#micha belle
harrypoppinss · 1 year
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Requested by: @soupiepoopie
Arthur Morgan x reader
Summary: After getting shot on the mission to kill Micha, you end up seeing some familiar faces that you haven’t seen in a while. 
Warnings: Canon typical gun violence, mentions of blood/gun shot wound, an extreme amount of fluff, character death.
You knew leaning out from behind that rock was a horrid idea, John was behind the rock right across from you when you heard the shot before you felt it. You heard a brief shout of your name as you collapsed back into the white blanket that littered the ground, now staid with red as the fatal shot to your heart made it bleed. “Shit,” you croaked weekly as you brought a shaky hand to the hole in your body.
You felt the flesh around the wound screaming as the tips of your fingers came in contact with it, you could barely focus on anything as your hand fell back against the snow, clutching the cold fabric as you attempted to hold onto the last brink of reality that was stored inside of your body. You tried to stay awake for John, Charles, and Sadie but the heavy feeling on your eyes made you feel like you needed to give in, you let that last chunk of life slip through your fingers. 
The clouds in the sky looked to part for you as you use the last of your strength to close your eyes, giving into the warm feeling seeping through your veins. You felt yourself being extracted from your body and lifted up into what felt like an embrace, but the cold air that was nipping at your skin was replaced by a warm one, one that felt like a light breeze brushing against your skin. 
Upon opening up your eyes again, you found yourself laying on the cot you had before it was abandoned at Horseshoe overlook. Confused, you sat up the clothes that you wore were not the same ones you had on when you were shot. You quickly placed a hand on your shoulder, not feeling the budding pressure of the wound that seemed to never be there in the first place. That when you heard his voice, the voice of the man you longed to meet again. 
“Arthur?” You asked in disbelief as you pushed yourself off your cot, before hesitantly walking towards him, afraid that any moment you would be ripped away from him and thrown back. A gentle smile grazed his lips as he met you halfway, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear before dropping it to caress your cheek. You hand gently landed atop of his, giving it a small squeeze to make sure it was real, that he was real. 
“You finally made it,” He said, as he looked behind him. Curious, you followed his gaze only to see everyone that had passed chatting around a big fire as the setting sun provided a beautiful landscape in the background. “We were wonderin’ when you would show,” Hosea called from the fire as he turned his head to look at you, a smile gracing his lips. “C’mon, come join us.” He finished as you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
You looked down at the hand, you eyes following the hand as your were met with Miss Grimshaw. “It’s good to see you again dear,” she said, giving your shoulder a small squeeze as she made her way over to the others. You looked back at Arthur who was already looking at you, before the hand that was resting on your cheek moved to grasp you hand, helping you walk over to the bonfire. A small smile graced your lips as you were at peace for good, and surrounded by the ones you thought you’d never see again. 
Authors note: I’m so sorry for the inactivity, school has been kicking my ass. I should be able to start posting regularly again, and requests are open! Don’t be afraid to submit one!
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failsquirrel · 2 months
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years old art...reposting it cause i still like it
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our-check52 · 6 days
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Ok brainrot guys, in the "everything went well" aus of rdr2 we usually just kill Micah etc.
BUT IMO The smallest difference is not saving Micah in chapter 2.
So in reality the plot doesnt move forwards until you save Micah, therefore you can't start any other mission BUT in reality, it is very real for Arthur to just... subconsiously or consiously forget about Micah? And Dutch assuming he already saved him but didn't mention it because he knows Arthur doesn't like Micah?
This ends up with Arthur getting caught up in a bunch of different jobs and so when the gang realises Pinkertons are on their trail and things start getting heated up they just... forget Micah is in jail? (we are assuming that in the time period this is all going down Micah doesn't get hanged- if he does well womp womp).
So the Valentine fall out happens and they run more south and when they arrive at Clemens point this conversation happens:
Dutch: "Arthur! Where the hell did Micah go after the jailbreak?"
Arthur: "Oh..."
Dutch: "Well it doesn't fucking matter I don't need to know, just go back there, find him, and tell him that we relocated. He might be more luck here with whatever he is doing anyways."
Arthur: "Well Dutch you see..."
And then a lot of yelling and Arthur finally goes to Strawberry and breaks him out. This means during chapter 3 he is looking for a job to do and it takes MUCH longer for him to find the "peace offering" he wants to bring Dutch (it also doesn't help the Pinkerton activity is higher again.)
This means while the events play out similairly, Micah joins gang way later, and during many times where it's Micah being on Dutchs side, it's still Arthur/Hosea. The time is running out therefore when Micah finally shows up at the camp (let's say late chapter 3 or early chapter 4), it takes longer for Dutch to trust him, MEANING THE SNAKES REMARKS ARE NOT WORKING.
This might very well be total bullshit but oh well I am procrastinationg on learning for my graduation tests so-
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zae-heeyyy · 1 month
LMAO Arthur is sooooo sassy.
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elwar-arts · 11 days
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Micha Bell! Art of Micha Bell from rdr2! Always loved how cartoonishly evil he can be, meanwhile Dutch is just like "yeah, he's a silly little guy xoxo"
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sourcatnip · 4 days
Man when micha says "Cmonnnnnn Dutch!!" And then starts making noises like "GRAAGHHSGGGAHGGAAAA!!" I wonder what possesed him
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jfht · 2 months
Average reaction to having to look at MICHA.
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Molly breaks my heart 💔
High contrast
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low contrast
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Taking these pictures like it's my job and I'm all here for it
I thought this angle of Shady Belle was pretty
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Vfbssjsjfhensjsja why do all of my pictures look so grainy on my phone at first
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graveyrdgirl99 · 26 days
So- replaying rdr2 and am at the end of chap 2. Right when Dutch finally made the move to get the gang to a different camp.. saying Micha suggested dewberry creek.
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The place is wide open and indefensible. Maybe people have said this before but, my theory is that this was Michas plan all along. Wanting in on the Van Der Linde Gang to get to Dutch because that bounty of his head is irresistible to not take. And Black water was his first try of getting Dutch either killed or arrested by the Law. But it failed, having underestimated Dutch and his Gang. So he uses this chance of failure to get closer to Dutch. I’m assuming Dutch has always had a feral and psychotic side to him. I’m guessing Dutch is aware of the killer inside of himself however actively chooses against it. I think that he was a genuinely good man trying to keep his inner monster quiet but with Micha by his side, that monsters urges are woken. And I believe that Micha has gotten aware of that too. Dutches only mistake was giving Micha the benefit of the doubt which allowed Micha to manipulate his way into Dutch’s mind.
So now after Strawberry and Robbing that stagecoach Micha had time to think of a new plan to fuck the gang over and collect the bounty on Dutch. Having drilled his words into Dutches head he suggests Dewberry Creek. Having probably been there before he noticed people camping at the spot already.. these need to go. With the money from the O’Driscoll stagecoach robbery he hires guns and tells them to do what ever just get rid of them so the spot is ready for the Gang. Having tipped them off that people will be coming to check the place out first. Why do I think so? Well because my German fellow told Arthur and Charles right away that it’s a Trap.
How can this be a trap when we assume that this is just coincidence? They’ve been tipped off by Micha.
After that things go as planned again for Micha, able to lead the Pinkerton to Clemens point and then the big Bank Robbery in Saint Denis. (He’s even wearing a different suit than the gang)
What wasn’t part of his plan is Guarma. However this again is another opportunity to finally get into Dutches mind and play him like a marionette. Dutch’s mind spiraling after hoseas death, the starvation on Guarma, the sun blasting down on them all this was too much and Dutch lost it. You can see how visibly shaken up he is after Guarma. He’s a shell.
I think that Micha got frustrated that all his plans to lead Dutch into a trap failed that he went to the Pinkertons himself and told them everything. Now able to control Dutch, Arthur’s sickness, the members beginning to leave it all plays into his cards.
As Dutch said; for somebody this all is going exactly to plan.
Thank you for coming to my TED-Talk..
Leave your opinions, please! I’d love to know what yall think about this!
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oakshotrow · 2 months
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Another low effort (high effort) rdr2 meme for the people
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necrobratz · 9 months
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super cutesy cringe rdr oc art who you should totally ask me about because i love him super dearly
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littlemistey · 21 hours
What goes through my mind when I play Red Dead Redemption 2 story mode :
"Where's Charles?"
"Let me find a deer for Pearson"
"Needs to be 3 stars"
"Why do I have a 5 dollar bounty?"
"Got a outlaw problem Dutch...well you're about to"
"I can't find Charles his just gone"
"Don't run into a tree"
"Is that a Grizzly Bear or a Elk?"
"Probably a Elk"
"Can't I just get rid of Micha ?"
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adalidposts · 1 year
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They ship is my favorite 🛐
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magicalara · 7 months
@briccy made this up, I'm just posting it
Sebastian as an Uber eats driver: Here is your taco bell, young master. Please ensure you rate the service and leave a generous (suspicious wink) tip
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pawoui · 8 months
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"Would you like to donate a dollar to some starvin' little shits or something"
The idea of him being a cashier is real funny to me
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bellamer · 2 years
Me and my brother both quit Black Butler because we had no idea what that shit was supposed to be about, it mostly felt like "random bullshit, go !" 99% of the time
However I stuck with it until they killed off Pluto years ago, my brother dropped it last month right before they met the Indian prince guy that I do not remember the name of so he will just be called "Prince Ali Fabulous He Ali Ababwa"
Then we found out that season 2 isn't even canon in the manga, the anime writers just created their own self insert mary sue OC insert fanfic that was basically the anime version of "My oc is basically just Sonic the Hedgehog with different fur color"
I wish I could go back in time and tell my 6th grade self not to waste her time on it and go watch something else but I think I was only watching it for so long cuz the cool girl I wanted to be friends with was obsessed with Grell and I toughed it out to impress her. Grell was kinda cool though so I give her props for that but she was obsessed with Grell, like she wanted to be her, she dressed like her, talked like her, wouldn't stop doing impressions of Grell's english and Japanese voices, called people she liked her "bassy's" (which unfortunately included me) and a bunch of other weirdo shit that turned me off from her. We also got into a lot of arguments because it got annoying but she didn't talk to me for like a week because I got really into Hellsing and told her that Sebastian was a lame ass version of Alucard and Alucard would kick Sebastian's ass. We eventually started talking again in like 7th and 8th grade but then she got really into Harley Quinn and Joker and did the same thing she did with Grell and that's just a more fucked up story and before that she got into Death Note and did the same shit with L.
I also remember a nigga riding in on a lawnmower, like what the fuck was that ?
I dunno. I just have little memory of it and what memory I do have, none of the shit makes sense, even in context.
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