a low 3% interest rate, to cover the rest of the $1.2 million transaction, the contract shows.” 
A real mess
Less than two weeks later, Ambrosino wrote a damaging piece in POLITICO that detailed the self-dealing, building contracts going to friends, his autocratic leadership of fear and intimidation, and activities that would only harm the reputation of LU. Those activities include:  Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen dealing with racy personal photos, a Falwell appearance at a Miami nightclub, with photos he wanted to keep from becoming public, and the notorious Miami South Beach hostel with a seedy reputation that was owned by Trey Falwell, Jerry Jr.’s son. There are numerous things to be outraged by in Ambrosino’s lengthy report (the full article being the second comment in this FB post). When I read it for the first time a year ago some things surprised and shocked, and other things just confirmed things that I had been hearing. I know people--they will not be named--who work or had worked at LU in various capacities. They grew increasingly alarmed by Jerry Jr.’s autocratic leadership style, which I challenge anyone to make the case is condoned in Scripture. I had read Ambrosino’s previous report on the Miami area hostel, so nothing would shock me about things that Jerry Falwell Jr. did. As an alum, I was more hurt about what his actions were doing to the reputation of LU. Jerry settled a lawsuit in Miami related to that property.
The revelation that bothered me the most from Ambrosino’s September 2019 POLITICO report was the apparent lack of any, or at least sufficient, oversight of major construction on the campus. What follows is an excerpt of Ambtrosino’s reporting:
 “At the outset, some in Falwell’s inner circle were not so confident in the arrangement with (Robert) Moon. Before his CMA Inc. (Construction Management Associates Inc.) became Liberty’s go-to contractor, the school bid out its construction work through an office on campus. (‘Free enterprise tends to do pretty well,’ one high-ranking university official said.) The prospect of changing that—giving CMA control over campus construction and its associated costs—rankled some senior university officials.
“Early on in the CMA partnership, before CMA became the university’s single-largest contractor, Charles Spence, the school’s then-vice president of planning and construction, expressed unease about the high costs Moon was quoting for certain school projects. ‘Jerry I am very concerned about cost control on all the projects,’ he wrote to Falwell in a November 2014 email. ‘[Over the last couple of weeks we have had a lot of meetings and conversations on cost and cost overruns. We are just seeing the information begin to trickle in and there really don’t seem to be good answers just a response that the cost we are seeing are fair, and being handled appropriately.’ ‘I hope that I am over reacting,’ Spence continued, ‘but I assure you I am concerned.’
“ ‘I am fine with going back to bidding every project out if CMA can’t run with the big dogs!’ Falwell replied. ‘Let’s hold their feet to the fire!’
“In each of the two years that followed, Liberty paid CMA more than $62 million, part of at least $138 million in contracts from Liberty since the company was formed, according to publicly available tax documents.
“Senior Liberty officials might whisper about the propriety of these business deals, but they told me that Falwell’s decisions on campus are rarely ever challenged by the school’s board of trustees. ‘There’s no accountability,’ a former high-ranking university officer said. ‘Jerry’s got pretty free reign to wheel and deal professionally and personally. The board will approve an annual budget, but beyond that … he doesn’t go to the board to get approval. … It simply doesn’t happen.’ “
Trustees a problem too
You read that right. Jerry Falwell Jr. not only has a family friend as the assigned contractor of capital projects, but few, if any, of them have gone to the LU Board of Trustees for review. The Trustees pass an annual budget and that’s about it. These revelations open up a litany of questions for both Jerry Falwell Jr. and the Trustees on their financial stewardship of Liberty University. 
It also creates the issue of whether LU’s leadership needs wholesale change--at President/Chancellor and Board of Trustees. Consider the following for the Trustees: Isn’t it the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to make sure the President is doing the right thing for and by the university?  If Trustees were doing their job, this should never have come this far.  Since they have now done something, why did they do it now? Are they too embarrassed by repeated Falwell Jr. revelations? What took them so long to come to their collective senses?
In November 2019, Michael Poliakoff of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni chastised LU Trustees in Forbes.  He wrote the following: “And Liberty University has serious problems that could benefit from more board oversight. Although Liberty has increased its endowment exponentially under Falwell and has built a massive online degree program, this expansion has come at a cost: According to HowCollegesSpendMoney.com, Liberty spends 86 cents on administration for every dollar it spends on instruction, roughly three times as much as its self-selected peer institutions. Has the board demanded a thorough audit and review?”
Issues stemming from the Trustees are simply added to the overall picture of Liberty University’s leadership. If you can’t see that something’s amiss, you have to be blind.
‘Culture of fear’
Meanwhile in July 2019, former Liberty Champion editor Will Young wrote a lengthy column in the Washington Post titled, “Inside Liberty University’s ‘culture of fear.’ ” Young’s column outlined numerous stories that gained scrutiny upon Jerry Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump in 2016.  He explained multiple events over a couple of years where the editors were constantly second-guessed and looking over their shoulder of what would offend Falwell’s political sensitivities. After Champion coverage of the Red Letter Christians event in Lynchburg, the student-led, directed, and written newspaper since 1983 had two editors fired from their positions in a complete reorganization of The Liberty Champion. It was a shocking turn of events.
This has always been a tension with The Liberty Champion. In my three years writing or serving in an editorial capacity, two years as the News Editor in 1989-90 and 1990-91, invariably, the faculty adviser, and for us it was Ann Wharton, would use a teachable moment to talk about boundaries that can’t be crossed. But we never, ever had a pattern of being second guessed or looking over our shoulder that Young outlined in his column.
The culture of fear that has developed under Falwell Jr.’s leadership “is a thing” as kids like to say. At some point, folks must draw the conclusion where there’s smoke there’s fire. 
Spiritual issues
Lastly, we have a couple of spiritual issues. Karen Swallow Prior was a long-time English professor at Liberty University before recently joining Southeastern Baptist Seminary. I read an interview Prior had with Julie Roys. Prior talks about her affirmation of the biblical definition of marriage. However, she has had some connections with a couple of conferences, including Revoice, that could lead one to draw a different conclusion. The Revoice conference has advocated that same-sex attraction is alright as long as the folks involved remain celibate. All one can do is take Prior at her word, even though that leads to some muddy water. If LU allowed her to remain as a professor for numerous years, one can’t help but wonder how many other professors snuck in under poor vetting that do not hold biblical views on any number of issues. Folks would say the slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy. The slippery slopes in American culture we were told to not be concerned about, are now issues we are concerned about.
Then, one pairs that with Falwell Jr.’s own tweet where he underscored that his responsibility is not the spiritual direction of the campus. Yet, if one goes to the Leadership page at liberty.edu there are Doctrinal and Mission/Purpose statements that have clear spiritual focus, and a photo of Jerry Falwell Jr. is there with those tabbed links on the left side of the page. So which is it? Does he have any responsibility for spiritual direction of the university, or does he not have that responsibility?
Dr. John Maxwell has said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” With certain aspects of enrollment trending downward, it would appear that some parents are voting with their wallets. How much longer are Trustees willing to go with Falwell Jr.? There’s much at stake in the answer to that question. It’s a question that demands answers and full transparency with the entire Liberty University family.
The best-case scenario is Jerry Falwell Jr. resigns on his own and most, if not all, of the Trustees follow him. It would be the right thing to do. And for heaven’s sake, bring Mark DeMoss back.
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theboogeyman-blog1 · 7 years
REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog!    tag 10! good  luck!      TAGGED. stolen from @bloodbaptised      TAGGING. @formother and those who really want to attempt to flesh out their muses!!
FULL  NAME :  Michael Audrey Myers. NICKNAME :  Michael, Shape, Mikey. AGE : Twenty-one in his main verse. BIRTHDAY :   October 19, 1957. ETHNIC  GROUP : Caucasian. NATIONALITY :  American. LANGUAGE / S : Understands English. SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   Asexual with an inclination towards females.      ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Aromantic. RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  Relationship-less. CLASS : Middle class until containment in Smith’s Grove Sanitarium, technically in poverty upon escape. HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Haddonfield, Illinois.  CURRENT  HOME : Haddonfield, Illinois. PROFESSION : N/A. Serial murderer and escaped mental patient.
HAIR : Brown and overgrown, slightly curly at the ends. It was dirty blonde when he was a boy. EYES : Like large, shining obsidian stones on his pale and empty face. Full lashes. NOSE : Average length and width, slightly turns up at the tip. Almost button-like. FACE :  Surprisingly youthful, nearly angelic. Slightly round, lack of wrinkles or laugh lines from lack of expression. LIPS :   Near thin. Very gentle curves on the Cupid’s Bow. Pale pink. COMPLEXION :  Pale, unblemished and unmarked. BLEMISHES :  Nothing visible. SCARS : Verse dependent. No scars in his main verse but covered in burns after the explosion at the hospital. TATTOOS : Verse dependent. None in main verse, but in the Cult verse he wears the symbol of thorn on the inside of his wrist. HEIGHT : 6'0″. WEIGHT : 168 lbs. BUILD :    Average, but mildly lanky. Possesses much more strength than what meets the eye. FEATURES :  Pale skin and smooth, unblemished features. Blank expression and deep black eyes that stare. ALLERGIES :  N/A. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Very much unkempt. Tangled and unbrushed. How it falls is how he wears it. USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Smooth and unfettered as a blanket of fresh snow or a blank sheet of paper. His eyes don’t seem to focus. They seem to stare past you and far into the future---or far into the past. USUAL  CLOTHING : Blue mechanic’s coveralls and work boots. On his head is a white mask that shields his face, expressionless and intimidating. He does not like to remove it.
FEAR / S :  None. The closest thing that arouses anything remotely like fear in Michael is the exposure of his face. He is not the evil entity he tries so hard to be when his youthful, cute face prevents him from being as scary. Plus, that mask has become an integral part of his personal identity. Without it he can function (assuming that he himself made the choice to remove it), but when it’s taken from him he experiences a sensation akin to panic. ASPIRATION / S : To recreate again and again the events that preceded his incarceration: the murder of family members reminiscent of his murder of his elder sister, Judith.  POSITIVE  TRAITS : Tenacious, resourceful, clever (in ways) NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Remorseless, withdrawn, deceitful, bears grudges, murderous, blase, cunning, dangerous, manipulative, obsessive, unemotional,  MBTI : ISTP-A: The Virtuoso ZODIAC :  Libra. TEMPERAMENT :  Choleric. SOUL  TYPE / S :  Hunter. ANIMALS :  Hunts much like a cougar does. VICE HABIT / S :   Murder, holding grudges. FAITH : The Myers family went to church every Sunday but Michael never believed in God. No faith. GHOSTS ? : Does not want to think about it. AFTERLIFE ? : Does not care to think about it. REINCARNATION ? :  No. ALIENS ? : Does not care. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  None. ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :  Technically he is in poverty. SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : No. EDUCATION  LEVEL : Kindergarten.
FATHER :   Peter Myers. MOTHER :  Edith Myers. SIBLINGS : Judith Margaret Myers (elder), Cynthia Myers (renamed Laurie Strode, younger) EXTENDED  FAMILY : Jamie Lloyd (niece), Steven Lloyd (son/grandnephew), John Tate (nephew) NAME  MEANING / S : Michael: “Who is like God?”/”He who is closest to God.” Audrey: Drawn from “noble” and “strength.”  HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :  Michael’s name is EXTREMELY biblical.
BOOK :  None. MOVIE : None. 5  SONGS :  He has none. However, these songs remind me of him. ( x x ) DEITY :  Verse dependent. Forced to worship the Entity in Dead by Daylight. HOLIDAY :   Halloween, the only time when he is truly active. MONTH :  October. SEASON :  Autumn. PLACE :  His home on Lampkin Lane in Haddonfield, Illinois. WEATHER :  Cloud cover darkening the night sky. Cool, crisp air that just nips at the skin. SOUND : The radio from outside a window, carefree prattle of teenagers who are unaware of his presence, their anxious calling when they hear a sound when they think they’re alone, their shrieks when he plunges his knife into their young, supple flesh, the snapping of bones, the splatter of blood. SCENT / S :  Gentle wafts of floral shampoo that trail his obsession. TASTE / S :  The metallic hint of blood in his mouth, candy.  FEEL / S : Control, the charge of following someone without their knowing, their desperate grasps at him as he seizes them. ANIMAL / S : Has no favorite animal.  NUMBER : Seventeen--the age of both of his sisters when he makes attempts on both of their lives. COLOUR : Red for the blood that he spills, black for the shadows that provide him shelter.
TALENTS :  Hunting, he is very adept at following his prey without alerting their attention until he wishes for himself to be noticed. Inducing fear into the hearts of those surrounding him. Misleading those who associate themselves with him. Lacking any kind of humanity or decency that would sway his warpath.  BAD  AT : Communicating, as he cannot and/or will not say a word to a single soul. Taking care of himself, as he cannot manage to feed himself regularly or to bathe himself or tend to his own injuries. TURN  ONS : Fear of him. Watching, watching, watching.  TURN  OFFS :  Intimacy. HOBBIES :   Drawing pictures in crayon, writing his elder sister’s name on them. TROPES :   Face of an Angel; Mind of a Demon, Creepy Child, Humanoid Abomination, Malevolent Masked Man, Silent Antagonist, The Stoic, Super Strength, The Voiceless. AESTHETIC  TAGS :  Knives, gore, masks, graveyards, urban neighborhoods, Halloween, trick or treat, jack-o-lanterns. GPOY  QUOTES :  ".........”
MAIN  FC / S :  I haven’t done extensive research on faceclaims for adult Michael because I see no situation where he would remove his mask for anyone so I will stick to his faceclaim in the first movie for now-- Tony Moran.  ALT  FC / S : Tyler Mane. OLDER  FC / S :   Don Shanks. YOUNGER  FC / S : Noah Wiseman.  VOICE  CLAIM / S : None. GENDERBENT  FC / S : None.
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 : Well, Michael already has several movies made all about him but there are a lot of things that I’d like to see in the one coming out next year. First of all, I would love it if they would scratch the ideas of Michael being tied to a cult and being the puppet of a cult because I believe that Michael’s actions are completely of his own free will. I would also love to see some of Michael’s time in Smith’s Grove and Dr. Loomis’s struggle to bring Michael out of himself. I would love to see the little boy before the event on Halloween 1963 and how he acted around his family. I want to see Michael stalking and murdering people that have no connection to him whatsoever. I believe it would be much scarier that way. Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :  I would keep elements of the original Halloween soundtrack because they’ve come to resemble Michael’s screen presence so much. I’d like to thicken the orchestration.  Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :  I’ve been obsessed with Dead by Daylight since its release and I was kind of like ????? when they announced that they were going to release Michael as a playable character in the game bc honestly it just reads as jealousy that Friday the 13th is already doing so much better than it, and oh my GOD. I honestly hated Michael so much when he was first released into the game because he is ridiculous to play against. It is so fucking hard to get away from him. Like my hatred for him was unholy. But then I started to watch the movies on a whim and??? I loved him?? My murder sON.  Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4: I really love the aesthetic of the old slasher movies and I love horror movies in general. I told myself that I was going to see all of the movies of all the original slashers and Michael was the one that I picked up first. What I really found attractive about his character at first is how inhuman he is and how terrifying the situation is. He has complete control. And plus, I’m a sucker for a scary man in a mask. Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 : I hate that it’s implied in the sixth movie that he raped his teenage niece. Michael is a god awful living organism and I know that he isn’t morally above doing something like that, but I really can’t see him doing something like that. I can’t see him developing any kind of substantial arousal about anyone on that level.  Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 : I suppose that we’re both reserved. Beyond this, we don’t really have anything in common.  Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 : Michael would fucking stab me in a heartbeat lmaO. I would be trying to mother him and he would be like NOPE. Not having it. He doesn’t feel anything about me and he doesn’t feel anything about anyone tbh, but I don’t think he’d appreciate my attempts to take care of him.  Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?   A8 :  Laurie Strode, Jamie Lloyd, Dr. Loomis, Judith Myers, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Pennywise the Clown, Jason Voorhees, Nea Karlsson, Trapper, Hillbilly, Meg Thomas, Dwight Fairfield, the Entity.  Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :  Watching the Halloween movies, listening to dark, ambient music, rock music, or looking at aesthetic pictures of suburban neighborhoods at night and Halloween.  Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 : SO LONG. Like a month omf 
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