#metropolitan area
gudamor · 2 days
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Op turned off reblogs but I wanted to point and laugh at Shanghai going to the other extreme. There's probably some parallels between the Shanghai urban areas versus the suburban districts: "I say I'm from Shanghai but actually I'm from Jinshan and rarely went into the city"
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dotty-contrarian · 1 year
i love living in the city, but i really wish i could walk in A STRAIGHT FUCKING LINE FOR MORE THAN THREE BLOCKS without all this damn construction blocking the sidewalk!!!! i am quite certain we have enough completely empty luxury apartments at this point!!!! X(
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breslicht · 9 years
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Wrocław Główny HDR
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mapsontheweb · 9 months
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Every American metro area with a population over 1 million overlapped with a highway map
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fabien-euskadi · 2 months
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Yes, more Portuguese tiles. Still from the Sesimbra series.
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t00thpasteface · 8 months
Your banner brings me boundless joy
Also hi i am in our state.
YOU'RE IN TEXAS?!?!?!?!??!?!
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also my banner is from this collage i made
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arthistoryanimalia · 8 months
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#FrogFriday: tadpole bowls!
Sikyatki Ware bowls w/tadpole motifs Ancestral Pueblo, Arizona, 1400-1625CE
Top: Penn Museum 29-77-655 Bottom: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 2018.710
While frog iconography can be found in many cultures around the world, the Southwest Culture Area is one of the few I've found where tadpoles also regularly appear. I'll be featuring these two pieces in my presentation on frog iconography in the Pacific NW & American SW at SECAC2023 next week!
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officialkendallroy · 2 months
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ineed-to-sleep · 6 months
Yk in horse with no name when they said the heat was hot. They were right
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triviallytrue · 10 months
based on my math about a fifth of the US lives in its 100 largest cities but around two thirds live in its hundred largest metropolitan areas. a little under one fifth of the US lives in a metropolitan area with fewer than 100k people. this lines up so well with the stated rural population (18%) that i wonder if i just rederived the definition
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canisonicscrewyou · 4 days
Hi! I tumbled onto your post about Rory!Master and I maaay have a question or two. But first, I want to take a bit to appreciate that you included River in it because lately the stuff I've seen about the Ponds sort of erases River and I'm 🥲 because naur River's very much a part of their life and they'd spend Christmases and stuff with her. Okay I'm veering out of topic but I'm curious how Idris (the Doctor's TARDIS) having a thing for Rory fits into Rory!Master? Also, does this mean River and the Master share a teeny bit of DNA of sorts? Or not? Thank you!
hiiiii I’m an absolute champ at letting asks go unanswered for ages hiiiii
ANYWAYS Glad I can do my part because it’s a missed opportunity to do stuff with the Ponds and not include River at least a little bit. she’s everything. Even if it doesn’t quite make sense I do not care They Are A Family. The vibes.
First of all it’s been SO long since I’ve seen The Doctor’s Wife omg,,, My immediate response and feelings about Idris’s attitude towards Rory honestly falls very firmly into “The Universe just really likes Rory Williams”. He is one of the Universe’s Special Favorites. Look at him. It cannot be helped.
Beyond that I also imagine Idris didn’t see the Master past any perception filters, especially if Rory didn’t have the watch(and at that point he definitely didn’t).
If anything there was more of a draw to Rory that she couldn’t place, had no way of placing that’s just been there since the first time he stumbled inside the TARDIS and knew how she worked because of ‘reading’. Just the feeling you get when you’re inexplicably drawn to and fond of a person because of a shared background you had no way of knowing about before one of you brought it up. Or maybe it is just because he’s so pretty.
And ! I ! Have ! Never ! Decided ! That !
I do think he’d avoid The River Subject for as long as possible once the watch is open and he’s still in that face. I think that between all of the factors of River’s conception there’s like a nonzero chance her and the Master share DNA even if Rory was 100% human at the time. I’m sure it would be confusing as fuck, and I’m sure that in The Everything Else fucking Time Lord DNA wouldn’t be traced back to Rory of all people in anyone’s mind.
When it comes to what the Master says, though. That all boils down to whatever is most convenient and works the most in a given situation. The Master would probably never claim River as like, a daughter unless it somehow held the most weight in a social situation by calling himself dad just to make it sting or something.
Oh, man, though, it doesn’t really work out with the convoluted time line I’ve dropped Rory!Master into, but now my mind is starting to wander into the idea of Missy picking up Melody from Kovarian and that is… An entirely different can of worms that I don’t think I can start to get entirely into right now… Much to think about…
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moregraceful · 1 month
Honestly I do think I should get a job in tech in Bay Area just so I have a more well-rounded view of the Bay Area. That's a real flaw in my Californianism.
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breslicht · 15 years
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Dobry wieczór we Wrocławiu Wrocław, Poland
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mapsontheweb · 5 months
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Metropolitan areas in the United States with 1 million people or more
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fabien-euskadi · 2 months
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Sesimbra: nine alternative takes from a pretty seaside town.
A curiosity: the town of Sesimbra may have just 5600 inhabitants, but the county of Sesimbra is far more populated - more than 52000 people live there.
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